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IntroductiontoTextMessages..............................................................................................4 HowtoGetaPhoneNumber................................................................................................7 EmailAddress........................................................................................................................10 TextMessages.......................................................................................................................11 PhoneCalls............................................................................................................................15 Troubleshooting....................................................................................................................16

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Thephoneisaveryimportanttoolinseduction. Quality text messaging skills and good voice calibration are something you have to have if youwanttobegoodwithgirls. Text messaging allows you to keep your girls close to you, and to seduce girls that need moretimeandattention. Cell phones are probably one of best tools we have nowadays. Back in the pre cellphone days; there were no such easy ways to reach the girls you date. Girls would give you their landlines (home numbers), so you had to call her at home, and pray to God she will pick up thephone.Togetheronthephoneonthefirsttrywasalmostequaltowinningalottery! In 90% of cases, she wasnt home! Of course, she is a busy girl: she was at the gym, at school, yoga, a concert, or with her friends. She was anywhere but home. Just like all other hotgirls.Allyouhadisthatfuckinghomenumber.Soyouhadtospeaktofamily. You would call her, and her father would answer the phone, explain to you that she wasnt home,soyoucalledfewhourslaterandhadopportunitytochatwithhermother. In most cases they would be cool, but sometimes, fathers would terrorise you with questions. Like: how do you know his daughter, where did you meet her, and what do you want?Youhadtobecarefulbecauseyoudidntwantthefatherworkingagainstyou. You had to work fathers a different way, and then be very charming, and change your voice when you spoke with mothers. By the time you got your girl on the phone, you knew the wholefamily,andwholefamilyknewyouareinterestedintheirinnocentgirl. To get her out from the house to meet you, you had to call her several times to build trust and comfort. Each time you called, you had to be prepared to go through the whole family again.Itwassuchanightmareandwearesohappythosedaysareover. ThankGod,forTechnologyandwhoeverinventedCellPhones. AndIhopewewillneveragainhavetospeakwithangryfathersonadailybasis.
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ThankGodforcellphonesandtextmessaging.Whenthecellphonecameout,girlsinstantly fall in love with it. It gave them privacy, and chance to communicate as much as they wanted. Their brain is much more developed in the areas of communication. In a Prehistoric age, whenguyswhereinforesthunting,girlswerecommunicatingwitheachother,andwithkids bonding,creatingconnections,networkingwithotherfemales. Over the years their brain became specialised for communication and social understanding, whileourbraindevelopedforhunting,targeting,running. Nowadays, a 16 year old girl has a communication skill set that equals that of a 20 year old boy. Thatsoneofreasonswhygirlsgoforolderguys. So a new challenge was opened for guys all over the world. Now, not only you did you have to look good, smell good, and be able to entertain her, butyou also had to spendhours and hoursonacellphoneexchangingtextsandcommunicatingwithher,beforeyoudinviteher tomeet. But phone seduction starts even before you ask for her phone number. That number by itself wont mean much if you havent created a good connection with her. Whats the purposeofhavinghernumber,ifsheforgetsyouexistinthenexthalfanhour? So for a phone number to be solid, you have to stay there and talk with her for a minimum 20 minutes. Anything under 20 minutes involves a high risk of flaking (She wont reply to yourtextmessages,shewillplayhardtoget,neverreturnyourphonecalls)

Lots of guys are making the same mistake over and over again. Going out, and collecting as manynumbersastheycanget. Thatswrong. Attheendofthedayyoudontwantherphonenumber,youwanther!

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A phone number, for a Player, is a lastresort, not a goal. If you cannot kiss her; cannot get her out of the club, cannot get her home, if there is nothing else you can do; then you get herphonenumber. Agoodplayerwilltrytogetherhomethesamenightandgetphysicalwithher. Ifheseessheisakeeper,andhedecidesthathewillwanttoseeheragain,hewillgether phone number. He will get a phone number only from girls that prove themselves to be of highquality.Thatsagoodmindsettohave. That is an extreme example, and you dont have to be like that, but on other hand, you do notwanttobecomeaphonenumbercollector. Many times you will see a girl totally interested in a guy and willing to have sex with him thenandthere,butthenguyasksforaphonenumberandsherefusestogivehimit. Thismaybeconfusingtomanypeople,butitsverysimpletounderstand. Maybe she lives with a boyfriend, and doesnt want to complicate her life. She wants it now, then and there. Not tomorrow. Most guys are blind to these issues and cannot read suchobvioussignals. Over the years, the seduction battle has slowly moved to cell phone arena. A hot girls phone number in a guys world is perceived as pure gold. So a hot girl has lots of guys callingher,askingheronadate.Thecompetitiongotmoreintense.Girlshavelessandless toleranceforyourmistakes.Thehotterthegirl,thefewermistakesyoucanmakewithher. Learning and applying proper phone skills will help you to be different, to learn how to successfullycontrolthegirloverthephone,andgetheroutofherhousetomeetyou.


