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Triorigin Direction Therapy is developed by Prof Park Jae Woo to introduce the very fundamental information of Direction to the

People. He shares his wisdom to help the people for the benefit of their health .Prof Park conveys the
Direction message that if someone does not feel good in his body and mind in a certain direction, then simply he can change body direction.CHANGE DIRECTION FOR BETTER HEALTH Direction is the most fundamental factor and natural therapy which effectively influence our Soul, Mind, Body and Life.

The Self is moving to certain direction as an alive living creature within certain space under the specific time. Triorigin Model order is applied to them as the self is Neuto, time is Hetero, space is Homo and self-movement is Neutro .When this space, time and the self are integrated to create self-movement, this direction of space is reborn as realistic four dimensional directions with independent space consciousness. Self-movement is the way to express the self existence. By this self-movement, the self shows that it has a life and the self is alive with life activities. In this entire selfmovement process, direction is always involved as fundamental element. Upon this self-movement direction, environmental direction which is under the space always prevails every wherein every self-movement.

When body direction is taken, mind, soul and life direction are responding to this body direction. Environmental direction also influences to the self and self-movement influences to the mind and body of self. Directions of the self can create disease, remove disease, aggravate disease and improve the disease. Sleeping direction in lying posture can improve disease, aggravate disease, create disease and treat disease. Sitting direction, standing direction and moving direction all are important factors which can influence the physical, mental health and also it can influence to the daily life. If certain direction creates aggravation of disease or creates disharmony of mentality, then, the direction of the self should be changed to another direction. There is a best direction and a worst direction which are supposed to be changed with certain interval of time rhythm. Therefore, the direction of each posture should be changed from time to time according to the sense of feeling in the diseased condition. Direction therapy can be applied any time whenever body shows disease symptoms and mind is disturbed.

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