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PSA Practice Paper Grade IX & X

Time Allowed : 2 hrs Maximum Marks : 90

General Instructions: 1. This Paper contains 60 questions divided into three sections A,B and C. A candidate is required to attempt all the three sections . There are 24 questions in Section A , 18 questions in Section B and 18 questions in Section C. Section A : Language conventions( Questions 1 to 24) Section B : Qualitative Reasoning( Questions 25 to 42) Section C : Quantitative Reasoning(Questions 43 to 60) 2.All the three sections contains Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs). Some of these are passage based MCQs whereas others are stand alone MCQs. Each of these questions has four options out of which only ONE option is correct. A candidate has to select the correct option and fill the corresponding number in the Answer Sheet against the question. 3.Each Question carries 1.5 marks. For each correct response, the candidate will get 1.5 marks. There is no negative marking for any of the questions and unattempted questions earns no mark.

SECTION-A (LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS) Note: This section of the question paper contains 24 questions each in English Language .A candidate is required to attempt all the 24 questions . English Language- Questions 1 to 24

Direction (1- 8): Complete the passage correctly by choosing a suitable option for each of the numbered blanks. Birds have an (1) inborn (2) ability to fly. That is, you do not (3) ought to teach a bird to fly. Yet, if a bird meets with an accident, it might get (4) incapicetated (for flying). It (5) weakens you in some way, so that you (6) cannot do (7) certain things. The bird may be (8) inclined to fly, but it cant. 1. Which of the following could replace inborn as used in the passage above? (a)born (b) instinct (c) innate (d) extraordinary 2. Which of the following could replace ability as used in the passage above? (a)desire (b) inefficiency (c) willingness (d) skill 3. Which of the following could replace ought to? (a)should (b) have (c) need (d) require 4. Which of the following is the correct spelling of incapicetated? (a)imcapitated (b) incepicitated (c) incapeteted (d) incapacitated 5. Which of the following is the opposite in meaning to weakens as used in the passage above? (a)underestimate (b) fragile (c)fumble (d) strong/ strengthenes

6. Which of the following could replace cannot as used in the passage above? (a)ought not (b) should not (c) unable (d) could not 7. Which of the following could replace certain as used in the passage above? (a)sure (b) few/some (c) many (d) lots 8. Which of the following could replace inclined as used in the passage above? (a)desire (b) disinclined (c) want (d) willing Directions (9 - 12) :This passage contains errors and an omission. Choose the correct option from the lists below to correct these errors and complete the passage. In ancient days, doctors (9) use to treat (10) there patients with the help of leeches. It was (11)__________ belief that certain diseases (12) was caused by impure air. 9. (a) usual (b) using 10. (a)their (b)these (c)used (d) useful (c)his (d)our

11. (a)was the belief

(b) was the believed (c)of belief (d) was a belief

12. (a) are (b) had (c) were (d) is Directions (13 - 16) : Complete this passage by choosing the most suitable word/phrase from each list to fit the corresponding gap. When I saw thousands of people (13) in the sacred waters of (14) , I as much (15) to learn about their strong faith although the water of this (16) river is extremely cold. 13.Which is the most suitable option to fill the blank correctly? (a)bath (b) bathing (c) taking bathing 14.Pick out the most suitable option from the list below: (a) Ganga (b) Ganges (c)The Ganga (d) (a) and (b) are correct 15.Choose the most appropriate form of the verbs from the options below: (a)afraid (b) surprise (c) assured (d) surprised 16.Find the most suitable option from which completes the gap correctly. (a)sacred (b) small (c) long

(d) take bathing

(d) deep

Directions (17 - 20) : Complete this passage by selecting the most suitable word/phrase from each list to fit the corresponding gap. The present day life is full of 17 . There are 18 in every mind. Everybody 19 to have some moments of peace in his life. Often, as believed, the peace comes from music. It is said that music 20 the dust of fatigue and makes the minds fresh once again. 17.Choose the most suitable phrase from the options given: (a)hurry and worry (b) hurries and worries (c) hurried and worried (d) hurrying and worrying

18.Pick out the most suitable phrase from the options below: (a)few tensions (b) little tensions (c) countless tensions (d) less tensions 19.Which is the most suitable verb to fill the gap? (a)long (b) longs (c) longed (d) longing 20.Choose the most suitable option from the verb phrase. (a)washed off (b) washed out (c) washed away

(d) washes away

Directions (21 - 24) : Complete this passage by choosing the most suitable word/phrase from each list to fit the corresponding gap. In most human families, children are loved and well 21. But sometimes they are very badly 22 by adults, even by those who are directly responsible for them. The most serious problems 23 when children are maltreated by their parents or close relatives. Such cases of 24 may not come to attention of people outside the home until it is too late. 21.Choose the most suitable verb + preposition combination from the given options. (a)cared for (b) cared out (c) cared on (d) cared of 22.Which isthe most suitable option to complete the gap? (a)treat (b) treated (c) treats 23.Choose the most suitable verb form from the options (a)arises (b) arose (c) arise 24.Pick out the most suitable option from the list below: (a)abused (b) abusing (c) abusive

