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Progromme of Actionfor i nobleDevelopment Susto

on Environment ond Development

Stotement of


Thefinoltextof ogreements negotioted by Governments ot the UnitedNotions Conference on Environment ond Development (UNCED), 4 June1992, Riode Joneiro, 3-1 Brozil

in thisbookisnotsubiect to copyright. lt moybe reproduced Moteriol contoined for strictly purposes, provided is givento the UnitedNotions. non<ommerciol ocknowledgement Address enquiries to: Deportment Proiect Monogerfor Sustoinoble Development, Informotion, of Public Room N o t i ons, N ew Y ork, N Y l 00l Z, U S A Fox l 2l 2) 963-l l 86 9 .| 0 3 2 , U n i te d

ISBN:92-l-100509-4 P u b l i c o t i o n s - S o lN eo s . E . 9 3 . 1 .I1 United Notions Informotion Published NotionsDeportment of Public by the United

Toble of Contents



Foreword. Introductio . .n .......... Acronyms







lnternotionol cooperotion to qccelerote sustoinoble development in developing countries ond reloteddomestic policies Combotingpoverty.... Chonging consumption potterns..... Demogrophic dynomics ond sustoinobility ... Protecting ond promotinghumonheolth Promoting sustoinoble humonsettlement development... Integroting environment ond development i n decision-moking ........

2 . 1 -2 . 4 3 3.r-3.r2
4.1- 4.27 5 . 1- 5 . 6 6 6.1- 6.46 7.1- 7.80 8 .r - 8 . 5 4

l9 27 3l 35 42 52 65

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Secllon 2; Conrervcllon ond ilcnngemenl s. to tt i2. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Protection of the otmosphere......

of Resources for Developmenl

Y.t- v.J5

75 77 84 88

Integroted opproochto the plonningond monogement or lond resources. Comboting debrestotion ... Monoging frogile ecosystems: Comboting desertificotion ond drought... Monogingfrogileecosystems: Sustoi noble mountoi n development. Promoting sustoinoble ogriculture ond ruroldevelopment Conservotion of biologicoldiversity Environmentolly soundmonogement of biotechnology.. Protection of the oceons, oll kindsof seos,includinqenclosed ond semi-enclosed seos,ond coostoloreosond thJ protection, rotionoluseond development of their living resources

r0.t-r0.'t8 il.t-1r.40 12.112.63 r3.1-r3.24

14.114.104 t5.t-15.11 16.116.46

98 r09
114 131 136

1 7 . 11 - 7.137




Protection of the quolityond supplyof fresh*oterresources: Applicotiorr of integrotecJ oporooches to the cjevelopmenr, mCInogernent ond useof woter resources E nv iro n me n tos l lo yu n d monoqemen otf toxi cchemi col s inc lu d i n g p re v e n ti oo nf i l l e g o [i n te rn oti onol troffi ci n toxicond dongerous products Environm ento Ily soundmonogement of hozordouswostes, inc lu d i n g p re v e n ti oo nf i l l e g o i l n te rn o ti onol troffi ci n hozordous wostes E nv ir o n m e n i os l lo yu n d monoqemen otf soi i dw ostes
ono sewoge-retotedtssues
l ' r r . v

r 8 .t - 1 8 . 9 0



1 9 . 11 - 9.76


20.1-20.46 2 1 . 12 1 . 4 9 2 2 . 12 2 . 9 206



Sofe ond environmentollysound rnonogementof rodiooctivewostes

Section 3: Strengthening 23

the Role of Molor

Groups 23.1_ 23.4 24.1-24.12 25.1-25.17 26.1 26.9 2 7 . 12 -7 . 1 3 28.1-28.7 2 9 . 12 -91 4 30.r-30.30 3t.r-31.12 32.1-32.14

217 219


Globol octionfor womentowordssustoinobie ond equito b l e d e u e l o p m e n t..... Child re n o n d y o u thi n s u s to i n o b d le e vel opment Reco.gnizing ond s'trengthening the roleof indigenous people ondtheir communities ^. . . S t r en g th e n i n ge ro l eo f th orgoni zoti ons: ,n o n ,-g o v e rnmentol !-orfners tor susto rnobledevelopment Loc ol o u th o ri ti e s ' i ti o ti v eis in n s u p p o rt of A gendo2j .... sirengthening the roieof workers ond theirtrodeunions S t r en g th e n i n ge ro l eo f b u s i n e so th sn d i ndustry S c i e n t i fo ic n d t e c h n o l o g i cc o lmmunity....... o S t r en g th e n i n ge ro l eo f fo rme rs ..... . th

220 224 227 230 233 235 237 240 243

25 26


2B 29. 30 31.

Sectlon 4: Meons of lmplemenlalion 33 34 35 36.


3 3 .r 3 3 . 2 1

F inon c i ore l s o u rc e sn d me c h o n i s m s o Tronsfer of environmentolly soundtechnology, cooperotion o n dc o p o c i r y - b u i l d i n g . . . . . . . Science for sustoinoble development. P r om o ti ne gd u c c ti o np , u b l i co w o re n e ss ond troi ni ng...... Not ion o l m e c h o n i s ms o n d i n te rn o ti o nol cooperoti on for c o p o c i f - b u i l d i nig n d e v e l o p i nc go u n t r i e.s ... I nt er n o i i o n o l s ti tu ti o no in orro l n g e m e n ts. int er n o ti o n o l g o li n s tru m e no le ts n d m e c honi sms . !nforrnotio nr d e c i s i o n - m o k i n g . . . , . . fo

249 257 257 264 270 274

t6 l


36.1 36.27 37.1 3-7 . 1 3 38. t- 38.45 3 9t .- 3 9 . t0 40.r 40.30

38 39 4a





Humanity today is in the midst of a profound civilizational change.There are signs of it everywhere,and for the thousandsof dedicatedpeople who were involved in that extraordinary event at Rio a year ago-indeed, for all the people of the globe-they are exhilarating,uplifting signs. While it is still too early to provide a precisely calibratedmeasureof the ultimate of the Earth Summit, I believe it has ignited a wildfire of interestand support success at every level of society in every corner of the planet. Since last June,there has been a profusion of conferences, seminars,symposiaand other organizedcolloquies of major sectoralgroups. Industrialists,economists,financiers,engineers,scientiststhose who, in truth, hold the levers of economicpower and change-have joined the in a commitment to the fulfilment of the constituencyof earnestenvironmentalists by Rio. hopesand aspirationsengendered In short, the movement to turn the world from its self-consumptivecourseto one has unmistakablyspreadfrom the grassroots to the brass of renewal and sustenance of Rio and its Agenda 2l actronprogramme are now, it seems roots. The Declaration clear,on everyone'sagenda. But this discernibleincreasein momentum is still only a beginning, albeit a highly encouragingone. The economic gulfs which lie within and among the world's peoplesand nationsnot only remain, but are daily deepening.Hunger and povertywhich are both a cause and an effect of global environmental degradation- are still appallingly pervasivein the developing world, where population growth compounds the problems of alleviating them. Industrial countriescontinue to be addictedto the patternsof production and consumptionwhich have so largely producedthe major risks to the global environment. Though in the aftermath of Rio there is a heightenedawarenessof, and debate over, the compelling needsfor action, there is not yet a concertedand decisive detailed response to the magnitudeand urgency of the task. Nor do we possess specificationsfor the tools we will need to forge this secondindustrial revolutionthis eco-revolutionthat is essentialin order to shift the world onto a new pathway to a and equitablefuture. more secure,sustainable There is much to be done. And I look to the new United Nations Commission on Developmentto be the focal point for the massiveeffort neededto create Sustainable the new era of internationalcooperation,the new global partnership,that will make this shift possible.

MouriceF.Strong,Secretory-Generol on Environment UnitedNotions Conference ond Development


developmentworldwide, the Rio Agenda 2I-a programmeof action for sustainable the statement of principles for the and Declarationon Environment and Development, of forestswere adoptedby more than 178 Governmentsat management sustainable the United Nations Conferenceon Environment and Development,known as the Earth Summit, held in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,from 3 to l4 June 1992. Togetherthey fulfil the mandategiven to the Conferenceby the United Nations GeneralAssembly when, in 1989,it called for a global meeting to deviseintegrated strategies that would halt and reversethe negativeimpact of human behaviouron the economic developphysical environmentand promote environmentally sustainable rnentin all countries. which were negotiatedover two and a half yearsleading up to The agreements, here in final form. While they lack the the Surnmit and finalized in Rio, are presented force of internationallaw. the adoptionof the texts carrieswith it a strong moral obligation to ensuretheir full implementation. blueprint for action to be taken globallyAgenda 21 standsas a comprehensive from now into the twenty-first century-by Governments,United Nations organizaand independent-sector organizations non-governmental tions, developmentagencies, groups,in every areain which human activity impacts on the environment. The Agenda should be studiedin conjunction with both the Rio Declarationof forest prinwhich provides a context for its specific proposals-and the statement ciples. It is hoped that the forest principles will form the basis for a f-utureinternational-levelagreement. is the idea that humanity has reacheda Underlying the Earth Summit agreements turning point. We can continue with presentpolicies which are deepeningeconomic poverty,hunger,sickness divisionswithin and betweencountries-which increase and illiteracy and causethe continuing deteriorationof the ecosystemon which life on E,arthdepends. of those Or we can changecourse.We can act to improve the living standards who are in need.We can better manageand protect the ecosystemand bring about a future for us all. No nation can achievethis on its own. Togetherwe rnore prosperous development. can-in a global partnershipfor sustainable Nations Commission on Sustainable partnership be the United will Central to that to a requestof the by the GeneralAssembly in response Development,established it will examineprogressmade Conference.Made up of Governmentrepresentatives, in implementingAgenda 2l globally.The Commission will first meet in June 1993the first anniversarvof the Earth Summit.



for Emergencies ot Locol Level Aworenessond Preporedness c h l o r o lf u o r o c o r b o n A l eseorch Group on Internotiono l g r i c u l t u r oR Consultotive P e r m o n e nItn t e r - S t o tC eo m m i t t e e o n D r o u g h tC o n t r o li n t h e S o h e l exclusive e c o n o m i cz o n e Economic for Africo Commission Economic for Europe Commission f o r L o t i nA m e r i c o o n d t h e C o r i b b e o n Economic Commission Ll i o i s o n Environmento C e n t r eI n t e r n o t i o n o l t f i n l o n dw q t e r e n v i r o n m e n t o l ls yo u n d m o n o g e m e n o o n d S o c i o lC o m m i s s i o n for Asio ond the Pocific Economic f o r W e s t e r nA s i o Economic o n d S o c i o lC o m m i s s i o n Foodond Agriculture O r g o n i z o t i o no f t h e U n i t e dN o t i o n s Generol Agreementon Toriffsond Trode Globol AtmosphereWotch (WMO) t ocilit'y G l o b o l E n v i r o n m e nF (UNEP) l o n i t o r i n gS y s t e m M Globol Environmento Globol Woter Quolity Monitoring Progromme A s p e c t so f M o r i n e P o l l u t i o n on the Scientific J o i n tG r o u p o f E x p e r t s i n n f P o l l u t i o n t h e M o r i n e E n v i r o n m e n(tU N E S C O ) G l o b o l I n v e s t i g o t i oo System G e o g r o p h i c o lI n f o r m o t i o n s r g o n i s o t i o nf o r o B o l o n c e dE n v i i " o n m e n t G l o b o l L e g i s l o t o rO Globol Observing System(WMO/WV\A//) Informotion Dotobose Globol Resource generolized systemof preferences vy irus h u m o ni m m u n o d e f i c i e n c Internotiono A l t o m i c E n e r g yA g e n c y Internotiono A l ctionProgromme on Woter ond Sustoinoble A g r i c u l t u r oD l evelopmenf Internotiono A l gencyfor Reseorch on Concer I n t e r n o t i o n oB i o o r d o f S o i l R e s o u r c eo sn d M o n o g e m e n t i n t e r n o t i o n oC l o u n c i lo f C h e m i c o lA s s o c i o t i o n s Internotiono C l o u n c i lf o r t h e E x p l o r o t i o n of the Seo Internotiono C l l e o n e rP r o d u c t i o n Informotion C l e o r i n oH o u s e Internotiono C l i v i l S e r v i c eC o m m i s s i o n Internotiono Cl o u n c i lo f S c i e n t i f i U c nions integroted environmento o l n d e c o n o m i co c c o u n t i n q I n t e r n o t i o n oF l u n df o r A g r i c u l t u r o D i evelopment I n t e r g o v e r n m e n tA o lu t h o r i i yf o r D r o u g h to n d D e v e l o p m e n t (ICSU) Internotiono l e o s p h e r e - B i o s p h eP rogromme G re r o g r o m m e / G l o b oC l hongeSystem l n t e r n o t i o n oG l e o s p h e r e - B i o s p h eP re for Ancriysis, T r o i n i n g Reseorch ond I n t e r n o t i o n oL l o b o u rO r g o n i s o t i o n Internotiono M l onetoryFund Internotiono M l o r i t i m eO r g o n i z o t i o n (UNEP) I n t e r n o t i o n oE l n v i r o n m e nItn f o r m o t i o n System




Intergovernmentol ic Com Oceonogroph mission Intergovernmentol Ponel on Climote Chonge lnternotionol Progromme on Chemicol Sofety integroted pestmonogement Internotionol Register of Potentiolly Ioxic Chemicols In te rn o ti o nT oilnC o unci l Internotionol Tropicol TimberOrgonizotion Internotionol Unionfor Conservotion of Notureond NoturolResources Internotionol Convention for the Prevention of Pollution fromShips for Economic Orgonisotion Cooperotion ond Development plontgenetic resources for ogriculture prior informed procedure consent AfriconDevelopment Southern Coordinotion Conference sustoinoble ogriculture ond ruroldevelopment UnitedNotions Conference on Trodeond Development United NotionsDevelopment Progromme Officeof the UnitedNotionsDisoster Relief Coordinotor E n v i ronment U n i te d N o ti o n s P rogromme U n i te d N o ti o n s Ed ucoti onol S, ci enti fiond c C ul turol Orgoni zoti on UnitedNotionsPopulotion Fund N o ti o n s U n i te d C h i l dren'Fund s UnitedNotionslndustriol Development Orgonizotion UnitedNotionsUniversity World C IimoteProg romme {WMO/UNEP/ICSU/U N ESCO) World FoodCouncil World Heolth Orgonizotion WorldMeteorologicol Orgonizotion World Wide Fundfor Noture(olso colledWorld Wildl;feFund) World WeotherWotch (WMO)

ond Development on Environment

ond Development on Environment RioDeclorotion

Having met at Rio de Janeirofrom 3 to 14 June 1992, the Declarationof the United Nations ConReaffirming ferenceon the Human Environment, adoptedat Stockholm on 16 JuneI972.oand seekingto build upon it, a new and equitableglobal With the goal of establishing partnership throughthe creationof new levelsof cooperand people, key sectors of societies ation amongStates, which respect Workingtowardsinternationalagreements of the global protect integrity the of all and the interests system, and developmental environmental natureof the integraland interdependent Recognizingthe Earth.our home. Proclaims that:

PRINCIPLE 3 The right to developmentmust be fulfilled so as to needs and environmental equitablymeetdevelopmental and future generations. of present

PRINCIPLE 4 environdevelopment, In order to achievesustainable part of the integral mental protection shall constitutean in process and cannotbe considered isoladevelopment tion from it.

PRINCIPLE 5 in the essential All States and all peopleshall cooperate requirepoverty as an indispensable task of eradicating in order to decrease development, ment for sustainable in standards of living and bettermeetthe the disparities needsof the majority of the peopleof the world.

I PRINCIPLE Human beings are at the centre of concerns for susThey areentitledto a healthyand tainabledevelopment. productive life in harmony with nature.

PRINCIPLE 6 and needsof developingcountries, The specialsituation and thosemost environparticularlythe leastdeveloped given specialpriority. Inmentally vulnerable,shall be anddevelactionsin the field of environment ternational of all needs interests and the opmentshouldalsoaddress countries.

PRINCIPLE 2 with the Charterof theUnited have,in accordance States law,the soverinternational principles of Nationsandthe pursuant to their resources their own eign right to exploit policies, and the and developmental own environmental juriswithin their activities to ensurethat responsibility to theenvironment dictionorcontroldo notcausedamage limits of national the or of areas bevond of other States jurisdiction.

PRINCIPLE Z to in a spirit of global partnership States shallcooperate protectand restorethe healthand integrity of conserve,

In view of the different contributhe Earrh'secosystem. global environmentaldegradation,Stateshave tions to The developed responsibilities. commonbut differentiated that they bear responsibility the countriesacknowledge in pursuit development of sustainable in the international global place the on pressures societies their view of the environment and of the technologies and financial resources they command.

'I2 PRINCIPLE andopen to promotea supportive States shouldcooperate international economic system that would lead to economic growth and sustainabledevelopment in all the problemsof environmencountries,to betteraddress forenvironmental Tradepolicy measures tal degradation. purposesshould not constitute a meansof arbitrary or restriction on or a disguised unjustifiable discrimination international trade. Unilateral actions to deal with environmentalchallengesoutsidethe jurisdiction of the importing country shouldbe avoided.Environmental measuresaddressingtransboundaryor global environmentalproblemsshould, as far as possible,be based on an internationalconsensus.

8 PRINCIPLE developmentand a higher quality To achievesustainable of life for all people,Statesshouldreduceand eliminate patternsof production and consumption unsustainable and promote appropriatedemographicpolicies.

PRINCIPLE I3 9 PRINCIPLE capacendogenous to strengthen Statesshouldcooperate improving by development ity-building for sustainable of scientific through exchanges scientific understanding the deenhancing and by knowledge, and technological of techand transfer velopment, adaptation,diffusion innovative technologies. new including and nologies, Statesshall developnational law regardingliability and compensation for the victims of pollution and other environmentaldamage.Statesshall also cooperatein an expeditious and more determined manner to develop further i nternationallaw regardingliability and compensation for adverse effects of environmental damage by activitieswithin theirjurisdiction or control to caused areasbeyond their jurisdiction.

IO PRINrcIPLE issuesare best handledwith the particiEnvironmental pation of all concernedcitizens,at the relevantlevel. At the nationallevel, eachindividual shall have appropriate access to information concemingthe environmentthat is held by public authorities,including information on hazardousmaterialsand activitiesin their communities,and the opportunity to participate in decision-makingprocesses.States shall facilitate and encouragepublic awarenessand participation by making information widely available. Effective accessto judicial and i n c l u d i n g r edressand adm inis t r a ti v ep ro c e e d i n g s , remedy,shall be provided.

I4 PRINCIPLE States should effectively cooperateto discourageor preventthe relocationand transferto other Statesof any severe environmental thatcause activities andsubstances or are found to be harmful to humanhealth. degradation

PRINCIPLE I5 In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approachshall be widely appliedby Statesaccordingto their capabilities.Where there are threatsof seriousor irreversibledamage,lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective on. measures to preventenvironrnentaldegradati

I1 PRINCIPIE Statesshall enact effective environmentallegislation. objectivesand management Environmentalstandards, and developenvironmental priorities should reflect the mental context to which they apply. Standardsapplied by some countriesmay be inappropriateand of unwarrantedeconomicand social cost to other countries,in particulardevelopingcountries.

PRINCIPLE 16 National authorities should endeavourto promote the internalization of environmental costs and the use of taking into accountthe approach economicinstruments, that the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of


pollution, with due regard to the public interest and without distorting internationaltradeand investment.

IZ FRINCIPLE as a national instruEnvironmentalimpact assessment, ment shall be undertakenfor proposedactivities that are likely to have a significant adverseimpact on the environment and are subject to a decision of a competent national authority.

PR]NCIPLE 22 Indigenouspeopleand their communitiesand other local managehavea vital role in environmental communities ment and developmentbecauseof their knowledge and traditionalpractices.Statesshould recognizeand duly support their identity, culture and interestsand enable of sustheir effectiveparticipationin the achievement tainabledevelopment.

PRINCIPIE 23 of people under The environmentand natural resources oppression,domination and occupation shall be protected.

I8 PRINrcIPLE of any natural States shallimmediatelynotify other States that are likely to produce or other emergencies disasters sudden harmful effects on the environment of those States.Every effort shall be made by the intemational community to help Statesso afflicted.

I9 PRINICIPLE States shall provide prior and timely notification and relevant information to potentially affected States on transboundactivitiesthat may havea significantadverse ary environmental effect and shall consult with those Statesat an early stageand in good faith.

24 PRINCIPLE developWarfareis inherentlydestructiveof sustainable ment. States shall therefore respect international law providing protection for the environment in times of in its further development, armedconflict and cooperate as necessary.

PRINCIPLE 25 Peace,developrnentand environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible.

PRINCIPLE 20 Women have a vital role in environmentalmanagement and development.Their full participation is therefore development. to achievesustainable essential

PRINCIPLE 26 States shall resolve all their environmentaldisputes with peacefullyand by appropriate meansin accordance the Charterof the United Nations.

PRNICIPTE 2I The creativity, ideals and courage of the youth of the world should be mobilized to forge a global partnership developmentand ensure in order to achievesustainable a better future for all.

PRINCIPLE 2Z Statesand people shall cooperatein good faith and in a spirit of partnershipin the fulfilment of the principles embodiedin this Declarationand in the further development of internationallaw in the field of sustainable development.

on theHumonEnvironNotions Conference Report of the United 5-.l6 June 1972 lUnitedNotionspublicoiion, ment,Stockholm, o n dc o r r i g e n d u m c) h , o p f elr. No. E.Z3.ll.A.l4 Soles


A blueprint for octionfor globol sustoinoble development i n t ot h e 2 l s t c e n t u r y


at a definingmomentin history. l.l Humanitystands We are confronted with a perpetuationof disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing on which we dependfor of the ecosystems deterioration our well-being. However, integrationof environment attentionto them and greater concerns and development improvedliving will leadto thefulfilment of basicneeds, ecosysand managed for all. betterprotected standards future.No nationcan temsand a safer,more prosperous we can- in a global this on its own; but together achieve partnership for sustainable development. mustbuild on the premises 1.2 This globalpartnership of 22 December of GeneralAssemblyresolution411228 1989,which was adoptedwhen the nationsof the world called for the United Nations Conferenceon Environof theneed andontheacceptance mentandDevelopment, to take a balancedand integratedapproachto environquestions. mentand development problems of today the pressing 1.3 Agenda2l addresses and also aims at preparingthe world for the challenges and of the next century.It reflectsa global consensus levelon development politicalcommitment atthehighest lma n d e n v i r o n m e n tc o o p e r a t i o n .I t s s u c c e s s f u i plementation is first and foremost the responsibility o f G o v e r n m e n t s .N * a t i o n a l s t r a t e g i e s ,p l a n s , this. s r e c r u c i a li n a c h i e v i n g p o l i c i e sa n d p r o c e s s ea I nt er nat ionalc o o p e ra ti o ns h o u l d s u p p o rt a nd supplem ent s uc h n a ti o n a l e ffo rts . In th i s c o n text, the Unit ed Nat ionss y s te mh a s a k e y ro l e to p l a y . Other int er nat ional,re g i o n a l a n d s u b re g i o n a l o rgani zat ions ar e als oc a l l e du p o n to c o n tri b u teto th i s effort. T he br oades t p u b l i c p a rti c i p a ti o n a n d th e acti ve ol rg a n i zati ons i nv olv em entof th e n o n -g o v e rn me n ta and ot her gr ou p ss h o u l d a l s o b e e n c o u ra g e d . objectives and environmental 1.4 The developmental flow of new and of Agenda2l will requirea substantial in resources countries, to developing additionalfrnancial

costsfor the actionsthey order to cover the incremental have to undertake to deal with global environmental development. problems and to acceleratesustainable are also requiredfor strengthening Financialresources the capacity of internationalinstitutions for the implementation of Agenda2l. An indicativeorder-of-magnitude assessment of costs is included in each of the programmeareas. This assessment will need to be examinedand refined by the relevantimplementingagencies and organizations. of the relevantprogramme 1.5 In the implementation shouldbe attention areas identifiedin Agenda21, special gi ven to the parti cul ar ci rcumstancesfaci ng t he that economies in transition. It must alsobe recognized in challenges thesecountriesare facing unprecedented in themidst in somecases transforming theireconomies, socialand political tension. of considerable Agenda?l are 1.6 The programme areas thatconstitute describedin terms of the basis for action, objectives, activitiesand meansof implementation.Agenda21 is a dynamicprogramme. It will be carriedout by thevarious and capacities according actors to thedifferentsituations, prioritiesof countries of all the andregionsin full respect principlescontained on Environin the Rio Declaration ment and Development.It could evolveover time in the This process light of changingneeds andcircumstances. marks the beginning of a new global partnershipfor sustainable development.

* When the term "Governments" is used,it will be deemedto within its oreosof the Europeon include Economic Communily Throughout Agendo2l the term"environmentolly competence. sofeond sound",in porticulor sound"meons"environmentolly "energysupplies", when oppliedto the terms"energysources", "energysyslems" ond "technology" or "iechnologies".



Sociolond Economic Dimensions

Internotionol cooperotion to occelerote sustoinoble development in developing countries ond reloted domestic policies


2.1 In orderto meetthe challenges of environment and development,Stateshave decided to establisha new global partnership.This partnership commitsall States to engagein a continuousand constructivedialogue, inspired by the need to achieve a more efficient and equitable world economy, keepingin view the increasing interdependence of the community of nations and that sustainable development shouldbecomea priority item on the agendaof the internationalcommunity. It is recognized that,for the success of this new partnership, it is important to overcomeconfrontationand to foster a climateof genuine cooperation andsolidarity.It is equally important to strengthennational and intemational policiesandmultinational cooperation to adapt to thenew r ealit ies . 2.2 Economic policies of individual countries and int er nat ional e c o n o mi c re l a ti o n s b o th h a v e great relevance to sustainable development.The reactivation andacceleration of developmentrequires both adynamic and a supporliveinternationaleconomic environment and determined policiesat the nationallevel. It will be frustrated in the absence of eitherof theserequirements. A supportive externaleconomicenvironment is crucial. The development process will not gathermomentumif the global economylacksdynamismand stabilityand is besetu,ith uncertainties. Neither will it gathermomentum if the developingcountriesare weighteddown by externalindebtedness, if developrnent financeis inadequate,if bamers restrictaccess to marketsand if commodity prices and the terms of trade of developing countries remaindepressed. The recordof the 1980s was essentially negative on eachof these countsandneeds to be reversed.The policiesandmeasures needed to create an international environment that is stronglysupportive

of national developmentefforts are thus vital. International cooperation in this area should be designed to complementand support- not to diminish or subsume - sounddomesticeconomicpolicies,in both developed and developing countries, if global progress towards sustainable development is to be achieved. 2.3 The internationaleconomy should provide a supportive internationalclimate for achieving environment and development goalsby: (a) Promoting sustainable developmentthrough trade liberalization; (b) Making trade and environment mutually supportive; (c) Providing adequate financial resources to developing countries and dealingwith international debt; (d) Encouraging macroeconomic policiesconducive to environment and development. 2.4 Governments recognizethat there is a new global effort to relatethe elements of the internationaleconomic systemand mankind's needfor a safeand stablenatural environment. Therefore,it is the intent of Governments that consensus-building at theintersection of theenvironmental and tradeand development areaswill be ongoing in existingintemational forums,aswell asin thedomestic policy of eachcountry.

A) PROTVTOT|NG SUSTAINABLE DEVETOPMENT THROUGHTRADE BASIS FOR ACTION 2.5 An open,equitable, secure, non-discriminatory and predictable multilateraltradingsystemthat is consistent


developmentand leads to with the goals of sustainable the optimal distribution of global production in accordance with comparative advantageis of benefit to all for trading partners.Moreover, improved market access in conjunctionwith sound countries'exports developing policieswould have and environmental macroeconomic a positive environmentalimpact and thereforemake an important contribution towards sustainabledevelopment. development has shownthat sustainable 2.6 Experience requiresa commitmentto sound economicpolicies and management,an effective and predictable public adconcemsinto ministration,the integrationof environmental progress towardsdemocraticgovemdecision-makingaurd conditions, which ment, in the light of country-specific allows for full participation of all parties concerned. These attributes are essentialfor the fulfilment of the listedbelow. policy directionsand objectives 2J The commodity sectordominatesthe economiesof many developing countries in terms of production, employmentand export earnings. An important feature of the world commodityeconomyin the 1980swas the of very low and declining real pricesfor most prevalence commodities in international markets and a resulting contractionin commodity export earningsfor substantial manyproducingcountries.The ability of thosecountries trade, the resources to mobilize. through international requiredfor sustainable neededto finance investments and may be impairedby this development development by tariff and non-tariff impediments, including tariff to export markets.The limiting their access escalation, trade is removal of existing distortionsin international of this objective the achievement In particular, essential. reducand progressive requiresthat there be substantial tion in the supportand protectionof agriculture-coverand exportsubsidies marketaccess ing intemalregimes, - as well as of industry and other sectors,in order to avoid inflicting large losses on the more efficient Thus, in producers, especiallyin developingcountries. thereis scopefor agriculture,industry and other sectors, and at policiesto initiativesaimedat tradeliberalization make production more responsiveto environment and Tradeliberalizationshouldtherefore needs. development so economicsectors on a global basisacross be pursued development. as to contributeto sustainable 2.8 The internationaltrading environment has been that havecreated by a numberof developments affected and have mademultiand opportunities new challenges importance. of evengreater cooperation lateraleconomic World trade has continuedto grow faster than world of world outputin recentyears.However,the expansion andonly a lirnitednumtradehasbeenunevenlyspread, of achievhavebeencapable countries ber of developing

ing appreciablegrowth in their exports. Protectionist pressuresand unilateral policy actions continue to endanger the functioning of an open multilateral trading system, affecting particularly the export interests of developing countries. Economic integration processes have intensified in recent years and should impart dynamism to global trade and enhance the trade and developmentpossibilities for developing countries. In recent years,a growing number of thesecountrieshave policy reforms involving ambitious adoptedcourageous autonomous trade liberalization, while far-reaching are taking reforms and profound restructuringprocesses paving countries, placein Central and EasternEuropean and world economy the way for their integrationinto the is attention the international trading system. Increased and enterprises role of being devoted to enhancingthe promoting competitive markets through adoption of competitive policies.The GSPhas proved to be a useful tradepolicy instrument,althoughits objectiveswill have relating to to be fulfilled, and trade facilitation strategies in (EDI) effective have been electronic datainterchange private public and of the improving the tradingefficiency sectors.The interactionsbetweenenvironment policies are manifold and have not yet beenfully and tradeissues An early, balanced,comprehensiveand sucassessed. cessful outcome of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiationswould bring about further liberalizathe tradeand tion and expansionof world trade,enhance and countries developmentpossibilities of developing internathe provide greatersecurityand predictabilityto tional trading system.

OBJECTIVES 2.9 In the years ahead, and taking into account the results of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations,Governmentsshould continue to strive to meet the following objectives: (a) To promote an open,non-discriminatoryand equitable multilateral trading system that will enable all countries- in particular,the developingcountries- to andimprovethe standimprovetheireconomicstructures ecoard of living of their populationsthrough sustained nomic development; (b) To improve access to markets for exports of developingcountries; (c) To improve the functioning of commodity markets and achieve sound, compatible and consistentcommodity policies at national and internationallevels with a view to optimizing the contribution of the commodity sector to sustainabledevelopment,taking into account environmentalconsiderations ; (d) To promote and support policies, domestic and


international,that make economic growth and environmentalprotectionmutually supportive.

B) MANAGEMENT-RE LAT EDACTTV tTt ES >-Devglopingdomestic policiesthotmoximize the benefits of trodeliberolization for sustainable development

ACTIVITIES A) /NTERNAT/ONAL AND REG/ONA/COO7ERATION AND COORD/NAIION > Promoting on internotionol troding system that fokesoccounfof the needs of developingcountries 2.10 Accordingly,the international comnrunityshould: (a) Halt and reverseprotectionismin order to bring aboutfurtherliberalization andexpansion of world trade, to thebenefitof all countries, in particular the developing countries; ( b ) P r o v i d e f o r a n e q u i t a b l e ,s e c u r e ,n o n - d i s criminatoryandpredictable internati onaltradin g system ; (c) Facilitate,in a timely way, the integrationof all countriesinto the world economyand the intemational tradingsystem; (d) Ensure that environment and trade policies are mutuallysupportive, with a view to achieving sustainable development: (e) Strengthen the international trade policies system throughan early,balanced, comprehensive anclsuccessful outcomeof the UruguayRoundof multilateraltrade negotiations. 2.11 Theinternational community should aimatfinding ways and meansof achievinga betterfunctioningand enhanced transparency of commodity markets,greater diversificationof the cornmodity sectorin developing economieswithin a macroeconomic framework that takesinto consideration a country'seconomicstructure, resource endowments and marketopportunities, and better management of naturalresources that takesinto accountthe necessities of sustainable development. 2J2 Therefore,all countriesshould implementprevi ous c om m it m e n ts to h a l t a n d re v e rs e p ro te c tioni sm and furtherexpandmarketaccess, particularlyin areas o f int er estto dev e l o p i n g c o u n tri e s . T h i s i mp ro v e ment of market accesswill be facilitated by appropriate s t r u c t u r a l a d j u s t m e n ti n d e v e l o p e d c o u n t r i e s . Dev eloping c oun tri e s h o u l d c o n ti n u e th e tra d e - pol i cy reforms and structuraladjustmentthey have unclertak en.I t is t hus u rg e n tto a c h i e v ea n i m p ro v e ment in m ar k et ac c es sc o n d i ti o n sfo r c o mn to d i ti e sn , otabl y thr ough t he pr o g re s s i v ere mo v a l o l - b a rri e rs that r e s t r i c t i m p o r t s , p a r t i c u l a r l y 1 ' r o md e v e l o p i n g co unt r ies ,of c om m o d i ty p ro d u c ts i n p ri m a ry and processed well as the substantial and progressivereduction of typesof supportthatinduceuncompetitiveproduction, suchasproduction andexportsubsidies.

2.13 For devel opi ng countri esto benefi t from t he liberalization of tradingsystems, they shouldimplement the following policies,as appropriate: (a) Create a domesticenvironmentsupportiveof an optimalbalance between production for thedomestic and export marketsand remove biasesagainstexportsand discourage inefficientimport-substitution ; (b) Promotethe policy frameworkand the infrastructure required to improve the efficiency of export and irnport trade as well as the functioning of domestic markets. 2.14 The fol l ow i ng pol i ci es shoul d be adopredby developingcountrieswith respectto commoditiesconsistentwith marketefficiency: (a) E xpand processi ng, di stri buti on and i mpr ove marketing practices and the competitiveness of the commodity sector; (b) Diversify in order to reduceclependence on commodity exports, (c) Reflect efficient and sustainable use of factorsof production in theformationof commodityprices, including the reflectionof environmental, socialand resources costs.

c) DATA AND /NFORMATTON > Encouroging doto collection ond reseorch 2.15 GATT, UNCTAD and other reler,'ant institutions should continue to collect appropriatetrade data and information. The Secretary-General of the United Nations is requestedto strengthenthe Trade Control Measures InforrnationSystemmanaged by UNCTAD. > lmprovinginternationol in commoditytrade ,cooperation ond thediversificotion of the sector 2.16 With regard to commodity trade, Governments should,directly or throughappropriate international organizations, whereappropriate: (a) Seek optimal functioningof commodity markets, interalia, throughimprovedmarkettransparency involving exchanges of views and information on investment plans,prospects andmarkets for inciividual commodities. Substantive negotiationsbetweenproclucers and consumers shouldbepursued with a view to achieving viable andmoreefficientinternational agreements thattakeinto


as well as study accountmarket trends,or affangements, shouldbe paid particular attention groups. In this regard, sugar and tropical coffee, on cocoa, to the agreements international commodity of importance timber. The Occupationis underlined. and alrangements agreements al health and safety matters, technology transfer and with the production,marketingand servicesassociated promotion of commodities,as well as environmental shouldbe takeninto account; considerations, mechanisms for (b) Continueto apply compensation earnings of developing in export commodity shortfalls diversificationefforts; countriesin order to encourage (c) Provide assistance to developingcountriesupon requestin the designand implementationof commodity policies and the gatheringand utilization of information on commodity markets; (d) Support the efforts of developing countries to promote the policy framework and infrastructure required to improve the efticiency of export and import trade: (e) Support initiativesof thedeveloping thediversification levels. countriesat the national,regionaland intemational

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATION A/ FINANCING has estimatedthe 2.17 The Conferencesecretariat averagetotal annual cost (1993-2000)of implementing areato be about$8.8bilthe activitiesin this progralrune lion from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Governments.Actual costsand financialterms,includwill depend upon, ing any that are non-concessional, inter alia, the specific strategiesand programmes decideupon for implementation. Governments B) CAPACTTY-BUtLDING 2.18 The above-mentionedtechnical cooperation activities aim at strengtheningnational capabilitiesfor of commoditypolicy,useand designandimplementation and the gatheringand management of nationalresources utilizationof informationon commoditymarkets.

supportive.An open,multilateraltradingsystemmakes possiblea more efficient allocation and useof resources and therebycontributesto an increasein production and on the environment. demands incomesand to lessening needed for economic resources additional It thusprovides growth and development and improved environmental protection. A sound environment,on the other hand, provides the ecological and other resourcesneededto of sustaingrowth and underpina continuingexpansion trade. An open,multilateraltrading system,supported policies,would by the adoptionof soundenvironmental havea positiveimpacton theenvironmentandcontribute to sustainable development. 2.20 Internationalcooperationin the environmental tradeprovisions in anumberofcases field is growing,anci have played a in multilateralenvironmentagreements Trade challenges. role in tackling global environmental have thus been used in certain specific inmeasures to enhance the efwhereconsidered necessary, stances, fectiveness of environmentalregulationsfor the protecshouldaddress Suchregulations tion of theenvironment. so asnot to degradation of environmental the root causes on trade.The challenge resultin unjustifiedrestrictions is to ensure that trade and environmentpolicies are consistentand reinforce the processof sustainable However,accountshouldbe taken of the development. fact that environmental standardsvalid for developed countriesmay have unwarrantedsocial and economic countries. costsin devdloping

OBJECTIVES 2.21 Govemmentsshould strive to meet the following throughrelevantmultilateralforums,including objectives, and other internationalorganizations: UNCTAD GATT, (a) To make international trade and environment policies mutually supportivein favour of sustainable development; (b) To clarify the role of GATT, UNCTAD and other international organizationsin dealing with trade and issues,including, where relevant, environment-related and disputesettlement; conciliationprocedure (c) To encourage productivity and cominternational role on thepart petitiveness a constructive andencourage anddevelopment of industryin dealingwith environment issues.


ACTIVITIES > Developingon environment/trode ord deuJlophentogendo GATT, UNCTAD shouldencourage 2.22 Governments

FOR ACTION BASIS be mutually andtradepoliciesshould 2.19 Environment


and other relevantinternational and regionaleconomic institutions to exarnine, in accordance with theirrespective mandates and competences, the following propositionsandpr inc ip l e s : (a) Elaborateadequatestudiesfor the better understandingof the relationship betweentradeand environment for the promotionof sustainable development; (b) Promote a dialogue betweentrade, development and environnrent comrnunities: (c) In thosecases when trademeasures relatedto environment are used, ensure transparency and compatibilitywith international obligations; (d) Deal with the root causesof environmentand problems development in a manner thatavoids theadoption of enr,'ironmental measures resulting in unjustified restrictions on trade : (e) Seekto avoidthc useof traderestrictions or distortionsasa means to offsetdifferences in costarising from differenccs in environmental standards and regulations, sincetheirapplication couldleadto tradedistortions and increase protectionist tendencies: (f) Ensure that environment-related regulationsor stanclards. including those relatedto health and safety standards, do not constitutea meansof arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination or a disguised restriction on trade: (g) Ensurethat specialfactorsaffectingenvironment and tradepoliciesin the developing countries areborne in mind in theapplication of environmental standards, as well asin theuseof anytrade measures. It is worthnoting that standardsthat are valid in the most advanced countries mav be inappropriate andof unwarranted social costlbr the developing countries; (h ) Encourage participation of developing countries in nrultrlateral agreements through such mechanisms as sp ec ial t r ans it io n a l les: ru (i) Avorcluniiateral actions to dealwith environmental ci r allengc s out s i d eth e .j u ri s d i c ti o n o f th e i mporti ng countr\'. Environrnental measures addressing transborder or glohalcnvirclnmental problems should,as far as possiblc. bebased on aninternationalconsensus. Domestic nreasures tar_qeted to achievecertainenvironmental ob.jcctives may needtracle ntcasures io renderthem efl'ectrr e'. Should policymeasures trade befoundnecessary for thr-enforccrnent of environmental policies,certain p rir r c iplcanc -s l r ul e ss h o u l d a p p l y .T h e s e c o u l di n c l ude, iritr uiitr. the principieof non-discrirnination; the principle thei tlte trademeasure chosenshouldbe the least trade-rcstrictivc necessary to achieve the objectives; an obligationto ensuretransparency in the use of trade rllcdsulcsrclatc'c-l to the environment and to provide lucleiluaic notification of nationalregulations: and the n e edt o gir c ' t ' or r s i d e ra tro ton th e s p e c i ac l o n d i ti o ns and

developmental requirements of developingcountriesas they movetowardsinternationally agreed environmental objectives; and C) Develop more precision, where necessary, clarify the relationship between GATT provisions and someof themultilateral measures adopted in theenvironment area; (k) Ensurepublic input in the formation,negotiation and implementationof trade policies as a means of fosteringincreased transparency in the light of countryspecificconditions; (l) Ensurethat environmental policiesprovidethe appropriate legaland institutional frameworkto respond to new needs for the protectionof the environmentthat may resultfrom changes in productionand trade specialization.


BASIS FOR ACTION 2.23 Investmentis critical to the ability of developing countries to achieve needed economic growthto improve the welfare of their populations and to meet their basic needsin a sustainable manner,all without deteriorating or depletingthe resource basethat underpinsdevelopment. Sustainable developmentrequiresincreasedinvestment, for which domestic and external financial resources areneeded.Foreignprivateinvestment andthe returnof flight capital,which depend on a healthyinvestment climate, are an important sourceof financial resources. Many developing countries haveexperienced a decade-long situation of negative nettransferoffinancial resources, during which their financial receipts were exceeded by payments theyhadto make,in particular for debt-servicing. As a result, domesticallymobilized resources had to be transferred abroadinsteadof being investedlocally in order to promote sustainable economic development. 2.24 For manydeveloping countries, thereactivation of development will not take place without an early and durable solution to the problemsof externalindebtedness, takinginto account the fact that,for manydeveloping countries,external debt burdensare a significant problem.The burdenof debt-service payments on those countries hasimposedsevere constraints on their ability to accelerate growth and eradicate poverty and hasled to a contracti on i n i mports, i nvestmentand consum pti on. E xternal i ndebtedness has emergedas a ma in factor i n the economi c stal emate i n the devel oping countri es. C onti nuedvi gorousi mpl ementati on of t he


evolving international debt strategy is aimed at restoring debtorcountries'externalfinancial viability, and the resumptionof their growth and development grow th and would a s s i s t i n a c h i e v i n g s u s ta i n abl e dev elo p m e n t.In th i s c o n te x t, a d d i t i onal fi nanci al resourcesin favour of developing countriesand the efficient utilization of such resourcesare essential. OBJECTIVES for the implementation 2.25 The specificrequirements programmesincluded and cross-sectoral sectoral of the in Agenda27 aredealt with in the relevantprogramn're ar eas a n d i n c h a p te r 3 3 (F i n a n c i a l resourcesand mechanisms).


2.26 As discussedin chapter 33, new and additional resourcesshould be provided to support Agenda 21 programmes.

'SSUE THEDEBT B) ADDRESSING 2.27 In regardto the externaldebt incurredwith commercial banks, the progressbeing made under the and a morerapid is recognized debt strategy strengthened Some is encouraged. implementation of this strategy combination from the countrieshave already benefited policiesand commercialbank debt of soundadjustment commeasures. The international reduction orequivalent munity encourages: (a) Other countries with heavy debts to banks to negotiatesimilar commercial bank debt reductionwith their creditors: (b) The partiesto sucha negotiationto takedueaccount of both the medium-termdebt reductionand new money of the debtor country; requirements (c) Multilateral institutionsactively engagedin the to continueto debt strategy international strengthened packages related to commersupport debt-reduction that the magview ensuring with a to cial bank debt with the evolving is consonant nitudeof suchfinancins debt strategy; ( d) Cr e d i to r b a n k s to p a rti c i p a te i n debt and debtservicereduction: (e) Strengthened policies to attractdirect investment, levels of debt and foster the return avoid unsustainable of flight capital.

2.28 With regard to debt owed to otficial bilateral taken by the Paris Club creditors,the recentmeasures generous of relief to thepoorest terms with regard to more most indebtedcountriesare welcomed.Ongoingefforts in a manto implementthese"Trinidadterms"measures capacityof those with the payments ner cofiunensurate countriesand in a way that gives additionalsupportto their economicrefbrm efforts are welcomed.The substantial bilateral debt reduction undertakenby some andotherswhich are is alsowelconted, creditorcountries to takesimilaraction. position to do so are encouraged in a with subcountries of low-income 2.29 Theactions stanti aldebt burdensw hi ch conti nue,at gr eat cost , their cr edit wor to servi cethei r debt and safeguard thi nessare commended.P arti cul aratte nt ionshould be pai d to thei r resourceneeds. Other debt - disw hi ch are m akinggr eat countri es tressed devel opi ng efforts to conti nue to servi ce thei r debt and m eet due thei r externalfi nanci al obl i eati onsal so deser ve attenti on. debt,it is urgedthat with multilateral 2.30 In connection attention be given to continuingto rvork towards serious grow'.h-oriented solutionsto the problemof developing problems, includwith serious countries debt-servicing ing thosewhosedebt is mainly to official creditorsor to in thecase Particularly financial institutions. multilateral of l ow -i ncome countri esi n the processo f econom ic reform, the supportof the mul ti l ateralfinancial ins t he sti tuti onsi n the form of new di sbursem entand The use fundsi s w el comed. of thei r concessi onal ruse of supportgroupsshoul d be conti nuedin pr oviding resourcesto cl ear arrearso1'countri e s em bar king supupon vi gorous economi c reform progrant m es by t he portedby IMF and the W orl d B ank. Mea sur es mul ti l ateral fi nanci al i nsti tuti onssuch as t he r ef iol a n sw i t h n a n c i n go f i n t e r e s to n n o n - c o n c e s s i o n la ID A refl ow s - " fi fth di mensi on"- are not ed r vit h appreci ati on.



FORACTION BASIS 2.31 The unfavourahle external environment facing developing countries makesdomesticresourcemobilization and efficient allocation and utilization of domesti*See chop. 33 snd mechonisms}. { F i n o n c i orl e s o u r c e o


all the more important for the cally mobilized resources In a numberof promotionof sustainable development. countries,policies are necessaryto correct misdirected public spending,large budget deficits and other macropoliciesanddistortions restrictive economicimbalances, and finance, rates,investment in the areasof exchange a n d obs t ac lest o e n tre p re n e u rs h i p .In d e v e l oped countries.continuing policy reform and adjustment,insavingsrates,would help generate cluding appropriate developto sustainable transition resources to supportthe and in developingcountries. ment both domestically of that fostersthe association 232 Good management effective, efficient, honest,equitableand accountable public administrationwith individual rights and opporbroadly elementfor sustainable, tunitiesis an essential baseddevelopmentand soundeconomicperformanceat all developmentlevels. All countriesshould increase of public and their efforts to eradicatemismanagement private affairs, including corruption,taking into account for, and agentsinvolved in, this the factorsresponsible phenomenon. developing countries areundergo2.33 Many indebted ing structural adjustmentprogrammesrelating to debt are rescheduling or new loans.While suchprogrammes for improving the balancein fiscal budgetsand necessary accounts, in somecases they have balance-of-payments resultedin adverse socialandenvironmental effects,such as cuts in allocations for health care, education and environmentalprotection. It is important to ensurethat structuraladjustmentprogrammesdo not have negative impacts on the environmentand social developmentso that such programnles can be more in line with the objectives of sustainable development. OBJECTIVES 2.34 It is necessary to establish,in the light of the country-specificconditions,economic policy reforms that promote the efficient planning and utilization of resourcesfor sustainabledevelopment through sound fosterentrepreneurship economic andsocialpolicies, and the incorporation of social and environmentalcosts in of distortion in the resourcepricing, and remove sources areaof tradeand investment.


D Promotingsoundeconomic policies countriesand othercountriesin 2.35 The industrialized a position to do so should strengthen their efforts:

(a) To encourage a stableand predictableintemational economic environment, particularly with regard to monetary stability, real ratesof interestand fluctuations in key exchange rates; (b) To stimulatesavings and reducefiscal deficits; (c) To ensurethat the processes of policy coordination take into account the interests and concerns of the developing countries, including the need to promote positive action to support the efforts of the least developedcountriesto halt their marginalizationin the world economy; (d) To undertakeappropriatenationalmacroeconomic and structuralpoliciesaimedat promotingnon-inflationary growth, narrowing their major extemal imbalances and i ncreasi ng the adj ustment capaci ty of the ir economies. 2.36 Developingcountriesshould considerstrengthening their effortsto implementsoundeconomicpolicies: (a) That maintain the monetary and fiscal discipline requiredto promoteprice stability and externalbalance; (b) That resultin realisticexchange rates; (c) Thatraisedomestic savings aswell andinvestment, as improve returnsto investment. 2.37 More specifically, all countries should develop policies that improve efficiency in the allocation of resourcesand take full advantageof the opportunities offered by the changingglobal economicenvironment. In particular,whereverappropriate. and taking into account national strategiesand objectives, countries should: ( a ) R e m o v e t h e b a r r i e r s t o p r o g r e s sc a u s e d b y bureaucraticinefficiencies, administrativestrains,unnecessary controlsand the neglectof marketconditions; (b) P romote transparencyi n admi ni strati onand decision-making; (c) Encourage the private sector and foster entrepreneurship by inrprovinginstitutional facilitiesfor enterprisecreationand market entry. The essentialobjective would be to simplify otrremovethe restrictions, regulationsand formalities that make it more complicated,costly and time-consuming to set up and operate in many developingcountries. enterprises (d) Promote the investment andsupport and infrastructure requiredfor sustainable economicgrowth anddiversificationon an environmentally soundand sustainable basis; (e) Provide scope for appropriate economic instruments,including market mechanisms, in hannony with the objectivesof sustainable development andfulfilment of basicneeds; (t) Promotethe operationof effective tax systems and financial sectors; (g) Provide opportunities for small-scale enterprises,


both farm and non-farm, and for the indigenouspopulation and local communities to contribute fully to the development; attainmentof sustainable (h) Remove biases against exports and in favour of inefficient import substitutionand establishpolicies that allow them to benefit fully from the flows of foreign investment. within the framework of national, social, goals; economicand developmental (i) Promote the creation of a domestic economic environment supportive of an optimal balance between productionfor the domesticand export markets.

the developing world. Therefore, the efforts of the developing countriesto promote economic cooperation among themselvesshould be enhancedand continue to be supportedby the internationalcommunity.

MEANS OF IMPI-EMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATTON ,A' T,NANCTNG 2.41 The Conference secretariathas estimated the of implementing averagetotal annualcost (1993-2000) prograrnme area to be about $50 in this the activities on grant or community international million from the order-ofindicative and are concessionalterms. These by not been reviewed have only and magnitudeestimates includterms, financial and Actual costs Governments. will dependupon,inter ing any that arenon-concessional, programmes Governand strategies alia, the specific for implementation. upon ments decide

COOPERAflON ,ANDREG/ONAL 8/ 'NTERNAilONAL AND COORDINAI'ON 2.38 Governmentsof developedcountries and those of other countriesin a position to do so should,directly or through appropriateinternationaland regional otganizatheir tions and internationallending institutions,enhance efforts to provide developing countries with increased for the following: technicalassistance (a) Capacity-building in the nation's design and implementation of economicpolicies,upon request; ac(b) Design and operationof efficient tax systems, and financial sectors; countingsystems (c) Promotionofentrepreneurship. institutions financialanddevelopment 2.39 International should further review their policies and programmesin development. the light of the objectiveof sustainable amongdeveloping economiccooperation 2.40 Stronger countrieshas long been acceptedas an important componentof efforts to promoteeconomicgrowth and techin development and to accelerate nologicalcapabilities

B) CAPACTTY-BU|LD|NG policy changes in developing 2.42 Theabove-mentioned nati ona l ef f or t s f or substanti al countri es i nvol ve public of administration, in capacity-building the areas central banking, tax administration,savingsinstitutions and financial markets. 2.43 Particularefforts in the implementationof the four progrirmme areasidentified in this chapterare warranted in view of the especially acute environmental and countries. problemsof theleastdeveloped developmental


Comboting poverty


munities and a democraticparticipationprocessin association with improved govemance. 3.3 Integralto suchactionis, togetherwith intemational support,the promotion of economicgrowth in developing countriesthat is both sustained and sustainable and direct action in eradicating poverty by strengthening employmentand income-generating programrnes.

