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Children Bible Overview 95 22/2/09



Teachers to read bible scripture: <Est 5-10>

Children to memorize bible scripture: <2Ti 4:18>

Last week, we saw that because Haman wanted to kill all the Jews, Queen Esther hence instructed
all the Jewish people in the city to fast and pray for her for 3 days. Thereafter, she risked her life to
meet the King of Persia.

Three days later, Esther put on her most beautiful royal robes to see the King of Persia. When she
reached the inner court of the palace, the King saw the beauty of Esther and he was pleased with her.
He instructed her to go to him. The king asked, “What matter bring you here to look for me. Even up
to half the kingdom, I will also give to you.” Queen Esther then requested the King to go to a banquet
that she had prepared and to bring Haman, whom he honored, along. When the King heard that, he
agreed. Haman was also overjoyed when he knew about it, thinking that the Queen also favored him.
At the banquet, the King again asked Esther about her request. Esther told the King once again,
“Please come for my banquet tomorrow again. I will surely tell the King my request.” The King agreed.
After the banquet, Haman saw Mordecai at the King’s gate and Mordecai still did not kneel down to
him. He went home in a rage and built a huge gallows with the intention of asking the King to have
Mordecai hanged on it. That night, the King could not sleep. So he ordered one of his men to read to
him the history. Alas, it was then that the King discovered that there was a Jew named Mordecai who
once saved him (recall the story last week) and nothing was done to honor and recognize him. Just at
that moment, Haman came to see the King. The King then instructed Haman to help Mordecai put on
the royal robe, ride a horse and thereafter proclaim to the people in the city, “This is the man whom
the King delights to honor!” When Haman reached home, he was furious! Thereafter, the Queen’s
people hence hurried Haman to attend Queen Esther’s banquet. At the banquet, the King asked the
Queen for the third time regarding her request. The Queen hence replied, “Someone is plotting to
destroy, slaughter and annihilate I and my people.” When the King of Persia heard that, he asked
furiously, “Who is it?” and Esther replied, “It is the vile Haman!” When the King heard that, he was in a
rage and immediately left the banquet to go to the palace garden outside. Haman knelt down before
Esther and begged Esther for his life. The King then came in suddenly and thought that Haman was
disturbing the Queen. He was even angrier and immediately instructed people to have Haman killed.
The King knew that Haman had built a gallows to hang Mordecai. He therefore instructed his people
to have Haman hanged on the gallows. Thereafter, the King wrote a decree that the Jews were not to
be killed. He also gave his signet ring to Mordecai, allowing Mordecai to act according to the King’s
decree, allowing the Jews in the various provinces to kill their enemies. Therefore, on the thirteenth
and fourteenth day of the month of Adar, the day which all the Jews were supposed to be killed, not
only were they not killed, but all their enemies were being destroyed. Mordecai also became the
Prime Minister of Persia and received people’s respect. He also often helped God’s people.
1. Regardless of the problem, God and His people are forever victorious
1) From the story of how Esther became a queen, we can see that: although Esther had
no parents (very pitiful), she eventually became a queen whom God used greatly.
2) From the story of how the Jews’ enemies were destroyed, we can see that: although
Haman had set a date to kill the Jews, the Jews eventually killed all the enemies on
that same day such that the enemies could not attack the Jews.
3) From the story of how Mordecai became the Prime Minister, we can see that:
although Mordecai was well advanced in years, because he revered God and loved
God’s people, Haman who wanted to harm him was killed eventually and Mordecai
became the Prime Minister.
2. Therefore, whenever problems come, what God wants His people to come
together to do joined prayers
1) When all the Jews did joined prayers, God gave Queen Esther courage and wisdom.
Esther went to the inner courts of the palace to see the King boldly and with her
wisdom, also invited him to bring Haman along to the banquet, so as to wait for the
appropriate opportunity to expose Haman.
2) When all the Jews did joined prayers, the King of Persia had a dream that night and
heard that Mordecai had saved him before. He also discovered that he did not honor
and recognize him and hence grew to have a good impression of Mordecai.
3) When all the Jews did joined prayers, the King saw through Haman’s ploy and also
thought that Haman was disturbing Queen Esther. In his rage, he ordered Haman to
be put to death but hanging him on the gallows.

3. Thereafter, not only did the problem go away, greater blessings would also come
1) When God’s people met with a crisis and prayed, God promised that there would be
greater blessings after that. Just like how after the Jews did joined prayers, not only
did they escape from being killed, their enemy, Haman was killed. Even the Jews’
enemies in the various provinces were also killed.
2) Qn: Since God loves us, why does He allow problems to come to us? Ans: This is
because God wants us to rely on Him in our prayers, pray to Him and after that, God
eventually wants us to receive greater blessings.
3) Eventually, we must ponder: How should we pray so that we can experience God
(1) When problems come, we are very fearful and have no peace  pray  see how
God loves us and believe that God wants to bless us
(2) When problems come, we are very fearful and have no peace  pray  see
where we need to correct, submit and follow after knowing
(3) When problems come, we are very fearful and have no peace  pray once 
although the situation does not change, continue to pray till we receive peace in our
(4) When problems come, we are very fearful and have no peace  one person
prays  even if the heart is fearful, find many more others to share the problem and
pray together

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