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Belonging provides a safety net, a place of comfort.

The feeling that comes with comfort is content with the status quo. Those who experience rejection and isolation use the pain to propel themselves to success. Not having a sense of belonging can therefore be a good thing. It is a force that has been the catalyst to many success stories. Success that would eventuate if rejection and isolation didnt remove .... from the their comfort zones. So what is it about rejection and isolation acts as a stimulous for success and not as the nail in the coffin. If at first you dont succeed, your in excellent company. JK Rowling was rejected by 12 publishers before one small publisher took on Harry Potter. Micheal Jordan was cut from his varsity basketball team. Decca records rejected a Beatles contract because they didnt like their sound. It was their ability not to magnify the rejction. Instead they used it as posoitive critisism to improve and propel them to take the next oppurtunity. It was their resislience that ment they didnt take it personally. Melinda Beck writes about how our own self effacacy that allows us rebound from defeat. In some cases it is an inborn optisim. But self effacacy can also come from tooth and nail; practice, study and training.

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