(d) treating

(d) arisen

(d) abuse


Directions (25 - 30) : Read the following passage and answer the questions that King with a Golden Touch


Once upon a time there was a king who had conquered many states with the strong army. He had a very beautiful daughter. He was very spiritual. He loved his wealth very much and always desired it more than anything else. The King prayed to God to make them happy . One day, God appeared before the King and said, " Son, I am very happy with your prayers. You may ask me any one wish and I shall grant the same . But remember that the wish once granted cannot be taken back . " The King thought for a long time and asked, "God, grant me a wish that whatever I touch turns into gold." God asked him to think once again of his wish. The King did not agree to do change his wish. Therefore , God granted the King his wish. From then onwards, whatever things King touched , turned into gold . He touched his chairs, table, bed, crockery and everything immediately turned into gold. The King was very happy. when the King sat down to have his dinner , even his food turned into gold, the King was very upset with this now and started realising what a foolish mistake he has made. Suddenly, his daughter came to him and before he could stop her, she touched the King and turned into gold. The King was shattered and broke into tears. He then remembered what God reminded him.

25.Do you think it is wealth that can only make a man happy like the king in the passage? (a)Yes, the king was right in thinking that it is wealth that alone can keep him happy. (b) No, the wealth is for a man and a man is not made for wealth. (c) Excessive wealth leads to dreadful destruction. (d) None of the above statements is true. 26.As per the above passage, do you consider some conscience gives a final knock before the man acts upon some action uncalled for? (a)Yes, It happens the same way as God in this passage has suggested the king to reconsider his demand. (b) No, an evil intention does not allow a man to think good even for a moment. (c)Our conscience is always ready to help us thinking but these are we who cannot feel its pounding. (d) None of the above statements is correct. 27.What happened when God fulfill Kings demand? (a)King got very upset with God. (b)King lost the kingdom. (c)Whatever King touched turned into gold. (d)His daughter became more beautiful. 28.Why was King upset 1n the last para of the above passage? (a)Everything turned black. (b)God didnt fulfill his wish. (c)He regretted his wish. (d)His daughter was not happy with him. 29.What happened to the Kings daughter when she touched the King? (a) She turned black. (b) She got upset. (c) She turned into gold. (d) She got more beautiful. 30.The above story teaches us about (a)greed (b) wisdom (c) success (d) failure

Directions (31-36): Read the following passage and answer the questions given below the passage: Lack of Moral Values Mink and Suzann were caught surprised when their 6-year-old daughter, Julie, suddenly displayed some annoying qualities - cheating, fibbing and lying. During family get together, Julie would regularly alter the games rules to give herself an advantage and throw a fit if she didnt win. Right away, we realised that we needed to have some conversations with Julie about right and wrong, said Mink. As parents, Mink and Suzann were shocked at the intensity of the moral issues including respect, kindness and self-control that seem to be cropping up at younger ages. Suzann said I remember elementary school during my childhood. I didnt portray any immoral behaviour. The increasingly raunchy media messaging, declining family time and growing concern about modern youngsters lack of empathy and morality, has made, parents like Mink and Suzann feel like theyre in the middle of a moral mess. 31. According to the above given passage, moral values are lacking in todays generation because (a) joint families are turning into nuclear ones. (b) parents are busy in their own world and children are left on the mercy of house aid. (c) parents are spending quality time with their children. (d) parents themselves are not following morals and ethics in their life.

32.Julies parents were worried because of her (a)trustworthy (b) defensive (c) fleecing (d) awful


33.How can Suzann help Julie to change her behaviour? (a)Explaining her mistakes and making her understand moral values. (b)By scolding her (c )By sending her at boarding school (d) By not interfering in her behavior 34.Which among the following describes moral values? (a) Cruel, cunning (b) Respectful, truthful (c) Fearful, shy (d) Dishonesty, betrayal 35.Suzann in the above passage said, I remember elementary school .behaviour. Because (a)She was shocked by her daughters behaviour. (b)She was happy. (c)She was feeling regretful. (d)She was proud of her daughters behaviour. 36.As per the last para of the above given passage, Now-a-day children (a) are moving towards their bright future (b) lack moral values (c) are misusing modern technology (d) have lack of strong foundation 37.Which of the these statement reflects as contrast between two games. (a)Game of football is almost alike the basket ball. (b) Game of football is not dissimilar to rugby (c)Game of football is played in field like that of hockey. (d) Game of football has more players than the basketball. Directions ( 39 40) : Read the following dictums and answer the questions that follows: 38. Consider the relation ship between the following words: Leaf :stem Which of these word pairs expresses the same relationship? (a)Fruit : stone (b) Nut : Bolt (c)Tongue : Palate (d) Finger : phalange Directions (3940):Read the following dictum and answer the questions that follows. A. One should earn to eat properly. B. Eating others meal gives pleasure. C. Eat and drink to live smart. D. Extra eating causes obesity. 39. Which two are the contradictory dictums? (a)A and B (b) B and C (c)A and C (d) B and D 40. Which two dictums show cause and effect? (a)A and D (b) B and C (c)C and D (d) B and D