BASIS FOR AC-TION 3.1 Poverty is a complex multidimensionalproblem with origins in both the national and international domains.No uniform solution can be found for global application. Rather, country-specificprogrammesto tacklepoverty and intemationalefforts supportingnational effofts,aswell astheparallel processofcreatinga supportive international environment, arecrucialfor a solutionto this problem. The eradicationof poverty and hunger,greater equityin incomedisribution andhumanresource development remain major challenges everywhere. The struggle povertyis the shared against responsibility of all countries. 3.2 While managing resources sustainably, an environmental policy that focusesmainly on the conservation and protectionof resources must take due accountof thosewho dependon the resources for their livelihoods. Otherwise it could have an adverseimpact both on poverty and on chancesfor long-terrnsuccess in resource and environmental conservation.Equally,a development policy that focuses mainly on increasing the productionof goodswithclut addressing thesustainability of theresources on which productionis basedwill sooneror later run into decliningproductivity,which could also have an adverse impacton poverty"Aspeciticanti-poverty strategy is therefore one of the basic conditionsfor ensuringsustainable development. An effective strategyfor tackling the problems of poverty, development andenvironment simultaneously shouldbegin by focusingon resources, production and people and should cover demographicissues, enhanced healthcareand education, the rightsof women, the role of youth and of indigenous peopleand local comOBJECTIVES 3.4 The long-termobjectiveof enablingall peopleto achieve sustainable livelihoods should provide an integratingfactor that allows policiesto address issues of development, sustainableresource managementand poverty eradicationsimultaneously.The objectivesof this progratnmeareaare: (a) To provide all persons urgentlywith the opportunity to eam a sustainable livelihood; (b) To implementpoliciesand strategies that promote adequate levelsof fundingandfocuson integrated human policies,including incomegeneration, development increased local control of resources,local institutionstrengthening andcapacity-buildingandgreaterinvolvementof non-governmental organizations andlocallevels of government as deliverymechanisms; (c) To developfor all poverty-sfficken areasintegrated strategiesand programmesof sound and sustainable management of the environment. resource mobilization, poverty eradicationand alleviation, employment and incomegeneration; (d) To create a focusin nationaldevelopmentplans and budgetson investmentin human capital, with special policiesandprogranunes directedat rural areas, the urban poor,women and children.

ACTIVITIES 3.5 Activities that will contribute to the integrated pro-


prolivelihoods andenvironmental motion of sustainable involving tectioncover a variety of sectoralinterventions a rangeof actors,from local to global, and are essential the communityandlocal levels. at everylevel,especially Enabling actions will be necessaryat the national and internationallevels, taking full account of regional and subregionalconditions to support a locally driven and country-specific approach. In general design, the programmesshould: (a) Focuson the empowerment of local andcommunity groups through the principle of delegating authority, level to the mostappropriate accountabilityandresources and to ensurethat the programmewill be geographically ecologicallyspecific; (b) Containimmediatemeasures to enablethosegroups to alleviatepoverty and to develop sustainability; (c) Contain a long-term strategyaimed at establishing local,regional the bestpossibleconditionsfor sustainable and national developmentthat would eliminate poverty and reducethe inequalitiesbetweenvarious population groups groups. It shouldassistthe most disadvantaged - in particular,women,children and youth within those groups - and refugees. The groups will include poor fishing communities, pastoralists, artisans, smallholders, migrantsand people,indigenous communities, landless the urban informal sector. measures 3.6 The focus hereis on specificcross-cutting - in particular, in the areas of basic education, primary/matemal health care, and the advancementof women.

learn(e) Establishinga network of community-based ing centres for capacity-building and sustainable development.

ACTIVITtES ATED B) MANAGEMFNT-REL of andin cooperawith theassistance 3.8 Governments, non-govemmental tion with appropriate international, and local community organizations,should establish measures that will directly or indirectly: (a) Generate employmentandproductive remunerative occupational opportunitiescompatible with countryon a scalesufficient to take specific factor endowments, in the labour force and to care of prospectiveincreases cover backlogs; (b) With international support, where necessary, develop adequateinfrastructure,marketing systems, credit systemsand the like and the technology systems, needed humanresources to supporttheaboveactionsand widening of options for resource-poor to achieve a people. High priority shouldbe given to basiceducation and professionaltraining; (c) Provide substantial in economicallyeffiincreases productivity measures to ensurethat and cient resource from measure population in adequate benefits the local resource use: (d) Empower community organrzations and people to livelihoods; enablethem to achievesustainable (e) Setup an effectiveprimary healthcareand maternal to all; healthcaresystemaccessible legal (f) Consider strengthening/developing resourland access to for land management, frameworks ces and land ownership- in particular,for women and for the protectionof tenants; (g) Rehabilitate resources, to the extentpracdegraded policy measures to promote susintroduce ticable, and needs; human for basic tainableuseof resources (h) Establishnew community-based mechanisms and communities mechanisms to enable strengthen existing neededby the poor access to resources to gain sustained poverty; to overcometheir (i) Implementmechanisms for popularparticipationwomen- in local poorpeople, particularly especially by groups, promote development; sustainable to community in matter of urgency, accordance 0) Implement, as a legal systems, and with country-specific conditions men have the same women and measures to ensurethat number and on the freely and responsibly right to decide informathe have access to spacingof their children and to enablethem tion, educationand means,asappropriate, with freedom, their right in keeping to exercise this personally values, taking into account held dignity and should Governments ethicaland cultural considerations.

COMMUNTTTES A) EMPOWFRING developmentmust be achievedat every 3.7 Sustainable level of society.Peoples'organizations,women's groups es areimportantsourc organizations and non-governmental of innovation and action at the local level and have a stronginterestand proven ability to promote sustainable livelihoods. Governments,in cooperationwith appropriateinternationaland non-governmentalorganrzations, should support a community-driven approachto which would include, inter alia: sustainability, (a) Empowering women through full participation in decision-making; (b) Respectingthe cultural integrity and the rights of indigenouspeopleand their communities; (c) Promoting or establishinggrass-roots mechanisms to allow for the sharing of experienceand knowledge betweencommunities; (d) Giving communitiesa large measureof participaand protectionof the management tion in the sustainable in order to enhancetheir produclocal naturalresources tive capacity;


take active stepsto implement programmesto establish preventiveand curative health facilities, and strengthen which include women-centred,women-managed,safe and effective reproductive health care and affordable, accessibleservices,as appropriate,for the responsible planningof family size,in keepingwith freedom,dignity and personallyheld values, taking into account ethical Programmes andcultural considerations. shouldfocuson providing comprehensive health care, including prenatal care, education and information on health and responsibleparenthoodand should provide the opporfully, at least during tunity for all women to breast-feed the first four months post-partum. Programmesshould fully supportwomen'sproductiveand reproductiveroles and well-being, with special attention to the need for providing equaland improvedhealthcarefor all children and the need to reduce the risk of maternal and child mortality and sickness; (k) Adopt integrated policies aiming at sustainability in the management of urban centres; (l) Undertakeactivitiesaimed at the promotion of food security and, where appropriate,food self-sufficiency within the contextof sustainable agriculture; (m) Supportresearchon and integrationof traditional methodsof productionthat have been shown to be environmentally sustainable; (n) Actively seekto recognizeand integrateinformalsector activities into the economy by removing regulations and hindrances that discriminate asainstactivities in thosesectors; (o) Cons iderm a k i n g a v a i l a b l el i n e s o f c re d i t and other facilities for the informal sectorand improved p o o r s o th a t th e y can a c c es s t o land f or th e l a n d l e s s a c quir et he m ean so f p ro d u c ti o na n d re l i a b l ea ccess to nat ur alr es ourc e sIn . ma n y i n s ta n c e s s p e c i alconsiderations for women are required.Strict feasibility appraisalsare needed for borrowers to avoid debt c r is es : (p) Provide the poor with accessto fiesh water and sanitation; (q) Provide the poor with accessto primary educati o n.

D/ TNTERNAT/ONAI AND REG/ONA L COO?ERAilON AND COORD/NAT'ON 3.10 The United Nations system,through its relevant organs, organizationsand bodies, in cooperationwith Member Statesand with appropriateintemational and non-governmentalorganizations,should make poverty alleviation a major priority and should: (a) AssistGovernments, whenrequested, in the formulation andimplementation of nationalactionprogrammes on poverty alleviationand sustainable development.Action-orientedactivities of relevanceto the above objectives, suchas poverty eradication,projectsand programmes supplemented where relevantby food aid, and support and special emphasison employment and income generation,should be given particular attention in this regard; (b) Prornotetechnical cooperationamong developing countriesfor poverty eradication activities; (c) Strengthen existingstructures in the UnitedNations system for coordination of action relating to poverty eradication, including the establishment of a focal point for information exchangeand the formulation and implementation of replicablepilot projectsto combatpovert!, (d) In the follow-up of the implementation of Agenda 21, gle high priority to the review of the progress made in eradicatingpoverty; (e) Examine the international economic framework, including resourceflows and structural adjustment programmes,to ensurethat social and environnrental concerns are addressed, and in this connection, conduct a review of the policies of international organizations, bodiesand agencies, including financial institutions, to ensurethe continuedprovision of basic servicesto the poor and needy; (0 Promote international cooperation to addressthe root causes of poverty.The development process will not gathermomentumif developingcountriesare weighted down by externalindebtedness, if development finance is inadequate, if barriersrestrictaccess to marketsand if commodity pricesand the terms of tradein developing countriesremaindepressed.

/NFORMAI/ON C) DATA, AND EVALUATION 3.9 Governments shouldimprove the collectionof information on target groups and target areas in order to facilitatethe designof focused programmes and activities, with the target-group consistent needsand aspirations. Evaluation of such programmesshould be genderspecific,sincewomen ere a particularlydisadvantaged group.


A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 3.l I The secretariat of the Conference hasestimated the average total annualcost (19%-2m0) of implementing the activitiesof this programme to be about$30 billion, including about$15 billion from the international com-


terms.Theseareindicamunity on grantor concessional only andhavenot estimates tive andorder-of-magnitude This estimate overlaps beenreviewedby Ciovernments. in otherpartsof Agenda2l . Actual costsand estimates financialterms,includingany that arenon-concessional, and will dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies programmes decideupon for implementaGovernments tion.

important to focuscapachighpriority. It is particularly ity-building at the local community level in order to to sustainability support a community-driven approach mechanisms to allow and to establishand strengthen sharingof experience and knowledgebetweencomlevels. Remunity groupsat nationalandinternational quirementsfor suchactivities are considerable and are relatedto the various relevantsectorsof Agenda 2l financial and techcalling for requisiteinternational, nologicalsupport.

B) CAPACITY-BUILDING for implementation 3.12 National capacity-building of the aboveactivitiesis crucial and should be eiven


consumption potterns Chonging



areas: 4.1 This chapter contains thefolkrwing programme (a) Focusingon unsustainable patternsof production and consumption; (b) Developing national policies and strategies to enpattems. in unsustainable consumption courage changes patterns 4.2 Sincethe issueof changingconsumption in severalpartsof Agenda is very broad,it is addressed transportation and 21, notablythosedealingwith energy, and wastes, on economicinstruments and in the chapters The presentchaptershould the transferof technology. with chapter 5 (Demographic alsobe readin conjunction dynamicsand sustainability).

PATTERNS A) FOCUSTNG ON UNSUSTATNABIE AND CONSU}TPTION OF PRODUCTION BASIS FOR ACTION ,1.3 Povertyandenvironmental areclosedegradation ly intenelated. While poverty resultsin certainkinds of the major causeof the continued environmental stress, is the unsustaindeterioration of the global environment particularlyin andproduction, ablepattern of consumption which is a matterof graveconcern, industrialized countries, povertyand imbalances. aggravating level 4.4 Measures at ttre international to be undertaken of tlteenvironment must for theprotection andenhancernent in the global the currentimbalances takefully into account patterns of consumption andproduction. 4.5 Specialattentionshouldbe paid to the demandfor generated by unsustainable consumpnaturalresources tion and to the efficientuseof thoseresources consistent with the goal of minimizing depletion and reducing patterns pollution.Although consumption are very high

needs of in certainpartsof the world, the basicconsumer a largesection of humanityarenot beingmet. This results in excessive lifestyles among demands andunsustainable on the the richer segments, which placeimmensestress environment. The poorer segments, meanwhile,are unable to meet food. health care. shelterand educational needs.Changing consumptionpattems will require a multiprongedstrategyfocusing on demand,meeting the basicneedsof the poor,and reducingwastage and the use of finite resources in the productionprocess. 4.6 Crowing recognitionof the imporlanceof addressing consumptionhas also not yet been matchedby an understanding arequestioning of irsimplications.Someeconomists traditionalconcepts of economicgrowttrandunderliningthe importance of pursuing economic objectives thattakeaccount of the full valueof naturalresource capital.More needs to be known abouttherole of consumption in relationto economic growth and populationdynamics in order to formulate coherent intemational policies. andnational OBJECTIVES 4.7 Action is neededto meet the followins broad objectives: (a) To promotepatterns of consumption andproduction that reduceenvironmental stress and will meetthe basic needsof humanity; (b) To develop a better understanding of the role of consumptionand how to bring about more sustainable pattems. consumption ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI.R ELATED ACTIVITIES > on international approach to ochieving nobleconsumption susfoi pattern s 4.8 In principle, countries should be guided by the


following basic objectives in their efforts to address andlifestylesin the contextof environment consumption and development: (a) All countriesshouldstrive to promote sustainable patterns; consumption (b) Developed shouldtakethe leadin achievcountries ing sustainable consumptionpatterns; (c) Developingcountriesshould seekto achievesustainable consumption patterns in their development process, guaranteeing for the the provisionof basicneeds patterns, parpoor, while avoiding those unsustainable ly recognized ticul arly i n industrializedcountries,general as unduly hazardous to the environment,inefficient and processes. This requires wasteful,in their development from inenhancedtechnologicaland other assistance zed countries. dustriali of Agenda 4.9 In the follow-up of the implementation madein achievingsustainable 2I thereview of progress patterns shouldbe given high priority. consumption

dependenton the Earth's finite resourcesand more in harmonywith theEarth'scarryingcapacity. This shouldbe reflectedin the evolutionof new systems of nationalaccountsand otherindicators of sustainable development.

c/ /NTERNAT/ONAI COOqERATION AND COORD/NAI/ON 4.12 While international review processes exist for examining economic,development and demographic factors, more attentionneedsto be paid to issues relatedto consumptionand production patternsand sustainable lifestylesand environment. 4.13 In the follow-up of the inrplementation of Agenda 21, reviewing the role and impact of unsustainable productionand consumption patternsand lifestylesand theirrelationto sustainable shouldbe given development high priority. > Finoncing and costevaluotion 4.14 The Conference secretariat has estimated that implementation of this programmeis not likely to require significantnew financialresources.

B) DATA AND 'NFORMAT/ON > lJndertokingreseorch on consumption 4.10 In order to support this broad strategy,Governments,and/orprivate research and policy institutes,with of regional international the assistance and economicand should make environmental organizations, a concerted effort to: (a) Expand or promote databases on production and for analysing consumptionand developmethodologies them; (b) Assessthe relationshipbetween production and environment, technological adaptation and consumption, innovation, economic growth and development,and demographicfactors; (c) Examine the impact of ongoing changesin the structure of modern industrial economies away from material-intensive economic growth; (d) Consider how economiescan grow and prosper while reducing the use of energy and materialsand the production of harmful materials; ( e ) I d e n t i f y b a l a n c e dp a t t e r n so f c o n s u m p t i o n worldwide which the Earlhcan supportin the long term.


FOR BASIS ACTION a.l5 Achieving the goals of environmental quality and sustainabledevelopment will require efficiency in production patterns and changes in consumption in order to emphasize optimization useandminimizaof resource tion of waste. In many instances, this will require reorientation patof existingproductionand consumption ternsthat have developed in industrialsocieties and are in turn emulatedin much of the world. 4.16 Progresscan be made by strengthening positive trends and directions that are emerging, as part of a processaimed at achieving significantchangesin the consumpti onpatternsof i ndustri es,Gove r nm ent s, households and individuals.

> Developing newconcepts economic growth of sustoinoble ond prosperity 4.ll Consideration should also be given to the present growth and the need for new of economic concepts conceptsof wealth and prosperitywhich allow higher of living throughchanged lif-estyles standards andareless

OBJECTIVES 4.11 ln the years ahead,Governments, working with


should strive to meet the folappropriateorganizations, lowing broadobjectives: and (a) To promoteefficiencyin productionprocesses of economic in the process reducewastefulconsumption needsof growth, taking into accountthe development developingcountries; (b) To developa domesticpolicy frameworkthat will patternsof produca shift to more sustainable encourage tion and consumption: sustainable (c) To reinforceboth valuesthat encourage production and consumption patternsand policies that encouragethe transfer of environmentally sound technologiesto developingcountries.

AND HOUSEHOI.DS C/ A55/SI'NG/NDIYIDUALS ENY/RONMENTALLY SOUND TO MAKE PURCHASING DECISIONS in many countriesof a more 4.20 The recentemergence public, combined conscious consumer environmentally with increasedintereston the part of someindustriesin providing environmentallysoundconsumerproducts,is a significant development that should be encouraged. Governmentsand intemational organizations,together with the private sector, should develop criteria and imof environmental for the assessment methodologies throughoutthe full life pacts and resourcerequirements Results of thoseassesscycle of productsand processes. into clearindicatorsin order mentsshouldbe transformed and decisionmakers. to inform consumers 4.21 Governments,in cooperationwith industry and expansionof other relevantgroups, should encourage reenvironmentallabelling and other environmentally to assist designed lated productinformation prografitmes to make informedchoices. consumers of an in4.72 T\ey should also encourage the emergence formed consumer public and assist individuals and informedchoicesby: households to makeenvironmentally (U Providinginforrnation of conon the consequences sumption choices and behaviour so as to encourage soundproductsand use of demandfor environmentally products; (b) Making consumers awareof thehealthandenvironmentalimpact of products, throughsuchmeansas conlabelling; sumerlegislationand environmental pr o(c) E ncouragi ngspeci fi c consumer-ori ented systems. grammes, suchasrecyclingand deposiVrefund

ACTIVITIES EFFICIENCY GREATER A) ENCOURAG'NG AND RFSOURCES IN IHE USEOF ENERGY used 4.l8 Reducingthe amountof energyandmaterials can goods and services production of per unit in the stress environmental of both to the alleviation contribute and to greatereconomicand industrialproductivityand with inin cooperation Governments, competitiveness. energy to use intensify efforts dustry, should therefore and environefficient in an economically and resources mentally soundmannerby: (a) Encouraging of existingenvironthe dissemination mentallysoundtechnologies; in environ(b) Promotingresearch and development mentallysoundtechnologies; (c) Assistingdevelopingcountriesto use thesetechsuited nologiesefficiently and to developtechnologies particular circumstances. to their (d) Encouraging sounduseof new the environmentally of energy, renewable sources and (e) Encouragingthe environmentallysound and susnaturalresources. tainableuseof renewable

TH D ) E X E R C /S /N LE G ADERSH IPR OU GH PURCHASING GOVERNMENI themselves also play a role in con4.23 Governments wherethe public secparticularly in countries sumption, plays in and can have a large role the economy tor a decisions and influenceon both corporate considerable public perceptions. They should thereforereview the purchasing policiesof their agencies anddepartments so possible. may improve, where the environmental that they content of governmentprocurementpolicies, without prejudice tradeprinciples. to intemational

THEGENERAT/ON OF WASTES B) M|N|MIZING effecto d e v e l o p 4. 19 A t t he s ameti me , s o c i e tyn e e d s tive ways of dealingwith the problenrof disposingof m ount ing lev e l s o f w a s te p ro d u c ts a n d m a teri al s. and w i th i n d u s trv h . o u s e h ol ds to G ov er nm ent s , g e th e r the public, should make a concertedeffort to reduce of wastesand wasteproductsby: the generation and (a) Encouraging recycling in industrialprocesses level; at the consumer (b) Reducingwastefulpackaging of products, (c) Encouraging of moreenvironmenthe introduction tally soundproducts.

TOWARDS ENy/RONMENTALI.y E) MOVTNG SOUNDPR/CING 4.24 Without the stimulusof pricesand market signals


that makeclear to producersand consumers the environmentalcostsof the consumptionof energy,materialsand natural resourcesand the generationof wastes,significant changes in consumptionand productionpatterns seemunlikely to occur in the near future. 4.25 Someprogress hasbegunin the useof appropriate economicinstruments to influenceconsumer behaviour. These instrumentsinclude environmental chargesand taxes, deposit/refundsystems,etc. This processshould be encouraged in the light of country-specific conditions.

ness programmesand other means, such as positive advertising of products and services that utilize environmentally sound technologies or encourage sustainable production and consumptionpatterns.In the review of the implementation of Agenda21, an assessment o1' the progress achieved in developingthesenationalpolicies and strategies shouldbe given due consideration.

F) RETNFORC'NG VALUES THAT SUPPORT SUSIA'NA8 [F CONS ION UMPT 4.26 Governmentsand private-sectororganizations should promote more positive attitudestowards sustainableconsumption public awarethrougheducation,

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION 4.27 This programme is concerned primarily with changesin unsustainable patternsof consumptionand productionand valuesthat encourage sustainable consumptionpatternsand lifestyies.It requiresthe comb i n e d e f f o r t s o f G o v e r n m e n t s ,c o n s u m e r sa n d producers.Particular attention should be paid to the significant role played by women and householdsas consumers and the potentialimpactsof their combined purchasing power on the economy.


Demogrophic dynomics ond sustoinobility

-5. 1 This chapter contains thefollowing prograrnme areas: (a) Developing knowledge anddisseminating concerning thelinks between demographic trendsandfactorsand development; sustainable (b) Fornrulatingintegratednational policies for env ir onm ent and d e v e l o p me n t,ta k i n g i n to a ccount demographic trendsand factors; ( c ) I m p l e m e n t i n g i n t e g r a t e d ,e n v i r o n m e n t a n d prograrrunes der.'eloprnent at the local level, taking into accountdemographic trendsand factors.


[ion, and development. Populationpolicy should also recognizethe role played by human beings in environmental and developmentconcerns.There is a need to increaseawareness of this issueamongdecisionmakers at all levels and to provide both better information on which to base national and internationalpolicies and a tramework againstwhich to interpretthis information. 'Ihere is a needto developstrategies 5.4 to mitigateboth the adverseimpact on the environmentof human activities and the adverse impactof environmental changeon human populations. The world's populationis expected to exceed8 billion by the year 2020. Sixty per cent of the world'spopulation while alreadylive in coastal areas, 65 per cent of cities with populations above2.5 million are located along the world coasts;severalof thern are alreadyat or below the presentsealevel.

OBJECTIVES 5.5 The following objectives should be achievedas soonas practicable: (a) To incorporate demographic trendsand factorsin the global analysis of environment issues; anddevelopment (b) To developa betterunderstanding of the relationships among demographicdynamics,technology,cultural behaviour,naturalresources and life supportsystems; (c) To assess humanvulnerabilityin ecologicallysensitive areasand centresof populationto determinethe priorities for action at all levels,taking full accountof community-defined needs.

FOR BASIS ACTION -5.1 Demographictrends and factors and sustainable have a synergistic der,'elopment relationship. .s.3 The growthof world population andproduction complacesinpatterns bined with unsustainable consumption creasingly severe stress on thelife-supporting capacities of processes our planet. These interactive affecttheuseof land, \\'ater.air, energyand other resources.Rapidly growing crties. unless well-managed,face major environmental prohlems. The increase in boththe numberandsizeof cities calis fbr greater attention to issues of local govemment and mr"rnicipal management.The human dimensions are key element-s to consider in thisintricatesetof relationships and ther shouldbe adequately takeninto consideration in compoliciesfor sustainable prehensive development. Such policics shor"rld address ttrelinkages clfdemographic trends andfactors.resource use,appropriate technology dissemina-

ACTIVITIES > Reseorch demogrophictrends on the inferoctionbefween ond foctorsond sustoinoble development 5.6 Relevant international, regional and national in-


stitutionsshould considerundertakingthe following activities: (a) Identifying the interactionsbetweendemographic natural resourcesand life support systems, processes, bearing in mind regional and subregionalvariations deriving from, inter alia,different I eveIs of deveIopment; into the trendsand t-actors (b) Integratingdemographic usingthe experchange, ongoingstudyof environmental tise of international,regional and national researchnetfirst,to studythehuman worksandof localcommunities, dimensionsof environmentalchange and, second,to identify vulnerableareas ; for action and developing (c) Identifying priority areas impact to mitigatetheadverse andprogrammes strategies andvice on humanpopulations' change of environmental versa.

AND /NFORMATION c) DEVELOP'NG AWARFNESS PUBLIC information should be 5 . 1 0S o c i o - d e m o g r a p h i c with physiformatfor interfacing in a suitable developed spaCompatible data. cal,biologicalandsocio-economic andtime-series andcross-country scales tial andternporal infbrmation, as well as global behaviouralindicators, learningfrom local communities' shouidbe developed, and attitudes. perceptions at all ievelsconcernbe increased should 5.11 Awareness useof resources ing the needto optimizethe sustainable taking into acthrough efficient resourcemanagement, count the development needs of the populations of countries. developing of the fundamental shouldbe increased 5.t2 Awareness linkagesbetweenimproving the statusof women and demographicdynamics,particularly through women's healthcare primary andreproductive to education, access andtheir effective, s,economicindependence programme in all levelsof decision-making. participation equitable 5.13 Results of researchconcernedwith sustainable throughtechissuesshouldbe disseminated development nical reports, scientificjoumals, the media, workshops, forums or other meansso that the information can be used awareness. atall levelstoincreasepublic makers by decision

OF IMPLEMENTATION MEANS AND COSTEVALUATTON A/ F'NANC'NG 5.7 The Conference secretariathas estirnatedthe of implementing total annualcost (1993-2000) average to be about programme $10 million the activitiesof this or concesgrant on from the internationalcomrnunity order-of-magand sional terms. These are indicative nitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Actualcostsandfinancialterms,includGovernments. will dependupon, ing any that are non-concessional, and programmes strategies inter alia, the specific implementation. for decideupon Governments

AND/ORENHANCING D) DEVELOPING AND COLLABORAI'ON ,NSI/IUIIONAICAPAC'IY of informationshould and exchange 5.14 Collaboration be increasedbetweenresearchinstitutions and internaandall othersectors agencies tional,regionalandnational (including the private sector,local communities,nonand scientific institutions) governmentalorganizations as countries, anddeveloping from both the industrialized appropriate. 5.15 Efforts should be intensified to enhancethe t he capaci ti esof nati onal and l ocal governm ent s, in organizations private sectorand non-governmental developingcountriesto meet the growing needsfor of rapidly growingurbanareas. improvedmanagement

PROGRAMMES RESEARCH B/ SIRENGIHEN'NG ENYIRONMENI LAT'ON, POPU INTEGRAIE THAT AND DEVELOPMENT analysisinto a demographic 5.8 In order to integrate and on environment perspective broadersocialscience shouldbe inresearch interdisciplinary development, creased. Internationalinstitutionsand networks of their scientiflccapacity,taking expertsshouldenhance andknowledge, of communityexperience full account gainedin multithe experience and shoulddisseminate and in linking theoryto action. approaches disciplinar,v shouldbe developed, 5.9 Bettermodellingcapabilities identifying the range of possibleoutcomesof current human activities,especiallythe interrelatedimpact of use trendsand factors,per capitaresource demographic and wealth distribution,as well as the major migration flows that may be expectedwith increasingclimatic that may change eventsandcumulativeenvironmental destroypeople'slocal livelihoods.


ACTION BASIS FOR developmenthave 5.16 Existing plans for sustainable generallyrecognizeddemographictrendsand factors as


elementsthat have a critical influenceon consumption production,lifestylesand long-term sustainapatterns, will haveto be given bility. But in future,rrore attention to these issuesin generalpolicy formulation and the plans. will To do this"all countries designof development to assess the envihave to improve their own capacities ronment and developmentimplicationsof their demographictrendsand f-actors. They will alsoneedto formulate and implement policies and action prograrnmes Policies to address whereappropriate. shouldbedesigned the consequences of populationgrowth built into population momentum,while at the sametime incorporating transition. They measures to bring about demographic concerns and population shouldcombineenvironmental issueswithin a holistic view of developmentwhose primary goalsinclude the alleviationof povertli secure livelihoods;goodhealth;quality of life; improvement of the status and income of women and their accessto schooling andprofessional training.aswell asfulfilment and empowerment of indiof their personal aspirations; viduals and communities. Recognizingthat large increases in the size and number of cities will occur in underany likely populationscenadeveloping countries rio, greater attention shouldbe givento preparing for the of womenandchildren,for improved needs, in particular municipalmanagement and local govenrment.

tal factorsinteractwith socio-economic factorsasa cause of migration. 5.21 Vulnerablepopulationgroups(such as rural landless workers, ethnic minorities, refugees,migrants,displaced people, women heads of household) whose changes in demographic structure may have specific impacts on sustainable development shouldbe identified. 5.22 An assessment shouldbe madeof the implications of the agestructure of the populationon resource demand and dependency burdens,ranging from educationalexpensesfor the young to health care and supportfor the elderly, and on householdincome generation. 5.23 An assessment should also be made of national populationcarryingcapacityin thecontextof satisfaction of humanneeds andsustainable development, andspecial attentionshouldbe given to critical resources, such as water and land, and environmentalfactors such as ecosystemhealthand biodiversity. 5.24 The impact of national demographictrends and factors on the traditional livelihoods of indigenous groups and local communities,including changesin traditional land usebecause of internal populationpressures, shouldbe studied.

B) BUILDING AND SIRENGIHENING A NAI/ONAT/NFORMATION SASE 5.25 Nationaldatabases on demographic trendsand factors andenvironmentshouldbe built and/orstrengthened, disaggregating databy ecological region(ecosystem approach),and population/environment profilesshouldbe established by region. 5.26Methodologies and instruments should be developedto identify areaswhere sustainability is, or may be,threatened by the environmental effectsof demographictrendsandfactors,incorporatingboth currentand projected demographicdata linked to natural environmentalprocesses. 5.27 Case-studies of local level responses by different groupsto demographic dynamicsshouldbe developed, particularlyin areassubjectto environmental stress and in deteriorating urbancentres. 5.2t1 Population data shouldbe disaggregated by, inter alia, sexand agein order to takeinto accountthe implicationsof the genderdivision of labour for the useand management of naturalresources.

OBJECTIVE of populationconcemsinto national 5.17 Full integration planning,policy and decision-making processes should policiesand programmes shouldbe continue. Population with full recognition considered, of women'srights.

ACTIVITIES andotherrelevantactorscould,inter 5.I 8 Governments alia. undertake the following activities,with appropriate assistance from aid agencies, and report on their status of implementation to the International Conference on Populationand Developmentto be held in 1994,esF,ecially to its committeeon populationand environment.

A/ ASSESS/NG THEtMPt-tCArlONS OF NAI/ONAI. IRENDS AND FACIORS DEMOGRAPH'C 5.19 The relationships between demographic trendsand factorsand environmental changeand between environmentaldegradation and the components of demographic changeshouldbe analysed. shouldbe conducted 5.20 Research on how environmen-

CJ /NCORPORAI/NG DEMOGRAPHIC FEATURES ,NIO POLICIES AND PIANS policies,account 5.29 In formulatinghumansettlements


wasteproduction and needs, shouldbe takenof resource h e a l th . ec os y s t e m 5.30 The direct and induced effects of demographic programmes changes on environmentand development be integrated, and the impact should,whereappropriate, features assessed. on demographic 5 . 3 1N a t i o n a l p o p u l a t i o n p o l i c y g o a l s a n d p r o with nationalenvironment grammes that areconsistent plansfor sustainability and in keepand development ing with the freedom, dignity and personally held and imvalues of individuals should be established plemented. policiesfor the young 5.32 Appropriatesocio-economic and the elderly, in termsof both family and statesupport systems, shouldbe developed. for shouldbe developed 5.33 Policiesand programmes that resultfrom handlingthe varioustypesof migrations with specialattendisruptions, or induceenvironmental groups. tion to women and vulnerable for enincludingconcerns concerns, 5.34 Demographic vironmentalmigrants and displacedpeople,should be in the programmes for sustainable developincorporated and regionalinstitutions. ment o1' relevantinternational and the inte5.-15National reviews shouldbe conducted policiesin nationaldevelopment and grationof population strategies shouldbe monitorednationally. environment

Particular shouldbe given to education sectors. attention population literacy programmes, notably for women. Specialemphasisshould be placed on the linkage between these programmes,primary environmental care and the provision of primary health care and services.

INSI'IUI/ONS C/ SIRENGIHEN'NG 5.38 The capacityof national,regionaland local structrends turesto deal with issuesrelatingto demographic and factorsand sustainable development shouldbe enhanced.This would involve strengthening the relevant bodiesresponsible for populationissuesto enablethem to el aboratepol i ci es consi stentw i th th e nat ional prospects for sustainabledevelopment. Cooperation noninstitutions, amongGovemments, nationalresearch governmentalorganizations and local communitiesin problemsand evaluatingpoliciesshould also assessing be enhanced. 5.39 The capacityof therelevantUnited Nationsorans, and regionalinterorganizations and bodies,international govemmental non-governmental organizations and bodies, local communities should, as appropriate,be enhancedto policieson helpcountries developsustainable development provideassistance requestand, as appropriate, to environpeople. mentalmigrantsanddisplaced 5.40 Inter-agencysupport for nati onal sust ainable developmentpolicies and programmesshould be improved through better coordination of population and environment activities.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATTON Ai F/NANC/NG h a s e sti matedthe 5. 36 T he C o n fe re n c es e c re ta ri a t cost(1993-2000) ol implementing average total annual of thisprogramme to be about$90 million the activities from the international community on grant or concessionalterms.Theseareindicativeand order-of-magnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, inwill depend cluding any that are non-concessional. upon, int e r a l i a . th e s p e c i fi c s tra te gi esand programmesGovernments decide upon for implementat ion.

D) PROMOI'NG HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENI 5.41 The international andregionalscientificinstitutions should assist Governments,upon request,to include concerns regarding interacthe population/environment tions at the global, ecosystem and micro-levelsin the training of demographers and populationand environment specialists. Training should include researchon linkagesand ways to designintegrated strategies.

B/ RA/S/NG AWARENESS OF DEMOGRAPHTC A ND S USIA /N A 8 T D /NIIE RA C I/ON S FE VE L O P M EN betweendemo5.37 Understanding of the interactions graphictrendsand factorsand sustainable development shouldbe increased in all sectors of society.Stress should tln local andnationalaction. Demographic be placed and sustainable developmenteducation should be coordinatedand integrated in both the formal and non-formal


BASIS FORACTION 5.42 Population programmes are more effective when


implemented together with appropriate cross-sectoral at the iocal level, a new policies.To attainsustainability demographictrends framework is neededthat integrates health, techand factors with suchfactors as ecosystem and with socio-economic nology andhumansettlements, structures and access to resources.Population proand with socio-economic grammesshouldbe consistent developsustainable planning.Integrated environmental ment programmes should closely correlate action on demographictrends and factors with resourcemanagement activities and developmentgoals that meet the needsof the peopleconcemed.

OBJECTIVE 5.43 Population programmesshould be implemented along with natural resourcemanagementand development programmes at the local level that will ensure improvethe quality useof naturalresources, sustainable of life of the people and enhanceenvironmentalquality.

ACTIVITIES 5.44 Governmentsand local communities, including and national women's organizations community-based non-governmentalorganizations,consistentwith naand priorities,could, strategies tional plans,objectives, the activitiessetout below with the inter alia, undertake assistanceand cooperation of international otganizations, as appropriate.Governments could share their of Agenda 2l at the in the implementation experience International Conference on Population and Development, to be held in 1994,especiallyits committeeon populationand environment.

potential suringtheinvolvementof groupswith a special development. for changeand sustainable to act asagents shouldbe placedon thoseprogrammes Specialemphasis g sustainabl e encouragin multipleobjectives, thatachieve mitigating adverseimpactsof economicdevelopment, and avoiding long-term demographictrendsand f'actors to secure Food security,access damage. environmental educainfrastructure, and essential tenure,basicshelter. health,famtion, family welfare,women'sreproductive primary programmes, reforestation ily credit schemes, should, as careandwomen'semployment environmental be includedamongotherfactors. appropriate, 5.41 An analyticalframework should be developedto develof sustainable elements identify complementary to opment policiesas well as the nationalmechanisms monitor and evaluatetheir etfbcts on population dynamics. 5.48 Specialattentionshouldbe givento the criticalrole and programmes of women in population/environment should development.Projects in achievingsustainable to link social,economic of opportunities takeadvantage gains for women and their families. and environmental Empowermentof women is essentialand should be trainingandpoliciesto accord througheducation, assured human to assets, and improvewomen'sright and access job oppormeasures, and civil rights, labour-saving Populatunities and participationin decision-rnaking. programmesmust enable women to tion/environment to alleviatetheir burden and immobilize themselves prove their capacityto participatein and benefit from should Specificmeasures development. socio-economic and male female to closethe gapbetween be undertaken illiteracyrates.

FOR ACIION A FRAMEWORK A] DEVELOP'NG process shouldbe estab5.45 An effectiveconsultative groups of society with concerned implemented lishedand of all comwherethe formulationand decision-making are basedon a nationwide ponentsof the programmes on community meetings, process drawing consultative as appropriseminars. national and workshops regional views womenand of that process ensure should ate. This are equally constraints perspectives and needs, men on and that well reflectedin the design of programmes, poor and The experience. in specific rooted are solutions process. groups in this priority be should underprivileged and policies for integrated 5.46 Nationally determined to special attention programmes, with multifaceted and in critical areas people poorest living to the women, ento other vulnerablegroupsshouldbe implemented,

PROMOTE THAT PROGRAMMES B) SUPPORIING AND IRENDS CHANGES IN DEMOGRAPHIC IAINABILITY SUS TOWARDS FACIORS 5.49 Reproductivehealth programmesand services to be developedand enhanced should, as appropriate, and reducematernal and infant mortalityfrom all causes aspirations womenandmento fulfil theirpersonal enable with theirfreedomand in termsof family size,in keeping held values. dignity and personally to implement, shouldtakeactivesteps Governments 5.-50 with country-spein accordance as a matterof urgency, to ensure measures cific conditionsand legal systems, that women and rnenhave the sameright to decidefreely and responsiblyon the number and spacing of their education to the information, childrenandto haveaccess this themto exercise to enable asappropriate. andmeans, right in keepingwith their freedom,dignity and person-


ally held values,taking into accountethicaland cultural considerations. 5.51 Governments should take active stepsto implement programmesto establishand strengthen preventive and curative health facilities that include womencentred.women-managed, safe and effective reproductive health care and affordable, accessibleservices,as appropriate,for the responsible planning of family size, in keeping with freedom,dignity and personallyheld valuesand taking into accountethicaland culturalconsiderations.Programmesshould focus on providing comprehensive health care, including pre-natalcare, education and information on health and responsible parenthood, and shouldprovide the opportunity for all women to breast-feed fully, at leastduring the first four monthspost-partum. Programmes shouldfully support women'sproductiveand reproductive roles and wellbeing,with specialattentionto the needfor providing equaland improvedhealthcarefor all childrenandthe needto reducethe risk of maternaland child mortalitv and sickness. 5.52 Consistent with nationalpriorities,culturallybased information and education programmes that transmit reproductivehealthmessages to men and women that are easilyunderstood shouldbe developed.

5.56 Proposalsshould be developedfor local, national and international population/environment programmes in line with specific needsfor achieving sr"rstainability. Where appropriate,institutional changesmust be implemented so that old-age security does not entirely dependon input from family members.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ FTNANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 5.57 The Conferencesecretariat has estimatedthe average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementingthe activitiesof this prograrnme to be about $7 billion, including about $3.5 billion from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and havenot beenreviewedby Governments.Actual costsand financial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, will dependupon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmesGo'rernments decideupon for implementation.

8/ RESEARCH 5.58 Research shouldbe undenaken with a view to developingspecificactionprograrnmes; itwill benecessary to establish prioritiesbetween proposed areas of research. 5.59 Socio-demographic research should be conducted on how populations respond to a changingenvironment. 5.60 Understanding of socioculturaland political factors that can positively influence acceptance of appropriate populationpolicy instruments shouldbe improved. 5.61 Surveys of changes in needs for appropriate services relatingto responsible planningof family size,reflecting variations among different socio-economicgroups and variations in diff-erentgeographicalregions, should be undertaken.


5.53 Constituencies andinstitutional conditions to facilitatetheimplementation of demographic activities should, as appropriate,be fostered. This requires support and commitment from political, indigenous,religious and traditional authorities,the private sectorand the national scientific community. In developing theseappropriate institutional conditions, countries shouldcloselyinvolve established nationalmachineryfor women. 5.54 Populationassistance should be coordinated with bilateralandmultilateraldonorsto ensure that population needsand requirementsof all developing countriesare addressed,fully respecting the overall coordinating responsibility and the choice and strategiesof the recipientcountries. 5.55 Coordination shouldbe improvedat local andinternationallevels. Working practicesshouldbe enhanced in order to make optimum use of resources,draw on collectiveexperience andimprovethe irnplementation of programmes. UNFPAandotherrelevant agencies should strengthen the coordinationof internationalcooperation activitieswith recipientand donor countriesin order to ensurethat adequatefunding is available to respondto growing needs.

C ) H U MA N R E S OU R C E D E V E LOP ME N T AND CAPACITY-BUILDING 5.62 The areas of humanresource development and capacity-building, with particular attention to theeducation and training of women, are areasof critical importance and are a very high priority in the implementation of populationprogrammes. 5.63 Workshops to help programme and project managersto link populationprogrammes to other development and environmental goalsshouldbe conducted. 5.64 Educational materials, includingguides/workbooks for planners and decision makers and other actors of


programmes, population/environment/development should be developed. 5.65 Cooperationshould be developedbetweenGovernments, scientific institutions and non-govemmentalorganizationswithin the region, and similar institutions outside the region. Cooperationwith local or:ganizations engageln should be fosteredin order to raise awareness, demonstration projects and report on the experience gained. 5.66 The recofiImendationscontained in this chapter at the Internashould in no way prejudicediscussions

tional Conferenceon Population and Development in 1994, which will be the appropriateforum for dealing with population and development issues, taking into of the InternationalConaccountthe recommendations and held in Mexico City in 1984,r ference on Population, for the Advancementof the Forward-looking Strategies Women,2adoptedby the World Conferenceto Review and Appraise the Achievementsof the United Nations Decadefor Women: Equality, Developmentand Peace, held in Nairobi in 1985.

on Populotion,Mexico of the lnternationol Conference SolesNo. City,6-14 August 1984 lUnitedNotionspublicotion, clh E.84.Xlll.8 , o p .l . 2 of the World Conference to Reviewond Approise the Report Achievements of the United Nofions Decode for Women: Equolity,Developmentond Peoce, Noirobi, l5-26 July 1985 (United N o t i o n sp u b l i c o t i o n S , o l e sN o . E . 8 4 . | V . 1 0 ) c,h o p . l , sect.A.



heolth humon ond promoting Protecting



are intimatelyintercon6.1 Health and development leadingto povnected.Both insufficientdevelopment resultingin overcondevelopment erty andinappropriate world population, coupledwith an expanding sumption, health problemsin can result in severeenvironmental both developingand developednations. Action items the primary healthneeds underAgenda2l must address of the world's population,sincethey are integralto the and development of thegoaisof sustainable achievement care. The linkageof health,enprimary environmental requires improvements vironmental and socio-economic efforts. Suchefforts,involving education, intersectoral public works andcommunitygroups,including housing, and religious,civic schoolsand universities businesses, are aimed at enablingpeople and cultural c>rganizations, sustainable development. to ensure in their communities Particularlyrelevantis the inclusionof preventionproand grarrrmes ratherthan relying solely on remediation ought to developplansfor priority treatment.Countries in this chapteq areas actions, drawingon the programme planningby the various which are basedon cooperative organizations non-governmental levels of government, and local communities. An appropriateintemational organization,such as WHO, should coordinatethese activities. 6.2 The fbllowing programme areasare contained in this chapter: particularlyin (a) Meeting primary healthcare needs, rural areas: (b) Control of communicable diseases; (c) Protecting groups; vulnerable (d) Meetingthe urbanhealthchallenge; pollution (e) Reducing healthrisksfrom environmental and hazards.


FOR ACTION BASIS on the ability to manage 6.3 Healthultimatelydepends betweenthe physical.spirisuccessfully the interaction envir onm ent . tual , bi ol ogi cal and economi ci soci al Sound developmentis not possiblewithout a healthy activitiesaffect the population;yet most developmental environmentto some degree,which in tum causesor it is the Conversely, many healthproblems. exacerbates affects thehealth adversely very lack of developmentthat conditionof many people,which can be alleviatedonly The health sector cannot meet through development. on on its own; it is dependent basicneedsandobjectives while directdevelopment, economic andspiritual social, It is alsodependent ly contributingto suchdevelopment. on a healthyenvironment,including the provisionof a safewater supply and sanitationand the promotion of a attention safefood supplyandpropernutrition.Particular should be directed towards food safety, with priority complacedon the eliminationof food contamination; prehensive waterpoliciesto ensuresafe andsustainable to precludeboth microdrinking water and sanitation bial and chemical contamination;and promotion of heal th educati on, i mmuni zati on and pro vision of reservices essential drugs.Educationand appropriate planningof family size,with respect gardingresponsible in keepingwith for cultural,religiousand socialaspects, freedom,dignity and personallyheld valuesand taking also into account ethical and cultural considerations, activities. contributeto theseintersectoral


OBJECTIVES 6.4 Within the overall strategyto achievehealth for all by the year 2000, the objectivesare to meet the basic healthneedsof rural, peri-urban and urbanpopulations; to provide the necessaryspecialized environmental health services;and to coordinatethe involvementof citizens,the healthsector, the health-related sectors and (business, relevant non-health sectors social,educational in solutions andreligiousinstitutions) to healthproblems. coverage shouldbe As a matterof priority,healthservice need,particuachieved for populationgroupsin greatest larly thoseliving in rural areas.

(xi) Promote and strengthencommunity-based rehabilitation activities for the rural handicapped.

B) SUPPORT RESEARCH ANDMFIHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT (i) Establish mechanisms for sustained communityinvolvementin environmental healthactivities,including optimization of the appropriate useof community financial and humanresources; (ii) Conductenvironmental healthresearch, including behaviour researchand researchon ways to increase coverage and ensure greater utilization of servicesby peripheral, underserved and vulnerablepopulations, as appropriateto good preventionservicesand healthcare; (iii) Conduct researchinto traditional knowledge of preventiveand curativehealthpractices.

ACTIVITIES 6.5 National Governments and local authorities, with the supportof relevantnon-governmental organizations and international in the light of countries' organizations, specific conditionsand needs,should strengthen their healthsectorprogramrnes, with specialattention to rural needs, to:

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ FTNANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 6.6 The Conferencesecretariat hasestimatedthe average total annual cost ( 1993-2000)of implementing the activities of this programmeto be about $40 billion, including about $5 billion fiom the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and havenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsandfinancial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, will dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies and programmes Governments decideuponfbr implementation.

A) BU|LD MONTTORTNG BASTC HEALTH TNFRASTRUCTURES, AND PLANNING SYSTEMS: (i) Developandstrengthen primaryhealthcaresystems thatarepractical, community-based, scientifi cally sound, sociall-v" acceptableand appropriateto their needs and that meet basic health needsfor clean water. safe food and sanitation; (ii) Supportthe useand strengthening of mechanisms that irnprove coordinationbetweenhealth and related sectorsat all appropriate levels of government, and in communities and relevantorganizations; (iii) Developand implementrationaland affordable approaches to theestablishment andmaintenance of health fac ilit ies : (iv) Ensureand, where appropnate, provision increase of socialservices suppon; (v) Develop strategies, including reliablehealth indicators. to monitortheprogress andevaluate theeffectivenessof healthprogrammes; (vit Explorewaysto financethe healthsystem based on the assessment of the resources neededand identify the variouslinancingalternatives; (vii) Promotehealtheducationin schools,information exchange, technicalsupportand training; (viii; Supportinitiativesfor self-management of servgroups; icesby vulnerable (ix) Integrate traditional knowledge and experience into nationalhealthsystems, as appropriate; (x) Promotethe provisionsfor necessary logisticsfor outreach activities,particularlyin rural areas;

B/ sC/ENTIFIC AND TECHNOLAGICAL MEANS 6.7 New approaches to planningand managinghealth caresystems and facilitiesshouldbe tested. and research on ways of integratingappropriatetechnologiesinto health infrastructures supported. The developmentof scientificallysound health technologyshould enhance adaptabilityto local needsand maintainabilityby community resources, includingthe maintenance and repair of equipment usedin healthcare.Programmes to facilitate the transferand sharingof infonnation and expertise shouldbe developed, includingcommunication methods and educational materials.

