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Fernando Miguel Angel Santamara Prez A01210518 International Institutions and Organizations Report on Venezuela y Amrica Latina despus

de Chvez Both of them, Dr Valeria Valle and ambassador Luiselli exposed the current situation of Venezuela after Chvez. Dr. Valle give us the context on South America and spoke about the relation between Cuba and Venezuela, the interaction of Venezuela with the world through oil and also the image of Chvez as a a leader of the region (using the concept of cuadillo). On the other hand, ambassador Luiselli was more concise with specific bullets about the future of the zone after Chvez. About the Oil Diplomacy, said Dr Valle, was learned from Russia, and the alliances were instituted as a system of cooperation in order to exploit the competitive advantage of each country. Also gave specific data from the CIA Worlds Fact book proving that Chvez government reduced poverty by almost 25 percent, aided the poor through missions in order to attend basic necessities and reduced inequality to 39% and contrasted with Mexico data with a 59%. But also exposed the negative points of the government as the nearly million of Venezuelan exiled for political differences, corruption on the cities and the weak institutions. Also talked about Chvez pragmatism. The data of the oil economy was distributed in the next way: 30% of the oil production was interchanged with South America, 10% with Asia, 10% with Europe, other 10% with other aggregates and 40% with USA, but the Brazil new oil reserve plus the decreasing of consumption of USA affected the sector. Ambassador Lusielli dont see Chvez death as a huge crack. The chavism as a movement probably wouldnt persist cause it doesnt a theoretical body according to ambassador. Doesnt matter who will stand next elections because wont have the strength of Chvez as a charismatic leader. On the other hand, Luiselli believes that ALBA will go on, the incursion of MERCOSUR stopper and Brazil will be the new leader of the zone.

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