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Bella has lost herself in the woods, whilst on her way to the neighboring town in
search of the nearest doctor. She finds herself all alone with her horse and
herself tired and thirsty. They come across road bandits...\par
a gloating village hunter\par
Erik: You think today will be the day?\par
Mike: She is mine, I'm the best of us all even you know that.\par
Tyler: But I don't think that she will be so easy to woo.\par
Mike: Hmph! We shall see comrades, we shall see.\par
Mike turned on his heels with a grunt, nervous as he was, he was not going to let
his competition in on his inner turmoil.\par
rejection from bella\par
Mike: Bella Please! I know that I am the best suitor for you.\par
the sickness of the elderly\par
The woods\par
The night was dark, moist and the air was warm with the taste of moss and grass. I
was panting, out of breath, running through the woods. My cotten dress torn by the
passing branches. I had to get away, before they catch me, before I get caught. I
don't want to leave my home. I, I... I collapsed. The last thing I remember is the
cackling of voices.\par
the capture\par
Jacob: Ha! She thought she could get away from us!\par
James: What a silly girl.\par
Laurent: Yes, Yes, we must take this order back to get cleaned up before shes
Jacob: Right, right.\par
Several Hours Later...\par
who are you people\par
Alice: Wake up! Wake Up!\par
I slowly opened may eyes to see a black haired girl, the size of a fairy bouncing
in front of me. I saw her bright blue eyes, and for some reason felt compelled to
Bella: Where? Who? I'm so hungry.\par
Alice: She giggled slightly, Here we are my dear. Whats your name?\par
She motioned for me to follow her through the lofty hallway into a well lit, glass
atrium. In the middle is a iron patio table layden with fresh fruit, pancakes and
syrup, tea and coffee, eggs and toast.\par
Bella:My name? why its...its Bella. Yours?\par
Alice: Nice to meet you Bella, my name is Alice, Alice Whitlock.\par
where am i\par
Bella: What is this place? Where are we exactly\par
the tour\par
Alice: Follow me. This way.\par
the introduction of the Master\par
Edward: Enter.\par
masters "orders"\par
I was riding through town to fill a prescription for Jasper when I first glanced
at my angel.\par
My Father was in dire need of care. I didn't know what to do.\par
bellas conflict\par
Edward was pacing as Alice divulged information about Bella's father to me. I
didn't know that the hospital had turned her father away. no matter, I will use
this to my advantage. I will strike a deal with bella. So that she will never
leave me. Ever. \par
A deal is made\par
Bella: "To be or not to be... that is the question." What do I do. I though to
myself. If I agreed to this deal, my entire family will never have to worry about
healthcare ever again. Well as long as I kept my promise to Edward. As long as I
was his slave for the rest of my life.\par
A heart broken?\par
Bella: I accept. For my family I will sacrifice my life.\par
health is wealth\par
Edward's Poing of View\par
I watched as Bella's father was carefully admitted into the VIP room at the
hospital. His pnemonia was already at such an advanced stage. He will make it, it
was not too late. I stabilized his breathing, and told the hospital that only I
was to authorize any changes in anything pertaining to this patient. \par
Love not Lost?\par
Edward: Your free Bella. I love you to much. I will only want you here if you
choose to be here with me. "If I were to hurt you, you don't know how its tortured
Edward: I do.\par
Priest: Do you?\par
Bella: I do.\par
Priest: I now pronounce you man and wife.\par

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