C ) H U MA N R E S OU R C DE E V E LOP MFN I 6.8 Intersectoralapproachesto the reform of health personnel development shouldbe strengthened to ensure its relevance to the "Health for All" stratesies. Effortsto


skills at the distnct level shouldbe managerial enhance develthe systematic with the aim of ensuring supported, opmentandefficient operationof the basichealthsystem' with emshort,practicaltrainingprograrnmes Intensive, community phasison skills in effectivecommunication, changeshould and facilitationof behaviour organization be developedin order to preparethe local personnelof for carrying all sectorsinvolved in social development with the eduroles. In cooperation out their respective cation sector, special health education progratrunes should be developedfbcusingon the role of women in system. the health-care

dwarfed by the indirect costsof the pandemic- mainly with the loss of income and decreased costsassociated productivity of the worktorce.The pandemicwill inhibit growth of the service and industrial sectorsand signifiand thecostsof humancapacity-building cantlyincrease afparticularly is sector retraining. The agricultural labour-intensive. is production fectedwhere

OBJECTIVES 6.12 A numberof goalshavebeenformulatedthrough forums in variousinternational extensiveconsultations United relevant all Governments, virtually attendedby UNI CEF (i ncl udi ng W H O , N ati ons organi zati ons a and Bank) World the and UNDP UNFPA, UNESCO, (inGoals organizations. non-governmental number of cluding but not limited to thoselistedbelow) are recommendedfor implementationby all countrieswhere they to the specific adaptation with appropriate areapplicable, phasing, standards, of in terms country situationof each with respectfor priorities and availability of resources, in keeping with cultural, religious and social aspects, values and taking held personally and freedom,dignity goalsthat Additional considerations. ethical into account situation specific a country's to relevant particularly are plan action of national in the country's shouldbe added the World Declaration (Planof Action for Implementing of Children andDevelopment on the Survival,Protection plans should action national-level Such in the 1990s).t public the within from monitored be coordinated and goals are: major Some healthsector. (a) By the year2000,to eliminateguineaworm disease (dracunculiasis); polio; (b) By the year 2000,to eradicate control onchocer(c) By the year 2000, to eff-ectively (river leprosy; and blindness) ciasis deathsby 95 per cent (d) By 1995,to redttcemeasles with per 90 cent compared by cases and reducemeasles level s pre-immunization : (e) By continued effbrts,to providehealthandhygiene to safedrinkingeducationand to ensureuniversalaccess of excreta measures sanitary to access wateranduniversal waterborne diseases reducing markedly thereby disposal, reducing: and suchas choleraand schistosomiasis from child(i) By the year2000,the numberof deaths to 70 per by 50 countries in developing hood diarrhoea cent: of childhooddiar(ii; By the year 2000,the incidence least 25 to 50 percent; at by countries rhoeain developing pro(f) By the year 2000, to initiate comprehensive inrespiratory acute from mortality grammesto reduce third, one at least by years five under fectionsin children particularlyin countrieswith high infant mortality;

D) CA P AC IT Y-B U IL D IN G 6.g Govetnmentsshould consider adopting enabling of to promotethe participation and facilitatingstrategies to in addition needs, own their in meeting cclmmunities health-care provision of the to support providing direct services. A major focus should be the preparationof workers to health and health-related community-based education' health in community role an active assume andthe mobilization work, social team on with emphasis proNational workers. development support of other in urban, systems health district cover grammesshould peri-urbanand rural areas,the delivery of health proand grammesat the district level, and the development services. supportclf referral


FOR ACTION BASIS andcheof vaccines in the development 6.10 Advances communicable many brought have agents motherapeutic under control. However, there remain many diseases for which environimportant communicablediseases in especially indispensable. are measures mentalcontrol diseases Such sanitation. and supply water the field of maleishmaniasis. diseases, includecholera,diarrhoeal envithe such instances, In all laria and schistosomiasis. eitheras an integralpart of primary measures, ronmental form outsidethe healthsector, healthcareor undertaken disease control overall of component an indispensable togetherwith health and hygieneeducation, strategies, are the only component. and. in somecases, to to increase levelsestimated infection HIV 6.11 With socio-economic the year 2000, by the 30-40 million for to be devastating is expected impactof the pandemic children. and women for increasingly and all countries, theywill be will be substantial, costs While directhealth

(g) By the year 2000, to provide 95 per cent of the care to appropriate world's child populationwith access infectionswithin the communityand for acuterespiratory at first referral level; (h) By the year 2000, to institute anti-malaria prowheremalariapresents a signigrammes in all countries ficant healthproblem andmaintainthe transmission-free statusof areasfreed from endemicmalaria; (i) By theyear 2000,to implementcontrol programmes in countrieswhere major human parasiticinfections are endemic and achieve an overall reduction in the and of other trematode prevalenceof schistosomiasis infectionsby 40 per cent and25 per cent,respectively, from a 1984baseline,as well as a markedreductionin incidence,prevalenceand intensity of filarial infections; 0) To mobilize and unify national and international efforts againstAIDS to prevent infection and to reduce and socialimpact of HIV infection; the personal with (k) To contain the resurgence of tuberculosis, particular emphasison multiple antibiotic resistant forms; (l) To accelerateresearchon improved vaccines and implementto the fullest extentpossiblethe use of vacof disease. cinesin the prevention

NATION : RATION ANDCOORDI C@PE C) INTERSECTORAL (i) Secondexperienced to relevant health professionals sectors, suchasplanning,housingand agriculture; (ii) Developguidelines in the foreffectivecoordination of risks and training, assessment areasof professional development of control technology;

THE INFLUENCE FACTORSTHAT ENVTRONMENTAL D) CONTROLOF ICABLE DISEASES: OFCOM/\AUN SPREAD Apply methodsfor the preventionand control of commuincluding water supply and sanitation nicable diseases, control,waterpollution control,food quality control,integratedvectorcontrol,garbage collectionand disposaland practices; irrigation sound environmentally

E) PRIMARY HEALTH SYSTEM: CARE (i) Strengthen programmes, with particular prevention nutrition; on adequate and balanced emphasis (ii) Strengthenearly diagnosticprogrammesand imaction; prove capacities for early preventive/treatment (iii) Reduce the vulnerability to HIV infectionof women and their offspring;

FOR RESEARCH ANDMETHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT F) SUPPORT (i) Intensifyand expandmultidisciplinary research, including focusedefforts on the mitigation and environmentalcontrol of tropicaldiseases; (ii) Carry out interventionstudiesto provide a solid for controlpolicies andto evaluate epidemiological basis the efficiencyof alternative approaches: (iii) Undertakestuclies in the populationand among health r,l'orkers to determinethe influence of cultural. behavioural and socialfactors on controlpolicies;

ACTIVITIES with 6.13 Each national Government,in accordance nationalplansfor public health,prioritiesandobjectives, a nationalhealthactionplan developing shouldconsider and support, with appropriateinternationalassistance including,at a minimum, the following components:

HEALTH SYSTEMS: PUBLIC A) NATIONAL (i) Programmesto identify environmentalhazardsin diseases; of communicable the causation (ii) Monitoring systems data to enof epidemiological forecastingof the introduction, spreador sure adequate diseases; aggravation of communicable (iii) Interventionprogrammes, including measures conwith the principlesof the globalAIDS strategy; sistent (iv) Vaccines disfor the preventionof communicable

ANDDISSEMINATION OFTECHNOLOGY G} DEVELOPMENT (a) Developnew technologies for the effectivecontrol diseases; of communicable (iit Promote studiesto determinehow optimally to resultsfrom research: disseminate (iii) Ensuretechnical includingthe sharing assistance, of knowledge andknow-how.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION EDUCATION: TNFORMATION ANDHEALTH B) PUBLTC information on the Provide educationand disseminate and build risks of endemic communicablediseases of commethods forcontrol awareness on environmental play a role to to enablecommunities municablediseases diseases: in the control of communicable A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION hasestimated theaver6.14 The Conference secretariat age total annualcost ( 1993-2W0)of implementingthe activities of this programmeto be about $4 billion, including about $900 million from the international


cofilmunity on grant or concessionalterms. These are only andhave estimates indicativeandorder-of-magnin"rde Actual costsand finot beenreviewedby Governments. will non-concessional, that are nancialterms,includingany proand strategies the specific depend upon, inter alia, decideuponfor implementation. gmmmesGovemments

ME ALA N S B / 5C/ F N IF tCA N D T EC H N O I.OG\C should in6.15 Efforts to preventand control diseases social and of the epidemiological, clude investigations economic basesfor the developmentof more effective for the integratedcontrol of communational strategies of environmenmethods Cost-effective nicablediseases. tal control should be adaptedto local developmental conditions.

D EV EL OP M EN T R E SOU R C E C) HUM AN should 6.16 Nationaland regionaltraininginstitutions prevention to approaches intersectoral Dromote broad includingtraining diseases, andcontrolof communicable prevention andcontrol, andcommunity in epidemiology of and the application biology immunology,molecular materials should be vaccines. education new Health developedfor use by community workers and for the of and treatment for the prevention of mothers education home. diseases in the diarrhoeal

D) CA PAC T T Y-B U IL D IN G dataon 6.17 The healthsectorshoulddevelopadequate aswell asthe diseases, the distributionof communicable institutionalcapacity to respondand collaboratewith of mitigationandcorrection for prevention, othersectors hazardsthrough environmental communicabledisease protection. The advocacyat policy- and decision-makand societal ing levels should be gained,professional supportmobilized, and communitiesorganizedin developingself-reliance.

be paid to the health needsof the elderly and disabled population. Approximatelyone third of AND CHIIDREN 6.19 INFANTS the world's populationare childrenunder 15 yearsold. At least l5 million of thesechildren die annuallyfrom such preventablecausesas birth trauma, birth asphyxia, acute respiratory infections, malnutrition, colnmunicable and diarrhoea.The health of children is affected diseases more severely thanotherpopulationgoups by malnutrition and adverseenvironmentalfactors,and many children risk exploitationascheaplabouror in prostitution. of all As hasbeenthe historicalexperience 6.20 YOUTH countries,youth are particularly vulnerableto the problems associatedwith economic development,which often weakenstraditional forms of social supportessenof young people. Urtial for the healthydevelopment, banizationand changesin social moreshave increased transpregnancy andsexually substance unwanted abuse, mitted diseases, including AIDS. Currentlymore than half of all peoplealive are underthe ageof 25, and four of every five live in developingcountries. Thereforeit is not is important to ensurethat historicalexperience replicated. countries, the healthstatus 6.21 woMEN In developing of women remainsrelativelylow, and during the 1980s poverty, malnutrition and generalill-health in women were even rising. Most women in developingcountries opportunities basiceducational still do not haveadequate and they lack the meansof promoting their health,relif-eandimprovsponsibly controllingtheir reproductive status.Particularattention ing their socio-economic careto ensure shouldbe givento theprovisionof prenatal healthybabies. IndigeANDTHEIR COMMUNITIES PEOPTE 6.22 INDIGENOUS makeup a significant nouspeopleandtheir communities percentage of the global population.The outcomesof havetended to be very similarin that the theirexperience with traditionallandshasbeen basisof their relationship fundamentallychanged.They tend to featuredisproporpovertyand lack of housing, tionatelyin unemployment, poor health.In many countries the numberof indigenous people is growing faster than the generalpopulation. Thereforeit is importantto targethealth initiativesfor people. indigenous

VULNERABTE GROUPS c) PROTECTTNG FOR ACTION BASIS specific 6.1 8 In additionto meetingbasichealthneeds, emphasishas to be given to protectingand educating vulnerablegroups,particularlyinfants,youth, women, for peopleandthe very poor asa prerequisite indigenous sustainable development.Specialattentionshouldalso

OBJECTIVES 6.23 The general objectives of protecting vulnerable groupsare to ensurethat all suchindividualsshouldbe allowed to develop to their full potential (including to healthyphysical,mentaland spiritualdevelopment); ensure that young people can develop, establishand maintainhealthylives; to allow women to performtheir


key role in society;and to support indigenouspeople through educational,economic and technical opportunities. 6.24 Specific major goals for child survival, development and protection were agreed upon at the World Summit for Children and remain valid also for Agenda 21. Supportingand sectoralgoals cover women's health and education, nutrition, child health,water and sanitation, basic educationand children in difficult circumstances. 6.25 Governments shouldtakeactivesteps to implement, as a matterof urgency, in accordance with country-specific conditionsand legal systems, measures to ensure that women and men have the sameright to decidefreely and responsiblyon the number and spacing of their children,to haveaccess to theinformation, education and appropriate, to enablethem to exercisethis right in keepingwith their freedom,dignity and personally held values,taking into accountethicaland cultural considerations. 6.26 Governments should take active stepsto implementprogrammes to establish preventive and strengthen and curativehealthfacilitieswhich includewomen-centred. women-managed, safe and effective reproductive healthcareandaffordable, accessible services, as appropriate, for the responsible planning of family size, in keeping with freedom, dignity and personally held values and taking into account ethical and cultural considerations. Programmes shouldfocuson providing comprehensivehealth care, including pre-natal care, educationand information on health and responsible parenthoodand should provide the opportunity for all women to breast-feed fully, at leastduring the first four rnonthspost-partum.Programmes shouldfully support women's productive and reproductiveroles and wellbeing, with specialattentionto the need for providing equal and improvedhealthcare for all children and the needto reducethe risk of maternaland child mortality and sickness.

piratory infections and prevention of communicabledisEASCS;

(iii) Promotethe creation,amendmentand enforcement of a legal framework protectingchildren from sexualand workplace exploitation; (iv) Protect children from the effects of environmental and occupational toxic compounds;

B} YOUIH: Strengthenservicesfor youth in health, education and social sectors in order to provide better information, education, counsellingand treatment for specifichealth problems, including drug abuse;

c) WoMEN: (i) Involve women'sgroupsin decision-making at the national and community levels to identify health risks and incorporate health issues in national action programmeson women and development; (ii) Provideconcrete incentives to encourage and maintain attendance of women of all agesat school and adult education courses, includinghealtheducation and training in primary, home and maternalhealth care; (iii) Carry out baseline surveys andknowledge,attitude andpracticestudies on thehealthandnutritionof women throughouttheir life cycle, especiallyas relatedto the impact of environmentaldegradationand adequate resources:

D) INDIGENOUS PEOPLE AND THEIR COI4MUNITIES: (i) Strengthen,through resourcesand self-management, preventive and curativehealthservices; (ii) Integrate traditionalknowledgeand experience into healthsvstems.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION ACTN''TES 6.21 NationalGovernments, in cooperation with local and non-governmental organizations, should initiate or programmes enhance in the following areas: A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION 6.28 The Conference secretariat hasestimated the average total annualcost ( 1993-2ffi0)of implementingthe activities of this programmeto be about $3.7 billion, including about $400 million from the international communityon grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitlrde estimates only and havenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are non-concessional,will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmes Governments decideupon for implementation.

A) INFANTS AND CHILDREN: (i) Strengthen basichealth-care services for childrenin the context of primary health-care delivery, including pren atal care.breast-feeding, immunization andnutrition progriimmes: (ii) Undertakewidespread adult educationon the use of oral rehydration therapy for diarrhoea,treatnent of res-


AND TECHNOLOGICAL MEANS 8' SCIENIIFIC institutions should 6.29 Educational, healthandresearch be strengthened to provide supportto improve the health of vulnerablegroups. Social research on the specific problemsof thesegroupsshouldbe expandedand methods for implementingflexible pragmaticsolutionsexplored,with emphasis measures. Technical on preventive institutions supportshouldbe providedto Govemments, for youth, women and non-governmental organizations and indigenouspeople in the health sector.

DEVELOPMENT C) HUMANRESOURCES 6.30 The development of humanresources for the health of children,youth and women shouldincludereinforcepromotionof interactive mentof educational institutions, methods of education for healthandincreased useof mass mediain disseminating informationto the targetgroups. This requiresthe training of more community health workers, nurses,midwives, physicians,social scientists and educators, the education families of mothers, and communitiesand the strengthening of ministries health,populationetc. of education,

governments to provide the environmental health services that the peopleneed. All too often,urbandevelopmentis associated with destructive effects on thephysical environment andtheresource needed for sustainable base pollution in urbanareasis development. Environmental associated with excessmorbidity and mortality. Overcrowding and inadequate housing contributeto respiratory diseases, tuberculosis, meningitisand other diseases. In urban environments, many factorsthat affect humanhealthareoutside Improvements thehealthsector. in urban health thereforewill depend on coordinated actionby all levelsof government. healthcareproviders, businesses, religiousgroups,socialand educational institutions and citizens.

OBJECTIVES 6.33 Thehealthandwell-being of all urbandwellers must be improvedso that they cancontribute to economicand socialdevelopment. The globalobjectiveis to achievea 10to 40 per centirnprovement in healthindicators by the year 2000. The same rate of improvementshould be achievedfor environmental, housingand healthservice indicators. Theseincludethedevelopment of quantitative objectives f-or infant mortality, maternal mortality, percentage of low-birth-weight newbomsand specificindicators(e.g.tuberculosis asan indicatorof crowdedhousing, diarrhoeaidiseases asindicators of inadequate water ratesof industrialand transportation and sanitation, acpossible cidents thatindicate opportunities for prevention of injury, and social problems such as drug abuse, violenceand crime that indicateunderlyingsocialdisorders).

D) CAPACTTY-BU\LD\NG (i) 6.31 Governments shouldpromote, wherenecessary: the organization of national, intercountry and interregional symposia and other meetings for the exchange of informationamongagencies and groupsconcerned with the health of children, youth, women and indigenous people,and (ii) women's organizations, youth groups people's andindigenous organizations to facilitatehealth and consult them on the creation,amendment and enforcement of legal frameworksto ensure a healthyenvironment for children. vouth. women and indisenous peoples.

ACTIVITIES 6.34 Local authorities, with the appropriate supportof national Governments and intemation al organizations, shouldbe encouraged to take effectivemeasures to initiate or strengthen the tollowing activities:

D) ftTEETTNG THE URBAN HEATTH CHATTENGE BASIS FOR ACTION 632 For hundreds of millions of people, thepoorliving conditions in urban and peri-urbanareasare destroying lives,health,and socialandmoral values.Urban growth hasoutstripped society's capacityto meethumanneeds, leavinghundredsof millions of peoplewith inadequate incomes,diets, housing and services. Urban growth exposespopulationsto seriousenvironmental hazards and has outstripped the capacityof municipaland local



(i) Establishor strengthen intersectoral committees at both the politicai and technicallevel, includingactive collaborationon linkageswith scientific,cultural,religious. rnedical, business, socialand other city institutions,usingnetworkingalrangements; (ii) Adopt or strengthenrnunicipal or local "enabling "doing with" ratherthan"doing sffategies" that emphasize for" and createsupportive environments for health; (iii) Ensurethat public healttreducation in schools, workplace, providedor strengthened;


(iv) Encourage communitiesto developpersonalskills of primary health care; and awareness (v) Promoteand strengthen rehabilicommunity-based tation activitiesfor the urbanandperi-urbandisabledand the elderly;

training of municipal staff requiredfor healthy city proBasic and in-servicetraining of environmental cesses. healthpersonnel will alsobe needed.

D) CAPACITY.BUILDING WHERE NECESSARY THE EXTSTTNG HEALTH, SOCTAL B) SURVEY IN CITIES, INCLUDING ANDENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS DIFFERENCES; DOCUMENTATION OFINTRA-URBAN 6.38 The programmeis aimed towards improved planning and management capabilities in the municipaland local governmentand its partners in centralGovernment, the private sectorand universities. Capacitydevelopment shouldbe focusedon obtaining sufficient information, improvingcoordination mechanisms linking alt the key actors, making of and betteruse availableinstruments and resources for implementation.

HEALTH SERVICES: C) STRENGTHEN ENVIRONMENTAL (i) Adopt healthimpact and environmental impact asprocedures; sessment (ii) Providebasic and in-servicetraining for new and existingpersonnel;

El R.EDUCTNG HEATTH R|SKSFROM FOR POLLUTIONAND HAZARDS AND MAINTAIN NFIWORKS COTIABOR,ATION ENVIRONMENTAL D} ESTABUSH CITY PRACNCE. ANDEXCHANGE OFMODELS OFGOOD BASIS FOR ACTION MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION Al F/NANCTNG AND COSTEVALUATTON hasestimatedthe aver6.35 The Conferencesecretariat age total annual cost ( 1993-2000)of implementing the activitiesof this programmeto be about $222 million, includingabout$22 million from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicaonly andhavenot tive and order-of-magnitude estimates Actual costsand finanbeenreviewedby Governments. will cial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, depend upon, inter alia, ttre specifrc strategies and pro. grammes decideupon for implementation. Govemments 6.39 In many locations around the world the general environment(air, water and land),workplaces and even individual drvellingsare so badly polluted that the health of hundreds of millions of peopleis adversely affected. This is, inter alia, due to pastand present developments in consumption pattems in andproduction and lifestyles, energyproductionand industry,in transportation protection. etc.,with little or no regardfor environmental There have been notableimprovements in some countries,but deterioration of theenvironment continues. The ability of countriesto tackle pollution and health problems is greatly restrainedbecause of lack of resources. Pollutioncontrol andhealthprotectionmeasures haveoften not kept pace with economicdevelopment. Considerable development-related environmental healthhazards existin thenewly industrializing countries. Furthermore, therecent analysisof WHO hasclearly established the interdependencearnongthe factorsof health,environment and developmentand has revealedthat most countriesare lacking such integration as would lead to an effective pollution control mechanism.2Withort prejudiceto suchcriteria as may be agreedupon by the internationalcommunity,or to standards which will have to be determinednationally, it will beessential in all cases to considerthe systems of values prevailingin eachcounty andtheextent of theapplicability of standards that are valid for the most advanced countries but may be inappropriate andof unwarranted socialcostfor the developing countries.

8/ SC/ENI/F/C AND TECHNOLOG|CAL A4EANS 6.36 Decision-making models should be further developedandmore widely usedto assess the costsand the health and environment impactsof alternative technolin urbandevelopment Improvement ogiesand strategies. requires and management betternationaland municipal on practical, standardized indicators. Destatistics based velopmentof methodsis a priority for the measurement variations in healthstatus of intra-urban andintra-district conditions. and for the application of and environmental this informationin planningand management.

RF S O U R C ES c ) HUM A N D EV EL OP M EN T must supplythe orientation 6.37 Programmes and basic

OBJECTIVES 6.40 The overall objective is to minimize hazardsand


maintain the environmentto a degreethat human health and safetyis not impairedor endangered and yet encouragedevelopment to proceed.Specificprogrammeobjectives are: (a) By the year 2000, to incorporateappropriateenvironmental and health safeguards as part of national developmentprogrammes in all countries; (b) By the year 2000,to establish, as appropriate, adequate national infrastructureand programmesfor preventingenvironmental i nj ury,hazardsurvei I Ianceandthe basisfor abatement in all countries; (c) By the year 2000,to establish, as appropriate, integrated programmesfbr tackling pollution at the source andat thedisposal site,rvitha focuson abatement actions in all countriesl (d) To identify and compile,as appropriate, the necessary statisticalinformation on health ef'fectsto support cost/benefit analysi s,including environmental healthimpact assessment for pollution control, preventionand abatement measures.

D) PESTTCTDES: Develop mechanisms to control the distributionand use of pesticidesin order to minimize the risks to human healthby transportation, storage, application andresidual effectsof pesticides usedin agriculture and preservation of wood;

E) SOLID WASTE: (i) Develop appropriate solid wastedisposaltechnologieson the basisof healthrisk assessment: (ii) Developappropriate solid wastedisposal capacities in largecities;

F) HUMAN SETTLEMENTS: Developprogrammes for irnprovinghealthconditions in human settlements, in particularwithin slumsand nontenuredsettlements, on the basisof health risk assessment;

ACTIVITIES 6.41 Nationallydetermined actionprogrammes, with internationalassistance, supportand coordination, where necessary, in this areashouldinclude:

G) NOTSE: Develop criteria for maximum permitted safe noise exposurelevelsand promotenoiseassessment and control as part of environmentalhealth programmes;

A) URBAN AtR POLLUTTON: (i) Develop appropriate pollution control technologyon the basisof risk assessment and epidemiological research for the introductionof environmentally soundproduction processes and suitable safemasstransport; (ii) Develop air pollution control capacitiesin large cities,emphasizing enforcement programmes and using monitoringnetworks,as appropriate;

H) roNtztNc ANDNON-|ON|Z|NG RAD|AT|ON: Developand implementappropriate nationallegislation. standardsand enforcement procedureson the basis of existinginternational guidelines;

t) EFFECTS OFULTRAVTOLET RAD|ATION: (i) Undertake,as a rnatter of urgency,researchon the effects on human health of the increasingultraviolet radiationreachingthe earth'ssurfaceas a consequence of depletionof the stratospheric ozonelayer: (ii) On thebasisof the outcome of thisresearch, consicler taking appropriateremedial measuresto mitigate the above-mentioned effectson humanbeings:

B) TNDOOR AtR POLLUTTON: (i) Supportresearch and developprogrammes for applying prevention andcontrolmethods to reducing indoor air pollution.includingthe provisionof economicincentives for the installation of appropriate technology; (ii) Develop and implement health educationcampaigns, particuliulyin developing countries, to reduce the healthimpactof domestic useof biomass and coal:

c) WATER POLLUTTON: (i) Develop appropnatewater pollution control technologies on the basisof healthrisk assessment; (ii; Develop water pollution control capacities in large c it ies :

J) INDUSTRY ANDENERGY PRODUCTION: (i) Establishenvironmental health impact assessment procedures for the planning and developmentof new industries and energyfacilities; (ii) Incorporateappropriatehealth risk analysisin all nationalprogrammes for pollution control and management,with particular emphasis on toxic compounds such as lead: (iii) Establish industrial hygieneprogrammes in all major


industries for the surveillanceof workers' exposureto healthhazards; (v) Promote the introduction of environmentally sound technologies within the industryand energysectors;

8/ SC/ENI/F'C AND IECHNOI.OGICAL MEANS 6.43 Although technologyto preventor abatepollution is readily availablefor a largenumberof problems, for programmeand policy developmelttcountriesshould undertakeresearchwithin an intersectoralframework. Sucheffortsshouldincludecollaboration with the businesssector.Cost/effect analysis and environmental impact assessment methodsshould be developedthrough cooperativeinternationalprograffLmes and appliedto the settingof prioritiesandstrategies in relationto healthand development. 6.44 In the activitieslisted ln paragraph 6.41 (a) to (m) above,developingcountryeffortsshouldbe facilitatedby access to and ffansferof technology, know-how and information,from the repositories of suchknowledgeandtechnologies, in conformitywith chapter34.

K) MONTTORTNG AND ASSESSMENT: Establish, asappropriate, adequate environmental monitoring capacities for the surveillance of environmental quality and the healthstatus of populations;

L}INJURY MONITORING ANDREDUCTION: (i) Support, asappropriate, thedevelopment of systems to monitor the incidenceand causeof injury to allow weII -targe ted intervention/pre vention strateg ies; (i i) Dev elop, in a c c o rd a n c ew i th n a ti o n a l pl ans, strategies in all sectors(industry,traffic and others)consistentwith the WHO safecities and safecommunities programmes, to reduce the frequencyand severity of injury; (iii) Emphasize preventivestrategies to reduceoccupationallyderiveddiseases anddiseases caused by environmentalandoccupational toxinsto enhance workersafety;


6.45 Comprehensive national strategies should be designed to overcome the lack of qualified human resources. which is a major impedimentto progress in dealing with environmentalhealth hazards.Training and healthofficials at all M) RESEARCH PROMOTION ANDMETHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT: shouldinclude environmental levelsfrom managers to inspectors. Moreemphasis needs (i) Supportthe development of new methodsfor the to be placedon including the subjectof environmental quantitative assessment of healthbenefitsand costsashealthin the curriculaof secondary schoolsand universociated with differentpollution control strategies; sitiesand on educating the public. (ii) Develop and carry out interdisciplinary research on the combinedhealth eff'ects of exposureto multiple environmental hazards, includingepidemiological inD) CAPACITY-BUILDING vestigations of long-term exposures to low levels of pollutantsand the use of biological markerscapable 6.46 Each country shoulddevelopthe knowledgeand of estimatinghuman exposures, adverseeffects and practical skills to foreseeand identify environmental susceptibility to environmental agents. healthhazards, andthecapacity to reduce therisks.Basic capacity requirements must include knowledge about environmental healthproblems andawareness on thepart MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION of leaders, citizensand specialists; operational mechanisms fbr intersectoral A/ FiNANC/NG and intergovernmental AND COSTEVALUATTON cooperation in development planning and management and in pollution; combating arrangements involving for private 6.42 The Conference secretariat hasestimated the averand community interests in dealing with social issues; age total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing the delegationof authorityand distributionof resources to activities of this programme to be about $3 billion, intermediate and local levels government of provide to including about million from theinternational com$115 front-line capabilitiesto meet environmentalhealth munity on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicaneeds. tive andorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsand financial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, will dependupon. inter alia. the specificstrategies and programmesGovernments decideupon for implementation.

^ . r . l


R e p o r t o f t h e W H O C o m m i s s i o no n H e o l t h o n d E n v i r o n m e n t (Genevo, forthcoming).


development humon setilement sustoinoble Promoting


patthe consumption countrics. 1.1 In industrializ.ed theglobalecosystem, stressing ternsof citiesareseverely world needmoreraw in the developing while settlements simply to material,energy,and econornicdevelopment overcomebasiceconomicand socialproblems. Human in manypartsof theworld, particuconditions settlement mainly are deteriorating larly the developingcountries, in the sector as a result of the low levels of investment in these to the overall resourceconstraints attributable for which recent countries.In the low-incomecountries data are available,an averageof clnly 5.6 per cent of c ent r al go v e rn m e n te x p e n d i tu rew e n t to housi ng, by socialsecurityand welfare.r Expenditure amenities. is equally support andflnanceorganizations international only I per centof the UnitedNations low. For example, in 1988went expenditures total grant-financed system's while in 1991,loansfrom the to human settlements,' AssociDevelopment World Bank and the International and water supplyand ation (IDA) for urbandevelopment to 5.5 and 5.4 per cent,respectively, amounted sewerage of their total lending.' 7.2 On the otherhand,availableinformationindicates activitiesin the humansettlethat technicalcooperation public and private rnent sector generateconsiderable sectorinvestment.For example,every dollar of UNDP on humansettlements expenditure technical cooperation of $122,the a follow-up investment in 1988generated of assistance." highestof all UNDP sectors 7.3 This is the foundationof the "enablingapproach" advocatedfor the human settlementsector. External will help to generatethe internal resources assistance needed to improvethe living and working environments of all peopleby the year 2000 andbeyond,includingthe - the no-income group. growingnumberof unemployed

implicationsof urban At the sametime the environmental in an developmentshould be recognizedand addressed integrated fashion by all countries, with high priority being given to the needsof the urban and rural poor, the unemployedand the growing number of peoplewithout anv source of income.

HUMAN OBJECTIVE SETTLEMENT objectiveis to im7.4 The overall human settlement prove the social,economicand environmentalquality of and the living and working environhuman settlements mentsof all people,in particularthe urbanandrural poor. cooperon technical shouldbe based Suchimprovement among the public, private ation activities,partnerships in thedecisionand participation andcommunitysectors making processby community groupsand specialinterpeople, theelderly estgroupssuchaswomen.indigenous shouldform the core and the disabled.Theseapproaches In developing principles strategies. of nationalsettlement countries will need to set priorities these strategies, among the eight programme areas in this chapter in takwith their nationalplansand objectives, accordance ing fully into account their social and cultural capacountriesshouldmake appropriate bilities. Furthermore, on provision to monitor the impact of their strategies sedgroups,with particular marginalizedand di senfranchi referenceto the needsof women. 7.5 The prograrrune areasincluded in this chapterare: (a) Providing adequate shelterfor all; (b) Improving human settlement management; (c) Promotingsustainable planningand manland-use agement; (d) Promotingthe integratedprovision of environmental infrastructure: water. sanitation.drainageand solidwastemanagement: (e) Promotingsustainable systems energyandtransport in humansettlements:


(f) Promoting human settlementplanning and management in disaster-prone areas; (g) Promotingsustainable construction industryactivities; (h) Promotinghumanresource development and capacity-buildingfor human settlement development.

A) PROV|DTNG ADEQUATE SHETTER FORALr BASIS FOR ACTION 7.6 Accessto safeand healthyshelter is essential to a person's physical,psychological, socialand economic well-beingand shouldbe a fundamental part of national and intemationalaction. The right to adequate housing as a basic human right is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of HumanRightsandthe lntemational Covenant on Economic,Socialand Cultural Rights. Despite this, it is estimatedthat at the presenttime, at least I billion people do not have accessto saf-e and healthy shelterand that if appropriate action is not taken, this nurnber will increasedramatically by the end of the centuryand beyond. 7.7 A major globalprogramme to address this problem is the Global Strategy for Shelter ro rhe Year 2000, adoptedby the General Assembly in December 1988 (resolution 43ll8l, annex). Despiteits widespread endorsement, the Strategyneedsa much greaterlevel of politicalandfinancialsupport to enable it to reachits goal of facilitatingadequate shelterfor all by rhe end of the centuryand beyond.

OBJECTIVE 7.8 The objective is to achieve adequateshelterfor rapidly growing populationsand for the cuffently deprivedurbanandruralpoorthroughanenabling approach to shelter development and improvement thatis environmentallysound.

ACTIVITIES 7.9 The following activitiesshouldbe undertaken: (a) As a first step towardsthe goal of providing adequateshelter for all, all countriesshouldtake immediate measures to provideshelter to their homeless poor,while the internationalcommunity and financial institutions should undertakeactions to supportthe ef'fortsof the developingcountries to provide shelter to the poor; (b) All countriesshould adopt and/or strengthen na-

tional shelterstrategies, with appropriate,on the principlesand recofiunendations containedin the Global Strategyfor Shelterto the Year 2000. people should be protectedby law againstunfair eviction from their homesor land; (c) All countriesshould, as appropriate, support the shelterefforts of the urbanandrural poor,theunemployed and the no-income group by adopting and/or adapting existingcodesand regulations, to facilitatetheir access to land,financeand low-costbuilding materials, and by actively promoting the regularizationand upgrading of informal settlements and urban slums as an expedient measure and pragmatic solution to the urban shelter deficit; (d) All countriesshould,as appropriate, facilitate accessof urban and rural poor to shelterby adoptingand utilizing housingand financeschemes and new innovative mechanisms adapted to their circumstances; (e) All counties should supportand develop environmentally compatible shelter strategiesat national, state/provincialand municipal levels through parnrerships amongthe private,public andcommunitysectors and with the supportof community-based organizations; (f,) All countries,especiallydevelopingones,should, as appropriate, formulate and implementprogrammes to reducethe impact of the phenomenonof rural to urban drift by improving rural living conditions; (g) All countries,where appropriate, should develop andimplement resettlement programmes thataddress the specific problems of displacedpopularionsin rheir respective countries; (h) All countries should.asappropriate, document and monitor the implementationof their national shelter strategies by using,inter alia, the monitoringguidelines adoptedby the Comrnission on Human Settlements and theshelterperformance indicators beingproducedjointly by the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)and the World Bank; (i) Bilateral and multilateral cooperationshould be strengthened in order to supportthe implementation of the nationalshelterstrategies of developing countries; reports coveringnational actionand 0) Globalprogress the supportactivitiesof international organizations and bilateraldonorsshouldbe produced anddisseminated on a biennial basis,as requested in the Global Strategyfor Shelterto the Year 2000.

MEANS OF IMPIEMENTATION ,A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALaJATTON 7.iO The Conference secretiuiat hasestimated the average total annualcost ( 1993-2(nU of implementingthe


activities of this programme to be about $75 billion, comincluding about$10 billion from the international indicaare terms.These munity on grant or concessional only and have not estimates tive and order-of-magnitude beenreviewedby Govemments.Actual costsandfinanwill cial terms,includingany that arenon-concessional, proand dependupon, inter alia, the specific strategies decideupon for implementation' grammesGovernments

their ability to improvethe living tries,in orderto enhance and the marginalized especially conditionsof residents, therebycontributingto the achievement disenfranchised, goals. of nationaleconomicdevelopment

ACTIVITIES MANAGFMENI URBAN A) IMPROV/NG lnanage7.16 Oneexistingframeworkfor strengthening D evel opm entPr oment i s i n the U ni ted N ati ons Human for Centre Bank/United Nations grammeNVorld Programme Settlements(Habitat) Urban Management (UMP), a concertedglobal effort to assistdeveloping issues. Its urban management countriesin addressing countries interested all to coverageshouldbe extended as should' countries All during the period 1993-2000. objecplans, national with andin accordance appropriate of non-govtives and prioritiesand with the assistance of local representatives and ernmenfal organizations the naat activities following authorities,undertakethe assistwith the levels, local and tional, state/provincial agencies: support and programmes anceof relevant guide(a) Adopting and applying urban management environurban management, lines in the areasof land infrastructuremanagementand mental management, administration; municipalfi nanceand (b) Accelerating efforts to reduce urban poverty including: througha numberof actions, (i) Generating employmentfor the urbanpoor,particularly women, through the provision,improvementand and the and services of urbaninfrastructure maintenance such sector, informal in the activities of economic support cofitmerce; small and services recycling, as repairs, to the poorestof the (ii) Providing specificassistance creation of social the alia, inter urban poor through, and homelesshunger to reduce in order infrastructure services; community adequate provision of ness,andthe comindigenous of the establishment (iii) Encouraging -based ganrzaor v luntary o private s, organization munity entitiesthat tions and other forms of non-governmental poverty and imreduce to the efforts can contributeto families; low-income for life quality of prove the to ad(c) Adopting innovativecity planningstrategies by: issues social and dressenvironmental the full costs on, andrecovering (i) Reducing subsidies standard high of services other and of, environmental (e.g. water supply, sanitation,waste collection,roads' providedto higher incomeneightelecommunications) bourhoods; and service (ii) Improving the level of infrastructure provisionin poorerurbanareas; for improvingthequality local strategies (d) Developing

MEANS AND TECHNOLOGICAL 8] SCIENTFrc underthis headingare addressed 7.1I The requirements in each of the other programme areas included in the presentchapter.

AND DEVELOPMENI RESOURCE C) HUMAN CAPACITY.BUILDING should 7.12 Developedcountriesand funding agencies in countries to developing provide specific assistance shelter provision of to the approach an enabling arJopting for all, including the no-income group, and covering institutionsand training activitiesfor governresearch andnon-govcommunities ment officials,professionals, local castrengthening by and ernmental organrzations technologies. appropriate of pacity for the development B) IMPROVING HUrtiAN sErrlrMENT T ANAGEMEM ACTION FOR BASIS 7.13 By the turn of the century,the majority of the w i l l b e l i v i n g i n c i ti e s.W hi l e urban wor ld' sp o p u l a ti o n particularlyin developingcountries'are settlements, showing many of the symptomsof the global environgenerate crisis,they nevertheless mentanddevelopment 60 per cent of gross national product and' if properly can developthe capacityto sustaintheir promanaged, of theirresidents ductivity,improvetheliving conditions way' in a sustainable and managenaturalresources 7.14 Some metropolitanareas extend over the bounentities dariesof severalpolitical and/oradministrative eventhoughthey conform (counties and municipalities) thispolitical urbansystem.In manycases to a continuous hinders the implementationof compreheterogeneity programmes. management hensiveenvironmental

OBJECTIVE management 7.15 The objectiveis to ensuresustainable counpafticularlyin developing of all urbansettlements,


of life andtheenvironment, integrating decisions on land use and land management, investingin the public and private sectorsand mobilizing human and materialresources, therebypromotingemploymentgeneration that is environmentally soundandprotective of humanhealth.

8/ STRENGTHENING UREAN DATA SySIEMS 7.17 During the period 1993-2000 all countriesshould undertake, with the active participationof the business sectoras appropriate, pilot projectsin selected cities for the collection,analysis and subsequent dissemination of urbandata,includingenvironmental impact analysis, at the local, state/provincial, national and international levels and the establishment of city data management capabilities.5 United Nations organizations, such as Habitat, UNEP and UNDP, could provide technical adviceand model datamanagement systems.

C) ENCOURAGING /NIERMEDIATE CITYDEVELOPMENT 7.I 8 In orderto relievepressure on largeurbanagglomerations of developingcountries,policies and strategies shouldbe implemented towardsthe development of intermediate cities that createemploymentopportunities for unemployedlabour in the rural areasand support rural-based economicactivities,althoughsound urban management is essential to ensure thaturbansprawldoes not expandresource degradation over an everwider land area and increasepressures to convert open spaceand agriculturaUbuffer landsfor development. 7.l9 Thereforeall countries should,asappropriate, conduct reviews of urbanization processes and policies in orderto assess the environmental impactsof growth and apply urbanplanningand management approaches specifically suited to the needs,resourcecapabilitiesand characteri sticsof their growingintermediate-si zedcities. As appropriate, theyshouldalsoconcentrate on activities aimed at facilitating the transitionfrom rural to urban lifestylesand settlement patternsand at promoting the development of small-scale economicactivities, particularly the productionof food, to support local income generation andthe productionof intermediate goodsand sen,ices for rural hinterlands. 7.20 All cities.particularly thosecharacterized by severe sustainable development problems,should,in accordance u,ith nationallaws, rules and regulations, develop and strengthen programmes aimed at addressing such problems andguidingtheir development alonga sustainable path. Some internationalinitiatives in supportof in the Sustainable Cities prosrammeof

Habitat and the Healthy Cities programme of WHO, shouldbe intensified. Additionalinitiatives involving the World Bank, the regional developmentbanks and bilateral agencies, as well as other interested stakeholders. particularly internationaland nationalrepresentatives of local authorities,should be strengthened and coordinated.Individual citiesshould,as appropriate: (a) Institutionalize aparticipatoryapproachto sustainableurbandevelopment, based on a continuous dialogue betweenthe actors involved in urban developrnent(the public sector, privatesector andcommunities), especially women and indigenous people; (b) Improve the urban environment by promoting social organization and environmental awareness through the participation of local communitiesin the identification of public servicesneeds,the provision of urban infrastructure, the enhancement of public amenities and the protectionand/or rehabilitarionof older buildings, historicprecincts andotherculturalartifacts.In addition, "greenworks" programmes shouldbe activated to create self-sustaining human development activitiesand both formal and informal employmentopportunitiesfor lowincomeurbanresidents; (c) Strengthen the capacities of their local governing bodies to deal more effectively with the broad range of developmental andenvironmental challenges associated with rapid and soundurbangrowth throughcomprehensiveapprdaches to planningthatrecognize the individual needs of citiesandarebased on ecologically soundurban designpractices; (d) Participatein international"sustainable city networks" to exchangeexperiences and mobilize national and international technicaland financialsupport; (e) Promotethe formulationof environmentally sound andculturallysensitive tourismprogrammes asa strategy for sustainabledevelopmentof urban and rural settlementsand as a way of decentralizingurban development and reducingdiscrepancies amongregions; (f) Establishmechanisms, with the assistance of relevant internationalagencies,to mobilize resources for local initiativesto improveenvironmental quality; (g) Empowercommunitygroups,non-governmental organizationsand individuals to assumethe authority and responsibility for rnanaging andenhancing theirimmediate environmentthrough participatorytools, techniques and approaches embodied in theconcept of environmental care. 7.21 Citiesof all countries shouldreinforcecooperation amongthemselves and citiesof the developed countries, undertheaegisof non-governmental organizations active in this field, such as the InternationalUnion of Local Authorities(IULA), the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives(ICLEI) and the World Federation of Twin Cities.


OFIMPLEMENTATION MEANS AND COSTEVALUATION A/ F'NANC/NG has estimatedthe aver1.22 The Conferencesecretariat age total annualcost (1993-2000)of implementingthe activities of this programmeto be about $100 billion, comincludingabout$ 15billion from theinternational terms.Theseare inmunity on grant or concessional estimatesonly and dicative and order-of-magnitude Actual costs have not beenreviewedby Governments. andfinancialterms.includingany thatarenon-concess ional, wil l d e p e n d u p o n , i n te r a l i a . the speci fi c decideupon Governments and programmes strategies for implementation.


FOR ACTION BASIS component is an essential to land resources 7.27 Access are low-impactlifestyles.Land resources of sustainable the basis for (human) living systemsand provide soil, energy,water and the opportunity for all human activity. to land is rendered access In rapidly growing urbanareas, increasingly difficult by the conflicting demandsof industry, housing, commerce, agriculture, land tenure the Furthermore, and the needfor openspaces. structures rising costsof urban land preventthe poor from gaining accessto suitable land. In rural areas,unsustainable practices, suchas the exploitationof marginallandsand the encroachmenton forests and ecologically fragile areasby commercialinterestsand landlessrural populaas well as in degradation, tions,resultin environmental diminishing returnsfor impoverishedrural settlers.

AND DEVELOPMENI RESOURCE B) HUMAN CAPACITY-BUILDING in1.23 Developingcountriesshould,with appropriate considerfocusingon trainingand assistance, ternational adtechnicians, developinga cadreof urbanmanagers, who can ministratorsand other relevant stakeholders manageenvironmentallysound urban desuccessfully velopmentand growth and are equippedwith the skills to analyseand adapt the innovative experinecessary the full rangeof encesof other cities.For this purpose, training methods__ from formal educationto the useof the mass rnedia - should be utilized, as well as the "learningby doing" option. tech7.24 Developingcountriesshouldalso encourage throughjoint efforts by nological training and research donors, non-governmentalorganizationsand private in such areasas the reductionof waste,water business quality, saving of energy,safe productionof chemicals and lesspollutingtranspoftation. activitiescarriedout by all coun7.25 Capacity-building above,shouldgo beyondthe as suggested tries,assisted training of individualsand functionalgroupsto include routines, interadministrative arrangements, institutional proinformationflows andconsultative linkages, agency

OBJECTIVE 7.28 Theobjectiveis to providefor theland requirements of human settlementdevelopmentthrough environmentally soundphysicalplanningandlandusesoasto ensure and, where appropriate, to land to all households access the encouragementof communally and collectively land.6 Particularattentionshould owned and rnanaged peoplefor womenandindigenous paid needs of to the be economicand culturalreasons. ACTIVITIES underasappropriate, shouldconsider, 7.29 Allcountries nationalinventoryof their land taking a comprehensive resources in order to establisha land information system will be classifiedaccordingto in which land resources their most appropriateusesand environmentallyfragile areas will be identified for special or disaster-prone protectionmeasures. 7 . 3 0S u b s e q u e n t l ya , ll countriesshould consider plansto management developingnationalland-resource and utilizationand,to guide land-resource development that end, should: (a) Establish,as appropriate,national legislation to guidethe implementation of public policiesfor environmentally sound urban development,land utilization, housing and for the improved managementof urban expansion; (b) Create,where appropriate, efficient and accessible land markets that meet coffImunity developmentneeds by, inter alia. improving land registry systemsand procedures in land transactions; streamlining

7. 26 I n ad d i ti o n , i n te rn a ti o n a le ffo rts , s uch as the with in cooperation Programme, Urban Management shouldcontinueto multilateraland bilateralagencies, assistthe developingcountriesin their efforts to dev elop a pa rti c i p a to ry s tru c tu re b y mo bi l i zi ng the non-governmenof theprivatesector, humanresources andthe poor,particularlywomenand tal organizations the disadvantaged.


(c) Develop fiscal incentivesand land-usecontrol measures, including land-useplanning solutionsfor a more rationaland environmentally sounduseof limited land resources; (d) Encourage partnerships amongthe public, private and community sectorsin managingland resources for humansettlements development; (e) Strengthencommunity-based protecland-resource practices in existingurbanand rural settlements; tion (f) Establishappropriate forms of land tenurcthat provide securityof tenurefor all land-users, especiallyinpeople, women,local digenous thelow-incommunities, come urbandwellersand the rural poor; (g) Accelerate efforts to promoteaccess to land by the poor, urban and rural including credit schemesfor the purchase of land and for building/acquiring or improving safeand healthyshelterand infiastructure services; (h) Develop and support the implementationof improved land-management practicesthat deal comprehensively with potentially competing land requirementsfor agriculture, industry,transport, urbandevelopment,greenspaces, preserves and othervital needs; (i) Promoteunderstanding amongpolicy makersof the adverse consequences of unplanned settlements in envirorunentallyvulnerableareasand of the appropriatenapolicies retional and local land-useand settlements quiredfor this purpose. 7.31 At the internationallevel, global coordinationof land-resource management activitiesshouldbe strengthened by the variousbilateral and multilateralagencies and programmes, suchas UNDP, FAO, the World Bank, the regionaldevelopment banks,other interested organizations andthe UNDPAVoTId Bank/Habitat UrbanManProgramme, agement and actionshouldbe takento promotethetransfer of applicable experience on sustainable land-management practicesto and among developing countries.

B/ SC'ENI/F/C AND TECHNOLOGICAL MEANS 7.33 All countries,particularly developing countries, aloneor in regionalor subregional groupings, shouldbe given accessto modern techniquesof land-resource management, suchasgeographical informationsystems, photography/imagery satellite and otherremote-sensins technologies.

C) HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENI AND CAPACITY-BUILDING 7.34 Environmentally focused trainingactivities in sustai nabl e l and-resources pl anni ng and managem elt t should be undertaken in all countries,with developing countriesbeing given assistance through international supportand funding agencies in orderto: (a) Strengthen the capacity of national, state/provincial and local educational research and training institutions to provide formal training of land-management techniciansand professionals; (b) Facilitatethe organizational review of government ministries and agencies responsible for land questions, in order to devise more etficient mechanisrns of landresource management, and carry out periodicin-service refreshercoursesfor the managersand staff of such ministries and agencies in orderto familiarizethem with up-to-date land-resource-management gies; technolo (c) Where appropriate,provide such agencieswith modern equipment, such as computer hardware and softwareand surveyequipment; (d) Strengthen existing programmes and promote an intemationaland interregional exchange of information and experience in land management throughthe establishmentof professional associations in land-management sciences and related activities, suchas workshops and seminars.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 7 .32 T he Conf ere n c es e c re ta ri a h t a s e s ti ma tedthe ) f i mp l e menta v er age t ot al ann u a lc o s t (1 9 9 3 -2 0 0 0o ing the activities of this programmeto be about $3 b i ludinga b o u t$ 3 0 0m i l l i o n fro m th e i n ternati o nal c om m uni ty o n g ra n t o r c o n c e s s i o n ate l rms. Theseareindicativeandorder-of-rnagnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costsandfinancialterms,includingany that are non-concessional. will depend upon, inter alia, the sp ec if ic s t r at eg i e sa n d p ro g ra m m e sG o v e rn m ents d e c ideupon f or im p l e me n ta ti o n . pROVtStONOF D) PROMOTTNG THETNTEGRATED ENVIRONI ENTAI INFRASTRUCTURE: WATER, SANITATION,DRAINAGEAND SOTID-WASTE MANAGEMENT

BASIS FOR ACTION 7.35 The sustainability of urbandevelopment is defined by many parameters relatingto the availabilityof water supplies, air quality and the provisionof environmental infrastructure for sanitation and wastemanagement. As a resultof the densityof users, urbanization, if properly managed, offers uniqueopportunities for the supply of


environmentalinfrastructurethrough adesustainable quate pricing policies, educationalprogrammesand that are economicallyand mechanisms equitableaccess environmentallysound.In most developingcountries, inand lack of environmental however,the inadequacy ill-healthand for widespread is responsible frastructure deathseachyear.In those a large numberof preventable are set to worsen due to growing countriescclnditions needs that exceed the capacity of Governmentsto respondadequateiy. to the provisionof environapproach 1.36 An integrated in mentally soundintiastructurein human settlements. particularfor the urbanand rural poor, is an investment that can improvethe quality development in sustainable productivity,improvehealthand reduce of life, increase the burden of investmentsin curative medicine and povertyalleviation. would be 7.37 Most of the activitieswhosemanagement in are covered improved by an integrated approach. (Protecting proand Agenda 2l as follows: chapters6 moting human health conditions),9 (Protectingthe atmosphere),18 (Protectingthe qualitv and supply of and 21 (Environmentallysound freshwaterresources) issues). and sewage-related of solid wastes management

OBJECTIVE the provisionof adequate 7.38 The objectiveis to ensure facilitiesin all settlements infrastructure environmental by the year 2025. The achievementof this objective would requirethat all developingcountriesincorporate to build thenecesprogrammes in theirnationalstrategies capacity resource human sary technical,flnancial and and infrastructure integration of aimed at ensuringbetter year 2000. planning by the environmental

engagedin The activitiesof all agencies strengthened. providing environmental infrastructure should, where possible,reflect an ecosystemor metropolitan area apand should include monitoring, proach to settlements of appropritransfer capacity-building, appliedresearch, ate technology and technical cooperation among the rangeof programmeactivities. at the na7.40 Developingcountriesshouldbe assisted approach tional and local levelsin adoptingan integrated drainsanitation, energy, to theprovisionof watersupply. and externalfunding management, age and solid-waste agencies shouldensurethat this approachis appliedin improvement infiastructure particularto environmental basedon regulationsand standin informal settlements ards that take into account the living conditions and to be served. resources of the communities adoptthe fol7.41 All countriesshould,as appropriate, lowing principles for the provision of environmental infrastructure: avoid (a) Adopt policiesthatminimizeif not altogether wheneverpossible; damage, environmental by en(b) Ensurethat relevantdecisions are preceded and also take into acvironmentalimpact assessments count the costsof any ecologicalconsequences; (c) Promote developmentin accordancewith indigenous practices and adopt technologies appropriate to local conditions; (d) Promote theactualcost policiesaimedat recovering while at the sametime recognizof infrastructureservices, (including subing the need to find suitableapproaches to all households; sidies)to extendbasicservices probiems that (e) Seekjointsolutions to environmental affectseverallocalities. 7.42 The disseminationof information from existing among prograrnmes shouldbe facilitatedandencouraged countries and local institutions. interested

ACTIVITIES suitthe environmental 7.39 All countriesshouldassess develop in human settlements, ability of infrastructure of waste,and management nationalgoalsfor sustainable to ensure soundtechnology implementenvironmentally humanhealthandqualityof life are thattheenvironment, infrastructure and environmental protected.Settlement human designedtcl promotean integrated programmes approachto the planning, development, settlements of environmentalinfraand management maintenance (watersupply,sanitation, solid-waste drainage, structure with theassistance shouldbe strengthened management) of bilateral and multilateral agencies.Coordination from interand with collaboration amongtheseagencies of local authorities, nationalandnationalrepresentatives the privatesectorand communitygroupsshouldalsobe

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATION A/ F/NANCING has estimatedmost of secretariat 7.43 The Conference the costs of implementing the activities of this proestimatesthe gramme in other chapters. The secretariat assistof technical cost(1993-2000) total annual average ancefrom the internationalcomrnunity on grant or concessionalterms to be about $50 million. These are estimatesonly and indicative and order-of-magnitude have not beenreviewedby Govemments.Actual costs and financial terms,including any that are non-concesupon,inter olia,the specificstrategies sional,will depend and programmes Governmentsdecide upon fbr implementation.


ME,ANS AND IECHNOI.OGICAL 8' SC'ENIIFIC within theexistmeans 7.44 Scientificandtechnological wherever be coordinated should programmes ing possibleand should: (a) Accelerate in the areaofintegratedpolicies research s andprojects infrastruc ture programme ntal of environme environmental and overall analysis cost/benefit on based impact; "effective demand", (b) Promotemethodsof assessing data as criteria development and environment utilizing for selectingtechnology.

