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'f11E" 1 ( .. .

J tertlage SOCIETY of ESSEX and MIDDLE RIVER (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
Mrs. Laura
He n sl er
Baum, Betty
Bau, Charles
Baumgartner. Alex
Baumgartner. Arthur
Baumgartner. Diane C.
Baumgartner. Helen B.
Baumgartner, Helen T.
Baumj!;artner. Mary
Blackmon, Helen
Blackmon. Wesley B.
Blevins, Linda May
Blum, frances E.
Blum, Frank E.
Blum, .\lladaline
Blum, Mari e E.
Blum, Naida A.
Blum, Ruth Y.
Boone, Dana
Boone, Etta M.G.
Borsos. Virgi nia
Brooks, Doris
Bugatch. Samuel I.
Burkhardt, Amonda
Harry CaUaway
Callaway, Thomas
Cefaloni , John
Cefaloni, Myrtle
Clark, Gent>vit've C.
Columbia, Alan
Connell, Kay
Corey, Mary
Corey. Roland
Crowell. Betty*
Crowell, Jerry*
Crusse, Edward A.A.
Crusse, Josephine
Cecelia Dehne
Thelma DeVaughn
Diggs. John
Dorrett, Ethel
Dudrow, Myrt le
Dunham, Betty
Dunham, Emma
Dunham, Nelson
Evans, Madaline
Mrs. Mary
Gaedkc, Chr is tina
Gaedkc. Sr. Harry
Guttenberger . John
Havrilak. John P.
Hensler. Calvin
Henslt>r, Harry
Hensler. Joan
Hen lt>r, Laura
Henslt' r, Rita
Hensler . Robert L.
Kearns. James T.
Kolbe. ,\>1il lard
Kolbt' . Therese
KopiC' ky. Dorothy
KoiJi<' ky. Elmer L.
Krannebi tter, Gertrude
Krannebitter. Karl
Krs, Evelyn
Levie, Pearl
Lukoski. Casi mir J.
.'vfcCarter. Horace
McCarter. colt
Kathleen Mc Kevitt
:\l art inak, George J.
l ilke. Irene
J.\I rok, Rose
Muenzing, Bessie
Nelson. Lula
ixon, Richard M. *
Oakcl', Evelyn
Oronson, Edith M.
Oronson, .Joseph
Pierce. Audrey
Pierce, Deborah
Pierce. Ht>rbcrt
Pierce. Robin
Pierce, William
Alice Platt
J. Jay Platt
Pugh, Josephine
Pugh, Kenneth
Darleen Raber
Reese, Bernice
Mrs . He le n
Baumgartne r
Reese , Charles
Rizzo, Alice
Rizzo, Ellie
Rul ey, John .I .
Ruppert , Agatha
Ruppert, Darryl
Sadler, Rosalie P.
Scoggins, Earle
Svezzese. Kathy
Taylor, Benjamin
Tut chton. Beatrice C.
Tut chton, James T.
Ward. Alma
Wheat ley, Ann
Williams. Anna
Williams. Pat ricia
Williams, Robert D.
Wolfe, Kay
Wood, Lottie
Workman. Ethel
Young. Callie
Zipkin, Evelyn Ball
"Kitchen Planning Service"
\ (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell) (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
1608, Captain John mith
explored and mapped tht> Chesa-
peake Bay and its tributaries . Lord
Balti more visited Virginia in 1628
and, in all probability, explored this
area, si nce he lat er obtained a
grant on it.
St. Mary's was settl ed in 1634 and
Baltimore County was establi shed
in 1659. At that time, the area
covered by Baltimore County in-
cluded what is now Carroll and
Harford Counties and large part s
of Anne Arundel, Howard and
Frederick Counties.
Ther e wt>r e quit e a few familit>s
living in Baltimore County in l65Y.
One was that of Det mar and Reuska
Stan bury (Standsbury, Stansbor-
ough, Stemborough) and their
small son, Tobi as, who arri ved as
immigrants in 1658.1 At present ,
we do not know the date of the
pate nt granted the St a ns burys nor
exactl y where the ground was
located. We do know there were
Stansburys in the Patapsco Nec k
and Back River Neck sections dur-
ing the middl e and late 1600's. We
also know that Tobias, son of Det-
mar and Reuska Sta ns bury. ob-
tained a patent on 100 acres of
ground known as POPLAR NECK
in 1670, when he was just 17 year s
of age.
A 3,000 acr e patent was grant ed
Thomas Lytfoot on October 26,
1686 and on November 7, 1686 (12
days la ter), 200 of these acres were
s urveyed by a Thomas Scudamore
for Tobias St ansbury, although
this patent was not r ecorded until
1744. These 200 acres were known
as WESTWOOD and, according to
a photostat of the patent in our
possession, it was located bet ween
the "East side of :Vliddlc River a nd
the West side of said river known as
North East Bra nch' '. Thi s wording
is confus ing and could be taken two
ways, (l) that t he ground between
Middle River and the North East
Branch (now Essex) wa then
known as WESTWOOD; and (2)
that the North East Branch was a
branc h of "said river'-, that is
Middle River", sin<:e it is the only
ri ver me ntioned. This, we know, is
incorrect , since it is a branch of
Back River. It is possible the deed
wrongly indi cated Middle River
and the land actually laid between
the East side of Back River and the
West side of orth East Branch, or
the section now known as Chcsacu
Park. This seems to he borne out
6 0th Anniver sary Publication
Published by
The Heritage Socie t y of Essex and Middle River
113 Riverside Road Baltimore, Maryland 21221
Alex Bumgart ner ....... .. . . . ....... Presiden t
Mrs. Laura Hensler ... .... _ ..
Mrs. \1 ary Corey ......... . ..... .... .. Treasurer
'v(rs. Helen Humgartncr . ... . _ .... ..... Secretary
Layout nnd Design by
Milton Parizek and Associate.,
1907 Longview Ave. 8664318
by anot ht>r pat ent obtained by Luke
Stans bury, son of Tobias. whi ch
indi cates WESTWOOD was lo-
cated at the " head of Back River
and West side of Nort h East
In addit ion to WESTWOOD,
Luke Stans bury obtained pate nts
on the sections known as LOTT,
other s.
In tlw Back River Nec k sect ion.
pate nts were obtained by me mbers
of the Stansbury fami li es on BAL-
ANC, STRIFE and a great ma ny
ln 1865, the home of Carville S.
Stansbury, locat ed in Bac k River
burned. The mansion had
been in hi s famil y around 200 year ,
which dat es it to a pproximately
A great deal of time and research
is required in tracing old records,
as most are Located in Annapolis
and St. Mary's. However, as time
goes on, we intend to delve more
deeply into the history of the Stans-
bury family which included at
l east two Generals , General Tobias
Stansbury and General .John E.
Stansbury; a minister, Rev. Tobias
Stansbury, minister of the Metho-
dis t Episcopal Church, on whose
farm, located in Patapsco Neck,
General Ross was killed in the War
of 1812; and Elijah Stansbury,
Mayor of Baltimore City.
l. Tlw Stpt. 13. 1
2 . .Sd!;trf s- ;,f BallinHrt: (: it y and (:;,unt y
This publication on the 60th An-
niversary of the Essex Area,
reflects the Heritage of t he com-
munity. This fi rst souvenir pub-
lication would make an excellent
gift to fri ends and relatives, and
to sons and husbands in the
service of our country, to acquaint
them with our s mall contribution
t o the Heritage of our countr y. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
1. Bell from Vigilant Fire De-
partment Tower (191 7). 2.
Northeast corner of Mace and
Eastern Avenues (1 909). 3. J<itst
residence built in Essex by Mr.
& i\frs. j. Schuster (1909). 4.
Ford Agency in Essex (1929). 5.
Soapbox Race (194 7). 6 . Vigilant
Fire Department (1917). 7. Es-
sex A. C. Baseball Team (1 9 ).
8. Confection store corner East-
ern Avenue and Riverside -Drive
(19 ). 9. Vil!-ilant Fire Depart-
. ment (19 ). 10. Looking West
on Eastern Ave. (191 0).
, j (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)

HE FIH T E EX 5<' hool was opened in
Jan uary 1913 wi th 2R pupils. The building,
lo<'ated at the <orner of Eastern and Taylor
Avenues. was originally built as a s ample house and
was used as a Rt>al b:s tate office.
Mi ss Branford Gis t. principal. arranged with the
Essex \1ethodist Church. the n located on the uppo11ite
corner of Eastern and Taylor Avenues. to rent their
in 1915 to accommodat e morE' thildren.
In l91R. thf' !lehool was relocated in the portable
s< hools at Dorsey and Woodward Drive.
By 1925, the portables were so crowded. the new
s< hotJI was opened at :Vlacf' and Franklin Avenues. An
addition was added to this school in 1942.
First at Ess.-x School-1918-Teache r, 1\frs. Smith
This aerial photo of Essex was taken in 1927 under the direc tion of the Essex School P.T.A. Of particular interest ore (1) Firs t
gro('ery s tore built in 1910, (2) 1\tace Ave, (3) Essex Elem. School built in 1925 (4) Fi rst Home built in 1909, (5) Essex 1\feth oclis t
Church, (6) Sample house which became first school in 1913, (7) Eastern Avenue and (8) St. j ohn'& Lu theran Church. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
Middle River was a " wilderness of farms and swamps'' when in 1892 WiJiiam Louis
Smith (in the inset) built there the hotel that is shown above. Far.,.;ers, fishermen
and a magic lantern show were patrons.
Middle River As A
5-Family 'Town'
By Mrs. Edith Smith Asher
(Reprinted from the Sunday Sun-November 28, 1954)
!DOLE RIVER'S famili es came through he'd have pl enty of
-and houses-could be bus iness. He argued that Middle
counted on one hand back River was a great fi shing hol e, and
in 1892. if there was a good hotel there. he
The family names were Jeffers , could get customer in dro ves.
Hughes, Kimmel, Heldorfer and Middleton did nut materialize.
Smith. But my fatlwr' s hunch was a good
The widow Kimmel and her son one. On week ends during fi shing
made up the third fa mil y: they oper- sea on. every bed in the seven
a ted a tiny grocery two blocks south hotel rooms was ocTupied- and
of the station but on the we t side extra beds were put up. The bar was
of the tra< ks. The George Heldorf. crowded and so was the dining
ers kept a saloon at what is now the room. where. for 50 cents, the ang-
eurner of Euslnn avenue road and lers got huge chic ken dinners.
