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It helps for consumers to know that hearing instruments use mostly non-linear amplification which applies the greatest amount of amplification to the softest sounds that the hearing-impaired listener has the most difficulty hearing. At the same time, average and loud sounds receive varying degrees of amplification. Loud sounds can receive little to no amplification. Generally speaking non-linear hearing instruments work well without volume controls because amplification takes place specifically to frequencies needed and at soft, average and loud inputs. The user can just wear the instrument and not bother controlling volume unless they want to. Looking for an audiologist can be daunting, but it doesnt have to be. Audiologists provide patients with services through state-of-theart technology and exams. Licensed audiologists can determine your degree of hearing loss as well as ensure that the specific hearing instrument you use will be the best option for your condition. To schedule a hearing exam, call Accura Audiology at 716-633-0721. We are located at 6645 Main St, Suite B in Williamsville where Better Hearing is Better Living.

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