AND DEVELOPMFNT C) HUMANRESOURCE CAPACITY-BUILDING and supportof funding agencies, 7..15With the assistance undertaketraining and all countriesshould,as appropriate, aimed at: popularparticipationprogrammes and (a) Raising awareness of the means,approaches benefitsof the provision of environmentalinfrastructure people,women, amongindigenous facilities,especially low-income groupsand the poor; with adequate ft) Developinga cadreof professionals skills in integratedinfrastructuralservice planning and environmentally maintenanceof resource-efficient, systems; soundand socially acceptable (c) Strengtheningthe institutional capacity of local in the integratedprovision authoritiesand administrators of adequateinfrastructure servicesin partnershipwith local communitiesand the private sector; (d) Adopting appropriatelegal and regulatory instruto extend anangements, ments,includingcross-subsidy the benefits clf adequateand affordable environmental populationgroups,especially to unserved infrastructure the poor.

priority in any action taken to protectthe urban environment. 7.47 Developed countries,as the largest consumersof energy,are faced with the need for energyplanning and sources promotingrenewable andalternate management, of of energy,and evaluatingthe life-cycle costs current systemsand practicesas a result of which many metropolitan areas are suffering from pervasive air quality problemsrelatedto ozone,particulatemattersandcarbon havemuch to do with technologimonoxide.The causes fuel consumption andwith anincreasing cal inadequacies andindusgenerated high demographic by inefficiencies, and a rapid expansionin the number trial concentrations of motor vehicles. 7.48 Transport accountsfor about 30 per cent of commercial energyconsumptionand for about60 per cent of In developof liquid petroleum. totalglobalconsumption rapid motorization andinsufficientinvesting countries, planning, traffic management ments in urban-transport and infrastructure are creating increasing problems in and injury, health,noise,congestion terms of accidents and loss of productivity similar to those occurring in AII of theseproblemshavea many developed countries. particularly the populations, severe impact on urban low-incomeand no-incomegroups.

OBJECNVES are to extendthe provisionof more 7.49 The objectives energy-efficienttechnology and alternative/renewable and to reduce negative energy for human settlements impactsof energyproductionand use on human health and on the environment.

ACTIVITIES 7.50 The principal activitiesrelevantto this programme area are included in chapter9 (Protectionof the atmosphere), programme area B, subprogramme I (Energy and subprodevelopment, efficiency and consumption) (Transportation). gramme 2 approachto human settlements 7.51 A comprehensive shouldincludethepromotionof sustainable development in all countries, as tollows: energydevelopment

ENERGYAND El PROIIOTING SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORTSYSTEMSIN HUftIAN SETITE'VIENTS FOR ACTION BASIS en7.46 N{ost of the commercialand non-commercial todayis usedin andforhumansettlements, ergyproduced percentage of it is usedby thehousehold anda substantial facedwith the areat present Developingcountries sector. need to increasetheir energy production to accelerate of their popuandraisethe living standards development lations,while at the sametime reducingenergyproducpollution. Increasingthe tion costs and energy-related efficiency of energy use to reduceits polluting effects and to promote the use of renewableenergiesmust be a

lN PARTICULAR, SHOULD: A) DEVELOPING COUNTRTES, (i) Formulatenationalactionprograrnmes to prolnoteand with supportreaftbrestation andnationalforestregeneration provision of the biornass a view to achievingsustained and energyneeds of the low-incomegroupsin urbanareas women and children; the rural poor,in particular (ii) Formulatenational action programlnesto promote


and renewable integrateddevelopmentof energy-saving energy technologies,particularly for the use of solar, hydro, wind and biomasssources; of (iii) Promotewide dissemination andcommercialization through suitablemeasures, renewableenergy technologies inter alia, fiscal andtechnologytransfermechanisms; directed (iv ) Cany out information andtrainingprogftImmes andusersin orderto promoteenergy-saving at manufacturers appliances; techniques andenergy-efficient

DONORS AND BILATERAL ORGANTZATIONS B) TNTERNATTONAL SHOULD: (i) Supportdeveloping national counfies in implementing use of in order to achievewidespread energyprogrammes particuand renewableenergytechnologies, energy-saving andhydro sources; larly ttreuseof solar,wind, biomass (ii) Provide access and developmentresults to research efficiencylevelsin humansettleenergy-use to increase ments. 7.52 Promoting efficient and environmentally sound urban transport systems in all countries should be a planningand to urban-transport approach comprehensive To this end, all countriesshould: management. (a) Integrate land-use and transportationplanning to encouragedevelopment pattems that reduce transport demand; (b) Adopt urban-transport programmesfavouring highoccupancypublic transportin countries,asappropriate; (c) Encouragenon-motonzed modes of transport by providing safe cycleways and footways in urban and suburbancentresin countries,as appropriate; (d) Devoteparticularattentionto effectivetraffic manandmainefficientoperationof public transport agement, tenanceof transportinfrastructure ; (e) Promotetheexchange of informationamongcounfies of local and metropolitanareas; and representatives (0 Re-evaluate the presentconsumptionand production patternsin order to reduce the use of energy and national resources.

transport professionalsand institutions, all countries should, as appropriate: (a) Provide on-the-joband other training of governand managers traffic engineers ment officials,planners, section: and transport involved in the energy-service (b) Raise public awareness imof the environmental pacts of transport and travel behaviour through mass and media campaignsand supportfor non-governmental community initiatives promoting the use of non-motorized transport, shared driving and improved traffic safetymeasures; (c) Strengthen regional,national,state/provincial, and private sector institutionsthat provide educationand planning training on energyserviceand urbantransport and management.

PIANNING F) PROMOTINGHUMAN SETTTEMENT AREAS IN DISASTER.PRONE AND 'TAANAGEIAENT FOR ACTION BASIS 7.55 Natural disasters causeloss of life, disruptionof economicactivitiesand urbanproductivity,particularly for highly susceptible low-incomegroups,and environmental damage,such as loss of fertile agriculturalland and can lead to of water resources, and contamination of populations. Over the past two major resettlement to have caused some3 mildecades, they are estimated lion deaths and affected800 million people.Global economic losseshave been estimated by the Office of the United NationsDisasterRelief Coordinatorto be in the rangeof $30 billion to $50 billion per year. pro7.56 The GeneralAssembly,in resolutton441236, Decadefor Natural claimedthe I 990sasthe International Redr.rction. The goalsof the DecadeT bearrelevDisaster programme present area. anceto the objectives 01'the the 7.57 ln addition.there is an urgentneedto address preventionand reductionof man-made disasters and/or unsafenuclear caused by. inter a/ia, industries, disasters power generationand toxic wastes(see chapter 6 of Agenda 2l).


A/ F'NANC/NG,ANDCOSTEVALUATION hasestimated the costs 7.53 The Conference secretariat programme in of this of implementing the activities (Protection of the atmosphere). chapter9 AND DEVELOPMENI RESOURCE B) HUMAN CAPACITY-BUILDING 7.54 ln orderto enhance the skills of energyserviceand

OBJECTIVE in particular all countries, 7.58 The objectiveis to enable to mitigate the negative those that are disaster-prone, on human impact of natural and man-madedisasters nationaleconomies and the environment. settlements,

ACTIVITIES under 7.59 Three distinct areasof activity are fbreseen of a "culthis programme area,namely, the development


planning and post-disaster ture of safety", pre-disaster reconstruction.

A CULTURE OF SAFETY A) DEVELOP'NG 7.60 To promote a "culture of safety" in all countries. the fclllowing especially those that are disaster-prone, activitiesshouldbe carriedout: (a) Completingnationaland local studies on thenature and occurrenceof natural disasters,their impact on peopleandeconomicactivities, the effectsof inadequate areas, and the and land usein hazard-prone construction pre-disaster of adequate socialandeconomicadvantages planning; (b) Implementing nationwide and local awareness campaignsthrough all availablemedia, translatingthe above knowledge into information easily comprehensible to the generalpublic and to the populationsdirectly exposed to hazards; (c) Strengthening and/ordevelopingglobal, regional, to alert popunationaland local early warning systems lationsto impendingdisasters; (d) Identifyingindustriallybased environmental disaster areas at the national and internationallevels and implementingstrategies aimed at the rehabilitationof through,inter alia: theseareas (i) Restructuring of the economic activitiesand proin environmentally sound moting new job opportunities sectors; (ii) Promotingclose collaborationbetweengovernmental and local authorities,local communitiesand organi zationsand privatebusiness non-governmental ; (iii) Developing conandenforcingstrictenvironmental trol standards.

(c) Redirecting inappropriate new development and human settlements to areasnot prone to hazards; (d) Preparing guidelines on location, design and operation of potentially hazardous industries and activities; (e) Developingtools (legal,economicetc.) to encourincluding meansof age disaster-sensitive development, that limitationson development optionsarenot ensuring punitive to owners,or incorporate meansof alternative compensation; (0 Further developing and disseminatinginfbrmation on disaster-resistant building materials and construction technologies for buildingsand public works in general; (g) Developing training programmesfor contractors methods. and builderson disaster-resistant construction Some programmes should be directed particularly to smallenterprises, which build thegreatmajority of housing andothersmallbuildingsin thedeveloping countries, which build their own aswell asto the rural populations, houses: (h) Developing training programmes for emergency site managers,non-governmental organizations and community groups which cover all aspects of disaster mitigation, including urban searchand rescue,emergency comtnunications, early warning techniques, and pre-disaster planning ; (i) Developing procedures local andpractices to enable communities to receive information about hazardous installationsor situationsin these areas,and facilitate their participationin early warning and disasterabateprocedures ment and response and plans; plans Preparing action fbr the reconstructionof 0) settlements, the reconstruction of community especially lifelines.

PRE-DTSASTER PT.ANNING B) DEVELOPING planning shouldform an integralpart 7.61 Pre-disaster planningin all countries.The folof human settlement included: lowing shouldbe (a) Undertakingcompletemulti-hazardresearch into of human settlements and settlerisk and vulnerability includingwaterand sewerage, comment infrastructure, networks,as one type of municationand transportation (e.g., vulnerabilityto another risk reduction may increase house madeof wood will be more an earthquake-resistant vulnerableto wind storms); (b) Developing methodologies for determining risk and and vulnerabilitywithin specifichumansettlements incorporatingrisk and vulnerability reductioninto the process; planningand management humansettlement

POSI-DTSASTER c) TN|T|ATTNG RECONSTRUCT/ON AND REHA PTANN'NG BILITATION 1.62 The international community,as a major partnerin post-reconstruction andrehabi litation.shoul d ensurethat involvedderivethe greatest benefits from the the countries funds allocated the following activities: by undertaking (a) Carrying out research on the on past experiences of post-disaster reconstrucsocialand economicaspects tion and adoptingeffectivestrategies and guidelines for post-disaster reconstruction, with particular on emphasis development-focused strategies in the allocation of scarcereconstruction resources, andon the opportunities provides to introduce reconstruction that post-disaster patterns; sustainable settlement (b) Preparingand disserninating internationalguidelines for adaptation to nationaland local needs;


(c) Supporting to initiate effclrts of nationalGovernments planning,with pafiicipationof affectedcomcontingency rehabilitation. saster reconstmction eurd munities. for post-dr

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATION AI FINANC/NG hasestimated the aver7.63 The Conf'erence secretariat ( age total annualcost 1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be about$50 rnillion from the internationalcotnmunity on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewed by Governments. Actual costsand financial terms,including any that are will depend upon, inter alia, the non-concessional, specificstrategies and programmes Governments decide upon for implenrentation.

the achievement of the nationalsocio-econornic development goals of providing shelter,infrastructureand employment.However. they can be a ma.iorsourceof environmental darnage throughdepietionof'the natural resource base, degradation of fragileec-o-zones, chemical pollution and the use of building materialsharmful to humanhealth.

OBJECTIVES 7.68 The objectives are,first, to adoptpoliciesandtechnologiesand to exchange informationon them in order to enablethe construction sectorto meet human settlement development goals,while avoiding harmful sideeffects on human health and on the biosphere,and, second, to enhance theemployment-generation capacity of the construction sector.Governments shouldwork in close collaborationwith the private sectorin achievins theseobjectives.

8/ 5C/ E N IF tC AN D T EC H N O T .OG\C ME AL ANS 7.64 Scientists specializing andengineers in thisfield rn both developingand developed countriesshould collaboratewith urban and regional plannersin order to providethebasicknowledge andmeans to mitigatelosses owing to disasters as well as environmentally inappropriatedevelopment.

ACTIVITIES 7.69 All countriesshould,as appropriate and in accordancewith nationalplans,objectives and priorities: (a) Establishand strengthen the indigenousbuilding materials industry,based, as much as possible, on inputs of locallyavailable natural resources; (b) Formulateprogrammes to enhancethe utilization of localmaterials by theconstruction sectorbyexpanding technicalsuppoftand incentiveschernes for increasing thecapabilities andeconomic viability of small-scale and informal operatives which make use of thesematerials and traditionalconstruction techniques; (c) Adopt standardsand other regulatory measures which promote the increaseduse of energy-efficient designsand technologies and sustainable utilization of natural resources in an economicallvand environmentally appropriate way, (d) Formulate policiesandintroduce appropriate land-use planning regulationsspeciallyaimed at the protectionof eco-sensitive zones against physical disruption by construction and cons0uction-related activities; (e) Promotethe use of labour-intensive construction and maintenance technologies which generate employment in the constructionsectorfor the underemployed labourforce found in mostlargecities,while at the same time promotingthedeveloplnent of skills in theconstruction sector: (f) Developpoliciesandpractices to reachtheintormal sector and sel f-hel p housi ng bui l ders by adopt ing measures to increase theaffordabilityol-buildingmaterials on the part of the urbanandrural poor,through,inler uliu, credit schemes and bulk procurement of buildins

DE E VE L O P M EN A ND I C) HUM A NR E SOU R C CA P A CI TY-B U IL D IN G 7.65 Developing countries shouldconducttrainingprogrammes on disaster-rcsistant construction methods for who buildthe majorityof houscontractors andbuilders, ing in the developing countries. This should focuson the sn-rall business which build the majority of enterprises housingin the developingcountries. 1. 66 T r ain i n g p ro g ra mme ss h o u l d b e extendedto governmentofficials and plannersand contmunityand non-govemmental organizations to cover all aspects of disaster rnitigation, such as early warning techniques, pr e- dis as tep r l a n n i n ga n c lc o n s tru c ti o n, post-di saster constnrctron and rehabi litation.


FORACTION BASIS 7.67 The activities of the construction sector are vital tcr


materialsfor sale to small-scalebuilders and comrnunities. 7.70 All countriesshould: (a) Promotethe free exchangeof information on the of conandhealthaspects entirerangeof environmental and dissemination struction,including the development on the adverse environmental effects of of databases effortsof the throughthecollaborative buildingmaterials privateand public sectors; (b) Promotethe development and dissemination of and health efdatabases c-rn the adverseenvironmental and introducelegislationand fectsof building materials financial incentivesto promote recycling of energyindustryand conin the construction intensive materials producof wasteenergyin building-materials servation tion methods; (c) Promotethe use of economicinstruments, such as product charges, the use of construction to discourage materialsand productsthat createpollution during their life cycle; (d) Promote information exchangeand appropriate with particular technologytransferamongall countries. manageattentionto developingcountries,for resource ment in construction,particularly for non-renewable resources: (e) Promote researchin constructionindustriesand institurelatedactivities,and establishand strengthen tions in this sector.

should v a r i e t yo f t r a i n i n gm e t h o d sT . h e s ec o u n t r i e s so e n i n d e v e l o p i n gp r o g r a m r n e t also be assisted a n dc l e a nt ec h n o l c l g i e s c o L l r a gte h e u s eo f n o n - w a s t c transferof technol ogl ,. through appropri ate 7 . 7 3 G e n e r a l e d t r c a t i o np r o g r a m n r e ss h o u l d b e to increase in all countries, as appropriate, developed technologies. builderawareness of available sustainable 1.14 Local authoritiesare called upon to play a piouse of envineeringrole in promoting the increased ronmental l y sound andconstruct ion bui l di ngmateri al s procur ec.g.,by pursui ng technol ogi es, an i nnovati ve ment pol i cy.

HUrylAN RESOURCE H) PROMOTTNG DEVETOPMENT AND CAPACITY.BUILDING FOR HUMAN NTs DEVELOPMENT SETTTEME FOR ACTION BASIS in the 7.75 Most countries, in additionto shortcomings of housavailability of specialize in the areas d expertise infraing, settlement management, land management, structure. construction, and pre-disasenergy.transport, ter planningandreconstruction, facethreecross-sectoral human resolrrcedevelopmentand capacity-building shortfalls. First is the absence of an enablingpolicy and environmentcapableof integratingthe resources activitiesof the public sector, the privatesectorand the or socialsector: second is the weakness of community, institutions; and third specialized trainingand research is the insufficientcapacityfor technicaltraining a:rd for low-income both urbanand assistance cclmmunities. rural.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATTON Ai F/NANC/NG the averhasestimated secretariat 7.7| The Conference age total annual cost ( 1993-2000)of implementing the activities of this prograrnmeto be about $40 billion, comincluding about $4 billion from the international terms.Theseareindicamunity on grantor concessional only and havenot estimates tive andorder-of-magnitude Actual costsandfinanbeenreviewedby Governments. will cial terms,includingany thatarenon-concessional, and prodependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies grarnmes decideuponfor implementation. Governments

OBJECTIVE 'fhe I .16 objective is to irnprove hurnan resourcedevelopment and capacity-building in all countriesby enhancing the personal and institutional capacity of all actors, parlicularly indigenous people and women, involved in human settlement development. In this regard, account should be taken of traditional cultural practicesof indigenous people and their relationshipto the environment.

AND RESOURCE DEVELOPMENI B) HUMAN CAPACITY.BUILDING d i nters h o u l db e a s s i s te b,v 7. 72 Der elopin gc o u n tri e s the in upgrading nationalsupport andfundingagencies capacities of the smallentretechnicaland managerial preneur and the vocational skills of operativesand in the building materialsindustry,using a supervisors

ACTIVITIES 7 . 7 1 S p e c i f i c h u m a n r e s o u r c ed e v e l o p r n e n a t nd havebeenbuilt into eachof capacity-building activities the programmeareasof this chapter. More gencrally, however,additional stepsshouldbe takento reinforce those activities. In order to do so, all countries, as appropriate, action: shouldtakethe follor.ving


(a) Strengthening of human resources the development and of capacitiesof public sector institutionsthrough so as cooperation and international technicalassistance in improvement to achieveby the year 2000 substantial activities; the efficiencyof governmental (b) Creatingan enablingpolicy environmentsupportive of the partnershipbetween the public, private and communitysectors; (c) Providing enhanced training and technicalassistance to institutionsproviding training for technicians, and appointed, elected professionals and administrators, and professionalmembers of local govemmentsand priority training their capacityto address strengthening needs,particularly in regard to social, economic and developenvironmentalaspectsof human settlements ment; (d) Providing direct assistance for human settlement at the communitylevel, inter alia,by: development (i) for social and promoting prograrnmes Strengthening of women of thepotential mobilizationandraisingawareness activities; andyouth in humansettlements (ii) Facilitatingcoordination of the activitiesof women, organiyouth, community groupsand non-govemmental development; zationsin humansettlements (iii) Promotingresearch and on women's programmes madewith a view other groups,and evaluatingprogress and needed assistance; to identifyingbottlenecks (e) Promotingthe inclusionof integrated environmengovernment general activities. into local tal management and non-govern7.78 Both internationalorgamzations mentalorganizations shouldsupportthe aboveactivities training instituby, inter alia, stengtheningsubregional providing anddisseminatraining materials tions, updated and capacityhuman resource of successful ing the results projects. programmes s, and building activitie

ME A NS A N D TE C H N OT.OG| C AL B J sC /E N i l FtC 7.80 Both formal trainingand non-formaltypesof human prograrnmes and capacity-building resource development should be combined,and use should be made of usereurd up-to-date trainingmaterials oriented trainingmethods, systems. modernaudio-visual communication
'No or expenditure on internol oggregote figures ore ovoiloble However, officioldevelopment ossistonce on humonsettlements. Report,1991, for 16 doto ovoiioblein the World Development of centrol showthotthepercentoge low-income developing countries omenities ond sociolsecurity government expenditure on housing, .|5.1 witho highof for l9B9 overoged 5.6 percent, ond welfore percentin thecoseof SriLonko, whichhosemborked on o vigorous during thesome housing progromme. InOECD indushiolized countries, on housing, government expenditure yeor,the percentoge of centrol ronged fromo minimum of omenities ond sociol security ond welfore withon overoge of 29.3 per centto o moximum of 49.4 per cent, Report, 1991, World 39 per cent {World Bonk, World Development D.C.,l99l)1. tobleI 1 iWoshington, Development Indicotors, 2See for Development ond the report of the Director-Generol preliminory stocontoining Internotionol Economic Cooperotion Notions system tisticol of theUnited dotoon operotionol octivities for I 988 lA/ 44/324-E/ 1989/ 106/ Add.4,onnex). 3world D.C., I 99.l). I 99 I (Woshington, Bonk, Annu al Report, aUNOp, "Reported reloted to UNDPasinvestment commitments proiects, of investment sisted 1988", tobleI , "sectorol distribution c o m m i t m e in nt I 9 8 8 - l9 8 9 " . 5 'A (CDP), pilotprogromme of thlstype,theCiiy DotoProgromme Centre is olreodyin operoiion in the UnitedNotions on Humon (Hobitot), ond disseminotion Settlements oimedot theproduction opplicotion softwore to porticipoting citiesof microcomputer notionol process citydotofor locol, designed to store, ond retrieve oxl c h o n g o o n d i n t e r n o t i o ne en dd i s s e m i n o t i o n . 6This policies, which monogement forintegroted lond+esource colls in chopterl0 of Agendo 2 1 (lntegroted ore olso oddressed of londresources). to plonning opprooch ond monogement ZTh" gool, of the Internotionol Decodefor Noturol Disoster Assembiy resolution Reduction, setout in ihe onnexto Generol 44/236, ore os follows: (o)Toimprove to mitigote theeffects of thecopocity of eochcountry poyingspeciol noturol ottendisosters expeditiously ond effectively, in the ossessment of disoster tion to ossisting developing countries worning systems potentiol of eorly domoge ond in theestoblishment whenond whereneeded; ond disosier-resisiont structures (b)To devise for opplying guidelines oppropriote ond strotegies tokinginto occount scientific ond technicol knowledge, existing theculturol ond economic diversity omongnotions; (c) Tofoster endeovours oimed ot closing scientific ond engineering loss of lifeondproperty; in knowledge in orderto reduce criticolgops (d)Todisseminote informotion reloted ond new technicol existing prediction ondmitigotion of noturol to meosures forthe ossessment, disosters; (e)Todevelop prediction, prevention forthecssessment, meosures progrommes through of techniond mitigotion of noturol disosiers proiects, tronsfer, demonstrotion col ossistonce ond technology ond toiloredto specific disosters ond troining, ond educotion progrommes. of those locotions, theeffectiveness ond io evoluote

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATTON A/ F/NANC/NG the averhasestimated 7.79 The Conference secretariat age total annualcost (1993-2000)of implementingthe to be about$65 million from of this programme activities the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional estiterms.Theseare indicativeand order-of--magnitude by Governments. mates only andhavenot beenreviewed Actual costsand financial terms,including any that are will depend upon, inter alia, the non-concessional, decide Governments andprogranunes specificstrategies upon for implementation.


ond development environment Integroting in decision-moking


areas: thefollowing programme 8.1 This chapter contains (a) lntegrating environmentand developmentat the levels; policy, planningand management ( b) P r ov iding a n e ffe c ti v e l e g a l a n d re g ul atory framework, (c) Making eftectiveuseof economicinstruments and marketand otherincentives; (d) Establishing for integrated environmental systems accountine. and economic

ENVIRONI ENTAND A) TNTEGRATING AT THE POLICY,PTANNING AND DEVETOPfrIENT ftTANAGEMENT LEVETS BASIS FOR ACTION in many 8.2 Prevailing systemsfor decision-making economic.socialand environcountries tend to separate mental factorsat the policy, planningand management of all groupsin society, theactions levels.This influences industry and individuals,and including Governments, for the efficiencyandsustainhasimportantimplications An adjustmentor even a funability of development. in the light of damentalreshaping of decision-making, if enviconditions,may be necessary country-specific is to be put at the centreof ronment and development , n effect ec onom ic and p o l i ti c a l d e c i s i o n -m a k i n g i achieving a full integrationof thesefactors.In recent years,someGovemments have alsobegunto make sig-

of governin the institutional structures nificantchanges of consideration mentin orderto enable more systematic made on when decisions are economic, the environment trade social, fiscal, energy,agricultural,transpoftation, of policies and otherpolicies,aswell asthe implications in theseareasfor the environment. New torms of diafor achieving betterintelogue arealsobeingdeveloped industry, grationamongnationaland local government, public groups in the the science,environmental and processof developingeffectiveapproaches to environfor bringing ment and development.The responsibility partnership with in aboutchanges lies with Governments private in sectorand local authorities, and collabothe ration with national.regionaland internationalorganizations, including in particular UNEP, UNDP and the World Bank. Exchange between countries of experience goals plans, and objecbe significant. National can also rules, law, and the specific tives,national regulations and situationsin which difl-erent countriesare placedare the takesplace. overallframeworkin which suchintegration it mustbe bornein mind thatenvironmenIn this context, may posesevere economicand socialcosts tal standards if they are uniformly appliedin developing countries.

OBJECIMES 8.3 The overall objectiveis to improve or restructure the decision-makingprocessso that considerationof issuesis fully intesocio-economic and environmental grated and a broaderrange of public participationaswill develop sured.With theunderstanding thatcountries priorities with their own in accordance their prevailing plans, policies conditions, needs,national and programmes, proposed: are the following objectives (a) To conducta nationalreview of economic,sectoral policies, andenvironmental strategies andplansto ensure the progressi vei ntegrati on of envi ronmentaland developmental issues;


(b) To strengtheninstitutional structuresto allow the full integrationof environmentaland developmentalissues,at all levelsof decision-making; (c) To developor improve mechanisms to facilitate the groupsandorganindividuals, involvement of concerned at all levels; izationsin decision-making (d) To establish to domesticallydeterminedprocedures int egr at e e n v i ro n m e n t a n d d e v e l o p m e nti ssues i n decision-making.

(0 Ensuringaccess by the public to relevantinfbrmaof public viewsandallowtion, facilitatingthe reception ing for effective participation.

SYSIEMS PI.ANN'NG B) IMPROVING AND MANAGEMENI to decisionapproach 8.5 To supporta more integrated usedto and analyticalmethods making,the datasystems processes may needto be supportsuchdecision-making whereapproin collaboration, improved. Governments, priate, with national and international orgamzations, shouldreview the statusof their planningand managemodif , t "and ment systems and, w here necessary, strengthenproceduresso as to facilitate the integrated considerationof social, economic and environmental issues.Countrieswill develop their own priorities in accordancewith their national plans, policies and programmes for the following activities: (a) Improving the use of data and information at all making systematic stages of planningand management, and simultaneous useof social,economic,developniental, ecologicaland environmental data;analysisshoulcl stressinteractionsand synergisms;a broad range of analytical methods shouldbe encouraged soasto provide variouspointsof view; (b) Adopting comprehensive analyticalprocedures for prior and simultaneous of the impacts of assessment including the impactswithin and among the decisions, spheres; theseproeconomic,socialand environmental projectlevelto policies cedures shouldextendbeyondthe analysisshould also include assessand programmes; ment of costs,benefitsand risks; (c) Adopting flexible and integrativeplanning approaches that allow the consideration of rnultiplegcials and enable adjustmentof changing needs;integrative level can areaapproaches at the ecosystem or watershed assist in this approach: (d) Adoptingintegrated parlicumanagement systenrs. larly for the management of naturalresources: traditional methodsshouldbe studied or indigenous and considered wherever they have proved effective: \ /omen's traditionalrolesshouldnot be marginalized as a resultof the introductionof new management systems; (e) Adopting integrated to sustainable deapproaches velopmentat theregionallevel,includingtransbclundarv areas,subjectto the requirements of particularcircunrstances and necds; (D Using policy instruments(legal/r"egulatorl' and seekeconomic) asa tool for planning andmanagement. ing incorporation inof efficiencycriteriain decisions: struments shouldbe regularlyreviewedand adapted to ensurethat they continueto be effective;

ACTIVITIES -MAKING PROCESSES DECISiON A) IMPROYING and 8.4 The primary needis to integrateenvironrnental processes.To do this, decision-making developmental Governmentsshould conduct a national review and, of decisionwhere appropriate,improve the processes making so as to achieve the progressiveintegration of issues in the pursuit andenvironmental economic,scrcial that is economicallyefficient, socially of development equitable and responsibleand environmentally sound. will developtheir own prioritiesin accordance Countries with their national plans, policies and programmesfor the following activities: (a) Ensuring the integration of economic, social and in decision-making at all environmental considerations in ministries; levelsand all (b) Adopting a domesticallyformulated policy framework that reflectsa long-termperspective and cross-sectaking account toral approach as the basisfor decisions, of the linkagesbetween and within the variouspolitical, issuesinvolved in economic,social and environmental process; the development (c) Establishingdomestically determinedways and of sectoral,economic, meansto ensurethe coherence policies,plans and policy insocial and environmental struments,including fiscal measuresand the budget: these mechanisms should apply at various levels and bring together those interested in the development process; (d) Monitoring and evaluatingthe development process regularreviewsof the state systematically and conducting development, economic and social of human resources and trendsand the stateof the environment and conditions naturalresources: this could be complemented by annual environmentand developmentreviews, with a view to by the sustainable developmentachievements assessing varioussectors and departments of govemment; (e) Ensuringtransparency of, and accountabilityfor, theenvironmental implications of economicandsectoral policies;


responsi(g) Delegating planning and management bilities to the lowestlevel of public authorityconsistent of with el'fectiveaction; irt peuticularthe advantages by for participation opportunities andequitable cff'ective wornenshouldbe discussed; procedures for involving local com(h) Estatrlishing and planningfor environmental in contingency rnunities and maintainingan open exchange industrialaccidents, clf informationon local hazards.

decide Governments and programmes specificstrategies for implementation. upon

AND ENY'RONMENI B] RESEARCH'NG CI'ONS DEV ELOP MENI INTERA in collaborationwith thenationaland 8.9 Governments, international scientific community and in cooperation as appropriate,should with internationalorganizations, intensify efforts to clarify the interactionsbetweenand within social, economic and environmental considerwith the explicit shouldbe undertaken ations. Research objective of assistingpolicy decisionsand providing practices. on improving management reconunendations

AND /NFORMAT/ON c) DATA for monitoringand could developsystems 8.6 Countries of progresstowards achieving sustainable evalr.ration changes that measure by adoptingindicators development dimensions. socialandenvironmental across economic,

AND IRA'N/NG EDUCATION C' ENHANC'NG FOR A NAnONAL STRATEGY D) ADOFTING BLE DEVELOPMENT SUSIA/NA where appropriate, in cooperation, 8.7 Governments" shouldadopta national with international orgamzations, on,inter alia, based development for sustainable strategy takenat theConf'erence, of decisions the irnplenrcntation should of Agenda2 I . This strategy in respect particularly economic, thevarioussectoral build uponandharmonize social and environmentalpolicies and plans that are gainedthrough opcratingin thecountry. The experience suchas nationalreportsfor eristing planningexercises strategies andennationalconservation the Conf-crence, vininnrentaction plans shouldbe fully usedand incordevelopment poratedinto a country-drivensustainable strategy.Its goals shouldbe to ensuresociallyresponsible economic developmentwhile protectingthe rebaseand the environmentfor the benefit of future sourcrc throughthe widest gcnerations. It shouldbe developed on a thorough participation.It shouldbe based possible nt of the currentsituationand initiatives. assessme with whereappropriate, in cooperation, 8.10 Countries, should national, regional or internationalorganizations, exist, or are dehurnanresources ensurethat essential veloped,to undertakethe integrationof environmentand developmentat various stagesof the decision-making and implementation process. To do this, they should improve.educationand technical training, particularly for approaches. womenandgirls,by includinginterdisciplinary andother university in trchnical,vocational, asappropriate, curricula. They should also undertakesystematictraining of governmentpersonnel,plannersand managerson a regular priority to the requisiteintegrative that techniques approaches and planningand management conditions. are suitedto country-specific

AWARENESS PUBLIC D) PROMOIING with nationalinstitutions in cooperation 8.1I Countries, and groups,the media and the internationalcommunity, in the public at large, as well should promote awareness of considering of the importance asin specializedcircles, and in anintegratedmanner, environmentanddevelopment for facilitating a direct exshould establishmechanisms changeof informationand views with the public. Priority and should be given to highlighting the responsibilities socialgroups. of dift-erent potentialcontributions

OFIMPLEMENTATION MEANS AND COSTEVALUATION A/ F/NANC/NG the averhasestimated secretariat l{.E Thc Conference (199:l-2000) the implementing of age total annualcost from million to be about$50 actir iiit's of thisprogramme conrmunityon grant or concessional thc-irrternational estiternls.Theseareindicativeand order-of-magnitude matesonlv andhavenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsand financial terms,including any that are will depend upon, inter alia, the non-concessional,

NAI'ONAI. E/ SIRENGIHEN'NG ITY INSI'IUi/ONAL C APAC where appropriate. in cooperation, 8.12 Governments, nastrengthen should with intemationalorganizations,


tional institutional capability and capacity to integrate social, economic,developmental and environmental issuesat all levels of developmentdecision-making and implementation. Attention should be given to moving away from narrow sectoral approachesand progressingtowards full cross-sectoral coordination and cooperation.

OBJECTIVES 8.16 The overall objectiveis to promote,in the light of country-specific conditions,the integrationof environment and development policiesthroughappropriate legal and regulatory policies, instruments and enforcement mechanisms at the national,state,provincial and local levels.With theunderstanding thatcountries will develop their own priorities in accordance with their needsand nationaland,whereappropriate, regionalplans,policies and prograrunes,the following objectivesare proposed: (a) To disseminateinformation on effective legal and regulatory innovations in the field of environment and development, including appropriate instruments and compliance incentives, with a view to encouraging their wider use and adoptionat the national,state,provincial and local levels; (b) To supportcountriesthat requestit in their national efforts to modernize and strengthen the policy and legal framework of governancefor sustainable development, having due regardfor local social valuesand infrastructures; (c) To encourage the developmentand implementation of national, state,provincial and local programmesthat assess and promote compliance and respond appropriately to non-compliance.


BASIS FOR ACTION 8.13 Laws and regulationssuited to country-specific conditionsareamongthe most importantinstruments for policiesinto transforming environment anddevelopment action, not only through "command and control" methods, but also as a normative framework for economic planningand marketinstruments. Yet, althoughthe volincreasing, umeof legaltextsin thisfield is steadily much of the law-makingin many countriesseems to be ad hoc and piecemeal, or hasnot beenendowedwith the necessary institutional machinery and authonty for enforcement and timely adjustment. 8.14 While there is continuousneed for law improvement in all countries,many developingcountrieshave been affectedby shortcomings of laws and regulations. To effectivelyintegrate environment anddevelopment in the policiesand practices of eachcountry,it is essential to develop and implement integrated, enforceable and effectivelaws and regulations that arebased upon sound principles.It social, ecological, economic and scientific is equally critical to develop workable programmes to reviewandenforcecompliance with thelaws,regulations and standards that are adopted. Technical support may for many countries be needed to accomplish thesegoals. Technicalcooperation requirements in this field include legal information, advisory services and specialized trainingand institutional capacity-building. 8.15 The enactment and enforcement of laws and regulations (at the regional, national, state/provincialor local/municipal level) are also essentialfor the implementationof most internationalagreements in the field of environment and development. as illustratedby the frequent treaty obligation to report on legislative measures. The surveyof existingagreements undertaken preparations in the contextof conference has indicated problemsof compliancein this respect. and the needfor improvednationalimplementation and,whereappropriate, related technical assistance. In developing their nationalpriorities,countries shouldtakeaccount o1'their international obligations.

ACTIVITIES A) MAKTNG LAWSAND REGUTAT/ONS MORE EFFECTTVE 8.17 Governments, with the support,where appropriate, of competentinternational organizations, should regularly assess the laws and regulations enactedand the relatedinstitutional/administrative machineryestablished at the national/state and local/municipal levels in the field of environmentand sustainable development, with a view to renderingthem effective in practice.Programmes for this purposecould include the promotion of public awareness, preparationand di stri buti on of gui dancemateri al , and spe cialized training, including workshops, seminars,education programmes and conferences, for public officials who desi gn, i mpl ement, moni tor and enforce l aws and regul ati ons.

B) ESTABL/SH/NG AND JUD\C\AL A DM/NIsTRAT IVE PROC EDU RE S 8.18 Governments and legislators,with the support, where appropriate,of competent international organijudicial and administrative zations, shouldestablish pro-


and remedyof actionsaffecting for legal reclress cedures that may be unlawful or environmentand development infringe on rights unclerthe law. and should provide with a to individuals,groupsand organizations access iegal interest" recognized

AND REFERENCE LEGAT C) PROVIDING SERY/CES SUPPORT and non-govern8.19 Competentintergovernmentai to provide Govcooperate could mentalorganizations with an interequest, upon legislators, ernmentsand development and environment of grated programme carefully law) services, development law (sustainable recipient the of requirements specific to the adapted could systems systems. Such administrative legal and compreparation of in the assistance include usefully inventoriesand reviews of national legal prehensive the usefulhasdemonstrated systems.Pastexperience nessof combining specializedlegalinformation services with legal expert advice.Within the United Naarnongall agencies tions system,closer cooperation and would avoid duplicationof databases concerried coul d f ac ilit at e div is i o n o f l a b o u r. T h e s e a g e n c i e s ex am ine t he po s s i b i l i ty a n d me ri t o f p e rformi ng n a ti o n a l e g a l s v s te m s . r ev iewsof s ele c te d

to maximize compliancewith its laws and regulations from with assistance development, relatingto sustainable and other countriesas approintemationalorganizations could include: priate. The strategies (a) Enforceable,effective laws, regulationsand standards that are basedon soundeconomic,social and environmental principles and appropriaterisk assessment, incorporatingsanctionsdesignedto punish violations, obtain redressand deterfuture violations; (b) Mechanisms for promotingcompliance; (c) Institutional capacityfor collecting compliancedata, regularlyreviewing compliance,detectingviolations,est priori ties,undertakingeffectiveentablishingenforcemen forcement,and conductingperiodic evaluationsof the efof complianceand enforcementprogrammes; fectiveness (d) Mechanismsfor appropriateinvolvementof individof laws andenforcement ualsandgroupsin thedevelopment and regulationson environmentand development.

TO TOLLOW'UP OF LEGAL F/ NAnONAL MONTTOR/NG ENIS I. /NSIRUM ,NTERNAIIONA in agreements, 8.22 Contractingpartiesto international of relevant consultationwith the appropriatesecretariats shouldimprove asappropriate, intemationalconventions practicesand proceduresfor coliecting information on taken. Contractingparties legal andregulatorymeasures samplesurcould undertake agreements to international veys of domesticfollow-up action subjectto agreement concerned. States by the sovereign

IRA/N/NG A COOPERATIVE D) ESTABL'SH/NG LAW DEVELOPMENT FORSUSIAINAEI.E NEIWORK institutions and academic international 8.20 Competent to provide, cooperate fratneworks, could, within agreed postfrom developingcountries, especiallyfor trainees trainingfacilitiesin andin-service programmes graduate law. Suchtrainingshould anddevelopment environment andtheprogressive boththeeffectiveapplication address improvementof applicablelaws, the related skills of drafting and mediation,and the training of negotiating, orand non-governmental trainers. Intergovernmental alreadyactive in this field could cooperate ganizations to harmonizecurwith relateduniversity programmes riculum planningandto ol r an optimalrangeof options and potentialsponsors. Governrnents to interested

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATION Ai F/NANC/NG the averhasestimated secretariat 8.23 The Conference age total annualcost (1993-2000)of implementingthe activitiesof this programmeto be about $6 million from the international community on grant or concessional esterms. Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude timatesonly and have not been reviewed by Governcostsand financial terms,including any ments. ,A.ctual will dependupon, inter alia, that are non-concessional, the specific strategiesand programmes Governments decideupon for implementation.


MEANS AND IECHNOI.OGICAL B/ SCIENI/F/C on a continuation reliesessentially 8.24 The prograrnme and translation of ongoingwork for legaldatacollection,


assessment. Closercooperation between existingdatabases may be expected to leadto betterdivisionof labour (e.9., in geographical coverage of nationallegislative gazettes and other rel'erence sources)and to irnproved standardization andcompatibilityof data,asappropriate.

C) HUM A NR ES O U R C DE EV EL OP M F N I 8.25 Participation in trainingis expected to benefit practitioners from developing countries andto enhance training opportunities for women. Demandfor this type of postgraduate andin-service trainingis to be high. The senrinars. workshops andconferences on reviewand enforcement that havebeenheld to datehavebeenvery successful and well attended.The purposeof theseef(both human and instituforts is to developresources tional)to design andimplement programmes effective to continuously revierv arrd enforce national andloc:al laws, regulations and standards on sustainable development.

economic context and given the necessary legal and regulatory framework, economic and market-oriented approaches can in many cases enhance capacityto deal with the issues of environment and development. This wouldbeachievedbyprovi di ngcost-eftective solutions, appl yi ngi ntegrated pol l uti onpreventi on co nt r ol,pr ornoting technological innovationand influencingenvironmentalbehaviour, as well as providing financial resources to meetsustainable development objective s. 8.30 What is neededis an appropriate effort to explore and make more effective and widespreaduse of economic and market-oriented approaches within a broad framework of development policies,law and regulation suitedto country-specific conditionsas part of a general transition to economic and environmental policiesthat are supportiveand mutually reinforcing.

OBJECTIVES 8.31 While it is understood that counrries will develop their own prioritiesin accordance with their needsand nationalplans,policies and prograffrfiles, the c-hallenge is to achievesignificantprogress in the yearsaheadin meetingthreefundamental objectives: (a) To incorporate environmental costsin thedecisions of producers and consumers and to reverse the tendency to treattheenvironment asa "freegood" andto pass these costson to otherpafisof society, othercountries orfuture generations: (b) To move more fully towardsintegrationof social andenvironmental costsintoeconomic activities. so that priceswill appropriately reflectthe relativescarcityand total value of resourcesand contribute towards ttre prevention of environmental degradation; (c) To include,whereverappropriate, the useof market principlesin the framing of economicinstruments and pol i ci esto pursuesustai nabldevel e opm ent .

D/ S T RE N GT H F N /N G IE G A rAN D /NSI/IUIlONALCAPACITY 8.26 A mitjor part of the programmeshouldhe oriented tow'ards intprovingthe legal-institutional capacities of conntries to copewith national problems of governance and effectivelaw-makingand law-applying in the field of environment and sustainable development. Regional centres o1't-'xcellence couldbe designatcd and supported to build up specialized databases and rrainingtacilities for linguistic/cultural groupsof legalsystems.


BASIS FOR ACTION i1.27 Environmental law and regulation are important but cannot alone be expected to deal with the problenrs of environnrent and development. Prices. markets and r r r n l e n t a lf l s c a l a n d e c o n o r n i c p o l t c i c s a l s ( )p l a v a e(rVe conrplr-nrelttarv role in shaping attitudes and behaviour towards the environment. 8.28 During the past several years, many Governments, primarily in industrialized ccluntries but also in Central and Eastern Europe and in developing cctirntries, have been making increasing use of economic approaches. including those that are market-oriented. txarnples include lhe polluter-pays principle and the ntore recent natural-resource-u ser-pays concept. 8.29 Within a supportive international and national

ACTIVITIES A) tMPROylNG OR REOR/ENI/NG GOVERNMENIAT POLICIES 8.32 ln the near term, Govemments should consider gradually building on experience with economic instruments and market mechanisms by undertaking to reorient their policies, keeping in mind national plans, priorities and objectives. in order to: (a) Establish effbctive combinations of economic. regulatory and voluntary (self'-regulatory) approaches; (b) Remove or reduce those subsidiesthat tJo not cronform with sustainable development objectives;


of economic (c) Reform or recastexisting structures and developto meet environment and fiscal incentives ment objectives; the (cl) Establisha policy lramework that encourages in pollutioncontrolandenvironof new markets creation management; resource mentally sclunder with sustainable (e) Move towardspricing consistent objectives. development should explore,in co8.33 In particular,Governments how asappropriate' andindustry, with business operation and effectiveusecan be madeof economicinstruments in the following areas: marketmechanisms agriculture transportation, (a) Issues relatedto energy, and forestry,water,wastes,health,tourism and tertiary


8.36 Governmentsshoul d encourageresearchand and analysison effectiveusesof economicinstruments of regionaland andsupport with the assistance incentives international econornic and environmental organrzaresearchinstitutes, tions, as well as non-governmental as: with a focuson suchkey issues (a) The role of environmentaltaxation suited to national conditions: and in(b) The implicationsof econornicinstruments trade,and and international for competitiveness centives potential needs for appropriatefuture international serv'ices; and coordination cooperation ; issues; (b) Global and transboundarv of irnplications (c) The possible social and distributive (c) Thedevelopmentandintroductionofenvironmentally vari ous instruments" using diftusionand transfer and its adaptation, soundtechnology in conformitywith chaptet34. countries to developing FOR A PROCESS E) ESTABLISH'NG P R /C IN G ON FOC U S /N G of usingpricingpoliciesadvantages 8.37 Thetheoretical and be better understood, need to where appropriate, means what it of greatcr understanding by accompanied should Processes in thisdirection. steps to takesignificant inwith business. in cooperation be initiated, therefore ctlrporations, and transnational dustry,large enterprises at both the as well asother socialgroups,as appropriate, to examine: levels, nationaland international (a) The practical implications of moving towards greater relianceon pricing policiesthat intemalizeenviti.rhelp achievesustainable ronmentalcostsappropriate objectivcs: development of pricingin the case (b) The implications tor resource i rnpl i cations g I n the rie s. I nc u<li nf cou resource-exporting countri es. for dn' el opi ng of suchpri ci ngpol i ci es 'Ihe valuing environmental in (c) used methodologies costs.

BJ IAKINGACCOUNIOF THEPARTICULAR COUNIR/FS OF DEVELOPING CIRCUMSTANCFS WITH ECONOM/ES AND COUNIR/ES /N IRANS/I'ON eflbrt shouldbe madeto developapplicaA special 8.-14 tions of the use of economic instrumentsand market of developing geared to theparticularneeds mechanisms in transition, with economies countries countries and ecointernational and regional of with the assistance appropriand, as organizations nomic andenvironmental by: institutes, research ate,non-governmental (a) Providing technicalsupportto thosecountrieson instruments of economic relatingto the application issues mechanisms; and market the (b) Encouraging atld,possibly, regionalseminars expertise' of centres regional of developrnent

OF EFFECTIVE AN /NyENTORY c) :REATING AND /N SIR U ME N IS O F E CO N O MIC US E S M A RK EM T E CH AN /SM5 8.35 Given the recognitionthat the use of economic is relatively i n s t r u m e n t sa n d m a r k e t m e c h a n i s m s r e c e n t . e x c h a n g eo f i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t d i f f e r e n t be shoul d s i th s u c ha p p ro a c h es c ount r iesex ' pe ri e n c ew actively encouraged. tn this regard, Governments the use of existing meansof inforshould encourage to lclokat eflbctive usesof economic mation exchange ins t r um ent s .

OF U N D E R S IA N D /N G S U S IA /NA8I - E F/ FN H A N C /N G D E V E LOP ME FC N I ON OMIC S includinstrtrments, in economic interest 8.38 lncreased effort alsorequiresa concerted ing marketmechanisms, development of sustainable to improve understanding by: ecclnomics (a) Encouraging of higher learningto reinstitutions sttrdies in sustainable andstrengthen view thcir cun'icuia cconotni cs: derel oprtrent (b) Encouragingregionaland international economic


researchinstitutes organizationsand non-governmental with expertisein this area to provide training sessions and seminarsfor governmentoffrcials; (c) Encouraging includinglarge business and industry, industrial enterprise s and transnational corporation s with expertisein environmentalmatters,to organizetraining programmesfor the private sectorand other groups.

environmental andeconomic accountins in all countries is proposed.

OBJECTIVES 8.42 The main objectiveis to expandexistingsystems of nationaleconomicaccounts in orderto integrateenvironment andsocialdimensions in theaccounting framework, includingat leastsatellite systems for natural of accounts resources in all memberStates. The resultingsysterns of integrated environmental and economic accounting (IEEA) to be establishedin all member States at the earliest date should be seenas a complementto, rather than a substitute for, traditionalnationalaccountingpracticesfor the foreseeable future.IEEAs would be designed to play an integral part in the national development process. decision-making National accounting agencies shouldwork in closecollaborationwith nationalenvironmental statisticsas well as the geographicand natural resourcedeparlrnents. The definition of economically active could be expandedto include people performing productivebut unpaidtasksin all countries. This would enabletheir contribution to be adequatelymeasured and takeninto accountin decision-making.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTAIION 8.39 This programme involvesadjustments or reorientation of policieson the part of Governments.It also involves internationaland regional economic and environmental organizations and agencies with expertise in this area,including transnational corporations.

A/ F/NANC'NG AND COSTEVALUATION 8.40 The Conference secretariathas estimated the average total annualcost (1993-20CI0) of implementing the activitiesof this programme to be about$5 million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms. Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewedby Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon, int e r a l i a , th e s p e c i fi c s tra te g iesand programmesGovernments decide upon for implementat ion.

ACTIVITIES A/ STRENGTHEN'NG /NTERNAI/ONAI. COO?ERALON 8.43 The Statistical Office of the United Nations Secretariat should: (a) Make available to all member States the methodologiescontainedin the SNAHandbookon Integrated Environmentaland Economic Accountingl (b) In collaboration with other relevantUnited Nations organizations, further develop,test, refine and then standardizethe provisionalconceptsand methodssuchas those proposedby the SNAHandbook,keeping member States informed of the statusof the work throughoutthis process; (c) Coordinate, in close cooperation with other internationalorganizations, the trainingof nationalaccountants, environmental statisticians and nationaltechnical staffin smallgroupsfor theestablishment, adaptation and development of nationalIEEAs. 8.44 The Departmentof Economic and Social Development of the U ni ted N ati ons S ecretari at . in close collaborationwith other relevantUnited Nations organizations,should: (a) Support, in all member States,the utilization of sustainable development indicators in national economic and socialplanningand decision-making practices, with a view to ensuringthat IEEAs are usefully integratedin economicdeveloprnent planningat the nationallevel;

D) ESTABLTSHTNG FOR TNTEGRATED SySTEryrS ENVIRON,I,IENTAI AND ECONO,YTrc ACCOUNTING FOR BASIS ACTION 8.41 A first step towards the integrationof sustainability into economicmanagement is theestablishment of bettermeasurement of the crucial role of the environmentas a sourceof naturalcapitaland as a sink for by-productsgenerated during the production of manmade capital and other human activities. As sustainable development encompasses social,economicand environmentaldimensions,it is also important that national accountingprocedures are not restrictedto measuringthe productionof goods and servicesthat are conventionallyremunerated. A common frameworkneedsto be developed wherebythe contributions made by all sectorsand activitiesof society, t hat ar e no t i n c l u d e d i n th e c o n v e n ti o nalnati onal accounts,are included,to the extent consistent with soundtheory and practicability, in satelliteaccounts. Aprogrammeto developnational systems of integrated


(b) Promote improved environmentaland economic and socialdatacollection.

SVSIEMS NAflONAI"ACCOUNTING B/ STRENGTHFN'NG 8.45 At thc national level, the programme could be dealing with national adoptedmainly by the agencies staenvironmental with cooperation in close accounts, with a view to departments, tisticsand naturalresource makers anddecision analysts economic national assisting inNational planning. economic national of in charge as the role not only play crucial a should stitutions estabbut alsoin its adaptation, of the system depositary work productive Unpaid use. continuous and lishment work andchild careshouldbe included, suchasdomestic where appropriate,in satellite national accountsand couldbea first step Time-use surveys statistics. economic of developingthesesatelliteaccounts. in the process

agenciesshould considerfinancing the developmentof intersectoral data banks to help ensure that national is based on precise, development planningfor sustainable to national is suited information and reliableandeffective conditions.

COOPERAilON IECHNICAL E/ STRENGTHEN'NG Office of the United NationsSecreta8.50 The Statistical riat, in close collaboration with relevant United Nations for existing mechanisms should strengthen organizations, technical cooperationamong countries.This should also include exchangeof experiencein ttre establishmentof IEEAs, particularly in connection with the valuation of in data andstandardization naturalresources non-marketed collection. The cooperationof businessand industry, inand transnationalcorcluding large industrial enterprises porationswith experiencein valuation of such resources, shouldalsobe sousht.

