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Plant Physiol.

(1 996) 1 1 1 : 653-660

The Mechanism of Ethylene Perception’

Anthony B. Bleecker* and C. Eric Schaller2

Department of Botany, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706

Almost one century ago, Anton Nicolyovitch Neljubov consider possible mechanisms by which the ETRl protein
determined that the gaseous olefin ethylene was capable of perceives and transduces the ethylene signal and how
altering the development of higher plants in a variety of dominant mutations in ETRl and related isoforms confer
ways. In the ensuing decades, the involvement of endog- ethylene insensitivity on plant tissues.
enously produced ethylene in plant growth and develop-
ment was firmly established (reviewed by Abeles et al.,
1992).Ethylene has been implicated as a factor that controls THE PATHWAY FOR ETHYLENE SIGNAL
the timing of seed germination, the rate and dimensions of TRANSDUCTION
etiolated seedling growth and leaf expansion, the initiation As first reported by Neljubov, applied ethylene inhibits
and progression of abscission and fruit ripening, and the elongation of both shoots and roots of dark-grown seed-
expression of a number of stress-related responses in plants lings. This effect appears to be the result of a decrease in
(Abeles et al., 1992). More recently, the biochemical and cell proliferation and a reorientation of the direction of cell
molecular characterization of the biosynthetic pathway for expansion in the stem from the vertical to isodiametric,
ethylene has provided insights into the mechanisms by resulting in a shorter, thicker stem (Eisinger, 1983). The
which plants control the interna1 concentrations of this seedling bioassay has been used to isolate mutants in Ara-
hormone (reviewed by Kende, 1993). bidopsis that are either insensitive to applied ethylene
Understanding the mechanisms by which plant cells per- (Bleecker et al., 1988; Guzman and Ecker, 1990; Van der
ceive and transduce the ethylene signal has been a more Straeten et al., 1993; Roman et al., 1995) or express consti-
daunting problem. Physiochemical considerations have tutively the ethylene-induced phenotype (Kieber et al.,
prompted a number of researchers to postulate that ethyl- 1993). Severa1 classes of mutants obtained using the seed-
ene might interact with a receptor through a protein-bound ling bioassay as a screen affect a broad range of ethylene
transition metal such as Cu(1) (Burg and Burg, 1967; Ko- responses throughout the life cycle of the plant, indicating
vacic et al., 1991; Sisler, 1991). High-affinity, saturable that these responses share a primary signal transduction
binding sites for ethylene have been detected in plant pathway. In particular, multiple mutant alleles at the ETRl
tissues and extracts (reviewed by Sisler, 1991). However, and EIN2 loci confer global insensitivity to ethylene (Guz-
the physiological relevance of these sites with respect to man and Ecker, 1990; Chang et al., 1993). In contrast, mu-
ethylene responses has never been demonstrated, nor have tations at the CTRl locus lead to constitutive activation of
the biochemical agents responsible for binding been iso- ethylene-regulated pathways (Kieber et al., 1993), indicat-
lated and characterized from plants. ing that CTRl is a negative regulator of the ethylene re-
Recent advances in understanding ethylene signal trans- sponse. Double-mutant analysis indicates that CTRZ is ep-
duction have come from pursuing a genetic approach with istatic to ETRZ and that ElN2 is epistatic to CTRl (Kieber et
Arabidopsis thaliana. A number of mutants affecting ethyl- al., 1993). Based on these findings, a model for ethylene
ene responses in Arabidopsis have been identified (re- signal transduction has been proposed (Ecker, 1995) in
viewed by Ecker, 1995), and these define a common initial which the product of the ETRZ gene acts earliest in the
pathway for all recognized ethylene-induced changes in signal cascade (Fig. 1).
the plant. In this Update, we will describe the initial path- Both CTRZ and ETRl have recently been cloned. Their
way for ethylene signal transduction as it is currently un- deduced amino acid sequences reveal that plants have
derstood and emphasize, in particular, evidence that the incorporated two evolutionarily distinct components, one
ETRZ gene codes for an ethylene receptor. We will also typically associated with prokaryotic and the other with
eukaryotic signal transduction systems, into a single signal
This work was supported by the Department of Energy (grant transduction pathway. The amino acid sequence of ETRl is
no. DE-FG02-91ER20029.000), the Department of Agriculture closely related to members of the two-component signal
(grant no. 9403009), and the Department of Energy-National Sci- transduction systems from bacteria (Chang et al., 1993) and
ence Foundation-U.S. Department of Agriculture Collaborative
contains all of the conserved residues required for His
Research in Plant Biology Program (grant no. BIR92-20331).
Present address: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular kinase activity. CTRl is related to the RAF-type Ser/Thr
Biology, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824.
* Corresponding author; e-mail; fax Abbreviations: MAP, mitogen-activated protein; MAPKKK,
1-608 -262-7509. MAP kinase kinase kinase; nr, never-ripe.
654 Bleecker and Schaller Plant Physiol. Vol. 111, 1996

