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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> #include<windows.

h> #define Z 100 struct Product { char item[100]; int qty; float price; } products[Z]; void start(void); void show_list(void); void func_modify(void); void make_sale(void); void func_enter(void); int menu_select(void); int find_free(void); int pas_check(void); int get_item(char*); int i,check;

int main() { char choice;

printf("\n\n\n\n\n\t\t\t__________WELCOME_________\n\n\n"); start(); check=pas_check(); if(check){ printf("\n\n\t\t\tAccess Allowed"); printf("\n\nPlease Wait\n\nLoading"); for(i=0;i<5;i++){ printf("."); Sleep(1000); } system("cls"); while(1) { choice = menu_select(); if(choice==1) { func_enter(); } else if (choice==2) { func_modify(); }

else if (choice==3) make_sale(); else if (choice==4) show_list(); else if(choice==5) { printf("please wait program is shutting down"); for(i=0;i<5;i++){ printf("-"); Sleep(500); } printf("\n\n\n"); exit(1); } system("cls"); } } else { printf("WRONG PASSWORD\n\nACCESS DENIED \n\n \t\t\tSYSTEM SHUTTING DOWN"); for(i=0;i<=5;i++){ printf("."); Sleep(1000); } printf("\n\n\n"); exit(1); } }

void start (void) { register int t; for(t=0; t<Z; ++t) products[t].item[0] = '\0';

int menu_select (void) { char s[80]; int c; printf("\n"); printf("\t\t\tl. printf("\t\t\t2. printf("\t\t\t3. printf("\t\t\t4. printf("\t\t\t5. do { printf("\nEnter your choice:"); gets(s); c = atoi(s); } while (c<0 || c>5); return c;

Enter an item\n"); Modify an item\n"); Make a sale\n"); Show inventroy list\n"); Exit\n");

void func_enter(void) { register int slot, len; char item[100]; slot = find_free(); if(slot == -1) { printf("\nlist full"); Sleep(2000); return; }

printf("\n\nEnter Item: "); gets(item); if(get_item(item)) { printf("\n\nItem Already Exist\nTry Again"); Sleep(2000); } else { strcpy(products[slot].item, item); printf("\nEnter price: "); scanf("%f", &products[slot].price); printf("\nEnter The Quantity: "); scanf("%d", &products[slot].qty); getchar(); printf("The given product is saved"); Sleep(2000); system("cls"); }

} int find_free(void) { register int t; for(t=0; products[t].item[0] && t<Z; ++t); if(t == Z) return -1; return t; } void func_modify(void){ int t; char s[80]; check=pas_check(); if( check){ printf("\nenter the name: ");

gets(s); t = get_item(s); if(t) { printf("\nenter the new quantity: "); scanf("%d", &products[t-1].qty); printf("The given product is modified"); Sleep(2000); system("cls"); return; } } else { printf("WRONG PASSWORD\n\n PLEASE TRY AGAIN:"); Sleep(1000); } system("cls"); menu_select();

void show_list(void){ register int t; float sum=0; check=pas_check(); if(check){ system("cls"); printf("\n\n\t\t\tcomplete list for(t=0; t<Z; ++t) { if (products[t].item[0]) { printf("item: %s\n", products[t].item); printf("price: %f\n", products[t].price); printf( "quantity: %d\n\n", products[t].qty); sum = sum + products[t].price*products[t].qty;

is shown below\n\n");

} } printf("\n\nTotal Budget: %f\n\n", sum); printf("\n\n\tpress!\n\n1.GO BACK TO MAIN\n2.EXIT\n\nENTER A CHOICE:"); scanf("%d",&i); if(i==1) { system("cls"); menu_select(); } else { printf("please wait program is shutting down"); for(i=0;i<5;i++){ printf("-"); Sleep(500); } printf("\n\n\n"); exit(1); }

else { printf("WRONG PASSWORD\n\n PLEASE TRY AGAIN:"); Sleep(1000); system("cls"); menu_select();}

int get_item(char *ptr){ int t; for(t=0; t<Z; t++) { if (strcmp(products[t].item, ptr) == 0) { return t+1; } } return 0; } void make_sale(){ char item[100]; int t, quant; printf("\nEnter the name: "); gets(item); t = get_item(item); if(t) { printf("\nQuantity: "); scanf("%d",&quant); if(quant < products[t-1].qty) { products[t-1].qty = products[t-1].qty - quant ; printf("The given product is sold"); Sleep(2000); system("cls"); }

else { printf("\nNot enough item\n"); Sleep(1000); } } else {

printf("\nItem not available\n"); Sleep(1000); } } int pas_check(){ char char char char pass[] = "faRHAD09#"; name[]= "admin"; temp1[80]; temp[15];

printf("\n\n\n\n\t\t\tUser Name: "); gets(temp1); printf("\t\t\tPassword: "); gets(temp); if(strcmp(name,temp1) == 0 && strcmp(pass, temp) == 0) return 1; else return 0;




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