PROCESS AN ASSESSMENI C) ESTABL/SH/NG MEANS OF IMPLEMENIATION 8.46 At the internationallevel, the StatisticalCommission should assembleand review experienceand advisememberStateson technicaland methodological andimplemenrelatedto the furtherdevelopment issues tation of IEEAs in memberStates. shouldseekto identify and consider 8.47 Governments to correctprice distortionsarisingfrom envimeasures affectingland,water,energyand ronmentalprogrammes other naturalresources. corporations: shouldencourage 8.48 Governments (a) To provide relevant environmental information creditors, reporting to shareholders, through transparent andthe consumers authorities, govemmental employees, public : (b) To developand implenrentmethodsand rules for development. for sustaining accounting AND COSTEVALUATION A/ FTNANC/NG hasestimatedthe aver8.51 The Conferencesecretariat of implementingthe age total annualcost (1993-2000) activitiesof this programmeto be about$2 million from the international community on grant or concessional esterms. Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude timates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costsand financialterms,including any will dependupon, inter alia, that are non-concessional, the specific strategiesand prograrnmesGovernments decideupon for implementation.

/NSI'IUI'ONS 8/ SIRENGIHEN'NG of IEEAs: 8.52 To ensurethe application (a) Nationalinstitutions could countries in developing be strengthenedto ensure the effective integration of environment and developmentat the planning and levels decision-making ; (b) The Statistical Office shouldprovidethe necessary in closecollaboratechnicalsupportto memberStates, by process to be established tion with the assessment the S tati sti cal C ommi ssi on; the S tati sti cal Of f ice should provide appropriatesupport for establishing with relevantUnited Nations' IEEAs, in collaboration agenci es.

AND DATA D/ SIRENGIHENING COII.ECIION /NFORMAIION could considerimplement8.49 NationalCiovernments in datacollectionto set enhancemenl ing the necessary in place national IEEAs with a view to contributing Major pragmaticallyto sound economicmanagement. the capacityto collect effortsshouldbe madeto augment data and informationand to environmental and analyse' it with economicdata.includinggender-disagintegrate gregateddata.Efforts should also be made to develop Intemationaldonor accounts. physical environmental


c/ ENHANCTNG THEUSEOF IN FORMAIION TECHN OLOGY 8.53 Guidelines andmechanisms couldbedeveloped and agreedupon for the adaptationand diffusion of information technologies to developingcountries.State-of-theart datamanagenenttechnologies shouldbe adoptedfor the most efficient and widespreaduse of IEEAs.

capacityto collect, store,organize, assess and usedatain decision-making. Training in all areas related to the establishment of IEEAs,andat all levels,will berequired, especiallyin developingcountries. This shouldinclude technical training of those involved in economic and environmental analysis, datacollectionand nationalaccounting,as well as training decisionmakersto usesuch information in a pragmaticand appropriateway.

D/ STRFNGTHEN'NG NAr/ONAL CApACtTy 8.54 Governments, with the supportof the international community, should strengthen national institutional



Conservotion ond Monogement of Resources for Development

Protection of theotmosphere




is a broad and multiof the atmosphere 9.1 Protection dimensional endeavour involving various sectors of described economic activity. The options and measures for consideration in thepresent chapterarerecommended and implementationby Governments and,asappropriate, other bodiesin their efforts to protectthe atmosphere. discussed that many of the issues 9.2 It is recognized in suchinternational in this chapterare also addressed as the 1985 Vienna Convention for the agreements Protectionof the Ozone Layer, the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer as amended, the 1992United NationsFrameworkConvention on Climate Change and other international, including regional,instruments.In the caseof activthat it is understood ities coveredby suchagreements, containedin this chapterdo not the recommendations which exceed to takemeasures obligeany Government the provisionsof these legal instruments. However, are within the framework of this chapter,Governments free to caffy out additional measureswhich are consistentwith thoselegal instruments. 9.3 It is also recognizedthat activities that may be in pursuit of the objectivesof this chapter undertaken with socialand economicdevelshouldbe coordinated mannerwith a view to avoiding opmentin an integrated the impactson the latter,taking into full account adverse for the legitimatepriority needsof developingcountries of sustained economic growth and the achievement of poverty. eradication is also madeto 9.4 In this contextparticularreference programme areaAof chapter 2 of Agenda2l (Promoting development throughtrade). sustainable 9.5 The presentchapterincludes the following fbur programmeareas:

(i) (ii)

Energy development, efficiency and consumption; Transportation;

(iii) Industrial development; (iv) Tenestrial and marine resource development and land use;



A) ADDRESSTNG THEUNCERTATNTIES: IfrIPROVING THE SCIENTIFIC BASIS FOR DECISION.'VIAKING BASIS FOR ACTION 9.6 Concern about climate change and climate varinew ability,air pollutionandozonedepletion hascreated demands for scientific,economicand socialinformation in these fields. to reduce the remaining uncertainties Better understanding and prediction of the various properties and of the affectedecosysof the atmosphere with andtheirinteractions tems,aswell ashealthimpacts factors.are needed. socio-economic

OBJECTIVES 9.7 The basic objective of this programmearea is to


improve the understanding of processes that influence and are influenced by the Earth's atmosphereon a global, regionaland local scale,including,inter alia, physical, chemical, geological, biological, oceanic, hydrological, economicand socialprocesses; to build capacityand enhance international cooperation; andto improve understanding of the economic and social consequences of atmospheric changes and of mitigation and response measures addressing suchchanges.


BASIS FOR ACTION 9.9 Energy is essential to economicand social developmentandimprovedqualityof life. Much of theworld's energy, however,is currentlyproduced andconsumed in ways that could not be sustained if technologywere to remainconstant andif overallquantities wereto increase substantially. The needto controlatmospheric emissions of greenhouse and other gasesand substances will increasingly need to be based on efficiency in energy production, transmiss i on, di stributionand consumption, and on growing relianceon environmentally soundenergy systems, particularlynew and renewable sources of energy.' All energysources will needto be usedin ways that respect the atmosphere, humanhealthand the environmentas a whole. 9.10 The existingconstraints to increasing the environmentallysoundenergysupplies required for pursuingthe path towards sustainable development, particularly in developingcountries, needto be removed.

ACTIVITIES 9.8 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the cooperation of the relevantUnited Nationsbodiesand, asappropri ate,i ntergo vernmentalandnon-governme ntal organizations, and the privatesector, should: (a) Promote researchrelated to the natural processes affectingand being affectedby the atmosphere, as well asthecritical linkages between sustainable development and atmospheric changes, including impactson human health,ecosystems, economicsectors and society; (b) Ensurea more balanced geographical coverage of the Global Climate ObservingSystemand its components, including the Global AtmosphereWatch, by facilitating andoperation , inter alia. theestablishment of additionalsystematic observation stations, and by contributingto thedevelopment, utilizationandaccessibility of thesedatabases; (c) Promotecooperation in: (i) The development of early detectionsystems concerningchanges and fluctuationsin the atmosphere; (ii) The establishment and improvement of capabilities to predictsuchchanges andfluctuations and to assess the resultingenvironmental and socio-economic impacts; (d) Cooperate in research to developmethodologies and identify threshold levels of atmosphericpollutants,as well as atmospheric levelsof greenhouse gas concentrations, that would cause dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate systemand the environment as a whole, and the associated ratesof changethat would not allow ecosystems to adaptnaturally; (e) Promote,and cooperate in the building of scientific capacities for, the exchange of scientificdataand information, and the facilitation of the participation and trainingof experts and technicalstaff,particularly of developingcountries, in the fields of research, data assembly, collection and assessment, and systematic observation relatedto the atmosphere.

OBJECTIVES 9.11 The basicand ultimateobjectiveof thisprogramme areais to reduceadverseeffectson the atmosphere from the energy sectorby promoting policies or prograffrmes, as appropriate, to increase the contributionof environmentally soundand cost-effective energysystems, particularly new andrenewable ones,throughlesspolluting and more efficientenergyproduction, transmission, distribution and use.This objectiveshouldreflecf the need for equity,adequate energysuppliesand increasing energy consumptionin developingcountries,and should takeinto consideration the situations o{'countries thatare highly dependent on incomegenerated from the production, processing andexport,and./or consumption of fcrssil fuelsandassociated energy-intensive products and/orthe useof fbssilfuels fbr which countries haveserious difficultiesin switchingto alternatives, and the situations clf countries highly vulnerable to adverse effectsof climate change.

ACTIVITIES 9.12 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the cooperation of the relevantUnited Nationsbodies_and, as appropriate, intergovernmental andnon-governmental organizations, and the private sector,should: (a) Cooperate in identifying and developingeconom-


to soundenergysources icalty viablc, environmentally to energysupplies promotethe availabilityof increased efforts,in particularin development supportsustainable r eloping c ou n tri e s : r le (b) Promotethe development at the nationallevel of energy, methodologies for making integrated appropriate for sustainand economicpolicy decisions environment iminter alia, throughenvironmental abledevelopment, pactassessments, (c) Promote the research, transferand development, and practechnologies useof improvedenergy-efficient in all relevant technologies tices,includingendogenous and giving specialattentionto the rehabilitation sectors, with particularattenof power systems, modernization countries; tion to developing transferand use (d) Promotethe research, development, sound and practicesfor environmentally of technologies energysysincludingnew and renewable energysystems, countries; attention to developing tems.with particular scientific, (e) Promcrte of institutional, thedevelopment particularlyin decapacities, planningand management velopingcountries. to develop,produceand useincreasingiy efficientand lesspolluting forms of energy; (f) Review currentenergysupply mixes to determine soundenergy how the contributionof environmentally systernsas a whole. particularly new and renewable in an economically could be increased energvsystems, efficient manner,taking into accountrespectivecountries' unique social, physical,economicand political where characteristics, andexaminingand implementing, to overcomeany barriersto their measures appropriate, and use; development (g) Coordinate energyplansregionallyand subregionand study the feasibility of effially, where applicable, soundenergyfrom cient distributionof environmentally energysources; new and renewable (h) ln accordance develwith nationalsocio-economic and, as appriorities,evaluate opmentand environment pr opr iat e, pr o mo te c o s t-e ffe c ti v ep o l i c i e s or prosocialandeconomic includingadministrative, srarnmes, nrcilsLlres, in order to improveenergyefficiency; (i) Build capacityfor energyplanningand progralnme nranagement in energy efficiency, as well as for the introduction,and promotion of new and devekrprnent. of energy; rcnewahle sources (-i) Promote appropriate energyefficiencyandemission at the national level,2 or recommendations stanciiirds that and use of technologies at the development airnecl impacts on the environmentl mininrize adverse (k) Encourage proeducationand awareness-raising and regional granrrnes at the local. national,subregional efficiency andenvironmentally concerning energy levels s v s te m s : ener gY s c lund

(l) Establish in cooperation asappropriate, or enhance, with the private sector,labelling programmesfor products to provide decision makers and consumerswith information on opportunitiesfor energyefficiency.

2) TRANSPORTATION BASIS FOR ACTION and positive 9.13 The transportsectorhas an essential and role to play in economicand social development, Howincrease. will needs undoubtedly transportation sectoris alsoa sourceof atmosever,sincethe transport pheric emissions, there is need for a review of existing transport systems and for more effective design and systems. management of traffic and transport

OBJECTIVES 9.14 The basic objective of this programmearea is to develop and promote cost-effectivepolicies or programmes, to limit, reduceor control, as as appropriate, and appropriate,harmful emissionsinto the atmosphere other adverseenvironmentaleffectsof the transportsecprioritiesaswell as development tor, taking into account and safety the specificlocal and nationalcircumstances aspects.

ACTIVITIES level,with the co9.15 Govemments at the appropriate operationof the relevantUnited Nationsbodiesand, as appropriate,intergovernmentaland non-governmental should: organizations, and the privatesector, cost-effec(a) Develop and promote,as appropriate, tive, more efficient, less polluting and safer transport systems,particularly integratedrural and urban mass soundroad networks, transit,as well asenvironmentally social, taking into account the needs for sustainable economic and developmentpriorities, particularly in developingcountries; (b) Facilitateat the international, regional,subregional of safe, efficient, to andtransfer andnationallevelsaccess includingresource-efticient, and lesspolluting transport particularlyto the developingcountries, technologies, including the implementationof appropriatetraining programmes; (c) Strengthen, their effortsat collectas appropriate, ing, analysingand exchangingrelevantinformationon the relation betweenenvironmentand transport,with observation'of particularemphasison the systematic database; of a transport emissions and the development (d) In accordance develwith nationalsocio-econornic


and, as appriorities,evaluate opmentand environment p o l i ci es or propr opr iat e, p ro m o te c o s t-e ffe c ti v e economic and social grammes, includingadministrative, use of transportation in order to encourage measures, on theatmosphere; impacts modesthatminimizeadverse to mechanisms as appropriate, (e) Developor enhance, and urban and planning strategies integratetransporl with a view to planning strategies, regional settlement of transport; impacts reducingthe environmental (0 Study,within the frameworkof the United Nations thefeasibilityof convening andits regionalcommissiotts, and the environment. on transport regionalconferences

DEVELOPMENT 3) TNDUSTRTAL FOR ACTION BASIS of goodsand for theproduction 9.16 Industryis essential servicesand is a major sourceof employmentand infor as suchis essential come,andindustrialdevelopment economicgrowth. At the sametime, industryis a major industrial and materialsuser and consequently resource andthe into the atmosphere activitiesresultin emissions environmentas a whole. Protectionof the atmosphere and resource inter ctlia,by increasing can be enhanced. materialsefficiency in industry,installingor improving p o l l u t i o n a b a t e m e n tt e c h n o l o g i e sa n d r e p l a c i n g (CFCs) and other ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons as well as by with appropriatesubstitutes, substances and by-products. reducingwastes

its (b) Encourageindustry to increaseand strengthen andprocesses products to developtechnologies, capacity that are safe,are lesspolluting and make more efficient includingenergy; and materials, useof all resources and transferof such (c) Cooperate in the development of capacand in the development industrialtechncllogies particularly ities to manageand use suchtechnologies, countries; with respectto developing impact (d) f)evelop,improveandapply environmental industrial development; to fostersustainable assessments (e) Promoteefficient use of materialsand resources, taking into accountthe life cyclesof products,in order benefitsof to realize the economicand environmental more efficiently and producing fewer using resources wastes; (0 Supportthe promotion of less polluting and more taking in industries, and processes efficienttechnologies potentialsfor enaccessible into accountarea-specific of energy, sources ergy.particularlysafeand renewable with a view to limiting industrialpollution and adverse impactson the atmosphere.

DEVELOPMENT RESOURCE ANDMARINE 4) TERRESTRIAL IAND USE AND ACTION FOR BASIS policieswill both affectand and resoutce 9.19 Land-use in atmosphere.Certainpracthe by changes be affected and land and marineresources ticesrelatedto terrestrial qas increase sinks and greenhouse decrease use can diversity biological The loss of emissions. atmospheric to climatic may reduce the resilienceof ecosystems vari ati ons and ai r pol l uti on damage.A tmospher ic biodiveron forests, canhaveimportantimpacts changes as well as sity, and treshwaterand marine ecosystems, Policy objecs, suchasagriculture. on economicactivitie will need and diverge may often sectors in diffbrent tives manner. intesrated in an handled to be

OBJECTIVES 9.17 The basic objective of this programmearea is to in waysthatminimize industrialdevelopment encourage inter alia, rncteasinrpactson the atmosphereby, adverse ing efficiency in the production and consumptionby and materials,by improving industry of all resources and by developing technologies pollution-abatement soundtechnologies. new,environmentally

OBJECTIVES ACTIVITIES at the appropriatelevel, with the 9.18 Governments United Nationsbodiesand. of the relevant cooperation andnon-governmental ate.intergovernmental asappropri should: and the privatesector. organizations. devel(a) In accordance with national socio-economic appriorities, evaluate opmentand enl'ironment pr opr iat e, p ro m o te c o s t-e ffe c ti v ep o l i ci cs or prosocialandeconomic grammes, includingadministrative, in order to minirnizeindustrialpollution and measures, impactson the atntosphere; adverse areaare: of this programme 9.20 The objectives utiliza(a) To promoteterrestrial and marineresource to: contribute practices that liind-use tion andappropriate (i) The reductionof atmospheric pollution and/orthe limitation of anthrcpogenicemissionsof greenhouse gases: (ii) The conservation, andenmanagement surstainable greenfor sinks all of appropriate, u,hcre hancement. gases: house (iii) The conservation use of natural and sustainable resources: and environntental


(b) To ensurethat actual and potential atmospheric and ecologicalimand their socio-economic changes pacts are fully taken into account in planning and implementing policies and programmes concerning terrestrial and marine resourcesutilization and landuse practices.

ACTIVITIES 9.21 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the of the relevantUnited Nationsbodiesand, cooperation andnon-governmental intergovefflmental asappropriate, should: and the privatesector, organizations, ( a) I n ac c o rd a n c ew i th n a ti o n a l s o c i o -e conomi c and environmentpriorities,evaluateand, development as appr opr ia te ,p ro mo te c o s t-e ffe c ti v ep o li ci es or pr ogr am m es ,i n c l u d i n g a d mi n i s tra ti v e ,s oci al and environmenin order to encourage economicmeasures, practices: tally soundland-use that will dis(b) Implementpoliciesand programmes and polluting land-usepractices courageinappropriate and promote sustainableutilization of terrestrial and marineresources; (c) Considerpromoting the developmentand use of terrestrial and marine resourcesand land-usepractices and changes that will be more resilientto atmospheric fluctuations; and cooperation management (d) Promotesustainable of as appropriate, and enhancement, in the conservation sinks and reservoirs of greenhousegases,including as well as other terrestrial, forestsand oceans, biomass, coastaland marineecosystems. OZONE DEPEnON cl PRTENT|NG STRATOSPHERIC FOR ACTION BASIS 9.22 Analysisof recentscientific datahasconfirmed the growing concernabout the continuingdepletionof the chlorineand ozonelayerby reactive Earth'sstratospheric CFCs.halonsand relatedsubbrominefrom man-made stances. While the 1985 Vienna Convention for the Protectionof the Ozone Layer and the 1987 Montreal that Depletethe OzoneLayer (as Protocolon Substances amendedin London in 1990) were important stepsin internationalaction, the total chlorine loading of the hascontinsubstances with ozone-depleting atmosphere with throughcompliance uedto rise.This canbe changed identifiedwithin the Protocol. the control measures

(a) To realize the objectivesdefined in the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol and its 1990 in thoseinstruincludingthe consideration amendments, of the developneeds andconditions mentsof the special and the availabilityto them of alternatives ing countries that depletethe ozonelayer.Technologies to substances and naturalproductsthat reducedemandfor thesesubshouldbe encouraged; stances (b) To develop strategies aimed at mitigating the adthe Earth's verseeffectsof ultravioletradiationreaching of depletionand modification surfaceas a consequence ozone layer. of the stratospheric

ACTIVITIES 9.24 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the of the relevantUnited Nationsbodiesand, cooperation andnon-governmental i ntergovernmental asappropriate, and the private sector,should: orgamzations, (a) Ratify, accept or approve the Montreal Protocol topay their contributions and its 1990 amendments; wards the Vienna/Montrealtrust funds and the interim multilateralozone fund promptly; and contribute,as a p p r o p r i a t e ,t o w a r d s o n g o i n g e f f o r t s u n d e r t h e Montreal Protocoland its implementingmechanisms, for CFCs and including making availablesubstitutes and facilitating the substances other ozone-depleting to developtechnologies transferof the corresponding ing countriesin order to enablethem to comply with the obligationsof the Protocol; (b) Support further expansionof the Global Ozone by facilitating- throughbilateraland System Observing and operation multilateralfunding - the establishment especially stations, observation of additionalsystematic hemisphere; in the tropicalbelt in the southern of assessment (c) Participate activelyin thecontinttous scientificinformationand the healthand environmental implieffects,as well as of the technological/economic ozone depletion;and consider cations of stratospheric further actionsthat prove warrantedand feasibleon the basisof theseassessments, (d) Basedon the results on the effectsof the of research additionalultravioletradiationreachingthe Earth'ssurin remedialmeasures face. considertaking appropriate and marineenvithe fields of humanhealth.agriculture ronment; sub(e) R epl aceC FC s and other ozone-depl eting s t a n c e s ,c o n s i s t e n tw i t h t h e M o n t r e a l P r o t o c o l , t h a t a r e p l a c e m e n t ' s u i t a b i l i t ys h o u l d recognizing on it s hol i sti cal l yand not si mpl y base d be eval uated or en vir oncontri buti onto sol vi ng one atmospheri c mental probl em.

OBJECTIVES areaare: of this progralrune 9.23 The objectives


D) TRANSBOUNDARY ATMOSPHERTC POUUnON BASIS FOR ACTION 9.25 Transboundary air pollutionhasadverse healthimpactson humansand other detrimental environmental impacts, suchas treeandforestlossand the acidification of waterbodies. The geographical distribution of atmosphericpollutionmonitoring networks is uneven, with the developingcountriesseverelyunderrepresented. The lackof reliable emissions dataoutside Europe andNorth Americais a majorconstraint to measuring transboundary air pollution.Thereis also insufficient information on the environmental and healtheffectsof air pollution in otherregions. 9.26 The 1979Conventionon Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution,and its protocols, haveestablished a regionalregimein Europeand North America,based on a review process and cooperativeprogrammesfor systematic observation of air pollution,assessment and inforrnationexchange. Theseprogrammes need to be continuedanclenhanced, and their experience needsto be shared with other resionsof the world.

OBJECTIVES 9.27 The objectives of this programme areaare: (a) To developand apply pollution control and measurementtechnologies for stationary and mobile sources of air pollution and to developalternative environmentally soundtechnologies; (b) To observeand assess systematically the sources and extentof transboundary air pollution resultingfrom naturalprocesses and anthropogenic activities: (c) To strengthen the capabilities, particularlyof developingcountries, to measure, modelandassess thefate andimpacts of transboundary airpollution,through ,inter alia, exchange of information and training of experts; (d) To develop capabilitiesto assess and mitigate transboundary air pollutionresultingfrom industrialand nuclear accidents, natural disasters and the deliberate and/oraccidental destruction of naturalresources; (e) To encouragethe establishment of new and the i mplenientati on of existingregionalagreements for limir ing transboundary air pollution; (0 To develop strategies aiming at the reduction of emissions causingtransboundary air pollution and their effects.

organizations, the private sectorand financialinstituti ons,shoul d: (a) Establish and/orstrengthen regionalagreements for transboundary air pollution control and cooperate, particularlywith developing in the areas countries, of systematicobservation and assessment, modellingand the development andexchange of emission controltechnologiesfor mobileand stationary sources of air pollution. In this context,greater emphasis shouldbe put on addressing the extent,causes, healthand socio-economic impactsof ultraviolet radiation. acidification of the environmentandphoto-oxidantdamage to forests andother vegetation; (b) Establish or strengthen early warningsystems and responsemechanisms for transboundary air pollution resultingfrom industrialaccidents and naturaldisasters andthedeliberate and/oraccidental destruction of natural resources; (c) Facilitatetraining opportunitiesand exchangeof data, information and national and/or regional experiences: (d) Cooperateon regional, multilateral and bilateral bases to assess transboundary air pollution,andelaborate and implementprogrammes identifyingspecificactions to reduce atmosphericemissionsand to addresstheir environmental, economic,socialand othereffects.


9.29 Existing legalinstruments havecreated institutional structures which relate to the purposes of theseinstruments,and relevantwork shouldprimarily continuein those contexts. Governmentsshould continue to cooperate andenhance theircooperation at theregionaland global levels, including cooperationwithin the United Nationssystem.In this contextreference is madeto the recommendations in chapter38 of Agenda21 (Internationalinstitutional arrangements).

ACTIVITIES 9.28 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the cooperation of the relevantUnited Nationsbodiesand, asappropri ate,i ntergovernmental andnon-govemmental

9.30 Countries, in cooperation with the relevantUnited Nations bodies, internationaldonors and non-governmental organizations, should mobilize technicaland financial resourcesand facilitate technical cooperation with developingcountriesto reinforce their technical, managerial,planning and administrativecapacitiesto promotesustainable development and the protectionof the atmosphere, in all relevantsectors.


DEVELOPMENT HUMAN RESOURCE programmes con9.3i Educationand awareness-raising development and cerning the promotion of sustainable need to be introduced the protection of the atmosphere at the local, nationaland intemational and strengthened sectors. levelsin all relevant

AND COSI EVALUATION FINANC/At hasestimated the aversecretariat 9.32 The Conference the of implementing age total annualcost (1993-2000) activities under programmearea A to be about $640 million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms.These are indicative and order-ofonly andhavenotbeenreviewedby estimates magnitude including terms, Actualcosts andfinancial Governments. will dependupon, inter any that are non-concessional, alia, the specific strategiesand prograffrnes Governmentsdecideupon for implementation. 9.33 The Conference secretariathas estimated the of implementing averagetotal annualcost (1993-2000)

the acti vi ti es of the four-part programme u nder prograrnme area B to be about $20 billion from the terms. international communityon grantor concessional These are indicative and order-of-magnitudeestimates Actual reviewed by Governments. only andhavenot been costs and financial terms, including any that are nonwill dependupon, inter alia, the specific concessional, decideuponfor Governments strategies andprogrammes implementation. has estimatedthe aver9.34 The Conferencesecretariat of implementingthe age total annualcost (1993-2000) activitiesunderprogrammeareaC to be in the rangeof $160 million to $590 million on grant or concessional estiterms.Theseareindicativeand order-of-magnitude by Governments. mates only andhavenot beenreviewed Actual costsand financial terms,including any that are will depend upon, inter alia, the non-concessional, decide Governments and programmes specific strategies uponfor implementation. secretariat hasincludedcostingfor 9.35 The Conference and pilot programmesunder paratechnical assistance graphs 9.32 and9.33.

solor ore solorthermol, energysources ond renewoble geothermol, oceon,onimol photovoltoic, wind, hydro,biomoss, of the Committee to in the reports ond humonpower,os referred of New ond Renewoble ond Utilizotion on the Development (see for the Conference preporedspecificolly of Energy, Sources A/CONF.| 51/PC/ 1 I 9 ond A/ AC.218/1992/ 5l,. 2Thi, promotedby or recommendotions includesstondords integrotion orgonizotions. regionol economic




to theplonning opprooch Integroted of londresources ond monogement


l0.l Land is normallydefinedas a physicalentity in terms of its topographyand spatial nature; a broader thesoils, resources: natural view alsoincludes integrative These waterandbiotathatthe landcomprises. minerals, which provide in ecosystems areorganized components of the to the maintenance essential a varietyof services systemsand the productive integrity of lif-e-support areusedin Landresources of the environntent. capacity of all thesecharacteristics. ways that take advantage it while the naturalresources Land is a finite resource, supportscan vary over time and accordingto managehuman requireand uses. Expanding ment conditions everincreasing areplacing activities ments andeconomic creatingcompetitionand on land resources, pressures useof both landand conflictsandresultingin suboptimal are If, in the future,humanrequirements land resources. to it is now essential manner, to be met in a sustainable conflictsand move towardsmore effective resolvethese Inteand efficientuseof landand its naturalresources. planning and tnanagement gratedphysical and land-use this.By examway to achieve practical is an eminently it makesit manner, ining all usesof land in an integrated possible to minimizeconflicts,to makethemostefficient and to link socialand economicdevelopment trade-offs thus protectionand enhancement, with environmental developof sustainable helpingto achievethe objectives ment. The essenceof the integratedapproachfinds in the coordinationof the sectoralplanning expression with the various activitiesconcerned and management of land useand land resources. aspects 10.2 The presentchapterconsistsof one programme approachto the planningand manarea,the integrated which dealswith the reorganof landresources, agement of the somestrengthening izationand, wherenecessary,

includingexistingpolicies, structure, decision-making procedures and methodsthat planningand management to place approach integrated an can assistin putting in operational with the deal It does not land resources. which are nlore of planning and management, aspects prosectoral with the relevant under dealt appropriately with important an programme deals grammes.Sincethe for sustainable of decision-making aspect cross-sectoral number of other to a it is closelyrelated development, issue directly. programmes that deal with that

TO THE PLANNING APPROACH A) TNTEGRATED AND MANAGEMENTOF LAND RESOURCES FOR ACTION BASIS are usedfor a variety of purposes 10.3 Land resources with oneanother;therewhich interactandmay compete fore. it is desirableto plan and manageall usesin an manner.Integrationshouldtake placeat two integrated on the one hand,all environmental, levels,considering, social and economic factors (including, for example, on the andsocialsectors of the variouseconomic impacts and,on the other,all and naturalresources) environment (i.e.. together components and resource environmental air, water, biota, land and geological and natural refacil itatesappropriate consideration s). Integrated source choices and trade-offs, thus maximizing sustainable to aliocateland to productivity and use. Opportunities or differentusesarisein the courseof major settlement fashionas lands projects or in a sequential development becomeavailableon the market.This in turn provides to supporttraditionalpatternsof sustainopportunities


or to assignprotectedstatusfor able land management diversityor criticalecological of biological conservation services. franteworksand pro10.4 A number of techniques, apcan be combinedto facilitatean integrated cesses supportfor the planproach. They arethe indispensable process, and local at the national ning and management andfor the developor arealevels, levelsandecosystem plansof action. Many of itselements are mentof specific already in place but need to be more widely applied, This programme further developedand strengthened. primarily with providinga fratnework areais concerned the contentand decision-making; that will coordinate not includedherebut functionsaretherefore operational are dealt with in the relevantsectoralprogrammesof 21. Aeenda

OBJECTIVES 10.5 The broadobjectiveis to facilitateallocationof land to the uses that provide the greatestsustainable to a sustainable and andto promotethe transition benefits of land resources.In doing so, management integrated social and economicissuesshould be environmental, t ak en int o c on s i d e ra ti o n .P ro te c te da re a s , pri vate peopleand their property rights,the rightsof indigenous and the ecoand otherlocal communities communities nomic role of women in agricultureand rural develclpshoulcl be takeninto account. ment, amongotherissues, are as follows: In more specificterms,the objectives (a) To review and developpoliciesto supportthe best management of' possibleuseof land and the sustainable by not laterthan 19961 landresources, (b) To improveand strengthen planning. management for land and land resources, by and evaluationsystems not later than 2000; (c) To strengthen n'rechinstitutionsand soordinating 1998; by notlaterthan forlandandlandresources, anisms (d) To createmechanisms to facilitatethe active inpartivolvement and participationof all concerned, and peopleat the local level, in cularly communities by not on land use and management, decision-making later than 1996.

shouldensure supthat policiesand policy instruments port the bestpossibleland use and sustainable management of land resources.Particularattentionshould be given to the role of agricultural land. To do this, they should: (a) Develop integrated goal-setting and policy formulation at the national,regionaland local levelsthattakes into account environmental,social, demographicand economic issues; (b) Develop policies that encourage land sustainable useand management of land resources and takethe land resourcebase,demographic issuesand the interestsof into account: the localpopulation (c) Review the regulatoryframework,includinglaws, in order to regulationsand enforcementprocedures, identify improvementsneededto support sustainable land useand management and restrict of land resources the transferof productivearableland to other uses; (d) Apply economicinstruments and developinstituthe best to encourage tional mechanisms and incentives possibleland use and sustainable management of land resources; (e) Encourage policy-makthe principleof delegating ing to the lowestlevel of public authorityconsistent with effectiveactionand a locally driven approach.

> Sfrengfhening sysfems planning ond monogemenl 10.7 Governmentsat the appropnatelevel, with the support of regional and internationalorganizations, revise planningand should review and, if appropriate, management systems to facilitateanintegrated approach. To do this, they should: (a) Adopt planning and managementsystemsthat facilitate the integrationof environmental components using suchasair, water,landandothernaturalresources, landscape ecologicalplanning (LANDEP) or other approaches that focus on, for example,an ecosystem or a watershed; (b) Adopt strategic frameworksthat allow the integration of both developmental and environmentalgoals; exampl esof these framew orksi ncl ude sustainable l i vel i hood systems,rural devel opment,the Wor ld ConservationStrategy/Caringfor the Earth, primary environmental care (PEC) and others; (c) Establisha general fiamework for land-useand physical planning within which specialized and more plans(e.g.,for protected areas, detailedsectoral agriculture,forests, humansettlements, rural development) can be developed; establish intersectoral consultative bodigs projectplanningand implementation; to streamline (d) Strengthenmanagementsystemsfor land and naturalresources traditional and by includingappropriate

ACTIVITIES IVITIE S E L AT EAC D T A ) M A NA G E M EN I-R > Developing policies ond policy instruments supportive level. with the at the appropriate 10.6 Governments support of regional and internationalorganizations.


practices include of these methods; examples indigenous pastoralism,Hema reserves(traditional Islamic land agriculture; reserves) and terraced (e) Examineand,if necessary, innovativeand establish funding; to programme flexible approaches (f) Compile detailed land capability inventoriesto management landresources allocation, guidesustainable and useat the nationaland local levels. > Promotingopplicotionof oppropriote toolsfor plonning ond monogement 10.8 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the support of national and international organizations, further development should promotethe improvement, of planningandmanagement application andwidespread aptools that facilitate an integratedand sustainable To do this, they should: proachto land and resources. (a) Adopt improvedsystems for the interpretation and of dataon landuseandlandresources; analysis integrated (b) Systematically for andprocedures applytechniques the environmental,social and economicimassessing pacts,risks,costsand benefitsof specificactions; (c) Analyse and test methods to include land and values in national functions andlandresources ecosystem accounts.

Bl DATA AND 'NFORMAT/ON > StrengfA ening informotionsystems level,in collabora10. I I Governments attheappropriate and the privatesectorand tion with nationalinstitutions organizations, with thesupport of regionalandinternational fclr should strengthen the information systemsnecessauy futurechanges on landuse andevaluating makingdecisions should needsof bothmenandwomen andmanagement.The To do this,they should: be takeninto account. (a) Strengthen observation and information, systematic systemsfor environmental,economic and assessment social data related to land resourcesat the global, regional,nationaland local levelsandfor land capability patterns; and land-use and management (b) Strengthen coordinationbetweenexistingsectorai and strengthen data systems on land and land resources data; nationalcapacityto gatherand assess (c) Provide the appropriatetechnical information on land useand necessary for informeddecision-making form to all sectorsof the management in an accessible population, and women; especially to local communities (d) Support low-cost, community-managed systems information on the status for the collection of comparable including and processes of change of land resources, soils,forestcover,wildlife, climateand otherelements.

> Roising oworeness level,in collaboraat theappropriate 10.9 Governments tion with national institutionsand interestgroups and organizawith the supportof regionaland international campaignsto tions, should launch awareness-raising alert and educatepeopleconcerningthe importanceof management and the land and land resources integrated role that individualsandsocialgroupscanplay in it. This by provision of the meansto should be accompanied adopt improved practicesfor land use and sustainable management. AND REG/ONAT C) /NIERNAI/ONAI. AND COOPERAIION COORD/NATION > Estoblishing regionol mochinery 10.12Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the support of regional and internationalorganizations, and exchange of shouldstrengthen regionalcooperation informationon land resources. To do this, they should: (a) Study and design regional policies to support prograrnmes for land-use and physicalplanning; (b) Promotethe development of land-use andphysical plansin the countries of the region; (c) Designinformationsystems and promotetraining; (d) Exchange,through networks and other appropriate means,informationon experiences with the processand resultsof integrated and participatoryplanningand management at the nationaland local levels. of land resources

> Promoting public porticipotion level,in collaboraat the appropriate 10.10Governments and with the supportof tion with national organizations should establish regionaland intemationalorganizations, projectsand service s ve procedure s. programmes, innovati of those andencourage theactiveparticipation thatfacilitate affected in the decision-makingand implementation process, especially of groupsthat havehithertooften been peopleand excluded,such as women, youth, indigenous andotherlocalcommunities. theircommunities

MEANSOF IMPLEMENTATION A/ FIN,ANC/NGAND COST EVALUATTON 10.13 The Conference secretariathas estimated the aver-


of implementing the age total annualcost ( 1993-2000) to beabout$50million fiom of thisprogramme activities the international communityon grant or concessional estiterms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitude reviewed by Governments. mates only andhavenot been Actual costsand financialterms,includingany that are will depend upon, inter alia, the non-concessional, decide and Governments specificstrategies programmes upon for implementation.


promotethe development of the humanresources that are required to plan and manage land and land resources sustainably. This shouldbe done by providingincentives fbr local initiatives local management and by enhancing capacity,particularly of women, through: (a) Emphasizing and integrative interdisciplinary approaches in the curricula schools and technical, vocaof tionaland university training; (b) Trainingall relevantsectors to dealwith concerned in an integrated land resources mannerl and sustainable (c) Trainingcommunities, services, relevant extension groups organcommunity-based and non-govemmental izationson land management and approaches techniques appliedsuccessfully elsewhere.

> Enhoncing scientific understonding of the lond resources syslem D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG level,in collabora10. l4 Governments at theappropriate with and international scientificcomtion thc'national nationaland munity and with the supportof appropriate international organizations, shouldpromoteand support research,tailored to local environments, on the land system and the implicationsfor sustainable resources practices. andmanagement Priority should development be given,as appropriate, to: (a) Assessment of landpotential capability andecosysfunctions; tem (b) Ecosystemic interactions between and interactions land resources and social. economic and environmental systems; (c) Developingindicatorsof sustainability for land economic, resources, taking into accountenvironmental, social,demographic, culturaland political factors. > StrengtA eni ng technologicol copacity 10.17Governments at the appropriate level, in cooperation with other Governments and with the supportof relevant internationalorganizations, should promote focusedand concerted effortsfor education and training and the transfer of techniquesand technologiesthat planning supportthe various aspects of the sustainable and management process state/provincial at the national, and local levels. > Strength eni ng in stituti ons 10.18Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the support of appropriate international organizations, should: (a) Reviewand,whereappropriate, revisethemandates of institutionsthat deal with land and naturalresources to include explicitly the interdisciplinary integrationof environmental, socialand economicissues; (b) Strengthen coordinatingmechanisms betweeninstitutions that deal with land-use andresources management to facilitate integrationof sectoralconcemsand strategies; (c) Strengthen local decision-making capacityand improve coordination with higherlevels.

> Testing throughpilot proixts resqrch findings level,in collabora10. l 5 Governments at theappropriate scientificcomtion with the nationaland international munity and with the supportof the relevantintemational should researchand test, through pilot organizations, projects, the applicabilityof improvedapproaches to the planningand management integrated of land resources, includingtechnical, socialand institutional factors.

D E EV EL OP M EN T C) HUM A NRE S O U R C > Enhoncing education ond troining 10.16Govemments at the appropriate level,in collaboralocalauthorities. tion with theappropriate non-govemmental orsanizations and internationalinstitutions.should



ng deforestotion Comboti


OBJECTIVES of this programmeareaare as fol11.2 The objectives l ow s: (a) To strengthen to nationalinstitutions, forest-related of activitiesrelated enhance the scopeand effectiveness develand sustainable to the management, conservation opmentof forests,and to effectivelyensurethe sustainable utilization and production of forests' goods and servicesin both the developedand the developing the capacities countries; by the year 2000,to strengthen to enablethemto of nationalinstitutions and capabilities knowledge for the protectionand acquirethe necessary conservation of forests,as well as to expandtheir scope of enhancethe effectiveness and, correspondingly, programmes to themanagement and related andactivities development of forests; (b) To strengthen and improve human, technicaland professional and capabilities skills, as well as expertise to effectively formulateand implementpolicies,plans, on management, conprogrammes. research andprojects developmentof all types of servationand sustainable resources, and forest lands inforestsand forest-based from which forestbenefits clusive,as well as otherareas canbe derived.


FOR ACTION BASIS i n the pol i ci es, 1l. l T he re a re ma j o r w e a k n e s s e s to support and mechanisms adopted methods and socialand ecological, economic, multiple developthe Many forest lands. and forests cultural roles of trees, with of the effects confronted countries are developed forests. More on their pollution fire damage and air are often required and approaches effectivemeasures harmonizepolicy improve attd level to the national at formulation, planning and programming;legislative patterns: pardevelopment and instruments; measures women and general public, especially of the ticipation people;involvementof youth; rolesof the indigenous non-governmental private sector,local organizations, of techdevelopment and cooperatives; organizations skills and quality of human nical and multidisciplinary forestry extensionand public education;reresources: structures and support;administrative capability search intersectcral coordination, including mechanisms. and and incentivesysand responsibility decentralization and publicrelaof information and dissemination tems; importantto eitsure a rational tions. This is especially environmensustainable and to the holistic approach and of forests.The needfor securtally sounddevelopment ing the multiple roles of forestsand l'orestlandsthrough has adequate and appropriateinstitutional strengthening been repeatedlyemphasizedin rrrany of the reports, of FAO,ITTO, UNEP the andrecommendations decisions World Bank.IUCN andotherorsanizations.

ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI.REI ATED I 1.3 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the organand international supportof regional,subregional institutional enhance izations,should,where necessary, capabilityto promotethe multiple rolesandfunctionsof all types of forests and vegetationinclusive of other resources in supporting relatedlands and forest-based and environmentalconseryasustainable development This should be done,whereverpossible tion in all sectors.


and necessary, by strengtheningand/or modifying the and by improving and arrangements, existing structures cooperationand coordination of their respectiveroles. Someof the major activitiesin this regardare asfollows: (a) Rationalizing and strengtheningadministrative str uc t ur es and m e c h a n i s ms i,n c l u d i n g p ro v i s i on of levels of staff and allocationof responsibiladequate provision ities, decentralization of decision-making, of infrastructuralfacilities and equipment,intersectoral coordination and an effective system of comm unic at ion; (b) Promotingparticipationof the privatesector,labour local communities, indigenunions,rural cooperatives, ous people,youth,women,usergroupsand non-governactivities, and acmental organizationsin forest-related within the cessto information and training prograrnmes national context; (c) Reviewing and,if necessary, revising measures and programmesrelevant to all types of forestsand vegetation, inclusive of other related lands and forest-based resources, and relating them to other land usesand development policies and legislation; and promoting adequate legislation and other measuresas a basis against uncontrolledconversionto other types of land uses; (d) Developing and implementing plans and programmes,including definition of national and, if necessary, regional and subregionalgoals, programmesand criteria for their implementation and subsequentimprovement; (e) Establishing,developing and sustainingan effective system of forest extensionand public educationto appreciationand management ensurebetter awareness, of forestswith regardto the multiple roles and valuesof trees.forestsand forest lands; (0 Establishing and/or strengtheninginstitutions for forest educationand training, as well as forestry induscadreof trained and skilled tries, to developan adequate staff at the professional, technicaland vocational levels, with emphasis on youth and women; (g) Establishingand strengthening capabilitiesfor reof forestsandforest search relatedto the different aspects products,for example,on the sustainable management of forests,on biodiversity,on the effectsof airbornepolluby local tants, on traditional uses of forest resources populationsand indigenouspeople, and on improving market returns and other non-market values from the management of forests.

subregional and bilateral agencies, where relevant, should develop adequatedatabases and baselineinformation necessaryfor planning and programme evaluation. Some of the more specific activities include the following: (a) Collecting, compiling and regularly updating and distributing information on land classificationand land use, including data on forest cover, areas suitable for afforestation, endangeredspecies, ecological values, traditional/indigenous land- usevalues,biomassandproand ductivity, correlatingdemographic,socio-economic forest resources information at the micro- and macrolevels, and undertaking periodic analyses of forest prograrnmes; (b) Establishinglinkages with other data systemsand sourcesrelevantto supportingforest management, conservationand development,while further developingor informareinforcing existingsystems suchasgeographic tion systems, as appropriate; (c) Creatingmechanisms to this to ensurepublic access information.

AND REG'ONAI. cJ tNrERN,AilON,At AND COORD'NAI'ON COOPERAI'ON I1.5 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel and institutions should cooperatein the provision of expertiseand other supportand the promotion of international research efforts, in particularwith a view to enhancingtransferof technologyand specializedtraining and ensuringaccess to experiencesand researchresults. There is need for strengthening coordinationand improving the performlatedi nternational organizations anceof exi sting forest-re in providing technicalcooperationand supportto interested countries for the management,conservationand sustainable developmentof forests.

MEANS OF IMPTEMENTATION A' F'NANC|ALAND COSI EVALUATTON I L6 The Conferencesecretariat hasestimated the average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementingthe activities of this programme to be about $2.5 billion, including about$860 million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicestimates only andhavenot ative andorder-of-magnitude been reviewed by Governments. Actual costsand finanwill cial terms, including any that are non-concessional, depend upon, inter alia, the specific sftategies and programmes Govemments decideupon for implementation.

AND 'NFORMAI'ON B) DATA ll.4 Governments at the appropriate level, with the assistanceand cooperation of international, regional,


MEANS AND TECHNOLOGICAL 8' SC'FNilF'C andtrainingactivitiesspecll.7 The planning,research ified will form the scientific and technologicalmeansfor implementingthe programme,as well as its output. The by the systems,methodologyand know-how generated Some of the efficiency. will help improve programme include: involved should specificsteps (a) Analysingachievements, and socialisconstraints programme formulation and imsues for supporting plementation; (b) Analysing researchproblems and researchneeds, researchplanning and implementation of specific researchprojects; (c) Assessing skill develneedsfor humanresources, opmentand training; (d) Developing, testing and applying appropriate in implementing forest methodologies/approaches programmesand plans.


ACNON FOR BASIS I I .10 Forestsworldwide havebeenand arebeing threatto other andconversion enedby uncontrolleddegradation humanneeds; increasing influencedby typesoflanduses, agricultural expansion;and environmentallyharmful including, for example, lack of ademismanagement, quate forest-fire control and anti-poaching measures, commerciallogging, overgrazingand ununsustainable regulated browsing, harmful effects of airborne pollutaken by tants,economicincentivesand other measures other sectorsof the economy.The impacts of loss and of forestsare in the form of soil erosion,loss degradation of biological diversity, damage to wildlife habitats and deteriorationof the quality areas, degradation of watershed of life and reductionof the optionsfor development. situation I I .l I The present callsfor urgentandconsistent action for conserving and sustaining forest resources. The greening of suitable areas, in all its component activities,is an effective way of increasingpublic awarenessand participationin protectingand managingforest of landuse resources. It shouldincludetheconsideration and tenurepatternsand local needsand should spell out and clarify the specific objectivesof the different types of greeningactivities.



of foresteducationand I1.8 The specificcomponents training will effectively contribute to human resource development.Theseinclude: (a) Launching of graduateand post-graduate degree, programmes; and research specialization (b) Strengthening in-serviceand exof pre-service, at the technical tensionservicetraining programmes a n d v o c a t i o n a ll e v e l s , i n c l u d i n g t r a i n i n g o f t r ainer s / te a c h e rsa , n d d e v e l o p i n g c u rr i cul um and teachingmaterials/methods; (c) Specialtraining for staff of national forest-related organizations in aspectssuch as project formulation, and periodicalevaluations. evaluation

OBJECTIVES areaare as folI l.l2 The objectives of this programme lows: (a) To maintainexistingforeststhroughconservation and sustainand expandareasunder and management, forest and tree cover, in appropriate areas of both dethroughtheconseryavelopedanddeveloping countries, tion of natural forests,protection, forest rehabilitation, regeneration,afforestation,reforestationand tree plantor restoring theecological ing, with a view to maintaining balance and expanding the contribution of forests to human needsand welfare; (b) To prepareand implement,as appropriate, national forestryactionprogrammes and/orplansfor the management, conservation and sustainabledevelopment of forests. These programmesand/or plans should be i ntegrated w i th other l and uses. In thi s cent ext , country-drivennational forestry action programmes and/or plans under the Tropical Forestry Action Programmearecurrentlybeing implementedin more

D) CAPACTTY-BUlLD'NG ll.9 This prograffrmearea is specifically concerned with capacity-buildingin the forest sector and all progranrme contributeto thatend. In activitiesspecified full advantage capacities, buildingnew andstrengthened and experience. shouldbe takenof the existingsystems


than 80 countries, with the supportof the intemational community; (c) To ensuresustainable management and, whereappropriate, conservationof existing and future forest resources; (d) To maintainandincrease the ecological, biological, climatic, socio-cultural and economiccontributionsof forestresources; (e) To facilitate and supportthe effective implementation of the non-legally binding authoritative statement of principlesfor a globalconsensus on the management, conservation and sustainable development of all typesof forests,adoptedby the United Nations Conferenceon Environmentand Development, and on the basisof the implementation of theseprinciplesto considerthe need for andthefeasibilityof all kindsof appropriate intemationally agreedarrangements to promoteinternational cooperation on forestmanagement, conservation and sustainable development of all typesof fbrests, includingafforestation, reforestation and rehabi Iitation.


11.13 Governments shouldrecognize the importance of categorizing torests,within the frameworkof long-term forest conservation and management policies,into different forest types and setting up sustainable units in every region/watershed with a view to securing the conservation of forests.Governments, with theparticipation of the private sector,non-governrnental organizations, local community groups,indigenouspeople,women, local government unitsandthe public at large,shouldact to maintain and expand the existing vegetativecover whereverecologically,socially and economicallyfeasible, through technicalcooperationand other forms of support.Major activitiesto be considered include: (a) Ensuringthe sustainable management of all forest ecosystems and woodlands,through improved proper planning. management and timely implementationof silviculturaloperations, includinginventoryandrelevant research, as well as rehabilitationof degradednatural foreststo restoreproductivity and environmental congiving particularattention tributions, to humanneeds for economicand ecologicalservices, wood-based energy, agroforestry, non-timber forest productsand services, watershed and soil protection, wildlife management, and forestgeneticresources, (b) Establishing, expandingand managing,as appropriate to eachnationalcontext,protectedareasystems, which include systemsof conservation units for their

environmental, socialand spiritualfunctionsandvalues, including conservation of forestsin representative ecological systems and landscapes, primary old-growth forests, conservation andmanagement of wildlife, nominationof World HeritageSitesunderthe World Heritage Convention, asappropriate, conservation of genetic resources,involvrngin sint andex situmeasures, andundertaking supportivemeasures to ensuresustainable utilization of biologicalresources and conservation of biologicaldiversity andthetraditionalforesthabitats of indigenous people, forestdwellersand local communities; (c) Undertaking and promoting buffer and transition zone management; (d) Carryingout revegetation in appropnate mountain areas,highlands,bare lands,degraded farm lands,arid and semi-arid lands and coastal areasfor combating desertification and preventing erosionproblemsand for other protective functions and national programmesfor rehabilitationof degradedlands,including community forestry, social forestry, agroforestry and silvipasture, while also taking into account the role of forests as nationalcarbonreservoirs and sinks; (e) Developing industrial and non-industrialplanted forestsin orderto supportand promotenationalecologically soundafforestaticln and reforestation/regeneration programmesin suitable sites, including upgrading of existingplantedforests of both industrialandnon-industrial and commercialpurposeto increase their contribution to human needsand to offset pressure on primary old-growthforests.Measures shouldbetakento promote and provideintermediate yields and to improve the rate of returns on investmentsin planted forests,through interplanting and underplanting valuablecrops; (0 Developing/strengthening a nationaland/ormaster planfor plantedforests asa priority,indicatin g, inter alia, the location,scopeand species, and specifyingareasof existing plantedforestsrequiring rehabilitation, taking into account theeconomic aspect for futureplanted forest development, giving emphasis to nativespecies; (g) Increasing the protection of forests from pollutants, fire, pestsand diseases and other human-made interferencessuchasforestpoaching, mining, unmitigated shifting cultivation and the uncontrolledintroductionof exotic plant and animal species, as well as developing and accelerating research for a betterunderstanding of problemsrelating to fhe management and regeneration of all types of forests;and strengthening and/or establishingappropnate measures to assess and/orcheckinterbordermovementof plantsand relatedmaterials; (h) Stimulatingdevelopmenr of urbanforestryfor the greeningof urban, peri-urbanand rural human settle: ments for amenity,recreation and productionpurposes and for protectingtreesand groves;


for participa(i) Launchingor improving opportunities tion of all people,including youth, women, indigenous peopleand local communities,in the formulation,development and implementation of forest-relatedprograrnmesand other activities,taking due accountof the local needsand cultural values; 0) Limiting and aiming to halt destructive shifting cultivation by addressingthe underlying social and ecologicalcauses.