Harri son boulevard. And my par- Although there was nothing in the
ents, Mr. a nd .\1rs. Will iam Louis nei ghborhood of 1iddle Ri ver ex-
Smith, operated the only hotel in cept farms - Stemmers Run and
" town." Bengie were even small er than our
The Smith Hotel was situat ed on town, and Essex didn' t exist -
the west s ide of the tracks, almost ther e was plenty of business during
directly across from the station. :\1y the week. Farmers, after doing bus-
father built it in the Spring of '92. A iness at the post office which was
wounded Civil War veteran who had operated by my father in the hotel ,
been a hotel keeper in Anne Arundel came into the bar. Salesmen would
county, he'd seen a real-estate ad- stop in for a ni ght. A couple of
vertisement proclaiming that a vast times some people who operated a
development to be called Middleton traveling magic-lantern show were
would be built in the Middle River guests. For some years county Re -
area. publicans held rallies at the hotel ,
mother scoffed. Who' d want too.
tu build in that wilderness And 1 r ecall that when t elephone
i farms and ,-wamps? .\l y father lines wer e goi ng through around
that t>' en if no de,elopment the turn uf the century. we put up
three dozen workers for one winter
at $6 per week per man. At noon. I
recall, my father carried wash boil-
ers of soup and coffee and boxes of
sandwiches out to their work s ite.
I'm glad I grew up in Middle
River. Isolat ed as it was, there was
plenty to do. There was fi shing and
crabbing and swimmi ng in the cl ear
waters of the river itself. There wer e
husking bees on the Wilkinson. Ed-
wards and Hughes farms, all of
them on the present Y.lartin land; I
can still taste the big farm suppers
and hear the music of the fiddl es as
the young people danced.
We learned our ABC's at Orem'.s
School, the one-room public school
that was a mile's walk from home
between Middle River and Stem-
mers Run. Miss Sarah Pielert was
the teacher there. One of my class-
mates and close fri ends, Dori s ::Vlill
ing, is a prominent c iti zen in the
town today. ow she' s Mrs. Dori s
Cross, the Middle River librarian.
By the time the new century ar-
rived :viiddle River was growing-
although why, 1 can' t say. I s uppose
there were a dozen new res idents by
1900, including the community's be-
loved doctor for so many years, Dr.
Harrison. He had t he firs t telephone
in town, 1 re member. Harri son
boul evard, is named for him.
After 1900 T commuted to town
every day to s tud y at the Stat e
Nor mal School. then lu<atcd at
Carrollton and Lafayette avenues .
I took the train; my father wouldn't
allow me to take the s treetcar which
paralleled Eastern avenue, the n a
shell road. He didn' t like the street-
car because it pas ed by Hollywood
Park, an amusement <ent er at the
north end of the Back Ri ver bridge.
He didn't like it for several reasons,
one of which was that he had
actuall y seen a woman chewing
gum there!
When I graduated in 1904 1 be
gan a thirteen- year tour as the
teacher at the public chool at
Bengies. It was in 1917 that 1
moved with my mother into the city.
Dad had died in 1911 , but s he had
kept on with the hotel. Then in 1917
the railroad bought it so a siding
could be put in on its sit e. That
never happened. Latet. the rail-
road sold the site for houses t bat
are now surrounded by a thri v
community. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
Historical Sketch of
lnformation received from :\1rs. Herbert Dieckman
HE RESIDE T of Bac k Ri ver eck, most of
whom were farmers. had no place to worship
nearer than Orems M.E. Church. which was
about eight mil es away. Since this was th<' era of the
horse and buggy, it was considered quite a long driv<'.
About the year 1870, the residents with some aid from
the county built a school house on the site of the iJres-
ent Back Ri ver e<'k School. This was also used as a
place of worship.
About 1882, efforts to begin services agai n were
su<'cessful and through the cooperation and leadership
nf Rev. W. G. Hedges, pastor of the Great Fa lls Circuit
of the .VI .E. Church, and the junior pastor. Rev. Charles
Bryan, services were held regularly e very two weeks.
with the pastor and junior pastor alternating.
The work continued to grow in interest. althou:rh
few in number. Then a co mmittee was formed under
the leaders hip of tht> pastor to plan for a building in
which to worship.
The building was erected by Mr. John haffer with
the assistance of Mr. Hax, a carpenter. Bdore the fram-
ing was fini s hed, th e farmers went to Baltimore (lll
March 7, 1888 and hauled all the necessary millwork
from W. D. Gill. This included doors, frames, win-
dows, flooring, wainscoting, etc. The wainscoting was
used ins tead of plaster for the walls and ceiling. The
equipment and furni shings of the new building con-
sisted of kerosene lamps for lighting, a large coal or
wood burning stove for heating, window shades wert>
hung at all windows, a raised platform with Jecturn and
altar rail, an organ and sufficient pews for the audi-
The churc h was dedicated August 12, 1888. The
name selected was Back River M.E. Church and was
officially connected with and served by the minis ters
of the Great Falls Circuit. This section automatically
admitted it to the Baltimore Conference of the M.E.
Church. The dedication sermon was preached by Rev.
William Herbert of Caroline St. M.E. Church, Balti-
more. His subject was taken from Psalm 122 and part
the first church was
of the sixth verse: " They shall prosper that lovc Thee".
The Sunday School grew too large for t he building
and it became evident that a nothrr room mus t be
addPd. It was dec ided to raise the building and build a
room under it. Thi;: necessitated jac king the buildin:r
high enough to give head room. then enclosing the
room with a concrete block foundation. Mr. John
Wright agreed to do the work and as a result. a largt>
Wl'll-lighted room was available.
On und ay morning. February 26, 1928, everyone
was horrified to see the church building on fire. In
one hour's time, nothi ng remained but a smnuldt>ring
mass of ashes. A few chairs were salvaged but all else
was a total loss.
Expressions of sympathy came from many sources,
together with immediate offers of assistance to fin-
a nce a new and better building. The first offer re-
ce ived was from :\1rs. Frederic k Josenhans to use her
hall as a place of worship unti l the new bui lding was
ready. Tht> new building was compl eted and dedicated
in eptember 1928. By 1938 additional room was
needed and a room was added to the back of the pres-
ent building.
Jn 1939. the name was changed to Back River Meth-
odist Church, as a result of the uniting of three branches
of ;\lethodis m.
The Back River Church differs somewhat from the
average church because the attendance increases dur-
ing the summer season. :\1any shore residents desi re to
attend church and there is always a spirit of welcome
here. ~ (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)

!l!jji!!!@@lliiii ii @II III @II IIIIJI IIII
II' !Ill
By Janet Reel ing-(formcr teacher at Mars Estat<'S)
" . ;, .-\:'\Y YE.-\RS \GO. the in- The Philadelphia Ruad is one of In 1907, the store on the corner
l>l -.,. of 11ur lommuni t \ the old<:!st highways into the eit y. of Back River eck Road and Old
r edskinned It was an indian trail which was Eastern Avenue was sold to Fred-
men wtw '' ere knuwn as "Tillers surveyed in 1787 by John Eager erick Josenhans, an outsider from
of the soir. These indians. the Howard. It was called the Old Post the city. His official trademark be-
:\antic-ukes. and Mat- Road and mail was carried over it came "The Busy Corner- The Bee-
tawas. were peaceful due, mainly, by stages between Was hington and hive of Industry". To this day, this
to the humane laws of the Calverts. New York. Many visitors travell ed ar ea is known as " Josenhans'
In our parl y days, areas were to Washinbrton by stagecoach and Corner". Soon a building was con-
known as parishes. A pari sh was General Washington often rode to structed which served as a livery
divided into '"hundreds"' and once t he Continental Congress in Phil- stable while upstairs was a com-
a year a levy tax list was made of adelphia. This road was chosen be- munit y hall in which were held
the taxable residents of each hun- cause it was the shortest route be- social and political meetings, and a
dred. Taxable residents were all tween Philadelphia and Baltimore dance studio called the Rossville
free residents who owned fifty with fewer dangerous places and Academy. The post office at this
a res of land or a " visible estat e" hills to mount. It has also been time was located at Rossville.
of not less than fort y pounds. These called the Great Eastern. Along This was known as the horse and
tax-payers were called upon by the thi s route weary travellers stopping buggy day. A popular vehicle of
sheriff to appear at the courthouse at an inn or tavern would read a this t ime was the Phaeton Wagon
to choose delegates to the General bill of fare such as: which was used to carry people
Assembl y. fr om the trolley line, which was ex-
There were no formal churches t ended to Middle River, to the
or schools. The circuit rider would Tavern Rates pleasure shores. With the advent of
come as often as possibl e and automobiles, gasoline tanks were
prayer meetings were held in river ON OLD POST ROAD added to the store and a jitney* bus
cabins. By 1774, the population had Hot Dinner wi th beer or cider- replaced the Phaeton Wagon (*]it
l:,'rown so extens ively. that a church 2 shiltinl!s means nickel - the fare was five
was needed. Land was deeded and Cold Dinner wi th beer nr l'ider - cents). A woman, Lil Klima, brought
the firs t Methodis t Church in this
pence the first ones to Baltimore and be-
country was founded on Orems Breakfast or supper with green came known as " Ji tney Lil".
Road. Its' minister, Francis As-
pence The site upon which Mars Estates
bury. became our first bishop. School now stands was once an ice
Along the beautiful shores of
Back River was found Paradise
Farm belonging to E. Taylor. The
old colonial farmhouse was sur-
rounded by rolling countryside. In
1860-l , it was rented to Mr. Tutch-
Ten years after Cove Point
opened, part of the land was sold
for St. Stephens African Methodist
Epi scopal Church which was
er ected on the corner of Back River
Neck Road and Old Eastern Ave-
nue. The church and cemetery still
The post offi(' e was located at the
Stemmers Run Station of the Penn-
sylvania, Wilmington and Balti-
more Railroad. The population was
approximately 350. The Locust
Grove Iron Furnace , which pro-
vided arms for the war, managed to
employ about 100 hands. A store
owned by the \ralters Brothers was
11pened ac-ross from the church and
the post office was moved there.
Farther out on these roads are pond belonging t o the Romberg
many pleasant farms and country famil y, for whom its st reet was
r esidences. The quality of the soil named.
lends itself to the cultivation of Soon there was need of a larger
vegetables and fruits (truck farm- school so, in 1908, a "new" two-
ing). The roads were laid with room schoolhouse was opened.
oyst er shells which, pulverizing There was one teacher for eight
under the heels of vehicles and classes, approximately fifty chil-
hoofs of horses, formed a bed of un- dren. Attendance at school was sea-
surpassed smoothness and solidity. sonal. During planting and harvest-
The shell road led from the city ing season, the children were
to Back River through charming needed at home. In wintertime, the
scenery at the heads of inlets of roads were impassable. Often the
the bay. There are numerous publ ic children walked to school , their feet
resorts and the drive is very pop- wrapped in heavy sacks. Before
ular with t he people of the c ity. and after school , boys would de-
In 1888, because of the growth of li ver papers and mail over the ice
on skates.
population, Back River Methodist
Church was built.
In 1895, during the period called
the "Gay Nineties", the trolley
line from the cit y was extended to
Back Rjver Bridge. Hollywood Park,
sort of an oasis at the end of the car
line. was built for local recreation
and picnics.
For entertainment, the young
people would travel to different
houses for parties, dancing to
bands, the gramaphone or the
player piano.
