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1. Mayer RG. An introduction to the American society of embalmers. [Accessed on 2 Desember 2011] Available from:

An Introduction to the American Society of Embalmers Robert G. Mayer, CFSP, President Todd Van Beck has referred to embalming as the DNA of funeral service one wonders in 2004. Gary Laderman in his bookRest in Peace (Oxford University Press, 2003) states that the 20th century was the century of embalming. Like many facets of our culture we have seen major changes in American funeral service during the last 44 years. We have seen a diminishing role in the presence of embalming, once a stable of the American funeral. The past 44 years has seen changes in the bodies we prepare, regulatory compliance, and education of the embalmer. The public sees the well prepared bodies of "Six Feet Under" and they expect the same results from their local funeral firm. Yet, we know those bodies are also breathing! You need to hear Melissa Johnson Williams tell the story of the family who said the deceased looked better before rather than after the preparation - because an embalmer "rushed" the preparation for shipping. Each embalmment is unique you really cannot go back and do it over a different way it has to be done well the first time. Licensing of the embalmer is a responsibility of the states. We have single and dual licenses. Hence, we have many variables in licensing of the practitioner, internship, and continuing education. Uniformity has gradually entered the school curriculum but individual teachers of embalming and restorative art vary on techniques and protocols.

Some schools are not able to provide on campus supervised practical embalming experience or body dissection. It appears more responsibility for the "hands on" learning experience is dependent on the internship or apprenticeship. The list of mortuary schools has grown to almost 60. Formal classroom time in the art and science of embalming and restorative art is really quite short. Postgraduate learning is limited to seminars if and when they are available. Publications for the embalmer are very scarce. We know of five embalming associations in the United States, only three of which serve an entire state. We have a common interest and that is why the American Society of Embalmers has been founded. We are in our infancy so we will be taking baby steps to start. We will need the help of interested and dedicated practitioners. Melissa Johnson Williams is the Executive Director. Indefatigable is my one word to describe Melissa. Both her Mother and Father were not only embalmers but mortuary writers and educators so this is an environment and profession she knows well! Melissa is a first-rate embalmer - but - more important for all of us, she is willing to share her experiences, expertise and energy with her colleagues. I can not even tell you, at this writing, how many licensed embalmers are practicing in the United States. In the United States it is the individual state which regulates licensing of the embalmer; continuing education required by the embalmer, requirements of the preparation room, etc. Hence we have such a variety of requirements associate to bachelor pre-educational requirements; length of internship; time of internship (pre or post schooling; required examinations cost of licensing and license renewal; amount of continuing education; specific requirements as to the preparation room, etc. Through such larger independent agencies such as the American Board of Funeral Service Education (ABFSE) and the International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards we have some uniformity through out the United States; examples would be the 12 month formal school requirement; minimum level of an associate's degree; basic uniform teaching curriculum in the mortuary schools. The Conference has put in place a uniform examination shared by most states as a licensing requirement. Uniformity is also achieved through federal programs such as the ADA, OSHA and Wage and Hour requirements.

Vocation The American Society of Embalmers has been formed to fill what many in the funeral profession feel to be a void. There was a time in America when the licensed funeral service professional was expected to be both funeral director and embalmer. The one person does all concept and in many funeral home operations this method of operation continues to some degree. During the past 40 years there has become a polarization between the duties of funeral director and embalmer. The funeral director has found time constraints due to regulatory agencies such as OSHA and FTC, pre-need demands, post-need demands, at need funeral personalization. The day to day operation of the funeral home from the initial death call and removal to the burial or cremation of the body makes great time demands on the funeral director. Likewise the embalmer has seen changes in the past 40 years which have demanded more of his or her time for preparation of the body. To cite a few the use of multiple drug regimens have produced sides effects such as jaundice, edema, emaciation, intravascular clotting and discolorations. In the 1970's organ and tissue procurement began and has now expanded where even the federal government requires that all deaths and imminent deaths be reported to the local organ procurement organization. Our legal system has brought about the need for more bodies to be processed through coroner and medical examiners offices most of these bodies undergoing full autopsies. Time delays while permission to embalm is obtained or paperwork is cleared with hospitals or organ procurement agencies try to secure a donor have delayed the preparation of the remains. Where once a warm body was prepared before the onset of rigor mortis today most bodies have undergone refrigeration. Our society is more mobile families scattered hence we have seen an increase in delay between preparation and the date of disposition; more bodies are being shipped both nationally and internationally. I am amazed at the number of unionalls I place on bodies during the course of a year when once this was a rarity. Mild solution of arterial fluid was almost a rule for every situation forty years ago, today we employ higher and higher index fluids, concentrated and waterless solution. It is easy to see that the preparation of the body has also placed time constraints on the embalmer. As the problems of the embalmer have increased there has also been a need for continuing education of the

embalmer. Only one journal is now in regular print for embalmers and a portion of that journal is devoted to topics for the funeral director since this journal is a fluid manufacturer's "house organ" a majority of the articles discusses only their products. Seminars are infrequent and not always convenient for the embalmer to attend due to the work schedule. To this writer's knowledge there are only four embalmers trade associations in the United States (and two are within the same state) which have been in existence for over 10 years. Smaller groups possibly exist within local communities. There is an international association of embalmers with a North American division it has made a concerted effort to provide educational opportunities for the embalmer.