AND INFORMAIION B) DATA shouldinvolvecolactivities I l.l4 Management-related lection, compilation and analysisof data/information, including baselinesurveys.Someof the specificactivities includethe following: (a) Carrying out surveys and developing and implementing land-useplans for appropriategreening/plantrehabilitation ing/afforestation/reforestation/forest ; (b) Consolidatingand updating land-useand forest information for management inventory and management planningof wood andnon-woodresources, andland-use of includingdataon shiftingcultivationandotheragents forest destruction; and resources (c) Consolidating informationon genetic as including surveysand studies, relatedbiotechnology, necessary; on local/indige(d) Carrying out surveysand research nous knowledge of trees and forests and their uses to of sustainable improvethe planningandimplementation forest management; (e) Compiling andanalysingresearch dataon species/site usedin plantedforestsand assessing of species interaction the potentialimpact on forestsof climatic change,as well as effects of forests on climate, and initiating in-depth studieson the carboncycle relatingto different foresttypes to provide scientific advice and technicalsupport; (0 Establishinglinkages with other data/information and useof management that relateto sustainable sources to data and information; forestsand improving access to improve (g) Developingand intensifyingresearch knowledge and understandingof problems and natural and rehabilitamechanismsrelated to the management on faunaand its interincludingresearch tion of forests, relation with forests; and (h) Consolidating informationon forestconditions and emissions. immissions site-influencing

importance and impact. The international and regional community should provide technical cooperationand other meansfor this progratnmearea. Specific activities of an intemationalnature,in supportof national efforts, shouldincludethe following: (a) Increasing actionsto reducepollutants cooperative impacts affecting the health of trees and transboundary ecosysof representative and forestsand conservation tems; on (b) Coordinatingregional and subregionalresearch air pollution and other environcarbon sequestration, mentalissues; information/experi(c) Documentingand exchanging ence for the benefit of countries with similar problems and prospects; and improving the (d) Strengthening the coordination organizations capacity and ability of intergovernmental such as FAO, ITTO, UNEP and UNESCO to provide and conservation technicalsupportfor the management, for includingsupport of forests, development sustainable the negotiation of the InternationalTropical Timber Agreementof 1983,due in 1992193.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSI EVALUATION A) FINANCIAT the averhasestimated secretariat I 1.16The Conference age total annualcost (1993-2000)of implementingthe activities of this programmeto be about $10 billion, comincludingabout$3.7 billion from the international terms.Theseare indicmunity on grantor concessional only and have estimates ative and order-of-magnitude Actual costs and not been reviewed by Governments. financialterms,includingany thatarenon-concessional, and will dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies prograrnmes decideupon for implementaGovernments tion.

MEANS AND TECHNOT.OGtCAL 8/ SC/ENilFtC transfer/develplanning,research, I l.l7 Data analysis, form an activities opment of technologyand/or training providing the activities, integralpart of the programme of implementation. means scientific and technological should: Nationalinstitutions (a) Develop feasibility studiesand operationalplanning relatedto major forestactivities; (b) Developandapplyenvironmentally hnoltee sound listed; ogy relevantto the variousactivities and (c) Increase actionrelatedto geneticimprovement

AND REG'ONAI. C/ /NIERNAI/ONAI. AND COORD'NAI'ON ERAIION COOP is ataskof global areas of appropriate I L l5 The greening


applicationof biotechnologyfor improving productivity and tolerance to environmental stress and including,for example, tree breeding,seedtechnology,seedprocurement networks,germ-plasmbanks,in vitro techniques, and in situ and ex situ conservation.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENT I l.l8 Essential meansfor effectivelyimplementingthe activitiesincludetrainingand development of appropriate skills,working facilitiesand conditions, public motivation and awareness. Specificactivitiesinclude: (a) Providing specialized training in planning,management,environmental conservation, biotechnology etc.; (b) Establishing demonstration areas to serve asmodels and trainingfacilities; (c) Supporting local organizations, corrmunities, nongovernmental organizations and privateland owners,in particular women, youth, farmers and indigenous people/shifting cultivators, through extension and provisionof inputsand training.

products, increasedcontribution to foreign exchange earnings,and increasedreturn on investment.Forest resources, beingrenewable, can be sustainably managed in a manner that is comphtible with environmental conservation. The implications of theharvesting of forest resources for the othervaluesof theforestshouldbe taken fully into considerationin the developmentof forest policies.It is alsopossible to increase the valueof forests throughnon-damaging usessuchas eco-tourism and the managedsupply of geneticmaterials. Concerted action is needed in order to increase people'sperception of the value of forests and of the benefits they provide. The survival of forests and their continued contribution to humanwelfaredepend to a greatextenton succeeding in this endeavour.

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING ll.l9 National Governments, the private sector,local organizations/communities, indigenouspeople, labour unions and non-governmental organizations shoulddevelopcapacities, duly supporled by relevant international organrzatrons, to implement the prograrune activities. Suchcapacities shouldbe developed andstrengthened in harmony with the programmeactivities. Capacitybuilding activities include policy and legal f r am ewor k s , n a ti o n a l i n s ti tu ti o n b u i l d i n g , human resourcedevelopment, developmentof researchand technology,developmentof infrastructure, enhancement of public awareness etc.


OBJECTIVES 11.21The objectives of this prograrnme areaare as follows: (a) To improverecognition of the social,economicand ecologicalvaluesof trees,forestsand forest lands.including the consequences of the damagecausedby the lack of forests;to promotemethodologies with a view to incorporating social,economicand ecologicalvaluesof trees,forestsand forest lands into the nationaleconomic accounting systems; and to ensure their sustainable management in a way that is consistent with land use, environmental considerations and development needs; (b) To promote efficient, rational and sustainable utilization of all types of forests and vegetationinclusiveof otherrelatedlandsand forest-based resources,throughthe development of efficientforest-based processingindustries, value-adding secondaryprocessingand tradein forestproducts, basedon sustainably managedforest resources and in accordance with plans that integrateall wood and non-woodvaluesof forests; (c) To promote more efficient and sustainableuse of forestsand treesfor fuelwood and energysupplies; (d) To promote more comprehensiveuse and economic contributions of forest areas by incorporating eco-tourisminto forestmanagement and planning.

FOR BASIS ACTION 11.20 The vastpotentialof forestsand forestlandsas a major resource for development is not yet fully realized. The improved management of forestscan increasethe productionof goodsand services and, in particular, the yield of wood and non-wood forest products, thus helping to generate additionalemployment and income, additional value through processingand trade of forest

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ELAT EDACTIV ITI ES 11.22Governments, with the support of theprivatesector, scientific institutions,indigenouspeople, non-gove{nmental organizations, cooperatives and entrepreneurs, whereappropriate, shouldundertake the following activities, properly coordinatedat the national level, with


from itttetrtational cooperatioll financialand techtrical organizittions: supplystudies. (a) Canying out detailedinvestruc-nt in and ettvit'onntenta l rpact d e r n a n dh a r n r o n i z a t i o n trees attdtilrestutiliand intprove to rationalize analysis incentive appropriate andestablish zationandto develop arincludingtenurial nleasures. and regulatory schemes itrvesttnent clirnate to providea favourable rangements. and promotebetterltlanageluent; andguidesound criteria (b) Fonrrulating scientitically and sustainable conservation linesfor the tnanagenlent. of all typesof forests: developrnent sound methodsand (c) Improving envit'onntentally which are ecologically practices of fbrest harvesting. pl anni ng and rn c l u d i n g and e c o n o m i c a l lv yi a b l e , s ound storage and useof equipment, andimproved management maximizethe to reduce, and, if possible, transportation useof, wasteand improvethe valueof both wood and non-woodfbrestproducts: of natu(d) Promoting the betteruseanddevelopment ral forestsand woodlands,including planted fbrests, andenvironmenpossible, wherever throughappropriate viableactivities, including andeconomically tally sound practices of otherplantand andmanagement silvicultural animalspecies; process(e) Promoting thedownstream andsupporting valueandother products to increase retained ing of forest benefits: (0 Promoting/popularizing non-wood forest products apartfrom fuelwood and other forms of forestresources, fodder, (e.g.,medicinal plants. dyes,fibres,gums.resins, programmes and through rattan, bamboo) culturalproducts, forestactivities,includingresocialforestry/participatory and uses; on their processing search (g) Developing, expanding and/orimprovingtheeffecprocessing industandefficiencyof forest-based tiveness ries, both wood and non-woodbased.involving such andimproved technology conversion aspects asefficient residues: andprocess utilization of harvesting sustainable pr om ot in g u n d e ru ti l i z e ds p e c i e si n n a tural forests alization; andcommerci demonstration through research, for impromoting value-addingsecondaryprocessing proved employment,income and retained value; and promoting/improvingrnarketsfor, and trade in, forest pol i ci es and pr oduc t sth ro u g h re l e v a n ti n s ti tu ti o n s , facilities; (h) Promoting and supportingthe management of i n c l u di ng farmi ng, wildlif e, a s w e l l a s e c o -to u ri s m. and culthe husbandry and supporting and encouraging for improvedrural incomeand tivation of wild species, employment,ensuringeconomic and social benefits without harmful ecologicalimpacts; (i) Promoting appropriatesmall-scaleforest-based

and ltlcal lor suppo(ing rural developttrcnt enterprises entrepreneurship; lor a cotnrtrethodtlltlgies andprottroting 0l Itttproving the l'ull valueo1' prehensive assessment thatwill capture thatval uei n th et nar kelw i th a vi ew to i ncl udi ng forests, of wood and non-woodbased basedpricing structure products; of forests (k) Harmonizingsustainable development and tradepoliciesthat developnrent needs with national sounduseof forest with theecologically arecompatible for the ITTO Guidelines resources, using,fbr example, Management of TropicalForests; Sustainable national (l) Developing,adoptingand strengthening and the economic programmes for assessing accounting valueof forests. non-economic

AND /NFORMAT/ON B) DATA activities and management-related l 1.23The objectives presuppose data and informationanalysis,feasibility informarketsurveys studies, and review of technological include: mation. Someof therelevant activities (a) Undertakinganalysisof supply and demandfor efficiencyin their to ensure forestproducts and services, necessary; wherever utilization, (b) Carrying out investment analysisand feasibility for impacIassessment, studies, includingenvironmental proce ses ssingenterpri establi shingfbrest-based ; (c) Conductingresearch of currently on the properties for their promotion and commerunderutilizedspecies cialization; (d) Supportingmarket surveysof forest productsfor tradepromotionand intelligence; (e) Facilitating technological the provisionof adequate informationas a measure to promotebetterutilizationof forestresources.

AND REG/ONAI c) /NTERNAT/ONAL AND COORD/NAIION COOPERAIION of international organ11.24Cooperation andassistance communityin technology izationsand the international and promotion of fair terms of transfer,specialization and/or trade,without resortingto unilateralrestrictions bans on forest products contrary to GATT and other and the application of multilateral trade agreements, will help marketmechanisms and incentives appropriate global environmental concerns. Strengthin addressing of existing inening the coordinationand performance ternationalorganizations, in particular FAO, UNIDO, UNESCO, UNEP,ITC/UNCTAD/GATT, ITTO andILO,


f br pr ov idingt e c h n i c aa l s s i s ta n c e a ndguidance i n thi s programme areais anclther specific activity.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/AI. AND COSTEVALUATION 11. 25 T he Confe re n c e s e c re ta ri ah t a s e s ti mated the average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to be about$ l8 billion, including about $880million from theinternationalcommunityon grantor concessional terms. These areindicative andorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewed by Govemments. Actualcosts andfinancial terms,including any that arenon-concessional, will depend upon,in te r a l i a , th e s p e c i fi c s tra te gi es and p r o g r a m m e sG o v e r n m e n t sd e c i d e u p o n f o r i m plementation.

courses, i ncl udi ng fel l ow sh i psandstudy tours, to updat e s ki l l sa n d t e c h n o l o g i c ka nlo w - h o w produca n di m p r o v e tivity; (c) Strengthening capability for research, planning, economicanalysis,periodicalevaluations and evaluation,relevant to improved utilization of forest resources; (d) Promoting efficiency and capability of privateand cooperative sectors throughprovisionof facilitiesand i ncenti ves.

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING I l.2tlCapacity-building , c l u d i n gs t r e n g t h e n i no in gf existing capacity, is implicitin theprogramme activities. Improvi ngadmi ni strati on, pol i cy and pl ans,nat ional i nsti tuti ons, humanresources, research and sci e nt if ic capabilities,technologydevelopment, and penodical evaluations andevaluation areimportant components of capacity-building,

8/ sC/ENIIFIC AND IECHNOI.OGICAL MEANS 11. 26 T he pr og ra m m e p re s u p p o sm e a j or rea c ti v i ti e s searchefforts and studies, as well as improvementof t ec hnology T . hi s s h o u l d b e c o o rd i n a te d b y n ati onal G ov er nm ent s , c o l l a b o ra ti o n in w i th a n d s u p p o rted by r elev antint er na ti o n ao l rg a n i z a ti o n a s n d i n s ti tuti ons. Someof the specificcomponents include: (a) Researchon propertiesof wood and non-wood products andtheir uses, to promoteimprovedutilization; (b) Development and application of environmentally soundandless-poll uting technology for forestutilization; (c) Models and techniquesof outlook analysis and development planning; (d) Scientific investigations on the development and utilizationof non-timberforestproducts; (e) Appropriatemethodologies to assess the value of forestsin a comprehensive manner. Dl ESTABUSHTNG AND/OR STRENGTHENTNG CAPACITIES FORTHEPIANNING, ASSESSMENT AND SYSTEMATIC OBSERVATIONS OF FORESTS AND RETATED PROGRAA/IftIES, PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES, INCLUDINGCOMMERCIAT TRADE AND PROCESSES

BASIS FOR ACTION l l .29 Assessment andsystematic observations areessential components of long-termplanning,for evaluating effects, quantitatively andqualitatively, andfor rectifying inadequacies. This mechanism, however, is one of the oftenneglected aspects of forestresources, management, conservation and development. In manycases, eventhe basicinformationrelatedto the areaand type of forests, exi sti ngpotenti al andvol umeof harvest i s l acki ng. I n many developing countries, thereis a lack of structures and mechanisms to carry out thesefunctions. Thereis an urgent need to rectify this situation for a better understanding of therole andimportance of forests and to realisticallyplan for their effective conservation, management, regenerati on, and sustai nabl e de velopment.

C ) HUM A N RE S O U R C DE E VE L O P M EN I 11.27The success and effectiveness of the programme area depend on the availability of skilled personnel. Specialized trainingis an importantfactorin this regard. New emphasisshould be given to the incorporation of women. Human resourcedevelopment for prografflme implementation,in quantitativeand qualitativeterms, shouldinclude: (a) Developingrequiredspecialized skills to implement the programme,including establishing special trainingfacilitiesat all levels; ( b ) I n t r o d u c i n g / s t r e n g t h e n i nrg e f r e s h e rt r a i n i n g

OBJECTIVES I L30 The objectives of this programme areaare as foll ow s: (a) To strengthen or establishsystemsfor the assessment and systematic observations of forestsand forest


the impacts of prolands with a view to assessing projects andactivitieson thequalityandextent grarunes, and land availablefor afforestation, of forestresources, in a continuing the systems land tenure,and to integrate while ensuring andin-depthanalysis, process of research for planning and improvements modifications necessary shouldbe given Specificemphasis anddecision-making. of rural peoplein theseprocesses; to the participation planners, decisionmakers (b) To provide economists, updated with soundandadequate and local communities informationon forestsand forestland resources.

( e ) E s t a b l i s h i n gn e c e s s a r yi n t e r s e c t o r a la n d programme linkages, including improved accessto information,in order to supporta holistic approachto planningand programming.

AND /NFORMAT/ON B) DATA 11.32Reliable data and information are vital to this programme area. National Governments,in collaborawith relevantinternationalorgantion, where necessary. undertaketo improve izations,should, as appropriate, dataand informationcontinuouslyand to ensureits exareasfollows: change.Major activitiesto be considered existing (a) Collecting,consolidating and exchanging information and establishing baseline information on relevantto this programmearea; aspects (b) Harmonizing the methodologiesfor programmes accuinvolving dataandinformationactivitiesto ensure racy and consistency; (c) Undertakingspecialsurveyson, for example,land action; capabilityand suitabilityfor afforestation (d) Enhancingresearch supportand improvingaccess results. of research to and exchange

ACTIVITIES tES ACT|V|T ELATED A) MANAGEMFNT-R I l.3l Governmentsand institutions,in collaboration, with appropriateinternationalagencies wherenecessary, universitiesand non-govemmental and organizations, and sysshould undertakeassessments organizations, of forestsand relatedprogrammes tematic observations improvement. with a view to theircontinuous andprocesses and This shouldbe linked to relatedactivitiesof research possible, be built uponexisting and,wherever management are: Major activitiesto be considered systems. observations (a) Assessing andcarryingout systematic and qualitativesituationand changes of the quantitative includendowments, of forestcoverandforestresources of its status, land useand updates ing land classification. nationallevel,and linking this activity, at the appropriate with planning as a basisfor policy and as appropriate, programmeformulation; (b) Establishing oband systematic nationalassessment servation systems and evaluation of programmesand standards, of defrnitions, processes, includingestablishment norrnsand intercalibrationmethods,and the capability for initiating correctiveactionsaswell asimproving theformuand projects; lation and implementationof programmes (c) Making estimates of impactsof activitiesaffecting and conservationproposals,in forestry developments goals, terms of key variables such as developmental of foreststo other secbenefitsand costs,contributions conditionsand tors, community welfare,environmental biological diversity and their impacts at the local, rethe to assess gionaland globallevels,whereappropriate, of countries; and financialneeds changingtechnological (d) Developingnationalsystems asof forestresource research and includingnecessary andvaluation, sessment the full which accountfor, wherepossible, dataanalysis, range of wood and non-wood forest productsand services, and incorporatingresultsin plans and strategies and of accounts in nationalsystems and.wherefeasible, planning;

AND REG/ONAI c/ TNIERNAT/ONAI AND COORD/NAI/ON COOPERAIION communityshouldextendto the 11.33The international necessary technicaland financoncerned Governments includarea, thisprogramme for implementing cial support of the following activities: ing consideration (a) Establishing frameworkandformulating a conceptual criteria, norrns and definitions for systematic acceptable of forestresources; and assessment observations (b) Establishing and strengtheningnational institufor forest assessment tional coordinationmechanisms activities; observation and systematic (c) Strengtheningexisting regional and global networks for the exchange of relevantinformation; (d) Strengthening the capacityand ability and improving the performanceof existing international organizations, such as the ConsultativeGroup on International Agricultural Research(CGIAR), FAO, ITTO, UNEP, and UNESCO and UNIDO, to providetechnicalsupport guidancein this programmearea.

MEANSOF IMPLEMENTATION A/ FINAN CIAL AND COSI EVALUATION I 1.34 The Conference secretariathas estimated the aver-


age total annual cost ( 1993-2000)of implementing the activitiesof this programmeto be about $750 million, including about$230million from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicaonly andhavenot tive andorder-of-magnitude estimates beenreviewedby Govemments.Actual costsandfinanwill cial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and progfturrmes Governments decideuponfor implementation. I1.35 Accelerating development consists of implementing the management-related and data/information activities cited above. Activitiesrelatedto global environmental issuesare those that will contributeto global information for assessing/evaluating/addressing environmentalissueson a world-wide basis.Strengthening the capacityof international institutions consistsof enhancingthe technicalstaffand the executingcapacityof severalinternationalorganizationsin order to meet the requirements of countries.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 11.38The programmeactivities foreseethe need and include provision for human resourcedevelopment in (e.g.,the useof remote-sensing, termsof specialization mappingand statistical modelling),training,technology transfer,fellowships and field demonstrations.

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING 11.39National Governments, in collaboration with appropriate international organizationsand institutions, shoulddevelopthe necessary capacityfor implementing this prograrune area.This should be harmonized with capacity-building for other programme areas. Capacitybuilding should cover such aspects as policies,public admi ni strati on,nati onal -l evel i nsti tuti ons, hum an resource andskill development, research capability, technology development,information systems,programme evaluation. intersectoralcoordination and international cooperation.

8/ SC/ENI/F/C AND TECHNOT.OG\CAL MEANS 11.36Assessment and systematic observation activities involve major research efforts,statistical modellingand innovation.Thesehave been internalized technological into the management-related in activities.The activities tum will improve the technological and scientificcontent of assessment and periodical evaluations. Some of the specificscientificand technological components included undertheseactivitiesare: (a) Developing technical, ecological and economic methodsand modelsrelatedto periodicalevaluations and evaluation; (b) Developingdata systems, dataprocessing and statisticalmodelling; (c) Remotesensing and groundsurveys; (d) Developinggeographic informationsystems; (e) Assessing and improving technology. I 1.37 These with similar areto be linkedandharmonized activitiesandcomponents in the otherprogramme areas.

E/ FUND/NG OF /NTERNAnONAI AND REG/ONA L COOPERAIION I I .40 The secretariat of theConference hasestimated the averagetotal annualcost (1993-2000)of implementing the activities of this programme to be about$750million, includingabout$530million from theinternational community on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicative andorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsand financial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, will dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies proand grammes Governments decideuponfor implementation.


'lt) I z-

frogile ecosystems: Monoging ond drought desertificotion Comboting


are important ecosystems, l2.l Fragile ecosystems Fragileecosystems and resources. with uniquefeatures include desefts,semi-aridlands, mountains,wetlands, small islandsand certain coastalareas. Most of these naare regionalin scope,as they transcend ecosystems land resource tional boundaries.This chapteraddresses issuesin deserts,as well as arid, semi-arid and dry is mountaindevelopment sub-humidareas.Sustainable in chapterl3; small islandsand coastalareas addressed in chapter17. are discussed in arid, semiis land degradation 12.2 Desertification arid and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities. Desertificationaffectsabout one sixth of the world's population,70 per centof all drylands,amountand one quarterof the total ing to 3.6 billion hectares, land area of the world. The most obvious impact of poverty,is the in additionto widespread desertification, of the total areaof of 3.3 billion hectares degradation with 73 per centof the rangeland rangeland, constituting a low potentialfor humanand animalcarryingcapacity; on about47 per declinein soil fertility and soil structure cent of the dryland areasconstituting marginal rainfed cropland; and the degradationof inigated cropland, with a high to 30 per centof the drylandareas amounting potential. populationdensityand agricultural shouldbe 12.3 The priority in combatingdesertification for landsthat of preventivemeasures the implementation or which are only slightly degraded. are not yet degraded, areasshouldnot be negdegraded However,the severely and drought,the parlected. In combatingdesertification naticipation of local communities,rural organizations, and organizations non-governmental tional Governments, is essential. andregionalorganizations intemational

12.4 The following programlne areasare included in this chapter: (a) Strengthening the knowledgebaseand developing for regionsproneto information and monitoring systems desertification and drought,includingthe economicand of theseecosystems; socialaspects (b) Combating land degradation through, inter alia, i ntensi fied soil conservation. afforestationand reforestation activities; (c) Developingand sfrengttrening integrated development of povertyandpromotionof programmes for theeradication proneto desertification; in areas livelihoodsystems altemative (d) Developing comprehensive anti-desertification programmes and integratingthem into nationaldevelopplanning; ment plansand nationalenvironmental (e) Developingcomprehensive drought preparedness affangeincludingself-help and droughrrelief schemes, ments, for drought-prone areas and designing programmesto cope with environmentalrefugees; (0 Encouragingand promoting popular participation focusingon desertification education, andenvironmental of the effectsof drought. control and management




(UNEP) rn 1977,1984 and 1991have mentProgramme revealedinsufficient basic knowledge of desertification observation world-widesystematic Adequate processes. systemsare helpful for the developmentand implemenThe tation of effective anti-desertificationprograrnmes. capacity of existing international,regional and national institutions, particularly in developing countries, to generateand exchangerelevant information is limited. An integrated and coordinated information and systematic observationsystem basedon appropriatetechnational andlocal global,regional, nologyandembracing the dynamics of levels is essentialfor understanding It is alsoimportant anddroughtprocesses. desertification to dealwith desertifimeasures adequate for developing concation and droughtand improving socio-economic ditions.

datasothat ecologicalchangecan analyseenvironmental be monitored and environmentalinformation obtained on a continuingbasisat the nationallevel.

AND TNFORMAnON B) DATA 12.8 Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Review and study the means for measuring the of desereconomicand socialconsequences ecological, tification and land degradationand introducethe results of these studies internationally into desertificationand practices; assessment land degradation (b) Review and study the interactions between the impactsof climate, droughtand desertisocio-economic fication and utilize the resultsof thesestudiesto secure action. concrete l2.g Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Supportthe integrateddatacollection and research work of programmes related to desertification and drought problems; (b) Supportnational,regional and global programmes networkscarfor integrateddatacollection and research land degradation; of soil and assessment out rying (c) Strengthennational and regional meteorological and hydrologicalnetworks and monitoring systemsto collectionof basicinfbrmation andcomensureadequate munication among national, regional and international centres.

OBJECTIVES 12.6 The objectivesof this programmeareaare: and/or strengthening (a) To promotethe establishment of national environmental information coordination that will act as focal points within Governments centres standfor sectoralministriesand provide the necessary and also to ensurethat ardizationand back-upservices; national environmentalinformation systemson desertification and drought are linked together through a netlevels; regionaland interregional work at subregional, obser(b) To strengthen regionalandglobal systematic vation networks linked to the developmentof national systemsfor the observationof land degradationand causedboth by climate fluctuationsand desertification for action; by humanimpact,andto identify priority areas (c) To establisha permanentsystemat both national and international levels for monitoring desertification with the aim of improving living and land degradation conditionsin the affectedareas.

AND RFG/ONAI C) /NIERNATIONAL AND COORD/NAT/ON COOPERAIION 12.10Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Strengthen regional programmesand international Inter-StateCommitcooperation,suchas the Permanent tee on Drought Control in the Sahel(CILSS),the IntergovernmentalAuthority for Drought and Development Coordina(IGADD), the Southern African Development (SADCC),theArab MaghrebUnion and tionConference other regional organizations,as well as such organizations as the Saharaand SahelObservatory; deserti(b) Establishand/or develop a comprehensive andhumanconditiondatabase fication,landdegradation component that incorporatesboth physical and socioThis shouldbe basedon existing economicparameters.

ACTIVITIES ITIES ACTIV ELATED A) MANAGFMENI.R 12.1 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organshould: izations. informa(a) Establishand/orstrengthenenvironmental level; at the national tion systems and local as(b) Strengthen national,state/provincial between and ensurecooperation/networking sessment informationand monitoringsysexistingenvironmental tems, such as Earthwatch and the Saharaand Sahel Observatory; (c) Strengthen the capacityof nationalinstitutionsto


and, where necessary, additionalfacilities, such as those of Earthwatchand other information systems of international, regionaland nationalinstitutionsstrengthened for this purpose; (c) Determine benchmarks and define indicators of progressthat facilitate the work of local and regional organizationsin tracking progressin the fight for antidesertification. Particular attention should be paid to indicatorsof local participation.

skills of peopleengaged in monitoringand assessing the issueof desertification and drousht.

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 12.14 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations working on the issue of desertificationand drought,should: (a) Strengthennational and local institutions by providing adequate staffequipment andfinanceforassessins desertification; (b) Promotethe involvementof the local population, panicularly women and youth, in the collection and utilizationof environmental informationthroueheducation and awareness-buildine.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A' F'NANCTNG AND COSTEVALUATTON 12.11The Conferencesecretariathas estimatedthe average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing theactivities of thisprogramme to be about$350million, includingabout$175million fromthe international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and havenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsandfinancial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategiesand programmes Governments decideupon for implementation.

B) COTVIBAT|NG LAND DEGRADATTON THROUGH, ,NTER ALTA,INTENSIFIED SOII CONSERVANON, AFFORESTATION AND REFORESTATION ACTIVITIES BASIS FOR ACTION 12.15Desertification affects about 3.6 billion hectares,which is about70 per cent of the total areaof the world's drylandsor nearly one quarter of the global land area.In combatingdesertification on rangeland, rainfed cropland and irrigated land, preventive measures should be launchedin areas which arenot yet affectedor are only slightly affectedby desertification; correctivemeasures should be implementedto sustain the productivity of moderately desertifiedland; and rehabilitative measuresshould be taken to recover severely or very severely desertified drylands. 12.16An increasingvegetationcover would promote andstabilizethehydrological balance in thedrylandareas and maintainland quality and land productivity.Protection of not yet degraded land, applicationof corrective measures and rehabilitationof moderateand severely degraded drylands,including areas affectedby sanddune movements, throughthe introduction of environmentally sound, soci al l y acceptabl e, fai r and econom ically feasibleland-use systems will enhance the land-carrying capacityand maintenance of biotic resources in fragile ecosystems.

B/ SC'ENilFtC AND TECHNOLOG\CAL MEANS 12.12Governments at the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations working on the issue of desertificationand drought,should: (a) Undertake and update existing inventories of naturalresources, suchas energy, water,soil, minerals and plant and animal access to food, as well as other resources, suchas housing,employment, health,educationanddemographic distributionin time and space; (b) Develop integrated information systems for environmental monitoring, accountingand impact assessment; (c) Cooperate with internationalbodiesto facilitatethe acquisitionand developmentof appropriatetechnology for monitoring and combating drought and desertification.

c ) HUM A N R ES O U R C E D E VE L O P M EN T 12.13Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations working on the issue of desertificationand drought,shoulddevelopthe technicaland professional

OBJECTIVES 12.17The objectives of this programme areaare: (a) As regardsareasnot yet affected or only slightly affected by desertification, to ensure appropriate management of existing natural formations(including

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forests) for the conservationof biodiversity, watershed protection, of their production andagriculsustainability tural development,and other purposes,with the full participation people; of indigenous (b) To rehabilitatemoderately to severely desertified drylands for productive utilization and sustain their development productivity for agropastoraVagroforestry through,inter alia, soil and waterconservation; (c) To increase cover and supportmanthe vegetation in regionsaffectedor prone agement of biotic resources to desertificationand drought, notably through suchacstry, comstation,agrofore tivities as afforestation/refore retentionschemes; munity forestryand vegetation (d) To improve management inof forest resources, cluding woodfuel,and to reducewoodfuelconsumption and enthroughmore efficient utilization,conseryation hancement, developmentand use of other sourcesof includingalternative sources of energy. energy,

resources, including rangeland, to meetboth the needsof rural populations and conservationpurposes,basedon innovativeor adapted indigenous technologies; (0 Promotein situ protectionand conservation of special ecologicalareas throughlegislationand othermeans while ensurfor the purposeof combatingdesertification ing the protectionof biodiversity; (g) Promote and encourageinvestment in forestry developmentin drylandsthrough variousincentives,including legislativemeasures; (h) Promote the development and use of sourcesof pressure energywhich will lessen on ligneous resources, including alternative sourcesof energy and improved stoves.

B) DATA AND TNFORMAT/ON 12.19Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Develop land-use modelsbasedon local practices for the improvementof such practices,with a focus on preventing land degradation. The models should give a better understanding of the variety of natural and humaninduced factors that may contribute to desertification. Models shouldincorporatethe interactionof both new and traditionalpracticesto preventland degradation and reflect the resilience of the whole ecological and socialsystem; (b) Develop, test and introduce, with due regard to environmental security considerations, drought-resistant, fast-growingand productiveplant species appropriate to the environment of the resionsconcerned.

ACTIVITIES IES ELATED ACT IVIT A) MANAGEMENI-R level,andwith the at the appropriate 12.18Governments supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Implement urgent direct preventivemeasuresin drylandsthat are vulnerablebut not yet affected,or only (i) improved drylands, by introducing slightlydesertified policiesandpractices for moresustainable land land-use productivity;(ii) appropriate, sound and environmentally economicallyfeasibleagriculturaland pastoraltechnoof soil and water logies;and (iii) improvedmanagement resources; (b) Carry out accelerated afforestationand reforestafast-growing tion programmes, using drought-resistant, and in particularnativeones,includinglegumes species, agroother species, combined with community-based In this regard,creation of large-scale forestry schemes. reforestationand afforestation schemes,particularly of greenbelts,shouldbe conthroughthe establishment sidered,bearingin mind the multiple benefitsof such measures; (c) Implementurgently direct correctivemeasures in drylands,in addition moderately to severelydesertified listed in paragraphl8 (a) above,with a to the measures view to restoring and sustaining their productivity; (d) Promote improved land/water/crop-management in making it possibleto combat salinization systems, existingirrigatedcroplands;and stabilizerainfed croplands and introduce improved soiVcrop-management practice: into land-use systems (e) Promote participatory managementof natural

ci /NIERNAT/ONAL AND REG/ONAI COOPERAIION AND COORD/NAIION 12.20The appropriate UnitedNationsagencies, intemational and regional organizations,non-governmental organizations and bilateralagencies should: (a) Coordinatetheir roles in combating land degradation and promoting reforestation, agroforestryand landmanagement systems in affectedcountries; (b) Supportregionaland subregional activitiesin technologydevelopment anddissemination, trainingandprogrammeimplementationto arrestdryland degradation. 12.21The national Governmentsconcerned,the appropriate United Nations agenciesand bilateral agencies shouldstrengthen the coordinating role in dryland degradationof subregional intergovemmental organizations setup to cover theseactivities,suchas CILSS, IGADD, SADCC and the Arab MaehrebUnion.


MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 12.22The Conference secretariathas estimated the average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing the activitiesof this programmeto be about $6 billion, including about $3 billion from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicative andorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsand financial terms,including any that are non-concessional, will dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies and programmes Governments decideuponfor implementation.

(b) Supportcommunity-based people'sorganizations, especially farmersand pastoralists.


BASIS FOR ACTION 12.26In areasprone to desertificationand drought,current livelihood and resource-use systems are not able to maintainliving standards. In most of the arid and semiarid areas,the traditionallivelihood systems basedon agropastoral systems areoften inadequate andunsustainable, particularly in view of the effects of drought and increasingdemographicpressure. Poverty is a major factor in accelerating the rate of degradationand desertification. Action is thereforeneededto rehabilitateand improve the agropastoral systems for sustainable managementof rangelands,as well as alternative livelihood systems.

B/ SC/ENI|FtC AND TECHNOTOG\CAL MEANS 12.23Governments at the appropriatelevel and local communities,with the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations, should: (a) Integrateindigenous knowledgerelatedto forests, forest lands. rangelandand natural vegetationinto reactivitieson desertification search and drought; (b) Promote integratedresearchprogrammeson the protection, restoration andconservation of waterandland resources and land-use management based on traditional wherefeasible. approaches,

OBJECTIVES 12.27The objectivesof this programmeareaare: (a) To createthe capacityof village communitiesand pastoralgroupsto take chargeof their developmentand the management of their land resources on a socially equitableand ecologicallysoundbasis; (b) To i mprove producti on systems i n o r der t o achieve greater productivity within approved programmes for conservation of nationalresources and in the framework of an integrated approachto rural development; (c) To provideopportunities for alternative livelihoods as a basisfor reducingpressure on land resources while at the sametime providingadditionalsources of income, particularly for rural populations,thereby improving their standard of livins.

F C) HUM A NR E SOU R C D EV EL OP M EN T 12.24Governments at the appropriatelevel and local communities,with the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorgamzations, should: (a) Establishmechanisms to ensurethat land users, particularlywomen,arethe main actorsin implementing improved land use, including agroforestrysystems, in combatingland degradation; (b) Promote efficient extension-service facilities in areasprone to desertification and drought,particularly for training farmers and pastoralists in the improved management of land and water resources in drvlands.

ACTIVITIES D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 12.25Governments at the appropriatelevel and local communities,with the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations, should: (a) Develop and adopt, through appropriatenational legislation, and introduceinstitutionally, new and envir onm ent all y s o u n d d e v e l o p me n t-o ri e n ted l and-use polic ies : A) MANAGEMENI-R ELAT EDACT IVITI ES 12.28Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the suppoftof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Adopt policies at the national level regarding a decentralized approachto land-resource management, delegating responsibility to rural organizations;


(b) Createor strengthenrural organizatrons in charge of village and pastoralland management; (c) Establish and developlocal, nationaland intersecto handleenvironmentaland developtoral mechanisms in terms of land tenure expressed mental consequences of land useandland ownership. Particularattentionshould be given to protecting the property righs of women and pastoraland nomadicgroupsliving in rural arezn; (d) Createor strengthen focusedon village associations (market interest economicactivitiesof commonpastoral gardening,transformationof agriculturalproducts,livestock,herdingetc.); (e) Promote rural credit and mobilization of rural of rural bankino savings through the establishment systems; (l) Develop infrastructure,as well as local production by involving the local people and marketingcapacity, livelihoodsystems and alleviate to promotealternative poverty; (g) Establish a revolvingfund for credit to rural entrepreneurs and local groupsto facilitatethe establishment venturesand credit for of cottage industries/business input to agropastoral activities.

(a) Promotecooperationand exchangeof information among the arid and semi-arid land researchinstitutions techniques to improveland concerning andtechnologies and labour productivity, as well as viable production systems; (b) Coordinateand harmonizethe implementation of programmes and projects funded by the international organorganization andnon-governmental corrununities izations that are directedtowards the alleviation of poverty and promotion of an alternativelivelihood system.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 12.31The Conference secretariat hasestimated the costs for this programmeareain chapter3 (Combatingpoverty) agricultureand and chapter 14 (Promotingsustainable rural development).

MEANS 8/ SC/ENIFtC AND TECHNOI O G|CAL 12.32 Governments level, and with the at the appropriate supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations,should: (a) Undertakeapplied researchin land use with the institutions; supportof local research (b) Facilitate regularnational,regionaland interregional communication on andexchange of information andexperiencebetween extension officersandresearchers; (c) Supportand encourage the introductionand useof of technologies for the generation sources of alternative incomes.

AND INFORMAT/ON B) DATA 12.29 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Conductsocio-economic baselinestudiesin order of the situation in the to have a good understanding programme area regarding, particularly, resource and pracland tenure issues,traditional land-management production systems; of ticesand characteristics (soil, (b) Conduct inventoriesof natural resources water and vegetation)and their state of degradation, primarilyon theknowledgeof thelocalpopulation based (e.9.,rapid rural appraisal); (c) Disseminateinformation on technical packages conditions economic andecological adapted to thesocial, of each; (d) Promoteexchangeand sharingof information conlivelihoodswith of alternative cerningthe development regions. other agro-ecological

DEVELOPMENT C) HUMANRFSOURCE 12.33Governmentsat the appropnatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations. should: (a) Train membersof rural orgamzations in management skills and train agropastoralists in such special waterharvesttechniques assoil andwaterconservation, ing, agroforestry irrigation; and small-scale (b) Trainextension agents andofficersin the participatory approach land management. to integrated

AND REG/ONAI. C/ /NIFRNATIONAL AND COORD/NAIION COOPERAIION at the appropriate level,andwith the 12.30Governments supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations. should:

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 12.34Governments at the appropriatelevel, with the


supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizaandmaintainmechanisms to ensure tions,shouldestablish into sectoral andnational developmentplans theintegration of strategies forpoverty alleviationamong andprogrammes the inhabitantsof landsproneto desertification.


BASIS FOR ACTION 12.35In a numberof developingcountriesaffectedby desertification, the natural resource base is the main process mustrely. resource uponwhich the development with land resources The socialsystems interacting make the problemmuch more complex,requiringan integrated approachto the planning and management of land resources.Action plans to combat desertificationand droughtshouldincludemanagement aspects of environment and development, thus conforming with the applans and proach of integratingnational development nationalenvironmental actionplans.

(a) Establish, or strengthen,national and local antidesertificationauthoritieswithin governmentand local executive bodies, as well as local committees/associations of land users,in all rural communities affected, with a view to organizingworking cooperationbetween level (farmers all actorsconcerned, from the grass-roots and pastoralists) to the higher levels of government; (b) Develop national plans of action to combat desertification and, as appropriate,make them integral parts plansand nationalenvironmenof nationaldevelopment tal actionplans; (c) Implement policies directed towards improving providland use,managingcommonlandsappropriately, ing incentivesto smallfarmersandpastoralists, involving women and encouraging private investment in the development of drylands; (d) Ensurecoordinationamong ministries and instituprogrammes tions working on anti-desertification at national and local levels.

B) DATA AND /NFORMAT/ON 12.38Governments at the appropriate level,andwith the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should promote information exchange and cooperation with respect to national planning and programming among affected countries,inter alin, tlvough networking.

OBJECTIVES 12.36The objectives of this programme areaare: (a) To strengthen nationalinstitutionalcapabilities to develop appropriate anti-desertificationprogrammes and to integratethem into nationaldevelopmentplanning; (b) To develop strategicplanning frameworks for the protectionand management of naturalredevelopment, in drylandareas sources and integrate theminto national plans,including nationalplans to combat development desertification,and environmental action plans in countries most proneto desertification; (c) To initiate a long-term processfor implementing and monitoring strategiesrelated to natural resources management; (d) To strengthenregional and internationalcooperation for combating desertification through,inter alia,the adoptionof legal and otherinstruments.

C/ /NIERNAI'ONAI. AND REG/ONAI. COOPERATION AND COORD/NAI/ON 12.39The relevantinternational organizations, multiI ateralfinancial i n stitutions, non- governmental organizationsand bilateralagencies shouldstrengthen their cooperation in assisting with the preparation of desertification control programmesand their integration into nationalplanning strategies, with the establishment of nati onal coordi nati ng and systemati cobs er vat ion mechanisms andwith theregionalandglobalnetworking of theseplansand mechanisms. 12.40TheGeneral Assembly, atits forty-seventh session, shouldbe requested to establish, under the aegisof the General Assembly, an intergovernmental negotiating committeeforthe elaborationof an internationalconvention to combatdesertification in thosecountries experiencing seriousdroughtand/ordesertification, particularly in Africa, with a view to finalizing sucha convention by June 1994.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ELATED ACTIVITIES 12.37Governments at the appropriate level,andwith the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations. should:


MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATTON A/ F/NANC/NG 12.41The Conference secretariathas estimated the averagetotal annual cost (1993-2000)of implementing the activities of thisprograrnme to be about$ 180million, including about $90 million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicative andorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot Actual costsand finanbeenreviewed by Governments. will cial terms, including any that are non-concessional, depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategiesand progftunmesGovernmentsdecideupon for implementation.


BASIS FOR ACTION 12.45Drought, in differing degreesof frequency and severity,is a recurringphenomenon throughoutmuch of the developingworld, especiallyAfrica. Apart from the human toll - an estimated3 million people died in the mid-1980sbecause of droughtin sub-Saharan Africa the economiccostsof drought-related disasters are also high in terms of lost production, misused inputs and diversion of developmentresources. 12.46 Early-warningsystems to forecast droughtwill make possible the implementation of drought-preparedness schemes.Integratedpackagesat the farm and watershed level, suchasalternativecropping strategies, soil and water conservation andpromotionof waterharvesting techniques, could enhance the capacityof landto copewith droughtand provide basic necessities, therebyminimizing the number of environmental refugees and the need for emergency droughtrelief. At the sametime, contingencyarrangements for relief are neededfor periodsof acutescarcity.

B/ sC/ENTIFIC AND IECHNOTOGICAL MEANS 12.42Governments at the appropriatelevel, with the relevant internationaland regional organsupportof the izations,should: (a) Develop and introduce appropriate improved sustainable agricultural andpastoral technologies thatare socially and environmentally acceptable and economically feasible; (b) Undertakeapplied study on the integrationof environmental and developmentalactivities into national plans. development

OBJECTIVES C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENI 12.43Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,shouldundertake nationwidemajor anti-deserwithin countries tificationawareness/training campaigns affectedthroughexistingnationalmassmediafacilities, educationalnetworksand newly createdor strengthened people's extension services. This shouldensure access to knowledgeof deserlificationand droughtand to national plansof actionto combatdesertification. 12.47The objectivesof this prograrnmeareaare: (a) To developnationalstrategies fordroughtpreparednessin both the short and long term, aimed at reducing the vulnerability of production systemsto drought; (b) To strengthenthe flow of early-waming information to decision makersand land usersto enablenations to implement strategies for drought intervention; (c) To develop drought-relief schemesand means of coping with environmentalrefugeesand integratethem into national and regional developmentplanning.

ACTIVITIES D) CAPACITY-BUILDING 12.44 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should establishand maintainmechanisms to ensure coordination of sectoral ministries and institutions, including local-levelinstitutionsand appropriate non-governmentalorganizations,in integrating antidesertifrcationprograrrunesinto national development plansand nationalenvironmental actionplans. A) MANAGFMENI-R ELATED ACT IVITI ES 12.48In drought-prone areas, Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations, should: (a) Design strategiesto deal with national food deficiencies in periods of production shortfall. These strategies should deal with issuesof storageand stocks, imports, port facilities, food storage,transportand distribution;


(b) Improve nationaland regionalcapacityfor agrocrop planning. Agromeand contingency meteorology teorology links the frequency,content and regional of with the requirements of weatherforecasts coverage extension; crop planningand agricultural rural for providingshort-term (c) Prepare ruralprojects The lossof households. to drought-affected employment to food is a common sourceof income and entitlement Rural workshelp to generate in timesof drought. distress the incomerequiredto buy food for poor households; wherenecesarrangements, (d) Establish contingency sary,for food and fodderdistributionand water supply; for providing,at (e) Establishbudgetarymechanisms for droughtrelief; shortnotice,resources (f) Establish safety nets for the most vulnerable households.

a n d t h e i r A p p l i c a t i o n s( A G R H Y M E T ) , d r o u g h t monitoring centresand the African Centre of M e t e o r o l o g i c a lA p p l i c a t i o n s f o r D e v e l o p m e n t Inter(ACMAD), as well as the effortsof the Permanent Sahel in the Control State Committee on Drought A utho r it y f or (C ILS S ) and the Intergovernmental (IGADD); Drought and Development (c) SupportFAO programmes and other programmes of nationalearly-warningsystems for the development schemes; and food securityassistance (d) S trengthenand expand the scope of exist ing and the activitiesof appropriate regionalprogrammes suchas the United Nationsorgansand organizations, (WFP), Office of the the World Food Programme (UNDRO ) D i saster R el i efC oordi nator U ni tedN ati ons well Office as andthe UnitedNationsSudano-Sahelian , imed at l rganizationsa a s o f n o n - g o v e r n m e n t ao and emergencies. mitigatingthe effectsof drought

AND INFORMAI/ON B) DATA of affectedcountries,at the appro12.49 Governments international of therelevant priatelevel,with the support should: and regionalorganizations, forecaststo im(a) Implement research on seasonal prove contingencyplanning and relief operationsand to be takenat the farm level, measures allow preventive varieties andfarmins of appropriate suchasthe selection practices, in timesof drought; (b) Support on waysof reducingwater appliedresearch the water absorplossfrom soils,on ways of increasing techof soils and on water harvesting tion capacities areas: niquesin drought-prone (c) Strengthennational early-warningsystems,with remoteon the areaof risk-mapping, particular emphasis l o d e l l i n g , i ntegrated s ens ing,ag ro me te o ro l o g i c am and comtechniques multidisciplinarycrop-forecasting analysis. puteri zed food supply/demand MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATION A/ FINANC/NG theaverhasestimated secretariat 12.51The Conference of implementingthe age total annualcost (1993-2000) activities of this programmeto be about $1.2 billion, comincludingabout$ l. I billion from the international terms.Theseareindicamunity on grantor concessional only andhavenot estimates tive and order-of-magnitude beenreviewedby Govemments.Actual costsandfinanwill cial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, and prodependupon, inter clia, the specificstrategies gruunmes decideuponfor implementation. Governments

MEANS AND TECHNOLOG\CAL 8/ SC/ENr/F/C level anddroughtatthe appropriate 12.52Governments prone communities,with the support of the relevant should: intemational and regionalorganizations, (a) Use traditionalmechanisms to copewith hungeras assista meansof channellingrelief and development ance; (b) Strengthen regionalandlocal anddevelopnational, interdisciplinaryresearchand training capabilitiesfor gies. strate droughrprevention

AND REG/ONAI. c/ /NTERNAT/ONAL AND COORD/NAI'ON ERAI/ON COOP level, with the at the appropriate 12.50Governments and regionalorgansupportof the relevantintemational should: izations, in terms capacities (a) Establish of stand-by a system of foodstock,logisticalsupport,personneland finance to drought-related response for a speedyinternational emergencies; (b) Supportprogrammes of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on agrohydrology and agrometeorology, the Programmeof the Regional Training Hydrology andOperational Centrefor Agrometeorology

DEVELOPMENT C) HUMANRESOURCE 12.53Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the andregionalorgansupportof the relevantinternational izations, should:


(a) Promotethe training of decisionmakersand land users in the effective utilization of information from systems early-warning ; ( b ) S t r e n g t h e nr e s e a r c ha n d n a t i o n a l t r a i n i n g theimpactof droughtandto develop capabilities to assess methodologies to forecastdrought.

D) CAPACTTY-BU|LD|NG 12.54Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the and regionalorgansupportof the relevantinternational izations. should: (a) Improve and maintain mechanisms with adequate staff, equipmentand financesfor monitoring drought parameters at regional,nato take preventivemeasures tionaland local levels; (b) Establishinterministerial linkages andcoordinating and units for drought monitoring, impact assessment management of drought-relief schemes.

processes planningandexecution in orderto benefitfully projects; from development (c) To ensure thatthepartners understand oneanother's needs,objectivesand points of view by providing a varietyof meanssuchas training,public awareness and opendialogue; (d) To supportlocal communities in their own effortsin combatingdesertification, and to draw on the knowledge and experience of ttrepopulations concemed, ensuringthe populations. full participation of womenand indigenous

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENT-R ELAT EDACT tvtTt ES 12.57Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the and regionalorgansupportof the relevantinternational izations, should: (a) Adopt policies and establish strucadministrative and imtures for more decentralized decision-making plementation; ( b ) E s t a b l i s h a n d u t i l i z e m e c h a n i s m sf o r t h e consul tati onand i nvol vementof l and usersand f or level to identify enhancing capabilityat the grass-roots and/or contri buteto the i denti fi cati onand pl ann ing of acti on; (c) Define specific programme/projectobjectives in cooperationwith local communities;and design local plansto includesuchmeasures management of progress, therebyproviding a meansof alteringprojectdesignor practices, changingmanagement as appropriate; (d) Introduce legislative, institutionaVorganizational and financial measures to secureuser involvementand access to land resources; (e) Establishand/or expand favourableconditions for the provision of services,such as credit facilities and marketing outlets for rural populations; (0 Develop training programmesto increasethe level of education and participation of people, particularly women and indigenousgroups, through, inter alia, bteracyand the development of technicalskills; (g) Createrural bankingsystems to to facilitateaccess particularlywomen and incredit for rural populations, groups,and to promoterural savings; digenous (h) Adopt appropriate policiesto stimulate privateand public investment.


BASIS FOR ACTION and 12.55The experienceto date on the successes failures of programmesand projects points to the need related to desertifor popularsupport to sustain activities to go fication and drought control. But it is necessary and idealof popularparticipation beyondthe theoretical to focuson obtainingactualactivepopularinvolvement, rooted in the conceptof partnership.This implies the of sharing of responsibilities andthe mutualinvolvement all parties. In this context,this programmeareashould supporting componentof all be considered an essential activities. and droueht-related desertification-control

OBJECTIVES 12.-56 The objectives of this programmeareaare: (a) To develop and increasepublic awareness and and drought,inknowledgeconcerningdesertification education in the cludingthe integration of environmental schools; curriculumof primary and secondary (b) To establishand promotetrue partnershipbetween governmentauthorities, at both the national and local levels, other executing agencies,non-governmental orgamzatrons and land users stricken by drought and giving landusers role in the desertification, a responsible

B) DATA AND 'NFORMAI/ON 12.58Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should:


(a) Review,developand disseminate gender-disaggregatedinformation,skills and know-how at all levelson ways of organizingand promotingpopularparticipation; (b) Accelerate thedevelopment of technological knowhow, focusing on appropriateand intermediatetechnolo8y; (c) Disseminate knowledge about applied research results on soil and water issues,appropriatespecies, know-how. agriculturaltechniques and technological

activities of this prograrnme to be about $1 billion, including about$500million from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitudeestimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Govemments. Actual costs and financialferms,includingany thatarenon-concessional, will dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies and prograrnmes Governments decideupon for implementation.

AND REG'ONAT C/ INIERNAI/ONAI. AND COORD/NAI/ON COOPERAIION 12.59Governments at the appropriate level,andwith the and regionalorgansupportof the relevantinternational izations,should: (a) Developprogrammes of supportto regionalorganizationssuchas CILSS. IGADD. SADCC and the Arab Maghreb Union and other intergovernmentalorganizationsin Africa andotherpartsof the world, to strengthen outreachprogrammesand increasethe participation of non-governmentalorganizationstogether with rural populations; (b) Developmechanisms forfacilitatingcooperation in technology and promotesuchcooperation asan element related to technical of all external assistance andactivities projectsin the public or privatesector; assistance (c) Promote collaborationamong different actors in programmes; environment and development (d) Encourage the emergence of representative organizational structures to foster and sustaininterorganrzational cooperation.

