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Abstract This research will focus on the problem of classifying the books based on searchng its category and

has its accession number and call number (using of Library of Congress) for the library. Classifying the books based on searching its category with the use of accession number can determine the sequence with the issuance of books in the library it also denotes the number of pages that the librarian will consume in the record. For instance, the librarian or the students wants to view the books that has been issue in the library, they will just type in the search box the accession number and it will display all the possible book that they want to view. Embedding an accession number is useful to the user including to the searching of books because it will display all the records that has been issued.In the case of placing a call number(Library of Congress), it is also useful for the user by its locator to determine what secton,category,year publish was the book.Moreover, placing a call number will make the record of the book formal beacuse of the layout in each book.

This research also give emphasize the use of world wide web (www) because of the modern years that we faced and to achievce the online viewing.This is important because most of the user is now interested in using the internet from doing their assignment,projects, attaching to social media (facebook,twitter), and the online games. So it will make sure that it can be used as an medium of giving information.

The proposed research is to classify the book with online cataloging for the library.Classifying the book and making the catalog online is what the research will make with the use of Visual Basic.Net and ASP.NET (Web Application) to make it visible in the world wide web.

The research is limited for the issuance of book becasue it is only for viewing or classifying the books that has been displyed in the library.


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