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By Major Syed Ishtiaq Aziz Bukhari, Army Air Defence 03218134136

MA H&PE (Univ of The Punjab), MIT (APIIT Karachi), MA IR & MA Pol Sc (Univ of Balochistan), MBA (Commonwealth AIOU), Dip Hospitality Mgmt (BCCI) and ongoing LLB (Univ of Peshawar)

Preamble 1. During my Masters in Health and Physical Education, a part of my focus remained on TOTAL BODY FITNESS and WEIGHT REDUCTION. I kept the compulsions of soldiers and officers being over-committed into account, while carefully analyzing various options. The result is in your hands. These principles mentioned in the article are applicable exclusively to our unique genetic, demographic and bio-ethnic mix. Remember, our denial towards accepting active lifestyle contributes towards health related anomalies. The sooner we realize and start improving, the better will be the outcomes. 2. Fitness can easily be explained with example of an automobile. To keep it roadworthy, we take it to the workshop for regular maintenance. New cars need little maintenance and repairs yet old cars take a bit more efforts. It is a good feeling, to turn the ignition switch on and the engine greets you with a roaring sound, ready for trouble-free drive. What if you wake up every day for the rest of your life having the same roaring spirit! 3. Weight Reduction is a challenge that everyone faces these days. The dilemma is that we have no knowledge of the mechanism involving fat accumulation and its reduction in human

body. The subject has become an issue because we dont have the knowledge. Have you ever asked yourself, what is fat, how it is stored, why is it needed and finally, how it is consumed? I conducted a survey on my web page and the result is represented below:-


Graph-1 Awareness Regarding Fat Accumulation and Reduction

4. Another very important aspect is the existence of hundreds of weight reduction options in form of dieting plans, exercise routines and medicines to include herbal preparations. There is also a lot of ambiguity that exist in this area of weight reduction. The hard fact is that most of them are marketing gimmicks and a bag of lies. If not this, then it is not customized for individual preferences and environments. 5. They say that the simplest plans are the most successful plans. What I am about to suggest is practical, implementable and simple. Although the whole undertaking is backed up by strong claims of it being effective, yet for some individuals, little more adjustment and tweaks might be necessary.

Cardinals of Total Body Fitness 2. Following illustration is the basic DNA of Total Body Fitness
Religious & Ethical Fitness Mental Fitness

Physical Fitness

Body Composition

Figure-1 Total Body Fitness

Weight Reduction 6. Here is what I stumbled upon while surfing on the net. What it means is that Quality of Life improves when our weight and fitness is within desired limits. According to a study, initial reduction of 10 pounds of extra fat results in increase of performance up to 30%1. Migraines 57% Resolved Depression 55% Resolved Obstructive Sleep Apnea 74-98% Resolved Asthma 82% Improved or Resolved Cardiovascular Disease 82% Resolved Hypertension 52-92% Resolved GERD 72-98% Resolved Stress Urinary Incontinence 44-88% Resolved Degenerative Joint Disease 41-76% Resolved Gout 77% Resolved

Pseudo-tumor Cerebri 95% Resolved Dyslipidemia Hypercholesterolemia 63% Resolved Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 90% Improved Steatosis 37% Resolution of Inflammation 20% Resolution of Fibrosis Metabolic Syndrome 83% Resolved Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome 79% Resolution of Hirsutism 100% Resolution of Menstrual Dysfunction

Venous Stasis Disease Quality of Life Mortality 95% Resolved 89% Reduction in Improved in 95% of Patients 5-Years Mortality

Figure-2 Benefits of Being Healthy & Fit

Some minor conditions apply.

Weight Reduction Package for South Asians 7. To begin with, we have to understand and remove few misnomers. Since they are based on facts and can be verified, so be sure to first understand and then follow. a. There is no age limit to do exercise. The fact is that individuals above 35 years of age must exercise or face early degeneration and atrophy. The best form of critical weight reduction is:-



Calorie or dieters calorie is 1 Kilo Calorie denoted by capital letter C . Otherwise, for laboratory processes, 1 calorie is in fact denoted by small letter c . Fat is essential requirement of human body. Excessive food consumption, depending upon the daily calorie intake, deposits as fat in the Adipose Tissues etc. Fat Cells are like shopping bags . Keep filling them up and they shall weigh a lot. Remove contents, and one feels light and able to carry over longer duration and distances. Our body types are defined by nature. So is the composition of our body. Contents of Fat Cells per square inch is registered in our DNA. Unfortunately, we




cannot lipo-suction it out permanently. What we can do is reduce the contents of the Fat Cells. g. Food pyramid forms easy to remember visual depiction forming a general guideline for health conscious. What we can derive out of it is that food grouping consists of Wheat Group, Vegetable and Fruit Group, Meat and Dairy Group, Fats & Sweet Group.


