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By Gustavo Daz-Jerez This sound file is an exact aural representation of part the following image:

How the sound was created: The image dimensions are 843225 pixels. The vertical axis was mapped to a logarithmic, continuous frequency scale ranging from 100-1500 Hz. The horizontal axis was mapped to a time scale of 50 seconds, thus every pixel represents approximately 59 milliseconds. Because of the monochrome nature of the image, only the saturation information was used for stereo purposes, mixing it to both channels. The brightness information in each pixel was mapped to a logarithmic dynamic scale ranging from - dB (0 brightness, silence) to 0 dB (maximum brightness, maximum dynamic power). With these specifications, 225 sinusoidal oscillators were computed using massive additive synthesis. Volume was boosted 3 dB. No other post-processing was done.

A spectrogram of the resulting sound shows an exact resemblance wih the original image:

Thus, what the listener experiences matches perfectly the structure of the image.

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