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I DREAM.....

I Dream,
of a gleam...
along with which some vague images appear,
visage of all dear ones
who are now in heavens,
a tear falls down my eyes...
I could do nothing except
to wave and dimly smile...

I Dream,
of a beam...
which surpasses all odds,
without any sobs,
reaches the top,
I hop..,
to see my markings
that whether it is there or has been eroded...

I Dream,
of a stream...
with which me and you
flow and flow,
till we touch that glow
and flame ourselves
with divine love and friendship
that lasts forever...
But as I open my eyes,
I meet the true scenario...
I realize...
life is not only about dreams of 'past' but,
dreams of 'future'..............!!!

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