8/ SC'ENilFtC AND TECHNOTOG\CAL MEANS 12.61Governments level,andwith the atthe appropriate supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,shouldpromote the developmentof indigenous know-how and technologytransfer.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENI 12.62 Governments,at the appropriatelevel, and with the support of the relevant international and regional organizations, should: (a) Supportand/or strengthen institutionsinvolved in public education, includingthe local media,schools and communitygoups; (b) Increase the level of public education.

D) CAPACTTY-BUILD|NG 12.63 Governments level, and with the at the appropriate supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should promote membersof local rural organizations and train and appoint more extension officers working at the local level.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AI FINANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION 12.60The Conference hasestimated secretariat the average total annual cost ( 1993-2000)of implementing the


1? I vt

frogile Monoging ecosystems: mountoin development Sustoinoble



13.1 Mountains are an important source of water, energyand biological diversity. Furthermore,they are a source of such key resourcesas minerals, forest products and agricultural products and of recreation. As a major ecosystemrepresentingthe complex and interrelated ecology of our planet,mountainenvironments are essential to the survival of the global ecoare, however,rapidly system.Mountain ecosystems soil changing. They are susceptibleto accelerated landslides andrapidlossof habitatandgenetic erosion, diversity. On the human side, there is widespread poverty among mountain inhabitants and loss of indigenous k no w l e d g e . As a re s u l t, m o s t gl obal mountain areasare experiencingenvironmentaldegof mountain radation.Hence, the proper management resourcesand socio-economicdevelopment of the peopledeserves immediateaction. 13.2 About 10 per cent of the world's population A much larger dependsdirectly on mountain resources. including and percentage drawson mountainresources, of biologiespeciallywater.Mountains are a storehouse species. cal diversityand endangered 13.3 Two programme areas are includedin this chapter to further elaborate the problem of fragile ecosystemswith regard to all mountainsof the world. Theseare: (a) Generating knowledgeaboutthe and strengthening ecology and sustainabledevelopmentof mountain ecosystems; (b) Promoting integratedwatersheddevelopmentand livelihoodopportunities. alternative

FOR BASIS ACTION 13.4 Mountains are highly vulnerable to human and natural ecological imbalance. Mountains are the areas most sensitive in the atmosphere. to all climatic changes Specific information on ecology, natural resource potential and socio-economic activities is essential. Mountain and hillside areas hold a rich variety of ecologicalsystems. Becauseof their vertical dimensions, mountains create gradients of temperature, precipitationand insolation. A given mountainslope - suchas tropimay includeseveral climatic systems cal, subtropical,temperate and alpine eachof which representsa microcosm of a larger habitat diversity. There is, however,a lack of knowledgeof mountain e c o s y s t e m s .T h e c r e a t i o n o f a g l o b a l m o u n t a i n is thereforevital for launching programmes database that contribute to the sustainabledevelopment of mountainecosystems.

OBJECTIVES 13.5 The objectives of this programmeareaare: (a) To undertake a surveyof the differentforms of soils, of forest, water use, crop, plant and animal resources mountain ecosystems, taking into accountthe work of existinginternational and regionalorganizations; (b) To maintain and generate database and information management andenvisystems to facilitatetheintegrated taking ronmentalassessment of mountain ecosystems,


into account the work of existing international and regionalorganizations ; (c) To improveandbuild theexistingland/water ecologiandagricultural technologies cal knowledgebaseregarding and conservationpracticesin the mountainregionsof the of local communities; world, with the participation (d) To createand strengthen the communicationsnetfor existing organwork and information clearing-house with mountainissues; izationsconcerned (e) To improve coordination of regional efforts to protect fragile mountain ecosystemsthrough the conmechanisms, includingregional of appropriate sideration legal and other instruments; (0 To generateinformation to establishdatabases and information systems to facilitate an evaluationof environin mountainecosystems. mentalrisksandnaturaldisasters

(a) Maintain and establish hydrologrmeteorological, cal andphysicalmonitoringanalysis andcapabilities that would encompass the climatic diversityas well as water distributionof variousmountainregionsof the world; (b) Build an inventory of different forms of soils, forests,water use, and crop, plant and animal genetic giving priority to thoseunderthreatof extincresources, shouldbe protectedin situ by tion. . Geneticresources protected areas andimprovmaintaining andestablishing ing traditional farming and animal husbandryactivities programmes forevaluating the potential andestablishing valueof the resources; (c) Identify hazardous areas that aremost vulnerableto snow avaerosion, floods, landslides,earthquakes, lanches and othernaturalhazards; (d) Identify mountainareasthreatened by air pollution from neighbouring industrialand urbanareas.

ACTIVITIES ELATED ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R 13.6 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Strengthen existing institutionsor establishnew a onesat local, nationaland regionallevels to generate multidisciplinary land/water ecologicalknowledgebase on mountainecosystems; (b) Promote policiesthatwould provideincennational tives to local peoplefor the useand transferof environment-friendlytechnologies and farming and conservation practices; (c) Build up the knowledgebaseand understanding by creating mechanismsfor cooperation and information workamongnationalandregionalinstitutions exchange ing on fragile ecosystems; (d) Encourage policies that would provide incentives to farmers and local people to undertakeconservation measures; and regenerative (e) Diversifymountaineconomies, inter alia,by creating and/or strengtheningtourism, in accordancewith integrated management of mountainareas; (0 Integrate all forest,rangeland and wildlife activitiesin ecosystems aremaintained; suchaway thatspecificmountain (g) Establish appropriatenatural reservesin representative species-rich sitesand areas. AND REGIONAI COOPERAnON c/ /NTERNAT|ONAL 13.8 National Governmentsand intersovernmental organizations should: (a) Coordinateregional and internationalcooperation and facilitate an exchange of information andexperience among the specializedagencies, the World Bank, IFAD naand other international and regional orgamzations, institutionsand non-govtional Governments, research ernmentalorganizationsworking on mountaindevelopment; (b) Encourage netregional,nationaland international working of people's initiativesandthe activitiesof international,regional and local non-governmental organizations working on mountain development,such as the United NationsUniversity(UNU), the WoodlandMountain Institutes(WMI), the International Centerfor IntegratedMountain Development(ICIMOD), the International Mountain Society (IMS), the African Mountain Associationand the Andean Mountain Association, besidessupportingthose organrzatrons in the exchange of information and experience; (c) Protect fragile mountain ecosystems through the considerationof appropriatemechanismsincluding regionallegal and otherinstruments.


B) DATA AND /NFORMATTON 13.7 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations, should: 13.9 The Conference hasestimated secretariat theaverage total annualcost (1993-2000) of implemeniing the activities of thisprogramme to be about$50million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional


terms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitude estrmatesonly andhavenot beenreviewed by Governments. Actual costsand financialterms,including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specificstrategies and prograffrmes Governments decide upon for implementation.

8/ SC/ENIIF/C AND TECHNOLOGICAL MEANS 13.10Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,shouldstrengthen scientificresearch and techincludingdiffusion nologicaldevel opmentprogrammes, particularlyin throughnationalandregionalinstitutions, meteorology, hydrology,forestry, soil sciences andplant sciences.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 13.1 1 Governments level,andwith the at the appropriate supportof the relevantintemationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Launchtrainingandextension prograffunes in environmentally appropriatetechnologiesand practicesthat would be suitableto mountainecosystems; (b) Supporthigher education throughfellowshipsand researchgrants for environmentalstudiesin mountains and hill areas,particularly for candidatesfrom indigenous mountainpopulations; (c) Undertakeenvironmentaleducationfor farmers,in particularfor women, to help the rural populationbetter understandthe ecological issuesregarding the sustainable development of mountainecosystems.

various ways by mountain ecology and the degradation of watershedareas.About 10 per cent of the Earth's populationlives in mountainareaswith higher slopes, while about40 per cent occupiesthe adjacent mediumand lower-watershed areas.There are seriousproblems of ecologicaldeteriorationin thesewatershed areas.For example,in the hillside areasof the Andeancountriesof South America a largeportion of the farming population is now faced with a rapid deteriorationof land resources. Similarly, the mountainand uplandareas of the Himalayas, South-East Asia and Eastand CentralAfrica, which make vital contributionsto agriculturalproduction,arethreatened by cultivation of marginal landsdue to expandingpopulation. In many areasthis is accompanied by excessive livestock grazing,deforestation and lossof biomasscover. 13.14Soil erosioncan havea devastating impacton the vast numbers of rural people who depend on rainfed agriculture in the mountain and hillside areas. Poverty, unemployment, poor health and bad sanitation are widespread.Promoting integrated watersheddevelopmentprogranilnes througheffectiveparticipationof local people is a key to preventingfurther ecological imbalance. An integratedapproachis neededfor conserving, upgrading and using the natural resourcebase of land, water, plant, animal and human resources. In addition, promoting alternativelivelihood opportunities,particularly throughdevelopment of employmentschemes that increase the productivebase,will havea significantrole in improvingthe standard of living amongthe largerural populationliving in mountainecosystems.

OBJECTIVES 13.15The objectives of this programmeareaare: (a) By theyear2000,to developappropriate planland-use ning and management for both arableand non-arable land in mountain-fedwatenhedareas to preventsoil erosion,increase biomassproductionand maintainthe ecologicalbalance; (b) To promote income-generating activities,such as sustainable tourism,fisheries andenvironmentally sound mining,andto improveinfrastructure andsocialservices, in particular to protect the livelihoods of local communitiesand indigenous people; (c) To developtechnical andinstitutional arrangements for affectedcounries to mitigatethe effectsof nanral disasters through hazard-prevention measures,risk zoning, earlywaming systems, plansandemergency evacuation supplies.

D ) CA P A CI T Y - BU tL D tN G 13.12Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should build up nationaland regionalinstitutional basesthat could carry out research, training and dissemination of informationon the sustainable development of the economies of frasile ecosvstems.



BASIS FORACTION I 3.l3 Nearly half of the world's population is affected in 1 3 . 1 6G o v e r n m e n t s a t t h e a p p r o p r i a t e l e v e l , w i t h t h e


supportof the relevantinternationaland regionalorganizations, should: (a) Undertake measuresto prevent soil erosion and promoteerosion-control activitiesin all sectors; (b) Establish task forces or watersheddevelopment committees,complementingexisting institutions,to to supportlocal initiatives coordinateintegratedservices in animal husbandry, forestry, horticulture and rural levels; development at all administrative (c) Enhance popularparticipation in the management legislation; throughappropriate of local resources (d) Supportnon-governmental organizations andother private groups assistinglocal organizations and communitiesin thepreparation of projectsthat would enhance participatory development of local people; (e) Provide mechanismsto preservethreatenedareas biologicaldiversity that could protectwildlife, conserve or serveas nationalparks; (0 Develop nationalpoliciesthat would provide incenconservation tives to farmersand local peopleto undertake measures andto useenvironment-friendly technologies; (g) Undertakeincome-generating activitiesin cottage industries,such as the cultivation and agro-processing and processing of medicinaland aromaticplants; (h) Undertake takinginto account the theabove activities, needfor full participation of women,includingindigenous peopleandlocal communities, in development.

searchand training institutes such as the Consultative Group on International Agricultural ResearchCenters (CGIAR) and the International Board for Soil Research and Management(IBSRAM), as well as regional reMountainInstitutes search suchastheWoodland centres, and the IntemationalCenter for IntegratedMountain relevant Development, in undertaking appliedresearch to watershed development; (b) Promoteregionalcooperation and exchange of data sharing thesame mounandinformationamongcountries tain rangesand river basins,particularlythoseaffected by mountaindisasters and floods; (c) Maintain and establish partnerships with non-governmentalorganizations and other private groupsworking in watershed development.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC|AL AND COSI EVALUATTON 13.19The Conference secretariat hasestimated theaverage total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementingthe activities of this programmeto be about $13 billion, includingabout$ 1.9billion from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicative and order-of-magnitude only andhavenot estimates Actual costsandfinanbeenreviewedby Governments. will cial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies and programmes Governments decideuponfor implementation. 13.20Fi nanci ng for the promoti on of al t er nat ive livelihoodsin mountainecosystems shouldbe viewedas part of a country'santi-poverty livelihoods or alternative programme, which is also discussed in chapter3 (Combating poverty) and chapter 14 (Promotingsustainable agriculture and rural development) of Agenda21.

BJ DATA AND /NFORMAI/ON 13.17Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should: (a) Maintain and establishsystematic observationand state or provinciallevel evaluation capacities at thenational, to generateinformation for daily operationsand to assess impacts andsocio-economic of projects; theenvironmental (b) Generate livelihoodsand diverdataon alternative at the village level on annual sified productionsystems fisheries, and treecrops,livestock,poultry,beekeeping, vil lageindustrie s,markets, transport andincome-earning opportunities, taking fully into accountthe role of women and integrating them into the planningand implementation process.

B/ SC/ENI/F/C AND TECHNICAI. MEANS 13.21Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should: (a) Considerundertakingpilot projectsthat combine environmentalprotection and developmentfunctions with particular emphasis on someof the traditionalenvipractices ronmentalmanagement or systems that have a good impacton the environment; (b) Generate technologies for specificwatershed and farm conditionsthrougha participatoryapproachinvolving local men and women, researchers and extension agentswho will carry out experimentsand trials on farm conditions;

c/ /NTERNATTONAL AND REG/ONAI. COOPERAIION 13.18Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations. should: (a) Strengthen the role of appropriateinternationalre-


(c) Promote technologiesof vegetative conservation measuresfor erosion prevention, in .ritu moisture management, improved cropping technology, fodder productionand agroforestry that arelow-cost,simpleand easily adoptedby local people.

(c) Promotelocal awareness and preparedness for disasterprevention and mitigation, combinedwith the latest availabletechnologyfor early waming and forecasting.

D) CAPACTTY-BU|LD|NG DEVELOPMENI C) HUMANRESOURCE 13.22 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantintemationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Promotea multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach in training and the disseminationof knowledge to local peopleon a wide rangeof issues, suchas household productionsystems, conservation and utilizationof arable and non-arableland, treatmentof drainagelines and rechargingof groundwater,livestock management, fisheries,agroforestryand horticulture; (b) Develop human resourcesby providing accessto education,health,energyand infrastructure; 13.23Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantintemationaland regional orgwizations, should develop and strengthennational centresfor watershed management to encourage a comprehensive approachto ttreenvironmental, socio-economic, technologi cal, legislative, financialand administrative aspects and provide support to policy makers,administrators,field staff and farmersfor watershed development. 13.24The private sector and local communities, in cooperationwith nationalGovernments, shouldpromote local infrastructure development, includingcommunication networks, mini- or micro-hydro development to supportcottageindustries,and access to markets.



Promoti ng sustoinoble ogriculture ond ruroldevelopment


l4.l By the year 2025. 83 per cent of the expected g l o b a l p o p u l a t i o no f 8 . 5 b i l l i o n w i l l b e l i v i n g i n developing countries.Yet the capacity of available resources and technologies to satisfythe demandsof this growing population for food andotheragricultural commoditiesremains uncertain. Agriculture has to producti on m eet t his c h a l l e n g ema , i n l y b y i n c re a s i ng on land already in use and by avoiding further on land that is onlv mareinallvsuitable encroachment for cultivation. 14.2 Major adjustrnents are neededin agricultural, policy, at both naenvironmental and macroeconomic levels,in developed tional and international as well as dev elopin g c o u n tri e s ,to c re a te th e c o n di ti ons for s u s t a i n a b l ea g r i c u l t u r e a n d r u r a l d e v e l o p m e n t (SARD). The major objectiveof SARD is to increase food production in a sustainable way andenhance food s e c u r i t y . T h i s w i l l i n v o l v e e d u c a t i o ni n i t i a t i v e s , utilization of economic incentivesand the developmentof appropriate andnew technologies. thusensuring s t ables up p l i e s o f n u tri ti o n a l l ya d e q u a te f ood, access groups,and production to thosesupplies by vulnerable for markets; employment and income generationto alleviate poverty; and natural resourcemanagement protection. and environmental 1-1.3 The priority mustbe on maintaining and improving the capacity of the higher potential agricultural lands to supportan expandingpopulation.However, c ons er v in g a n d re h a b i l i ta ti n g th e n a tu ra lr esources on lower pot e n ti a l a n d si n o rd e rto m a i n ta i nsustai nabl e m an/ landra ti o si s a l s o n e c e s s a ry T . h e m ai n tool s of SARD are policy and agrarianreform, participation, inc om e div e rs i fi c a ti o n ,l a n d c o n s e rv a t i on and i mpr ov edm a n a g e m e no t f i n p u ts .T h e s u c c e ss of S A R D

will dependlargely on the supportand participationof rural people, national Governments,the private sector and internationalcooperation, including technicaland scientific cooperation. 14.4 The following programmeareasare included in this chapter: (a) Agriculturalpolicy review,planningandintegrated programming in the light of the multifunctionalaspect of agriculture,particularly with regardto food securityand sustainable development; (b) Ensuring people's participationand promoting human resource development for sustainable agriculture; (c) Improving farm production and farming systems through diversification of farm and non-farm employment and infrastructure development; (d) Land-resource planninginformationandeducation for agriculture; (e) Land conservation and rehabilitation; (0 Water for sustainable food productionand sustainable rural development; ( g ) C o n s e r v a t i o na n d s u s t a i n a b l eu t i l i z a t i o n o f pl ant geneti c resourcesfor food and sust ainable agri cul ture; (h) Conservation and sustainable utilizationof animal geneticresources for sustainable agriculture, (i) Integrated pestmanagement and control in agriculture; plant nutritionto increase food produc0) Sustainable tion; (k) Rural energytransitionto enhance productivity; (l) Evaluationof the effectsof ultravioletradiationon plantsand animalscaused by the depletionof the stratosphericozonelayer.



BASIS FOR ACTION 14.5 There is a needto integratesustainable developpolicy analysis with agricultural mentconsiderations and planning in all countries, particularly in developing Recommendations shouldcontributedirectly countries. to development of realisticand operational medium- to long-termplans and programmes, and thus to concrete actions. Supportto and monitoring of implementation shouldfollow. 14.6 The absence of a coherent nationalpolicy framework for sustainable agriculture and rural development (SARD) is widespread and is not limited to the developing countries.In particularthe economies in transition from plannedto market-oriented systemsneed such a framework to incorporateenvironmentalconsiderations into economic activities, including agriculture. All countriesneedto assess comprehensively the impacts o f s u c h p o l i c i e s o n f o o d a n d a g r i c u l t u r es e c t o r performance,food security,rural welfare and international trading relations as a means for identifying appropriate offsettingmeasures. The major thrust of food securityin this caseis to bring abouta significant production increase in agricultural in a sustainable way and to achievea substantial improvementin people's food andculturallyappropriate entitlement to adequate food supplies. pertaining 11.1 Soundpolicy decisions to international trade and capital flows also necessitate action to overcome: (a) a lack of awareness of the environmental costs incurred by sectoraland macroeconomic policies and (b) insufficientskills hencetheir threatto sustainability; and experience in incorporating issuesof sustainability into policies and programmes; and (c) inadequacyof tools of analysis and monitoring.'

(b) To maintain and develop, as appropriate,operational multisectoral plans, programmes and policy measures, including programmes and measures to enhance sustainable food production and food security within the framework of sustainable development, not later than 1998; (c) To maintainand enhance the ability of developing particularly countries, the leastdeveloped thempolicy,programming selves manage and planningactivities,not later than 2005.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ELAT EDACTIVITI ES 14.9 Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternational andregionalorganizations,should: (a) Carry out national policy reviews relatedto food security, including adequate levels and stabilityof food supplyand access to food by all households; (b) Reviewnationalandregionalagricultural policy in relation, inter alia, to foreign trade, price policy, exchangerate policies,agriculturalsubsidies and taxes,as well as organization for regional integration: economic (c) Implement policies to influence land tenure and property rights positively with due recognitionof the minimum size of land-holdingrequired to maintain production and check further fragmentation; (d) Consider demographic trends and population movementsand identify critical areasfor asricultural production; (e) Formulate, introduce andmonitorpolicies,laws and regulations andincentives leadingto sustainable agricultural and rural development and irnproved food security and to the development and transferof appropriate farm technologies, including, where appropriate, low-input (LISA) systems; sustainable agricultural (0 Supportnational and regional early waming systems through food-securityassistance schemesthat monitor food supply and demand and factors af-fbctins household access to food; (g) Reviewpolicieswith respect to improvingharvesting, storage, processing, distributionand marketingof productsat the local, nationaland regionallevels; (h) Formulate and implement integratedagricultural projects that include other natural resourceactivities, suchasmanagement of rangelands, forests, and wildlife, as appropriate; (i) Promotesocialand economicresearch and policies that encourage sustainableagriculture development, particularlyin fragileecosystems and denselypopulated areas;

OBJECTIVES 14.8 The objectives of this Programme areaare: (a) By 1995,to review and, where appropriate, establish a programme to integrate environmental andsustainwith policy analysisfor the food and able development policy agriculturesectorand relevant macroeconomic formulationand implementation; analysis,


C) Identify storageand distributionproblemsaffecting to food availability; supportresearch,where necessary, overcometheseproblemsand cooperatewith producers and distributors to implement improved practicesand systems.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F'NANC'NGAND COSTEVALUATION 14.12The Conference secretariathas estimated the averagetotal annualcost (1993-2000)on implementing the activities of this prograrrme to be about $3 billion, including about$450 million from the internationalcomterms.Theseare indicamunity on grant or concessional only and have not estimates tive and order-of-magnitude and financial reviewed Actual costs by Governments. been will depend non-concessional, including terms, any that are progfttrnmes and specific stategies ulnn, inter alin, the Governmentsdecideupon for implementation.

AND /NFORMAT/ON B) DATA 14.10Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Cooperateactively to expand and improve the inon food and agriculformation on early waming systems ture at both regionaland nationallevels; (b) Examine and undertake surveys and researchto establishbaseline information on the status of natural resources relatingto food andagriculturalproductionand on planningin orderto assess the impactsof varioususes and tools of and developmethodologies theseresources, accounting. suchas environmental analysis,

MEANS AND TECHNOLOGTCAL 8/ SC'ENnF'C 14.13Governments at the appropriatelevel and with the relevant internationaland regional organsupportof the izations should assist farming householdsand communities to apply technologies relatedto improved food productionand security,including storage, monitoring of production and distribution.

AND REG'ONAL c/ ,NTERNAT/ONAr. AND COORD/NAIION COOPERAI'ON suchasFAO, theWorld 14.11 UnitedNationsagencies, Bank, IFAD and GATT, and regional organizations, and otherbodiesshould,withbilateraldonoragencies mandates, assume a role in working in their respective with nationalGovernments in the following activities: (a) Inrplementintegratedand sustainable agricultural development and food security strategiesat the subregional level that use regional production and trade potentials, including organizations for regionaleconomic promote food security; integration,to (b) Encourage, in the context of achieving sustainable agricultural development and consistent with principleson tradeand agreed relevantinternationally environment, a more open and non-discriminatory trade and the avoidance of unjustifiable tradingsystem w i t h p o l i c i e s will o t h e r barriers which together facilitate the further integration of agricultural and policies so as to make them mutually environmental supportive; (c) Strengthen national,regionaland inand establish ternationalsystemsand networks to increasethe understandingof the interactionbetween agriculture and the state of the environment,identify ecologically sound technologiesand facilitate the exchangeof information policies, and techniques and tools of on data sources, analysis. c) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENT

14.14Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Involve and train local economists, planners and analysts to initiate nationalandintemationalpolicy reviews agriculture; and developframeworksfor sustainable (b) Establish legal measuresto promote accessof women to land and remove biasesin their involvement in rural development.

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING 14.15Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should strengthen ministries for agriculture, natural resources and planning.


BASIS FOR ACTION 14.16This component bridges policy and integrated


resourcemanagement.The greater the degreeof community control over the resources on which it relies,the greaterwill be the incentivefor economicand human resources development.At the sametime, policy instrumentsto reconcilelong-runand short-runrequirements must be set by nationalGovernments. The approaches providfocus on fosteringself-relianceand cooperation, ing information andsupporting user-based organizations. practices, shouldbe on management Emphasis building agreements for changes in resourceutilization, the rights and dutiesassociated with useof land,waterand fbrests, the functioning of markets,prices, and the accessto information, capital and inputs.This would requiretraining and capacity-building to assumegreaterresponsibilities in sustainable development efforts.'

land and for individuals or conununities to encourage investment in land resources, (d) Developguidelines policiesfor fordecentralization rural developmentthrough reorganizationand strengthening of rural institutions; (e) Develop policies in extension,training, pricing, input distribution, creditandtaxationto ensure necessary incentives and equitable accessby the poor to production-support services; (0 Providesupportservices and training,recognizing the variationin agricultural and practices circumstances by location; the optimal use of on-farm inputs and the minimal use of external inputs; optimal use of local natural resources and management of renewableenergy sources; andtheestablishment of networksthatdealwith the exchange of information on alternative forms of agriculture.

OBJECTIVES 14.17The objectivesof this programmeareaare: (a) To promote greaterpublic awareness of the role of people'sparticipation and people'sorganizations, espepeople,local cially women's groups,youth, indigenous communitiesand small farmers,in sustainable agriculture and rural development; (b) To ensure equitableaccess of rural people,particularly women, small farmers, landlessand indigenous people,to land, water and forest resources and to technologies,financing,marketing,processing and distribution; (c) To strengthen and developthe management and the internal capacitiesof rural people'sorganizations and extensionservices and to decentralize decision-makine to the lowestcommunitylevel. B) DATA AND 'NFORMAT/ON 14.19Governments at the appropriate level,andwith the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,shouldcollect,analyse, inforand disseminate mation on human resources, the role of Governments, local communities and non-govemmen tal or ganizati ons in socialinnovationandstrategies for rural development.

C/ /NIERNATIONAL AND REG/ONAI COOPERAIION AND COORD'NAIION 14.20Appropriate internationaland regional agencies should: (a) Reinforce their work with non-governmental organizations in collecting and disseminatinginformaparticipation tion on people's organizations, andpeople's testingparticipatorydevelopmentmethods,training and e d u c a t i o n f o r h u m a n r e s o u r c e d e v e l o p m e n ta n d strengthening the management structures of rural organizations; (b) Help developinformation availablethrough nongovernmental organizations and promote an international ecological agricultural network to acceleratethe development and implementation of ecologicalagriculture practices.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENT-R ELATED ACT tVtTtES 14.18Governmentsat the apprclpriate level, with the relevant international supportof the and regional organizations,should: (a) Developandimproveintegrated agricultural extension servicesand facilities and rural organizatrons and undertake natural resource managementand food security activities, takinginto account the differentneeds of subsistence agriculture as well as market-oriented crops; (b) Review and refocusexisting measures to achieve wider accessto land, water and forest resourcesand ensureequal rights of women and other disadvantaged groups,with particularemphasison rural populations, peopleand local communities; indigenous (c) Assign clear titles, rights and responsibilities for

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION AI FINANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION 14.21The Conference secretariathas estimated the averagetotal annual cost (1993-2000)of implementing


to be about $4.4 billion, the activities of this prograrnme comincluding about$650million from the international terms.Theseare indicamunity on grant or concessional only and have not estimates tive and order-of-magnitude Actual costsand financial beenreviewedby Govemments. will depend terms,including any that are non-concessional, upon, inter alia, the specific strategiesand progftlrnmes decideuponfor implementation. Govemments

MEANS 8/ SCTENTFtC AND TECHNOT.OG|CAL 14.22 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should: (a) Encourage people'sparticipation on farm technology developmentand transfer,incorporatingindigenous ecologicalknowledgeand practices; ( b ) L a u n c h a p p l i e d r e s e a r c ho n p a r t i c i p a t o r y strategies management and local organmethodologies, izations.

for commoditiesandto avoid further expansion demands on fragile ecoon to marginal lands and encroachment systems. Increased useof externalinputs and developproductionandfarming systems tend ment of specialized and to increasevulnerability to environmentalstresses market fluctuations. There is, therefore,a needto intensify agriculture by diversifying the production systems for maximum efficiency in the utilization of local rewhile minimizing environmentaland economic sources, risks. Where intensification of farming systemsis not possible,otheron-farm andoff-farm employmentopportunities should be identified and developed, such as and cottageindustries,wildlife utilization, aquaculture fisheries, non-farmactivities, suchaslight village-based manufacturing, farm commodity processing,agrirecreation business, and tourism,etc.

OBJEC-TVES 14.26The objectivesof this programmeareaare: (a) To improve farm productivity in a sustainable manner,aswell asto increase diversification,efficiency,food security and rural incomes,while ensuringthat risks to the ecosystem are minimized; (b) To enhance the self-reliance of farmersin developing and improving rural infrastructure,and to facilitate for sound technologies the transferof environmentally integratedproduction and farming systems.including indigenous technologies and the sustainable use of bioprocesses, logical and ecological includingagroforestry, sustainablewildlife conservationand management, aquaculture, inland fisheriesand animal husbandry; (c) To create farm and non-farm employment opportunities,particularlyamongthe poor and thoseliving in marginal areas,taking into account the alternative livelihood proposalinter alia in drylandareas.

DEVELOPMENT C) HUMANRESOURCE at the appropriate level, with the 14.23Governments support of the relevant international and regional and techshould provide management organizations, administrators and memnical trainingto government practice groupsin the principles, bersof resource-user in rural developand benefitsof people'sparticipation ment.

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 14.24 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organstrategies and izations, should introducemanagement for mechanisms, such as accountingand audit services and institutionsfor human rural people'sorganizations administrative and resource and delegate development, financial responsibilities to local levels for decisionmaking, revenue-raising and expenditure. cl rfripRovrNc FARr/lpRoDUcfloN AND FARftIINGSYSTEMS THROUGH DIVERSIFICATION AND OF FARM AND NON.FAR'YIEMPTOY'VIENT INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ITI ELATED ACTIV ES 14.27 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations,should: (a) Develop and disseminate to farming households integrated farm managementtechnologies,such as crop rotation,organicmanuringand othertechniques involving reduceduseof agriculnrral multiple techniques chemicals, for sources of nutrients and the efficient utilization of extemalinputs,while enhancing for wasteand techniques by-productutilization and preventionof pre- and postharvestlosses, takingparticular noteof the role of women;

FOR BASIS ACTION 14.25 Agriculture needs to be intensified to meet future


( b) Cr eat e no n -fa rm e m p l o y m e n t o p p o rtuni ti es throughprivate small-scale agro-processing units, rural servicecentre s andrelatedi nfrastructural i mprovements ; (c) Promoteand improve rural financial networks that utilize investment capitalresources raisedlocally; (d) Providethe essential rural infrastructurefor access to agriculturalinputsand services, as well as to national and local markets, and reducefood losses; (e) Initiate and maintain farm surveys.on-farm testing of appropriate and dialoguewith rural comtechnologies munitiesto identify constraints and bottlenecks and find solutions; (0 Analyseandidentifypossibilities foreconomicintegrationof agriculturaland forestryactivities,as well as water and fisheries. and to take effective measuresto encourageforest managementand growing of trees by farmers(farm forestry)asanoption forresourcedevelopment.

beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsand financial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategiesand programmesGovernments decideupon for implementation.

8/ SCTENilFtC AND TECHNOIOG\CAL MEANS 14.31Governments at the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should strengthen research on agriculturalproduction systemsin areaswith different endowmentsand agro-ecological zones, includingcomparative analysis of the intensification,diversificationand different levels of extemal and internal inputs.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENI B) DATA AND /NFORMAnON 14.28Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Analyse the effects of technical innovationsand incentives on farm-household incomeand well-being; ( b) I nit iat e an d ma i n ta i n o n -fa rm a n d o ff-farm programmes to collectandrecordindigenous knowledge. 14.32 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Promote educational and vocational training for farmers and rural communitiesthrough formal and nonformal education; (b) Launch awarenessand training programmes for entrepreneurs, managers,bankers and traders in rural servicingand small-scale agro-processing techniques.

c/ /NTFRNATIONAL AND REG'ONAI. AND COORD/NAI/ON COOPERAIION 14.29Intemationalinstitutions,suchas FAO and IFAD, international agricultural researchcentres,such as CGIAR, andregional centres shoulddiagnose theworld's major agro-ecosystems, their extension, ecologicaland socio-economiccharacteristics, their susceptibilityto deterioration and their productivepotential. This could form the basisfor technologydevelopment andexchange and for regionalresearch collaboration.

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 14.33Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should: (a) Improve their organizational capacityto deal with issuesrelated to off-farm activities and rural industry development; (b) Expandcredit facilities and rural infrastructurerelated to processing, transportation and marketing. ptANNtNc, |NFORftIAT|ON Dl IAND-RESOURCE AND EDUCATION FORAGRICUTTURE


BASIS FOR ACTION 14.30The Conferencesecretariat has estimatedthe average total annualcost (1993-2W0)of implementing the activitiesof this programme to be about$10 billion, including about$1.5 billion from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicative andorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot 14.34Inappropriate and uncontrolled land uses are a major causeof degradation and depletion of land resources.Presentland use often disregards the actual potentials,carrying capacitiesand limitations of land resources, as well as their diversity in space.It is esti-


matedthat the world's population,now at5.4 billion, will be 6.25 billion by the tum of the century. The need to food productionto meet the expandingneedsof increase on all natural the populationwill put enormouspressure including land. resources, 14.35Poverty and malnutrition are already endemic in many regions. The destruction and degradation of resource s i s a major i ssue. agriculturalandenvironmental productionandconservingsoil for increasing Techniques and water resourcesare already available but are not applied.A systematicapproach widely or systematically is neededfor identifying land usesand production sysin each land and climate zone, tems that are sustainable including the economic,social and institutional mechafor their implementation.3 nisms necessary

nate information, wheneverpossible,on the utilization and living conditions,climate,water of naturalresources and soil factors,and on land use,distribution of vegetautilization of wild plants, tion cover and animal species, yields, costs and prices, and production systems and that affect agricultural social and cultural considerations and adjacentland use; (b) Establish programmes to provide information, promote discussion and encourage the formation of groups. management

AND REGION,AI. C/ INIERNAI'ONAI. AND COORD/NAIION COOPERAI'ON 14.39The appropriate United Nations agenciesand regional organizationsshould: (a) Strengthenor establishinternational,regional and technicalworking groupswith specificterms subregional and budgetsto promotethe integrateduseof of reference for agriculture,planning, data collection land resources and diffusion of simulation models of production and information di ssemination : methodologies (b) Develop internationallyacceptable description of land for the establishmentof databases, usesand multiple goal optimization.

OBJECTIVES of this programmeareaare: 14.36The objectives involve farmers (a) To harmonizeplanningprocedures, data, design collectland-resource in theplanningprocess, define land areas of similar and establishdatabases, capability,identify resourceproblemsand values that to mechanisms needto be takeninto accountto establish encourageefficient and environtnentally sound use of resources: planningbodiesat national (b) To establish agricultural and local levels to decide priorities,channelresources and irnplementprogrammes.


ACTIVITIES ACT IVIT IE 5 ELATED A) MANAGEMENI-R 14.37 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Establishand strengthenagricultural land-useand planning,management, educationand inland-resource formation at national and local levels; (b) Initiateandmaintaindistrictandvillageagricultural land-resourceplanning, managementand conservation groupsto assistin problem identification,development solutions,and project imof technicaland management plementation. 14.40The Conference secretariathas estimated the averagetotal annualcost (1993-2000)of implementing to be about$ 1.7billion, the activitiesof this programme including about$250 million from the internationalcomterms.Theseare indicmunity on grant or concessional only andhavenot estimates ative andorder-of-magnitude beenreviewedby Governments.Actual costsand finanwill cial terms,including any that are non-concessional, and prodependupon, inter alia, the specific strategies grammesGovernments decideupon for implementation.

MEANS AND TECHNOLOGICAL BJ SC/ENI/F'C 14.41Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Develop databases and geographicalinformation systemsto store and display physical,social and economic information pertaining to agriculture, and the definition of ecological zonesand developmentareas; (b) Selectcombinationsof land usesand production

AND /NFORMAT/ON B) DATA 14.38Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Collect,continuously monitor,updateanddissemi-


systems appropriate to land units throughmultiple goal optimization procedures, and strengthen delivery systems and local communityparticipation; (c) Encourage integrated planningat the watershed and landscape levelto reducesoil lossandprotectsurface and groundwater resources from chemicalpollution.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENI 14.42Governments at the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations,should: (a) Trainprofessionals andplanninggroupsat national, district and village levels throughformal and informal instructional courses, travel and interaction; (b) Generate discussion at all levelson policy,development and environmentalissuesrelated to agricultural land use and management, through media programmes, conferences and seminars.

havehadlimited success to date.Well planned, long-term national and regional land conservationand rehabilitation programmes, with strongpolitical supportand adequatefunding,arenow needed.While land-use planning andlandzoning,combined with betterland management, shouldprovide long-termsolutions, it is urgentto arrest land degradationand launch conservationand rehabilitation programmesin the most critically affected and vulnerableareas.

OBJECTIVES 14.45The objectivesof this programmeareaare: (a) By the year 2000,to review and initiate,as appropriate,nationalland-resource surveys, detailingthelocation, extentand severityof land degradation; (b) To prepare and implementcomprehensive policies and prograrrunes leading to the reclamationof degraded lands and the conservation of areasat risk, as well as improve the generalplanning,managelnent and utilization of land resourcesand preserve soil fertility for sustainable agricultural development.

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 14.43Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantintemationaland regionalorganizations, should: (a) Establish land-resource mappingandplanning units at national, districtandvillagelevelsto actasfocal points and links betweeninstitutionsand disciplines,and between Govemments and people; (b) Establishor strengthen Govemmentsand international institutions with responsibilityfor agricultural resource survey,management and development; rationalize and strengthenlegal frameworks; and provide equipmentand technicalassistance. ACTIVITIES A) MA,NAGEMENI-R ELATED ACTtVtTt ES 14.46 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Developandimplementprogrammestoremoveand resolvethe physical,socialand economiccauses of land degradation, such as land tenure, appropriate trading systems and agriculturalpricing structures, which lead to inappropriateland-usemanagement; (b) Provide incentivesand, where appropriateand possible, resourcesfor the participationof local communities in the planning,implementationand maintenance of their own conservation and reclamationprogrammes; (c) Develop and implement programmesfor the rehabilitationof landdegradedby water-logging and salinity; (d) Develop and implement programmes for the progressive useof non-cultivated land with agricultural potentialin a sustainable way.


BASIS FOR ACTION 14.44Land degradationis the most important environmentalproblemaffectingextensive areas of land in both developed anddeveloping countries. The problemof soil erosion is particularly acute in developing countries, while problemsof salinization, waterlogging, soil pollution andlossof soil fertility areincreasing in all countries. Land degradation is serious the productivityof because just when populations hugeareas of land is declining are increasing rapidlyandthedemand on the landis growing to produce more food, fibre and fuel. Efforts to control land degradation, particularlyin developingcountries,

B) DATA AND /NFORMATTON 14.47 Governments,at the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Conductperiodic surveysto assess the extentand stateof its land resources:


(b) Strengthenand establish national land-resource databanks,including identificationof the location,extent aswell asareas and severityof existingland degradation, and at risk, and evaluatethe progressof the conservation launchedin this regard; rehabilitationprogralrunes (c) Collect and record information on indigenousconservation and rehabilitation practicesand farming sysand extensionprogrammes. tems as a basisfor research

DEVELOPMENI C) HUMANRESOURCE 14.51Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should train field staff and land users in inand of conservation digenous and moderntechniques trai ni ngf acilit ies and shoul destabl i sh rehabi l i tati on for extensionstaff and land users.

AND REG/ONAI. C,| INIERN,AIIONAI. AND COORD'NAIION COOPERAI'ON regional United Nationsagencies, 14.48The appropriate organizations organizations and non-governmental should: (a) Develop priority conservation and rehabilitation and with advisory servicesto Governments programmes regionalorganizations ; (b) Establish regional and subregional networks for scientistsand techniciansto exchangeexperiences, technolsuccessful andspread developjoint programmes rehabilitation. and ogieson land conservation

D] CAPACITY.BUILDING 14.52 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Develop and strengthennational researchinstitutional capacity to identify and implement effective conthat areappropriate servationandrehabilitationpractices physicalconditions of the to theexistingsocio-economic land users; (b) Coordinate andrehabilitation all land conservation with relatedongoing policies,strategies andprogralnmes actionplans, prograrnmes, suchas nationalenvironment the Tropical ForestryAction Plan and national development prograrnmes.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATTON A/ F/NANC/NG 14.49The Conferencesecretariathas estimatedthe of implementing total annualcost (1993-2000) average the activitiesof this programmeto be about $5 billion, including about$800million from the internationalcomterms.Theseareindicamunity on grantor concessional only andhavenot estimates tive andorder-of-magnitude beenreviewedby Govemments.Actual costsandfinanwill cial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategiesand decideupon for implementaprogrammes Governments tion. FOOD PRODUCTION F) WATERFOR SUSTAINABLE RURATDEVELOP}IENT AND SUSTAINABTE 14.53This programmearea is included in chapter 18 (Protectionof thequality andsupplyof freshwaterresources).prograffuneareaF.


MEANS AND TECHNOLOGICAL 8/ SC/ENI,FtC 14.50Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organto communities izations,shouldhelp farming household and technologies investigateand promote site-specific farming systems that conserve and rehabilitate land, includingconagriculturalproduction, while increasing terracingand mixed cropservationtillage agroforestry, ping.

FOR ACTION BASIS for agriculture(PGRFA) 14.54Plant geneticresources are an essentialresourceto meet future needsfor food. Threats to the security of theseresourcesare growing, developand usegeneticdiversity andefforts to conserve, are underfundedand understaffed.Many existing gene securityand,in someinstances, banksprovideinadequate diversityin genebanksis asgreat the lossof plantgenetic as it is in the field. the world's 14.55The primary objectiveis to safeguard them to use sustainwhile preserving geneticresources ably. This includes the developmentof measuresto facilitate the conservationand use of plant genetic re-


areasand use networksof in situ conservation sources, and germ plasma of tools suchas ex situ collecticlns emphasis could be placedon the building banks. Special evaluation capacityfor characterization, of endogenous and utilization of PGRFA, particularly for the minor or non-utilizedspecies crops and other underutilized of food and agriculture,including tree speciesfor action could be aimed at agro-forestry. Subsequent of networks consolidationand efficient management areasand use of tools such as of in situ conservation ex situ collectionsand germ plasmabanks. exist in the capacity 14.56Major gaps and weaknesses of existing national and internationalmechanismsto to assess, study,monitor and useplant geneticresources Existinginstitutional capacity, food production. increase and are generallyinadequate structures and programmes There is geneticerosionof invallargely underfunded. is uablecrop species.Existingdiversity in crop species food producfor increased not usedto theextentpossible wav"* tion in a sustainable

objectivesof sustainable agricultureand rural development in view; (c) Develop multiplication/propagation, exchange facilities for PGRFAs (seedsand and dissemination p l a n t i n g m a t e r i a l s ) ,p a r t i c u l a r l y i n d e v e l o p i n g plantintrocountries andmonitor,controlandevaluate ducti ons; (d) Prepareplans or programmesof priority action on use of PGRFA, based,as conservation and sustainable of PGRFA; appropriate, on country studies (e) Promote systems in agricultural cropdiversification where appropriate, including new plantswith potential value as food crops; (f) Promoteutilization as well as research on poorly known, but potentiallyuseful, plants and crops, where appropriate; (g) Strengthen national capabilitiesfor utilization of PGRFA, plant breedingand seedproductioncapabilities, institutions and farmingcommunities. both by specialized

AND /NFORMATION B) DATA OBJECTIVES areaare: of this programme 14.57The objectives (a) To complete and safeduplicathe first regeneration on a world-widebasis tion of existingex situ collections as soonas possible; (b) To collect and study plants useful for increasing joint activities, includingtrainfood productionthrough ing, within the frameworkof networksof collaboratins institutions; (c) Not later than the year 2000, to adoptpoliciesand strengthenor establishprogrammesfor in situ on-farm use of plant and sustainable and e.r silr.rconservation integrated into genetic for food andagriculture, resources for sustainable agriculture; strategies and programrnes (d) To take appropriatemeasures for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits and results of researchand and in plant breedingbetweenthe sources development usersof plant geneticresources. 14.59Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the and regionalorgansupportof the relevantinternational should: izations, (a) Develop strategies for networksof in situ conservation areasand use of tools such as on-f'armex situ germplasm banksand relatedtechnologies; collections, (b) Establish ex situ basecollectionnetworks; (c) Review periodicallyand reporton the situationon and procedures; PGRFA, usingexistingsystems (d) Characterrzeand evaluate PGRFA material colinformation to tacilitate the use of lected,disseminate PGRFA collectionsand assess eeneticvariationin collections.

AND REGIONAI c/ /NTFRNAT/ONAI. AND COCRDINAI/ON COOPERAI/ON 14.60The appropriateUnited Nations agenciesand regionalorganizations should: (a) Strengthen the Global Systemon the ConservaUse of PGRFA by, inter alia, tion and Sustainable acceleratingthe developmentof the Global Information and Early WarningSystem to facilitatetheexchange ways to promotethe transfer of information;developing in particularto of environmentally soundtechnologies, developingcountries; and taking further stepsto realize farmers' ri ghts: (b) Developsubregional, regionalandglobalnetworks of PGRFAin situ in protected areas:

ACTIVITIES IT ACTIV IE S ELATED A) MANAGEMENI-R 14.58Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the and regionalorgansupportof the relevantinternational izations. should: (a) Develop and strengtheninstitutional capacity, and use of for conservation and progranunes structures PGRFA: (b) Strengthenand establishresearchin the public domain on PGRFA evaluationand utilization.with the


(c) Prepare periodic state of the world reports on PGRFA; (d) Preparea rolling global cooperativeplan of action on PGRFA: (e) Promote,for l994,the Fourth InternationalTechniUse and Sustainable on the Conservation cal Conference of PGRFA, which is to adopt the first stateof the world report and the first global plan of action on the conservause of PGRFA; tion and sustainable and (0 Adjust the Global Systemfor the Conservation Use of PGRFA in line with the outcome of Sustainable the negotiationsof a conventionon biological diversity'

supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizationsshould: (a) Promote training programmesat both undergradfor sciences levelsin conservation uateandpost-graduate running PGRFA facilities and for the design and implementationof national programmesin PGRFA; (b) Raisethe awareness of agriculturalextensionservices in order to link PGRFA activitieswith user communities; (c) Developtraining materialsto promoteconservation and utilizationof PGRFAat the local level.

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATTON A/ F'NANC'NG 14.61The Conference secretariathas estimated the averagetotal annual cost (1993-2000)of implementing the activitiesof this programmeto be about$600 million, including about$300million from the internationalcomterms.Theseare indicmunity on grant or concessional only andhavenot estimates ativeand order-of-magnitude beenreviewedby Govemments.Actual costsand financial will depend terms,including any that are non-concessional, upofl, inter ali.a, ttre specific sfategies and programmes decideuponfor implementation. Govemments level,with the supat the appropriate 14.64Governments andregional organizations, port of therelevantinternational for nationalpoliciesto providelegalstatus shouldestablish of PGRFA,includinglong-term legalaspects andstrengthen and imcollections fbr germplasm financialcommitments plementation of activitiesin PGRFA.


FOR ACTION BASIS MEANS ANDTECHNOI.OGICAL 8' SC'ENTIFIC 14.62 Governments,at the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Develop basic science researchin such areas as plant taxonomy and phytogeography,utilizing recent such as computer sciences,molecular developments, geneticsand in vitro cryopreservation; (b) Develop major collaborativeprojects betweenres ear c h pro g ra m m e si n d e v e l o p e d a n d devel opi ng countries, particularly for the enhancementof poorly crops; known or neglected (c) Promote cost-effective technologies for keeping duplicatesetsof ex situ collections(which can also be usedby local communities); in relationto sciences (d) Developfurtherconservation and technicalmeansto link it with in situ conservation ex situ conservationefforts. 14.65The need for increasedquantity and quality of andfor draughtanimalscallsfor conseranimalproducts to meet vation of the existingdiversityof animalbreeds in biotechfor use those including future requirements, nology. Some local animal breeds,in additionto their value, have unique attributesfor adaptasocio-cultural resistance and specificusesand shouldbe tion, disease by extincare threatened local breeds preserved.These breeds and exotic of tion as a result of the introduction systems. production in livestock of changes

OBJECTIVES areaare: of this programme 14.66The objectives (a) To enumerate and describeall breedsof livestock in as broada way as possible usedin animalagriculture of action; programme and begin a 1O-year to (b) To establish and implementaction programmes identify breedsat risk, togetherwith the natureof the risk measures and appropriatepreservation ; (c) To establish and implement development protheir in orderto guarantee grammes breeds for indigenous survival, avoiding the risk of their being replacedby prograrnmes. or cross-breeding breedsubstitution

DEVELOPMENT C) HUMANRESOURCE at the appropriatelevel and with the 14.63Governments


ACTMTES ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ELATED 14.67 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantintemationaland regional organizations, should: (a) Draw up breed preservationplans, for endangered populations, including semen/embryo collection and of indigenousstock or storage,farm-based conservation in situ preservation; (b) Plan and initiate breeddevelopmentstrategies; (c) Select indigenous populations on the basis of for a 1O-year regional importanceand geneticuniqueness, programme, followed by selection of an additionalcohort of indigenousbreedsfor development.

take action to preserveendangered breedsand to seek technical assistance, where necessary.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F'NANC/NGAND COSTEVALUATION 14.70The Conference secretariathas estimated the average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing to be about$200million, the activitiesof this prograrnme including about $100 million from the internationalcommunity on grantor concessional terms. Theseareindicative and order-of-magnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Govemments. Actual costs and financial will depend terms,includingany thatarenon-concessional, upon, inter alia, the specific sftategiesand programmes Govemmentsdecideupon for implementation.

AND 'NFORMATTON B) DATA 14.68Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should prepare and complete national inventories of availableanimal geneticresources.Cryogenic and storage could be given priority over characterization evaluation. Training of nationals in conservationand would be given specialattention. assessment techniques B/ SC/ENilFrC AND TECHNOLOGTCAL MEANS 14J1 Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Use computer-based databanksand questionnaires to preparea global inventory/world watch list; (b) Using cryogenic storageof germplasm,preserve risk andothermaterialfrom which senes breedsat serious can be reconstructed.

AND REG/ONAI. C) 'NIERN,AI/ON,AI. COOP ERAI'ONAND COORD'NAIION 14.69The appropriate United Nations and other international and regional agenciesshould: (a) Promotethe establishment of regional gene banks justified, basedon principles to the extent that they are of technicalcooperationamong developingcountries; (b) Process,store and analyseanimal genetic data at of a world the global level, including the establishment watch list and an early warning systemfor endangered breeds;global assessment of scientific and intergovernmental guidance of the programme and review of r egional and n a ti o n a l a c ti v i ti e s ; d e v e l o p ment of (including internamethodologies, norms and standards monitoring of their implementation; tional agreements); and relatedtechnicaland financial assistance; (c) Prepareand publish a comprehensive database of animal genetic resources,describing each breed, its derivation, its relationship with other breeds,effective population size and a concise set of biological and production characteristics ; (d) Prepareand publish a world watch list on farm to animal species at risk to enablenationalGovernments

DEVELOPMENI C) HUMANRFSOURCE 14.72 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Sponsortraining coursesfor nationalsto obtain the necessary expertisefor data collection and handling and for the sampling of geneticmaterial; (b) Enable scientistsand managersto establishan information base for indigenous livestock breeds and promote programmesto develop and conserveessential livestockgeneticmaterial.

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING 14,73Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should: (a) Establishin-country facilities for artificial insemination centresand in situbreedingfarms;


(b) Promotein-country programmes and relatedphystlivestock conservationand for animal infrastructure cal national for strengthening well as as development, breed are when breeds preventive action to take capacities endangered.

ACTIVITIES IVITI ES ACT ELATED A) MANAGFMENI-R 14.76Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Review and reform national policies and the mechanisms that would ensurethe safe and appropriate - for example,pesticidepricing, pest use of pesticides price-structure of inputsandoutputsand controlbrigades, policies and action plans; integratedpest-management (b) Develop and adopt efficient managementsystems to control and monitor the incidenceof pestsand disease in agriculture and the distribution and use of pesticides at the country level; (q) Encourage research and development into pesticides that are target-specificand readily degradeinto harmlessconstituentparts after use; (d) Ensure that pesticide labels provide farmers with information about safe handling, appliunderstandable cation and disposal.


