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Female Foeticide GET A SIGHT

Female foeticide is a concept of narrow minded people. It is act of killing the female foetus after sex determination test or pre-natal diagnostic test. With medical science able to detect the sex of the child in the womb, the practice has become much more widespread, resulting in a situation today where the ratio of females to males has drastically lowered in India. It is appalling to see in what is still considered one of the noblest professions, doctors participating in this illegal and inhuman money making venture, completely ignoring their ethics. Often the result such detections is subtly conveyed with a nod for a boy or a shake of the head or a grimace for a girl, as if she is an incoming catastrophe. It is ironic to see that maximum sex- selective abortions are performed by lady doctors. Even more disheartening is the fact that women agree (whatever may be their justification) to undergo a sex selective abortion knowingly contributing to the depletion of their own sex.

It is a shame that even after over sixty years of independence women are still exploited. It is impossible to think about welfare of the world unless the condition of women is improved. The hypocrisy of Indian society is pellucid here as on one hand it worships Durga, Kalli and Lakshmi, on the other it doesnt hesitate to kill what is believed to be their manifestation.

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