2. Kathy hawkins. What is embalming?. 2011 [Accessed on 3 Desember 2011] http://www.

Embalming is the process of preserving a corpse, typically so that it can be viewed at a funeral ceremony. Generally, when embalming does not occur within several days of a person's death, their body will begin to decompose. To ensure that this does not happen, preserving chemicals will be used so that the body of the deceased can be viewed at an open-casket funeral. The process of embalming has a very long history, dating back to the Egyptian process of mummification. Though their techniques were quite different from those used today, the effect was the same to preserve an individual's body after death. In case of the ancient Egyptians, they believed that the spirit would return to the body after death, so it must remain in good condition. To preserve the corpses, they covered bodies in a drying chemical called natron, and then wrapped them in linen sheets. Today, embalming is done by injecting chemicals directly into the bloodstream to preserve the corpse's appearance. The most commonly used chemicals for embalming are formaldehydeand ethanol. A combination of these two chemicals is sufficient to preserve the body for a short time; to keep it in good condition for a longer period, you would use a solution made up almost entirely of formaldehyde.

3. Atmadja DS. Pengawetan jenazah dan aspek medikolegalnya. Majalah kedokteran Indonesia. 2002; 52(8): 293-7. [diakses pad 3 Desember 2011] diunduh dari:

Dalam praktek sehari-hari seorang dokter mungkin diminta untuk melakukan pengawetan jenazah. Pengawetan jenazah pada umumnya dilakukan untuk menghambat pembusukan, membunuh kuman, serta mempertahankan bentuk mayat. Pada prinsipnya pengawetan jenazah hanya boleh dilakukan oleh dokter pada mayat yang meninggal secara wajar (natural death), sedangkan pada mayat yang meninggal tidak wajar (akibat pembunuhan, bunuh diri, serta kecelakaan) pengawetan baru boleh dilakukan setelah proses pemeriksaan forensik selesai dilakukan. Dilakukannya pengawetan jenazah sebelum otopsi dapat menyebabkan perubahan serta hilangnya atau berubahnya beberapa fakta forensik. Dokter yang melakukan hal tersebut dapat diancam hukuman karena melakukan tindak pidana menghilangkan barang bukti berdasarkan pasal 233 KUHP. Dengan demikian pengawetan jenazah sebaiknya dilakukan oleb dokter forensik atau sekurangnya oleh dokter yang dapat membedakan kasus mati wajar dan tidak wajar, untuk mencegah terjadinya komplikasi hukum tersebut di atas.

4. (Prosesi





at: Kaum bangsawan Sumba mempunyai tradisi untuk menyimpan mayat bertahun-tahun di rumah adat. Agar mayat tetap awet membutuhkan pangawet. Dewasa ini kebanyakan orang menggunakan zat pengawet kimia atau formalin. Bagi orang Sumba, formalin hanya merupakan tambahan dan baru dikenal dalam satu dasawarsa terakhir. Sebelum mengenal formalin, orang Sumba biasa menggunakan metode pengawetan tradisional. Pengawetan tradisonal itu bermacam-macam. Ada yang menggunakan kapur sirih dicampur tembakau atau daun teh. Tetapi, yang sering digunakan adalah kapur sirih dan tembakau. Untuk lebih bertahan lama, mayat ditambah daun bidara atau dalam bahasa setempat disebut daun kom. Ada juga yang hanya menyelimuti mayat dengan ratusan lembar kain adat. Menurut beberapa tokoh adat Sumba, kain adat Sumba yang menggunakan zat pewarna asli dari tumbuh-tumbuhan sudah mengandung pengawet alami. Jadi, bau mayat akan terserap oleh kain yang dibungkuskan pada jenazah. Untuk pengawetan metode pertama, dilakukan dengan cara menyiram kapur sirih di atas kain yang digunakan sebagai alas mayat atau pembungkus mayat. Setelah kain pertama yang ditabur kapur sirih dan tembakau, dilapisi lagi kain kedua. Kapur sirih dan tembakau ini yang akan menyerap bau, bahkan membuat jenazah kering. Setelah dibaringkan di atas lapisan yang ditabur kapur sirih, pusar jenazah ditutupi dengan cairan daun kom atau bidara yang sudah dikunyah. Tidak sembarang orang bisa mengunyah daun kom yang akan ditaruh di pusar jenazah. Jika yang meninggal adalah lelaki tua, maka daun kom harus diambil dan dikunyah oleh perempuan muda. Cara mengambil daun kom juga menggunakan mulut seperti kambing. Daun kom itu dikunyah sampai halus dan diletakan di pusar jenazah. Demikian juga sebaliknya jika yang meninggal perempuan tua, maka yang mengambil dan mengunyah daun kom atau bidara adalah lelaki muda, dan sebaliknya apa bila yang meninggal lelaki muda, maka yang mengunyah daun kom atau bidara adalah perempuan tua, apabila yang meninggal permpuan muda yang menguyah daun kom atau daun bidara lelaki tua. Secaral logika memang tidak ada hubungannya. Namun, pengalaman telah membuktikan metode tersebut berhasil.