,, +ERS

-- CTRl EIN2 --m
Ethylene Responses
The basic structural elements of the protein encoded by
the ETRl gene are depicted in Figure 2. The protein con-
Figure 1. Proposed linear sequence of gene action in the ethylene tains a hydrophobic domain within the N-terminal third of
signal transduction pathway. The sequence is based on the finding the protein, followed by a stretch of amino acids that show
that double mutants of ctrl with ein2 show the ethylene-insensitive no significant homology to sequences in the database. The
phenotype of ein2, whereas double mutants of etrl, ers, or ein4 with C-terminal portion of the protein contains sequences with
ctrl show the constitutive response phenotype of ctrl (Kieber et al., striking homology to the His kinases and response regula-
1993; Chen and Bleecker, 1995; Ecker, 1995).The etrl, ers, and ein4
tors of bacterial two-component systems (Chang et al.,
mutants all show similar dominant ethylene-insensitive phenotypes
and may all code for isoforms of the ethylene receptor.
Hydropathy analysis of ETRl identifies three potential
transmembrane segments at the N terminus. Although
ETRl does not contain a canonical signal sequence for
protein kinases from mammals (Kieber et al., 1993), indi- membrane insertion, topological analysis using a model
cating that ethylene signal transduction could feed into a recognition approach (Jones et al., 1994)predicts that the N
MAP kinase cascade, with CTRl representing a MAPKKK. terminus would lie on the extracytoplasmic side of the
Thus, based strictly on sequence homology, phosphoryla- membrane, followed by the three transmembrane seg-
tion appears to play a key role in the pathway for ethylene ments, with the large C-terminal domain on the cytoplas-
signal transduction. This is consistent with biochemical mic side of the membrane (Schaller et al., 1995).
data from plants in which ethylene-induced changes in Four mutant alleles of the ETRZ gene have been identi-
protein phosphorylation are observed (Raz and Fluhr, fied to date. As indicated in Figure 2, a11 four mutations
1993). involve single amino acid changes within the hydrophobic
This pathway for ethylene signal transduction in plants N-terminal domain of the encoded protein, with muta-
shows many similarities to an osmosensing, signal trans- tional changes distributed across a11 three putative trans-
duction pathway currently being elucidated in yeast. This membrane segments. Dose-response curves for stem and
yeast osmosensing pathway also contains elements related root growth in wild-type and mutant seedlings indicate
to the two-component signal transduction systems of bac- that the etrl-1 and e t r l 4 alleles completely eliminate re-
teria, as well as elements of a MAP kinase-like cascade. In sponsiveness to ethylene, whereas the etrl-2 and etrl-3
yeast, changes in osmolarity affect the activity of SLN1, alleles show reduced responsiveness to ethylene. (Note
which, like ETRl in Arabidopsis, is a putative His kinase that etrl-3 and e t r l 4 were originally named einl-Z and
and represents the first of the two components in the einl-2, respectively [Guzman and Ecker, 19901.) Further
prototypic two-component system (Ota and Varshavsky, details of the physiology of ethylene responses in the etrl-1
1993; Maeda et al., 1994). Activity of the SLNl protein is and etrl-2 mutant lines may be found in Chen and Bleecker
then thought to regulate the phosphorylation state of SSK1, (1995). A11 four mutant alleles are genetically dominant
a response regulator that corresponds to the second of the over the wild-type allele (Bleecker et al., 1988; Guzman and
two components (Maeda et al., 1994). From here, the yeast Ecker, 1990; Chang et al., 1993). Plants heterozygous for
osmosensing pathway feeds directly into a MAP kinase either etrl-1 or etrl-2 show the same degree of insensitivity
cascade (Brewster et al., 1993; Maeda et al., 1994, 1995) in as the homozygous mutants.
which SSKl regulates the activity of SSK2 and SSK22, both The C-terminal portion of ETRl is homologous to the His
CTR1-like MAPKKKs (Maeda et al., 1995). kinases and response regulators of environmental sensory