,.. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
was dedicated on Sunday, May 2,
1948, in me mory of 18 Essex boys
who were killed in World War II.
These boys were: Adam Amend;
Robert S. Dean; Joseph H. Dutter-
weich; C. Hessenaur; Melvin H.
Lindsay: Theodore P. Merling:
William H. Ritter, Jr.; Andrew J.
Wermsdorfer : Fra nk J. Rutowski;
Robert R. Bennett , Jr.: George C.
Dehne; J. Griffit h, George E.
Krueger; Walter Lamka: Earl E.
Martin; Henry H. rhwinn; Wil-
liam Wciderman and Joseph C.
The Barre, Vt. granite memorial,
signed and executed by Frank E.
Hammaker of Towson, is 14 feet
high and 8 feet across its base.
Within the cornerstone is a copper
box containi ng a scroll bearing the
names of over 800 Essex Veter-
ans. a bible and other momentos.
lt is erected on a plot of ground
leased from the Young .\len's
Democratic Club for l c for a period
of "99 years plus 99 years.
Donations for the memorial and
an Endowment Fund for mainten-
ance were raised by the Essex
Memorial Assn., Inc., formed in
1946 under the leadership of
Neeley Hurley. Workers on the
fund raising were: Mrs. Elizabeth
Crusse; Mr. & Mrs. Louis Engle;
Mr. William S. GPorge: Mrs. Lil-
lian Hughes: Mr. Neeley Hurley;
Mr. & Mrs. Her bert Keiser: Mr. &
Mrs. Melvin D. Lind ay: Mr. John
Roth and :Vlrs. Anna Walters.
Arcrue K. Price was chairman of
the parade which preceded the
dedication. Some of the participants
in the parade, which began at the
east end of Back River Bridge and
dis banded at Stuart Street, were:
State and County Motorcycle
Police; The U.S. Marine Band; The
llSth Inf. Reg. H.Q. Company of
g the Maryland National Guard from
Towson; The 327th Army Band,
Color Guard and Firing Squad from
Edgewood Che mical Arsenal: The
American Legion Band,; Our Lady
of Mt. Carmel Band; the 29th
Drum & Bugle Corp. s ponsored by
mahder Veterans Foreign Wars:
John .\1cGuire, Judge Advocate-
Our Lady of i\[t. Carmel CWV Post
706 and William J. DeWitt , Com-
mander-Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
CWV. The Invocation was given by
Rev. Leo Techlenberg of St. Johns
Lutheran Church: the Dedicatory
Prayer by Rev. John Schauer of
Zion Evan. Lutheran Church and
the Dedicatory address by William
C. Wright, State Chaplain of the
Veterans Foreign Wars.
The Memorial Service was read
by Rev. John Velasco of the Trinity
Protestant Episcopal Church. As
Master of Ceremonies J . William
McAvoy called out the 18 names on
the Memorial , 18 girls from the
Essex Yle morial VFW Post 2621;
fir e trucks fro m Arbutus, Rosedale,
Midd le borough and Rockaway
Beach, as well as numerous other
civic groups.
Junior Forest Rangers George E.
Larrimore (than 18) and Frank A.
Baltusis (then 15) were Honor
Guards on each side of the Memor-
ial during the ceremonies, which
were broadcast over Station WSID,
Master of Ceremonies was .f.
William McAvoy and speakers
were Charles Buscher. State Com
Essex Youth Center, dressed in
wrute, one by one placed a long-
stemmed carnation at the base of
the monument. Three volleys were
fired by a squad of soldiers from
the Maryland Military District and
the Benedict ion was given by Rev.
Francis Wagner, Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel Church.
Each year , ori Memorial Day,
services are held here by the
various V cterans organizations.
Flowers are placed throughout the
year by Connelly's and Brudzinski's
Funeral Homes.
DEDICATIOI'i-ESSEX WAR MEl\10RIAL-)IAY 2,1948: Mr. Harry Feldner, of
Fr anklin Avenue-Essex, donated this pic ture to the Heritage Society. He took it
from the roof of his father-i n-l aw's hardware stor e (JUilke's). l\1r . Feldn er works for
the News-American and was r esponsibl e for the news items on the Essex War Mem-
orial which appeared in the paper at thai time. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
Lady of Mount Carmel
Church begin with the Bap-
tism of Frances Victoria Doughert y
the daughter of Edward Doughert y
and Florence Hawkins on ovem-
ber 14, 1893. The Baptism was ad-
ministered by Father Carroll W.
Curri er who ca me to the new mis-
sion in Middle Ri ver from Saint
.Joseph's, Fullerton, .\1aryland each
Sunday. The first wedding per-
formed in the nt> wly founded pari sh
was that of Charles Mohr and Maria
Haut on Februar y 6, 1894.
The parish was mainl y composed
of German stock. The second pastor
was Father George Tragesser who
was followed by Father Franc is
Wunnenber g. The fourth Pastor
Compliments of
MURDOCK 6-4055
7122 Gold e n Ring Rd. Esse x, Md. 21 221
Fresh Cut Lunch Meat
Jo's Grocery
'i\on . .So1. S-8 Sunday 9 -6
was Father Francis Flanigan. Dur-
ing these years the pari sh grew
very slowly and was still mainly
rural in nature.
Father J ohn Connell y was the
fifth Pastor. He was followed by a
man who was to have a major part
in molding the pari s h into a large
self supporting; subu rban Parish.
This man was Monsignor Nicholas
J aselli. T he period of his Pastorate
covers a period from 1919 to 1949. It
was during his pastorate that the
small wooden church which stood
where the present hedges and lawn
are, was torn down and the corner
stone of the lower church and bell
tower was laid on October 3, 1920.
The present upper church was
added in 1937.
In 1925 the first section of the
Pari sh Element ary School was built
contai ning four classrooms and an
auditorium. The first class grad-
uated in 1927. Sister Philomena was
the principal. The class was com-
posed of s ix boys and five girls:
Earl Hughes, Edward Kedj eski,
Walter Grebe, William Kraft , John
Pfeiffer, Francis Jones, Thelma
Helldorfer, Catherine Me Vey,
Amelia Freidel, Katherine Arms
worthy, and Anna Kroning (Sister
Francis Joseph O.S.F.) The second
principal of the sehool was Sister
The Pastorate of Mons ignor .l as-
elli was followed by that of Monsig-
nor C. Carroll Kerr who began the
construction of the lung await ed
High School in 1 YSH. The school re-
ceived its first class of students in
September 1959 of 85 Freshmen.
There were two teachers Sister
Leonita, Prineipal and Sister
Carmel Joseph. Monsignor Kerr
died befor e he ever saw the build-
Friendly owned and operated in
Essex for over 25 yrs.
~ ~ S t . t
When in Towson visit our
718 York Rd. VA. 5-8617
ing which he planned in use. Fi nal
arrangements were made by the
new Pastor Father J ohn .\1urphy
who added the gymnasium in 1962.
In June of 1963 Father J ohn Murph y
was elevated to the title of "Rt.
Rev. Monsignor."
The Elementar y School now corn
prises three sect ions with a stu-
dent enrollment of 757. There ar e
twelve sister s and nine lay teach-
ers. Recent Principals have been
Sister Alma Regi na, Sister Agnes
Eileen, Sister Teresiana, and the
presP.nt principal Sister Alma.
The High School graduated its
first class in 1963. J:he present
enrollment is 275 representing at
least 30 differe nt parishes. There
are six sister and four lay teachers.
The parish soc ieties are the Hol y
Name, Sodality, Confraternity of
Christi an Doctri ne, Catholic Youth
Or ganization, Altar Boys, Adult
and Boys Choirs, Ushers, Lectors,
and the newly organized Parish
The present Pastor is Monsignor
John J. Murphy, his Associates ar e
Father Robert Keller and Father
Thomas Bevan.
Beautv Salon
MURDOCK 7-5313
Always a Friendly
Expert Hair St yling
& Coloring
ESSEX, MD. 2 1221
' J (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
AUGUST 3-4, 1957
Baltimore count y fire official
today began probing the ruins of an
Essex shopping center, seeking the
cause of a blaze that gutted seven
business firms and a br anch bank
and inflicted damage estimated at
more than $1,000,000.
The ten-alarm blaze was dis-
covered Saturday night, less than
an hour aft er some of the fir ms had
closed for the weekend, and raged
out of control for about six huurs.
Firefighters were still on duty at
the scene today, guarding against
any fresh outbreak of flames among
the de br is. The fl ames had burned
through the roofs of all but a super-
market on the east end of the cen-
ter , on the south side of the 500
block Eastern boulevard.
Roland Pie!, Baltimore count y
building engineer, today began an
inspection of the shopping center
to determine whether all of the
buildings would have to be razed.
Steel support girders wer e
twisted out of shape by the heat,
and walls had collapsed inwar d.
Street-level floors that burned
throu gh, dropped displays into the
basements of t he buildings owned
by the realty firm.
Firemen said the center and con-
tents of the various stores were a
total loss.
Police unofficiall y put the amount
of cash in the bank at S250,000, but
officials of the Fidelity-Baltimore
National Bank said no esti mat e
would be made public.
William B. Alexander, vice-
president of the bank, said he was
confident the money was safe,
since the vault has a fir e door and
is embedded in concrete.
Besides the branch bank, the
center contained a Read's drug-
store, the Hen Franklin vari ety
store, Acm<' and A.&P. super-
markets, Arnold"s .\'l en's and
Women's Shops. a furniture and
bedding storage warehouse used
by the Car-Mor Company, and a
business office of the Chesapeake
and Potomac Tell"phone Company
beneath the drugstore.
Deputy Chief F. Lee Cockey, of
the 13altimorc count y Fire Depart-
ment, said the blaze a pparently
originated in the middle of the
shopping center in the Car-Mor
Company warehouse beneath the
Arnold stores, t hen spread up and
outward to the block
wit hin an hour.
Flames leaped 100 feet :;k,ward
at the height of the blaze. flying
embers dropped OYer a wide area.
but no fires were started.
All avai lable traffi( polic-e in the
county wer e rushed to Essex
area to cope with the traffic narl
that developed. They dosed East-
ern boulevar d from .\lace avenue on
t he west to Marlyn avenue on t he
east to traffi c until yesterday after-
The curious driving to the area
to see the ruins added to the heavy
traffic going to the water-front re-
sorts and at times vehicles were
backed up t wo abreast for mor e
than a mile westward.
. Six Baltimore county policemen,
aided by four auxiliary policemen,
were detailed to guard the ruins
today. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)

Methodist Church
founded 1913
URI G JUJ\'E 1913. t he people of Essex
decided they wanted a Church.
They rented a tent and a vacant lot and a
three weeks' r evival was held. Twelve persons were
received as members of t he New Organization, and
from these was elect ed the first Board of Trustees :
J. C. Tutchton, Samuel T. Briggs, Frank F. Foulke,
John A. Zimmerman . .John A. Hughes, John R. Camp
bell and Charl es R. Reidt, Sr.
