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BISHOP FORD GENTRALHIGH SCHOOL SSC, 1000 Pace 2 HIGHPoInT Graguasion, 1080 i Roam... O’Connor’s Sermon: Wee Teageaty, elite Cy ie by Regina Deena ‘by Myriam Beams (On Match 24, 1600, the Happy Land Social Fur fine Congrats, Class of = recuation. 1600 AA Match Made At Ford ‘by Danis Ramos efi Vanquen "Hot Towrwead. in slanca, ila obo ‘retry foreign. Innguage ‘Bot gradusied from St John Mc Bianchi bs been teaching at Ford foe twooty-ve years soa tna onrved ae sbaiperton of pyeia! scinsoe fr bent oars Carrenty, he is tucding arta slo, general Shem ty, advanced Chemisty ana ‘hen auxed wh walied tobe e sgt ald bo fast “rally always ‘Tooted fo" hough he hed thou about Peyehinty alo Mrs, Blane as boon Sensing at Ford for twenty yest precding ar the chalporson of hs language deparment "Ae fhe momont bee tushing Prenohy Teal ‘ati, auhoueh abe can iso tach Spurn Sitoe Nigh ‘hoot him Bianchi aid she Rad many Good iagohers ho {eae Imps swish oe te tame he sing dng an Talis play by Pirandello in 076 ‘Wher asked bow she likes working with her iusband vary day, with a eal Swinkle In hor eye Soda big Ser"faay ‘she epled. "love i" They Wanna Be Sedated ‘by Bil Condon ot Quasna, the Ramone Jonny Hansoo's guitar the bese playing of Doe Dee) ad Ramos ky that he tee nanny eu oe ‘York Bots, fut thay have also obviously Ween intuenoed Oy the anale ofthe ses atown’ by. shale sover"af "bo. Ya ane enjoy neasing now Joey wl twit the band's Sminate {are—its Alive (i On) Highpoint a Stripes Are In! by Roping Doeas. ‘There goes Mr, and Mom Plaid" The Za ‘to thoy sary the marie Paciat background. So wal Showa people be cenigntet of looked dows wpon for SIMPY exiting [cn intrenoilvlationsip Interracial rolasionshipe (Ls) have existed tm cur gr tts yon, wre, ay op ae 20 avare {e Mate Anthony and Copatra He was a Rota and #0 4 Eeyptinn a fair compleion and» cncker complexion. Azaining the devdoment of Le over the youn one Didi’ kd shinee ignorssce of man haw inoreased on this tase. ‘he question to be auked les "What exci i tho problem tat ‘As we conglude this year’s Highpoint, the Eaitors-in-Chief would tke to thanke our fac- uity, administration and readers for yo support threughout the yeer. Through combined efforts, we have been able to produce the first-over twelverpene issue. Through your advice, insight and encour- ‘agement, we have been inspired to put out the latest news, opinions and issues concerning Bishop rong? Wie others may think 1 the trendy thing to do, the Inaividus tavevod are the only ‘es. who ea (rly com oben te leery nf Shi easy, na ney or Ralpiael shows The. inaorty ot howe tndvidonia have fated the reason ‘why thoy appearod on there shows wie Ford High School. | tovshow that there is othing wag mith LR" The feedbece a ‘ank | ‘omsilted of om postive aad negative renponase “ie all Once again, thank) Sto be tends or coworkers, but auihing moe» ad you. Oe aan tember, vcore Ppl tht In 0 Gare no shirley Collado, = ‘Almost everwhere we go today Lite axiet on the sree ‘in co buildings, at condor and. sohosin “A. fom” of Tord chudente and fealty mombere were anked to give halt {pinons on Ini ius, abé here's how they verponded. 1s aol _ 1a nothing wrong with tif tra people ke uch otter then thafs al iat gions, Pater Gago, 4. Canielle Ramos, Ecitors-in-Chiof Drama Club’s Goodbye Sonia Pores coon ‘oon ft ke’ what colo, or ackaroudtho/be ‘Men ary, Deane Ome ‘me shay rer cane __T MDM He oath You got a chance w Ione about tho corde ingore mar Pt sun tod tekst.” "a fn, Hin and 38 ce ay The {Bi ht Wks (Peal Vee Sonla Pere (Beasetn Dory) Rell Yours (Gadi) Joke oto or at Hodge) stble Ua (Anna edge). rime Chur (Gein, Low Ot era (Asta scmmmne’ whe tient from you” We aa consider hin a ‘Gran of uniting poopie of A acon ARer al wea he ‘Unted States ot Ameren ‘Chitin Arba, 10. hy promote World Pouce Dara Sean, 908 People shold learn to work topther and ive with onc te if hay en love with nah other tare soa be ay Srobla."Be nac ou soi bas changes Bn wing {alkey), The van premise may be Obtained. ‘ie Saga, Social Stdies Devt {Bethog), The tae pens omapt Rober "With the Bap of Past Vere What About Next Year? ‘yy Davia ote ‘otoe tor the Oecare bad ‘Wo, the att anc club mem cash, Sele “Lee's ‘Do the 13 a me ee eau thew getnget: RIG Ting dnered 0 Wi8 Stans, out wt bont ‘oy, et ony sb Sage batho has also beens ‘Sao with the spc of Stoneman ga ue Than ow eh Ear, Di iter the to ‘fice bit ‘Die Hara, ead Sr On ihr sen, Dea

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