Beforewegoonanddiscussdetails,youhavetobeawarethatgirlsalloverthe planet are more or less the same, but there are cultural differences that may occur from country to country. Your phone strategies will have to be different, tobemosteffectiveinIraqorIndiaincomparisontoAustralia,forexample. Some things will work better in some places; and some things wont work at all insomeplaces. Yourjob,afterreadingthisbook,istotestthefollowing(proven)strategiesand tacticstoseewhatworksandwhatdoesntworkongirlsyouareseducing.

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Takingagirlsphonenumberisoneofthoseawkwardmomentsthatyousimplyhavetoget good at. No one is born with this skill, and to make it smooth you have to practice it. Some guys start to shake. They get nervous, because they dont know how to get it, and in the endtheyscrewitup. Delivery,tonality,andconfidencearethecomponentsthatwilllargelytellherifyouarethe man she wants or not. The whole act of taking her phone number has to be smoothasdrinkingwater.Donotmakeabigdealoutofit. Theproblemstartswhenyoustartimprovising/freestylingongettinghernumber. If a girl is enjoying a conversation with you, its understandable that she would like to continueit,andgiveyouherphonenumber. The problems start when the conversation with girl doesnt flow, and there is no connectionbetweentwoofyou. Forcingaphonenumberrequestinthissituationmakesnosense,andeitheryouwontget it,thenumbershegivesyouwillbefake,orshesimplywontansweryourcalls. Justlikeinanyotherstage;itsexpectedforyoutolead. That is our job in the whole process of seduction. Getting a girls number doesnt mean askingforit,beggingforit. Youhavetobedominantandleadherintogivingyouhernumber. Example: You know what, this was a very interesting conversation, lets continue this some other day, write down your number here, I will call you and we will setup something fornextweek.

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You are a really cool girl, and I am starting to like you you know what. I am taking you on a date next Wednesday, write down your phone number, and I willcallyouinthenextfewdays. You know what... when I first met you few minutes ago, I thought you are just a regular girl,butwhenIactuallyhadachancetospendsometimeandgettoknowyou,Iseeyou are really cool, interesting and smart girl and I am starting to like you more and more... you know what.. fuck it, I am taking you on a date...I want to get to know you better... Herewritedownyourphonenumber...Iwillcallyoutosetupthedetails. 1) Make sure you talked with her for at least 20 minutes before you get her phone number. After you take her phone number, stay 25 additional minutes and then leave. This way, it wont look like the whole point of your conversation was to get hernumber. 2) Nickname her. Give her some silly nickname based on the conversation you had, and type it into your cell phone as her name. Choose a nickname based on something she wears or does.. For example is she studies Nature, call her Greenpeacegirl.Ifshelovescats,nicknameheras:Pussylover. You know what... I have lots of (her name) in my contacts... do you have any nickname?....(letheranswer) no,thatsnogood..weneedanewnicknameforyou...Youwillbe(assignhernew nickname) 3) Her nickname should be a combination of sexy, playful and teasing. You will use thisnicknamelaterinthefirsttextmessageorphonecall. Cool nicknames: Girl tomarry / Girlfriend material / Bootycall, Vampire, SuperGirl, etc Thenicknamehastomakesense,andhastobedirectlylinkedsomehowtoher. AvoidgeneralnicknamesThemorethingsyoutalkaboutduringyourinitialconversation, themoresmoothyouwillbeabletomakeyourfirstphonecall,ortextmessages.

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So,theinitialpartofseductioncanbeveryimportant.Trytoopenlotsoftopics,andgetto knowher,tellhersomestories,andgetstoriesfromher. Once she types her phone number into your cell phone, call that number in front of her to test it and see that she gave you the correct number. You can say you are calling her soshegetsyournumber.

