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English Language Teaching Must Be Reformed (2) For me, its language policy should recognize that language, be it local, national or international, is a cultural practice located in very particular social, cultural and political contexs. the teaching of English in indonesian teachers, lecturers, textbook writers, curriculum developers and language policy makers to develop the language to teh full. Many assumptions about the teaching of english as a foreign language, although they differ on a number of sensitive and curical issues. Explicit teaching of politics and a tolerance of differences in others constitutes an essential, albeit complicated issue that we must come to terms with academically and professionally.

Ways To Better RI English Skills Awareness is not necessarily synonymous with understanding the communicative approach. At instructional levels, it is common for teachers to initiate communication engagements by using rountines or patterns as a strategy for developing rapport and comfort, which are essential for managing conversation. Important and insightful though such an approach is, my approach, is based on critical pedagogy, attemping to explain the social and political aspects of English education. For improving TELF it is imperative to exercise a paradigm shift, that is systematic and massive change. it entails replacing the whole mechanism in the context of systematic and well, planned language planning.

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