Figure 2. Schematic representations of four pu- 75% 53%

tative isoforms of the ethylene receptor from I I
Arabidopsis (Arab; ETRl and ERS) and tomato A 4 I+F C-DY A?T
(Tom; eTAE1 and nr). The shaded boxes repre-
sent hydrophobic sequences. The open boxes
labeled Histidine Kinase and R R represent se- ETRI (Arab)
quences homologous to the kinase and response I+F
regulator domains, respectively, of bacterial
two-component environmental sensor systems. ERS (Arab)
The percentages at the top of the figure are the
amino acid sequence identities for all four iso-
forms in the region indicated. Specific amino
acid alterations that result in dominant ethylene eTAE1 (Tom)
insensitivity are indicated.

nr (Tom)
Ethylene Perception 655

systems in bacteria (Chang et al., 1993). These systems gene product and has an overall amino acid sequence
allow the bacteria to sense and respond to diverse stimuli identity to ETRl of 81% (Zhou et al., 1996). On the other
and are involved in chemotaxis, osmotic sensing, host rec- hand, the nr gene product lacks a response regulator do-
ognition, sporulation, and changes in response to various main and is structurally similar to the ERS gene product
metabolites such as nitrogen and phosphate (reviewed by from Arabidopsis (Wilkinson et al., 1995).
Stock et al., 1990; Parkinson, 1993; Swanson et al., 1994). A dominant mutation has been identified in the nr gene
These sensory systems contain two conserved motifs that that results in ethylene insensitivity in the mutant tomato
are frequently found on separate proteins, termed the sen- plant, establishing the significance of Itr with respect to
sor and the response regulator, and for this reason they are ethylene signal transduction (Wilkinson et al., 1995; Yen et
referred to as two-component systems. Because of its role al., 1995). Tomato plants carrying the N r mutation show
in directly sensing environmental stimuli, the sensor is reduced sensitivity to ethylene with respect to seedling
typically membrane localized. The intracellular portion of growth responses, flower abscission and senescence, and
the sensor contains a transmitter region with His kinase fruit ripening (Lanahan et al., 1994). Sequence analysis
activity, which, in response to an environmental stimulus, indicates that the N r mutant gene product has a single
autophosphorylates on a conserved His residue. This phos- amino acid change located in the first hydrophobic domain
phate is then transferred to an Asp residue of a response of the protein (Fig. 2). It is interesting that wild-type nr
regulator. There are bacteria in which His kinase and re- mRNA levels become elevated in developing tomato fruits
sponse regulator domains are present in the same polypep- at the time when the fruits attain sensitivity to ethylene
tide, as with ETR1, and in these cases the response regula- with respect to the ripening process (Wilkinson et al., 1995).
tor domain may serve to modulate activity of the His In contrast, ETRl and eTAEl appear to be expressed con-
kinase (Parkinson, 1993; Swanson et al., 1994).However, in stitutively at the mRNA level in most tissues (Zhou et al.,
a11 known examples of two-component systems, even in 1996).
cases with a His kinase fused to a response regulator
domain, signal transduction is effected through a separate THE ETRl PROTEIN FUNCTIONS AS A MEMBRANE-
response regulator. A separate response regulator has not ASSOCIATED DIMER
yet been found in the ethylene signal transduction path-
way. Biochemical characterization of the ETRl protein has