Tlu ee lot s were donated to thi s worthy cause by the
Essex Realt y Cu. on the corner of Eastern and Taylor
Avenues. Wit h $25.00 in the treasury, donated by five
of the Trustees, and faith in God, work on the Church
was begun. The cornerstone was laid August 3, 1913.
Dr. J. St. Clair Neal, the Di strict Superintendent , had
charge of the servi C'PS and on Sunday afternoon, J an
uary 18. 1914. a completed church was dedi cated to
the service of God. The dedication sermon was
preachPd by Rev. Don S. Col t , Pastor of Madison
Square Methodist Church, Baltimore, Md.
The period from July 1932 could correctly be called
the greatest period of advancement and achievement
of this Church. With the support and fine cooperation
of the members and all Church organizations, fine
progress has been made.
In 1941, the pa rsonage was built next to the church.
It was financed by donations and free-will offerings.
During the 40's, the liLLie church began to fast outgrow
the on Eastern A venue and its officials began
to dtscuss the advis ability of enlarging the church. At
about this same time. Eastern A venue was com-
men; ialized and dual lanes were C'onstructed. A decis
ion was then made to sell the t hree lots belonging to
the churC' h and purchase a new site at Mar yland Ave
nue and Woodward Drive. The parsonage was moved
from Eastern Avenue to its present location, on the
ortheast corner of Maryland A venue opposite the
church. It was much less expensive to move the old
hu ild ing than to construc t a new one.
The ceremony of breaking ground for the new
church bui lding took place on Sunday afternoon, Feb-
ruary 3, 1946 at 3:00 P.M.
The service was opened by t he reading of the 121st
Psalm by the pastor, Rev. Warren E. Reese, which
was followed by the singing of the hymn "The Church' s
One Foundation" .
The fir st shovelful of earth was lift ed by Mrs.
Frank Foulke, the oldest member of the congregation.
She was followed by Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Bollack, the
next .oldest in point of membership. The fourth shovel-
ful of earth was lifted by Mr. William Tutchton, repre
senting t he Tutchton family, a group which played a
prominent part in the early church history.
This day will live long in the memories of those
haYe worked these many years to give the people
ot E::::::ex a church edi fice that will not onlY be a thinu
of beauty but a factor in the life of the
Essex Methodist Church-1913
In February 1946, while awaiting the construction of
the new building, the church began holdina its services
' h
m w at was formerly used by the government as a
Rat ion Board. During one of Mr. Reese' s first sermons
in the Ration Board location, he told the congregation
he_ understood many people had lost their religion in
th1s ver y room during its former use and hoped now
they would also find their religion there.
The cornerstone fur the new church was laid on
Easler Sunday, April 21, 1946. Dr. Fr ed C. Reynolds,
the District Superintendent, was the speaker for the
oc_casiun. At last the congregation had made its pil-
grrmage through the wilderness and into the promised
land. On November 3, 1946, the basement of the new
church was used for wors hip services for the fir st time.
On July 18, 1948, the new sanctuary was put to use
and Dr. Charles Phillips, Dist. Supt. , conducted the
Consecration Ser vice on August 1, 1948.
Rev. Arthur L. Hunter , was appointed to the church
in February 1962. Many improvements were made
through his guidance. At his s uggestion, a stained
glass chancel window was installed and or gan chimes
were purchased. During the 11 o' clock service on
Dece mber 9, 1962, the window was dedicated in
honor of former pastor Warren E. Reese. The chimes
were dedicated in honor of Mrs . Reese, who had
wor ked faithfull y with her husband the many years
they ser ved Essex Methodist Church.
On the 50th Anniversary, the church membership
was 1, 125 and 875 were enrolled in the Sunday SchooL
Essex Me thodist Church - 1969 (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
From .!JOOth Anniversury Book of Baltimore County
"""""""",...... ..
1726 and 1730. Jlhn
England of the Principio Cu. of CeciJ Coun t).
an a sol' iation of British Iron.\last ers. mer
chants and capitalists, gave Captain Augusti ne Wash
inj...rton (fatlwr uf George Washington) an int erest in
the Principio Co. in return for the right to operate the
Washington Iron Ore !\lines in Stafford Count y,
In 1734, a Colonel Sheredine erected a furnace on
the Kings bury Lands at the head of Bac k River . This
was IJUrchased by t he Principio Co. around 1744. A
mansion was built on Race Road, probably by the
Principio Co. for Mr. Washington, to be usN! as a
stop-over house.
Dr. Charles Carroll of Annapolis sold his Lanea
shire Furnac-e and 8.200 acres of ground to the Principio
Co. in 1751. The jl;round was lo1ated bPtween .\Iarsh
River, Back River and .\Iiddle River and t he purl'hase
was s igned hy Lawrence Washington. son of Capt.
Augustine Washington anti half-brother of George
Lawrence Washington died in 1752. willing his
brother, Augusti ne II. his stock interest and estate in
the Principio, Accokeek, Kingsbury, Lancashire and
North East [ ron Works in Viq.rinia and :VIaryland.
Augus t inc II and his half-brot her, George Washing
At right: ut>rinl photo of
Wulh Lumber <.:o., looking outh.
Golden Roatl is in lowf'r ri,-cht
hand c-orn-r traffic going
throul(h Pe nna, R. R. unde rpass
inco Ste mmers Run Ro ad. Walsh
Lumber Co. is J>i ctured at top lefl.
The Ore !\line was
located Y.. north of the rail-
roud station (roughly in the lower
l('ft C"Orne-r o f p ic-t urf'). !\line was
operated the yurs 1845
County Directories of Maryland, Inc .
ton. were aetive in the mining business, and it is
claimed they used this house many times on their
inspect ion tours of the iron furnaces on Back River.
ln 1780; the .\Iaryland General Assembly eized
and confiseated all British property in the State, in
eluding that of the Principio Co. The confiscation act
declared " that a certain Mr. Washington. a subject
nf Vi rginia, is entitled one-twelft h (1/12) part thereof, .. ".
The StatP sold a 750 acre tract known as 'Buck's
Range" to Job Garretson. In 1793 . .\1r. Garretson sold
this acreage to Capt. Ullrich B. Stammer.
Stemmers Run took it s name from Capt. Stammer
or Strmmer, and the house became known as the
Stemmer House. Capt. Stemmer was called "The
:VIerchant Prince" although it was never proved he was
attually a pirate who had, on IHTasion, sailed with
Blackberud. Stemmers Run. at that time, was a
ablP river. and it is believed Capt. Stemmer used it to
hide his ship from the au thoriti es.
The house and ground remained in the Stemmer
family until 1850 when it was sold to Robert Howard.
an iron mast er who worked the iron forges.
The house fell into disrepair in the earl y 1900's
and was purC' hased in 1929 by Mrs. Austin IcLana
han. who had it dismant led, brick-by-brick. and re
built on Caves Road in Owings .\!ills.
Nat ionul Beer' a Antique Truck-This 1924 Chevrolet truck ha$ been
restored by ThP Bre wing Co. In perfect condition it
is useti regularly in Patadcs, Promotions and for delhe ry of National
Brewing Co. products. Spec ifications: 1924 Chevrolet , 4 Cylinder, 18
Horlif"power. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
First Special Police Officer
By Carrie Wood Lawton
"Stanley Dealer"
Y FATHER, J amt> W.
Wood, wa born in 1847,
and was the fir t special
police officer in t his ection of
Balt imore County. He was ap-
pointed about 1898-1899 and con-
tinuf'd until his death in 1919. His
terr itor y covered White Marsh,
Cowenton, Chasc
, Bengies, Middle
River, Essex, Rosedale and Colden
Ring to Holl ywood Park, where he
was stat ioned nearl y every day in
the summer.
hlrs. l\l illie Wood hlr. J ames Wood
We lived at Chase and Bengies
and my father drove a horse and
buggy to Middle River or to J osen-
han's wher e he stabled it until time
to return home. The street cars took
him and his prisoners to the jail.
If it was a long trip, he sometimes
stayed overni ght at the home of
Harry Tutchton.
Any arrest he made was taken to
Magistrate Gibson of Chase, Md.
(father of Battalion Chief Wa lter
Gibson of the Essex Fire Dept. re-
cently deceased) or to the Canton
Poli<:e Station. If anyone was sen-
t enced to a longer ter m, he had to
deliver them to the jail at Towson-
town, as it was then called.
In 1903, he went to make an ar-
rest of a woman who was having a
problem over some property upon
which a school was built. he asked
if she might go to the stable to
feed her horses before she left and
my father agreed. On her r eturn,
she had taken a revolver from a
market wagon and opened fire.
Three bullets struck my father, but
he managed to grasp her hand and
the rest were fired in the air. One
bullet landed in t he shoulder pad
of his coat, one near the colarbone
and one near the hip. The one
near the coll arbone traveled down
but it ,,as removed and the
other was still lodged in hip
until he passed away. He di d not
ftr e back at her and st ill drove her
to the st reet cars until someone
else relieved him.
He and his fi rst wife were mar-
ried in the old Orems Church. They
had ft ve cltildren before she passed
away. He remarr ied and had four
more children. This wife also
passed away. Later he married
my mother who had ten children,
she lived in Essex on Taylor Ave-
nue for 37 years and was called
Ma Wood by t he old timers. Two
of his second wife's children ar e
still li ving and eight of my mot her's.
There are 29 grandchildren living
and 46 great-grandchildren. Two
sons served in World War I and 8
grandsons in World War II , with
one great-grandson now serving in
the Marines.
ln my father's earlier days, he
wore the old Keystone Cop type
uniform, but later wore plain
clothes. He was 72 at the time of
his death.
"Let Kean keep it clean"
Phone: (301) 687-2250
21220 (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
Above- Glenn L. Martin River
Plant under const r uction, 1929.
Right -Aerial vi e"' as completi on nears,
Augustl929. Below- PM-1 Flying Boat
at !\tort ins 193 0.
' :.:.
. .,, ''-:,:;-' .,. .
.. - .......
The Heritage _
and Middle Rc
community in -
60th Annit:epo
all pause f or
fleet the hen
and look fo ra:
and glorious :
Through these
our past, wit h p er.
times a s they
create the commun i:_
great thought in mind
but our herit age to t (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
fil. t pride that
:ety of Essex
;oins with the
brat ion of its
May we
ment t() re -
of our past
a greater
e find glimpses of
recounting of the
in the stru:rooie to o d a ~ B earing
presen# o.:loda_ ... u
Above-"Cigar & News Stand" Eastern
Ave. and Riverside Drive i n 1923.
Left-Josenhans corner in the year of
1925. Be low- Vigilant Fire Truck at
518 Eastern Blvd. in 1 914.
Left-Ere cted before the Revolutionary War at Mace and
Franklin Avenues this su rveyors stone of ' Hines Purc hase' still
st ands. Below- First general store built in Essex, corner Mace
and Eastern Aves. by Henry Guttenberger, 1910. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
60TH Am
ESSEX- "909-1969
a ... l<i
The Heril(
and Middle ..

