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Social structure is a (a) System of laws (b) Collection of people (c) Permanent patterned relationship between units (d) Social organization A norm is a (a) Standard pattern of behavior (b) Culture of society (c) Religious moral (d) Method of looking ones position A number of persons interacting on only one occasion with a low level of intensity may be called (a) Social group (b) Social organization (c) Crowd (d) Association Strictly speaking the term race can be used in (a) Cultural context (b) Biological context (c) Sociological context (d) Demographic context A collectivity of persons of all ages and both sexes who share a common culture and reside in a relatively limited space or locality is called (a) Community (b) Association (c) Group (d) Aggregate Group consists of persons whether formally organized or not, towards whom we feel a sense of indifference, avoidance, disgust, competition or outright conflict is termed as (a) In-group (b) Out- group (c) Quasi group (d) Reference group


Who defined society as a web of social relationships? (a) August Comte (b) MacIver and Page (c) Evans-Pritchard (d) None of the above Culture is a complex whole which includes knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society Who forwarded this definition? (a) MacIver and Page (b) H.M. Johnson (c) Kingsley Davis (d) E.B. Tylor Who was the author of the book Folkways (a) W.G. Sumner (b) R.K. Merton (c) H.M. Johnson (d) Georg Simmel







10. The book Social Thought from Lore to Science was authored by (a) Morris Ginsberg (b) Becker and Barnes (c) P.A. Sorokin (d) Max Weber 11. Weber identified social action into (a) Two types (b) Three types (c) Four types (d) Five types 12. Sociology is a value free science was advocated by (a) Emile Durkheim (b) Talcott Parsons (c) Karl Marx (d) Max Weber


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13. A tribal chief enjoys (a) Traditional authority (b) Rational-legal authority (c) Charismatic authority (d) Democratic authority 14. Microsociology is the analysis of (a) Large scale social system (b) Small unit of social system (c) Agrarian system (d) Social cohesion 15. Present day industrial-urban characterized by (a) Repressive law (b) Restitutive law (c) Oligarchic law (d) Customs and traditions 16. Acculturation is a process of (a) Cultural change (b) Cultural exchange (c) Learning basic culture (d) Cultural balance 17. The method by which different societies/cultures are analyzed objectively without judging them with reference to their culture is called (a) Ethnocentrism (b) Cultural reproduction (c) Cultural relativism (d) Cultural pluralism 18. The spread of elements of culture is called (a) Innovation (b) Diffusion (c) Invention (d) Cultural change society is

19. The example of Quasi-group is (a) Status group (b) A family (c) A trade union (d) A political party 20. Who of the following has developed the concept of reference group? (a) G.C. Homans (b) Kingsley Davis (c) Hayman (d) C.H. Cooley 21. Students union in a college is an example of: (a) Primary group (b) Political party (c) Association (d) Trade union 22. A family in which an individual is born is called (a) Family of procreation (b) Family of orientation (c) Matrilineal family (d) Nuclear family 23. People married to our consanguines are called as our: (a) Primary kin (b) Consanguines (c) Cognates (d) Affines 24. Marriage between high caste man and low caste woman is called (a) Hypogamy (b) Hypergamy (c) Endogamy (d) Polygamy

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25. Development of ones positive attitudes towards own ethnic or racial group is usually termed as (a) Groupism (b) Cultural relativism (c) Ethnocentrism (d) Localism 26. A clan is a (a) Bilineal descent group (b) Unilineal descent group (c) Colateral group (d) None of the above 27. Which of the following is the example of a matrilineal society: (a) Mundas (b) Nicobarese (c) Trobriand islanders (d) Eskimos 28. The terms sacred and profane were coined by (a) Mallinowski (b) Emile Durkheim (c) Radhakrishnan (d) M.N. Srinivas 29. Inequality is the basic principle of (a) Social class (b) Social stratification (c) Social integrity (d) Social equilibrium 30. The word caste is derived from (a) The Latin word (b) The Greek word (c) The Portuguese word (d) The Indian word 31. A dynamic or behavior aspects of status is called (a) Culture (b) Value (c) Norms (d) Role

32. The concept of formulated by: (a) Parsons (b) Stouffer (c) Marx (d) Merton




33. Habitual behavior of not keeping appointment with other is an example of: (a) Illegal action (b) Deviant behavior (c) Unethical practice (d) None of the above 34. Practice of dowry by economically advanced society is an example of (a) Cultural learning (b) Cultural pattern (c) Cultural lag (d) Cultural relativism 35. Norms which can be violated without severe punishment are called (a) More (b) Folkways (c) Etiquette (d) Culture 36. An assigned position to an individual regardless of his ability or performance is called (a) Ascribed status (b) Achieved status (c) Status discrepancy (d) Role set 37. The Theory of Natural propounded by (a) Herbert Spencer (b) Galileo (c) Charles Darwin (d) Newton Selection was