taken place both in its native Arabidopsis and in a trans-
genic yeast system (Schaller et al., 1995). When expressed
in transgenic yeast, the ETRl protein is present at about a
100-fold greater level than in its native Arabidopsis. In both
Models that account for the ethylene-insensitive pheno- transgenic yeast and Arabidopsis, antibodies generated
types of etvl mutants must take into account the finding against ETRl recognize a 79-kD polypeptide, consistent
that only dominant mutations have been isolated. One with the molecular mass of 83 kD predicted from the amino
possibility is that functionally redundant isoforms of the acid sequence. Cellular fractionation studies indicate that
receptor are present and a nu11 mutation in one isoform the protein from both Arabidopsis and transgenic yeast is
does not result in a detectable ethylene-insensitive pheno- associated with membranes, as expected based on the hy-
type. In this regard, at least two additional genes with high drophobic domain present at the N terminus of ETR1.
degrees of sequence similarity to ETRl have been identi- When extracts from both Arabidopsis and transgenic
fied in Arabidopsis (Chang and Meyerowitz, 1995). The yeast were analyzed by SDS-PAGE in the absence of re-
ERS gene product shows homology to ETRl throughout ducing agent, the majority of immunodetectable ETRl pro-
but lacks a response regulator domain (Hua et al., 1995). tein migrated as a 147-kD protein, indicating that the native
When a mutation equivalent to the e t r l - 4 mutation protein exists as a disulfide-linked dimer (Schaller et al.,
(Ile69Phe) was introduced into a genomic clone of ERS and 1995). Expression of truncated forms of the protein in yeast
the mutated ers gene was transferred into wild-type Ara- indicate that the N-terminal hydrophobic domain of the
bidopsis, insensitivity to ethylene was conferred on trans- protein is necessary and sufficient for this dimerization.
formed plants (Hua et al., 1995), providing evidence that The requirements for formation of the disulfide-linked
ERS is functionally related to ETRl. Since mutations in dimer were further resolved by expressing forms of ETRl
both ETRl and ERS affect responses in the same range of in yeast in which specific Cys residues had been altered.
tissues, some functional redundancy between these two This analysis revealed that a pair of Cys residues at the
isoforms is implied. amino terminus (Cys4 and Cys6) are required for formation
The ETRl gene has also been used as a heterologous of the disulfide-linked dimer. These Cys residues are con-
probe to identify related sequences in tomato. Mapping served in a11 homologs of ETRl identified to date (Chang et
studies indicated the presence of at least five distinct cross- al., 1993; Hua et al., 1995; Wilkinson et al., 1995; Zhou et al.,
hybridizing sequences in the tomato genome (Yen et al., 1996), indicating that the ability to form a covalent dimer
1995). Two of these DNA fragments have been cloned and may be a general attribute of a11 of these proteins. The
sequenced (Wilkinson et al., 1995; Zhou et al., 1996). Struc- finding that the native ETRl protein exists as a dimer is
tural features of the derived amino acid sequences are also of particular interest because the bacterial sensor pro-
provided in Figure 2. The eTAEl gene product contains a11 teins are known to operate as dimers, with the kinase of
of the structural elements found in the Arabidopsis ETRl one monomer phosphorylating a conserved His residue in
656 Bleecker and Schaller Plant Physiol. Vol. 11 1 , 1996

