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INT. LECTURE HALL - DAY A crowded university amphitheater classroom, mid-lecture.

At the front is a fully preserved male corpse suspended on a stand just a few inches off the ground. The body has surgical cuts all over it. Written on the whiteboard: "BIO 110" WHISPERS throughout the audience. A STUDENT in the front giggles quietly with his friends. They all shove him off his chair. He approaches the corpse with reserve. The audience quiets down and focuses on him. He glances back at them and sweats a bit. STUDENT Uh... He chuckles nervously--he's standing in front of the corpse now. He pokes the corpse's chest. STUDENT (CONT'D) Huh. (turns) Yeah, that's real. A slight commotion from the audience. The corpse's arm lifts up and lands on the student's back-he flails forward and falls onto the ground with a yelp. A WOMAN in a labcoat, MARIE, stands up from her hiding place behind one of the counters. Even through the big coat, she's very slender. She holds a length of fishing line in her hands and laughs uncontrollably. The audience joins in. MARIE I love doing that! Oh, man, y'know, every single time I start off the semester with the androtomy, there's always someone. The student stands up and recomposes. Marie approaches him and tugs on the fishing line a few times--the corpse's arm moves with her movements. MARIE (CONT'D) You alright?

2. STUDENT Yeah, I--I'm fine. MARIE Feel that adrenaline rush? STUDENT Yeah, a bit. MARIE That'll help you focus. Go sit down. You also get five points extra credit for being the only one curious and daring enough. STUDENT Really!? MARIE Yup. Hope everyone takes that to heart and loosens up. The student gives a fist pump and returns to his seat, his friends congratulating him. MARIE (CONT'D) Alright, down to business. I'm Doctor Marie Erlich, and this is your anatomy class, and this-She elbows the corpse in the gut. MARIE (CONT'D) --is my boyfriend Tom, Tom decided to stop in for the first class. He's shy, so be nice. A few LAUGHS, not much. A hand raises among the crowd. Yeah?

MARIE (CONT'D) Yeah, question? STUDENT How long's he been dead? MARIE As he is, probably not more than a few weeks. He's preserved like crazy, though. STUDENT How'd he die?

3. MARIE You'd have to ask him. Tom, how'd you die? (beat) Told you he's shy. Lemme just check his chart here... She saunters over to the counter and grabs a manila folder. MARIE (CONT'D) Let's see...oh, his real name was Karl, how unfortunate. She skims through the file. MARIE (CONT'D) Died of...uh, he--it...breast cancer. More LAUGHS from the audience. MARIE (CONT'D) No, that's how he actually died. STUDENT Men can get breast cancer? MARIE Everyone can get breast cancer. Women are at a higher risk for it, but men can get it too. Looks like it metastasized to his lungs and eventually his brain. (stern) Not quite as funny now. She tosses the chart aside to the counter. MARIE (CONT'D) So...uh, you must be wondering why he's here, well...he's gonna be my TA for today. He's-She turns her head away from the audience, quickly rubs her eye, and returns. MARIE (CONT'D) (voice breaking) He's gonna be my example guy, as you can see he's got some cuts here and there--would you excuse me, just a second. CUT TO:

4. INT. BATHROOM - LATER Marie stands over the sink. corner of the stalls. Her labcoat is hung up on the She's She feels

She wipes her eyes and splashes water onto her face. breathing heavily. She wipes her hands dry and gazes into the mirror. around her flat chest.

She slowly lifts up the side of her shirt--she stops before anything is revealed. She takes a deep, calming breath. She heads for the door and snatches her coat off its resting place. CUT TO: INT. LECTURE HALL - LATER Marie enters--the audience hushes up. MARIE Sorry, sorry, quick bathroom break. Anyway, textbook, page forty one. Then we can start getting to know our friend Tom a little better. Isn't that right, Tommy boy? She grabs the fishing line, tugs it, and the corpse's arm lands around her shoulder. LAUGHS.

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