60th ..4nni
all ptuue fo,
fl-eet the her
and look fo
and glorious
t pride that
"'Y of Euex
- joiiUI1CJith th4!
rati.onof it
ror .llay we
._.ment ltJ
- of our prut
to 0 veater
ThrouKh 1N' find of
our p<ut, acith p#'rl ..J of
time a. tlu!y ltapJl- ..-1 ia tM .flruqle to
create the commun &a 11 u roda.Y. B earin
great thought in ml dw _,./toJ.a . ..-U
but our herita#e ro (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
Out Fir st Churc h - 1 867
with them. So it was that Elders
Louis Freund and Joh n Rosengarn,
on December 19, 1866. secured a
loan and purchased for $800 the
abandoned Howard's Chureh and
the two acres of land on which it
stood. The building was refitted
for heat ing;, and a fter other es-
sential repairs, the fi rs t wors hip
services wer e cond ucted on j anu -
ary 21, 1867.
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
from their Centenial Book 1867- 1967
OUR PAST- Prior to the Civi l War Pastor William Zeiler was call ed
period, the pre ent Middle River in 1892 a nd brought to fr uitation
area was an industrial eenter , several of the dreams of the or ig-
linkcd to the operation of the Lo- ina! elders. Du ring his minis tr y
cust Grove Iron Furnace, located on of twelve years. a Womens' Guild
Race Road. Earl y re(ords show that was organized (1892). and the or ig;-
a Mr. Howard , part owner of the ina! Howard's Churc h was r azed to
sme lters, had a s mall C' hunh built make room on the same s ite for the
on company property where em- con truction of a new church
ployees and thei r families could building. ix acres of land adjaeen t
worship as they chose. to the c hurch site and cemetery
Our records indicat e t hat famil y was purchased. The new churc h
meetings took place as early as was dedicated on Octobf:'r 25, 1896
1865 between those who were to as " Evangelical Zions Church".
found our congregation. In Oc- the name whieh still appears on the
tobcr 1865, a constitution was cornerstone.
adopted. esta blishing t he " Free Beginning in 1910, regular Eng-
and Independent Evangelical How- !i sh services were conducted on
ar d Congregation... Sunday aft ernoons in addition to
By-laws wc:-re adopted in late the traditional worship in Germa n.
September 1866 and the uame of The Churc h School grew in s ize
the congregation was changed to until a ne w c hurch Hall was con-
" The United Germa n Lutheran and st ructed in 1925. In October of
Refor med Churc h". A tlw con- 1923, the church was electrified ,
gregation blossomed, they sought a and the interior of the sanc tuary
placl' of wors hi1) whic h could grow was refu rbished in 1925. The

.. . ESTABUSHED 1947

I ('
B. J. Beauty Sal on
Rexall Drug Store
201 Bollard Ave. E$$ex, Md. 21220
807 EASTERN AVE. 687-1515
Church was enlarged in 1927, and a
new Bartholdy pi pe organ was in-
stalled. On J une 6. 1930, the name
of the church was changed to
"' Zion Eva ngeli cal Lu t hera n
In 1956 the Parish Hall was en-
larged to house the growing Church
School, wh ich had expanded to in-
clude classes through Senior Hi gh
During the late SO's, dialogue
was already in progress between
the Evangelical & Reformed
Church and the Congregational
Chris tian Church, toward effect ing
a denominat ional union. With t he
finalization of this merger , the con-
gregation became a member of the
new denomination, T he United
Church of Christ.
By 1964 rebuild ing of t he church
had been completed to include in-
cr eased foundation to support
brick outer walls. Repair and mod-
erate redesign of the steeple fac-
ing materially add to the appear-
ance of the building. ew front a nd
s ide steps and new doors provide
added advantage in both design a nd
safety. Comprehensive interior im-
proveme nts also have been made
throughout bot h the churc h and
parish hall.
Our church building, though
standing on the same site as did t he
tiny Howard' s Church, is new in
terms of its physical capabilities.
Our congregation, though firmly
rooted in the tradition of the Re-
format ion, is growing and energetic.
And so it must be as we approach
the growing c hall enges of a com-
munity which still cont inues to
change, even one-hundred years
beyond t he beginning of t his story.
Our Chur ch Today (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
When Essex Was Young
I h ave rnany inter esting and
enj oyable rnernories of rny
childhood in Essex.
When my family moved to Upper-
landing Avenue in 1914. Herb
Brawner, who lived on Savannah
Avenue, came to meet the famil y
with the greeting " Hello, my
name's Herb. What's yours?" Herb
became my fi rst boyfriend and
later we wer e partners in selling
peanuts and popcorn at Hollywood
There were six children in my
family and when the last was about
to be born I, being the eldest,
walked from U pperlanding A venue
to Dr. Mace's home on Ridge Road,
approximately 3 miles. When I got
there, the Doctor was out but Mrs.
Ylace asked me to wait. After the
Doctor returned, he drove me home
in hi s Stanley teamer and, shortl y
thereafter, the baby was born. The
Doctor's fee for delivery was $10.00
and Mrs. Flaherty from Canton
came and took tare of my mother
and the family for 1.00 per day.
I remember one Halloween Move
Day some fri end and I took a new
fl ag pole which hadn' t as yet been
put up and placed it across Eastern
Avenue. stopping the horses and
wagons. The next day, we were
made to carry it back. Miss Gist,
principal of Essex School, said
"Joseph, go and get me 5 or 6
switches". I got the switches but
was careful to knick them so they
would break when we got our whip-
pings . If I hadn' t, the other boys
would have beat me up on the way
During the winter, Back River
would be frozen over from Novem-
ber to March. The children would
skate to Back River Bridge, put a
bed sheet behind them and the wind
would blow them down to the bay
and they would skate back. One
of our favorite places for sledding
was down Mace Avenue from Up-
perlanding A venue to Eastern
Avenue. Tutchton and Mr.
Sea white. owners of Paradise
farm and eawhites farm. would
take the kids for rides un sleds
pulled b)' horses.
During the summer, I would work
on the farms. In 1918, when I was
13, I worked for Mr. Tutchton
digging beets, picking tomatoes
and string beans. Yly pay for
picking the beans was 7c a bushel.
One day, on my way home from
school , Mr. Tutchton stopped me
and told me to go into the field
and get all the turnips and ruta-
bagas I wanted because they
wouldn' t pay him anything at the
market for them. So I went to my
grandfather's, got feed bags and
carried them home that way.
On the Seawhite Farm, I dug
Sweet Potatoes and picked Apples
for which I was paid one bushel of
Sweet Potatoes and all the Apples
I wanted. When the tomatoes were
picked and loaded, I would go to
market with Frank Seawhite. We
usually stopped at Vandermast's
to water the horses. Frank would
get a beer , I got a soda and our
sandwiches wer e fr ee.
I attended Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel Church and was confirmed
in 1917. On Sundays, I would walk
home with my grandfather. We
would stop at Sauer 's Store on the
corner of Deep Creek Avenue (now
Marlyn Avenue) and Eastern for a
3c ice cream cone.
I attended Essex School. Miss
Bransard Gist came from Chase
School in 1914 to teach at the old
Essex School. In 1915, we moved to
the portable school on Dorsey
Avenue. My grandparents were the
janitors and each room of t he school
had a coal fire. If anything went
wrong with the fires, Miss Gist
would say "J oseph, go and see if
you can fix the fire". If it was bad,
I would get my grandfather who
lived on Woodward Drive.
When I was in the eighth grade,
the class consisted of 7 girls and
me. Miss Morgan, who taught the
3rd and 4th grades, became ill and
Gist sajd " Joseph, you go and
teach Miss Morgan's class. 1 don' t
want to show any part iality among
the girls." I taught for ix weeks
and when the fir t month was over ,
I got a check for S40.00-20 days
by] oseph Oronson
substitute t eacher' s pay at $2.00
per day. I went home and told my
mother I was "a millionaire and a
I graduated from the Essex purl -
able school on Woodward Drive and
Dorsey Avenue in 1919. Along with
the 7 girls and 1 boy from the eighth
grade, Nelson Guttermuth, a 7th
grader, was allowed to graduate a
year ahead because his famil y was
moving to Belair Road. The gradua-
tion exercises were held in the
Essex Methodist Church and as a
graduation present, I r eceived a
watch from my grandmother which
cost $1.49-a large sum at that time.
After graduation, I went to work
at 0 ' eill & Co. at the glove
counter as a stockboy for 7.00 fur
a 6-day week. On t he fir t day it
rained and the floorwalker gave me
the job of checking umbrell as- all
tips were mine. l made about $4.00
that day and every evening f would
ask the Good Lord to let it rain
During the time Herb Brawner
and 1 sold peanut s and popcorn at
Hollywood Par k, we would ride the
street car to Jeppi Bros. on Sharp
Street and purchase 90 lb. bags of
peanuts for 90c. The conductor
would let us r ide on the back pl at-
form on the way back. \J e would
pack the peanuts at Bob
-across from Hollywood Park-
and there was more in our 5e bags
than you get in a 39c bag today. W <:-
made a profit of $25.00 to $30.00 a
week selling peanuts, pop(orn and
honey molasses taffy. When the
business became too big, we had
to hire boys for 20c on the doll ar.
When l was 30, I married Edith
Porter whose father , William
Porter. was a carpenter in Middle
Ri ver. Grandpop Porter owned
Rocky Point Farm. William King
ran a jitney bus to Rocky Point for
5c, where the people tould go
swimming for free. I'll always re-
member the watermelon parties \H'
had at Rocky Point.
Yes, I do have many interesting
and enjoyabl e memories of when
Essex and I grew up. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
OCR EARCH of old maps and
deeds. one name hag kept re peat
ing it elf, not only in this sect ion
but also in Baltimore. The name is
Robert Purviance. Jr. . pronounced
We fi rst came across thi s name
on an 1850 Geological ' urvey l\1ap
which indicated Robert Purviance.
Jr. had a res idPncc on Cedar Point
in the Back River -eek section. He
also owned propt>rly. according to
this map. in the vicinity of the old
Post Offi ce on Orems Road and also
on the other side of Back Hi ver, ap-
proximately where Stansbury Manor
is now located.
In tracing the name. we found the
Purvian<es were Hugenots who fled
France after tlw Edict of . antes in
1685. Some of the family fl ed to
Donegal, Ireland. ln 1733, a Robert
Purviance was born in Castle Finn,
Donegal. He marri ed Frances Young
in 1754 and came to America,
settling fir t in. ew J er ey. Robert
came to in 1756, where he
opened a commercial house jointly
with his brother Samuel. The broth-
ers became wealthy busi ness men
and bankers. They were active in
both reli gion and politics. Samuel
was Chairman of the Whig Party.