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38. It is the functional importance in society which determines social stratification. This was the core concern of (a) Karl Marx (b) Max Weber (c) Davis and Moore (d) P. Sorokin 39. According to Luis Dumont, caste hierarchy is determined by the principle of (a) Purity and pollution (b) Repulsion (c) Individualism (d) Socio-economic compression 40. The book Indian Village was authored by (a) M.N. Srinivas (b) S.C. Dube (c) Yogendra Singh (d) Andre Beteille 41. While developing Sociology as scientific discipline, August Comte first termed it as(a) Social Engineering (b) Social Morphology (c) Social Physics (d) Social Analogy 42. The Science Sociology should be the Queen of the Sciences, who made this statement? (a) August Comte (b) Karl Marx (c) L.T. HobHouse (d) Talcot Parsons 43. The Nuer tribe was studied by: (a) Durkheim (b) Radcliffe - Brown (c) Evans Pritchard (d) Malinowski

44. British Colonialism in India among others gave rise to (a) Tribal integration (b) Emergence of middle class (c) Village development scheme (d) New political culture 45. Changes occurring in underdeveloped societies as a result of Western technology could be termed as (a) Endogamous change (b) Exogenous change (c) Structural change (d) Cultural change 46. Social reformer Jotiba Phule emphasized what type of reformation attempt in India? (a) To abolish Sati pratha (b) To abolish Child Marriage (c) To abolish Caste discrimination (d) To initiate womens education 47. Sanskritisation refers to (a) A process of caste grouping (b) A process of identity consciousness (c) A low caste/tribe adopts high caste norms (d) A process of dominance 48. According to M.N. Srinivas, westernization involves (a) Imitation of western forms of culture (b) Accepting parliamentary system of government (c) Rejecting western culture (d) Increasing inequality among castes 49. The book Social Background Nationalism was written by (a) Rajani Kothari (b) G.S. Ghurye (c) A.R. Desai (d) Mahatma Gandhi of Indian

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50. The concept of village republic was introduced by (a) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (b) Mahatma Gandhi (c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Jotiba Phule 51. According to Weber, groups stratified according to the principles of their consumption pattern in industrial society are referred to as: (a) Social class (b) Consumers (c) Status groups (d) Industrial workers 52. Liberalization of economy is meant (a) Removal of government control relating trade and finance (b) Establishment of cottage industry (c) Establishment of roads/communication (d) Decrease of educational fees 53. Brahmo Samaj was founded by (a) Vinoba Bhabe (b) Jotiba Phule (c) Ranade (d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy 54. What is the minimum size of population to declare a particular urban area as town according to Indian Census? (a) 20,000-49,999 (b) 10,000-19,999 (c) 5001-9999 (d) 5000 55. Whose name from the list below was popularly associated with the theory of Urbanism as a Way of Life? (a) Robert Park (b) E.W. Burgess (c) Louis Wirth (d) R.D. Mackenzie

56. Concentric Zone hypothesis was forwarded by(a) Robert Park (b) Devid Ullman (c) E.W. Burgess (d) Walter Firey 57. Folk-urban Ideal Type as a model for social change was originally hypothesized by (a) Robert Redfield (b) Oscar Lewis (c) Mackim Marriot (d) R.D. Mackenzie 58. Who wrote the book Little Community and Peasant Society and Culture? (a) S.C. Dube (b) D.N. Majumdar (c) A.R. Desai (d) Robert Redfield 59. According to which article, Parliament of India can include or exclude any group from the list of scheduled caste (S.C)? (a) Article 341(2) (b) Article 342(2) (c) Article 343(2) (d) Article 344(2) 60. The term Stratification has been borrowed from the discipline of (a) Archaeology (b) Geology (c) Astronomy (d) Psychology 61. The term connurbation is associated with the writings of (a) Robert Park (b) Patrick Giddes (c) M.S.A. Rao (d) Robert Redfield

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62. Which of the aspect is not taking into account in the science of demography? (a) Birth and death rate (b) Height and weight of population (c) Density of population (d) Age and sex composition 63. Rampur village was studied by (a) F.G. Bailey (b) Oscar Lewis (c) M.N. Srinivas (d) D.N. Majumdar 64. Who authored the book Arunachal Panorama? (a) Verrier Elwin (b) J.N. Choudhury (c) Talom Rukbo (d) Oshong Ering 65. Andaman Islanders a community case study was the work of (a) Malinowski (b) Verrier Elwin (c) Raymond Firth (d) Radcliffe Brown 66. Demography the term was first coined by (a) Robert Malthus (b) Achile Guillard (c) Edward Tylor (d) Aristotle 67. A division of Sociology called Formal Sociology was introduced by (a) Morris Ginsberg (b) Georg Simmel (c) Robert Merton (d) August Comte