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Email is a very cool tool, but it is totally useless in the dating stage. Do not bother getting her email address. Its the easiest way to get ignored. In most cases, your email will end up somewhere in junk folder next to enlarge your dick spam and she will never reply to it. Sometimes she will try to offer her email address instead of her phone number. She only doesthistotheguysshedoesntwanttoseeagain. If they offer their email to you, thats an obvious signal you had a problem with creating attraction. Emailcanbeusedlaterinarelationship,butneverinthebeginning.Itsaveryusefulwhen you get into a relationship with her:you can send her someromantic poems, or photos of you,whensheisatwork.Thisway,youcangethertokeepthinkingaboutyouItsavery usefultooltomaintainlongdistancerelationships,especiallyifyoutravelalot. If a girl insists on giving you her email, then take it, and then immediately after she writes itdown,askherforphonenumberaswell. This is standard yes ladder, and once she gives you her email, she will be more likely to giveherphonenumber(youpushedherintomomentumstateofgiving)

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Everythingyousaymay/willbeusedagainstyou Short Text Message Service (SMS), became so popular that we all use it in daytoday communicationwithpeople. Girlslovetextmessages. Players love it as well, because it makes it very easy to communicate with groups of girls, andmakesitveryeasytokeepintouchwithyourharemwhenyouareoutofthecountry. The problem with text messages is girls love it so much; they can spend hours and hours textingwithyou. Donotfallintothattrap. Donotbetooavailable,donotbecomehergirlfriend. For us, hours of text messaging is waste of time, because we want to see them, to be in personwiththem,tofeelthem,totouchthem. Abigdifferencebetweenthesexesisobvioushere.Femalesareprocessoriented:theywill enjoy discussing meaning of life with you, and they will enjoy attention you give them they enjoy communicating in general, while Guys are more goal oriented. For us, that communicationhastohaveapurposeandagoal. Sotextmessagesaregood,ifyoudontoverdoit.Mixingtextmessageswithphonecallis whatyouwanttodo. Using a text message as a first contact after you got her phone number may be the best option. Ageneralruleaboutwhentosendfirsttextis:theshorteryourinitialconversation withagirlwas,thesooneryoustarttexting

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If you had no time to build connection with the girl, for example You were in the street, you met, you saw she is into you, but there is time pressure. Get her number, and send herfirsttext35minuteslater. Waittoolongandshewillforgetaboutyou. Ifyoutalkedwithagirlfor3045minutes,andyouleftagoodimpression,itisoktosend herthetextmessagesometimeinnext24hours.Thebestoptionistosendthetextisthe nextday,lateafternoon. If you met the girl Friday night, then wait till Sunday afternoon to send her that first text. Try to avoid high risk days and hours as much as possible, Like Saturday afternoon, when she is all stressed before going out, busy with shopping, meeting her friends, preparing herselfforgoingout. Usecommonsenseandaimfordaysandhourswhensheisbored,sittinghomealone. Thiswillgiveyoubestsuccessrateofhavingherreplytoyourtext

1)Youshouldbetheonewhoendalongtextconversationfirst.(Ihavetogo) 2)Donotaskherouttomeetyouinfirst5texts.Buildsomeconversationfirst. 3)Donotwaitlongerthan3daystocontactherafterinitialmeeting. 4)Waitafewminutesbeforeyoureply.Bebusy. 5)NOcyber/textsexuntilrealsexhappens. 6)Thepurposeoftext&phonecallsistokeepherbusythinkingaboutyoubetween yourpersontopersonmeetings.

That first text message is very important. You have only one chance to establish that communication. If she doesnt replyon your first try, any new attemptwill get you more into a needy zone. Thats why you spend some time finetuning your text message: makeitperfect. Readitseveraltimesbeforeyousendittoher.

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Here are few examples of a first text message that you can send to new girl from whom youjustgotaphonenumber. Thesearejustexamples,andinthefuture,youshouldbeabletocreateyourown. HI(Hernickname) It was really fun to meet you today/yesterday in the mall. You seem like a smart andInterestinggirl. Btw,Iforgottoaskyouwhathoroscopesignareyou?Leo? Hey Her Nickname I just saw a big Persian cat crossing the street, and for some reason I thought about you. So I decided to send you a HI. I hope you are doing well.Btw,isyourcatfeelingbetternow?(yourname) HIHernicknameitsJohnhere,fromclubEscape,fromlastnight.Idunnoabout you,butitwascoolhangingoutwithyou.Areyougoingouthuntingforahusband tonightaswell,oryouarestayingin,andrelaxing? HI (Her nickname). I hope you are well. I was just walking down the street and for somestrangereasonIrememberedyou. Btw,Iwonder...haveyouevermeditated/beentoanyspiritualthing? Use things from your initial conversation, and insert them into your first text message, this way she will know exactly who it is she talking to, and it will reduce your number of unreturnedtexts Donottrytoimpressheroraskheroutinthefirstmessage. Thatfirsttextmessagehastobenormal,cute,andthewholepurposeofitistomakeher reply,soyoucreateaconversation. By inserting a question at the end of a text message, you are dramatically improving the chancesthatshewillreplytoit,becauseyouaremakingiteasyforhertoreply. After she replies, continue the conversation where it left off when you saw her last time. ContinuebuildingTrust/Comfort/Connection.