Balance Diet consists of all the major food groups in prescribed quantities within Daily Calorie Required vis-a-vie age.

FATS 25-30 %

OTHERS 5 10 %

PROTEINS 10-20 %
PROTEINS ARE ESSENTIAL TO GROWTH AND REPAIR OF MUSCLE Examples; eggs, milk, meat, poultry, fish

MAIN SOURCE OF ENERGY Examples; Sugar, Wheat, Rice, Potato, sweets, bread, cakes


Daily Calorie Requirement is the amount of calories (C) required for a body to function. This implies that anything consumed above the recommended intake will result in accumulation of fat. Interestingly, to burn 100 Calories (C), we require running for 1 kilometer of distance at our exercise heart rate. That is a lot of effort directed to burn a very small amount of fat. This infers that we curtail our intake and compensate through a well thought-out fat burning routine. Keep in account that there are 9 calories/ gram of fat2. If we burn 100 calories this means we have reduced 11.1 gram of fat. This may not always be the case, as initially, body uses carbohydrates for energy which is available in shape of food consumed. Similarly, there are 4 calories/ gram of carbohydrates. So, 100 calories means 25 grams of carbohydrates. It is best to load 100 calories in form of carbohydrates before exercising. This way, body utilizes this available source of energy to support longer duration of exercise. If your muscles are carb-loaded then you will feel less fatigue while avoiding feeling of extreme hunger. Desired Body Weight helps in ascertaining present status. BMI (Body Mass Index)3 is a helpful indicator. It is calculated by the following formula:-





We dont have to exercise every day and for hours provided we exercise smart. Customized fitness routine tailored by a fitness instructor can save a lot of time and other resources. It will be objective and will produce anticipated results.

2 3


The small calorie or gram calorie (symbol: cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C. This is about 4.2 joules. The large calorie, kilogram calorie, dietary calorie, or food calorie (symbol: Cal) approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 kilogram of water by 1 C. This is exactly 1,000 small calories or about 4.2 kilojoules. It is also called the nutritionist's calorie4. Calorie counting is becoming a major retardation factor for people who want to pursue healthy diet or dieting where calorie intake is limited. No worries, here is a Desi way to count your calories. Clinch your fist; now this much serving of any type of food in natural presentation (like fresh vegetable) is equal to 200 calories on the average. In case of processed food, it is equal to 300 calories. Easy? You bet! But don t include a fist full of methai (Asian & Arabic Sweets). This rule is not applicable in case of saturated and extra oily foods (Especially deep fried). Daily Calorie Intake is calculated by a general formula established by HarrisBenedict equation5 and is applicable in this diet and exercise regime. There are two steps involved. (1) Calculation of an Individuals Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
66.5 + ( 13.75 x weight in kg ) + ( 5.003 x height in cm ) ( 6.755 x age in years ) 655.1 + ( 9.563 x weight in kg ) + ( 1.850 x height in cm ) ( 4.676 x age in


WOMEN years )


Applying the Harris-Benedict Principle

Little to no exercise Light exercise (13 days per week) Moderate exercise (35 days per week) Heavy exercise (67 days per week) Daily calories needed = BMR x 1.2 Daily calories needed = BMR x 1.375 Daily calories needed = BMR x 1.55 Daily calories needed = BMR x 1.725

Very heavy exercise (twice per day, extra Daily calories needed = BMR x 1.9 heavy workouts)

4 5

8. The South Asian Diet. In the preamble, I stated that I will be suggesting a simple to implement diet program. I have tested it first within my family members and thereon amongst friends. The results achieved were almost similar and there was a guaranteed drop in weight. This prescription is the one that suits our environments, eating habits and lifestyle. Unique to our genre, following are the highlights:a. We have no or little knowledge of human body regarding its function, health and maintenance. Mostly we sedentary lifestyle and lethargic persona. Excessive use of spices, oils and over-eating. Substance abuse. Lack of opportunities for entertainment, enhancing quality of lifestyle and improving fitness.

b. c. d. e.