68. E.S. Bogardus introduced the concept (a) Sociometry (b) Role-Set (c) Social Distance (d) Sociography 69. Chipko movement raised the issue relating to (a) Abolition of Zamindary system (b) Ecological sustainability (c) Dowry system (d) Caste panchayat 70. The former President of India V.V. Giris name was famous for (a) Peasants struggle (b) Dalit movement (c) Backward class movement (d) Trade union movement 71. A range of policy decisions that Indian state book to open Indian economy to world market. This process is often referred to as (a) Modernization (b) Universalisation (c) Westernization (d) Liberalization 72. Emile Durkheim explained the factors of social change as a cause of (a) Population growth (b) Change of social status (c) Change in the bond of morality (d) Technology 73. Ideational and Sensate culture as cycles of historical change in society was advocated by (a) Arnold Toynbee (b) P.A. Sorokin (c) Talcot Parsons (d) Vilfredo Pareto

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74. Borrowing of technology to bring about change in Arunachal Pradesh may be regarded as (a) Indigenous factor (b) Exogenous factor (c) Cultural factor (d) Political factor 75. In describing social change who coined the terms Challenge and Response? (a) Arnold Toynbee (b) Oswald Spengler (c) Robert Malthus (d) P.A. Sorokin 76. Telengana Movement was originated in (a) Orissa (b) West Bengal (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Bihar 77. The relationship between religious values and economic activities was brought out clearly by (a) Adam Smith (b) Simmel (c) Weber (d) Durkheim 78. Anonymity, Heterogeneity and superficiality are some important characteristics of urban life. These were the contentions in the writings of (a) E.E. Bergel (b) Roy Turner (c) Louis Wirth (d) Robert Park 79. The concept of Culture of Poverty was forwarded by (a) Milton Singer (b) MSA Rao (c) Ashish Bose (d) Oscar Lewis

80. Achievement motivation as a theory modernization was discussed by (a) Deniel Lerner (b) McClelland (c) R.N. Bellah (d) Alex Inkeles


81. The book The Wealth of Nations was written by (a) Arnold Toynbee (b) Adam Smith (c) W.W. Rostow (d) Simon Kuznet 82. Describing social change in village life Mackim Marriot used a typology known as (a) Traditionalism vs modernism (b) Universalisation vs parochialisation (c) Static vs dynamic (d) Nationalization vs globalization 83. Elite theory of social change was proposed by (a) V. Pareto (b) Mosca (c) C.W. Mills (d) Talcot Parsons 84. Who wrote the book Caste in Indian Politics? (a) Rajani Kothari (b) Gail Omvedt (c) Ramchandra Guha (d) S.A. Dange 85. The first trade union was established in Madras by(a) V.V. Giri (b) S.A. Dange (c) George Fernandez (d) B.P. Wadia

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86. The concept of Dominant Caste was first systematically developed by (a) N.K. Bose (b) Andre Beteilie (c) M.N. Srinivas (d) S.C. Dube 87. Guild system as a form of occupation was associated with (a) Ancient nomadic society (b) Peasant society (c) Feudal society (d) Capitalist society 88. Slums and Urbanization a book written by(a) David Popenoe (b) Patrick Giddes (c) Desai and Pillai (d) I.P. Desai 89. Property, power and prestige are three separate but interacting bases for creating hierarchy in society. Who advocated this? (a) Max Weber (b) Karl Marx (c) C.W. Mills (d) R. Bendix 90. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf, guildmaster and . Fill up the blanks of the sentence from the phrases given below (a) hunters (b) zamindars (c) peasants (d) journeyman 91. Value free sociology was proposed by (a) Arnold Green (b) Georg Simmel (c) Max Weber (d) Ferdinand Tonnies

92. Society is a reality sui-generis who made this statement? (a) August Comte (b) Emile Durkheim (c) Plato (d) Alexis De Tocqueville 93. Who is the author of the book Organisation Man? (a) Elton Mayo (b) William W. Whyte (c) V.V. Giri (d) N.R. Seth 94. The concept Pre-Industrial city was primarily associated with the name of (a) Gideon Sjoberg (b) Ralph Dahrendorf (c) Anthony Giddens (d) Sorokin 95. Whose name is associated with the concept of post industrial society? (a) Schneider (b) Anthony Giddens (c) Deniel Bell (d) Bill Gates 96. Industrialisation is primarily a (a) Way of life (b) A process (c) A style of life (d) A value system 97. Who edited the book Indias Village? (a) M.N. Srinivas (b) D.N. Majumdar (c) Mackim Marriot (d) S.C. Dube

