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Keyword: application, absence, remuneration, php, mysql

Aplikasi Absensi dan Penggajian Pegawai Studi Kasus: Badan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Pemrintah Desa

Nevertety F Papilaya

Inne Gartina Husein, S.kom., M.T

N. Ali Hanifa, ST

Program Studi Manajemen Informatika Politeknik Telkom Bandung Tahun Pelaksanaan Sidang

ABSTRAK No computerized system have made the office of Body of Society Enableness and Governmental ( Tardy BPMD) in [doing/conducting] absence process, so that its impact will difficult to [doing/conducting] salary calculation which is in the form of addition of officer production to each month. Process the absence [done/conducted] previously [is] absence in manual that is officer absence writed [at] sehelasi of paper and direkep each month for calculation of officer remuneration [in] office BPMPD. Application of Absence and Officer Remuneration base on this web [is] developed by using software of macromedia dreamweaver 8 and XAMPP. Application Packet which we need in designing a good situs like appache web server, PHP And mysql as its database have been made available [in] XAMPP. With the existence of Application of this Remuneration and Absence [is] very required to [do/conduct] the calculation [of] office hours and employ the employees [of] each;every monthly. So that system very good for natural problem implementation by BPMD

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