41. There are five teacher in a school. P and Q were teaching Maths and English. R and S were teaching English and History. S and P were teaching Hindi and English. T and Q were teaching Geography and Sanskrit. Who among the following was teaching maximum number of subjects? (a)P (b) Q (c)R (d)S 42.Which of the following will replace the question mark in the grid? A2 G3 M5 C4 I5 O9 E6 ? Q14

SECTION-C (QUANTITATIVE REASONING-QUESTIONS 43 to 60) 43.In the figure shown, OP1 and OP.. are two plane mirrors kept perpendicular to each other, S is direction of a beam of light falling on the mirror OP1.

direction of the reflected beam of light from the mirror OP2 will be perpendicular to the direction S. (b) at 45 to the direction S. (c) opposite and parallel to the direction S. (d) at 600 to the direction S. 44.Consider the following velocity-time graph. It shows two trains starting simultaneously on parallel tracks. With reference to the above graph, which one of the following statements is not correct?

(a)Train B has an initial acceleration greater than that of train A. (b) Train B is faster than train A at all times. (c) Both trains have the same velocity at time t. (d) Both trains travel the same distance in time t units.

45. In a class tournament each of six players will play other player exactly once. How many matches will be played during the tournament? (a) 12 (b) 15 (c) 30 (d) 36 46. In a row of trees, one tree is sixth from either end of the row. How many trees are there in the row? (a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 11 47. 50 paise coin weighs 4.25kg. Paul has 4.25 kg of 50 paise coins in his bag. What is the value of coins in his bag? (a) 400 (b) 450 (c) 475 (d) 500 48.Kavi sold his motor cycle for 22500. This was 20% less than what lie paid for it. How much did he pay for the motor cycle? (a) 28215 (b) 28512 (c) 28125 (d) 28225

49.The number of cubes in the figure are

(a) 16

(b) 18

(c) 20

(d) 14

50. Find the number of parallelograms in the given figure.

(a) 32




51. Find the next number in the sequence 1,2,6,21,88,------- _? (a) 441 (b)442 (c)444 (d)445

52.4 black socks and 4 white socks are mixed up in a drawer. How many socks you must pullout blindly to get a matching pair for sure? (a)4 (b)5 (c)6 (d)7

Directions (53 - 56) : Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow The light is composed of seven colours called spectrum. The colours are violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Commonly, this light is called white light as it looks white to us. Perception of different colours by the eyes depends upon the reflected part of, spectrum from an object. When all the parts of spectrum are reflected, the object looks white. In case none of the parts of spectrum get reflected and all the components of light are absorbed, the object looks black. An object looks green means that the object reflects green light to the eyes and absorbs the rest of the rays of spectrum. The heat content of the rays of spectrum is directly proportional to its wavelength. The wavelengths of components of spectrum of light is given here. Colour Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red Wavelength Range in Angstrom (10 -10 m) 3800 - 4500 4200 - 4500 4500 - 4900 4950 - 5700 5700 - 5900 5900 - 6200 6200 - 7500

53.Which of these wavelengths will have highest heat energy? (a) 7500 A (b) 6200 A (c) 3800 A (d) 4500 A 54. Why do roses look red? (a) They reflect red part of spectrum. (b) They absorb red part of spectrum. (c) They reflect all parts of spectrum. (d) They absorb all parts of spectrum. 55.Which of the following statements is false? (a) The red colour has maximum wavelength. (b) when all the parts of spectrum are reflected, the object looks white. (c) The color which soothes our eyes the most is green colour. (d) An object will look black in colour, if it reflects violet, green, red and orange colour. 56. The wavelength range of reflected light by white cloth is (a) 3000 - 3800A (b) 3800 - 7500A (c) 3800 - 4000A (d) 4500 - 4900A

Directions (57- 60) : The table shows the number of students applied, appeared and qualified for various courses

Courses P Q R S T

Applied 4000 3500 3800 4500 3000

Appeared 3200 3000 3300 4200 2800

Qualified 2500 2200 2700 3520 2070

Answer the following questions on the basis of the above data. 57. The number of students who qualified for course T is what per cent of the number of students applied for T course? (b) 69% (a) 65% (d) 75% (c) 72% 58. What is the respective ratio of the number of students who applied but did not appear for course S to those students who applied but did not appear for course R? (d) 5: 7 (a) 2 : 3 (b) 1: 3 (c) 3: 5 59. What is the difference between the number of students who appeared but did not qualify for course Q and the number of students who appeared but did not qualify for course R? (a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 300 (d) 400 (d) 2601 60. What is the average of students who qualified for all the courses? (b) 2599 (a) 2598 (c) 2600

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