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{Sitg gf Ara**nie


*rAtH S*rftf,#.f *HSONIA" CGXST#?ilUT





*1fi**: {?0}} ?3S-5*1 F=: {7*3i 734-3ff$3

ffi-r*aii: j d*ll*volp*@cltyofurrs**i*-f,*m



YOLFE - SEPT$iMBER 5- 2013

I am anr:*uncing today my plan tc cnll upen the $tate cf ***ne#icut and the City cf Derby t* *.*rk with Ans*r:i* i* *reating a regi*ne} w*stswater lreatm*nt sysie#: tfuat r+ili prsl**t *llr elvir*nmen: a:rd save milli*as *f d*llars tbr our ra:epsyers i:: **:lr c*mn:*ni:ies.
ltsithin th* last fcw ye*rs, Ans+nia successfully c.*mplered a $Sil million upgrade ts it$ watsr keatffient facility that eliminated excsssive p+lluta*t smissi*fts i*t* the T'iar:gattck Rivcr. These *missi*** eventually made their way intu th* lrfn*gatuck riv*r t}:.e:r:o the H*usaf**ic a:rd *nal15 t* L*ng Island Soand. Along ih* *.ay, they caused harm to fisb s::d*life and reduced the quali:y of *ur envircnment. ?he Ansonia plant had l*ng exce+ded its *xp**ted life spa:r a::* r+'e r*er* under *n order frcm the $tate to complete the expe::sive upgrade which we did. Each hcusehold unit is paying S??ff annually to pay down the b*nds needed to repay the State of Corsectic*: *vsr & 2S y*ar period. Businesses ar* payir:g a Sroater cost for their share *f thc

It is very likely tha: Derby may be requir*d t+ underg* a *imilar *hallengc in rh* coming years at a great *ost tCI the hard workixg pe*ple in that cnmr*unity, t havs asked our *ngineer* tcl ex*mine the p+ssibility cf *si:rg the A::s*nia trsft:::el:t faciliry *or the ary-*s1*rvater fl*rvs in b*th

Tleir prcliminnry analysi* ir:dicntes that this could be accar::plisl:ed r+'ith certain flow mitigation pro*edures f*r irrfilrration and in{low lll in }erby nnd the construction of n pumping st*tian and 80** line*r faot pipe carrying the fltrv from $erb-l'to Ansonia.
The Ansonia rv*s{ewat*r reetff}en{ thciliry has a design t3+w of 3,5 million gail*ns per day with a peak capacity *f ?.* million gall+ns per *ay iMfiDi.

During the 3 y*ars f:om 2009 thr**gh ?ff1I Ansania's *vsreg* *aily fl*w {ADF} ranged from t.?? MOD t* 2.25 MG* while fierby's ranged fram L4*# t* 3.01 M**. ?he maxim*m fJows wrre *.08 in Derby *:rd 5.73 in Ansonia whi*h would averb*:der: th* Ansonia plant on maxim*m {Icw d*ys.

cf the il*rby maximum **w is d*e to pa*icr.:ler c**ll*nges wi& infilaatior: *nd inflow III *dich could be mitigated by at least S*% with a successful r*::icdiatio:r
Flor+'ever. a good partior:

program. Upcn +ompletioa of s*ch a prilgrarn! rhe State of C*ruecti**t cauld create financial in**ntives f*r the fwo to\*ns to "h**k up" their s-y$t*rn$ s* tltat th* rrecessity of eventually rebr:ildi*g or

buil*ing * brend new plant in )erby **uld b* av*idEd, In*tead" by using a ccmbination of III mitigatior: in ilerby, st*rage of flow rt thc Derby p1*a: and contr*lled flow timing da:ing th* ln:e evening or *arly moraing hours, the flsw from thal citl" could be treated in Anscnia.
Tkis could *resl* **orffior;$ beneirls for tbe resi*ential a*d b*sin*ss r#t*pay*rs in h*th cnmmunities:

r . r r r r

The staffs arrd w*rkers *f bcth WFilAs c*ul* b* pr*t*cted with j*b security and through the use of eve*tuai retireme*t attr*ti*a *avings co*l* be re*liz=d *r'er t?:e l*ng term Ea*h commu*ity would retain its separate functions of rate selting and c*l1ecti*n* *ad **rby could mak* semiannual paJmenls ta tir* Ans*nin l;'JPilA for use $f its trea{meal

The pnople of Derby would *vnid the l*ng :ern: cost of buildi*g fl new plant and the people of Ar:s*nia c**id *** th*ir $?7ff a*nunl capitel fee reduc** by *s mrrch as 5*%

Ow environment and rivers w*uld be pr*r*cted f*r gener*tions by thc elimination of hannfuI *'ater p*l lutian The appr*a*h sould serve as the model for futurs c*llab*r*ti*:r in tw* small n*ig*boring can:mr:nities that sre attemp:ing to reir:vent their t**al ***n*mics f+r a brightev fiiture ?he State af Carule*ticut c*uld use thi* appr*nth in smart regi**alism t* sav* mitlions cf cl*1iars in hnnding so*ts f** crur {\4'c: c*mmunitie* white using it as a m*del f*r similar approcches el*ewhere *n the futurs.

I call ap*n the tr*partrne*t cf Energy and Environr:rearal Pr*tecti*x i#EEP), rvith ti:* snc$*ragement *f our tw* legislntnrs, S*nat*r Crisca and Repr*seiltatiy Gentile, tc immediat*iy begin * compr*hensive feasibility study to cnrefully examine this proposal with an eye to the e*cnomie and *nvir*nment*l be*efit$ ts **r regi+n *nd state.
The feesibility study r**uld eansider b*:l: ew**mic and :r*n*ec$*$mic f*+t*rs in arriving at the m*st desirable alternative f*r implementati**. A present w*r{h ***n*mi* *na}ysi* r+'ould be porl.armed *s part of th* svaluetion. TL* ec*:::*::'ric an*l.vsis w**ld incorporate capit*I, *psratior:

a*d meixtenancfl c*st estimates developed f*r each aimmative,

*y w*rking t*gelhcr

as r:eighboring c*mmaftities rvith a

stats, we could use sffiart regi+nalism t+ pr*tect

l*ag history *f +**p*r*ti*n and *'ith the *rir *.rtu:e *nd reduce the +os: *f living and

*oing b*siness in ea*h of our **mmrmitie*.

Tha$k you very much.

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