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Armstrong Economics Ts Democanca Pysng? the Real atl athan) “Ane lower ¢ Cleveal He dden Behwe eteaus Mailing Address for Questions _—__“and_comments —_ Martin a. Armstrong 12518-0680 FCI Fort Dix Camp PO Box 2000 Fort Dix, NJ 08640 PLEASE REGISTER YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS FOR ANY UPDATE NEWS Arnstronglconomics@Mai1 COM Copright Wartin A, Armstrong, all rights reserved ‘This Report may be forvarded as you Like without chargs. It ig provided as a Public Service at this tine without cost. The contents and designs of systems ara ia fact copsrighted. At a furure date, a book vill be released The Geometry of Time. The charts are Gften reproduction’ of an earlier publication from 1986 also to be soon republished The Greatest Bull Market In History covering from 1900 up to the 160s. Additional updating is underway to conplece the Ceatury and into the current tine, Providing a month to month history of the financial development of Western Society. ite Te Democancy Pad al Lewathan wthe Power Cleverly Hidden Bernd Pol dress! By: Martin A, Amstrong Foner Chairman of Princeton Boononics International, ita. ard of the Foundation for the Study of Cycles There has been this raging battle between the Left and the Right that as any American would label it, the battle between the "Democrats" and the "Republicans" ‘that has been subject to the plight of cross-dressing fron time to tine, but none theless, renains a ongoing battle that is never won. Indeed, this battle can never’ be won fecause at no tine will wo ever obtain a 1008 agreantnt on anything. ‘This is Derhaps @ mejor contribution to the very existence of cycles. Tt even appears in ‘ur concept of religion that there is this battle between good and evil. our concept of even the existence of bell and this battle des not cone from scriptires per se, but from a novel by Dante (Durante Alighieri) (1265-1321). The visions of hell wore adopted by clergy from Dante's work "La divine comedia” (The Divine Cenady) that sas completed late in his Life. Denceracy is dying if it is not already dead. We live ina delusion, a nightmare from Which there seems to be no escape. We can argue and yell hack and forth, bat it will change nothing. For as mich as we may believe we have a Denocracy and that the state is somehow controlled by the people, there is nothing that is further from the truth than this fiction of cur imagination. wie can do battle to the death, and indeed countless millions have died for shat I address. Yet, the harsh reality is that shile the politicians may com and go, the self-interest Of the state endures. This is a beast coce characterized as the Leviathan Chat vas = nonster representing the English Comon-ealth, The reason this battle can never be won, is because the true Leviathan is not the body politic, but the hard-core "No matter how ve vote, no matter what lavs we enact, it renains the Imnelected Bureaucrats who docide what to enforce, shat the laws mean, and how they will prosecute be it marsly civil to confiscats wealth, or criminal to often create political prisoners. Ignored by alnest all, is that there is no escape from Adan Snith's Invisible Hand meaning thet the stats has its omn self-interest and 1t will survive by sbatever ruthless means possible when threatened. This current battle against the Concentration of Wealth onong individuals that is turhing the world upside dow, has been waged even against religions to confiscate their wealth as well. The state, no matter who ig in charge, will alsays spend gore than it has and becone a ruthless oppressor of all rights £6 survive, This is what ve now face. We are on the edge of bankruptcy. 1

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