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Imported Cars vs Exported Cars, Home/Online School vs Public School, Driving vs Biking, Firefox vs Internet Explorer, Dell Computers vs Apple Computers 2. Homeschooling - Education is an important part of our lives.Some people are h ome schooled and some go to public school. Homeschooling is for the do it yourself parents. It is an option for the parents that want to take a big part in their children's ecuation. The public school system can be dissapointing. Budget cuts and Layoffs. Classrooms become packed, because of fewer teachers. And sometimes it is one teacher and thirty or forty students. Teachers get spread too thin. Extracuricular activ ities get cut. Art programs and Sports get cut. Both important and fun parts of highschool. Those are all reasons for a person deciding to home school their child. Some schools are too far away and do not offer school buses. Another reason would be if the parent does not feel as though the school environment is safe for their child. Bullying and Gang activity are a part of schools, espec ially high schools in certain urban areas. Bullying lead to insecurities and in some cases suicide in kids from 12-17. Kids can get recruite d in high school by gangs, because they are young and looking for a place to belong. There are instances of gang related violence in high scho ols and teen drug use. There are many arguments for public school. Despite the possible drawbacks, public schools allow for socializing between kid s of the same age. School is where kids make friends. They get involved in sports and clubs. School is where they start their lives a part from their pa rents. 3. For Homeschooling - More time and money dedicated to the student, it is safer : no bullying/peer pressure, no gang activity, closer family relationships For Public School - kids learn to socialize with people their own age, art pr ograms and clubs, meeting people with different backgrounds and ideas, while there are budget cuts the schools are still funded 4. I. Intro A. Education is an important partof our lives B. TS - An educated person is a successful person II. Body A. 1. 2. 3. B. 1. 2. 3. c. 1. 2. D. 1. III. Conclusion A. B.

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