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Check List for Club Qualification for the Rotary Year 2013-2014 Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 At least one club member

attended the Grant Management Seminar Study the terms and conditions of the Club Qualification MOU carefully Open a club controlled bank account solely for Grants purpose and must be operated by at least 2 Rotarians signing jointly Confirm your President Elect for 2014/2015 in your club meeting and certify by your cuurent Club Secretary* Arrange your President of 2014/2015 to sign the MOU* Arrange your President of 2013/2014 to sign the MOU* Arrange your President of 2012/2013 to sign the MOU* Prepare a written financial management plan to provide consistent administration of grant funds including prodcedures: a. Maintain a standard set of accounts b. Disperse grant funds, as appropriate c. Maintain segregation of duties for handling funds d. Maintain an inventory list system for equipment and other assets purchased with grant funds and records for items purchased, produced or distributed. e. Ensure all activities comply with the local law but not US law f. Maintain a written plan for transferring custody of the bank account in the event of a change of signatories. g. Maintain appropriate recordkeeping systems to preserve important documents for 7 years to assist in audits and financial assessments, including: - Bank information, including Bank statements - Club qualification documents including the signed MOU - Financial management plan - Procedures for storing documents and archives - Succession plan for bank account signatories *Your club will be qualified for only the District Grant if you can only get both the Presidents of 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 to sign the MOU. Your club will be qualified for the District Grant, Global Grant and Packaged Grant if you can get the 3 Presidents of 2012/2013, 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 to sign the MOU. Check for Completion

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