Chairma n of the Committee of Cor
respondence. Chairman of the Com-
mittee of Safety and Trus tef' of the
County Almshouse. During the
I r>
Q#alitlj Meats"
A Name to Remember
\! ar of the Revol ution, they were
among the bi:rg:est outfit te rs a nd
s uppl iC'rs of LaFayellt>' s
army when it passed through Balli
more. They contributed I 0,000
pounds (st irling:) to pur('hase salt
to prev<' nt it from falling into the
hands of monopolist . thC'rcby pre-
vent ing spec ulation which woulcl
have imposC'd on the people and thf'
infant government. After the war,
Rubert was named First ' aval Of-
l'i < er of t he Port of Baltimore by
GC'orge Washint.r1on and was latter
appointed Coll ector fur the ' tate.
ln 1763, Robert was a member of
the committee whi<'h s tarted the
First Presbyterian Church of Bal-
timore and was one of the ruling
elders. The first meetinghouse was
a lof!; bui lding locat ed on Fayett e &
Gay Streets. La ter a church was
built on Fayette & l\ortb Lrects.
They also contributed money to the
First Presbyterian Cemetery lo-
cated on Fayt'tte and Gret'n Streets.
The Purvian<' e lot and tombstone
are locatcd j ust inside the gate, on
tlw left side, directly opposite that
of Edgar Allan Poe. Robert, along
with other members of his fami ly, is
buri ed there. Cnl'ortunately, am-
ud was captured by Indians in
1788 whil<' in Ohio. Since he was
never h eard of ag:ain. it is presumC'd
the Ind ians killed him.
Robert was the father of eleven
Aero Motor-s, Inc.
Home of Fine Used Cars
chi ldren. among whom wa .James.
a hero of tht' V:' ar of 1812 and the
father of Commodore
Purviance who was. himself. a
hero of tht> Civil War.
Robert' s daughter, Jane, married
David Stt>wart and was the mother
of enator David t ewart and the
grandmother of Charlf's
.J ohn was. perhaps, the best-
known of Robert' s c-hildren. HE' was
a lawyer and later a .Judge. Judge
John Purvianc-e, who was called
"the honest lawyer' ' had three chil -
dren: Margaret .: George D. who
was a minister of the Fourth Pres-
byterian Church: and Robert, J r.
who, li ke his father, was a lawyer.
It is this Robert , Jr. in whom we are
most interested.
Robert Purviance, Jr. , known as
" the Younger , the Bachelor' ' , be
gan purchasing ground during the
1830's and 1840' s in the sections
now known as E sex and Bac k River
. eck. Some of the sections he pur-
chased. and of which we have
photostati < copies of the deeds,
were: Hazard, Hindsey' s (or Hines')
Purchase, Paradise, Stansburys
Claim, tans bur ys Inheritance,
Bals ton (originally Ballestones) and
Biddison's ec k {or Biddersons
The first three, i.e., Hazard,
Hindsey's Purchase and Paradi e,
are what we know as Essex. The
others ar e located in the Back River
Neck section. His reasons for ac
quiring this property are, at present,
unknown to us, as are his reasons
for selling. And sell he did. Ac-
cording to an 1877 Survey Ylap,
Robert Purviance, Jr. no longer
owned any ground in this section,
nor did any heirs he might have had.
Commodore Hugh Young Pur-
viance was the last living male and
the famil y name ceased when he
died in 1882. However, some de
scendants, through the femal e side
of the family, are still living in
Ylar yland. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
"Consecration Book of
Orems Church.,
ITER THE sett lement of

in 1606 and that

Maryland in 1634 at t.
:Vlary's. where the Potomac meets
the Chesapeake Bay, the onl y
means of transportation was by
water. Tllt'refore, Captain John
Smith explored the tributarie of
the Chesapeake, as did the settlers
who came over with Lord Balti
more. As the ri ver . which we now
eall Middle River , was one of the
tribut aries of the Chesapeake, it
was natural that small settlements
sprang up on its banks.
It was to the settlers of these
communiti es that Francis Asbury
was appointed by John Wesley, the
founder of Methodi sm, in 1771.
Later, Francis Asbury became
the first Methodist Bi shop in Amcr
ica, and in his Journal, or Diary.
we find that he counted some of the
resident s of this communit y among
his mos t parti cular fri ends.
In 1794, this Middle River Chapel
was called Oroms Church after a
trustee whose name was Oroms.
Tradition has it that the deed to
this Middl e River Chapel was made
out to John Wesley from Lord Balti-
more, and this deed was reall y in
In 1859 the present church was
started, but the deed to this
propert y was not made until July
17, 1860, when :vir. amuel Wilkin-
son (Wilkerson) and wife deeded
a plot of ground to the appointed
trustee of Orems Church.
Complete Line of Foods ond Supplies
Bothing ond Complete SHVtce-
Smoll Pets 8oo,ded
!23 E0$1trn Blvd. MU. 7-6262 Essex, Md. 21221
The teward' Book for the Balti-
more Circuit frum 1794 to 1838 lists
appointment s givrn at the Quarterly
Conference. ept ember 20, 1794
and we found in the 28 appoint
ments that Orcms had paid money
in pounds and s hillings. Or ems was
represented at every quarterl y
meeting of the Baltimore Circuit
until 1806 when it became a part of
the Great Falls Circuit. I n 1914 or
1915, Great r all s Circuit was sub-
divided and Orcms became a part
of the Chase Circuit.
When we wen part of Great Falls
Circuit , our !Jarsunage was at Hiss
Church in Parkville. After we be-
came a part of t he Chase Circuit ,
the parsonage was in Chase, Md.
This parsonage burned and for
some time a parsonage was rented
for the minister. In 1937 and 1938,
we helped in building the new par-
sonage for Chase Circuit on Eben-
ezer Road. In 1940. when Glenn
L. Martin Aircraft Co. began to
expand for wartime production
and built homes for its workers, the
congregation under Rev. Charles

Suback, decided to withdraw from
the Chase Ci rcuit and become a
new station.
:vlrs. Joseph H. Jenkins grac-
iously offered 2113 Orcms Road for
a !Jarsonage in memory of her hus-
band. An appropriate marker was
placed in the study. Ground was
broken on June 30, 1940 with a re-
ligious ceremony, and in the fall ,
Rev. Suback and his family moved
in. In June 1941, Rev. Charles
uback was made Orems first
Pas tor. full time. In June 1942, Rev.
Yluller became Pastor of Orems. It
was under his leadership the new
church was built in 1949.
It was difficult to collect enough
money for a new church from all
these new people who were enter-
ing and leaving the community in a
rapid turnover of population. How-
ever. with donations from several
sources, a mortgage on very liberal
terms from the Board of Church
Extension, and contributions from
the congregation, a plan was de-
veloped and worked out whereby
the present church was built as it
now stands.
The future of Orems Methodist
Church should be excellent. We
wish we could see what it will be,
but we all desire that our church
will always be a House of Prayers
for ali people. For it is on this
principle that the new Orems
Church was built. Those who, in
1949, made this church possible ,
are happy to have had a part in the
building of the Kingdom, a building
that s hall go far into the future to
the glory of God and the blessing
of man. (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
Fresh Cut Lunch Meat
Open 7 days a week
from 8 A.M. to 10:45 P.M.
ewe ers
MU. 7-5363
.he congregation was or
ganized on May 21st., 1<}13,
by the late Rev. C. F. W.
Hartlage. Three lots were given to
the congregation on condi tion that a
church building be erected within
a year. On Sept. 28th, at 4 P.:\'1. ,
the cornerstone for the church was
laid by Rev. Hartlage. Rev. F.
Mueller preached the sermon. The
church was dedicated on May 4th,
1914. Rev. Snapp and Rev. F.
Mueller s poke on this occasion.
An addition was built to the base
ment of the church in 1927.
Pastor Tecklenberg was in
stalled J une 30, 1929.
The parsonage was erected in
1930 at a cost of $6,000.00.
The congregat ion received fin
ancial aid from the American Luth
eran Church until the year 1934,
when it resolved to become inde
pendent and selfsupporting.
The pari sh hall was erected in
the year 1937 at a cost of $14,54 7.00.
All indebtedness on parsonage
and parish hall was paid t he year
Immediately the congregation
made plans to gather funds for the
erection of a new church. A build
ing committee was appointed and
the firm of link and Moehle , ar
chitect s. was engaged to submit
plans for a new c hurch.
On June 28th, 1949, ground was
broken, and the work of building
the new church was begun, the
contract for sa me having been prev
iously awarded to the Lawrence
Const ruction Co. By a strange coin
cidence, this happened to be the
20th anniversary of the installa
lion of Pastor Tecklenberg in St.
On September 11th, the corner
stone was laid with pastor A. R.
Horn preaching the sermon.
On March 26th, 1950, the com
pleted church was dedicated to the
glory of God.
The Sunday school was organ
ized Feb. 2nd, 1913, at 9:30A.M.,
at t he home of Mr. John Schuster
on Dorsey and Taylor Avenues. The
first offi cers were: Mr. Herman
Storath, Supt. ; Mr. John Hughes,
Sec .. and Treas.: Miss Rhoda Wort
man, Librarian and Mrs. John
Schuster , organist. The attendance
at the first session numbered 16,
with an offering of 75c. By permis
sion of .the school authorities, the
Sunday school met in the old school
building on Eastern and Taylor
Avenues until t he church was com
pleted in 1914. By 1937, it had
grown to such an extent that the
li ttle church was no longer able to
house them: this necessitated the
erection of the parish hall. The
present enrollment is 560. ~ (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)



THE PARADISE FAR..\1 was rented
by Ja mes C. Tutchton and his wife,
Sarah, a bout 1860-61 from Jacob g
Taylor, the owner. ] ames and Sarah
Tutchton had three children, Harry PARADISE FARJ\_l_H_o_u_s_E _____ ____ ..........,
F. who married Jane G. Stevenson: Franklin Avenue: The Volunteer
Mar y E. who married Chris tian Fire Dept. - 500 block Eastern Ave-
Lawrence and Effie who married nue and the portable schools on
George Johnson. Dorsey Avenue.
Harry and Jane were married in The Tutchton family continued to
1887 and continued to live on the li ve on part of the fa rm until the
farm with the parents. The twelve death of Harry F. Tutchton in 1918.
children born to the m between 1889 The rest of the family was no longer
and 1913 were: Effie, Lotti e, Harry, interested in farming.
Iva, James, Nathan, William, J. Several of the avenues in Essex
Charles, Lillian, John, Marion and were named for the Taylor family-
Helen. Taylor Avenue; Franklin Avenue:
About 1910, the Taylor Land Co. Charles Street and Margar e t
started to develop Essex. The Par- Avenue.
adi se Farms location was Mace Transportation was by street car
Avenue; Stemmers Run Road on from Middle River to Holliday and
the North and from Beck Street to Baltimore Streets for 15c: ie, Sc
the waterfront. from Middl e River to Back River ;
There was some timber on the Sc from Back Ri ver to Lombard and
property and the Taylor Land Co. Haven Streets and Sc from Lorn-
had a sawmill located at Eastern bar d to Holliday and Baltimore
and Taylor Avenues. The ti mber
was cut and sawed into lumber at
the sawmill and used in the frame-
work of some of the homes they
were building.
