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Ownership of Healthy Toilet and Factors that Corresponding among Housewife whos Coming to Puskesmas Tanjung Duren Selatan,

Kotamadya Jakarta Barat, May June 2013

Yoana, Tondo Bayu Nugroho, Hanni, Mohammad Lokman Hakim Department of Community Medicine, Christian Krida Wacana University, Jakarta Abstract Healthy toilet is an affective facility that using to keeps the faces from vector such as fly, cockroach, rat from spreading virus or bacteria to humans. So, by using the healthy toilet, it can decrease rate of incidences of disease such diarrhoea. The main point in this research is to know the prevalence of ownership of healthy health and factors that corresponding to it. Its use cross sectional method and by using non probability convenience sampling. So the sampled are 80 housewifes. This research was descriptive-analytic type among housewife whos coming to Puskesmas Tanjung Duren Selatan, Jakarta Barat in May June 2013. The result is 62.6% housewife owned the healthy toilet. By using chi-square and Fisher method, the result the result shows that attitude (p= 9.83), education (p= 17.93), and salary (p= 13.813) got association with ownership of healthy toilet. Besides, knowledge (p= 0.082), numbers of family using the toilet (p= 0.352) and source of clean water (p= 1.000) got no association with the ownership of healthy toilet. Based on this study, the conclusion is attitude, education and salary got the corresponding with the ownership of healthy toilet. Keyword : Healthy health, housewife, sources of clean water.

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