trans on the other monomer (Parkinson, 1993). Although Based on two independent lines of evidence, the site of
this dimeric form is apparently in place prior to perception ethylene binding is the N-terminal hydrophobic domain of
of the signal in bacteria, in all known cases it is a nonco- ETRl. First, only truncated forms of the ETRl protein that
valent association. The ETRl protein appears to be unique contain the hydrophobic domain produce ethylene-binding
in that it is the first example in which monomers are sites in transgenic yeast (Schaller and Bleecker, 1995). Sec-
covalently linked. ond, all four mutations in the ETRl gene are point muta-
tions causing single amino acid changes within this hydro-
phobic domain (Chang et al., 1993), and it has been
demonstrated that one of these mutations (etrl-1) elimi-
nates ethylene binding by the protein (Schaller and
Based on a number of characteristics, it has been hypoth- Bleecker, 1995). It should also be noted that this N-terminal
esized that the ETRl gene could code for an ethylene region shows the greatest degree of amino acid conserva-
receptor. Genetic analysis provided evidence that. ETRZ tion among the various ETRl homologs (Fig. 2), attesting to
acts upstream of other loci that affect ethylene signal trans- its functional significance.
duction (Kieber et al., 1993), and it was also determined These biochemical data, coupled with prior genetic data
that plants containing the mutant etrl-1 allele display one- placing ETRl early in the pathway of ethylene signal trans-
fifth the saturable ethylene binding of that found in wild- duction (Kieber et al., 1993), serve as compelling evidence
type plants (Bleecker et al., 1988). The similarity of ETRl to that ETRl functions as an ethylene receptor in plants.
sensor proteins in bacteria is consistent with ETRl serving Based on the capacity of ETRl to bind ethylene (Schaller
an ethylene sensor protein (Chang et al., 1993). However, and Bleecker, 1995) and on its homology to the bacterial
the amino acid sequence of.ETRl does not contain any sensor proteins (Chang et al., 1993), it is also appropriate to
obvious features suggestive of ethylene-binding capability refer to ETRl as an ethylene sensor protein.
(e.g. a metal-binding motif). In addition, the fact that only
dominant mutations have been isolated at the ETRl locus ETHYLENE RECEPTORS A N D THElR MECHANISM
has made an unambiguous assignment of the wild-type
function of the protein impossible (Chang et al., 1993;
Ecker, 1995). The hypothesis that ethylene may bind to its receptor
To determine whether ETRl is capable of interacting through a transition metal was first suggested in 1967
directly with ethylene, experiments were performed on (Burg and Burg, 1967) and is based on the well-established
yeast expressing the ETRl protein (Schaller and Bleecker, interactions of olefins with transition metals (Collman et
1995). Expression of the full-length ETRl protein in yeast al., 1987; Kovacic et al., 1991). The idea that small, gaseous
resulted in the creation of high-affinity binding sites for molecules can bind reversibly to protein-based receptors
