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Lesson Review

英語ノート 1 Pages 32 & 34 Lesson

Toyokanbetsu Elementary (豊寒別小学校) on 06/22/2009 for 45 Minutes

英語ノート 1 Pages 32 & 34 Lesson

Toyokanbetsu Elementary (豊寒別小学校) on 06/22/2009 for 45 Minutes
英語ノート 1 Teacher's Manual 76-86

S = Student(s)
H = Home Room Teacher
J = Japanese Teacher of English

11:20 - 28

The only question the students were not able to figure out on their own was “What is
your hobby?” Considering that was the only question they had not previously learned,
I was happy with that result.

For the head, shoulders, knees and toes song, I had a couple of different students lead
the class.


Students who were present were able to teach the absent kids what “do you have
_______?” meant, after watching the HRT and I demonstrate a couple of times.

Chose to point out on the board how “do you like” and “do you have” are similar and
that the responses are the same. Probably was a little too advanced for this group.

Clothing vocabulary kept it quick and snappy. Student was able to grasp when I asked
“what’s your name?” instead of “what is this?”


Activity 1. Demonstrated a few times with the HRT, checked the meaning with the
kids, and then ran through it with me as the shopkeeper and one student as a customer.

Then had the students do the dialogue together at the front of class. I don’t know how
effective this was, but the kids got through it quickly enough, with less help as time
went by.


Kids color their clothes. Placed a time limit on how long they could color, and it made
a big difference. One “artist” who took the longest to color the last time got started on
making an addidas design for his t-shirt, but ended up just filling it in pencil.


Students cut out their clothes [on the lines only], HRT and myself demonstrated the
speech “These are my clothes. A blue cap .. etc. I like blue.” Told the students to

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Lesson Review
英語ノート 1 Pages 32 & 34 Lesson
Toyokanbetsu Elementary (豊寒別小学校) on 06/22/2009 for 45 Minutes

practice themselves after that. They didn’t really. Then had them come up to the front
and give the dialogue as a speech. Really didn’t work very well.


• Lesson Plan
o Were the objectives and aims clear?
 Yes.
o Were the activities effective?
 No,
o Were the procedures appropriate for the students?
 No, they were too difficult.
• Student Response
o Did all students achieve the aims intended?
 No, they did not understand how to say either of the dialogues
or really what “I like ________” means. They did at least
remember the names of clothes.
o Did they have a positive attitude toward communicating?
 Yes
o Did they all take an active part in communicative activities?
 Yes
• Classroom Management
o Was the atmosphere of the class positive?
 Yes
o Were instructions and questions clear?
 Yes, but too difficult.
o Did the two teachers interact effectively?
 Yes
o Were AV and other aids used effectively?
 N/A

• Make sure the kids are singing when we do the warmup songs.
• Really don’t know if scripted dialogues have any value at all.
Best Practices
• time limits on things like coloring your clothes.

Next Time
• Ask HRT not to help the students if they cannot understand a question during
the review questions. Only help if none of their classmates can figure it out.
• Class
o 3 Students who didn’t give speech, give it
o Clothes Let’s Listen page 35
o Lesson 6 food vocabulary
o “what do you want?” grammar point

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