In the years 1911-12, the Taylor
Land Co. donated lots for the Essex
Methodist Church, then at Eastern
and Taylor Avenues; St. Johns
Lutheran Church - George St. and
Compliments of
436 Eastern Blvd. MU. 7-5600
SINCE 1922
at the
Some location
ESSEX, MD. 21221
PHONE: 687-1505
Complete Beauty Services
866-8014 866-8021
Bosch Distributors
Distributors of G. E. Lomps
Baltimore, Moryland 21237
ESSEX, MD. 21 22 1
Rom a
and Cocktail Lounge
Specializing in
Complete Carry Out Service
MUrdock 6-11 06
1017 Eastern Blvd. Essex, Md. 21221 (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
:: .... :, __
._ptTiali::in{!. in lligh StrLing
PHONE 687-7733
131 Y, Back River Neck Rd. ESSEX
Green's Lit{uors __ _
Open Sunday
j. c. s.
MU. 6-1325 MU. 7-2166
PromR.t Service
Oil Burner Sales and Services
Floor Furnaces Cleaning Solvent
ESSEX, MD. 21221
J. W. SCHADEL. Prop.
0 L ll "R E [ E I P T S"
Mix together 2 pounu:; flour a nd 1 '12 tablt::spoons baking powder .
Dissol vt> 6 oz. sugar in a half pint of milk. a dd 4 eggs, 4 oz. melted
butt er. salt anti uut mel!.
Pour the liquid mixt ure int o the center of the fl our and mix to-
gether. Roll dough and cut with a double c ull er- fry right
away and sugar when done.
A heaperl <up of ground <offee
makes 2 qu arts.
Slice c uc umber and onions t hinl y
cover with vinegar and add salt and
pepper to taste.
Di ' Sol Vt' 1 oz. yeas t in 1 quart lukewarm milk- add 4 lbs. flour-
mix a nd let set 3 hours.
Then add l oz. salt and 1 tablespoon s ugar with e nough extra
flou r to make a s t iff dough - let rise for 4 hours.
Work dough by pressing fi at and folding over. Roll dough thin,
c ut in -t. inch widths a nd then in tria ngles. tarting with
broad end, roll up to the point. Place on flat s heet , brush with
wat er and le t ri se for about lfl hour - bake about 10 minutes.
Dissolve 3V-l oz. salt petre in 3 gals. wat er on s t ove - stir in Vol
pint molasses or s ugar and 5 puunds a lt. Bring to a boil and
s kim. Put in at least 2 keg . (Brine will keep a bou t 2 months in
cool weather. )
Keep beef in l s t until half-corned 1 hen tra ns fer it to the other
Make s ure beef is ke pt under brine by pl acing a stone
on the lid to weight it down.
Beef must be corned a t least a week before us ing it.
.VIash l c up Concor d Grapes with
I lb. s ugar , add l qt. water and the
j uice of I lemon- strai n and freeze.
Cover 2 quarts ripe s tra wberries
with 2 lbs. s ugar until a thi ck red
syrup is formed - strain and add 3
pints wate r -stir and freeze.
Cream together I lb. s ugar a nd l lb. butter , add l dozen eggs ,
1 ta blespoon baking powder , and fl avor of your choice.
T hen add enoul);h fl our to make a soft dough (about 3 to 3Yz
pounds) -lct s tand 10 minutes.
RoU out dough on floured ta bl e, brus h with egg a nd s prinkle
with sugar or chopped almonds.
Bake until a light brown.
MU. 74884
MU. 7-4885
PHONE: MU. 6-5258
1716 Eastern Blvd. Essex, Md. 21221
687-9654 686-9896
Plaza Lounge
PHil POWEll, Prop. BALTIMORE, MO. 21220 (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
0 L D "R E : E I P T S"
Take' 'A J.leck C'armb. ,.crape and c-ut up fine. Cook until tenot>r.
Let stand 11\' Prni)!ht-HJUPf'ZC nu t juit-e. add 3 lb8. brown
su::rar. :2 sli1t's toasted ry1 bread. I cak' of yeast.
Let stand fur 2 weeks. !Strain and let stand for 2 more weeks.
then bottle.
Real peach brandy is distilled from
the juice of the fruit. Take l lb.
peaches, 2 lbs. sugar. I gal. water,
1 Yz cakes yeast.
Allow to stand for 2 weeks. strain
and add V.. cake yeast. Let stand for
8 more days and st rain befort> using.
Pour 4 qts. boiling water over 3
qts. dandelions (yelluws only).
Let stand overnight. strain and add
4 lbs. s ugar. V.. eake yeast. 2 or-
anges and 1 lemon (cut in pieces).
Put all in a crock and let ferment 9
to 12 days .. train a nd put in clean
Ta ke 2 basket of grapes. pick. wash and mash them. Pour 2
gal. boiling water nvcr til t: grapes and IPt stand for 4 or 5
days, s tir ring one!' earh day. Strain and add 4 lbs. s ugar for
each gallon <l f juice.
Pl ace in a barrel or jugs until it is working. "train and bou le.
Cut tops off 15 large bt'ets. scrub the m wit h a brus h and cover t ht' m with 5
qts. water. bring tu boil and let cook down to 4 qts. Remove beets, !'t rain and
add 3 lbs. sugar, boil fo r 20 minutPs longer and then let cool. Wh<'n c-old,
return t he beets to the water. Pl aee l s lire st ale bread s pread wi th lh cake
yeast in a crock, !Jour beet wat er over and lr t s tand fur 3 days.
Strain and return to crock for 3 more days. Strain, put in bottles and leave
corks loost'.
Bring I gal. water to a boil, let cool and add 2Yz lbs. s ugar. t1 r
until dissolved and add 1 lb. yellow corn meal, 1 pint blue
label corn yrup, 1 lb. seeded rais ins, and 1 cake yeast (dis
solved in a little warm water).
Place in croc k. cover with a cloth, s tir from bottom twi(e a wt'ek.
Let s t and 3 weeks , thf' n s train, bottle and color with ca romel.
Combine 2 lbs. hominy, I lb. raisins, 4 lbs. sugar. 4 lemons and 4 oranges
(cut up), I gal. a nd I qt. water and l qt. boili ng water.
Let set for 16 days. s train and bottle.
PHONE: 682-3366
Reg. No. 2108
"Your Family Drug Store"
MU. 7-1616
REG No. 1'226
ESSEX, MD. 21221
686-7333 leon J. lozorus, Ph.G.
MU. 6-5195
___ _
Quality Clothing and Service
MU. 7-0282
The Home of
Fine Diamonds & Watches
ESSEX, MD. 21221
To Baltimore's Best Bands
Wed., Fri., Sat. & Sun.
Featuring "Our Own Swinging"
Have you seen our Hall?
For - Bull Roast, Crab
Feasts, Receptions,
Special Parties
- We Cater-
Rates & Dates - 687-76 56
AT ROCKAWAY BEACH (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
:::=:::: : -- =- - =.:..:y
:; ; eSSEX
Phone: 687-81 1 3
PHONE: MU. 7-11 31
If Your Hair Isn't Becoming To You,
You Should Be Coming To Us.
Charles Bootery
for the Entire Family
Since June 7, 1945 686-7849
Serving the
Needs -
Charlie Irish
Opposite Eastpoint
Mrs. Virginia Borsos holds quilt made by her mother, Mrs. Anna Mary
Walt er , in 1930-l , for the benefit of the Football Team. The citizens of
Essex purchased space in the stars for their names to be embroidered. The
center design is a football in which all the players names are embroidered.
After t he quilt was completed, it was raffled off and won by AI Edwards who
recently gave it back to Mrs. Borsos.
The Heritage Society is in the process of making a similar quilt which,
when completed, will be prominently displayed. The cost to have names
embroidered is 2Sc- per name.
For more information concerning the Quilt please write Mrs. Virginia
BorsPs. Chairman- Quilting- 302 Lorraine Ave., Essex, Md. 21221.
President .... . ........ . .. . Frederick Moroz
Vice President ............... Bessie Moroz
Secretary ....... . ........ . . Pat Swiger
Treasurer .... . .......... . ... Mary Kidd
Public Relat ions . .. . ....... Horace McCarter
Director ... . ............ . .. . J erry Crowell
Secretary ................. Kate Arrants (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
THE EASTERN BEACON, Wednesday, March 11 , 1964
Much is heard o the Indians of
the Wild West , but little has been
written about the Indians of the
East Coast, particularly the Essex-
Middle River area. Nevertheless ,
we have to take a back seat to no
one in that respect, for the Essex-
Middle Ri ver area was once ruled
by a fi erce tribe of Indians, the
When Captain John Smith, famed
explorer and founder of the colony
of Jamestown, sailed the Chesa-
peake Bay in 1608 including Back
and Middle Rivers- or as he called
them "Smals Poynt" and " Willow-
byes" rivers -he was much im-
pressed by the savages he en-
Capt. Smith described them as
"Such greate and well propor-
tioned men as are seldome seene,
for they seemed l ike giants to the
English, yea, and unto their neigh-
bours." The explorer went on to
say that they were "The strangest
peo pie of all those countries" and
to describe them as being of a
simple and confiding temper and
saying they could scarcely be re-
s trained from prostrating them-
selves in adorat ion of the white
s trangers.
The Susquehannoughs could
muster 700 frightening men, and
according to Capt. Smith, they
were one of the fi ercest and most
warlike nations on the Atlantic
coast and kept all the tribes within
their reach in a s tate of almost
continual alarm. Their villages
were pallisaded to resist the in-
cursions of their most bitter and
determined enemies , the Iroquois
or Massawomekes.
Smith says that when a hostile
expedition had been decided on by
the chief and the leading warriors,
it was made known to the tribe, who
celebrated by a solemn dance in
which the warriors, decked with
paint and feathers, chanted their
past or prospective exploits and
imitated in pantomine the killing
of their foes.
When they set out on their ex-
pedition, they marched by night
in s ingle file, slipping from shadow
to shadow and scarcely breaking a
twig. Then they burst upon the vil -
lages of their foes with war-whoops.
Those who survived their slaugh-
ter were taken as prisoners and
reserved for death by slow tor-
tures. And. according to Capt.
Smith, they were past masters at
the art.
But disease- some think to have
been Smallpox -finally did to the
usquehannoughs what their en-
emi es could not do- practicall y
wiped them out. By 1763- more
than 150 years since Capt. Smith
had first discovered them- there
were only 20 members of the tribe
left and they li ved in a few squalid
cabins in the region around the
Maryland Pennsylvania border and
made their living by begging and
the sal e of baskets and homemade
About that time, an Indian war
with another tribe was in progress
and some people suspected the re-
maining Susquehannoughs of being
in league with the warring reds kins.
