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Includes Tax
End of Day 8/30/13
12 Pro Winter Wheat ........$6.48
Any Pro............................$6.18
14 Pro Spring Wheat ........$6.70
Corn ...................................$3.97
SFS Birdseed ..................$18.50
City of Philip - Notice of Audit
Countys 2014 Provisional Budget
Special Meeting of the Town Board
of Midland
Schultz Ranch
100 years old 7
Cross country 9
Philip, South Dakota 57567 Thursday, September 5, 2013 www.
No. 2, Vol. 108
On August 8,
South Dakota
Governor Den-
nis Daugaard
filed a petition
with the federal
Surface Trans-
portation Board
raising ques-
tions about the
acquisition by
the Canadian
Pacific Railway
of the Dakota,
Minnesota and
Eastern rail-
I am asking
the Surface
Board to deter-
mine whether or
not the Cana-
dian Pacific has
met its obliga-
tions to the peo-
ple of South
Dakota, Dau-
gaard said.
This examina-
tion is impera-
tive because
past support for
the Canadian
Pacifics pur-
chase was based
chiefly on prom-
ises it made to
the STB.
The petition
serves as an offi-
cial inquiry with
the STB to de-
termine if the
CP lived up to the representa-
tions it made while seeking to ac-
quire the DM&E. The governor
has asked the state attorney gen-
erals office to assist in filing the
Rail infrastructure is critical
to businesses in South Dakota,
especially agriculture, Daugaard
said. We must do everything we
can to ensure proper rail service
for our state.
B a s e d
upon the CPs
r e p r e s e n t a -
tions, the STB
approved the
companys pur-
chase of the
DM&E railroad
in 2008. Prior to
the acquisition,
the DM&E pro-
vided shipping
service from
South Dakota to
critical trans-
portation hubs,
i n c l u d i n g
Kansas City,
Mi nne apo l i s
and Chicago.
The CP indi-
cated recently
that now it may
sell the line
west of Tracy,
Minn., meaning
the new buyer
of the line
would have lim-
ited or no oppor-
tunity to ship
cargo beyond
Tracy unless
the cargo is
shipped using
the CP.
S i n c e
last fall, Dau-
gaard and
members of his
have been in
contact with CP
to examine
whether the CP had fulfilled its
promises to the STB. Despite
some communication from the
CP, the governors questions
have largely gone unanswered.
Possible DM&E sale watched
Jay Baxter, left, Philip site manager of Midwest Cooperative, and Steve
Millage, Philip site manager for Dakota Mill and Grain, are watching the
situation closely concerning the possible sale of the DM&E railroad by
Canadian Pacific. If sold, the DM&E may go to a large rail company or to
a short-line railroad. Each possibility offers its pros and cons. Midwest Co-
op has recently completed a railroad siding expansion and is moving for-
ward with building a fertilizer plant in Philip. Dakota Mill and Grain
recently acquired building permits from the city of Philip for constucting an
entire new elevator complex and railroad siding.
Del Bartels
Leading the pack into the end zone for a Scottie touchdown is Paul Guptill. The Scotties were able to push through the New Underwood line to allow
Guptill enough room to slip through for the six points. For story and more photos, turn to page seven.
Nancy Haigh
Hero status isnt reserved only
for those brave men and women
who rush into burning buildings
or step into the front lines of war.
Theres a hero in all of us,
said Angel Pillet, donor recruit-
ment director of United Blood
Services, this areas nonprofit
community blood service
provider. Ordinary people are
saving lives every day. They do it
while they are on lunch break or
while they are running errands.
They have found the hero in
themselves by donating blood.
Several years ago, United
Blood Services took the innova-
tive step of highlighting donors
rather than patients in its blood
drive posters and materials. The
organization continues that focus
with a new national marketing
campaign that invites people to
Find the Hero in You by donat-
ing blood three times a year.
We asked a donor, a young
man, why he gives so consistently
three or four times a year, said
Pillet. He said, It feels so good
to save someones life. Why would
you do it just once?
You can find the hero in you at
the upcoming Philip community
blood drive on Tuesday, Septem-
ber 10, from 10:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. at the Philip High School
Fine Arts Building. Contact Rick
Palecek at 859-2525 for an ap-
Volunteer blood donors must
be at least 16 years old, weigh at
least 110 pounds and be in good
health. Additional height/weight
requirements apply to donors 22
and younger, and donors who are
16, or 17 in certain areas, must
have signed permission from a
parent or guardian. Potential
donors can make a blood-giving
appointment at www.bloodhero.
com or by calling 605-342-8585 in
Rapid City, or 605-996-3688 in
Donors also receive a free cho-
lesterol test. Find the hero in you
... donate blood three times a
Sept. 10
Philip Scottie gridiron season begins
Windrowing crops in region in high gear
Mark Buchholz was harvesting sorghum sudan in an area between Cottonwood and Philip on Thursday, August 29. The sudan is being put for hay.
What made this windrowing different was that the 2014 New Holland SP240 windrower was traveling at 11 to 11.5 miles per hour. Sickle type machines
travel at around three to four miles per hour. Kennedy Implement was hosting a dealers meeting, and it happened that the sudan was ready. For the
demonstration, a 15.5 foot disc-bine header was used, though a 19 foot head is available for the same machine. It can work at 11 mph whether the
crop is eight foot or 12 foot tall.
Don Rvellette
Wreaths Across America has
selected Come With A Mission
Leave With A Memory as the
2013 theme for its wreath laying
projects. The Wreaths Across
America mission is to remember,
honor and teach about the service
and sacrifice of our veterans, and
their families.
Pastor Kathy Chesney takes
her confirmation students and
mentors each year to Black Hills
National Cemetery to help place
wreaths. She said that this
Christmas project is a powerful
experience. Orders for wreaths
must be made before the end of
October. Plans are for wreaths to
be placed December 14, with the
official ceremony at 10:00 a.m. at
the Black Hills National Ceme-
tery Chapel.
Chesney added that individu-
als can sponsor wreaths for spe-
cific cemeteries. For more
information, contact Chesney at
the United Church of Philip or
the First Presbyterian Church of
The idea for this years theme
arose from the many stories expe-
rienced by Wreath Across Amer-
icas Board Chairman Wayne
Hanson. Since his involvement in
the early 1990s, and subse-
quently with the establishment
of Wreaths Across America as a
nonprofit organization in 2007,
Hanson has made it his mission
to continually spread the word to
remember, honor and teach.
As the location leader for Ar-
lington National Cemetery since
2005, Hanson has communicated,
either personally or via email, to
thousands wanting information
on how they can volunteer to help
place wreaths. These individuals
have their own personal mission
to remember and honor a fallen
friend, relative or even an un-
known veteran who has made the
ultimate sacrifice to keep our
country free. Many come as fam-
ilies with young children in hand
and can be seen explaining to
their children what each of those
uniformed and perfectly aligned
white stone markers symbolize.
Hanson and his wife, Ann,
have experienced many examples
of what they call God Winks
when they have met or spoken to
someone at Arlington in the
course of placing wreaths who
had a special story or memory to
It is hoped that everyone who
helps place wreaths at one of the
800 plus Wreaths Across Amer-
ica cemetery locations will leave
with a special memory, be it a
conversation with a veteran, a
touching scene of a young child
placing a wreath at their father
or mothers grave or a wounded
warrior clutching the stone of a
fallen comrade, or just a photo-
graph of the remembrance
wreaths placed against the head-
Philip area students
and mentors to be
part of Wreaths
Across America
Larson a Boston
Marathon qualifier 9
Ravellette Publications is happy to receive letters concerning comments on any news story or personal feeling on any sub-
ject. We do reserve the right to edit any offensive material and also to edit to fill the allotted space. We also reserve the right
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This publications goal is to protect the first amendment guarantee of free speech. Your comments are welcomed and en-
The Pioneer Review P.O. Box 788 Philip, SD 57567-0788
(605) 859-2516 FAX: (605) 859-2410
Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Letters Policy
September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 2
Subscription Rates: For Haakon, Jackson, and Jones counties,
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Established in 1906.
The Pioneer Review, the official newspaper of Haakon County, the
towns of Philip and Midland, and Haakon School District 27-1 is pub-
lished weekly by Ravellette Publications, Inc. Pioneer Review office is
located at 221 E. Oak Street in Philip, South Dakota.
Phone: (605) 859-2516; FAX: (605) 859-2410;
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Display & Classified Advertising: Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. (MT)
Legals: Fridays at 5:00 p.m. (MT)
Publisher: Don Ravellette
Gen. Mgr. of Operations/Ad Design: Kelly Penticoff
Editor/News Reporter: Del Bartels
Reporter/Ad Design: Nancy Haigh
Ad Sales: Beau Ravellette
Lookin Around by Syd Iwan
I have learned so many inter-
esting things this week. First and
foremost, Ive finally figured out
how to sleep comfortably in one of
those awful hospital chairs. You
know, the kind that has wooden
armrests so your arms go to sleep
and tingle within minutes of
using them. Some of them also
have such strong springs that if
you push them back into the re-
clining position, they snap you
right back upright unless the
upper part of your body weighs
over 200 pounds. If you get one of
those bad ones, you are flat out of
luck unless you tie it down with a
cement block or have learned how
to sleep sitting up. If you are for-
tunate enough to get a weaker
spring, then you may be in busi-
Heres what you need to sleep in
a semi-cooperative hospital chair,
namely three pillows, a small
sheet, blanket or bedspread, and
a sweatshirt or towel. You first
place the chair where it has
enough space to recline. Then you
drape the sheet or other covering
over your feet and legs and, after
reclining the chair, grab the pil-
lows. Pick the thinnest pillow for
behind your head, and position
the other two over the wooden
armrests. Place them at an angle
so the corners meet over your lap,
and rest your arms on them at the
same angle as the pillows are sit-
uated. Finally spread the sweat-
shirt or towel over your chest and
arms and cover completely if the
room is cold. If it is warm, you
might not need it at all or the cov-
ering over your feet. If you follow
these simple instructions, you are
apt to be very comfortable indeed
and sleep like a baby. Such, at
least, has been my experience this
week. Ive even felt rested in the
mornings, and my dreams have
been sweet.
The one minor difficulty with
all this splendor is that it has to
be replaced every time you get up
to go to the bathroom or help with
your sons care. Im getting pretty
efficient at getting settled back in
by now, of course, so it doesnt
take very long. At first it was a lit-
tle tedious, but now its just rou-
Then we come to rocks. There
are rock borders all around the
hospital and, in fact, all over
town. They must all come from
the same place because the as-
sortment of stones, pebbles etc. is
always fairly much alike. Its
about what Im used to from the
ranch except all gathered together
in bunches. Ive had time to ob-
serve them closely when taking
breaks from son Chances room
and sitting on a wall or something
sipping coffee.
Must of the rocks are fairly
humdrum and not very exciting. A
few have interesting colors,
streaks, or embedded materials.
What has been catching my eye,
though, are the occasional small
flat round ones that are grayish-
brown with white flecks. I once
started looking for a perfectly
formed one of those for the lack of
anything better to do, and Ive
been looking for the perfect speci-
men ever since. I havent yet
found a completely round one that
is unchipped, but Im bound to
sooner or later, dont you imagine?
I have found a heart shaped one
that went into my pocket along
with a nice oval.
What I plan to do is let these
three pebbles roll around with my
knife, keys, and loose change
there in my pocket until they get
all smooth and nice. This may
take a considerable amount of
time, of course, but it should hap-
pen eventually. I know a little
about polishing rocks since we
had a tumbler some years ago in
which you place rocks, grit, and
water and then let the thing roll
slowly around for many weeks
until the rocks are polished. My
pocket isnt as active as a tumbler,
but given enough time the result
should be the same, I would think.
I didnt really know what to do
with those polished rocks from
long ago, come to think of it, so
the whole affair is somewhat an
exercise in futility. Thats okay. It
gives me something to think
about and work towards. That is
useful when tending someone in
the hospital. The whole business
also reminds me of Gods efforts to
polish us up a bit. He puts us
through hard times occasionally
to smooth off the rough edges and
make us shine. I wonder if Im
shiny yet. Must be getting close.
It looks possible that Chances
stay may end shortly which is fine
since weve already been here
about two weeks. Heaven knows
thats long enough, but now I have
a nice collection of rocks and know
how to sleep comfortably in a hos-
pital chair. Thats probably a good
thing, and getting Chance back to
better health is even better.
Philip, SD
U.S.P.S. 433-780
Learning Curve
PUNT, PASS & KICK CONTEST will be held Friday, Septem-
ber 6, at the football field in Philip. Registration is at 3:30 p.m. and
the contest starts at 4:00 p.m. Students must have a copy of their
birth certificate to register. Liability and entry forms are available
at the Philip school offices.
THE PHILIP GARDEN CLUB will host a Picnic in the Park
event to celebrate the opening of the new Senechal Park (directly
north of the apartments). Join the club for burgers and hot dogs,
drinks, treats, a ribbon cutting ceremony and music on Wednesday,
Sept. 18, from 5-7 p.m. (rain date is the 19th). Bring your own chair
and enjoy Philips latest green space.
anniversary with an open house on Sunday, Sept. 8, with a potluck
dinner at noon and a 1 p.m. program. The Community Betterment
Committee will have a drop-off place for donated items to the food
pantry. Everyone welcome.
LADIES PRAYER BREAKFAST will meet Monday, Septem-
ber 9, at 7:00 a.m. in the Senechal Apts. lobby. All ladies welcome.
BASIC COmPUTER CLASSES will be offered at the Haakon
County Public Library in September. Call 859-2442 for more infor-
mation and to register.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please sub-
mit them by calling: 859-2516, or e-mailing to: ads@pioneer-
review. com. We will run your event notice the two issues
prior to your event at no charge.
Country Praises by Del Bartels
His little granddaughter was
trying to race through the grass,
while his big dog was leading, run-
ning back, and leading her again
through the stuff that soon would
be mowed. The fence had been
checked last weekend when he
had begun his regular summer
chores for the cemetery associa-
tion. She and the dog would be
fine as he finished mowing the
grass and straightening any head-
stones that needed it.
As a tyke he had also played
here, while his father had done
these same chores. Playing in a
cemetery might have seemed odd
to others, but seemed so right to
him. His father had taken up the
cemetery responsibilities since a
teenager, it being suddenly passed
down when his own father was
brought back from the war. The
shadow of that headstone was
where the little girl had set her
flowered cooler which held an iced
drink, sandwich and apple.
Mowing was relatively easy.
Any short breaks were actually
harder. He just could not linger
around the northeast corner
where there were a larger number
of infant plots. He looked up to
check on his granddaughter. She
was touching and trying to read
the words on one of the infant
markers. Her lips were moving
but he couldnt hear her over the
distance and the mower.
His father once had dreams for
his children. Most of those were
shared by him operating a
ranch/farm, being an important
member of his community, some-
day raising their own kids. He had
dreams for his children taking
over the business, becoming liked
and respected neighbors, passing
on honorable traits to their own
children. His grandchildren had
dreams having fun, growing big-
ger, being a princess or superhero.
This granddaughter had specific
dreams of learning to bake cookies
and being just like her daddy.
He turned off the mower. Hear-
ing this, the dog bounded beside
the little girl toward the man.