ethylene (Schaller and Bleecker, 1995) when assayed using through direct interaction with a transition metal cofactor
a modification of the in vivo [14C]ethylene-bindingassay is well established; examples include hemocyanin and he-
developed by Sisler (1979). These experiments were facili- moglobin (da Silva and Williams, 1991), the oxygen-
tated by the fact that control yeast showed no saturable sensing FixL protein in bacteria (Gilles-Gonzalez et al.,
binding sites for ethylene. Analysis of mutant forms of the 1991), and the nitric oxide receptor in animals (Ignarro,
ETRl protein indicated that the etrl-Z mutation eliminates 1991). Preference for an olefin-metal-binding site as op-
the ethylene-binding potential from transgenic yeast. This posed to a direct interaction of ethylene with the receptor
provides an explanation for the ethylene-insensitive phe- protein is based on the consideration that reasonable mod-
notype observed in plants carrying this mutation (Bleecker els for the direct interactions of ethylene with the protein
et al., 1988; Chang et al., 1993) and is also consistent with would involve enzymatic reactions such as hydrogenation
the decreased ability of etrl-Z mutant plants to bind eth- or 1,2 addition. These reactions are unlikely to be reversible
ylene in vivo (Bleecker et al., 1988). because of the strength of the u bonds created. On the other
The kinetic analysis of ethylene binding in transgenic hand, ethylene coordinates readily to metal ions-particu-
yeast (Schaller and Bleecker, 1995) indicated a K , of 0.04 p L larly electron-rich, low-valence ions-to form stable olefin
L-' ethylene (gas phase). This value is close to the amount complexes in which the double bond engages in both u and
of ethylene required for a half-maximal response in the 7~ acceptor interactions. In contrast to C-C and C-H
seedling growth assay (Chen and Bleecker, 1995). The re- bonds (99 and 83 kcal/mol), the strength of metal-olefin
lease of bound ethylene from transgenic yeast showed a interactions is significantly weaker (approximately 40
half-life of 12 h, a rate similar to that observed with one kcal/mol) (Collman et al., 1987), providing a stable
class of binding activity reported from severa1 plant ethylene-binding site from which ethylene can more easily
sources (Sanders et al., 1991; Sisler, 1991). The binding of dissociate. With the identification of the ETRl protein as a
[14C]ethylene in yeast was also inhibited by trans- protein capable of reversibly binding ethylene, the metal-
cyclooctene and norbornadiene, both competitive inhibi- olefin hypothesis is the most viable and reasonable expla-
tors of ethylene binding and action in plants (Sisler et al., nation for this interaction.
1990; Sisler, 1991). Thus, the characteristics of ethylene Direct evidence that ETRl proteins contain a coordinated
binding to the ETRl protein expressed in yeast are quite transition metal is not yet available. The amino acid se-
similar to in vivo binding sites previously observed in quence of the protein does not show any homology to
plant tissues (Sanders et al., 1991; Sisler, 1991). recognized metal-binding motifs. Nevertheless, it is worth
Ethylene Perception 657

