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Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis for Highway Design of Simple or Complex Roads

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Create Catchment from Object
Previously we have created catchment objects from surface. Sometimes this may not be exactly what we need.
In this case, we need multiple catchment areas for the catch basins that storm runoff will bypass. The best way to
achieve this is to create our catchment areas and flow path from polylines and/or 3D polylines.


1. ConLlnue worklng ln Lhe CIS0S0_SSA ICk nIGnWA DLSIGN" flle.
2. Lnsure LhaL Lhe Compos|te surface ls dlsplayed uslng 1' and 3' conLours. 1hls surface conLalns Lhe
flnlshed ground conLours LhaL we'll use Lo creaLe Lhe caLchmenL ob[ecLs.
3. 1haw Lhe layer CaLchmenL Areas_olyllnes". 1hese were creaLed elLher by drawlng a polyllne LhaL
represenLs Lhe caLchmenL area and/or creaLlng our overall caLchmenL area and modlfylng lL unLll we
achleve our needed resulLs.
4. lrom Lhe analyze Lab, on Lhe Cround uaLa panel, expand CaLchmenLs.
a. lrom Lhe drop-down, selecL CreaLe CaLchmenL Croup, name Lhe Croup uralnage 8aslns" and
cllck Ck Lo compleLe Lhe command.
b. lrom Lhe same drop down, selecL Lhe CreaLe CaLchmenL from Cb[ecL Command.
3. SelecL one of Lhe polyllne caLchmenL areas (Creen LlnL)
6. SelecL Lhe uphlll end of Lhe flow paLh (C?An) LhaL was creaLed. ?ou can creaLe Lhese flow paLhs by
elLher a olyllne, 3uCL? and/or uslng Lhe WaLer urop command. l flnd LhaL uslng Lhe waLer drop wlll
glve you a much more accuraLe flow paLh.
7. 1he CreaLe CaLchmenL from Cb[ecL ulalog 8ox should appear. Lnsure Lhe followlng on Lhe CaLchmenL
a. 8eference Lhe correcL plpe neLwork sLrucLure (CaLch 8asln)
8. SelecL your preferred sLyles and C-value
9. Cllck Lhe llow aLh 1ab.
10. lrom Lhls 1A8 selecL your 1lme of ConcenLraLlon MeLhod
11. ln Lhe llow aLh Slopes area selecL lrom Surface" and ensure LhaL you have Lhe ComposlLe" surface
selecLed from Lhe drop down.
12. SelecL Ck
13. 8epeaL Lhese sLeps for any oLher caLchmenL areas needed.
14. ?ou should now see Lhe caLchmenLs creaLed, Lhe flow paLhs creaLed and boLh ob[ecLs labeled wlLh Lhe
daLa wlLhln you label sLyles.
13. See lmages on Lhe followlng sheeL for reference.

A bit extra:
?ou can change properLles of your lndlvldual caLchmenLs and Lhelr flow paLhs. ?ou may wanL Lo add verLlces,
add and/or deleLe flow paLhs and even change wheLher your flow paLh ls paved or unpaved (along wlLh oLhers).
1. Co Lo Lhe rospecLor and noLlce LhaL Lhe caLchmenL areas you creaLed are llsLed here.
2. Lxpand Lhe caLchmenL you creaLed, selecL llow aLh, 8lghL cllck and selecL LdlL llow SegmenLs"
3. 1he anorama should appear wlLh Lhe llow SegmenLs Lab enabled. ?ou can make any changes here.
Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis for Highway Design of Simple or Complex Roads

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Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis for Highway Design of Simple or Complex Roads

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Create Stage Storage Analysis for Later Use in SSA
uslng Lhe SLage SLorage command, you can calculaLe lncremenLal and cumulaLlve volumes of a basln.
1he sLorage volume aL each depLh (sLage) ls calculaLed from Lhe lnpuL and Lhe cumulaLlve volume ls LoLaled.
1o deflne Lhe basln, you can use one of Lhe followlng:
An exlsLlng surface.
SelecLed conLours wlLhln an exlsLlng surface.
LxlsLlng polyllnes ln Lhe drawlng. 1hese musL be lwpolyllnes, such as creaLed wlLh Lhe LlnL command.
ConLour elevaLlon and area daLa LhaL you enLer lnLo a dlalog box.
lor Lhls exerclse we wlll use Lhe prevlously creaLed pond.


1. ConLlnue worklng ln Lhe CIS0S0_SSA ICk nIGnWA DLSIGN" flle.
2. Zoom Lo Lhe pond
3. Cllck on Lhe pond surface and choose Lhe pulldown aL Lhe analyze panel of Lhe surface edlLlng rlbbon.
Choose "SLage SLorage".
4. Choose "ueflne 8asln" from Lhe sLage sLorage dlalog.
3. ln Lhe deflne basln from enLlLles dlalog, make sure "ueflne 8asln from olyllnes" ls Loggled and Lhen cllck
"LxLracL Cb[ecLs from Surface".
6. Cllck on Lhe pond surface and Lhe polyllnes wlll be exLracLed from Lhe surface. nexL, cllck "ueflne" and
plck all of Lhe conLours ln Lhe lnLerlor of Lhe basln up Lo Lhe berm.
7. 1hen hlL enLer. 1he sLage sLorage Lable should appear ln Lhe dlalog:
8. Cllck Save 1able and save Lhe daLa Lable as ond 1.

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Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis for Highway Design of Simple or Complex Roads

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Iinol Preporotion - Settinqs onJ FJit in SSA
8efore exporLlng plpe neLworks or caLchmenL ob[ecLs Lo SSA, we need Lo ensure LhaL Lhe correcL parL maLchlng
seLLlngs have been selecLed for our pro[ecL.


