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Air Sparging for the field

Pramudipta Z
line 1: Civil and Enviromental Engineering line 2: Bogor Agricultural University line 3: Bogor, Indonesia line 4:
Abstract Air sparging is an in situ remedial technology that reduces concentration of volatile constituent in petroleum products that are adsorbed to soil and dissolve in groundwater with many field and for the remedial its usually used air sparging. KeywordsAir sparging, remedial

Rizqah W P
line 1: Civil and Enviromental Engineering line 2: Bogor Agricultural University line 3: Bogor, Indonesia line 4: and medium to shallow aquifer depths at less than 50 ft below surface. The subsurface geology should be evaluated by collecting at least one continuous soil core from ground surface to the bottom of the contaminated aquifer in the area where air sparging is being considered. Air Flow System Air sparging direct volatilization of the sorbed and trapped contaminant in enhanced in the zones where airflow takes place. Air flows through discrete air channels in the most setting, removal of contaminants from within the air channels behaves much like contaminant removal during soil vapor extraction [2]. Contaminant Distribution The contaminant diffuses from the water filled micropores into the air-filld macropores. The induced convective air flow enhances the distribtion of VOCs from the liquid to the gas phase so that the vapors can then be removed by SVE. Etraction make air-filled macropores diffuse the oxygen into water-filled macropores. This process can be highly significant for contaminants with high solubility and Henrys law constants.
[1] [2] (Environmental Protection Agency, 2012).. (Johnson et al., 1990a: 1990b



Introduction Air sparging is an in situ remedial technology that reduces concentration of volatile constituent in petroleum products that are adsorbed to soil and dissolve in groundwater. It has been many year people using air sparging to remove contaminant from soil and groundwater, especially VOCs. Combined with Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE), the system creates a negative pressure in the unsaturated zone through a series of extraction wells to control the vapor plume migration [1]. Site Characterization Site characterization is the most important design parameter. It defined by the conceptual site model to determine site history, receptor survey, and land use data.. Usually air sparging work effectively in coarse-grained soil

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