considering how a transition metal could be coordinated paradigm applies, we would expect to find a response
within the hydrophobic domain of the ETRl protein. regulator protein that would act as a substrate for the His
Amino acid side chains that could be involved in coordi- kinase of ETRl. However, as yet, the genetic analysis of
nating a metal include His, Cys, Met, and possibly acidic signal transduction in Arabidopsis has revealed no such
residues (da Silva and Williams, 1991).Residue is an component acting between ETRl and the next identified
excellent candidate as a metal ligand because, when mu- component of the pathway, CTRl. It is possible that no
tated to either a Tyr (etrl-1) or a Ser, the resultant protein such protein exists and that the ethylene receptors transmit
no longer binds ethylene when expressed in yeast (Schaller their signals by some alternative mechanism. In this re-
and Bleecker, 1995).On the other hand, conversion of spect, it should be noted that one class of protein kinases
in the third transmembrane domain to a Ser does not that operate in mitochondria shows strong sequence ho-
disrupt ethylene binding (Schaller and Bleecker, 1995), in- mology to bacterial His kinases but does not appear to
dicating that it is not involved in metal coordination. The autophosphorylate at the conserved His residue. Rather,
other known mutations in ETRl that create dominant in- these kinases appear to transfer phosphate from ATP di-
sensitivity to ethylene are not likely to be involved directly rectly to Ser residues on substrate proteins that show no
in metal coordination but may indirectly disrupt metal homology to bacterial response regulators (Popov et al.,
coordination, ethylene binding, or subsequent conforma- 1992, 1993). On the other hand, it is possible that genetic
tional changes needed to transduce the ethylene signal to screens for ethylene response mutants have missed an
the transmitter domain of the protein. The fact that muta- intermediate response regulator protein because of the
tions are found in a11 three putative membrane-spanning presence of functionally redundant isoforms of this pro-
domains (Chang et al., 1993) indicates that the binding tein. Support for a response regulator-mediated pathway
pocket for metal chelation and ethylene interaction may be in eukaryotes is provided by the osmosensing pathway in
formed by the interactions of these three hydrophobic do- yeast. In this case the ETR1-like sensor SLNl interacts with
mains or possibly by interactions between monomer do- a response regulator protein SSKl (Maeda et al., 1994).
mains within the native dimer of the protein. A11 of these Despite our current lack of specific knowledge as to how
data are consistent with a model in which a metal is the ethylene receptor transmits information to downstream
coordinated by amino acid residues in membrane- components, it is instructive to assume that ethylene bind-
spanning (Y helices of the hydrophobic domain of ETR1. ing to the receptor alters the activity of the His kinase
The evidence that the ethylene-binding site is located in domain, which in turn influences downstream components
the N-terminal hydrophobic domain of the ETRl protein
CTRl and EIN2. Two alternative models for the regulation
provides us with a reasonable hypothesis as to how the
of primary signal transduction are provided in Figure 3.
receptor transduces the ethylene signal. We predict that
The models are based on the genetic evidence that CTRl
ethylene binding induces a conformational change within
negatively regulates EIN2 and that EIN2 may be responsi-
or between the subunits of the ETRl dimer, consequently
ble for generating some second messenger that drives eth-
altering the rate of trans-phosphorylation between the His
ylene responses (Guzman and Ecker, 1990; Kieber et al.,
kinase domains. This basic mechanism is consistent with
1993; Ecker, 1995).
current models for signal transduction by the related two-
For model I, it is assumed that ethylene is a positive
component sensory systems in bacteria in which conforma-
regulator of His kinase activity of the receptor. The active
tional changes in membrane-spanning (Y helices are
kinase would act directly or indirectly to decrease the
thought to transduce signals (Lynch and Koshland, 1991;
Milligan and Koshland, 1991).Our proposal that the metal activity of the CTRl protein kinase. The result would be an
involved in ethylene binding is chelated by residues within increase in EIN2 activity and, consequently, an increase in
(Y helices in the hydrophobic N terminus of ETRl is con-
ethylene responsiveness.
sistent with the mechanism by which conformational For model 11, it is assumed that ethylene is a negative
changes induced by oxygen binding in hemoglobin are regulator of the His kinase activity of the receptor. In the
propagated through (Y helical ligands (da Silva and Wil- unbound state, the active kinase would directly or indi-
liams, 1991) and, perhaps more directly applicable, the rectly act to keep CTRl active. Binding of ethylene to the
mechanism by which the chelation of Cu, by membrane- receptor would inhibit the kinase activity, resulting in de-
spanning (Y helices in Cyt oxidase functions to induce con- creased activity of CTRl and consequently an increase in
formational changes associated with proton pumping EIN2 activity, leading to increases in ethylene responsive-
(Wikstrom and Babcock, 1990; Tsukihara et al., 1995). ness. There is precedent for this type of mechanism in
bacteria. The oxygen-sensing FixL receptor activates nitro-
gen fixation genes through its His kinase domain in the
absence of oxygen. Oxygen binding to a heme moiety
associated with FixL inhibits kinase activity, resulting in
Although there is currently no direct biochemical evi- the down-regulation of nitrogen fixation genes (Gilles-
dente that the kinase domain of the ETRl protein transmits Gonzalez et al., 1991; Monson et al., 1992).
the ethylene signal by the same mechanism used by the To differentiate between models I and 11, it will probably
related bacterial two-component systems, the sequence ho- be necessary to determine biochemically whether ethylene
mologies of ETRl to these systems (Chang et al., 1993) are binding increases or decreases kinase activity of the trans-
entirely consistent with this possibility. If the bacterial mitter domain and whether there are indeed response reg-
658 Bleecker and Schaller Plant Physiol. Vol. 1 1 1 , 1996