Lunch was opened. Between bites,
the girl told of the different names
and numbers on the markers that
she had read. One first name was
the same as her friend who likes
to sing along with kids television
shows. So, she sang some songs
for the girl and other people under
the markers. She was pretty sure
they liked the songs. Grandfather
smiled. Yes, he was pretty sure,
He sliced her apple for her as
she told of what she wanted to do
tomorrow. Then, he went back to
work to finish up, and she went to
sing some more songs for every-
one. She had plans for tomorrow.
The people buried here once had
plans for their tomorrows. She
had gone off to play. Whos to say
they hadnt done the same?
He had seen some of his dreams
become real. Some were still
works in progress. Some would
have to be seen by others later.
Wasnt that the way of the
youngest to the oldest dreamers?
The man pushed the mower, but
frequently looked over toward the
girl. She had climbed up on one of
the headstones, but was sitting to-
ward the far end as if leaving
room for someone else. He could
see, but not hear, that she was
again singing. He smiled. He was
pretty sure that everyone was en-
joying the duet.
Field of dreams
by Representative
Kristi Noem
Words will never be enough to
show the depth of my gratitude to-
ward our veterans and military
personnel who are actively serv-
ing. I cant help but fill with pride
as I travel across South Dakota
and meet men and women who
have bravely stepped up to defend
this great country. In fact, over
72,000 veterans call South Dakota
home and it is because of these he-
roes that families across our state
can wake up in the greatest nation
in the world.
All of our nations veterans de-
serve to be treated with the honor
and respect they deserve, which is
why I have and will continue to
support legislation in Congress
that assists veterans and honors
their service. Recently, I co-spon-
sored H.R. 685, the American
Fighter Aces Congressional Gold
Medal Act, which specifically hon-
ors our nations fighter pilots.
Fighter pilots are credited with
destroying five or more confirmed
enemy aircraft in aerial combat.
More than 60,000 fighter pilots
have served in the Armed Forces,
but less than 1,500 have been hon-
ored with the prestigious title of
Fighter Ace. Ten aces were born in
South Dakota, including Governor
Joseph Joe Foss, the second
highest scoring ace in the Marine
Corps, and Cecil Harris, the sec-
ond highest scoring ace in the
Navy. As South Dakotans, we
should be proud to say that the
best of the best have called our
state home. I fly into and out of
Joe Foss Field in Sioux Falls when
Im traveling to Washington, D.C.
Every landing and take off re-
minds me of our states veterans
and one of our greatest flying aces.
The American Fighter Aces
Congressional Gold Medal Act will
allow for the presentation of a sin-
gle gold medal in honor of these
brave pilots and their incredible
achievements. This medal would
then be given to the Smithsonian
Institution for display and re-
search. Bronze duplicates will be
sold by the U.S. Mint to cover the
cost of the initial gold medal.
This group of elite fighters is
also one of the most highly deco-
rated military groups in American
history. Twenty-two achieved the
rank of admiral in the Navy, 79
achieved the rank of general in
the Army, Marines and Air Force
and 19 fighter aces have been
awarded the Medal of Honor, in-
cluding Joe Foss.
Im proud to support this bill,
and to support our men and
women in uniform. If you know of
a veteran who is having difficulty
receiving a military medal or
needs assistance with benefits
claims, please contact one of my
offices so we can help. Those need-
ing assistance should visit my
website at
for more information or call one of
my offices.
Honoring our fighting aces
by Senator John Thune
It was three years ago that the
Obama administration dubbed
the summer of 2010 the summer
of recovery. Three years later,
many Americans are still search-
ing for recovery as our economy
continues to struggle under the
weight of stagnant economic
growth, high unemployment, and
dwindling household income.
National unemployment re-
mains well above seven percent,
while the economy grew by just
1.7 percent in the second quarter.
The median household income has
dropped by more than $2,700
since June of 2009, yet health care
premiums for American families
have skyrocketed by nearly
As premiums continue to rise
throughout the country, and busi-
nesses reduce the number of em-
ployee hours, it has become
increasingly clear that the presi-
dents signature health care law is
crushing jobs and economic
growth. According to a recent sur-
vey conducted by Gallup, 41 per-
cent of small businesses owners
have said they have held off on
hiring new employees and 38 per-
cent have pulled back on plans to
grow their business due to Oba-
macare. According to Labor De-
partment data reported by CNN
Money, The number of Ameri-
cans finding part-time jobs has
surged this year, with more than
four times as many getting only
part-time work as opposed to full-
time jobs. In South Dakota, the
South Dakota Division of Insur-
ance recently published the ex-
change rates for 2014, and it
appears that individual plans on
the exchange will be significantly
Instead of expending time and
resources on the implementation
of Obamacare, the Obama admin-
istration should be working with
congressional Republicans to
enact pro-growth policies that
simulate the economy, including
comprehensive tax reform. Rev-
enue neutral comprehensive tax
reform is a critical way to increase
economic growth in our country.
Lower tax rates will encourage
work and investment, and will
make America a more attractive
place to do business. Well de-
signed tax reform can even help
reduce the deficit by increasing
economic growth.
In addition to tax reform, the
president should approve the con-
struction of the Keystone XL
Pipeline, which has been waiting
for approval for nearly five years.
According to the Obama State De-
partment, which is responsible for
approving the pipeline, the con-
struction of Keystone XL would
support 42,000 jobs nationwide
over a two year period. In South
Dakota, the pipeline would result
in significant economic benefits
including $470 million in new
spending for the South Dakota
economy, and additional state and
local revenues of more than $10
Finally, the president should
rein in onerous regulations on the
business community. From 2009
to 2012, President Obama final-
ized $518 billion in new regula-
tions, which is more than the
combined gross domestic product
of Portugal and Norway. Just
since January 1, 2013, the federal
government has published $66 bil-
lion in compliance costs, and 81.2
million annual paperwork burden
It is time for America to start
down the road to economic recov-
ery, and that begins by enacting
comprehensive tax reform, ap-
proving the Keystone XL Pipeline,
reining in burdensome regula-
tions, and permanently delaying
Obamacare for all Americans.
Working together to promote
these policies and to cut spending
and debt, we can grow the econ-
omy and create jobs and opportu-
nity for American workers,
families, and small businesses.
Searching for economic recovery
Months of persistent drought in
2012, a cold, wet spring in 2013
and a reduction in habitat have
impacted pheasant brood counts,
according to a report released by
the South Dakota Game, Fish and
Parks Department.
But officials note that South
Dakota will still offer the best
pheasant hunting experience in
the country, with more than 1.1
million acres of public land avail-
able for pursuing birds within the
states main pheasant range.
The departments annual brood
count surveys the number of
pheasants per mile as a means to
track pheasant numbers over
time. The actual population size is
estimated after the pheasant
hunting season ends, with addi-
tional information gathered from
hunter surveys and a winter roos-
ter-to-hen ratio survey.
The 2013 report indicates an
index of 1.52 pheasants per mile,
down from 4.19 pheasants per
mile last year.
The annual brood count pro-
vides us with a year-over-year
analysis tool, said Travis Runia,
GFPs lead pheasant biologist.
Our numbers may be down from
last year, but hunters will still be
able to find birds."
GFP conducts the brood route
survey each year on select
stretches of roads around the
state. All pheasants are counted
along each route, with particular
attention to the number of broods.
Much of the northern Great
Plains experienced the same
weather and habitat factors that
impacted our brood counts, Runia
Runia noted that lower brood
counts in 1992 and 1997 still re-
sulted in almost one million
pheasants harvested in South
Dakota each year. Since 1992, the
state has added 350,000 acres of
public access within the main
pheasant range, expanding hunt-
ing opportunities.
The 2013 pheasant season
opens October 19 and runs
through January 5, 2014. The
youth pheasant season will run
from October 5-9 and the resident
only season October 12-14.
The 2013 pheasant brood sur-
vey report, complete with compar-
isons for different local areas, can
be accessed at
South Dakota pheasant survey lower,
though opportunities could improve
Make your opinion known
write a letter to the editor!
Fax signed copy to 859-2410
or e-mail with your
phone number to: news-
Sunflower, Sorghum
& Corn Plot Tours
SDSU Extension will offer
tours of the Sunflower and Grain
Sorghum Crop Variety Testing
plots in Lyman County on Thurs-
day, September 5. We will begin
with the Sunflower Variety Trial
at 4:30 pm CDT. The Sunflower
plot is located 6.5 miles south of I-
90 Exit 226, east of Presho, 5
miles west and 0.5 miles south.
The starting point for the
Grain Sorghum Variety Plot is
the Kim Halverson Farm, located
4.5 miles south of Kennebec and
3.5 miles east on 246th St. Plans
are to begin that tour at 6:00 pm
CDT. Kim also has a Corn Vari-
ety Plot, as well as a corn popula-
tion study, and seed
representatives from the compa-
nies he sells for will be on hand
for information on their products.
Plans are to finish the evening
at the Kim Halverson Farm with
a meal and refreshments at 7:15
pm CDT.
For more information, contact
the SDSU Regional Extension
Center in Winner at 842-1267.
Fall Alfalfa management
Although there are exceptions,
summer rains have offered some
alfalfa producers with the option
of a 3rd, or even 4th cutting. That
extra cutting of alfalfa doesnt
happen in much of South Dakota
often, but if so, will likely be in
September. The question has
been asked, is that a good idea, or
The answer depends on a few
issues. If the field will not be
saved for hay the following year,
you can obviously cut it any time
without concern. There will be a
slight reduction in nitrogen con-
tribution to the next crop if the
top growth is removed, but if done
when the quality is good, and
there is enough yield to make har-
vesting worthwhile, the value of
the hay crop may easily exceed
the small amount of nitrogen
saved by leaving it.
If you plan to keep the field in
alfalfa for one or more years, the
next question is, do you need the
hay? If not, it is safer for the
health of the stand to leave the
last growth in the field, and do
not graze it. If you decide you
need the hay, the best practice is
to wait until at or after a killing
frost to cut it, and leave 5-6 of
stubble to catch snow and protect
the crowns from cold.
For the best survival of the
stand, attempt to take last sum-
mer cutting by late August or
very early September, and let re-
growth stand in the field (no late
cut or grazing). If you have not
fertilized in the summer, you may
want to topdress any needed
phosphorus and/or potassium in
late August or early September.
What is the risk of cutting in
mid-September? Alfalfa cut in
mid-September will begin to re-
grow following the harvest and
use some of the stored carbohy-
drates, meaning a relatively low
level available when the killing
freeze comes. Reduced levels of
stored carbohydrates can limit
winter survival and inhibit re-
growth in the spring. With a low
level of stored carbohydrates,
even a minor premature spring
recovery and freeze-back will se-
verely stress the plants.
9/5/2013 Sunflower, Milo and
Corn Plot Tours, 4:30 pm, SDSU
Sunflower Plot & Kim Halverson
by Bob Fanning. Field Specialist, Winner
Regional Extension Center
Pioneer Review Ad Deadline:
Tuesdays11:00 a.m.
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September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 3
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from the SSE at 5 to 10 mph.
Thursday Night: Partly cloudy in the
evening, then clear with a chance of a
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Friday: Clear in the morning, then partly
cloudy. High of 93F. Winds from the
WSW at 5 to 10 mph shifting to the NNE
in the afternoon. Friday Night: Clear in
the evening, then partly cloudy with a chance
of a thunderstorm and rain. Low of 64F. Winds from
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Saturday: Partly cloudy with a chance
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86F. Winds from the ENE at 10 to 15
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Night: Partly cloudy with a chance of a
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Sunday: Partly cloudy with a chance of a
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ENE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
Sunday Night: Partly cloudy with a chance of
a thunderstorm. Fog overnight. Low of 54F.
Winds from the ENE at 10 to 15 mph shifting to the
WSW after midnight. Chance of rain 20%.
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August cattle on feed report bullish
Feed prices trending lower and
feeder cattle prices trending
higher may spark some interest
in retaining ownership of stocker
calves over the winter.
"Feeder cattle futures price
and projections from USDA-ERS
send different signals for different
times. Through the remainder of
2013 futures are above funda-
mental projection levels. Thus,
there is an incentive to price
feeder cattle to be sold in the
short run," said Heather Gessner,
SDSU Extension Livestock Busi-
ness Management Field Special-
By the second quarter of 2014
the projections are above the fu-
tures price by $10 per hundred-
weight. Gessner said these prices,
combined with new crop corn and
hay prices remaining lower than
last year, suggest profit potential
for calves backgrounded through-
out winter. However, she added
that risk management tools
should be considered despite the
improved chances for lower feed
costs as the risk of retaining own-
ership between fall and spring
can be large in the feeder cattle
"During the winter months,
particularly between November
and March, futures have both
risen and fallen by over $10 per
hundredweight in the last
decade," Gessner said.
Producers with calves or feed-
ers can use put options or Live-
stock Risk Protection (LRP)
insurance to cover against a de-
cline in feeder cattle prices. Gess-
ner pointed out that such declines
occurred from November to
March in 2003, 2005, 2007, 2008
and 2012.
When making the decision on
which of these tools to utilize,
Gessner said to consider the num-
ber of animals you are covering,
the cost of the product, and the
length of time you will be covering
your calves.
"Other price protection tools
such as forward pricing calves for
later delivery either through in-
ternet auctions or direct sales to
the feedlot could be considered.
The downside of utilizing these
tools would be that if the price
projections are accurate for the
first quarter of 2014 there may be
money left on the table come de-
livery day," she said.
In order to determine which of
these tools will work best, Gess-
ner said producers first need to
determine their breakeven costs
for three months of feed, as well
as their risk tolerance.
"With futures and projections
in March near the $160 per hun-
dredweight range and the bud-
geted costs at $200 per head in
this market scenario, determin-
ing your risk tolerance is up to
you," she said.
To discuss the price protection
tools available to you, contact
Gessner at Heather.Gessner@sd- or 605-782-3290.
There were 10 million head of
cattle on feed in U.S. feedyards
with greater than 1,000 head ca-
pacities on Aug. 1, 2013, accord-
ing to USDA's monthly Cattle on
Feed report released on Aug. 23.
"That is almost 6 percent below
a year ago and below industry ex-
pectations," said Darrell Mark,
Adjunct Professor of Economics at
South Dakota State University.
"Although this is the twelfth con-
secutive month of year-over-year
declines in the on feed inventory,
the Aug. 1 drop likely marks the
beginning of several months of
sharply lower cattle on feed num-
Cattle feeders marketed 2 mil-
lion head of cattle during July, or
about 4.5 percent more than in
July 2012 (Table 1). This in-
crease, which contributed to the
lower cattle on feed inventory on
Aug. 1, Mark said it was rela-
tively close to pre-release expec-
"Because July 2013 had one
more marketing day than July
2012, average daily marketings
this July were almost identical to
last year," he said.
The steady marketings along
with the declining number of cat-
tle on feed has resulted in mar-
ketings as a percentage of the
number of cattle on feed to in-
crease to 19.3 percent, which
Mark said is up from 17.9 percent
a year ago and the highest mar-
ketings pace yet for 2013.
"Marketings as a percentage of
cattle on feed have generally been
higher this year as a function of
cattle feeders placing more heavy
yearlings on feed and fewer
calves, thus shortening the num-
ber of days on feed that cattle are
nearly 20 percent compared to
July 2011 and almost 8 percent
below the 5-year average. In ad-
dition to high feed costs last
month limiting placements this
July, sharp reductions in feeder
cattle imports from Mexico con-
tributed to about a fifth of the de-
cline in placements this year,"
Mark said.