A gang attacked their village and
killed 6 of them. The 14 survivors
were taken to Penna, by
the sherrif and shut up in the jail
yard for protection. But they were
foll owed by the gang of settlers
who broke into the jail and murd-
ered every last one of them.
Thus ended t he saga of the Sus-
quehannoughs, a group of red-
skinned toughs who would have
made the Apaches or the Com-
manches look Eke pikers.
And remember, the Susquehan-
noughs traveled by foot. Just
imagi ne what might have happened
if they had gotten their hands on
some horses. And had disease not
wi ped them out, we might have
teepees up and down Eastern Blvd.
rightnow. .(f?
Cards & Gifts for all occasions
MU. 7-3250 Ida M. Mroz, prop.
MU. 7-4125
MU. 7-4126
Office Supplies
Designers, Inc.
ESSEX, 21221
Specializing in-
Trophies Ploques Medols Ribbons
Bowling Supplies
Philip W. Green

ESSEX, MD. 21221
"Over 40 years Insurance
Service" (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
of Vinn
'HE CHLRCH OF GOD in Essex is one of the
branche.; that was established by former
of the Baltimore Church of God.
eYeral of these former worshippers had moved to
Essex and there was a desire to start a work in the
Those who, at this time, resided in Essex were
Brother and Sister Ester, Brother and Sister Lewis,
Brother and Sister Bacon, Brother and Sister Sturtz
and Sister Reynolds.
In 1930, Gospel Tent meetings were held at the
corner of Virgini a and Taylor Avenue in Essex. After
the t ent meetings, the work in Essex was on its own.
:\iot having any building to worship in, a Sunday
School was s tarted in Mrs. Horn's home under the
direction of Mr. and Mrs. Hass of Baltimore, on Febru-
ar y 17, 1931. The name " The Church of God Com-
munity Sunday School" was adopted.
On April 21, 1931, Mr. Norman J. Hass, chairman of
the Trustee Board, deposited $25.00 down on the
property upon which t he church and the parsonage are
now situated.
The foundation for the building was poured on
June 14, 1931. The building was erected by brethren
fro m Baltimore and Essex.
On March 14, 1933, the first full time pastor was
called to oversee the progress of the work. He was
Brother Walter L. Ott, who, with his wife, took over the
pas torate under the general supervision of Brother E.
E. Shaw, pastor of the Church of God in Baltimore.
The work continued to grow and Brother Ott stayed
with the congregation until his resignation eleven
years la ter on March 31 , 1944.
For a few months, the work, without a pastor,
faced many tests and trials. But thanks be to God who
giveth us the victory . ..
On Augus t 23, 1944, a business meeting was called
and the congregation adopted the Firs t Constitution
and By-Laws for the incorporation of the Essex Church
under the laws of the St ate of Maryland and the name
of t he Church was changed from ' The Church of God
Community Sunday School' to the ' First Church of
God of Essex' .
On September 28, 1944, the congregation at Essex
voted to call Brother Harold Ba1ber , then pastoring
at Roanoke, Virginia, to take over the Pas torate here
at Essex, M.d. Brother Barber accepted t he eall to the
Essex Church and, with his wife and daughter and son,
took over his duties on October 29, 1944. An All Day
Unity Meeting held at Ilda, Viq,rinia took place on
Thanksgivi ng Day of 1944. This was the beginning of
some of the most thrilling and blessed meetings that
many in the Essex Congregation had ever had oppor-
tunity in which to be. Thus , every holiday for the next
fi ve years or so was to see the Saints gather together
at either Manassas, Fredericksburg, Ilda or Waynes-
boro in Virginia or at Montrose, Hagerstown, Edge-
mere or Essex in Maryland. The first All Day Unity
Meeting held at Essex was on February 22, 1945.
After nearly nineteen years, Brother Harold Barber
resigned the Pastorate of the Essex Church in Sep-
t ember 1963 and left for Tampa, Florida. During his
years of pastoring the Essex Church, the congregation
contributed many thousands of dollars to the Mis-
sionary work in Cuba and in Africa.
April 12, 1964, Raymond C. Davis of Iaeger , West
Virginia, held a week's meeting at Essex. As a r esult
of this meeting. the congregation called him as their
third pastor and he moved to Essex, bringing hi s first
sermon as pastor on May 17, which was Mother 's
Day of 1964.
First Church
of God-
Essex 19 68
MU. 6-4832
"Charter Service Our Special ty"
" 17 YEARS IN ESSEX" (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
;vir. and :'l lr::. Jos. C. _\ clench.
Mrs. Edith \\ ood Bet key
Col. a nd .\ Ir::.. C. J..: . Blum
:\tlr. a nd .\Irs. :\. J . Blum
John W. Borkow!' ki. Jr.
Lee S. Borsos
l\Ir. and \Trs. Eugene Bridges
Richard Bridges
Mr s. Emma Bryant
Mr. and ~ T r s . Roland Corey
Edward Crusse
Mrs. Lotti e Dasch
Te na Deck
Myr tle Dudrow
Mrs. Shirley Eben
Madaline .\1. Eva ns
:Vl rs. William L. Fleshman
Christ ena Gacdke
Harry Gacdke
Charles Golds ton
Ruth Gold ton
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hensler
Iva Wood Page
PHONE 665-6796
Represented by Elmer Kopicky
Home phone: 668-6813
Best wishes from
Tru-Rn ER
P.-:s . n1 - \\ illbm H. P.-t.-r-. :irrl.
\Ir. and \ Irs. Robert HPnslPr
.\lr!'. Ro!>l' Hess
:\Ir. Fred ] !' nson
Mrs. Evelyn Krs
Mrs. J osephine Lanl!
Mrs. Carrie Wood Lawton
Mr. Grant Lewis
Mr. .J ohn Mac Phe rson
Hor ace and Est her :vr cCart er
Miss Jane t :Vlart in
Mi ss ancy .\lart in
:Vlrs . Ruth Wood \lartin
Mr. and \Irs. Anthony Mata
Middle borough Inn
Mr . Mari e ash
Mrs. Marie D. izer
\1r. ancl !\ Irs . Chas. Port er , Sr.
.\1rs . Cora L. Porter
.\Ir. and :\Irs. Harry Porte r, Sr.
:vir. and Mr . Ja mes Port er
:VI iss Sarah Lynn Port er
Ylr. and Mrs. William Port<'r
Complete Printing Serv ice
201-Y2 S. Marilyn Ave.
Baltimore, Md . 21 221
.\Ir. and .\Irs . Neil Rizzo
Rosal ie P. Sadl e r
Mrs. Sadie Sauter
Mrs. Anna Scott
Mrs. Roberta Wood Sears
Mr. Roy Steinke
Mrs. \1arg;aret Tabele ny
Mrs. Frances P. Tot aro
Mr. and ::Vlrs. James Tutchton
Mr. athan Tutchton
Mr. and .\Irs. Wm. Tutchton
\ Jr. and \ Irs. J. L. Cnger
Wi lliam J. Wagnt>r
Mr!> . Bessie \VeidingC'r
Lee 0. Williams
Mr. and .\1rs . H. A. Williams
Kay Wolfe
orbcrt . \ . ilson
l\lrs .. Eiizabeth Woud
Mrs. Lottie Y. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Wood
Call ie Young
Adelia Wood Adelsberger
SUPER MARKETS (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
-\ .Hrt! "- t'r Li::-t in;r
H .. r lldl,!<" :--oliety of Essex
and \liddlt" River would like to
our tu those
rnt"mbt>rs uf uur Business Com
munity suppnrt has made
this publiC"atiun possible.
Ace Heating Oil
Aero Motors
Albert Milke & Sons, Inc.
Award Designers, Inc.
B. & B. Liquors
B. J. Beauty Solon
Bayside Sporting Goods
Bosch Distributors
Boots Beauty Solon
Brunswick Crown Lones
B. Bugotch Stores. Inc.
Charles Bootery
Charlie Irish
Club Bar
Community Jewelers
Country Ridge Coiffure' s
Connelly Funeral Home
E & M Di scount Liquors
Eastern Pet Shop, Inc.
Egor Soles. Inc.
Essex Cord & Gift Shop
Essex Dinner
Essex Drug Store
Essex Jewelers
Essex Ladies Democratic Club
Fleming & Sheeley
Food Fair Stores, Inc.
Geresbeck's Foodlond
Gino's Hamburgers
Green's Liquors
Hoffman's Lounge
Henry J. Betz & Son
Jender Publicity Co.
Jo's Grocery
Keon Cleaners
Lazarus Pharmacy
Marl yn Pharmacy
Mars Super Market
Mary's Style Center
M & M Bus Lines
Notional Brewery
Norman R. Neimiller
Newman' s Highs Store
Norman's Package Liquors, Inc.
Paul's TV
Peter's Restaurant
Philip W. Green Insurance
Pi zza John' s
Plaza Lounge
Popular Club
Professional Pharmacy of Essex
Raymond's Clothi ng
Ramo Spaghetti House
Rosa Mae Beauty Salon
Tri River Democratic Club, Inc.
Virginia Hormess
.Valsh & Company
First Shoe Repair Shop
by Mrs. Anna Persia Betkey
Rocco Persia opened hi s first s hoe
repair shop in 1920 on the lot at the
rear of Margaret and Maryland
Avenues. The house at 13 Margaret
Avenue was built in 1922, and the
shop was then located in the front
of the housf'.
The house at 517 Eastern Blvd.
was built in 1928 and the shop was
built on the side of the house with
the entrance on Margaret Avenue.
The shoe repair shop was closed
and the store was reopened as a
pac kage goods store in June 1945
by Elmf'r and Anna (Persia) Betkey.
Another daughter of Rocco
Persia, Frances Hutton Marek. was
employed in 1926 by :\Jiss Anna
::Vlu grove who was the Land Agent
for the Essex Land Co. In 1931.
Mrs . Marek was Assistant Post
master under :\1r . Joseph Banz.
Mgr. Roy Gnagey

Music on Weekends
PHONE: 686-9811
Compliments of
and Lounge
Serving The Finest Foods
For Over 30 Years
-Banquet facilities -
OPEN 11 A.M.
Corner Stemmers Run Rd.
10 minutes from end of Beltway & Rt. 40
IN ESSEX (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
OTtle National Brewing Co. of Ballo. , Md. at Ballo . Md. Also Phoen Mam Oetrot (scan courtesy of Bobbie Rich Bell)
he B. Bugatch Stores, Inc.
salutes the Essex-Middle River Heritage
Society and their officers for their valiant
efforts in researching the history of this
community and surroundings.
Our store founded in 1914 by my father
has also made history, and we who are
proud of our own history and heritage
gladly link with the Essex-Middle River
Heritage Society in urging each and every
one to help in their research efforts.
510 EASTERN BLVD .. ( ESSEX) BALTIMORE. MD. 21221 PHONE: 6 87190 0

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