1. ConLlnue worklng ln Lhe CIS0S0_SSA ICk nIGnWA DLSIGN" flle.
2. Co Lo Lhe SeLLlngs Lab of 1oolspace and rlghL-cllck on lpe neLwork. SelecL LdlL leaLure SeLLlngs.
3. ln Lhe LdlL leaLure SeLLlngs - lpe neLwork dlalog box, expand Lhe caLegory called SLorm Sewers MlgraLlon
4. nexL Lo "use lmporLed arL lu for arL lamlly", change Lhe selecLlon Lo ?es. Also conflrm LhaL Lhe opLlon
"Allow arL lamlly Swapplng" ls also seL Lo ?es.

When boLh opLlons are seL Lo ?es, Lhe
parL's arL lamlly wlll be changed Lo Lhe
arL lamlly lndlcaLed ln Lhe arL lu of Lhe
S1M flle raLher Lhan belng pulled from Lhe
parLs llsL used for mlgraLlon. 1hls also
allows us Lhe ablllLy Lo use an xML flle for
lmproved parL maLchlng (lncludlng cusLom-
creaLed parLs).

Ready for Export
Conflrm LhaL all caLchmenL ob[ecLs LhaL wlll
be parL of Lhe analysls model are
assoclaLed wlLh a plpe neLwork sLrucLure.
1. lrom Lhe drawlng, selecL a plpe
neLwork and revlew Lhe conLexLual
rlbbon Lab LhaL appears.
2. Cn Lhe rlbbon Lab, selecL Lhe
command LdlL ln SLorm and
SanlLary Analysls".
3. When prompLed, conflrm LhaL Lhe
SLorm Sewer plpe neLwork ls
selecLed for exporL Lo SSA. Cllck Ck. 1hls wlll auLomaLlcally launch AuLodesk SLorm and SanlLary
We are now ready to review tbe imported data and begin our analysis!!

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Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis for Highway Design of Simple or Complex Roads

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Begin our Analysis Project within Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis
It is now time to set up oui SSA pioject foi analysis. Let's finish the impoit piocess anu ieview what was
impoiteu fiom Civil SB.


1. 0nce you launcheu SSA
fiom Civil SB the fiist
menu that pops up will
ask you to cieate oi
open an existing
pioject. Keep the
uefault selecteu anu
click 0K.
2. The next menu that pops up will let you know of youi successful impoit anu also ask you if you
want to save the log file. uo aheau anu save this into youi pioject foluei, you will notice that this is
an inventoiy of what was impoiteu.
S. Close the Log File
4. You shoulu now see just the Plan view tab anu notice that all you uata has been impoiteu along
with a backgiounu image of youi CAB file. We aie now ieauy to inspect anu set up oui options foi

Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis for Highway Design of Simple or Complex Roads

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Review Project Data within Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis
Now that oui impoit has been completeu let's inspect the piopeities of oui inlets, pipes anu sub-basins..


1. Bouble click on one of the Subbasin symbols (uieen Squaies), the Subbasin uialog box shoulu
appeai. Notice that the Physical piopeities along with the 0utlet noue have all came acioss fiom
Civil SB.
2. Now uouble click on the inlets anu pipes on the plan anu look at theii piopeities aie theie.
S. Nake any aujustments if neeueu.

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Adding Additional Information to our Plan
Sometimes we will neeu to auu auuitional subbasins, inlets, junctions oi pipes. Foi this exeicise we will
conveit an outlet to a junction anu auu in a stoiage noue foi oui ponu uesign.


1. Zoom into the aiea wheie the ponu is anu you'll see one outfall enteiing the ponu.
2. Select the outfall, iight-click anu choose
"Conveit to > }unction
S. 0sing the Auu Stoiage Noue icon on the
Elements toolbai, auu a new stoiage noue
somewheie neai the centei of the ponu.
4. In the Storage Nodes uialog box, change
the Stoiage Noue IB to "Ponu 1", anu entei the following elevation values (fiom the ponu suiface oi
the stage stoiage table) in the Physical Piopeities aiea:
- Inveit Elevation = 4S89.uu
- Naximum Elev = 4S9S.uu
S. Change the Stoiage Shape Type to "Stoiage Cuive", anu piess the ellipses the Stoiage Cuive pull-
uown to open the Stoiage Cuives uialog box.
6. In the Stoiage Cuives uialog box, piess the Auu button in the top iight to cieate a new cuive. Name
the new cuive "Ponu 1 Cuive" next to Cuive IB in the top left.
7. 0sing a Stoiage Bata Type set to Bepth vs. Aiea, entei the following values fiom oui Civil SB Stage
Stoiage Tool iesults oi loau
Ponu1.uat that you saveu eailiei.

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8. Select Close to close the Stoiage Cuives uialog box anu then Close to close the Stoiage Noues
uialog box.
9. Connect the conveiteu junction to the Stoiage Noue using the Auu Conveyance Link tool. Biaw a
link fiom the }unction to the new Stoiage Noue.
1u. This last link is ieally in the ponu alieauy, so you can mouel it as a "Biiect" link. Bouble-click on
the new link using the select tool; anu in the Conveyance Links uialog box, choose the "Biiect"
shape, anu choose 'Close' to close the uialog box.

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Setting Display Options & Layer Manager
The Bisplay 0ptions will allow you to change what items aie to be uisplaeu anu how those items will be
uisplayeu on youi scieen. The Layei Nanagei will allow you to loau anu unloau images anuoi CAB file as
a backgiounu.


1. Select the view pulluown fiom the menubai anu select "Bisplay 0ptions"
2. Review items within heie anu make any changes if uesiieu.

S. Select the view Pulluown foim the menubai anu select "Layei Nanagei"
4. Beie is wheie you can impoit images anu CAB files as a backgiounu as well as unloau any that aie
alieauy heie.

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