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Iggy's circle The look a ragged cross between the mutants from verhovens total recall and Babylon

5 rogue telepaths led by byron, only decked out in far more ripped and torn upper class Victorian dress / undergarments IC Iggy's Vid-slate report to the lord captain on his circle the three systers Esme quite beautiful a pefect woman if you can live with the blotches of her lustrous hair missing from her skull and the skin that feels like plastic, she is so sweet and caring she holds this little family together Irma the eyes look deep unto your soul till you come to look close and see she does not have eyes today... least not anymore, she saw something and clawed them out... she still can see and if you look right you can still see her eyes Celeste Poor Celeste, perfect in body, shatered in mind, you can see her swaying by the fire Pretty music, pretty, pretty music. there is no real sound, she hears the warp it whispers to her... I told Hale to stay away from her she's too touched to consent... Kelan the boy (Irma's son Not by me) at age 5 he is better than even I with the emperors tarot he losses himself in the card and know not what he speaks, he mutates more by the day and a fear he may be spawn of the powers sits cold in the back of my mind but he speak truth and I Am wrong in my fear the light will lose the best of us For now I watch and keep the hellpistol charged and handy Hale my cousin born almost as mutant as I, only he has No third eye only the grace of his geans and he may sire a navigator let him live, I keep him close so that I can protect him from pruges and he can protect me from other that may wish me ill... Ashida Man, Woman, I know not how old withered beyond years, of broken body, and last year horrific vestigial leathery wings sprouted from his/hers back Iolanthe an Excommunicated medicae of a little known order within the inquisition, her encounter with the warp changed her so much but Telescoping Legs and Arms multijointed around your body are quite wonderful. The tail is also of use from time to time. There are others but that can wait Esme & Iolanthe call to me I leave you with this The Circle will grow! Iggy Out

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