Overall, Mark said the market
reaction to the sharply lower
placements, lower cattle on feed
inventory, and steady average
daily marketings figures was
bullish. The numbers provide the
most support for improved fed
cattle prices in the November
2013 to February 2014 time-
"Continued reductions in cattle
on feed numbers could help push
slaughter cattle prices to $130 per
hundred weight or slightly higher
by year's end. However, higher
placements of calves this fall - if
new crop corn prices remain low -
could put more pressure on fed
prices late next spring and early
summer," he said.
To learn more, visit
fed," he said.
That trend towards placing
proportionally more heavy feeder
cattle and fewer lighter cattle on
feed continued in July. Cattle
feeders placed about 665,000
feeder cattle weighing less than
700 pounds during July, which
was 160,000 head or almost 20
percent less than last year.
"This year's improved pasture
and range conditions have not
forced early weaning to the extent
that it did for the last two years,
thus lowering the number of
calves being placed in July and
August this year," he said.
Mark added that cattle feeders
placed 1.057 million feeder cattle
weighing more than 700 pounds
in July, down only 40,000 head or
4 percent from last year. Still,
total placements sharply declined
in July. USDA reported that cat-
tle feeders placed only 1.722 mil-
lion head, which was down 10.4
percent compared to last year and
well below industry expectations.
"Of note, July 2012 placements
were down sharply as well. So,
July 2013 placements were down
Calf and feeder markets spur retained ownership of calves
Elderly meals
Thursday, Sept. 5: Roast Beef,
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy,
Corn, Roll, Fruit.
Friday, Sept. 6: Crispy Tuscan
Chicken, Duchess Potatoes,
Caribbean Veggies, Biscuit, Fruit.
monday, Sept. 9: Grilled
Chicken, Twice Baked Potatoes,
Salad, Garlic Bread, Spiced Ap-
Tuesday, Sept. 10: Cod Strips,
Fried Potatoes, Coleslaw, Roll,
Peachy Gelatin.
Wednesday, Sept. 11: Fried
Chicken, Macaroni and Cheese,
Glazed Carrots, Fruit.
Friday, August 23, 2013, at Som-
erset Court, we had cooking with
Sandi. The finished product was
apple kuchen, some with nuts. It
was very good.
In the afternoon, we had three
tables of card players. Five crowns
has held our interest for quite a
long time.
Thursday, I received a thank you
letter from my nieces granddaugh-
ter, Samantha Schilling, Ashton.
She said that she will be starting
college at Northern State Univer-
sity in Aberdeen.
Kammi Trullinger, Somerset
front desk staff, reported that her
daughter will be starting school at
Black Hills State University in
Happy birthday to Myrna Poko-
rney, on August 25.
Marilyn Butts has a new great-
granddaughter at Great Falls,
Idaho, and she plans to go there to
visit for two weeks. Its great fun to
be a great-grandma!
At Somerset Court, August 31,
the dunk tank crew earned over
$700 for the Special Olympics.
Thank you all for your part in the
My daughter, Carol, and hus-
band, Al Vogan, Colorado Springs,
Colo., send me the Imprimis maga-
zine from Hillsdale College in
Hillsdale, Mich. Each month there
is an article on a controversial sub-
ject. This month it is about the im-
portance of presenting wholesome
and uplifting books and other ma-
terial for our young people. There
has been a rash of dark and violent,
offensive material published and
labeled young adult.
Saturday, August 24, Agnes
grandson, Stephen, who will be
starting high school in Sturgis sent
along a box of chocolate mints for
Agnes to share with her friends.
Thank you, Agnes.
John Kraft spent the weekend at
Somerset Court. And David Plocek
of Lemmon visited Eileen Tenold at
Somerset Court over the weekend.
M.R. Hansen sent an update
from Mongolia as of August 22,
2013. I placed a copy of it in the
scrapbook on the coffee table by the
fireplace. The official money name
there is togrod. The togrod has
risen from 1430 to 1570 to the dol-
lar since June 2013. A great deal of
gold and copper are mined in Mon-
golia and the mines are controlled
by two big companies.
School children must wear the
standard uniform. This is high-
quality wool and is expensive for
many families. Books are in short
supply. In M.R. and Barbaras
classrooms, they will copy out
pages when the books dont go
around. For other highlights of
M.R.s email read the whole report
in the scrapbook.
Sunday, August 25, 2013, Mike
Kilmer came to play piano for us at
Somerset Court. Thanks, Mike.
I am starting a new journal book,
the one that M.R. Hansen bought
for me in Chile when he was there.
It is a leather covered book with a
metal portrait of Gabriela Mistral,
Chilean poet, who won the Nobel
Peace Prize for literature in 1945.
She was also an educator and
diplomat. I hope to read some of
her poetry if I can get it from the
Rapid City Public Library.
M.R. Hansen reported from Mon-
golia that he had started classes at
Darkhan University. The atten-
dance is meager, which was not en-
tirely unexpected. There seems to
be a lax attitude about starting on
time. He and his lab assistant
handed out lesson plans and infor-
mation to those who showed up.
At church with Rev. Richardson
and Mrs. Richardson, Rev.
Richardson went up and wheeled
Jack Humke down to play the
piano for us. Jack played Showers
of Blessings, and we feel blessed
with the rains we have had and we
hope that the rain continues.
Thank you, Jack and Rev. Richard-
Our prayers go out to the school
kids just now. We pray that they
will have the privilege of studying
without worry.
After church, we played five
crowns. My son, Wayne, and his
wife, Gwynn, came over to Somer-
set Court for supper and a game of
scrabble. (Well, Wayne watched
the Dodgers and Gwynn and I
Monday, August 26, 2013, at
Somerset Court, the bus went on a
shopping trip and our activity di-
rectors did shopping for those of us
who preferred not to go. Thank
you, Shawn and Sandi.
Our morning crafts with Amy
was well attended. We created
pretty stick-on art crosses with
flowers and leaves and a Bible
verse. Thank you, Amy, for this ac-
tivity and Shawn and Sandi who
were there to help.
In the afternoon, we were
treated to a sampler of old black
and white John Wayne movies.
Plenty of desert scenery with tall,
rocky passes just waiting to be dy-
namited. A tell-tale rowel, a neck-
erchief from the polka dot bandit,
crooks shot right and left, and John
Wayne on a white horse to ride
away with the pretty girl into the
There is something called com-
mon core, which I take to be some
new ideas for teaching basic math
and reading. Google was not help-
ful in explaining. If anyone under-
stands what is involved, please let
me know. A front page article in
the Rapid City Journal says that
common core standards for teach-
ing and testing will guide educa-
tion for years to come. The article
goes on to include material from
the Sioux Falls Argus Leader,
which presents some negative-
sounding aspects of the new plan. I
am reminded of new math and
No Child Left Behind.
Tuesday, August 27, at Somerset
Court we played blongo and in the
afternoon we played bingo. Follow-
ing bingo we had the Somerset
Court birthday bash for our resi-
dents with August birthdays. The
kitchen staff baked a tall, fluffy
white cake and frosted it with pale
green frosting. There were flowers
and happy birthday spelled out on
it chocolate icing.
Tuesday, a pretty thank you card
came from my newly wed great-
grandson, Dylan, and his wife,
Caria Mair, Plano, Texas. Their
note said that grasshoppers are
bad down there in Texas. They said
that they had a pretty wedding
that was held in Mt. View, Wyo.,
Dylans old hometown, about a
month ago.
The new Smithsonian magazine
for September 2013 came Tuesday
and I plan to put it on the table in
the front lobby.
My niece, Wanda Meyer Artz,
Humboldt, phoned that she has
some of my mothers, Effie Palmer
of Grindstone, photographic glass
plates and early 1900s photos. We
would like to know where we can
copy these so we can share with
family members and perhaps a mu-
continued on page 5
Hit & Miss
September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 4
by Vivian Hansen
or betty@pioneer-

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Gem Theatre
859-2000 Philip
Fri: 8:00 p.m. Sat: 8:00 p.m.
Sun: 1:30 p.m. Mon: 7:00 p.m.
For updates on movies, call:
0:ss|: 0s,|:s:1
l::1 !ss|:
will resume their
winter hours starting
September 4, 2013
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
& every third
Saturday: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Phone: 279-1045 WaII, SD
P|ease he| us ce|ebrate
|rltt Arments
80th Blrthda
Setember 15, 2013
ulth a
Card Shouer!
Caids nay le
senl lo Iiilz al:
21391 SD Hvy. 44
WanlIee, SD 57577
on Valspar Elan and Medallion
Paint and Primers, Supreme Paint
Offer valid on purchases with dated sales receipt between
08/29/13 and 09/08/13. Limit $50 on 10-gallon purchase.
Valid on submissions postmarked before 10/08/13. See
store for details.
Ingram Hardware
859-2521 Philip
A Hail of a Sale!
Jody Sue
Johnson, daugh-
ter of the late
Roy Seiden-
stricker and
Georgene Sea-
ger, and Thomas
Harold Struble,
son of Leslie and
Muree Struble of
Kadoka, were
united in mar-
riage June 29,
2013, in Philip
by Pastor Ray-
m o n d
The bride was
given in mar-
riage by her
brother, Scott
Reno, Nev.
Music for the
ceremony was
provided by Kim
Kanable, vocal-
ist, and Mike
Seager, accom-
The brides
honor attendant
was Billie Jean
Sclafani, Las
Vegas, Nev.
Br i d e s ma i d s
were Vanessa
Foley, Vermillion, and Nancy Ehrhardt, Brandon. The flower girl was
Emilie Jo Foley.
Best man was Craig Patterson, Kadoka. Groomsmen were Chaz
Wheeler, Albuquerque, N.M., and Roger Williams, Philip. The ringbearer
was Vincent Sclafani. Ushers were Mike Struble and Paul Seidenstricker.
The couple makes their home at 612 Sunshine Dr., Philip.
Johnson~Struble Wed
A reminder: The Hardingrove
Church picnic will be this Sunday,
September 8 at our place. Church
service will be at 11:00 followed by
a potluck dinner. Pastor Gary will
be grilling the meat. No 8:00 serv-
ice that morning. Everyone is wel-
Congratulations to our
Milesville boys who were nomi-
nated for homecoming king this
week. We claim all three, as the
Johnsons lived in our area for sev-
eral years before moving to Philip.
Those selected were Nick Hamill,
Reed Johnson and Jade Berry.
This will be a fun, busy week at
Philip High School.
Recently, Beau and Susanne
Bendigo and family received the
South Dakota SRM "Excellence in
Rangeland Management" award.
This was given to them for their
improvements done on their
Tribal Range Unit, which included
added water tanks and cross fenc-
ing on their land. Congratulations
to the Bendigos! Larry, Beau, Su-
sanne and family live north of the
Cheyenne River not far from us
Milesville folks. Susanne said all
of their kids are in school in
Cherry Creek kindergarten to
eighth grade.
Glen and Jackie Radway were
in Pierre from Friday through
Sunday. Darin and Leah Ries
hosted a birthday party for Ains-
ley, who is now one year old.
Carey and Erin Radway, Sioux
Falls, also attended the festivities
on Saturday, as well as the entire
Ries family.
Weekend guests at Tim and
Judy Elshere's were son Scott,
Tia, Holden and Isaac Elshere,
Sioux Falls. Coming on Saturday
were son Casey, Rachelle and
Ashlynn Elshere, Hot Springs.
Sunday, they all went to Philip to
visit with Paul and Joy Elshere.
Allen, Miles, Erin, Connor and
Mackenzie Hovland attended the
South Dakota State Fair Saturday
in Huron.
Mike and Linda Gebes were
also at the fair from Wednesday
until Monday. Linda said it was
Marla Petersen, Dazey, N.D.,
arrived at her parents', Bill and
Connie Parsons, last Wednesday
for a few days visit. Thursday,
Connie and Marla visited with
Paul and Joy Elshere in Philip
and enjoyed lunch with Dianne
Parsons. Supper guests that night
were Grant and Sandra Parsons.
Friday morning, they visited here
with Bart and me. Marla left early
Saturday morning, stopping on
the way home to watch son Seth
play football. Both Seth and his
sister, SaraLi, attend Trinity
Bible College in Ellendale, N.D.
Visiting Bill and Connie Sunday
was their grandaughter, Shayla
Delaney, and son Nolan, Rapid
City. Glenn and Dianne Parsons
were also brief visitors Sunday.
Wednesday, Joan Hamill had
friends, Jeanine Anderson and
Donna (O'Connell) Perez, both of
Rapid City, for lunch. Joan and
Peggy Staben enjoyed lunch and a
movie in Rapid City Sunday.
Jeff and Crystal Schofield and
Bryan Schofield visited at Donnie
and Bobette Schofield's Sunday
Wade and Marcy Parsons, Au-
tumn, Kamri and Keenan, spent
Sunday in Rapid City with
Marcy's parents, Jim and Betty
Smith, and her sister, Ashley and
Brock Heid and daughter, Jaisa.
They were celebrating their par-
ents' 40th anniversary. Their aunt
and uncle, Sharon and Jerry Reid,
Rapid City, also joined them for
Milesville News|Janice Parsons 544-3315
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
859-2336 Philip
1st Sunday: Coffee & Rolls after worship
First Lutheran Ladies Bible study.
There are two Bible study groups: each meeting monthly. One
meets on the second Tuesday at
12:00 p.m. at First Lutheran Church and the other meets on the
second Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. at the Senechal Apts. lobby.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
Midland 843-2538
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:30 a.m.
Ruth Circle: 3rd Tues. at 2 p.m.
Nowlin Circle: Last Wed. at 9 a.m.
Rebecca Circle: Last Wed. at 7 p.m. (Nov. thru Feb.); 6:30 p.m.
(Mar. - Oct.)
* * * * * *
Moenville 843-2538
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
1:30 p.m. (CT)
ALCW: 3rd Thursday, 1:30 p.m.
* * * * * *
Long Valley
Pastor Frezil Westerlund
* * * * * *
Every Sunday in July
Services at 10:00 a.m.
followed by potluck dinner
Pastor Art Weitschat
Kadoka 837-2390
SUNDAY WORSHIP: 10:00 a.m.
* * * * * *
(605) 669-2406 Murdo
Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship Services:
1:00 p.m.
Pastor Andy Blye
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study: Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
Womens Ministries: 2nd Thurs., 1:30
10 miles SE of Midland
Pastor Glenn Denke 462-6169
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. CT
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip 859-2841
Sunday School 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Services 10:30 a.m.
Last Sunday of the month
potluck dinner following church services
Last Monday of the month
Evang. Ladies Service/Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.
Wed. Night Prayer & Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Everyone Welcome!!
* * * * * *
Pastor Gary Wahl Philip
Worship Service: 9:00 a.m.
Children's Church: 8:30 a.m.
Ladies Aid - 2nd Thurs. at 7:00 p.m.
Bible Study & Prayer, Mondays at 7 p.m.
* * * * * * *
Pastor Kathy
Chesney 859-2310
Sunday Worship: 8:00 a.m.
Pastor Kathy
Chesney 859-2310
Home: 859-2192 E-mail:
Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m.
1st Wednesday Every Month:
Contemporary Worship, 6:00 p.m.
UCW meets 2nd Friday at 9:30 a.m.
* * * * * * *
Philip 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturdays: Confession from 3 to 4 p.m.
Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. (August)
Tues-Wed-Fri. Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Thurs. Mass: 10:30 a.m. at Philip Nursing Home
* * * * * *
Midland 859-2664 or 843-2544
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Saturday Mass: 7:00 p.m.
(Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct., Dec.)
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
(Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.)
Confession: Before Mass
* * * * * *
Milesville 859-2664
Fr. Kevin Achbach
Sunday Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m. (August)
Saturday Mass: 7:30 p.m.
Confession: Before Mass
Monday Release Time: 2:15 p.m.
Rush Funeral Home
Chapels in Philip, Wall & Kadoka
Jack, Gayle & D.J. Rush
859-2542 Philip, SD
Ronald G. Mann, DDS
Philip, SD
Although He was their Master, Jesus was not
too proud to wash His disciples' feet and
encouraged them to be the same. We should
all be servants unto each other no matter what
our position in life. The next time you come
across someone in need, do what you can to
help them, even if you do not know them.
Ancient wisdom for modern Iife
If I then, your Lord and
Master, have washed
your feet; ye also ought
to wash one another's
feet. John 13:14 (KJV)
continued on 10
Send obituaries, engagement & wedding write-ups to:
There is no charge.
September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 5
Karla McLaren, age 55, of Inte-
rior, S.D., died Thursday, August
29, 2013, at the Nebraska Medical
Center in Omaha.
Karla K. Saunders was born
April 20, 1958 in Kadoka, the
daughter of Elwin and Carol
(Lange) Saunders. She grew up
and received her education in Wall.
After her education, she did vari-
ous jobs in the Wall area.
One of the places she worked
was the Wagon Wheel Bar in Inte-
rior. It was there that she met her
husband, Donald Scotty
McLaren. They were married April
3, 1998, at the Presbyterian
Church in Interior. They made
their home in Interior all their
married life. After their marriage,
Karla worked at the A&M Cafe in
Karla enjoyed horseback riding,
and rock hunting with her friends
Shirley Gartner, Pat Fortune, and
Carolyn Guptill.
Due to health reasons, Karla
moved to the Philip Nursing Home
in November of 2012, where she
resided until the time of her death.
Survivors include her husband
Donald Scotty McLaren of Inte-
rior; her son, Travis Saunders, and
his wife, Cheryl, of Murdo; three
grandchildren; her mother, Carol
Wickstrom of Wall; her father,
Elwin Saunders of Missouri; one
brother, Terry Saunders, of Tonto
Basin, Ariz.; and one sister, Jean
Saunders of Silverthorne, Colo.
Karla was preceded in death by
her stepfather, William H. Wick-
strom, on August 23, 1993.
Visitation was held Monday,
September 2, at the Rush Funeral
Home in Philip, and again on Tues-
day, September 3, at the Rush Fu-
neral Home in Philip.
No other services will be held.
Her online guestbook is avail-
able at
Karla McLaren_________________________________
Deloris Dobbie Foster, age 92,
of Wall, S.D., died Friday, August
30, 2013, at the Clarkson Health
Care Center in Rapid City.
Deloris F. Crown was born Feb-
ruary 25, 1921, along with her twin
sister, Doris, the daughters of
Orrin and Maggie (Wetzel) Crown.
She grew up in the Wall area,
where she attended rural school be-
fore attending Wall High School,
graduating in 1938. After gradua-
tion, she worked as a switchboard
operator for the telephone com-
Deloris was united in marriage
to Delos Foster on September 14,
1940, at Rapid City. They made
their home in Wall where they op-
erated a Conoco service station
until moving to Tacoma, Wash.
Delos entered the U.S. Navy dur-
ing World War II and Deloris
moved back to Wall during that
time. After his discharge from the
Navy, they returned to Wall. They
owned and operated various serv-
ice stations until 1958, when they
began operating the Foster Texaco
Station at the south end of Main
Street. They continued to operate
the station until Delos death in
1995, and Dobbie retired.
She spent her retirement years
in Wall, until moving to Rapid City
in March in 2013 due to health rea-
sons, where she had since resided.
Dobbie was a member of the
Methodist Church in Wall, and en-
joyed bowling in her spare time.
She spent many hours traveling
with her bowling team to different
bowling tournaments in the state.
She made world famous peanut
brittle, and crocheted doilies for a
number of residents in Wall.
Survivors include two sons,
Allen Foster and his wife, Anne, of
Rapid City, and Jerry Foster and
his wife, Sue, of Rapid City; a
daughter, Karen Holst and her
husband, Gary, of Rapid City; four
grandchildren, Juli, Steve, Megan
and Luke; three great-grandchil-
dren; a brother-in-law, Norman Se-
bade of Tacoma, Wash.; and a host
of other relatives and friends.
Dobbie was preceded in death by
her husband, Delos Foster, on Oc-
tober 13, 1995; three brothers,
Merle, Wayne and Ivan Crown;
and two sisters, Elsie Mortensen
and Doris Sebade.
Services were held Tuesday,
September 3, at the Methodist
Church in Wall, with Pastor Dar-
win Kopfmann officiating.
Interment was at the Wall
Rush Funeral Chapel of Wall
was in charge of arrangements.
A memorial has been estab-
lished. Her online guestbook is
available at www.rushfuneral-
Deloris Dobbie Foster___________________________
Join us for an Open House
Tuesday, Sept. 10th, from 2 to 6 p.m.
Senechal Apts. Lobby, Philip
For more info, contact
Tzeidel (605) 517-1937
(continued from 4)
Donna and Tina Staben joined
the Garden Club Tuesday evening
with a tour of Pam Ingram's yard
in Philip.
Lunch guests Saturday at Leo
and Joan Patton's were the Jim
Stangle family and Dave Stangle.
The Jim Stangles and Steve
Pekron were guests Monday. It's
nice to have family and neighbors
help out. Sunday, Bob, Kaitlyn,
and April Knight and friend,
Brent, and Gary Stephenson
stopped for lunch. They said the
doves were scarce. Coming on
Monday to spend a few days with
her parents was Sharon Kauff-
man of Colorado.
Sunday, most of our family were
together near Spearfish with
Nancy Hohwieler and son, Andy,
who were spending the long week-
end there. They included Bryan
and Sharon Olivier, Earl, Jodi,
Rachel and Sarah Parsons, Mike
and Melody Parsons, Bailey,
Carter and Landon, and Bart and
me. George has resumed his
chemo treatments in Grand Island
and stayed home in Aurora with
sons, Bradley and Jordan, who are
both attending the University of
Nebraska in Lincoln.
August weather information:
Total precipitation for the month
was 5.14. Total for the year is
15.10 which is nearly normal.
Average high was 84 with the
highest temperature on the 26th
with 97. On the 24th and 25th it
reached 96. It got in to the 90s
eight days during the month.
Average low was 61. The lowest
for the month was 54 on the 7th.
There were 14 nights the lows got
down in the 50s. There were four-
mornings with fog.
Milesville News|Janice Parsons 544-3315
This is terrible, I use a program
that underlines poor spelling with
a red line, but it doesnt correct
the problem for me. I want a
smarter computer!
Sandee and Roxie Gittings
drove up to the Black Hills Sun-
day afternoon and spent the night
with Leo and Judie Gittings. Leo
shared some of their garden pro-
duce with them. Roxie and Sandee
Gittings were in Rapid City Mon-
Monday found Tony Harty
doing the usual around Kadoka,
getting the mail, mowing some in
the cool of the morning, and visit-
ing at the Sumpters in the
evening. The day turned out to be
Monday, the 26th of August,
Bill and I were still at the Big
Bend Dam by Fort Thompson. We
launched the boat for one more at-
tempt to get the biggest fish
around, no luck there, but Bill did
adjust the motor some and got it
running much better. Then it was
time to load up. I can attest to the
fact the water was warm since I
went wading up past my knees to
get the boat launched and loaded.
We need to figure out a way so I
dont get quite so wet! A fellow
that helps at the campground
asked Bill how he had such a help-
ful mermaid along, since every
time he saw me I was in the water
not quite waist deep. Bill got to
the card room in Philip in the af-
Monday, Don and Vi Moody set-
tled back at the ranch and got
mowing done in and around the
ranch again for the most part any-
way. Don had an appointment in
Philip with Ron Larson Tuesday
morning to pick up a new laptop to
take mostly for travel leaving the
old one for Vi to do her ranch ac-
counting and other business at the
ranch besides, the desktop, so that
will cover most of their needs they
hope, except for getting iphones, i-
pads, notepads, mini-pads and all
that other stuff in the electronic
wizardry that no one these days
can live without anymore.
Roxie Gittings returned to
Eagan, Minn., Tuesday morning
after being a big help around the
place with her folks. Roxie baked
up a bunch of goodies for George
and Sandee to enjoy.
Tuesday, Tony Harty picked up
the mail, checked around the
Hairs place to see if it was in need
of mowing and to see that every-
thing was okay, then made a trip
to Philip. Again the temperature
reached 100 on the home ther-
Tuesday, I had a full day with
folks in Rapid City with the
Haakon County Prairie Trans-
portation van. Bill was in Philip in
the afternoon for cards and that
evening we held a meeting of the
bowling association at the bowling
alley in Philip. There was a lot of
discussion and the secretaries of
each league to get the opinions of
their bowlers. Remember, if you
want to bowl call the bowling alley
or another bowler. If you cant
golf, you can bowl in the winter.
You may even be able to do both,
who knows!
A couple from the Aberdeen
area stopped at George and
Sandee Gittings Wednesday after-
noon to see their home after see-
ing the interview on KELO TV.
Sorry didn't get their names, but
they said Jayne Gottsleben grew
up in their neighborhood.
Wednesday, Don and Vi Moody
were in Philip doing errands and
Wednesday morning after Bill
and I had breakfast, I took the
HCPT van to Kyle with a passen-
ger. The crops along that route are
in fine shape. Lots of millet fields,
a few sunflowers, alfalfa in its
second cutting, and everything is
still green and nice looking. The
sunflowers are bowing their heads
and filling with seeds, so not near
as pretty as a couple of weeks ago.
Bill was in Philip in the afternoon
for cards.
George and Sandee Gittings
were in Rapid City Thursday.
Sandee had the port taken out as
it caused a blood clot and a lot of
Wednesday night, I was fussing
around the house with the phone
book in my hand, all prepared to
call Jerry and Sonia Nemec and
cancel a planned flight Thursday
morning in celebration of Jerrys
72nd birthday. The reason for
fussing around was a person was
to be picked up in Kyle early in
the morning and brought back to
catch the bus out of Kadoka to
visit in Sioux Falls. Whew, Bill
took the pressure off by volunteer-
ing to make the run with the
HCPT van, leaving at 5:30 Thurs-
day morning. Kyle is 63 miles
away on slower roads. Thursday
morning, I had the hanger all
opened up, tires checked, fuel and
oil checked, and was ready for de-
parture at 7 a.m. I met Jerry and
Sonia at our house and caught a
ride to the airport with them and
Betwixt Places| Marsha Sumpter 837-2048
Sonia Nemec 843-2564
It is Monday, isnt it? With it
being Labor Day and a holiday for
businesses and those post offices,
my mind is thinking holiday
no news, right? Wrong. It is still a
day for collecting local news, for
another weekly column. Labor
Day weekend marks the end of
summer, with kids back in school
and fall nibbling at our toes. With
temperatures predicted to be in
the 90s for the next seven days,
its telling us not to get ahead of
ourselves, as summer is not fin-
ished with us yet. Some folks are
windrowing down their millet
crops, getting them ready for har-
vest. Jerry and I took a drive
around the country area yesterday
and couldnt help but think, bar-
ring any bad storms from Mother
Nature it is going to be a very,
busy, fall harvest. The crops are
looking good. It was a beautiful
Monday morning, with a light
breeze, a beautiful morning for a
hot air balloon ride. When doing
some things out at our farm on the
De Young place, off in the dis-
tance, Jerry saw two hot air bal-
loons, floating along in the sky.
They were coming from the east
moving towards the Saucerman or
Daly place, as far as he could tell.
Giving Judy Daly a call to see
what she knew, she said Steve
was headed out to do some farm-
ing, when he spotted them, took
some pictures, you can do that
with cell phones you know, gave
Judy a call and headed for the
area near Saucermans or Mickey
Dalys who have land across the
road from each other. Anyway,
long story short, by the time Judy
and Steve got there one had
landed in Saucermans field and
the other one was about to land in
that same field. Judy said Judith
Radway, Philip, was in one of the
air balloons. Now according to
Chrisy Zuccaro, those balloon
rides are awesome, she and her
mom, Eleanor, had gone on one
some years ago. Ill take her word
for it, but just between you and
me, Ill leave those air balloon
rides to someone else. The town of
Belvidere was having a two-day
celebration with different activi-
ties this holiday weekend, and one
of those activities was hot air bal-
loon rides.
Friday, as I was walking to the
post office, I happened to see some
folks walking the streets of Mid-
land. You know you live in a small
town when you see someone you
dont know and strike up a conver-
sation. They were an enjoyable
couple, telling that theyd been
around the Pierre area to the east,
looking up the area where family
had once lived some years ago.
She was thoroughly enjoying
walking the streets of Midland
and hearing some of the history of
the town. As we continued to visit,
I shared the history of 1880 Town
and of Clarence Hullingers wish
to preserve history for our youth.
They planned to make a stop
there, seeing that history and buy-
ing the book of the history of that
town. Visiting with those folks
and hearing their story and shar-
ing some of my own, is one of the
reasons I enjoyed working at 1880
Town. It took you off on an adven-
ture to places you would never
see. From there they were going
through the Badlands.
At Midland Market Friday
evening, there was a young fellow
by the name of James Rienstra of
Zimmerman, Minn., who two
years ago had embarked on a
Pedaling for Pennies bicycle trip
to raise money to fight against
cancer by raising awareness and
money. Losing his father to pan-
creatic cancer his goal is to help in
the fight of cancer. On his first
trip he biked over 3,000 miles
from Minnesota to Alaska and
raised $17,000. Leaving his home
town of Zimmerman August 15,
he began his road bike trip which
will take him over 15,000 miles
through 12 countries ending in
Ushuiua, Argentina, South Amer-
ica. In visiting with him, he
shared stories of the awesome
folks he has met along the way.
He was a delightful young man.
Our prayers go with him as he
pedals across lands of unknown
places, meeting folks who will
have an impact on his life and his
journey. Making life interesting is
the people you meet on the jour-
Reminder: To all auxiliary
members, there will be the regular
meeting Thursday, September 5,
2013, at 7:00 p. m. at the Midland
Legion hall.
midland School Lunch
Monday, Sept. 9: tacos, veggies,
fruit and milk.
Tuesday, Sept. 10: pancakes,
veggie, fruit and milk.
Wednesday, Sept. 11: tator tot
casserole, veggie, fruit and milk.
Thursday, Sept. 12: oven fried
chicken, veggie, fruit and milk.
Saturday, Barb Jones headed
for Rochford in the Black Hills,
where she was meeting her
daughter, Carrie and Wes
Mentele and family at their cabin,
spending the night. Wes, Carrie,
and their three children, Cole,
Logan and Ava, live at Howard.
They enjoy family get-away-times
at their cabin. Jeff, Jen, Stetson
and Maysa Jones were there, hav-
ing come from Denver, Colo.,
where Stetson had an eye appoint-
ment with his doctor. All is good
there. There was a birthday party
for Logans eighth birthday before
everyone headed back home. At-
tending Mass at Blessed Sacra-
ment in Rapid City Sunday, Barb
reported it was a bit interesting.
