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PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES ON WRITING The word lousy or bad can be replaced by other more accurate words.

Look at the following passage. Yesterday I had a lousy dinner at a really lousy restaurant. The service was so bad. We had to wait for more than an hour and when the food finally arrived, it was really lousy. When we complained about the food to the waiter, he was so bad. After dinner, we went to see a movie in a lousy theatre. The movie was so lousy. Moreover, we had some really lousy seats. When the movie was finally over, we came out and found that the weather was really bad.

1. I had a lousy dinner/food. insipid tasteless unappetizing 2. bad service shoddy second class second rate inferior substandard slow 5. lousy theatre badly ventilated cramped over-crowded shoddy 7. lousy seats hard uncomfortable

3. lousy restaurant cheap dirty gloomy inferior 4. bad waiter disrespectful impolite ill-mannered rude obnoxious 6. lousy movie boring slow moving uninteresting dull 8. bad weather fickle gloomy rainy stormy unpredictable

Yesterday I had a _________________ dinner at a really ____________ restaurant. The service was _________. We had to wait for more than an hour and when the food finally arrived, it was so___________________. When we complained about the food to the waiter, he was extremely__________________. After dinner, we went to see a movie in a ____________________ theatre. The movie was so _____________. Moreover, we had some really __________________ seats. When the movie was finally over, we came out and found out that it was _________________.

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