Cara itu selama ini sering digunakan untuk mengawetkan mayat. Jika ingin awet lebih lama, bisa juga ditambahkan dengan air garam dan cuka nira. Caranya, rebus cuka nira, campur dengan garam sebanyak-banyaknya setelah itu diminumkan ke mayat dengan cara mengangkat kepala jenazah kemudian menuangkan air cuka campur garam ke dalam mulut mayat, kepala jenazah dibaringkan lagi. Ini dilakukan berulang-ulang hingga satu gelas air cuka campur garam habis. Namun sebelum air garam cuka diminumkan ke jenazah, jenazah harus dalam keadaan bersih. Yang dimaksud bersih adalah bersih dari seluruh kotoran yang ada dalam perut jenazah.




Anti Mumi?


at: Pada zaman dahulu, di Negeri Mesir, pernah hidup seorang raja, bernama Fir`aun. Ia menganggap dirinya Tuhan, dan ketika diperingati oleh Nabi Musa as, seorang nabi yang diutus Allah untuk mengembalikannya ke jalan yang benar, kesyirikannya malah menjadi-jadi, hingga ia ditenggelamkan di lautan bersama pasukannya. Namun, Allah SWT menghendaki agar Fir`aun menjadi contoh untuk manusia sesudahnya tentang seburuk-buruk manusia sebagai pelajaran agar tidak terjerumus kepada kesyirikan dengan cara mengabadikan mayat Fir`aun tersebut. Subhanallah atas apa yang Engkau lakukan ya Allah. Kejadian diatas tentu merupakan suatu kekhasan atau kejadian yang tidak sesuai dengan proses alami yang biasa terjadi. Manusia atau hewan yang mati pasti jasadnya akan segera dimakan oleh berbagai mikroba tanah. Pembusukan pada tubuh zat yang mati tersebut karena adanya aktifitas kerja bakteri yang menghasilkan enzim yang dapat merusak dan menghancurkan tubuh. Bakteri yang biasa ada dalam tanah yaitu Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium pasteurianum, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes, dan lain-lain. Bakteri-bakteri tersebut akan memecah protein yang ada dalam tubuh mayat. Proses pemecahan protein oleh mikroorganisme sering disebut dengan putrefaksi, dimana terjadi dekomposisi asam amino. Enzim-enzim intraseluler akan memecah protein di dalam sel, menghasilkan senyawa-senyawa yang lebih sederhana yang menimbulkan bau busuk. Clostridium khususnya, akan memecah protein secara anaerobic menghasilkan senyawa-senyawa sulfur berbau busuk seperti merkaptan dan hydrogen sulfide, disamping terbentuk pula indol, hydrogen, ammonia, fenol, dan karbondioksida (Fardiaz, 1992). Lalu kenapa ada jasad yang awet? Mengapa mumi bisa menjadi mumi?? Berarti bakteri-bakteri yang ada dalam tanah takut terhadap sesuatu yang ada dalam mumi. Apakah itu??? Sebuah tim peneliti Jerman menyatakan telah mengungkap rahasia pengawetan mumi Mesir kuno. Masyarakat Mesir kuno saat itu menggunakan sari pohon pinus salju sebagai bahan pengawet. Melalui percobaan kimiawi pinus salju pada potongan daging babi segar, peneliti

mendapati bahwa zat kimia ini memiliki efek antimikroba yang sangat kuat, dan tidak mengakibatkan efek negatif terhadap susunan tubuh. Sebuah lembaga riset pertanian Amerika menggunakan beberapa ekor ayam untuk. sebagai mayat. Ayam-ayam tersebut dimasukan ke dalam dua ruangan yang terkontaminasi bakteri pembusuk. Ruangan pertama diberi ion negatif sedangkan ruangan kedua tidak. Setelah menunggu beberapa waktu, riset pun menunjukkan hasilnya. Kondisi ayam di ruang yang diberi ion negatif tetap sehat. Sementara itu kondisi ayam di ruangan kedua telah mati. Setelah diteliti lebih mendalam penyebab tidak matinya ayam di ruangan pertama ialah ion negatif. Ion negatif merupakan ion yang tidak stabil atau ion yang elektron bebasnya terlepas. Akibatnya, ion tersebut selalu mencari pasangan agar tetap stabil. Prinsip kestabilan ion inilah yang mungkin dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Mesir untuk mengawetkan mumi. Ruangan tempat mumi bersemayam (piramida dan sarophagus) ternyata penuh dengan ion negatif. Ion negatif yang mengisi peti mumi berikatan dengan bakteri yang berada di dalam ruangan maupun di dalam peti. Ikatan yang terbentuk membunuh sekaligus menghentikan aktivitas bakteri.

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