The mass was in Spanish with a
Polish priest. She was given a
book with Spanish and English,
making her think of when Mass
was in Latin with English and
Latin in those Mass books. Morrie
and Barb Jones attended the first
football game of the season in
which their grandson, Brody
Jones, who goes to school at
Philip, is a part of the team. The
game was between Philip and
New Underwood, with the game
being at New Underwood. Philip
lost, but not by much.
Keith Hunt, Christine Niedan
and Teresa Palmer, Murdo, at-
tended the funeral of Martin Dick
in Rapid City Friday, August 30.
Martin was married to Anna
Hunt, who had been married to
their uncle, Russell Hunt, who
was a brother to their dad, Lyle
Hunt. Russell and Anna had three
children: Larry (deceased), and
Dorothy and Nancy, who both live
in Rapid City. Following the fu-
neral service, they spent the after-
noon at Nancys having a chance
to visit with family. Sunday,
Keith, Christine, and Teresa were
at the State Fair in Huron, glad it
was a cool day. Christine enjoyed
visiting with Dulcy Hamilton who
taught third and fourth grade in
Midland a number of years ago.
She now lives in Huron and
teaches in Hitchcock. They were
also surprised to see former Mid-
land resident, Beverly Williams,
who was taking tickets at the ad-
missions stand.
Captain Jenna B. Tolton, Unit
501 Brigade Support Battalion,
1st Brigade, 1st Armor Division
arrived in the states Wednesday,
August 28, from deployment in
Afghanistan. She had been there
since early December 2012. She
arrived in El Paso, Texas, her
home base, late that evening
happy to see her son, Keenan. She
is the daughter of Jim and Jan
(Hunt) Tolton. She and Keenan
will be coming to South Dakota
September 19 to visit with family
and friends. You have a whole lot
of folks who are glad youre back
in the states, Jenna!
A fellow and his wife from Sib-
ley, Iowa, were in Midland looking
for family history. Michael had a
feeling he had been adopted, and
when he and his wife applied for
passports, he learned he was.
Learning he had been born at the
Midland hospital, he was on a
mission to learn of his family
roots. So, he and his wife headed
for Midland, stopping at the mu-
seum, visiting with Jan Bierle.
She sent them to the home of
Shorty and Mickey Woitte and
from there they all headed for the
Midland Community Library,
hoping to find the obituary of his
grandmother, Louisa Kreszon.
While some looked through the old
newspapers of the year she would
have died, Mickey happened to see
a scrapbook of Smokey Petoskes
on the table. On the outside of
that scrapbook was Obituaries
from 1950s to 1070s, which the
year they were looking for would
have been in. Smokey had them in
alphabetical order with the page
number beside the names, and
there it was. That saved a whole
lot of time, for sure. Librarian
Karel Reiman was telling me
about it, so I called Mickey and
Shorty. When Mickey said the
name, Kreszon, I got excited. I re-
membered my husband, Jerry,
talking of Mrs. Kreszon and of
walking to her place when he was
a young boy, which was about a
quarter of a mile from where he
grew up. He remembers her al-
ways having a snack and when it
came time for him to head home;
she would walk him to the place
she referred to as the rabbit hole.
And from there they went their
separate ways. Jerrys dad,
Jerome, eventually bought that
land, as it bordered up next to a
part of his land. Mickey remem-
bers going to the Kreszon place
with her mom, Dena Martin. We
got Michaels name, address and
phone number from Mickey, so
Jerry gave him a call. He was
happy to learn more of his grand-
mother and long story short in
visiting with Jerry he learned his
grandmothers land had not been
in Haakon County, as he thought,
but in Stanley County. High
school friends known as the Big-
four (Sylvia Root, Jean Quatier,
Verona Merkle and Joyce Petoske)
would often visit Louisa Kreszon.
Sylvia and Jean had pictures of
his grandmother and in talking
with him by phone, said they
would send them to him. When
she moved from the farm, she had
a little house across the bridge
east of Midland, near Mitchell
Creek. I went there once with my
cousin, Sylvia, and seeing that
house near Mitchell Creek, my
thoughts were, I wouldnt want to
live there. Wonder what ever
happened to that house? In later
years, she moved to Hot Springs,
where Jessie (Livermore) Root re-
members her and Irene (Quatier)
Hubbard visiting with her when
they were nurses at a hospital in
Hot Springs. She is buried at the
cemetery here in Midland. Her
husband, Phillip Kreszon, is
buried at the military cemetery at
Hot Springs.
Emily Sammons went to Yank-
ton for the baby shower of Emelia
Blom, daughter of Cole and Sarah.
Emelias grandparents are Gary
and Casey Blom and great-grand-
parents are Virginia Blom and the
late Pete Blom.
Emily went to Avon after the
shower visiting at the home of her
sister-in-law, Janet Rauch. Todd
Rauch and daughter, September,
Lubbock, Texas, Todd, Teri
Schlunsen and boys, Tea, Tami
Lainer, Lexington, N.C., Dave,
Traci Rauch-Word and family,
Grand Island, Neb., and Jenny
Rauch and son, Merrick, Brook-
ings, were all there for the Labor
Day weekend and celebrated the
fourth birthday of September and
Sterling Rauch-Word's 12th
birthday. Emily came home Sun-
day. Emily and husband, Ronnie
Sammons, went to the home of
their daughter, Corinne and
Mitch Norman for lunch this Mon-
day, having a chance to visit with
the great-grandkids, Colt, Cam-
ryn, Austyn, Addisyn, and Hay-
den Norman, who were all there
and they worked their cattle.
Jerry and I headed for Kadoka
early Wednesday morning, meet-
ing Marsha Sumpter, for a ride in
her airplane. I had given Marsha
a call about a plane ride for Jerrys
birthday, so a plan was set in
place. It was a beautiful morning
for that airplane ride and flying
over parts of the Badlands. What
can I say? It was awesome! Seeing
the Badlands from the air is a
whole lot different than driving
by. Gods creation at work! Flying
by the home of Brett and Tammy
Prang, Marsha pointed out that
38 foot cross on their place. It was
an enjoyable flight, and as Jerry
said, Marsha is a good pilot.
Marshas husband, Bill, met the
three of us at a local restaurant
for breakfast, following our flight.
Thanks, Marsha, it was great!
As I close my column this Tues-
day morning, my thoughts and my
prayers are with the Woitte fami-
lies. Saturday, Shorty got a call
from his son, Rex, Rapid City,
with birthday wishes for his 88
birthday and to tell Mickey and
Shorty that their grandson, An-
thony Woitte, was killed in a four-
wheeler accident that day, August
31. Anthony lived in Rapid City
and would have been 36 in Octo-
ber. It was just last week that I
had written in my news column of
Shorty and Mickey enjoying hav-
ing family home for a visit, Rex
and his wife, Linda, being among
those family members. It makes
one realize all over again, how we
need to take time for those mo-
ments with family, as we never
know when that time can be cut
short. Our sincere sympathies to
Shorty and Mickey and Rex and
Linda and the rest of the Woitte
Funeral services for Anthony
Woitte will be held Saturday, Sep-
tember 7, at 10:00 a.m. at Behrens
Funeral Home in Rapid City.
Cards may be sent to Rex and
Linda at 1645 Dorothy Drive,
Rapid City, S.D. 57703.
Midland News
September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 6
Eight decades and still ticking;
the bucket you won't be
Here to stick around and tease,
poking fun at all he sees,
Is he a man or the birthday
you bring so much joy!
Jim Root will be 80
on September 14th!
Send cards to Jim at:
23000 236th Ave.
Midland, SD 57552
Schofield & Fosheim
Family Reunion
Saturday, September 21
11 a.m. MT at the Midland Legion Hall
Potluck at 11 a.m. Midland Free Day
Questions call Brigit at 843-2149
What a busy week around here.
I never got too many called and
those I did I didnt find home. Will
try to call early this week to find
out what everyone did over the
Labor Day weekend.
The weather has been hot and it
sounds like we will have more of
the same, but maybe just a few de-
grees cooler. It seems like when it
gets to 90 it is just hot, especially
if there is no breeze.
Jim and Norma Oldenberg had
company this last week, Laurel
and SkyLee Schultes, Faith, and
myself. When I visited, I found
Jim not feeling too good. He had
been off work for a few days. Jean
and Tanka Brink also came for a
visit. The Brinks are relatives of
Norma. Tanka said Jean had
worked for John Knutson several
years ago. The Brinks also have a
son named C.J. Jim and Norma
were planning to go to Faith for
the shower for Brandi Donovan
who is marrying grandson Clay
Brown September 14.
Vicki Eide and Christa Fitch
went to Rapid City to meet Carla
Eide for a day of fun. It was a long
day before they finished their
business. Carla and the kids came
to her parents home to spend the
Labor Day weekend. Over the
weekend everyone went up to the
Fitch home near Milesville and
they put up several bags of corn
for the freezer. It was such nice
corn. Those helping freeze corn
were Carla, Vicki and myself and
later Rita Ramsey. The Fitch boys
and the Sieler kids helped pick
and shuck the corn and keep the
cobs taken out to the garbage.
What a powerhouse that bunch of
kids are.
Well to make a long story short,
we all ended up with enough corn
for our freezer to last a long win-
ter. It was 12 p.m. before we were
finished. Well, I slept till 10:30
Monday morning! So I had to rush
to finish the news for the newspa-
per and get ready to go in for the
Fitch boys football game later
that day. Carla and her kids left
for their home about noon. They
stopped in Philip to visit great-
grandmother, Minnie Brech at
Philip Health Services.
Everyone is cutting silage in the
area. Marvin was helping Donnie
Poss with the tractor and bull-
dozer to get his done. Donnie and
Delores were trying to spend some
time with their son, Dugan, and
family who are here visiting from
North Dakota. So it was a hurried
time to get it finished as you have
to take the silage cutters when
they are available.
Football season has started, so I
will be busy trying to get to the
games as I have three great-
grandsons playing this year.
It will soon be time for flu shots
and everything else that we need
to do to keep us healthy through
the winter. I dont think we are
thankful enough when we are
healthy because there is so much
illness around us everywhere.
A lot of volunteer wheat has
came up and people would like to
graze their livestock on it, but
some fencing will have to be done
in some areas. Some plan to use
electric fences which is faster, but
has to be watched carefully to see
if it is working.
Corn is getting closer to being
ready to harvest, so there will be
no rest for awhile. Cattle will also
need to be sold and get ready for
winter. Some are saying that we
will have a lot of snow due to there
being so much fog this year. Does
make one wonder. I do hope that
we get some moisture before they
plant their winter wheat, so it
comes up and makes a cover for
the ground.
Will close my news for this week
with the following: There aint no
free lunches in this country. And
dont go spending your whole life
commiserating that you got raw
deals. Youve got to say, I think if
I keep working at this and want it
bad enough I can have it. Lee
Youve achieved success in your
field when you dont know whether
what you are doing is work or
play. Warren Beatty
Grindstone News|Mary Eide 859-2188
September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 7
Back to
Keep our
kids safe!
Please watch
for students
going to
and from
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Dance to the Bad River Band
from 8:00 to 12:30
In their first football game of
the 2013 season, the Philip Scot-
ties fell to the Tigers at New Un-
derwood, Friday, August 30.
The higher than average scor-
ing game ended 26-38. The first
quarter began with hopes going
to the Scotties when Austin Pin-
ney finished a drive with a four-
yard carry for the games first
touchdown. New Underwood,
though, followed suit with a 10-
yard rush for their first touch-
down. The Tigers completed a
pass conversion to gain a two-
point lead.
The second quarter began as a
repeat of the first. Philips Paul
Guptill concluded a drive with a
10-yard carry into the end zone.
He was given the ball again to
add the conversion points. A sur-
prise 78-yard run by New Under-
wood, followed by a successful
conversion play, put the Tigers
back in the lead. Philips Ryan
Van Tassel capped off a Scottie
march down field with a seven-
yard goal, but the conversion
failed. New Underwood came
back with a march of their own,
ending with a 33-yard carry for
another six points. The Tigers
pass conversion was successful,
ending the first half 20-24.
The beginning of the second
half saw only New Underwood
add to the score board. The
Tigers followed a five-yard touch-
down rush with a successful con-
version rush. Later, again having
possession, the Tigers got
through the Philip lines for a 33-
yard touchdown. The extra point
attempt failed. The third quarter
ended 20-38.
Philip tried to make up the dif-
ference in the final quarter.
While holding New Underwood
scoreless, the Scotties got Gavin
Brucklacher within two yards
and he ran the ball in for what
would be the final score board ad-
dition of the game.
Philip earned 22 first downs,
matching New Underwoods 22.
Philip did not use a punt play
during the game, but forced the
Tigers to punt once. The Scotties
lost only 10 yards, due to two
five-yard penalties. The Tigers
went backward 60 yards due to
one 15-yard, three 10-yard and
three five-yard penalties.
The Scotties passing game con-
sisted of three attempts by Gavin
Brucklacher, with no completes.
The Philip rushing game con-
sisted of 49 carries for a total of
291 yards. Guptill was given the
ball 26 times, for a total yardage
of 190. Pinney made 45 yards
with his nine carries. Van Tassel
used his nine carries to give the
Scotties another 39 yards. Jacob
Kammerer gained eight yards
with his three attempts.
The Philip defense was heavy
in assists. Kammerer totaled four
solo tackles and nine assists.
Jade Berry added 10 assists to
his two solo tackles. Statistically,
Guptill was right behind with
nine assists and two solos. Austin
Pinney assisted his team with
two solos and seven assists.
Rance Johnson not only got four
solos and four assists, but also
grabbed a fumble recovery.
The next game for the Scotties
will be the Homecoming game
Friday, September 6, against the
Lyman Raiders, starting at 6:00
Scotties take a loss in season opener
Nancy Haigh
Coming through the gap created by the linemen is Austin Pinney. The Scottie line worked over the Tigers during the season opener in New Underwood
August 30.
Nancy Haigh
Scotties making the tackle of a New Underwood Tiger are Paul Guptill,
above, and Ryan Van Tassel. Teammate Rance Johnson heads toward them
just in case more help is needed.
Schulz Ranch is 100 years old
The Schulz
family of
Philip was
as a Cen-
tury Farm
at the
State Fair
on August
29 during
a special
hosted by
the South
Farm Bu-
reau and
the South
Dakota De-
of Agricul-
ture. The
land in
II Town-
ship, Jack-
son County, currently owned by Karl H. Schulz and JoAnn A. Schulz was originally purchased
in 1910 by August and Marie Schulz, Karls great-grandparents. When a family owns a farm or ranch for a
century or more, it is a remarkable milestone that should absolutely be celebrated. The South Dakotans who set-
tled on these prairies endured much hardship, and their legacy lives on in their family members who still care
for the same land today. Congratulations to the Schulz family for receiving the Century Farm award, said Scott
VanderWal, president of the South Dakota Farm Bureau. This year, 59 families were honored with the century
award for 100 years of ownership, and 23 were honored with the quasquicentennial award for 125 years of
family ownership. Since the program began in 1984, South Dakota Farm Bureau and the South Dakota Depart-
ment of Agriculture have recognized more than 2,700 farm and ranch families with these awards. To be recog-
nized, at least 80 acres of the original land must still be owned by the same family, and they must be able to
provide proof of the original date of purchase.