9. Suggested program will bring the desired reduction in weight, yet it is important following datum should be kept in mind:a. There is no alternate to exercise. Dieting alone is a short term solution. Diet control and exercise is the ultimate answer. Timeline has to be kept in mind. No one can sustain any dieting program over longer duration. Once the weight has dropped into comfortable limits, discontinue the dieting plan. The best way to live healthy and an active life is a conscious approach to what we eat and calorie count coupled with exercise.





Investing in health is the best way to survive with elegance. In the poetry of Dr Muhammad Allama Iqbal (RA)

Since inception, pronouncement by the advocate of fate is, Excruciating death be the punishment for the old (and the weak)


SOUTH ASIAN PANACHE FOR STAYING HEALTHY AND FIT 11. Healthy dieting is nothing but cutting 1/3rd of everything that we consume within permissible daily calorie intake perimeters. The general idea is to invest few hours over the weekend. Cleansing of bad food from the fridge and stacking healthy food is a good way to begin with. Dieting is only till you reach within your prescribed weight limits and fitness levels. A pinch of meetha (Sweet preparations) is permitted remaining within limit of 1000-1500 calorie daily intake. This method guarantees healthy drop of 2 kgs per week approximately. Basing on this general guideline, calculate your time required to reach the goal which is the bracket of healthy weight according to the dictates of BMI and BMR calculated in the preceding paragraphs. The most important aspect is to first weigh yourself initially and then after every one week. Also keep a written record, including body measurements as depicted below:-

Neck Shoulder to Shoulder Chest Deflated Expanded Belly Thigh Hip



12. To begin with, shop for food to last a week at least, on a sunny Saturday and stack them. There is a little item list that will support. This list is wide-ranging, but dont worry things are being kept as simple as they get:a. b. c. d. e. f. Chicken. Meat. Vegetables (Especially for salad). Seasonal Fruits. Legumes. Cereals.



Processing of Poultry and Meat a. Boil chicken and meat in separate utensils, keep the soup and store in fridge for use in dishes prepared for kids. After boiling, refrigerate and use as in normal circumstances. For example, cook Karahi Gost or bar-be-que chicken as per preference, but remember very less oil and within permissible limit of 1000-1500 calorie daily intake!



Vegetables a. These are to be consumed in shape of various forms of salads and stir fried. But dont throw a bucket of olive oil with a belief that it reduces cholesterol. Oil in any form or shape is still oil. It must be of quality and should be used in moderation. Non-oily salad dressings are blessing in disguise. Clean and cut the veg in a huge bowl ready for consumption in afternoon meals. It will save a lot of calories. You can prepare them every day but it will be wiser to have at least three days worth stock prepared over weekend.

b. c.


Seasonal Fruits a. b. c. Fruits are synonymous with good health. Mix them in salad and prepare a treat for your taste buds. Fresh juices in summer provide a refreshing and rejuvenating effect. Dont deprive yourself unless restrained by physician in case of disease control like diabetes etc. Yet refrain from heavily spiked shakes and cocktails.


Legumes a. While adding variety in platter and attempting to restrict to 1000 - 1500 calories diet per day, legumes if prepared low in calories can serve as a good addition in diet program. Evening meal can have an alternating serving of dishes prepared with legumes.

b. 17.

Bakery Items, Banana, Potato, Rice and Sweets. These items carry a definite restraining order once dieting. No Banana, potato and saturated sweets preparations! Boiled rice is only permitted with its excess water thrown.



Cereals a. The day I started adding fruits and nuts in the cereals, I became an avid fan. Try variations and you will have an instant low calorie and high fiber wholesome meal. Milk has to be skimmed and fat removed by boiling it a couple of times. You can also resort to diluting it with water. Drinking of at least a cup of milk is very important especially for females over 35 years of age.



Miscellaneous Points a. It is important to add pill a day with vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and minerals are the spark plugs in the car; theyre not the gas, says Nancy Clark, RD6. Nutrition experts seem to agree that taking a basic daily multivitamin is the better choice for most people. For one thing, it is far easier and cheaper to take just one tablet every day rather than popping separate pills. Plus, it makes sense to cover your bases with a wide variety of vitamins and minerals instead of focusing on just a few7. If during the dieting routine a multivitamin is added after breakfast, it will assist in maintaining normal body functions. When going to a wedding, eat everything in moderation but keep a count of calories. Try not to exceed 3000 Calorie limit. It will be difficult then to balance it out by burning calories through exercise and post-wedding dieting. All the excessive calories have to be burnt or compensated in subsequent days. Burgers, Pizza, Pasta and Lasagnas should be avoided till healthy weight is achieved. High carb diets must also be refrained which includes various forms of noodles and dishes with Maida (Refined Wheat Flour) and starch. If inevitable, use with caution and calculation. Remember the balance in diet and exercise is the essence of healthy lifestyle . No other options. In support to the argument; how can dieting alone bring strength in cardiovascular system? It cannot.





