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Character casting

We chose Corey to audition for our TV advert because he is a sporty and energetic person, so he would suit running in our advert along the running track. He is also the same age as our target audience.

We chose Cenan to audition also because his appearance comes across as professional, this could be an advantage for our advert if it fits well with our storyline and promotes our product better than the other auditionees.

Lastly, we chose Nathan, who is our group. We think by him auditioning we can compare and see if he does it better to the other auditions because he might understand how we want things because he contributed to come up with the idea. He also suits our target profile as he is confident and is also sporty so would be able to do our advert which is going to be physical.

We chose Danny to audition to promote our product because we think that he would be suitable towards our target audience, as he is the same age and also fits the target profile we have set.

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