Courtesy photo
The South Dakota Department
of Environment and Natural Re-
sources has added oil and gas pro-
duction data to an interactive oil
and gas initiative map online
where the public can now easily
view how much oil and gas has
been produced.
Oil and gas production data,
which used to be hard to obtain, is
now available in a variety of for-
mats. Production data can be
found for each and every well that
has been drilled in South Dakota,
either in searchable databases or
by clicking on an individual well
on the interactive map.
DENR went a step further and
has also provided links to the in-
teractive map and searchable
databases that show total produc-
tion data by month and year for
entire oil and gas fields and en-
hanced recovery units. Injection
data for underground injection
wells is also available.
The online database companion
to the interactive oil and gas map
contains a listing of the names of
the geologic formations drilled
through for each well, the depth of
the formation top, the geologic age
of each formation and its eleva-
tion. Now this geologic data and
other well information can be ex-
ported to an Excel spreadsheet in
a way that allows users to down-
load only the data they are inter-
ested in rather than the entire
It was painstaking detail work
by DENRs geologists to success-
fully add these new functions to
DENRs interactive oil and gas
initiative map, but the end prod-
ucts will be very useful to oil and
gas companies working in South
Dakota, said DENR Secretary
Steve Pirner.
To view the new interactive
map, visit
Oil, gas production
data for S.D. online
September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 8
FarM bureau
oiL co.
phiLip heaLTh
dr. ron &
Laurie Mann
FirST naTL.
WiLLoW SeedS
ruSh FuneraL
bLdG. cenTer
FirST naTL.
piT STop
STaTe FarM
Take a MinuTe To
Thank Your
LocaL SponSorS!
PhiliP high School
Scotties Football Team: Back row, left to right, Nick Donnelly, Phillip Leithauser, Jacob Kammerer,
Grady Carley, Ben Stangle, Brody Jones, Paul Guptill, Head Coach Keven Morehart. Middle row, Man-
agers Mandy Burns and Bailey Radway, Jace Gianonatti, Chase Wright, Brayden Fitch, Austin Pinney,
Rance Johnson, Cooper West, Managers Katie Hostutler and Stratton Morehart. Front row, Seth Haigh,
Nick Hamill, Gavin Brucklacher, Ryan Van Tassel, Reed Johnson, Brian Pfeifle and Jade Berry.
Scotties Cross Country Team: Back row, left to right, Keegan Burnett, Garrett
Snook, Conner Dekker. Middle row, Manager Tyshia Ferguson, Jasmine Ferguson,
Damian Bartels, Khalen Martin, Coach Ralph Kroetch. Kneeling, Tristen Rush and
Nelson Holman. Front row, Allison Pekron, Katlin Knutson, Shay Hand and Ellie
Scotties Volleyball Team: Left to right, Peyton Kuchenbecker, Tia Guptill, Courtney
Bartlett, Ashton Reedy, Madison Hand, Jordyn Dekker, Kaci Olivier, Peyton De-
Jong, Brett Carley, Ellie Coyle and Shay Hand.
Deb Smith
Deb Smith
Deb Smith
Thursday, September 5
Volleyball at Kadoka
6:00 p.m.
Friday, September 6
Parade ~ 2:00 p.m.
Theme ~ Board Games
* * *
Cross Country at Faith
10:00 a.m.
* * *
Football Game
6:00 p.m.
vs. the Lyman Raiders
Enjoy your
September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 9
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by Coach Ralph Kroetch
The Philip Scotties Cross Coun-
try team began its 2013 season
Friday, August 30, in the Douglas
Early Bird Invitational held on
the Box Elder Prairie Ridge Golf
The girls race began with tem-
peratures in the 80s. The Lady
Scotties were the only B division
team competing against AA and A
division schools from South
Dakota and Wyoming. Team re-
sults were Rapid City Stevens jun-
ior varsity 22 points, Philip 49,
Spearfish 50, Custer 60, Stur-
gis 92 and Lead 97.
Sophomore Ellie Coyle led the
field early, going on to improve
her course best by 30 seconds,
while moving up one place from
her 2012 finish to second place.
Her time was 12:38.
Seventh grader Jasmine Fergu-
son decided early that she would
fill the Scottie second spot. She ad-
vanced through the field to edge
past Rapid City Stevens Gretchen
Torgerson in the final meters to
place 18th in her first ever 3,000
meter race, with a respectable
time of 14:32.
Junior Katlin Knutson, also
learning the ropes, filled the third
spot, out-sprinting Saint Thomas
Mores Magen German across the
finish line to place 23rd. Knutson
had an impressive first race time
of 15:04.
Freshman Shay Hand, showing
the improvement possible from
one year to the next, cut her
course best by 2:22 to place 25th
at 15:17.
Senior Allison Pekron cut 20
seconds from her previous course
best, placing 30th. Her time was
The Scotties men began their
4,000 meter race with tempera-
tures in the low 90s. Team results
were Rapid City Stevens junior
varsity 14, Spearfish 54,
Lead 64, Philip 79, Pine
Ridge 81, Newcastle 99 and
Todd County 148.
Junior Nelson Holman and
sophomore Garrett Snook led the
Scotties early, with Holman tak-
ing advantage of a long downhill
to move into the top 10. The final
meters found him out-running
Sturgiss Cayden Noble for the
fifth place spot. His time of 15:49
was a 39 second improvement
over his previous course best.
Snook filled the teams second
spot, pacing Rapid City Stevens
Ty Ward across the finish line to
place 17th. His time of 17:11 gave
him a 41 second improvement
over his 2012 course best.
The youth of this years team
became apparent as freshman
Damian Bartels filled the teams
third spot, out-pacing Pine Ridges
Antonio Hernandez for the 37th
position. Bartels time of 19:16
gave him a 1:18 improvement over
his previous course best.
Seventh grader Khalen Martin
stepped into the Scottie number
Cross country team starts season
Courtesy photo
four spot. Martin paced much of
his race with his freshman team-
mate and finished in 43rd place
with an impressive 19:34 in his
first ever 3,000 meter race.
Sophomore Keegan Burnett and
freshman Conner Dekker ran
much of this race together. In a
final push, both put Newcastles
Donavon Prell behind them to
place 51st and 52nd. Burnetts
time was 20:44. Dekkers time of
20:51 was an astonishing 7:13 im-
provement over 2012.
Keys to Scottie success for the
boys will be to get and stay
healthy. Tristen Rush should be
back in our line up before midsea-
son. For the ladies continued
strong efforts. It is very important
to have that strong leader, but of
equal importance this year will be
keeping our two-through-fifth
runners in close proximity of one
another, allowing few other run-
ners between.
The next meet for the Scotties
will be at 10:00 a.m., Friday, Sep-
tember 6, in Faith. Plans are for
the team to be back in Philip for
the 2:00 Homecoming parade.
Larson, Hamill run in
Leading Ladies Marathon
Vonda Hamill, left, and Trisha Larson competed in the Leading Ladies'
Marathon, Sunday, August 18, in Spearfish Canyon. This was the first full
distance marathon race for both of them, though each has completed half
marathons. Larson ran the 26.2 miles in a time of 3:35.23, setting an av-
erage mile time of 8:14. She placed 18th out of 161 women. Larsons time
easily qualifies her to enter the Boston Marathon. Her age brackets qual-
ifying time is 3:45. Though she is not planning on entering the Boston, she
has filled her mother, Kerry Burnss, footsteps by qualifying for it. Hamill
ran it in a time of 5:29.14, thus accomplishing an average mile time of
12:34, to place 141st out of 161 runners. Something I wanted to try, see
if I could do it. It definitely wouldnt be easier next year, or even the next
year, said Hamill. When you train out here on the gravel, heat, horseflies,
its like boot camp. There its like fluff, cool, beautiful. My goal was to finish
... without medical attention.
Courtesy photo
Recipients of the 2013 Insuring
a Brighter Tomorrow scholar-
ships from the South Dakota
Farmers Union Foundation were
honored Saturday, August 31, as
part of Farmers Union Day at the
South Dakota State Fair.
A total of 26 students who grad-
uated in 2013 received $1,000
scholarships. Included in the 26
were Tate DeJong and Gavin
Snook, graduates of Philip High
Were honored to be able to
help these young people achieve
their dreams and pursue their
post-secondary education, said
Wayne Bartscher, regional man-
ager of Farmers Union Insurance
Agency and vice president of the
South Dakota Farmers Union
Foundation. All of these young
people are enrolled this fall in a
South Dakota college, university
or technical school, and its a
pleasure for us to be able to invest
in their education and in the fu-
ture of our state.
For the sixth straight year, the
South Dakota Farmers Union
Foundation, in cooperation with
Farmers Union Insurance Agency,
awarded the funds through the
Insuring a Brighter Tomorrow
scholarship program. Over the
past six years, the Foundation has
awarded over $150,000 in scholar-
ships to students attending South
Dakota post-secondary schools.
The recipients were chosen from
among a large pool of applicants.
They were scored based on a com-
bination of academic record, activ-
ities and awards, financial need,
and an essay relating to how they
will, Insure a Brighter Tomor-
row, in South Dakota. Farmers
Union Insurance agents through-
out the state fund the scholarship
program administered by the
Farmers Union Foundation.
Two PHS grads earn
SDFU scholarships
Gavin Snook, pictured in back, second from the left, and Tate DeJong, not
pictured, along with 24 other 2013 high school graduates, received $1,000
scholarships from South Dakota Farmers Union Foundation.
Courtesy photo
Governor Dennis Daugaard has
proclaimed September as Honey
Month in South Dakota.
South Dakota ranks in the top
five honey producing states. We
have 214 beekeepers who main-
tain 319,000 colonies, said SD
Secretary of Agriculture Lucas
Lentsch. Last year, 17 million
pounds of honey were produced in
South Dakota with a value of
about $33 million.
While actively foraging for
pollen and nectar, honey bees con-
tribute significantly to the pollina-
tion of our food supply and play a
vital role in maintaining produc-
tive farms, forests and grasslands.
Sept. is honey month
The Philip Scotties cross country team competed at the Early Bird Invitational at Box Elder, August 30.
Legal Notices
September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 10
Notice is hereby given that the records
and books of account of the City of Philip,
South Dakota, have been audited by
Wohlenberg Ritzman & Co., LLC, Certi-
fied Public Accountants of Madison,
South Dakota, for the year ended Decem-
ber 31, 2012. A detailed report thereon is
filed with the City of Philip and the Depart-
ment of Legislative Audit in Pierre, South
Dakota, for public inspection.
This notice is published in compliance
with the provisions of SDCL 4-11-12.
[Published August 29 & September 5,
2013, at the total approximate cost of
Proceedings of the
Town of Midland
August 26, 2013
The Town Board of the Town of Midland
met in special session on Monday, August
26, 2013, at 6:00 PM in the Town Hall with
the following members present: Diana
Baeza, Jared Fosheim, Rock Gillaspie,
Finance Officer Michelle Meinzer and Util-
ities Operator Lawrence Stroppel.
Also present: Jerry Hemeyer, Wastewater
Technician SD Assn. of Rural Water
The purpose of this special meeting was
to discuss sewer lines in the Town of Mid-
land. Hemeyer discussed the need to
have our lines cleaned in order for the
lines to flow freely. We also discussed
doing a smoke test on the lines and re-
pairing the manholes to stop seepage.
Hemeyer stated there are loans available
to help with the cost of these repairs.
Board will send out letters to get esti-
There being no further business to come
before the Board, the meeting adjourned.
chelle Meinzer, Finance Officer
ana Baeza, President
[Published September 5, 2013, at the
total approximate cost of $13.65]
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[Published September 5 & 12, 2013, at the total approximate costs of $254.76]
(continued from 5)
we were off. The runway and by
the hanger were in need of mow-
ing, but with some flaps we were
airborne, you dont want much
drag on a short runway. Beautiful
morning to see the Badlands from
the air. We also swung by the 38
cross at Bret and Tammy Prangs.
Bill was back from his run and we
all had breakfast together before
parting company. A fun morning.
After reading about the big cele-
bration to take place at Belvidere
dam, Bill and I took a drive down
to see how the boat ramp was and
had a visit with Major John
Rodgers who was busy getting
things prepared for the two days
of fun. In the afternoon, Phyllis
Word and I made a trip to Murdo
to do some banking business. On
the way home, we stopped in Oka-
ton to see just what was going on
at the old school house. In the past
few years, the old school has been
converted to living quarters on the
west upper half of the building, a
garage in the lower east half. And
lately, I observed first two small
doors cut in the north side half
way up then one nice big opening.
Well, we caught the owner work-
ing on the bigger door that now
was there and he said they were
building a deck with a garage door
that they can open or close de-
pending on the weather. He has
his grill set up and it looks like a
wonderful idea. Darn, I need a
phone book with Murdo and parts
east listed in it since I didnt write
down his name. Anyway, Phyllis
and I had a nice afternoon. We
also visited at the Kadoka Nurs-
ing Home and went over to the
apartments and visited Bonnie
Riggins, her daughter, Ellen, and
two great-grandchildren who were
there, too.
Too close to home is what it is
called. The first case of West Nile
disease has struck not too far from
our immediate area. It makes you
wonder how one itty bitty mos-
quito can bring down the best of
our cowboys. Be sure and keep
that spray can handy and use fre-
Ralph and Cathy Fiedler, Stur-
gis, went missing in action this
week, as far as news is concerned.
I can only hope the old adage of no
news is good news applies!
Thursday, Curt Arthur was at
Don and Vi Moodys to check out
the moving of some equipment off
the ranch and other items that no
longer serve their original pur-
pose. They had a good visit about
those matters. Then later Thurs-
day afternoon, Don and Vi visited
with Bud Williams at his house,
along with the company of Rocky
and Rebecca Williams, to wish
Bud a happy 99th birthday. They
enjoyed iced beverages and cook-
ies and had lots of fun bringing
forth fond memories of the past.
Bud and Birdie and Bob and
Shirley Lampert, and Tommy and
Hazel Thompson had formed a car
pool to haul kids to school back in
the early 50s. Geez that was a
long time ago Vi thinks that
must have been one of the first car
pools invented after horse drawn
car pools! As Bud said, horses
were a very big part of all of our
lives though back then. Lots of
fun talking about those times.
Don and Vi continued on to
their place in Rapid Valley. They
had appointments on Friday in
Sturgis, took in a yard sale, stum-
bled across the Mustang car show
(both Don and Vi owned Mustang
cars back when they met), had
lunch in Deadwood, and made
that an early day not knowing a
hail storm had hit the Rapid City
area the same afternoon. No dam-
age in the Valley, but did receive
.70 of refreshing rain. Second cut-
ting of alfalfa is in windrows at
their place in the Valley and yards
all mowed nice and pretty again.
It is so green yet and already the
first of September. August ended
with a greener color this year than
is the norm in most places. Bales
of hay are being gathered off fields
and lined up for easy moving later
in the autumn in preparation for
winter feeding. The squirrels have
been busy getting little apples off
of Don and Vis backyard tree.
One squirrel had in haul (in his
mouth) an apple bigger than his
head. It looked like a great big
round bale of hay on a frontend
loader of a tractor. He had his lit-
tle old head held pretty high for
that move and even climbed the
nearby tree with it once he got his
balance figured out. Tough little
nut for sure.
