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Itty Bitty BookTutorial

By Pegry
I learnedhowto makethis severalyearsagoandit is oneofmy favorilebooks.
It isn't veryeasyto makeandyouoandecorateit aslittle o. asmuchasyou like!

1 pieceof p.tterrcd crrdstock
1 piec! of letter riz€d solid color c{rdstock
Borc Folder
hkpads (OptioDrl)

1. With paperv€rtical,fold solidcolorcardstockin half,then

quert€rs.Usebonefolderto makecleai, sharpfolds.Turnpaper lnt
horizo ally andrepeat.Cut asindicatedon red lineson diagam,

After foldidgandcutting,yourpaperwill look like this:



2, Fold card to the right startingwilh panel 16. when you reachpanel 13, fold UNDER panel 12 and
fold to the left. Continuewith lhis folding pattem until completely folded.
Now youcaqb€ginto d€coraleyourbook!IfI h8v€thc sbmpsthst
will fit on thepagesI useti€ttr, olherrvis€I ct€.te whaiI wanton my
compute.andprint thcmout thephotoon th€leff.

This i! whatthr finistEdbooklookslike aftErI decordtcd

it. Note,not oll lhe pag€sareright sideup becaus€
will b€ fold€dandfac€in theoppositedir€ction.

4. Thepag€softhe bookareloose,soI usea gluestickon thebackofthe pogesto adhet€them.

Beforcclue stick After Glu€stiak

ofthis tutorialI amshowingthe easierbookcove..

5. Forthe purposes
Thelengft ofthe bookcoverdepends on thep6pe.thickness.I uzually
take s piec€ oflhe wrap
cardstoclq it around lhe bookaod€y€ballit You wantto
mak€sur€ you leaveenoughroomaroundthe"binding"ofthe booksoit opens
ft€elyandtlc psgesar€n'ttoo stifrto tum.
his Dointvou candecomtethe cover.You canuseribbonto holdthe's also
important to usethe RICHT nameif
you are going to put that on the
coverofyour book.Usuallyany
boo boos can be coveredup easily.
Clue the coverto the book. Putthe
RIGHT nameon the cover and

Hereis a collaseofthe insideofthe book.

it'syourturnto try it! FollowthistutorialandshareyourcreationslTag

s 'ltty BittyBook".

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