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Ammos Gravit's EVE/DUST Character backstory table.

Step 1: Roll d10/Virtual die/pick a number between 1-10 Step 2: Use the chart to line it up with your nationality. Amarr 1 Noble-born: Born to great wealth and prosperity, when you were made an Immortal, it was simply another sign of your family's greatness. God's favour has always smiled upon you. Caldari Corporate executives: Your family has people. Their people have people. You may not be Board of Director material, but you're on a first name basis with them. Gallente High Caste: All are equal in Gallente society, but you're a little more equal then others. You've always had the best Gallente society has to offer. Minmatar Civil Servants: You and your family are part of the Free Minmatar government since its inception. You've grown up serving Matar, and she is forever in your blood.

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: True Amarr Civire, Deteis 2 Gentry: You may not have lived at the top of the golden spires in Amarr, but you were happy enough of your own land. Where the finest tutors you could afford taught you everything from mathematics to why the slaves till your fields each year. Bureaucrats: While hated by everyone outside the State, you've kept the wheels of the machine turning. Not to mention the nice corner office with the view.

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: Jin-Mei Any Upper-Middle-Class: You are the beating heart of the Federation. It's your vote that pushes the Gallente people forward. Sure, you live a lot better then that Brutor fellow down in common housing. But that's okay, because you live in the land of opportunity! Suggested Bloodlines: Any Citizen: Sure, your house isn't the biggest, but it's far better then how those poor Minmatar live under their cruel Amarrian overlords. Or how those heartless Caldari make their people live. Haven't you seen the holos about it on the Tribesmen: Some may call the Matari's dedication to their tribes clinging to an archaic system but you know far better. The blood of your tribemates runs through your veins, and yours through theirs. Harm one of your own? You'd just as soon harm your mother! Suggested Bloodlines Any Labourer: Yeah, yeah, I know there are a bunch of other Minmatar working the fields for the Amarr, but I've got to work the fields for us! It's great to think about freeing the others, but work needs to be done.

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: True Amarr, Khanid Any. 3 Clergy: God may not have blessed you with vast riches or many servants. However, He did bless you with a strong back, and his song in your heart. You don't need an enormous estate, you're happy to do your work, live with Factorymen: The bigwig executives may decide where the corporation goes, but you make sure it gets there. The company has been good to you, given you a home, food, and steady job welding together starship hulls. Caldari

your family, and attend society goes nowhere every weekly service. without your hard work. Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: Civire Ni-Kunni, Khanid 4 Surf: Someone has to direct the slaves in the fields, on the building projects, both in the fields and cities you are a master of order over the savages. In fact, it was your Lord that recommended you for the implant process. Maintenance Worker: Your job consisted of mopping floors and screwing in bolts. Sometimes you're chosen to got to the executive offices at night to water their plants. Why where you chosen to be immortal? Probably a typo.

Scope? Suggested Bloodlines Suggested Bloodlines: Jin-Mei, Gallente, Brutor, Vherokior Intaki Protestor: If you make enough protest signs, you'll be sure to change something! Throughout your time protesting across the Federation, you've learned who to yell at to get things done, and how to rally enough people that you're listened to. Suggested Bloodlines: Gallente Journalist: Working for the Scope made you some good friends, and twice as many enemies. Still, if there is a secret out there, you know how to find it. Prophet: You weren't visited by the spirits. But you know what the Minmatar can do when you're bonded together. You've spent your time rallying the Matari together.

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: Khanid, Ni-Kunni Any 5 Craftsmen: Your family's works are in the homes of the great Lords across the constellation. They fetch a high price, and enough to fund your bid for immortality. Engineer: The State moves forward on your designs. The executives give you the funding, the men down in construction put it all together.

Suggested Bloodlines: Any Emancipated: Your family was freed by a recent raid by the Minmatar government. You hadn't lived long as a slave, but it was more then long enough.

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: Ni-Kunni Deteis, Achura 6 Merchant: You travelled from city to city, selling your wares across the continent. You've made a lot of friends in that time, and friends got you to high places. Dreamer: You never did fit in well within the rigid structure of Caldari society. You always seemed distracted, there's so much out there! Fortunately for you, someone found a way to focus your... creativity. Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: Khanid, Ni-Kunni Any. But Achura works best. Military Heritage: You've always known State Protectorate: Yakiya Tovil-Toba

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: Any Any Mayor: You won the hearts and minds of the people with your speeches and promises. Though you may or may not have kept them. Campaigner: You've travelled across Gallente and Minmatar space, telling them of what you've seen from Amarrian slavedrivers.

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: Intaki, Gallente. Any Soldier: Freedom isn't Freedom Fighter: You free. You and your joined up with the

the military life. You where born on an Apocalypse class battleship, and you've never thought of anything but glorious battle in God's name.

were the first words out of your mouth as an infant. You loved the State more then you did your parents. And they were incredibly proud of you for it.

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: True Amarr, Khanid Civire, Deteis 8 Priesthood: If not but for the will of God, you'd be spending your days preaching to congregations and studying the scriptures. He had other plans for you though. Morale Officer: Sometimes people need a friend, sometimes people need to shut up and get back to work. It's up to your to do either or.

family have taken that to heart, and have enlisted to defend the Federation and spread freedom and democracy across the stars. Join the Army! See the Universe! Suggested Bloodlines: Any Intern: Your career was just getting off the ground when you became immortal. You weren't even getting paid yet. If you were in the Caldari state, such a jump in status would mean a statue built of you. Suggested Bloodlines: Any Holo-personality: Your face is widely recognised. Across the local area, anyway. You never got past local access holofeed. Still, you reported the weather like no other!

Republic Military. You fight the Amarrian tyrants across the boarder of AmarrMinmatar space and freeing your brothers and sisters from their cruel masters. Suggested Bloodlines: Any Businessmen: You never cared much for the plight of slaves across the sector, not when there's isk to be made. Your strict, cold, businesslike attitude has earned you a considerable profit. Suggested Bloodlines: Any Smuggler: Drugs, weapons, freed slavers. Whatever the cargo, whatever the reason, you can get it where it needs to go. So long as the price is right.

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: Any Deteis 9 Slaver: Those foolish savages are always making bids at Freedom. Don't they know dying on some God-forsaken iceworld is far worse then the occasional beating. Still, your duty to order ended when you became immortal. Troubleshooter: Everyone has problems. Problems need to be solved, but they can't always be done through regular channels. You're the go-to guy. No one wants to admit you were there though...

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines: Khanid, True Amarr Any 10 Artist: Your works are the envy of the Region. Thousands, even millions of isk have been spent for your artwork. What better to fund your now Immortal enterprise? Secretary: You can run four vid-monitors at the same time, while writing a note to your boss and taking a phone call. You are a master of processing information.

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggseted Bloodlines: Any Any, Brutor especially. Mathematician: You taught at the best university in the district. A fine product of what proper Gallente education and wealth can do when put together. Squatter: You live in a ship. No, you're not part of the crew. But the Captain lets you stay onboard provided you help out every so often. Cleaning exhaust ports, doing heavy lifting, so long as you can make yourself useful. Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines:

Suggested Bloodlines: Suggested Bloodlines:



Jin-Mei, Gallente


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