Jessica Gittings and Wade Mc-
Gruder were at the George Git-
tings home Friday evening. They
made supper which was very
Friday, Tony Harty cleaned up
fallen apples at the Hairs, mowed
the yard and got things ship shape
for when L.D. and Shirley took a
break from work and came back to
Kadoka. That evening, he at-
tended the football game between
Murdo and Kadoka. Kadoka took
the win. Tony enjoyed visiting
with Lee Ammons and others who
stopped by his van and enjoyed
the game with him. In fact, they
had to shut off the lights at the
field to bust up the gabfest.
Friday afternoon, Bill and I
both went to Wanblee to pick up a
rider to take to Rapid City with
the HCPT van. Since it was a one
way trip for our passenger, we vis-
ited at the Zack Seager home and
had a nice visit with Cori Barber
and got to play with the great-
grandsons, Ryder and little
Raiden, who is really growing and
quite a little guy for two and one
half months of age. Ryder has
started Head Start and is quite
excited to be going to school. We
enjoyed supper with them. Mean-
while back in Kadoka, Eric Seager
and family arrived from Sioux
Falls and Shelley Seager and Bon-
nie Moses had just driven in from
Sutton, Neb., as we got home.
Shelley took Bonnie to Philip to
spend time with her mom, Ann
Moses, then returned and spent
the night with us.
Saturday morning, Tony Harty
was out and about fairly early,
picked up the mail, dropped Hairs
off at their place, and opened up
their place to air it out. They ar-
rived in Kadoka in the afternoon
for the long weekend. Tony went
south on Highway 73 to check the
progress of the road work and
spent some time in Martin. He
visited at the L.D. and Shirley
Hair home.
Jessica Gittings and Wade Mc-
Gruder had supper with George
and Sandee Gittings Saturday
evening. Sandee helped Jessica
make some fudge!
Don and Vi Moody continued an
extended the Labor Day weekend
since they were at Rapid Valley
anyway. They ran into folks they
knew Sunday night from Philip
while out shopping. It was fun vis-
iting a bit about local area news.
Jody Gittings was doing some
haying Saturday and again on
Sunday at the George Gittings
place. He and Doug Frein helped
George work some cattle with foot
rot Sunday afternoon.
Saturday morning was an early
morning trip for Bill to Kyle for a
passenger with the HCPT van and
the rest of us were at the airport.
It was great to have the runway
and taxiways mowed and we had
three flights with family and Bon-
nie Moses got a chance to get up in
the air as well. We all had break-
fast out, then much like the wind
scatters leaves from the trees,
everyone scattered. Eric and fam-
ily left for the Black Hills, Shelley
to Rapid, Bonnie back to Philip,
and Bill and I were left in charge
of a dog. Bill made a trip to
Milesville to help with the combin-
ing of safflower, but it wasnt dry
Sunday, Tony Harty attended
church then had dinner out. He
stopped and visited with L.D. and
Shirley Hair and enjoyed visiting
with their daughter, Sharon and
Lee Blasedale, Highmore. The
man with the skulls that are dec-
orated, Paul Verna, Rapid City,
called Tony to say he was coming
through Kadoka on his way to
Wanblee. Paul also guides
hunters on the reservation and
was checking some motion acti-
vated cameras he had set out as
well as looking for more skulls he
can use in his business.
In case you missed it, Septem-
ber 1 arrived Sunday. After break-
fast, Bill and I went to Belvidere
early to see if the hot air balloon
would be launched. It was too
windy, but folks were camped and
set up for a full weekend of activi-
ties. We came home and I made
church, then around lunch the call
of a potluck dinner and fish fry
drew us back to Belvidere. The
fish and breaded zucchini were
great, we watched skiers behind
the pontoon boat and ski jet and
visited. Then it was off to Rapid
City for supper at the Zack Seager
home with the Eric Seager family
and Shelley Seager. By the time
Bill and I got home, Eric and fam-
ily were already in bed and Shel-
ley came along after us. A bunch
of tired folks after a great week-
end of making memories.
More truths brought to us by
children: Dont let your mom
brush your hair when shes mad at
your dad. If your sister hits you,
dont hit her back. Its always the
second person who gets caught.
Barbara Johnson
Have a wonderful week and
whatever challenges and trouble
you encounter, let your faith and
endurance bring you through it.
Betwixt Places| Marsha Sumpter 837-2048
859-2744 685-3068
Pioneer Review is a legal newspaper for the City of Philip, Haakon County, Haakon School Dist. 27-1, Town of Midland, West River Rural Water Development District.
Business & seRviCe
Etc. 175 S. Center Ave., Philip.
Great family business, 1 year in
newly remodeled building, lots of
possibilities for expansion. Con-
tact Kim or Vickie, 859-2365.
CRETE will do all your concrete
construction jobs. Call us and
we will give you a quote. Office,
837-2621, Richs cell, 431-2226,
toll free, 877-867-4185. K25-tfn
Specializing in controlling
Canada thistle on rangeland.
ATV application. Also prairie
dogs. Call Bill at 669-2298.
INC., PHILIP: Rock, Sand,
Gravel (screened or crushed). We
can deliver. Dams, dugouts,
building sites. Our 38th year.
Glenn or Trace, 859-2020.
For all your rural water hook-
ups, waterline and tank installa-
tion and any kind of backhoe
work, call Jon Jones, 843-2888,
Midland. PR20-52tp
will do all types of trenching,
ditching and directional boring
work. See Craig, Diana, Sauntee
or Heidi Coller, Kadoka, SD, or
call 837-2690. Craig cell: 390-
8087, Sauntee cell: 390-8604; K50-tfn
faRM & RanCH
FOR SALE: Paint Gelding, 14.3h
13 yrs old. Done it all! Kid/ older
person safe. Cowy with a handle.
Shown and placed in 4-H by 11-
yr-old boy. 441-9468. PR1-tfn
FOR SALE: 1999 Travelong 20
ft. gooseneck stock trailer, good
condition, good tires, $3,000
OBO. Call 441-9468, Kadoka.
WANTED TO CUT: Alfalfa seed
on shares. Call Larry Schell,
279-2236 or 685-3933.
FOR SALE; Peas & oat hay. Call
Mike at 685-3068. P37-tfn
age. Applicants must be able to
work independently and want to
progress in compensation and
skill level. Enjoy low cost of liv-
ing with great hunting and fish-
ing! Our very competitive wage
depends on qualifications and
experience. Please send resume
to Jerry Hericks, service man-
ager, Potter County Implement,
30965 U.S Highway 212, Gettys-
burg, SD 57442, or e-mail to
hericksj@ or
call Jerry at 605-769-1710.
operators, freight from Midwest
up to 48 states, home regularly,
newer equipment, Health, 401K,
call Randy, A&A Express, 800-
statewide for only $150.00. Put
the South Dakota Statewide
Classifieds Network to work for
you today! (25 words for $150.
Each additional word $5.) Call
this newspaper, 605-859-2516,
or 800-658-3697 for details.
operators, freight from Midwest
up to 48 states, home regularly,
newer equipment, Health, 401K,
call Randy, A&A Express, 800-
Parts salesperson sought by
multi-store John Deere dealer-
ship operation. Position cur-
rently open at Potter County
Implement, Gettysburg, SD; a
part of C&B Operations, LLC.
Applicants should possess good
knowledge of farm equipment,
computer skills, retail selling
skills, and be customer service
oriented. We will train the right
person. We offer John Deere
training, competitive pay, full
benefit package, including 401k,
health, and dental plan. Please
send resume to Naomi Her-
mann, parts manager, Potter
County Implement, 30965 U.S
Highway 212, Gettysburg, SD
57442, or e-mail to her- or
call Naomi at 605-765-2434.
Looking for an EXPERIENCED
willing to be a part of a team and
play a role in management.
Knowledge in plant nutrition,
crop protection and precision Ag
is needed. Call Colby at 605-
772-5543. Howard Farmers Co-
op, Howard SD.
CIANS sought by progressive,
multi-store South Dakota John
Deere dealership. We offer fac-
tory training, health insurance,
dental insurance, life insurance,
401k plan, paid holidays and va-
cation days in our benefit pack-
Business & Professional
Family Dentistry
Monday - Tuesday - Thurs. - Friday
8:00 to 12:00 & 1:00 to 5:00
859-2491 Philip, SD
104 Philip Ave. South of Philip Chiropractic
LAND AUCTION: 3790+/- Acres,
Jones County, Cropland, Grass-
land, Recreational, Investment.
1.5 miles northwest of Murdo,
SD, September 25th, 2013. Call
Dakota Properties, Todd Schuet-
zle, Auctioneer, 605-280-3115,
Shop foreman sought by multi-
store John Deere dealership op-
eration. Position currently open
at Potter County Implement,
Gettysburg, SD; a part of C&B
Operations, LLC. Applicants
should possess good organiza-
tional skills and the ability to
manage farm equipment service
personnel in a growth oriented
dealership. We offer progressive
marketing plans, competitive
pay, and a full benefit package.
Please send resume to Ben
Wieseler, store manager, or Jerry
Hericks, service manager, Potter
County Implement, 30965 U.S
Highway 212, Gettysburg, SD
57442, or e-mail to hericksj@, or call
Jerry at 605-769-1710.
range: $20.14-$24.50/hr. Visit: Return
application w/resume to PO Box
270, Brookings, SD 57006-
0270. dlangland@cityofbrook-
Complete Auto Body Repairing
Glass Installation Painting Sandblasting
Toll-Free: 1-800-900-2339
Pee Wee & Toby Hook
859-2337 Philip, SD
continued on page 12
Welding & Repair
DOT Inspection
Complete Trailer Repair
Full Line of Bearings & Seals
Tractor Front End & Spindles
Selling New Steel
Recycling Outlet
Refrigration & A/C on Commercial,
Residential & Vehicles
George: 441-3607 Lee: 441-3606
859-2970 Philip
September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 11
For all your
Philip, SD
ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS statewide for only
$150.00. Put the South Dakota Statewide Classifieds
Network to work for you today! (25 words for $150.
Each additional word $5.) Call this newspaper,
605-859-2516, or 800-658-3697 for details.
CLASSIFIED RATE: $6.50 minimum for first 20 words; 10 per word thereafter; included in the Pioneer Review, the Profit, & The Pennington Co. Courant, as well as on our website:
CARD OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $6.00 minimum for first 20 words; 10 per word thereafter. Each name and initial must be counted separately. Included in the Pioneer Review and the Profit.
BOLD FACE LOCALS: $8.00 minimum for first 20 words; 10 per word thereafter. Each name and initial must be counted separately. Printed only in the Pioneer Review.
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all charges.
DISPLAY AD RATE: $8.00 per column inch, included in the Pioneer Review and the Profit. $5.55 per column inch for the Pioneer Review only.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, or discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, or any intention to make
any such preference, limitation, or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is a violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are
available on an equal opportunity basis.
WANTED: Hay, straw or stalks
to put up on shares or purchase
in field or windrow. Call Joel
Deering, 381-0885 or 993-3151.
FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, grass
seed and high test alfalfa hay.
Delivery available and volume
discount available. Call 798-
5413. P28-11tc
12-ply, 235/85/16R. $160,
mounted. Les Body Shop, 859-
2744, Philip. P40-tfn
FREE! 3 bedroom 14x70 mo-
bile home in New Underwood, to
be moved. Needs work. Call or
text 863-2206. P39-2tp
GaRaGe sales
RUMMAGE SALE: Friday, Sept.
6, at Senechal Apts. Lobby,
Philip, 1-5 p.m. Clothes: kids &
adults; household items; baby
items: swing, bouncy chair and
more; home school supplies.
GARAGE SALE: Wed., Sept. 11,
5-7 p.m.; Thurs., Sept. 12, 8
a.m. - 2 p.m., 707 Dorothy
Street, Wall, in garage behind
the house. Lots of clothes and
misc., size 4 boys clothes, girls
clothes size 4 and under, boys
clothes size 10/12, toys, cook-
books, Princess House crystal,
loft bed, hardwood rocker and
much more. WP1-2tc
HelP Wanted
HELP WANTED: Monday and
Wednesday mornings (3-4 hours
each day). Will train the right
person. Call Beau Ravellette,
859-2516, for more details.
HELP WANTED: Full- or part-
time position for cashier or cook,
all shifts. Wages DOE. Apply at
Kadoka Gas & Go. K38-2tc
part-time for September & Octo-
ber, Badlands Trading Post.
Flexible hours & scheduling
competitive wages gas dis-
count. Contact Heidi, 433-5411.
HELP WANTED: Full-time posi-
tion at Jones Saddlery, Bottle &
Vet, Philip. 859-2482. PR52-tfn
Part-time/full-time CNA posi-
tion, benefits available. Contact
Heidi or Nikki, 837-2270.
loving & patient geriatric nurse.
Benefits available. Contact Heidi
or Nikki, 837-2270. K34-tfn
HELP WANTED: Cooks, counter
personnel, wait staff position(s)
are available for Aw! Shucks
Caf opening soon at 909 Main
Street in Kadoka. Please apply
within or contact Teresa or
Colby Shuck for more informa-
tion: 837-2076. K33-tfn
IN WALL has positions open for
housekeeping, laundry and
maintenance. Call Joseph at
279-2127 or 808-284-1865.
High school and college students
are welcome to apply. Will train.
Apply at either Americas Best
Value Inn and Budget Host Sun-
downer in Kadoka or call 837-
2188 or 837-2296. K26-tfn
HELP WANTED: Sales person to
sell the historic Black Hills Gold
jewelry, in Wall. Meet travelers
from all over the world. Salary +
commission. Call Connie at 279-
2354 or 939-6443, or fax re-
sum to 279-2314. PW24-tfn
MisC. foR sale
FOR SALE: 1986 Yamaha mo-
torcycle, gas stove, refrigerator,
table and chairs. (4) kittens to
give away. Call Kolette Struble,
441-1909. K38-2tc
FOR SALE: Rope horse halters
with 10 lead rope, $15 each.
Call 685-3317 or 837-2917.
annual Craft Show, to be held
Saturday, September 28th.
Call Julie at 441-9305 for more
information. P38-4tc
machinery and junk cars for
crushing. 433-5443. P36-12tp
FOR SALE: AKC German Wire-
hair Pointers, born June 11,
2013. First shots, wormed, mi-
crochip implant, AKC documen-
tation. (5) females, (1) male.
$500. 808-895-9041, Milesville.
Real estate
bedroom home with big 2-car
garage on two lots. House re-
modeled two years ago, new
roof, windows, siding, high effi-
ciency heat/air with heat pump,
on-demand hot water, nice
propane fireplace, nice back-
yard, deck and more. Would
consider contract for deed. Con-
tact for showing: Don or Tami
Ravellette, 685-5147 (cell) or
859-2969 (home). P27-tfn
APARTMENTS: Spacious one
bedroom units, all utilities in-
cluded. Young or old. Need
rental assistance or not, we can
house you. Just call 1-800-481-
6904 or stop in the lobby and
pick up an application. Gateway
Apartments, Kadoka. WP32-tfn
Classified PoliCy
PLEASE READ your classified
ad the first week it runs. If you
see an error, we will gladly re-
run your ad correctly. We accept
responsibility for the first incor-
rect insertion only. Ravellette
Publications, Inc. requests all
classifieds and cards of thanks
be paid for when ordered. A
$2.00 billing charge will be
added if ad is not paid at the
time the order is placed. All
phone numbers are with an area
code of 605, unless otherwise in-
f0ll1lM0 F08lll0 00
Web & Sheetfed Press Operation
seeking full-time help. Willing to train.