Nancy Clarks Sports Nutrition Guidebook (Human Kinetics 2003).



Eating burgers and junk food could happen. It is best if they are avoided. When it becomes difficult, remember to eat a little low calorie diet before leaving home. Soft fuzzy drinks are very high in sugar. Here is an unverified depiction that gives a jolt for those zero calorie claimers.

Figure-1 Sugar Contents in Various Beverages


Suppose there has been an excess eating of 500 calories in a day. The recommended option is not to starve for the next few days, but to divide the excessive intake over subsequent days. Consuming 900 calories for next five subsequent days will compensate hence regaining relative balance. If that is not possible, then calorie burning principle can be applied ie, running for 1 kilometer burns 100 Calories. A combination of both diet and exercise is also another wiser strategy. Keep in mind that starving generates critical deficiency in the body. This energy debt has to be compensated and could result in consumption of more calories. It is recommended to have wholesome breakfast, followed by very light snack at midday, then light lunch (salads etc). Evening tea can be primed and can become a convenient way for the family to gather around the table for light tea (Herbal is nice option) along with a light snack. Dinner has to be within remaining calorie intake limits. While dieting, calories consumed have to be around 1000-1500 calories. For rest of life, it has to remain within Daily Intake Limit as calculated by the BMI and BMR calculated above.



The Magical Onion Soup 20. During my research I consulted one of the experts at John Hopkins Institute of Medical Sciences8 Maryland USA. I gave a singular query; how can excessive body fat be reduced without exercising. During the correspondence I stumbled across GM Diet Program9 which provided the key. Further research was directed towards discovering a herb, vegetable or fruit that has natural ingredients that supports fat burning even at rest. Henceforth, onion rose to the occasion. GM Diet is about a magical soup which is safe to be used. The actual text is reproduced below:a. GM's Wonder Soup The statement read; the following soup is intended as a supplement to your diet. It can be eaten any time of the day in virtually unlimited quantities. You are encouraged to consume large quantities of this soup. Ingredients (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 28 oz, Water. 6 LARGE ONIONS. 2 Green Peppers. Whole Tomatoes (fresh or canned). 1 Cabbage Head. 1 Bunch of Celery. 4 Envelopes Lipton Onion Soup Mix. Herbs and Flavorings as desired.


21. Our South Asian Version is better implementable as the core ingredient remains the same ie, Onion. I have deliberately reduced the concentration and permitted the whole spectrum of vegetables to be added in both raw and boiled form. It can be consumed both in hot and in cold preparation. Furthermore, it gives feeling of filled stomach and provides energy at a very low calorie scale. It has to be consumed half an hour before meals. Additives can include few lemon drops (If you dont have ulcer), chicken flavor etc to make it gullible. This onion soup is also for individuals having diseases like diabetes or heart anomalies. For hypertensive and individuals having high blood pressure, avoid seasoning with sodium salt and prepare the soup in very low concentration.

8 9 file:///C:/Users/NEMESIS/Documents/WEIGHT%20REDUCTION/gmdiet.html


22. Recommended Preparation. Take a liter of water in a utensil, put a medium size fresh onion and some vegetables. Boil till water changes its color to a light tint. Remove the onion and refrigerate. Consume within 3 to 4 days. Fresh preparation is advised. Grand Finale 23. At the end, please remember and apply the old clich that there are no shortcuts to life and also good health. One thing is for sure, efforts placed in improving health and fitness pays when we reach old age. Most of the degeneration is stalled and life becomes comparatively comfortable. Final word about the whole concept, The soup is a short term measure and should be kept that way. When your weight starts decreasing and reaches a point when you feel energetic again, gradually replace soup intake with exercise and diet control. Continuing of soup more than a month will amount to excessive substance abuse and can cause minor complications. 24. I must add an interesting question from one of the critiques who had developed certain dejection towards fitness, resulting from his efforts being wasted. Can physical fitness cheat death? Obviously it cannot, but it improves quality of life and assist in smooth transition into our life here-after. Isnt it a good enough reason to silence the cynicism? Enough said already, hereon buckle up and reach your life goals remaining fit to face every challenge in life. Good luck.

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