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Generalrulesofseductionapplyhereaswell. donotbetooneedyforherattention donotaskmillionsofquestions,instead,openupyourself donottalkaboutarelationshipbetweenyouandheruntilSexhappens. Donotappearneedy. Almost every guy is desperate to see her. Not you. You have many girls. You dont care abouther. It may take you few messages to reach a pingpong style of conversation. You will notice they always wait some time before they reply to you. They do not want to appear interested.Youhavetodothesame.Waitafewminutesbeforeyoureply. Every so often, silence will occur in the middle of a conversation. She will stop replying because either you wrote something stupid, or she is testing you. In this situation you havebustonhertogetconversationback.Usethistextmessagetorecover: Aftershedoesntreplyforfewhours: HI, I have to tell you that our relationship is not working for me anymore... I want adivorce!Pleasesendpaperstomylawyers.Youcankeepourcrazykidsanddog, Iwillkeepthehouseandourmoney:)

BeProvocative Whendealingwithhotgirls,youwillhavetobeveryprovocativeintextconversation.Call heroneverypieceofbullshitshetriestocreatewithyou.Pushthemintodefence,letshe explain herself, and every so often, act as though she is doing things because of her problems. Example: Girl:Ineversleepwithaguyinunderamonth.Mylastguywaited3months. You:hmm3months??Thatsveryawkward.IstheresomeproblemIamnotaware?

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Phone conversation is much better then text, its way more personal, it allows you to calibrateyourvoiceandtocalibrateconversationbasedonhermood. Thebiggestproblemwithphonecallslieswithcallingthemoutoftheblue. Especiallyasaveryfirstcontact. Itsimplydoesntworkthewaywewouldwant.Youareneversure:willsheanswer,isshe busy, what is she doing. So you have to call again. If she sees 23 missed calls on her phone, her psycho alarm will go off. Thats one of the reasons why developing good text conversationtobuildtrustandconnection,andthenmovingontothephoneworksbest. Acombinationoftextmessages&phonecallswillgiveyoubestresults. Onceyouaretextingwithherbackandforth,andyoucanfeelsheishomedoingnothing but texting with you, thats a perfect time to call. Announcing that you will call her soon will give her opportunity to isolate herself away from parents / sister / boyfriend / husband. Owwwch... my thumbs hurt from these texts... I have to take a shower anyway, gimme15minutes,Iwillcallyou...Iwannahearyourvoiceaswell. Beforeyoucallher,makeyourselfrelaxed,yourvoicewillsoundwaymorecoolifyouare comfortable. Call her, talk about her day, tell some stories, chat. The purpose of this phone call is to show you are real, create a better connection, and prepare territory for inviting her to meet you. In most cases, she will enjoy conversation a lot. Do not give her everything right now. Fluff for 3045 minutes, get her waiting for more. If you see you haveenoughconnection,andshelovesyou,trytosetupameetingsomekindofactivity ReadmoreaboutthisintheDatingsectionofthisbook Yourpurposeofphonecallsandtextmessagesistogethertomeetyou,dateyou. Once you are dating her or in a relationship, use the phone and text to maintain and controlyourrelationshipwithher.

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Some girls will give you a hard time when you try to setup a meeting or a date. They will playliketheyarebusy,notinterested:thecallmenextweeksyndrome. This is a typical Chasing problem. If you dont give her enough chase on the initial meeting,shewillplayitupoverthephone,otherwise;sheisgivingherselfuptooeasy. With those girls you have 2 options. Keep chasing her, trying for few weeks, or move on newgirl.

She doesnt reply answer your first text message, Usually thats a problem of weak Rapport or a weak first text message. You can send one more 2 days later, but a more provocativeonebustheronherbehaviour.

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