* * * *
CaII Don or Beau: 859-2516
or pick up an appIication at the
Pioneer Review in PhiIip
ALL types!

Tire Tanks
Cobett Waters
Located in
Kadoka, SD
Home: (605) 837-2945
Cell: (605) 381-5568
Excavation work of
Greetings from cool, overcast
northeast Haakon County. These
cool mornings are such a pleasant
break from the heat and humidity
we have been having. The days
are getting so much shorter all of
a sudden I guess fall is probably
just around the corner, although
we are still going to have some hot
days this week.
The garden is still going full
speed ahead lots of produce to
take care of. This is the time of
year when I wonder why I planted
so much! I have plenty of zucchini,
free to a good home. And I'm going
to have a lot of butternut squash
for gifting. Our neighbor, Marge
Briggs, gifted me a bunch of toma-
toes this past week, so I spent
quite a bit of time getting those
put up. The pantry shelves are fill-
ing up fast! Marge's son, Lynn, is
the gardener this year at their
house, and he has the most beau-
tiful, prolific tomato plants I have
ever seen they make mine look
anemic! He said he enriched the
soil with well rotted silage this
spring, and it sure did the trick! I
may have to try that. The brussel
sprouts have been a challenge be-
cause of the cabbage worms I
keep killing them, and then more
come to take their place. We'll see
what the outcome is at the end of
the season.
There is a mystery at my house.
As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I
was almost addicted to
chokecherry picking so much so
that I probably have juice enough
to last several years. I finally
stopped cold turkey, and I haven't
touched a chokecherry except for
the bag of chokecherries our
granddaughter, Marisa, gave me.
I thought all was well until I ven-
tured out to the freezer in the shop
the other day. I opened the
freezer, and I couldn't believe my
eyes! There are two HUGE bags of
chokecherries in there, and I have
no idea where they came from. My
husband says he knows nothing
about them, but I don't know if I
believe him. So, whoever put the
chokecherries in the freezer
thank you, I guess. For now, they
are going to stay in the freezer.
And if anyone needs two bags of
chokecherries, please give me a
The Labor Day weekend had
several neighbors out and about,
so news is a little short this week.
I enjoyed a visit with Aunt Ruth
Neuhauser last week. Her daugh-
ter and son-in-law, Nina and Lynn
Nachtigall, had been to visit her.
Prior to coming to Highmore, they
had been to the Black Hills to at-
tend a family reunion. They spent
a night with their niece, Sarah
Neuhauser, and they took in some
of the Kool Deadwood Nites
events. They also spent a night at
the ranch with Kevin Neuhauser.
From here, they were planning to
join friends for a tour of Glacier
National Park, followed by visiting
with Nina's sister, Connie, in
Idaho. Connie and her husband,
Bunky, were in Idaho at a fair
with their educational agriculture
exhibit. I'm so glad that Lynn and
Nina are taking full advantage of
their retirement!
Happy belated birthday to Car-
men Alleman this week. Last
week, Clark and Carmen braved
the heat and went to Pierre. Clark
had an eye appointment, and they
stopped in to visit Ben and Phyllis
Stoeser. Ben and Phyllis's daugh-
ter, JoLynn, was here from Min-
neapolis, so they got to visit with
her. Also, Clark and Carmen's
granddaughter, Morgan, had her
first soccer game of the season, but
it was so hot that they only made
it through the first half.
Clint and Laura Alleman did
cattle work the middle of last
week. Clint has been putting up
hay and keeping on top of every-
thing while Laura has been busy
painting and helping her parents
at the airport when possible. Their
daughter, Alivya, runs circles
around all of them, according to
Laura, and keeps everyone on
their toes! They helped Clint's
mother, Carmen, celebrate her
birthday with a dinner outing.
Clint, Laura and Alivya went to a
movie in Pierre over the week-
end it was Alivya's first theater
experience. They attended church
Sunday and spent time with fam-
ily. According to Laura, "Life is
Frank and Shirley Halligan
kept their grandson, Krece, Fri-
day while everyone went to their
appointments in Sioux Falls and
Rapid City. Krece went to the sale
barn with Frank, and then Shirley
took him to play in the river dur-
ing the afternoon. She said they
met a couple from Germany at the
park. The couple have been tour-
ing for a year, and although they
didn't speak much English, they
did manage to visit a little. Satur-
day, Frank and Shirley attended
the wedding of Serena Norman
and Peter Townsend. They spent
the night at their home in Ft.
Pierre, returning to the ranch
Sunday night. And on Labor Day,
they labored!
Dick and Gene Hudson were in
Pierre Saturday to attend the
Norman wedding. Sunday, they
traveled to the Sturgis area to the
home of their niece, Cheryl (Kef-
feler) and Emmitt Pittman. Their
nephew, Doug Keffeler, Water-
town, was also there. He has had
multiple health challenges, but he
is doing pretty well now. They also
got to visit with Dick's sister, Jean
Keffeler, and various other rela-
Jon and Connie Johnson and
family were at the State Fair this
week, but I haven't had a chance
to find out any details. They gen-
erally have a large assortment of
poultry exhibited.
Billy and Arlyne Markwed had
a visit from Doug Olander, Sioux
Falls, Saturday. Doug was mar-
ried to Diane Markwed. He spent
Saturday night, but he returned
home Sunday to survey the dam-
age from a strong storm that went
through his property Saturday
evening. Arlyne attended church
Sunday, while Billy was helping
grandson T.J. with some harvest-
ing. Arlyne said T.J. and family
were at the State Fair Saturday.
Moenville News|Leanne Neuhauser 567-3325
View & download
online Sale
Production Books at:
** *
Online now:
Philip Livestocks
Fall Extravaganza
Horse Sale!
(605) 685-5826
Midland (605) 567-3385
JEFF LONG, Fieldman/Auctioneer
Red Owl (605) 985-5486
Cell: (605) 515-0186
Reva (605) 866-4670
DAN PIROUTEK, Auctioneer
Milesville (605) 544-3316
Yard Foreman
(605) 441-1984
Sturgis (605) 641-1042
Wasta (605) 685-4862
(605) 859:2577
Upcoming Cattle Sales:
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STEWART 60 CHAR X STRS...............................................900#
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GARRIN 21 BLK STRS .................................................850-900#
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SMITH 10 BLK TESTED OPEN HFRS...........................850-900#
THORSON 10 BLK STRS & SPAY HFRS .......................800-900#
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PFEIFER 6 BLK STRS..................................................700-800#
TIFFT 5 RED FALL CLVS.............................................500-600#
AT 605-859-2577 OR 605-685-5826 FOR MORE INFORMATION.
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Philip, SD
Upcoming Horse Sales:
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call 605-859-2577 for a catalog.
September 5, 2013 Pioneer Review 12
Lunch Specials:
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Friday Buffet
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WERE YOU RIGHT? Last time: Detail on column at Kemnitz Law Office
building. Around Philip there are many architectural elements on buildings
as well as other items that we see on a daily basis. But, can you identify
them when given just an upclose snapshot? Heres one for you to try. The
answer will be in the next weeks Pioneer Review.
Where is it?
(continued from 11)
It has been busy at Lee and
Mary Briggs' place. Lee has a
silage chopper, and it has been
getting a work out! Mary worked
from home Friday morning, and in
the afternoon, she and Lee went to
Pierre. Lee attended a retirement
party at Grossenburg Implement
for one of their long-time employ-
ees. Saturday, Mary spent several
hours mowing. Their daughter,
Keva, stopped in for a visit, then
went to Fischer's north of the
river. Sunday, Lee and Mary's
granddaughter, Cattibrie Riggle,
and her boyfriend came out to the
ranch, and they helped Mary with
some yard work. Cattibrie took
two horses back to town with her.
Lee and Mary's grandson, Seth
Joens, came to the ranch Sunday,
and he also visited with Grandma
Lil Briggs before returning home.
Sunday evening, Lee and Mary
went to Andy and Joy Fischer's to
visit. Monday, their grandson,
Zane Joens, and a friend came to
the ranch, bringing two horses to
the ranch for the winter. While
here, the boys helped Lee with
some projects.
Kevin and Mary Neuhauser at-
tended Serena Norman's wedding
Saturday in Pierre. Their daugh-
ter, Sarah, and her boyfriend,
Eric, also attended. Kevin and
Mary came to the ranch Sunday,
taking a scenic route home which
took them through Capa and also
a town I had never heard of (and
it isn't on the map). Mary said
they went through someone's pas-
ture in the process, but they even-
tually ended up at Midland
pretty country. Happy birthday to
Mary last weekend, also!
Also, Raymond Neuhauser cele-
brated a birthday Saturday! Be-
lated birthday wishes to him.
Nels and Dorothy Paulson were
putting a puzzle together when I
talked to Dorothy Monday.
(Dorothy said when it comes to
puzzles, she is mostly there for
moral support.) She said Nels has
been putting up hay and doing
some field work. She didn't men-
tion the cattle, so they must be
staying in the pasture these days.
Dorothy went to Pierre Saturday
for groceries, and she stopped to
visit Lil Briggs. Lil was resting
while Dorothy was there, but she
did get to visit with Cole Briggs
and Vicki. After she got home, she
developed a case of stomach flu,
but she felt better Sunday. Early
Sunday morning, Nels and
Dorothy had a visit from their
friend, Otis Funk, and his brother-
in-law. Later Sunday morning,
the Paulsons headed to Winner to
attend a 50th wedding anniver-
sary celebration for Nels' niece
and husband, Dorothy and Larry
Koth. They returned home late
Sunday evening.
Kelly Briggs and children were
in town last Wednesday, helping
her mother and sisters put up
sweet corn. It will sure taste good
next winter. Friday, Kelly and the
kids stopped here for a short
visit I tried to entice the kids to
take home a kitty, but my sales
pitch didn't work.
Monday, Ron and Helen Beck-
with entertained friends and rela-
tives at their home. Guests were
Gary and Anne Beckwith, friends,
Bruce and Brenda, who live at the
former Hamilton place, and
friend, Spencer, who used to work
for Ed Briggs.
Ed Briggs was in Huron for the
State Fair Thursday. The South
Dakota Draft Horse Association
held their state competition at the
fair. Ed's friend, Beth King, took
home three ribbons for her efforts.
It was the first time she had com-
peted there. Beth had a wonderful
support team all three of her sis-
ters were there! Ed also had an
alumni gathering of the South
Dakota Ag and Rural Leadership
group Thursday evening, but due
to the heat he didn't stay long.
Ed's son, Shane, was home from
Brookings for the weekend, but he
had to be back at work Monday
morning. Shane works for a com-
pany that installs drain tile in
Lola Roseth and her sister,
Linda Smith, went to the State
Fair over the weekend, working as
EMTs at the first aid station.
Duane Roseth has spent the past
week fishing in Canada with a
group of friends. Hope they are
having good luck!
Marge Briggs submitted the fol-
lowing weather data for August,
2013: The high temperature for
the month was 97 on the 24th.
We had nine days of 90 or above,
and 24 days of 80 or above. The
lowest maximum temperature
was 70 on the second. The low for
the month was 51 on the 16th,
and we had a low of 60 or below
17 times during the month. The
average high for August was 84,
the average low was 59, and the
month's average temperature was
Precipitation for the month was
4.69 of rain. Normal precipitation
for August is 1.85, leaving us
2.84 above normal for the month.
Precipitation to date for 2013 is
16.58. Normal is 13.10, leaving
us 3.58 above normal for the year.
According to Marge, August's rain-
fall set a new record for this
weather station for precipitation
during the month of August,
breaking a 40-year record.
Our week here was busy but
quiet. Our friend, Bob Spears,
spent several days here helping
get caught up on some of the bal-
ing and other work. I have spent
most of my time in the garden, on
the mower, and in the kitchen
canning! It is such a busy time of
This week, I am grateful for a
helpful tip from my sister-in-law,
Lynn Brown. She told me that she
and my brother, Joe, do their
water bath canning out-of-doors,
so I adopted the practice also! I put
the propane "turkey cooker" base
out on the deck, and that is the
heat source for the water bath can-
ner. It keeps all the heat and hu-
midity out of the house, which has
been especially nice when it was so
nasty hot last week. The propane
heater also brings the cooker back
to a boil very rapidly great sys-
As summer winds down, and
everyone is scurrying to get the
fall work done, please take time to
be careful. Also, take time to take
a deep breath and appreciate the
world around you. We are truly
blessed to live in such a wonderful
Go out and make it a great
Moenville News|Leanne Neuhauser 567-3325
84 Years Ago
September 5, 1929
Two Milesville young people
were united in marriage Tuesday
evening in the Presbyterian church
of Philip, when Oliver Fleming and
Miss Myrtle Neville were united in
the bonds of Holy Matrimony. The
young couple were accompanied to
the altar by sister and brother-in-
law of the bride, Mr. and Mrs.
Johnnie Haas.
Grindstone News Esther
Hazen and Floyd Brooks were mar-
ried recently at Rapid City. They
were given a rousing chavirari Sat-
urday evening at the home of the
grooms parents.
Local News F.E. Pohl drove to
Mitchell last week with Dan Bier-
vagen who has been ill for some
time past. He entered the hospital
in Mitchell for treatment. Mr. Bier-
wagens nephew returned with Mr.
Pohle and will settle on the Bierwa-
gen ranch. (Mr. Dan Bierwagen
passed away Tuesday morning.)
The J.T. Steile family of Hilland
have moved to Rapid City having
purchased a residence there. Mr.
Steile will continue to operate his
general store at Hilland. The move
was made so that the Steile chil-
dren may enjoy the advantages of
the Rapid City schools.
Wellsburg News A fine new
school is going up in Topbar district
where the old Hart school used to
stand. Nieumaster Bros. are doing
the work.
75 Years Ago
September 1, 1938
Playing errorless ball behind a
three-hit pitching performance
turned in by Al Thomas, Grind-
stones baseball team defeated
Wall, 2 to 0, Sunday, to grab the
1938 pennant and the champi-
onship in the West River league.
Those playing in the game for
Grindstone were D. Kennedy, J.
Fennell, W. Coyle, Bartholomew,
M. Carr, B. Humbert, D. Sommers,
W. Reynick and A. Thomas.
Forty-five rural schools in
Haakon County will be in session
for the school of 1938-39, a de-
crease of six from the 51 schools in
session during the 1937-38 school
Enrollment in the Philip Public
School system of the 1938-39 term
had reached a total of 322 Tuesday
afternoon, 164 were enrolled in
high school and 158 were listed for
the grades. More are expected to
enroll by the end of next week.
Ninety-one of the students regis-
tered for high school work Tuesday
came from country districts, while
15 from outside of Philip are en-
rolled in the grades. Thirty-four
students were registered at the
dormitory in the Winchester Hotel
Tuesday and several more will
come in before the end of the week.
The budget for next year calls for
the sum of $11,533 to be raised by
The first football practice of the
season was held Monday under the
direction of the new coach, George
Nielson, former star end on the Au-
gustana eleven at Sioux Falls. Niel-
son issued suits to 26 athletes and
at least 15 more are certain to be in
uniform by the end of the week.
By the end of this week, Supt.
Hendrickson said, it is planned to
hold tryouts for glee club work.
Blast from the Past
from the archives of the Pioneer Review
859-2173 Downtown Philip
The Knutson Girls
will be performing Friday, Sept. 6th!
Sign-up details will be available for the
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If you havent
already, be sure
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