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Da s2ac L/ No unique-without makes it just a takeout(can not concede) Need booth to make offense No impact/way to access-helps with impact

compo.(if aff is winning then make a no mpx argument) No internal link-p-capo irrelevant( No link- how to kick would be like if the plan is not perceived by congress but if they say republicans wont backlash they can still access offensive Mpx/ Dont need win uq Non uq(can kick means mpx wont happen) No mpx- control the mpx in the round so they cant weigh against No I/L(same as link) No link(can drop so they cant gain the adv) Can only L/ and mpx/ if not reading non-uq(only done when they dont have uq ev or their ev is better) Can concede that there is no link Straight turn Non-Uq+L+I/L Mpx/ +no impact When to kick it Concede a piece of the aff ev such as no link or no mpx Can concede no internal link to kick out of link turn The most efficient way to kick out of a DA disad we are not going for we will concede <insert d argument>

T// we are moving away from something good and back to something bad Non-uq plus winners win DA turns case because the plan has to be implement and developed in the next 2 week

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