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Extent of the flood Cause Intended for whom Sender Name of hero Heros character Means of announcement Manner

of Escape Ordered to build a boat? Did hero complain? Height of boat Compartments inside Doors Windows Outside coating Shape of boat Human passengers/survi vors Other passengers/survi vors Means of flood Duration of flood Test to find a land Types of birds Ark landing spot Sacrifice/Promis e after flood Blessed after flood

Gilgamesh global mans sin one city and all mankind assembly of gods utnapishtim righteous in a dream build a boat yes yes seven stories many one at least one pitch cube family each living things heavy rain short (6 days & nights) released of birds dove, swallow, raven mountains-Mt. Nisir yes, by utnapishtim yes

Noahs Ark global mankinds evil deeds humankind god Noah righteous direct from god build a boat yes no three stories many one at least one pitch oblong box family and few others all the worlds animal underground water & heavy rain long (40 days and nights) release of birds raven and three doves mountains - Mt. Ararat yes, by noah yes

1. The gods have a two-fold purpose. First, as an explanation to why good and bad things happen to people. A reason for the explainable phenomena around them. Secondly, as a poetic mirror of human nature, only magnified with intense drama to portray the shortcomings and strengths of humans. I believe Gilgamesh was thought to be two-thirds god to explain his seemingly supernatural abilities of strength and endurance. The entire

Epic of Gilgamesh appears to be a narrative about human nature, using gods and god-men as the characters, to make them super-human. 2. It is a premonition that Enkidu must die in order to reconcile with the gods as punishment for killing Humbaba, the keeper of the Forrest. Enkidu sees people living in dust and darkness, with no happiness. The rich kings were stripped of their crowns and wealth, and were made to be like servants. If you have wealth on earth, you will lost it in the afterlife

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