Figure 3. Alternative models for the mechanism Model I: Ethylene binding activates kinase Model II: Ethylene binding inhibits kinase
of signal transduction from the ethylene recep- CPHA C,H,
tor. Arrows represent activation steps, and the
flat symbols represent inhibitory activities. For
both models, it is assumed that ethylene binds to
a transition metal (M) chelated in the hydropho-
bic domain of the receptor and that binding
alters the His kinase activity through conforma-
tional changes in or between monomers. The
question mark indicates the position in the path-
way of a postulated response regulator protein.
The proposed pathway is based o n the assump- 1
tion that CTRl acts between ETRl and EIN2 and ?
functions as a negative regulator of EIN2 (Kieber I
et al., 1993). s-s, Disulfide bond; P, phosphohis- @ @
Responses Responses

ulator proteins that transduce the signal from receptor to possible that the number of functional receptors in the cell
downstream effectors. It should also be pointed out that would be reduced to only one-fourth of the normal num-
models I and I1 are by no means the only possible mecha- ber. If this reduced number of receptors is below the
nisms for signal transduction by the receptor-even if we threshold needed to elicit the seedling growth response
assume that the bacterial two-component paradigm is cor- under conditions of saturating ethylene concentration, then
rect. There is evidence that bacterial transmitters do not an ethylene-insensitive phenotype will be observed. Be-
simply exist in a "kinase-on" or "kinase-off" state. In some cause the mutant forms of one isoform of the receptor
cases, transmitters in the kinase-off state can act as phos- appear to be dominant over other isoforms, we would also
phatases and actually facilitate dephosphorylation of cog- have to assume that monomers of different isoforms inter-
nate response regulators (Parkinson, 1993). Thus, ethylene act and that sufficient mutant monomers are present to
may mediate conformational changes in the receptor that reduce the total number of receptors below the threshold
shift the transmitter domain between an active kinase state needed to elicit responses. This would be true only if the
and an active phosphatase state. This consideration in- threshold for the seedling growth response required out-
creases the number of possible models based on the bacte- put from a large proportion of total receptors. Alterna-
ria1 paradigm. tively, mutant receptor subunits could inactivate a dispro-
portionate number of wild-type receptor subunits if (a)
oligomeric complexes of subunits were needed for signal
transduction and (b) small numbers of mutant subunits
poisoned the entire complex. Given that a11 of the dominant
The fact that only dominant mutations in ETRZ and nr mutations are in the ethylene-sensing domain of the recep-
have been isolated from screens for ethylene-insensitive tors and that at least one mutation, etrl-2, is known to
phenotypes is most easily explained by the concept of eliminate ethylene binding (Schaller and Bleecker, 1995),
functional redundancy. Assuming the presence of multiple the dominant negative mechanism is most consistent with
isoforms of the ethylene receptor, how is it that single model I from Figure 3.
amino acid changes in the ethylene sensor domain of one A gain-of-function mechanism for dominance of mutants
isoform of the protein can lead to complete insensitivity of implies that the mutation increases the activity of the gene
the tissue to ethylene? In simplified terms, one of two product or causes it to be active under conditions in which
possible mechanisms for genetic dominance is probably the wild-type protein is not active. If we consider model I1
operating in these cases. Dominant insensitivity to ethylene from Figure 3, a gain-of-function mechanism would apply
is likely to occur by either a dominant negative-type mech- if mutations eliminated ethylene binding and locked the
anism or a gain-of-function-type mechanism. mutant receptors in an active state, which suppresses the
As defined by Herskowitz (1987), dominant negative ethylene response pathways. These mutant receptors
mechanisms often involve complexes of interacting pro- would continue to keep response pathways shut off even
teins in which one mutant subunit of the complex poisons when a11 wild-type receptor isoforms are saturated with
the entire system. In the case of ETRZ, imagine a plant that ethylene. This mechanism would not require that mutant
is heterozygous for the etrl-Z mutation and is thus produc- monomers poison wild-type subunits of the receptors.
ing an equal amount of wild-type and mutant monomers of However, this mechanism for dominance and the mecha-
ETRl. If we assume that mutant homodimers and mutant/ nism for signal transduction illustrated in Figure 3 are
wild-type heterodimers are functionally inactive, then it is difficult to reconcile with the observation that the nr gene
Ethylene Perception 659

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