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Moraine Valley Community College

Division of Academic Affairs

Assessment of Student Academic Achievement

Action verbs for writing learning outcomes

based on Benjamin Blooms Taxonomy of Cognitive Levels of Knowledge

Dean, Academic Initiatives & Accountability Revised August 2007


Recognize or recall information

Understand, organize or interpret information.
Sample question at this level:

Transfer skills and knowledge into new or unfamiliar situations.
Sample question at this level:

Break concepts into component parts.

Creatively combine parts into new or original structures.
Sample test item at this level:

Judge the worth of an idea or solution, often in the absence of right or wrong answers.
Sample test item at this level:

Sample question at this level:

Sample question at this level:

Name the muscles of the rotator cuff.

How does the rotator cuff help you to raise your arm?

Why does throwing a curve ball cause rotator cuff injury?

Arrange Choose Collect Define Eliminate Identify Know Label List Match Name Quote Recall Recognize Record Remember Reproduce Select Show Tabulate

Associate Classify Compare Contrast Describe Display Estimate Explain Extrapolate Interpret Locate Paraphrase Report Restate Summarize Tell Translate Understand

Dean, Academic Initiatives & Accountability Revised August 2007

Apply Calculate Complete Compute Demonstrate Develop Employ Give examples Illustrate Manage Manipulate Perform Predict Present Produce Publish Relate Report Show Solve Translate Use 24 Write

Diagram the sequence of the throwing motion stress on each component of the rotator cuff. Analyze Determine evidence Diagram Differentiate Distinguish between Draw conclusions Edit Identify causes Infer State a point of view Support reasoning

Design a physical therapy program to strengthen each component of the rotator cuff. Adapt Compose Combine Construct Create Design Develop Formulate Incorporate Integrate Invent Modify Organize Synthesize

Evaluate another physical therapists program to strengthen and prevent injury to the rotator cuff. Appraise Assess Criticize Critique Decide Defend Discriminate among Draw conclusions Evaluate Judge Justify Measure the value of Recommend Revise Summarize

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