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98. Three classes of people in society- very rich, very poor, mean or moderate who made such classifications? (a) Voltaire (b) Rousseau (c) John Bodin (d) Aristotle 99. Tado Hage is an L.D.A. He is pursuing a course on business management with a hope to become a marketing manager. This process is called(a) Educational change (b) Educational difference (c) Educational achievement (d) Educational and occupational mobility 100. Which caste formed the backbone of Dr. Ambedkars Movement? (a) Mahars (b) Nadars (c) Rajputs (d) Nayars 101. Rourkela city is known for (a) Mining industry (b) Iron and steel industry (c) Coal industry (d) Fertilizers industry 102. A subjective assessment of social status was forwarded by(a) Ralf Dahrendorf (b) Max Weber (c) Melvin Tumin (d) Mayer and Buckley 103. Kingsley Davis and W.E. Moore developed (a) Concentric Zone theory (b) Conflict theory (c) Functional theory of stratification (d) Theory of anomie

104. The groups of people consisting of the clergy, the nobility and the commoners during the middle age in Europe were referred to as(a) Aboriginal tribes (b) Slavery (c) Estate (d) Zamindars 105. The terms harmonic and disharmonic model of social stratification was used by (a) Yogendra Singh (b) S.C. Dube (c) Andre Beteille (d) K.L. Sharma 106. The book Social and Cultural Mobility was written by (a) V. Pareto (b) P.A. Sorokin (c) R. Bendix (d) Kingsley Davis 107. Who among the following sociologists wrote about Indias caste system? (a) Max Weber (b) Louis Wirth (c) A.B. Hollingshed (d) Talcot Parsons 108. The concept Manifest and Latent functions was developed by(a) Malinowski (b) Radcliffe Brown (c) M.J. Levy (d) R.K. Merton 109. Who wrote the book Mind, Self and Society? (a) Marx (b) Mead (c) Weber (d) Durkheim

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110. Who wrote the book Political Man? (a) Aristotle (b) S.M. Lipset (c) Gerald Lenski (d) Rajani Kothari 111. Quit India movement started in the year(a) 1941 (b) 1942 (c) 1943 (d) 1944 112. The term democracy is derived from (a) Greek word (b) Latin word (c) Portuguese word (d) French word 113. When was the Human Rights Commission established? (a) 1944 (b) 1945 (c) 1946 (d) 1947 114. Which one of the following is not a characteristic feature of the bureaucratic organization? (a) Rational legal authority (b) Democratization (c) Hierarchy (d) Role-segmentation 115. Who placed emphasis on population volume and density as causes of social differentiation: (a) Marx (b) Malthus (c) Durkheim (d) Spencer

116. The MacMohan line demarcates the border between (a) India and China (b) British India and Outer Tibet (c) India and Pakistan (d) India and Bhutan 117. Arunachal Pradesh as a full fledged state was established in the year (a) 1986 - 20 February (b) 1987 - 20 February (c) 1988 - 20 February (d) 1989 - 20 February 118. A way of life and culture represented by folk or unlettered peasants constitute (a) Little tradition (b) Great tradition (c) Multiple tradition (d) Sanskrit tradition 119. A system of tax collection in Colonial Indiain which the government settled the revenue directly with the cultivators is called (a) Zamindary System (b) Raiyatwari System (c) Panchayat System (d) Middle man 120. The 73rd and 74th amendment of the Constitution of India 1992 deals with (a) Right to Information Act (b) Panchayati Raj (c) Education for All (d) Land Reforms 121. In India, the genuine period of globalization was mainly started in the (a) post 1970 (b) post 1980 (c) post 1990 (d) post 2000

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122. Demographically speaking the number of live birth per 1000 population is called (a) Birth rate (b) Death rate (c) Rate of Natural increase (d) Life expectancy 123. In terms of land area which state of northeast India is the largest? (a) Assam (b) Arunachal Pradesh (c) Meghalaya (d) Manipur

124. Pabitara Wild Life Sanctuary is located in (a) Arunachal Pradesh (b) Assam (c) Meghalaya (d) Manipur 125. Arunachal Pradesh is popularly known as the Land of the Dawn lit mountains. This meaning is rooted in which language? (a) Assamese (b) Hindi (c) Parsi (d) Sanskrit

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