ACTION BASIS FOR 14.14World food demand projections indicate an increaseof 50 per cent by the year 2000 which will more put estimates thandoubleagainby 2050.Conservative lossescausedby pests pre-harvestand post-harvest between 25 and 50 per cent. Pests affecting animal health also cause heavy losses and in many areas preventlivestockdevelopment. Chemical control of agricultural pests has dominated the scene,but its overusehas adverseeffects on farm budgets,human as well as on international healthand the environment, trade. New pest problemscontinueto develop. Intewhich combinesbiological gratedpest management, and appropriatefarming control, host plant resistance is the practicesand minimizes the use of pesticides, best option for the future, as it guaranteesyields, reducescosts, is environmentallyfriendly and conof agriculture.Integrated tributesto the sustainability pest management shouldgo hand in hand with appropriate pesticide managementto allow for pesticide regulation and control,includingtrade,andfor the safe particularlythose handlingand disposalof pesticides, t hat ar e t oxi c a n d p e rs i s te n t.

AND TNFORMAT/ON B) DATA 14J7 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Consolidateand harmonize existing information that havebeen on the useof pesticides and programmes in differentcountries; restricted bannedor severely (b) Consolidate, informadocumentand disseminate and organicpesticides, tion on biologicalcontrol agents as well as on traditionaland other relevantknowledge and skills regardingalternativenon-chemicalways of controllingpests; (c) Undertakenational surveys to establishbaseline information on the useof pesticidesin eachcountry and the side-effectson human health and environment,and also undertakeappropriateeducation.

OBJECTIVES of this programmeareaare: 14.75The objectives (a) Not later than the year 2000, to improve and andanimalhealthservices, implementplantprotection to control the distributionand including mechanisms and to implementthe International use of pesticides, Code of C o n d u c t o n th e D i s tri b u ti o n and U se of P es t ic ide s : (b) To improve and implement programmes to put practiceswithin the reach integratedpest-management of farmers through farmer networks,extensionservices institutions; and research operational (c) Not laterthantheyear 1998, to establish and and interactivenetworksamongfarmers,researchers pest integrated to promoteanddevelop services extension management.

AND REG/ONAL c/ ,NTERNAilONAT. AND COORD/NAI/ON COOPERAIION andregional 14.78AppropriateUnitedNationsagencies should: organizations (a) Establisha system for collecting, analysingand data on the quantity and quality of pestdisseminating icides usedevery year and their impact on humairhealth and the environment; (b) Strengthenregional interdisciplinary projects and


(IPM) networksto establishintegratedpestmanagement demonstratethe social, economic and environmental benefitsof IPM for food and cashcrops in agriculture; (c) Develop proper IPM, comprisingthe selectionof the variety of biological,physicaland culturalcontrols, as well as chemicalcontrols,taking into accountspecific regionalconditions.

tions and regulatorybodiesin the control of pesticides and the transferof technologyfor integrated pestmanagement.


MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC'NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 14.79The Conference secretariathas estimated the averagetotal annual cost (1993-2000)of implementing the activitiesof this programme to be about$ 1.9billion, includingabout$285million from theinternational qommunity on grantor concessional terms.Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsandfinanwill cial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, dependupon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmesGovernments decideupon for implementation.

BASIS FOR ACTION 14.83 P l ant nutri ent depl eti oni s a seri ousproblem resulting in loss of soil fertility, particularlyin devel opi ngcountri es. To mai ntai nsoi l productivit y, the FAO sustainable plant nutrition programmes coul d be hel pful . In sub-S aharan A fri ca, nutrient output from al l sources i nputs by currentl yexceeds a factor of three or four, the net loss being estimated a t s o m e l 0 m i l l i o n m e t r i ct o n sp e r y e a r .A s a r e s u l t , more margi nall andsand fragi l e naturalecosyst em s are put under agri cul turaluse, thus creati ngfurt her probl em s. l and degradati on and otherenvi ronmental The i ntegratedpl ant nutri ti on approachai ms at ensuri ng a sustai nabl esuppl y of pl ant nutri ents t o i ncrease future yi el ds w i thout harmi ng the envir onment and soi l producti vi ty. 14.84In many developing populationgrowth countries, ratesexceed3 per cent a year,and nationalagricultural production has fallen behind food demand. ln these countries the goal should be to increaseagricultural production 4 percenta year,withoutdestroying by at least the soil fertility. This will requireincreasing agricultural productionin high-potential areasthroughefficiencyin the useof inputs. Trainedlabour,energysupply,adapted plant nutrientsand soil enrichtools and technologies, ment will all be essential.

8/ SC'ENilFrC AND TECHNOTOG\CAL MEANS 14.80Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantintemational and regionalorganizations,shouldlaunch on-farm research in the development of non-chemicalalternativepestmanagement technologies.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 14.81Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantintemationaland regional organizations. should: (a) Prepare and conduct training programmes on approachesand techniquesfor integratedpest management and control of pesticideuse, to inform policy makers, rese archers, non-govemmentalorganization s and farmers ; (b) Train extensionagentsand involve farmers and women's groups in crop health and altemative nonchemicalways of controllingpestsin agriculture.

OBJECTIVES 14.85The objectives of this programmeareaare: (a) Not later than the year 2000,to developand maintain in all countriesthe integratedplant nutrition approach, andto optimizeavailabilityof fertilizerandother plant nutrientsources; (b) N ot l ater than the year 2000, to establ i shand mai ntai n i nsti tuti onaland human i nfrastructur e to enhanceeffecti ve deci si on-maki ng on soi l prod uctivity; (c) To develop andmakeavailable national andintemational know-how to farmers,extension planners agents, and policy makerscln envirclnmentally sound new and existing technologiesand soil-fertility management strategi es for appl i cati oni n promoti ng sustai nable agriculture.

D) CAPACITY.BUILDING 14.82Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantintemational and regionalorganizations,should strengthen nationalpublic administra-


ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENT-R ELATED ACTIVIT IE S 14.86Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Formulate and apply strategiesthat will enhance soil fertility maintenance to meetsustainable agricultural production and adjust the relevant agricultural policy instrumentsaccordingly; (b) Integrate organic and inorganic sourcesof plant nutrientsin a systemto sustainsoil fertility anddetermine mineral fertilizer needs; (c) Determine plant nutrient requirementsand supply strategiesand optimize the use of both organic and inorganic sources,as appropriate,to increasefarming effi ciency and production; (d) Develop andencourage processes for the recyclingof organicand inorganicwasteinto the soil structure,without harming the environment,plant growth and humanhealth.

the activitiesof this programme to be about$3.2 billion, including about$475 million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicativeandorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhave not been reviewedby Gclvernments. Actual costsand financialterms,includingany thatarenon-concessional, will depend upon,inter alia,the specificstrategies and programmes Governments decideupon for implementation.

B/ SC/EN|FIC AND TECHNOLOGTCAL MEANS 14.90Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations.should: (a) Develop site-specifictechnologies at benchmark sites and farmers' fields that fit prevailing socio-economic and ecological conditions through researchthat involvesthe full collaboration of local populations; (b) Reinforce interdisciplinary international research and transferof technologyin cropping and farming systemsresearch, improvedin sirabiomass production techniques, organic residue managementand agroforestry technologies.

B) DATAAND /NFORMAI/ON 14.87Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Assess"national accounts"for plant nutrients,in(inputs)andlosses (outputs) cludingsupplies andprepare balancesheetsand projectionsby cropping systems; (b) Review technicaland economicpotentialsof plant nutrient sources, including nationaldeposits, improved organic supplies,recycling, wastes,topsoil produced from discardedorganicmatterand biological nitrogen fixation.

c) HUTAAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENI 14.91Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternational and regionalorganizations,should: (a) Train extensionofficers and researchers in plant nutrientmanagement, croppingsystems andfarmingsystems, and in economicevaluationof plant nutrientimpact; (b) Trainfarmers andwomen'sgroupsin plantnutrition management, with special emphasis on topsoilconservation and production.

C/ /NTERNAI'ONAT AND REGIONAI. COOPERAI/ON,AND COORD/NAI/ON 14.88The appropriate United Nations agencies, such as FAO, the internationalagriculturalresearch institutes,and non-governmental organizations shouldcollaboratein carout information publicity and campaignsabout the rying integrated plant nutrients approach,efficiency of soil productivity and their relationshipto the environment.

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING 14.92 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Develop suitable institutional mechanismsfor policy formulationto monitor andguidethe implementation of integrated plant nutritionprogrammes throughan .exteninteractiveprocessinvolving farmers,research, sion services and other sectors of society; (b) Where appropriate, strengthenexisting advisory services andtrainstaff,develop andtestnewtechnologies


14.89The Conference secretariathas estimated the averagetotal annual cost (1993-2000)of implementing


to upgrade and of practices and facilitatethe adoption of theland. maintain full productivity TO TRANSTTTON K) RURArENERGY PRODUCTIVITY ENHANCE

(b) Initiate and promoterural energyprogrammes supported by technical training, banking and relatedinfrastructure; (c) Intensify researchand the development,diversificaneed of energy, takinginto accountthe tion andconservation sound technology. for efficient useand environmentally

ACTION FOR BASIS 14.93 Energy suppliesin many countries are not commensuratewith their developmentneedsand are highly priced and unstable. In rural areasof the developing of energyarefuelwood, crop countries,the chief sources with animal and human manure, together residuesand inputs are required for energy More intensive energy. productivity of human labour and for incomeincreased generation. To thisend,ruralenergypoliciesandtechnolfossil and ogies shouldpromotea mix of cost-effective and itself sustainable is that sources renewableenergy Rural development. agricultural ensures sustainable areasprovide energy suppliesin the form of wood. The full potential of agricultureand agroforestry,as well as as sourcesof renewable common property resources, The attainment of from being realized. is far energy, linked with is intimately rural development sustainable patterns.) supply energy demandand

AND /NFORMAT/ON B) DATA 14.96Governments at the appropriate level, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Collect and disseminate dataon rural energysupply and demand patterns related to energy needs for and agro-industry; households, agriculture (b) Analyse sectoral energy and production data in order to identify rural energyrequirements.

AND REG'ONAL c/ /NTERNAT/ONAI AND COORD/NAI/ON COOPERAIION 14.97The appropriate United Nations agenciesand should, drawingon theexperience regionalorganizations and available information of non-governmentalorganizations in this field. exchangecountry and regional experienceon rural energy planning methodologiesin order to promoteefficient planningand selectcost-effective technologies.

OBJECTIVES areaare: of this programme 14.94The objectives (a) Not later than the year 2000,to initiate andencourage soundenergytransitionin rural of environmentally a process to strucenergysources, from unsustainable communities, making available by energy sources tured and diversified of energy; alternativenew and renewablesources (b) To increasethe energy inputs available for rural needsthrough planning householdand agro-industrial transfer and development; and appropriatetechnology favouring (c) To implementself-reliantruralprogrammes sources and renewable energy of development sustainable efficiency. improved energy

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATION A/ F/NANCING 14.98The Conference secretariathas estimated the of implementing averagetotal annualcost (1993-2000) to be about$ 1.8billion, the activitiesof this programme comincludingabout$265million from theinternational munity on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicaonly and havenot tive and order-of-magnitude estimates Actual costsand finanbeenreviewedby Governments. will cial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, and prodepend upon, inter alict,the specificsfrategies grafflmesGovemmentsdecideupon for implementation.

ACTIVITIES IVIT IE S ACT ELATED A) MANAGEMENI-R 14.95Governmentsat the appropriatelevel. with the supportof the relevantintemationaland regionalorganshould: izations. of elec(a) Promote pilot plansandprojects consisting biomass, andthermalpower(gasifiers, trical,mechanical that solar driers.wind-pumpsand combustionsystems) are appropriateand likely to be adequatelymaintained;

MEANs AND TECHNOLOGTCAL 8/ SC/ENr/F'C 14.99Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations, should:


(a) Intensify public and private sector researchin developingand industrializedcountrieson renewable sourcesof energyfor agriculture; (b) Undertakeresearch and transferof energytechnologiesin biomassand solarenergyto agriculturalproducactivities. tion and post-harvest

animal life in affectedregions,as well as its impact on agriculture, and to develop, as appropriate, strategies aimed at mitigating its adverseeffects.


DEVELOPMENT c) HUMANRESOURCE 14.100Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organpublic awareness of rural energy izations,shouldenhance the economicand environmentaladproblems,stressing vantagesof renewableenergy sources.

14.104In affectedregions,Govemmentsat the appropriate level, with the support of the relevant international and regional organizations,should take the necessary through institutionalcooperation,to facilitate measures, and evaluationregarding the implementationof research ultraviolet radiationon plant and the effectsof enhanced animal life, as well as on agricultural activities, and considertaking appropriateremedialmeasures.

D) CAPACITY-BUtLD\NG level, with the at the appropriate l4.l0l Governments supportof the relevantinternationaland regional organizations,should: (a) Establish national institutional mechanismsfor that would imrural energy planning and management prove efficiency in agricultural productivity and reach level; the village and household (b) Strengthenextension services and local organfornew and andprogrammes to implementplans izations renewablesourcesof energy at the village level.


FOR ACTION BASIS 14.102The increaseof ultraviolet radiation as a conseozone layer quenceof the depletionof the stratospheric is a phenomenonthat has been recorded in different regions of the world, particularly in the southernhemiit is important to evaluateits efsphere.Consequently, fects on plant and animal life, as well as on sustainable agriculturaldevelopment.

in in this progromme oreo ore presented of the issues poverty). chopter3 (Comboting in chopter 8 in thisprogromme oreoore discussed of theissues in decision-moking) ond in (lntegroting ond development environmeni for cooperotion mechonisms ond internoiionol chopter32 (Notionol in developing countries). copocity$uilding in chopter lO (lntegroted ore presented of the issues of londresources). to lhe plonning ond monogement opprooch 4The oreo ore relotedto someof the octivities of thisprogromme diversity). of biologicol in chopter15 (Conservotion octivities 5The oreo ore reloiedto someof the octivities of thisprogromme of the otmosphere). in chopter9 (Protection ociivities 3sor" 2sor"


OBJECTIVE areais to underof this programme 14.103The objective take research to determine the effects of increased ozone ultraviolet radiation resulting from stratospheric layer depletion on the Earth's surface,and on plant and



diversity Conservotion of biologicol


15.1 The objectivesand activities in this chapter of Agenda 2l are intendedto improve the conservationof useof biological biologicaldiversityand the sustainable resources, as well as to supportthe Conventionon Biological Diversity. goodsand services 15.2 Our planet'sessential depend populaon the variety and variability of genes,species, Biological resourcesfeed and tions and ecosystems. clothe us and provide housing,medicinesand spiritual The naturalecosystems of forests,savannourishment. nahs,pastures and rangelands, deserts, tundras,rivers, lakes and seascontain most of the Earth's biodiversity. Farmers'fields and gardensare also of greatimportance while genebanks,botanicalgardens, zoos asrepositories, and other germplasmrepositoriesmake a small but significant contribution. The currentdeclinein biodiversity is largely the result of human activity and represents a seriousthreatto human development.

to conserve benefits.Urgentanddecisiveactionis needed with a view andmaintaingenes, species andecosystems, to the sustainablemanagementand use of biological resources. forthe assessment, studyandsysteCapacities matic observationand evaluationof biodiversity needto be reinforced at national and internationallevels.Effective national action and internationalcooperationis required for the in situ protectionof ecosystems, for the ex and situ conservation of biological and geneticresources functions.The particifor the enhancement of ecosystem pation and support of local communities are elements essential to the successof such an approach. Recent advancesin biotechnology have pointed up the likely potential for agriculture,health and welfare and for the environmentalpurposes of the geneticmaterialcontained At the sametime, in plants,animalsandmicro-organisms. it is particularly important in this context to stressthat States have the sovereign right to exploit their own biological resources pursuant to their environmental well as the responsibilityto conservetheir biodiversityand use their biological resources sustainably,and to ensurethat activitieswithin their jurisdiction or control do not causedamageto the biological diversity of other Statesor of areasbeyond the limits of national jurisdiction.

OBJECTIVES CONSERVATION OF BIOTOGICALD]VERSITY 15.4 Governments at the appropriate level, with the cooperationof the relevant United Nations bodies and regional, intergovernmentaland non-governmental organizations,the private sector and financial institutions, and taking into considerationindigenouspeople and their communities, as well as social and economic factors,should: (a) Press forthe early entry into force of the Convention particion BiologicalDiversity,with the widestpossible pation;

BASIS FOR ACTION 15.3 Despitemounting efforts over the past 20 years, the lossof the world's biologicaldiversity,mainly from pollution and the habitat destruction, over-harvesting, introduction inappropriate of foreignplantsand animals, constitute a capital hascontinued. Biologicalresources asset with great potential for yielding sustainable


(b) Develop national strategies for the conservationof biologicaldiversityand the sustainable useof biological resources; (c) Integrate strategies for the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of biological resources into national development strategiesand/or plans; (d) Takeappropriate measures for the fair andequitable sharing of benefits derived from researchand development anduseof biologicalandgenetic resources, including biotechnology,between the sourcesof those resources and thosewho usethem; (e) Carry out country studies,as appropriate, on the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable useof biologicalresources, includinganalyses of relevant costs and benefits,with particularreferenceto socioeconomicaspects; ( 0 P r odu c e re g u l a rl y u p d a te d w o rl d reports on biodiversitybasedupon nationalassessments; (g) Recognizeand foster the traditional methods and the knowledge of indigenouspeople and their communities, emphasizingthe particular role of women, relevantto the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of biological resources, and ensure the opportunity for the participation of those groups in the economicand commercial benefitsderived from the useof suchtraditionalmethodsand knowledgell (h) Implement mechanismsfor the improvement, generation, development and sustainable useof biotechnology and its safe transfer,particularlyto developing countries, taking account the potential contribution of biotechnology to theconservation of biologicaldiversity and the sustainable useof biologicalresources;2 (i) Promotebroaderinternationaland regionalcooperation in furtheringscientificandeconomicunderstanding of the importanceof biodiversity and its functions in ecosystems; () Develop measures and arrangements to implement the rights of countriesof origin of geneticresources or countriesproviding geneticresources, as definedin the Conventionon Biological Diversity, particularly developing countries, to benefitfrom the biotechnological developmentand the commercial utilization of productsderivedfrom suchresources.2'3

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGFMENT-R ELATED ACTtVtTtE S 15.5 Governments at the appropriate levels.consistent with nationalpoliciesandpractices, with the cooperation of therelevantUnitedNationsbodiesand,asappropriate, intergovernmental organizations and,with the supportof

indigenouspeople and their communities,non-governmental organizations and other groups, including the business and scientificcommunities, andconsistent with the requirementsclf internationallaw, should, as appropriate: (a) Developnewor strengthen existingstrategies, plans or programmesof action for the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of biological resources, taking account of education and trainingneeds;a (b) Integratestrategies for the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainableuse of biological and geneticresources into relevantsectoralor cross-sectoral plans,programmes andpolicies,with particularreference to the special importanceof terrestrialand aquatic biological and geneticresources for food and agriculture;s (c) Undertakecountry studiesor use other methodsto identify components of biological diversity importantfor its conservation and for the sustainable useof biological ascribevalues to biological and geneticre.resources, sources, identify processes andactivitieswith significant impactsupon biological diversity,evaluatethe potential economicimplicationsof the conservation of biological diversityandthe sustainable useof biologicalandgenetic resources, and suggest priority action; (d) Takeeffectiveeconomic,socialandotherappropriate incentive measures to encourage the conservationof biologicaldiversityand the sustainable useof biological resources, including the promotion of sustainable production systems, suchas traditionalmethodsof agriculture, agroforestry,forestry, range and wildlife management,which use,maintainor increase biodiversity;s (e) Subject to national legislation, take action to respect, record,protectandpromotethe widerapplication of the knowledge,innovationsand practicesof indigenous and local communitiesembodyingtraditional lifestylesfor the conservation of biologicaldiversityandthe sustainable useof biologicalresources, with a view to the fair and equitablesharing of the benefitsarising, and promotemechanisms to involve thosecommunities, including women,in the conservation and management of ' ecosystems; (0 Undertakelong-term researchinto the importance of biodiversityfor the functioningof ecosystems and the role of ecosystems in producing goods, environmental services andothervaluessuppoftingsustainable development, with particular reference to the biology and reproductive capacities of key terrestrial and aquatic species, includingnative,cultivated andculturedspecies; new observationand inventory techniques; ecological conditionsnecessary for biodiversityconservation and continuedevolution;and socialbehaviourand nutrition habits dependenton natural ecosystems, where women play key roles. The work should be undertakenwith the


widest possibleparticipation,especiallyof indigenous peopleand their communities, includingwomen;l (g) Take action where necessary for the conservation of of biological diversity through the in silu conservation and natural habitats,as well as primitive ecosystems cultivars and their wild relatives,and the maintenance and recovery of viable populationsof speciesin their naturalsurroundings, and implementex situ measures, preferablyin the sourcecountry.In situ measures should include the reinforcement of terrestrial,marineand aquatic protected inter alia, vulnerable and embrace, areasystems andcoastal ecosystems, such freshwater andotherwetlands as estuaries, coral reefsand mangroves;o (h) Promote the rehabilitation and restoration of and and the recoveryof threatened damagedecosystems species; endangered (i) Develop policiesto encourage the conservation of use of biological and biodiversity and the sustainable geneticresources on privatelands; 0) Promote environmentally sound attd sustainable developmentin areasadjacentto protectedareaswith a view to furtheringprotectionof theseareas; ( k ) I nt r oduc e a p p ro p ri a tee n v i ro n me n ta li mpact procedures fbr proposedprojectslikely to assessment have significant impacts upon biological diversity, providing fbr suitableinformation to be made widely whereappropriate, availableandfor publi c participation, of the impactsof relevant the assessment and encourage policiesand programmes on biologicaldiversity; (l) Promote,where appropriate,the establishment and strengtheningof national inventory, regulation or management and control systemsrelatedto biological level; resources, at the appropnate (m) Take measuresto encourage a greater understanding and appreciationof the value of biological diversity, as manifestedboth in its componentparts and provided. in the ecosystem services

(b) Develop methodologies with a view to undertaking systematicsampling and evaluationon a national basis of the componentsof biological diversity identified by meansof country studies; (c) Initiate or further developmethodologies andbegin or continue work on surveysat the appropriatelevel on the statusof ecosystems and establishbaselineinformaincluding those tion on biological and geneticresources, in terrestrial,aquatic,coastaland marine ecosystems, as well as inventoriesundertakenwith the participationof peopleand their communities; local and indigenous (d) Identify and evaluatethe potential economic and social implications and benefitsof the conservation and sustainable use of terrestrialand aquaticspeciesin each country,building upon the resultsof country studies; (e) Undertakethe updating,analysisand interpretation of data derived from the identification, sampling and evaluationactivities describedabove; (0 Collect, assess and make available relevant and reliable information in a timely manner and in a form suitable for decision-makingat all levels, with the full suppoftand participationof local and indigenouspeople and their communities.

CI /NIERNAIIONAI. AND REG'ONAI. COOPERAI'ONA ND COORDINAIION 15.7 Governments at the appropriate level, with the cooperationof the relevant United Nations bodies and, as appropriate, intergovemmental organizations,and, with the suppofi of indigenous people and their communities, non-governmentalorganizationsand other groups, including the businessand scientific communities,and consistent with the requirements of internationallaw, should,as appropriate: (a) Considerthe establishment or strengthening of national or internationalcapabilitiesand networks for the exchange of data and information of relevanceto the conservationof biological diversity and the sustainable use of biological and geneticresources;7 (b) Produceregularlyupdatedworld reportson biodiversity based uponnationalassessments in all counties; (c) Promotetechnicaland scientific cooperationin the field of conservationof biological diversity and the sustainable use of biological and genetic resources. Specialattentionshouldbe given to the development and strengthening of nationalcapabilitiesby meansof human resource including development andinstitution-building, the transfer of technology and/or development of research and managementfacilities, such as herbaria, museums,gene banks, and laboratories,related to the conservation of biodiversitv:8

B) DATA AND INFORMAI/ON level, consistent 15.6 Governments at the appropriate with nationalpoliciesandpractices, with the cooperation of therelevant UnitedNationsbodiesand,asappropriate, intergovernmental organizations, andwith the support of non-governindigenouspeopleand their cclmmunities, and other groups, including the mental organrzatrons with andscientificcommunities, andconsistent business law, should,as approof international the requirements priate:7 (a) Regularly'collate, evaluate and exchange informaof bioiogical diversity and the tion on the conserl'ation useof bioloeical resources: sustainable


(d) Without prejudiceto the relevantprovisionsof the Conventionon Biological Diversity, facilitate for this relevantto the conchapterthe transferof technologies use servation of biologicaldiversityand the sustainable that makeuseof of biologicalresources or technologies geneticresources no significant to the andcause damage in conformity with chapter34, and recogenvironment, 8 includesbiotechnology,2' nizing that technology (e) Promotecooperation betweenthepartiesto relevant internationalconventionsand action plans rn'iththe aim of strengtheningand coordinating efforts to conserve useof biological biologicaldiversityand the sustainable resources: (0 Strengthensupport for international and regional instruments,programmesand action plans concerned with the conservationof biological diversity and'the sustainable useof biologicalresources; (g) Promote irnproved internationalcoordinationof measures fclrthe effectiveconservation andmanagement of endangered/non-pest migratory species,including levels of supportfor the establishment and appropriate managementof protectedareasin transboundarylocat ions : (h) Promotenational efforts with respectto surveys, datacollection, sampling and evaluation, and the maintenance of genebanks.

(c) Improved and diversified methodsfor ex situ conservationwith a view to the long-term conservationof genetic resources of importance for research and development.

DEVELOPMENI C) HUMANRESOURCE 15.10Thereis a need,whereappropriate, to: (a) Increase the numberand/ormakemore efficient use of trainedpersonnel in scientificand technologicalfields relevant to the conservationof biological diversity and the sustainable useof biologicalresources; (b) Maintain or establish programmes for scientificand technicaleducationand training of managers andprofessionals, especially in developing countries, on measures of biologicaldi versity for theidentification,conservation and the sustainable useof biologicalresources; (c) Promote and encourageunderstandingof the importanceof the measures required for the conservation of biologicaldiversityandthe sustainable useof biological resources at all policy-making and decision-making levelsin Governments, business ente{prises and lending institutions, the inclusionof and promoteandencourage programmes. thesetopicsin educational

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION 15.8 The Conference hasestimated secretariat theaverage total annualcost ( 1993-2000) of implementingthe activitiesof this chapterto be about$3.5 billion, including aboutS1.75billion from the international community terms. Theseareindicativeand on grantor concessional order-of-rnagnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewedby Governments. Actual costsand financial will terms, including any that are non-concessional, dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies and programmes Governments decideuponfor implementation.

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING 15.11Thereis a need,whereappropriate, to: (a) Strengthenexisting institutions and/or establish new onesresponsible for the conservation of biological diversityandto considerthe development of mechanisms suchas nationalbiodiversityinstitutes or centres; (b) Continueto build capacityfor the conservation of biologicaldiversityand the sustainable useof biological resources in all relevantsectors; (c) Build capacity, especially within Governments, business enterprisesand bilateral and multilateral development agencies, for integrating biodiversityconpotential cerns, benefits andopportunity costcalculations into project design, implementationand evaluation processesr aswell asfor evaluating theimpacton biological diversityof proposed projects; development (d) Enhancethe capacity of governmentaland private institutions, at the appropriatelevel, responsiblefor protected area planning and managementto undertake intersectoralcoordination and planning with other governmental institutions, non-governmentalorganizationsand, where appropriate, peopleand indigenous their communities.

8/ S C' F N IF tC A N D T EC H N O T .OG\C MFA AL N S includethe need l-5.9 Specificaspects to be addressed to develop: (a) Efficient methodologies for baselinesurveysand inventories, as well as for the systematic samplingand of biological resources; evaluation (b) Methodsand technologies for the conservation of diversity andthe sustainable biological useof biological resources:


the role of ond strengthening chopter26 (Recognizing 24 (Globol people ondchopter indigenous ondtheir communities) ond equilobledevelop oction for women towords sustoinoble ment). 2See monogement of biotechsound choptrr16 {Environmentolly nology). Diversity on Biologicol 2 (Use of terms) of theConvention includes thefollowing definitions: "Country which meons thecountry of originof geneticresources" in in situ conditions. possesses those geneticresources "Countryproviding meons thecountrysupplygenetic resources" including ing geneiic resources collectedfrom in sifu sources, populotions species, or tokenfrom of bothwild ond domesticoted which moy or moy not hove originotedin thot ex situsources, country. 3Arti.l"


4See chopter36 {Promoting publicoworeness ond educotion, troining). ogriculture ond rurol chopter14 (Promoting sustoinoble development) ond chopter1 I (Comboting deforestotion). 6See chopter17 {Protection of the oceons, oll kindsof seos, oreos including ond semi-enclosed seos,ond coostol enclosed rotionol useond development of theirliving ond the protection, resources). ZSee for decision-moking). chopter 40 (lnformotion SSee of environmentolly soundtechnology, choprer 34 (Tronsfer ond copocity-building). cooperotion 5See


1A I \,,

monogement sound Environmentolly of biotechnology


is the integration of the new techl6.l Biotechnology niquesemergingfrom modern biotechnologywith the of traditional biotechnolwell-established approaches knowledge-intensive an emerging ogy.Biotechnology, for bringing about field, is a set of enablingtechniques specific man-madechangesin deoxyribonucleicacid (DNA), or genetic material, in plants, animals and leadingto useful productsand techmicrobial systems, nologies.By itself, biotechnologycannot resolveall the fundamental problems of environment and development,so expectationsneed to be temperedby it promises to makea significant realism. Nevertheless, contribution in enabling the development of, for example, better health care, enhancedfood security through sustainableagricultural practices, improved supplies of potable water, more efficient industrial d e v e l o p m e n t p r o c e s s e sf o r t r a n s f o r m i n g r a w methodsof afforestamaterials,supportfor sustainable and detoxification of hazardous tion and reforestation, wastes.Biotechnology also offers new opportunities f o r g l o b a l p a r t n e r s h i p s ,e s p e c i a l l y b e t w e e n t h e (which include countriesrich in biological resources andinvestgeneticresources) but lackingthe expertise throughbiotechmentsneededto apply suchresources nology and the countriesthat have developedthe technological expertiseto transformbiological resources development.l of sustainable so thatthey servethe needs of those Biotechnologycan assistin the conservation techniques.The through,for example,ex sitr.r resources programmeareassetout below seekto fosterinternationally agreedprinciplesto be appliedto ensurethe enviof biotechnology,to ronmentally sound management engenderpublic trust and confidence,to promote the of sustainable applications of biotechnoldevelopment

ogy and to establishappropriateenabling mechanisms, especiallywithin developingcountries,through the following activities: (a) Increasingthe availability of food, feed and renewable raw materials: (b) Improving human health; (c) Enhancingprotectionof the environment; (d) Enhancing safety and developing international for cooperation; mechanisms (e) Establishingenablingmechanisms for the development and the environmentally sound application of biotechnology.


BASIS FOR ACTION 16.2 To meet the growing consumption needs of the global population, the challengeis not only to increase food supply,but also to improve food distribution significantly while simultaneously developingmore sustainaproducble agriculturalsystems. Much of this increased tivity will need to take place in developingcountries.It will require the successful and environmentally safe applicationof biotechnologyin agriculture,in the environmentandinhumanhealth Mostof theinvestment care. in modern biotechnologyhas been in the industrialized and human resource world. Significantnew investments development will be required in biotechnology, especially in the developingworld.


OBJECTIVES keepingin areproposed, 16.3 The following objectives mind the need to promote the use of appropriatesafety measures basedon programmeareaD: (a) To increase extenttheyield to the optimumpossible by species, of major crops, livestock,and aquaculture of modernbiotechnology using the combinedresources imand conventional plant/animal/micro-organism provement,including the more diverseuse of genetic both hybrid and original.' Forest material resources, to ensure product yields should similarly be increased, useof forests;' the sustainable (b) To reducethe need for volume increases of food, feed and raw materials by improving the nutritional of the sourcecrops,animalsand value (composition) lossesof and to reducepost-harvest micro-organisms, plant and animalproducts; pest,disease and (c) To increase the use of integrated crop managementtechniquesto eliminate overdepenenvirontherebyencouraging denceon agrochemicals, agricultural practices; mentaily sustainable (d) To evaluatethe agricultural potential of marginal lands in comparison with other potential uses and to develop, where appropriate,systems allowing for productivityincreases; sustainable (e) To expand the applicationsof biotechnologyin forestry, both for increasing yields and more efficient utilization of forestproductsandfor improving afforestatechniques.Efforts shouldbe contion and reforestation centratedon speciesand productsthat are grown in and are of value particularly for developingcountries; (0 To increasethe efficiency of nitrogen fixation and with of higherplants by the symbiosis mineralabsorption micro-organisms; (g) To improve capabilitiesin basic and applied sciof complex interdiscipliencesand in the management projects. nary research

ACNVMES ACT IVIT IES ELATED A) MANAGEMENI-R level,with theassis16.4 Governments atthe appropriate and with and regionalorganizations tanceof international organizations, the private the supportof non-govemmental shouldimand scientificinstitutions, sectorand academic proveboth plant and animalbreedingand micro-organisms throughthe useof traditionalandmodernbiotechnologies, outputto achievefood agricultural to enhance sustainable securiry,particularly in developingcountries,with due regardto the prior identification of desiredcharacteristics before modification, taking into account the needs of culturalandenvironmental farmers. the socio-economic.

impactsof modificationsandtheneedtopromotesustainpayingparticular able socialandeconomicdevelopment, attentionto how the useof biotechnologywill impact on of environmentalintegrity. the maintenance theseentitiesshould: 16.5 More specifically, (a) Improve productivity,nutritional quality and shelflife of food and animal feed products,with effortsincludlosses; ing work on pre- and post-harvest (b) Furtherdevelopresistance and pests; to diseases (c) Develop plant cultivars tolerant and/or resistantto and from stressfrom factors such as pestsand diseases abioticcauses; (d) Promotethe use of underutilizedcrops of possible future importance for human nutrition and industrial supply of raw materials; (e) Increasethe efficiency of symbiotic processes that agriculturalproduction; assistsustainable (0 Facilitate the conservationand safe exchange of plant, animal and microbial germ plasmby applying risk procedures, including imassessment and management proved diagnostictechniquesfor detectionof pestsand diseases by better methodsof rapid propagation; (g) Develop improved diagnostictechniquesand vacand for cines for the prevention and spreadof diseases rapid assessment of toxins or infectious organismsin productsfor human use or livestock feed; (h) Identify more productive strains of fast-growing trees,especiallyfor fuel wood, and developrapid propagation methodsto aid their wider dissemination and use; (i) Evaluate the use of various biotechnology techniques to improve the yields of fish, algal and other aquaticspecies; outputby sfengthening sustainable agricultural 0 ) Promote the capacityand scopeof existingresearch and broadening throughencourthenecessary criticalmass centres to achieve into the developmentof andmonitoringof research agement biologicalproducts andprocesses of productiveandenvironwhile mentalvaluettratareeconomically andsociallyfeasible, into account; taking safetyconsiderations (k) Promote the integration of appropriateand traditional biotechnologiesfor the purposesof cultivating geneticallymodified plants,rearinghealthy animalsand protectingforest geneticresources; (l) Develop processesto increasethe availability of materials derived from biotechnology for use in food, feed and renewableraw materialsproduction.

B) DATA AND /NFORMAT/ON 16.6 The following activitiesshouldbe undertaken: (a) Considerationof comparative assessments of the potential of the different technologiesfor food produc-


the possible tion, togetherwith a systemfor assessing effects of biotechnologies on international trade in agriculturalproducts ; (b) Examination of the implicationsof the withdrawal of subsidiesand the possible use of other economic to reflectthe environmental costsassociated instruments with the unsustainable use of agrochemicals; (c) Maintenance and development of data banks of information on environmental and health impacts of organisms to facilitaterisk assessment; (d) Acceleration of technology acquisition,transfer and adaptationby developing countries to support national activities fhat promote food security.

including about $50 million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and havenot Actual costsand finanbeenreviewedby Governments. cial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, will dependupon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmesGovemmentsdecideupon for implementation.


DEVELOPMENI C) HUMANRESOURCE in the basic 16.9 Training of competentprofessionals and applied sciencesat all levels (including scientific personnel, workers)is one technicalstaff and extension of the most essentialcomponentsof any programmeof this kind. Creatingawareness of the benefitsand risks of biotechnology is essential. Given the importance of good managementof research resourcesfor the successful completion of large multidisciplinary projects, continuing programmes of formal training for scientists should include managerial training. Training programmes shouldalsobe developed, within the contextof specific projects,to meetregionalor nationalneedsfor comprehensivelytrainedpersonnel capableof using advanced technologyto reducethe "brain drain" trom developing to developedcountries.Emphasisshould be given to encouraging collaboration between andtrainingof scientists,extensionworkersand usersto produceintegrated systems. Additionally"specialconsideration shouldbe given to the execution of programmesfor training and exchangeof knowledgeon traditionalbiotechnologies and for training on safetyprocedures.

AND REGTONAT. c/ TNTERNAT/ONAr. AND COORDINAI/ON COOPERATION 16.7 Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of relevant international and regional organizations, should promote the following activities in conformity with international agreementsor illrangementson biologicaldiversity,as appropriate: (a) Cooperationon issuesrelatedto conservation of, access to and exchange of germ plasm;rights associated with intellectual property and informal innovations,including farmers' and breeders'rights; accessto the and bio-safety; benefitsof biotechnology; (b) Promotion of collaborative researchprogrammes, especiallyin developingcountries, to supportactivities outlinedin this programmearea,with particularreference peopleandtheir with local andindigenous to cooperation of biological diversity communitiesin the conservation useof biologicalresources, aswell asthe and sustainable fostering of traditional methodsand knowledge of such groupsin connection with theseactivities; (c) Acceleration transfer and of technology acquisition, adaptation by developingcountriesto supportnational activities that promote food security, through the for substantial and sustainable development of systems productivity increases that do not damageor endanger a localccosystems: (d) Development of appropriate safety procedures basedon programmearea D, taking accountof ethical considerations.

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 16.10Insti tuti onal upgradi ng or other appr opr iat e measures will be needed manageto build up technical, rial. planningandadministrative capacities atthenational level to supportthe activitiesin this programmearea. Such measures should be backed up by intemational, scientific,technicaland t'inancial adequate assistance to facilitate technicalcooperation and raise the capacities of the developingcountries.ProgrammeareaE contains further details.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ FTNANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 16.8 The Conferencesecretariat has estimatedthe averagetotal annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing the activitiesof this programmeto be about $5 billion,

* S e ep o r o g r o p h1 s6 . 6 o n d 1 6 . 7 .



ACTION FOR BASIS 16.ll The improvementof human health is one of the The deteriomost important objectivesof development. ration of environmentalquality, notably air, water and washazardous soil pollution owing to toxic chemicals, tes, radiation and other sources,is a matter of growing concern.This degradationof the environmentresulting from inadequateor inappropriate development has a direct negative effect on human health. Malnutrition, lack of good-quality poverty,poor human settlements, sanitationfacilities add to potable water and inadequate the problemsof communicableand non-communicable the healthand well-being diseases.As a consequence, pressures. to increasing of peopleare exposed

OBJECTIVES 16.12The main objective of this programmearea is to contribute,through the environmentallysoundapplic_ation of biotechnologyto an overall healthprogramme,to:) (a) Reinforce or inaugurate (as a matter of urgency) diseases; programmes to helpcombatmajorcommunicable of all ages; (b) Promote goodgeneralhealthamongpeople (c) Develop and improve programmesto assist in of andprotectionfrom major non-comi fic treatment spec municablediseases; (d) Develop and strengthenappropriatesafety procedures basedon programmearea D, taking into account ethicalconsiderations ; for carryingout basic (e) Createenhanced capabilities and appliedresearchand for managinginterdisciplinary research.

ogies, with a view to baning the use of those that are unsafe for the purposesof experimentation;ensure that drugs and technologiesrelating to reproductivehealth are safe and effective and take account of ethical considerations; (d) Improve, systematically sample and evaluate drinking-water quality by introducing appropriate including diagnosisof water-borne specific measures, pathogens and pollutants; (e) Develop and make widely availablenew and improved vaccines against major communicablediseases that are efficient and safe and offer protection with a including intensifyingefforts minimum numberof doses, directedat the vaccinesneededto combat common disof children; eases (0 Develop biodegradabledelivery systemsfor vaccines that eliminate the need for presentmultiple-dose of thepopulationand facilitatebettercoverage schedules, reducethe costsof immunization; (g) Develop effective biological control agentsagainst vectors, such as mosquitoes and disease-transmitting resistant variants, taking account of environmental protectionconsiderations ; (h) Usingthetoolsprovidedby modembiotechnology, new drugsand develop, inter alia,improveddiagnostics, and delivery systems; improved treatments (i) Develop the improvement and more effective utilizationof medicinalplantsand otherrelatedsources; to increasethe availability of 0) Develop processes for usein improvmaterialsderivedfrom biotechnology, ing humanhealth.

B) DATA AND /NFORMAI/ON 16.14The following activitiesshouldbe undertaken: (a) Research social,environthe comparative to assess of differenttechmentaland financialcostsand benefits healthcarewithin a nologiesfor basicand reproductive frameworkof universalsafetyandethicalconsiderations; (b) Development of public education programmes directed at decision makers and the general public to of the relative and understanding encourageawareness to according andrisksof modernbiotechnology, benefits ethicaland culturalconsiderations.

ACTIVITIES IES ELATED ACTIVIT A) MANAGEMENI-R 16.13Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the of intemationaland regional organizations, assistance and the pharmaceuacademic and scientificinstitutions, tical industry,should, taking into accountappropriate safetyand ethicalconsiderations: programmes for (a) Developnationalandinternational of the world identifying and targetingthosepopulations most in need of improvement in general health and from diseases; protection (b) Develop criteria for evaluatingthe effectiveness activities; and the benefitsand risks of the proposed sampling (c) Establish systematic andenforcescreening, procedures for drugsand medicaltechnoland evaluation

AND REGTONAI cl ,NTERNAT/ONAI AND COORD/NAI/ON COOPERAIION with thesupport levels, attheappropriate 16.l 5 Governments should: andregionalorganizations, of relevantinternational (a) Develop and strengthenappropriatesafety proce-


dures basedon programmearea D, taking into account ethicalconsiderations ; (b) Supportthe development of nationalprogrammes, particularlyin developingcountries,for improvements protection in general health,especially from major communicablediseases, common diseases of children and -tran disease smittins factors.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 16.19Training and technologytransferis needed at the globallevel,with regionsandcountries havingaccess to, and participationin exchange of, information and expertise,particularlyindigenousor traditionalknowledgeand relatedbiotechnology. It is essential to createor enhance endogenouscapabilitiesin developing countries to enable them to participate actively in the processes of biotechnology production. The training of personnel could be undertaken at threelevels: (a) That of scientistsrequired for basic and productorientedresearch; (b) That of health personnel(to be trained in the safe use of new products)and of sciencemanagers required for complexintermultidisciplinary research; (c) That of tertiary-leveltechnical workersrequired for delivery in the field.

OF IMPLEMENTATION MEANS 16.16To achievethe abovegoals,the activitiesneedto be implementedwith urgency if progresstowards the controlof majorcommunicablediseases is to be achieved by the beginningof thenext century. The spread of some diseases to all regions of the world calls for global measures. For more localizeddiseases, regionalor naThe achievement tionalpolicieswill bemoreappropriate. of goalscalls for: (a) Continuous international commitment; (b) Nationalprioritieswith a definedtime-frame; (c) Scientificand financialinput at globalandnational levels.


cl ENHANCTNG PROTECnON OF rHE ENURONMEM A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON l6.ll The Conferencesecretariat has estimatedthe total annual average cost(1993-2000) of implementing the activities of thisprogramme to be about$ 14 billion, including about $130 million from the international communityon grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitude estimates only and havenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costs and financialterms,includingany thatarenon-concess ional, wi l l d e p e n d u p o n , i n te r a l i a , the speci fi c strategies and programmesGovernmentsdecide upon for implementation. BASIS FOR ACTION 16.20Environmental protection is anintegralcomponent of sustai nabl edevel opment. The envi r onm entis threatenedin all its biotic and abiotic components: animals, plants, microbes and ecosystems comprising biological diversity;water,soil and air, which form the physicalcomponents of habitats andecosystems; and all the interactions betweenthe components of biodiversity and their sustaining habitatsand ecosystems. With the continued increasein the use of chemicals,energy and noffenewable resources global populaby an expanding tion, associated environmentalproblems will also increase.Despite increasingefforts to prevent waste accumulationand to promoterecycling,the amountof environmental damage caused by overconsumption, the quantities waste generated of andthedegree of unsustainable land useappearlikely to continuegrowing. 16.21The needfor a diverse genetic pool of plant,animal and microbial germ plasm for sustainable development is well established. Biotechnology is one of many tools that can play an importantrole in supportingthe rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems andlandscapes. This may be done throughthe development of new techniques for reforestat ion and affores t ation,germplasmconservation, andcultivationof new plantvarieties. Biotechnol,ogy can
*Seeprogromme oreo E

B/ SC/ENilFtC AND TECHNOLOGTCAL MEANS 16.18 W e l l - c o o r d i n a t e dm u l t i d i s c i p l i n a r y e f f o r t s involving cooperation betweenscientists, financialinstitutions and industries will be required. At the global level. this may mean collaborationbetweenresearch institutionsin differentcountries,with funding at the intergovernmental level,possiblysupported by similar c ollabor a ti o n a t th e n a ti o n a l l e v e l . R esearchand development will alsoneedto be strengthened. support togetherwith the mechanisms for providing the transfer of relevanttechnology.


also contributeto the study of the effects exertedon the remaining organismsand on other organismsby organinto ecosvstems. isms introduced

OBJECTIVES is to prevent,halt and 16.22The aim of this programme throughthe approprireverseenvironmentaldegradation in conjunctionwith othertechate useof biotechnology as an intenologies,while supportingsafetyprocedures gral componentof the programme.Specific objectives as soon as possibleof specific include the inauguration programmeswith specific targets: (a) To adoptproductionprocesses making optimal use by recycling biomass,recovering of natural resources, energyand minimizingwastegeneration;6 (b) To promote the use of biotechnologies, with emphasison bio-remediationof land and water,wastetreatment, soil conservation,reforestation,afforestationand 8 land rehabilitation;7' (c) To apply biotechnologiesand their products to protectenvironmental integritywith a view to long-term ecologicalsecurity.

(g) Developapplications to increase the availabilityof planting material for land rehabilitation stress-tolerant and soil conservation; (h) Promote the use of integrated pest management basedon thejudicious useof bio-controlagents; (i) Promotethe appropriate useof bio-fertilizerswithin national feftrlizer programmes; relevantto the 0) Promotethe use of biotechnologies and scientificstudyof biologicaldiversity conservation and the sustainable useof biologicalresources; (k) Develop easily applicable technologiesfor the treatment and organicwaste; of sewage (l) Develop new technologies for rapid screeningof for usefulbiologicalproperties; organisms (m) Promotenew biotechnologies for tappingrnineral manner. resources in an environmentallv sustainable

B) DATA AND INFORMAI/ON access both to 16.24Stepsshould be taken to increase andto facilities existinginformationaboutbiotechnology basedon global databases.

ACTIVITIES ACT IVIT IES ELATED A) MANAGEMENT.R 16.23Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the support of relevant international and regional organizations, the private sector, non-governmentalorganshould: izationsandacademic and scientificinstitutions, (a) Develop environmentallysound alternativesand g production for environmentallydamagin i mprovements processes; (b) Developapplications for to minimizetherequirement unsustainable syntheticchemicalinput andto maximize ttre use of environmentally appropriate products, including naturalproducts(seeprografirmeareaA); (c) Developprocesses wastegeneration, treat to reduce waste before disposal and make use of biodegradable materials; (d) Develop processes to recoverenergyand provide animal feedandraw materials renewableenergysources, from recyclingorganicwasteand biomass; (e) Develop processes to remove pollutantsfrom the oil spills,rvhereconincluding accidental environment, ventionaltechniques are not availableor are expensive, inefficientor inadequate; (0 Develop processes to increasethe availability of varieties, for plantingmaterjals, particularlyindigenous and reforestation and to improve use in affcrrestation yieldsfrom forests; sustainable

AND REG/ONAI c/ /NIERNAilONAT AND COORD/NAIION COOPERAIION 16.25Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the support of relevant internationaland regional organizations. should: (a) Strengthenresearch,training and development capabilities,particularly in developingcountries,to suppoftthe activitiesoutlinedin this programme area; (b) Develop mechanisms for scalingup and dissemiof high nating environmentallysound biotechnologies environmental importance, especiallyin the shortterm, may have limited even though those biotechnologies commercialpotential; (c) Enhance includingtransferofbiotechcooperation, nology, between participatingcountries for capacitybuilding; (d) Develop appropriate safety proceduresbased on programme area D, taking accountof ethical considerations.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC'NG AND COSTEVALUATION has estimatedthe 16.26The Conferencesecretariat of implementing averagetotal annualcost (1993-2000) the activitiesof this programmeto be about $ I billion,


comincludingabout$10 million from the international grant These are indicaterms. munity on or concessional only and havenot estimates tive and order-of-magnitude Actual costsand finanbeenreviewedby Governments. will cial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, prostrategies and dependupon, inter alia, the specific grarnmes decideupon for implementation. Governments


primary considerationof the organism,building on the principle of familiarity, appliedin a flexible framework, and recogniztaking into accountnationalrequirements is to startwith a step-bying that the logicalprogression stepandcase-by-case approach, but alsorecognizing that a more experiencehas shown that in many instances comprehensive approachshould be used,basedon the experiences of the first period, leading, inter alia, to complementary considerstreamlining andcategorizing; andclassiationof risk assessment andrisk management; ficationinto contained to theenvironment. useor release

DEVELOPMENT C) HUMANRESOURCE 16.21The activities for this programme area will increasethe demand for trained personnel. Support for for needsto be increased, existingtrainingprogrammes example,at the universityand technicalinstitutelevel, as well as the exchangeof trained personnelbetween countries and regions. New and additional training programmes for for example, alsoneedto be developed, Thereis alsoanurgentneed andsupportpersonnel. technical of biologicalprincito improvethe level of understanding ples and their policy implicationsamongdecisionmakers in Governmenls, andfinancialandotherinstin:tions.

OBJECTIVES 16.30The aim of this programme areais to ensure safety in biotechnologydevelopment,application,exchange and transfer through intemational agreementon principles to be appliedon risk assessment and management, with particular reference to health and environmental public parconsiderations, includingthe widestpossible ticipationand taking accountof ethicalconsiderations.

ACTIVITIES 16.31The proposedactivitiesfor this programmearea call for close internationalcooperation. They should build uponplanned or existingactivitiesto accelerate the environmentally sound application of biotechnology, especially in developing countries.*"

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING will needto havetherespon16.28Relevant institutions (political,finansibility for undertaking, andthecapacity cial and workforce)to undertake, the above-mentioned to new biotechactivitiesand to be dynamicin response (seeprogramme areaE). nologicaldevelopments

A) MANAGEMENT-R tVtTl ELAT EDACT ES 16.32Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the support of relevant internationaland regional organizations, the private sector, non-governmentalorganizationsand academic should: and scientificinstitutions, (a) Make the existingsafetyprocedures widely available by collectingthe existinginformationand adapting it to the specificneeds andregions; of differentcountries (b) Furtherdevelop,as necessary, the existingsafety procedures to promote sci enti fi c devel o pm entand categori zati on i n the areasof ri sk assessm ent and r i s k m a n a g e m e n t( i n f o r m a t i o n r e q u i r e m e n t s ;
"Environmentolly poper No. 55, entitled See reseorch sound monogement of biotechnology: sofetyin biotechnology---cssessment 19921, prepored ond monogement of risk"(Februory by the UnitedNotionsConference ond Development on Environment secretoriot to tokeoccount modeot thethirdsession of comments of the Preporotory Committee for the UnitedNotionsConference on Environmen otn d D e v e l o o m e n o tn o o r t l l o f d o c u m e n t A/CONF.151 thefindings of theod /PC/67, whichincorporoted hocworkshop of Senior-level Experts on Assessing ond Monoging Biotechnology Risks, heldin London in Junel99l .


BASIS FOR ACTION 16.29There is a need for further developmentof interprinciples nationallyagreed on risk assessment andmanwhich should of biotechnology, agementof all aspects build upon thosedevelopedat the nationallevel. Only when adequate saf-ety andborder-control andtransparent procedures are in place will the community at large be able to derive maximumbenefitfrom. and be in a much betterpositionto, acceptthe potentialbenefltsand risks principlescould of biotechnology.Severalfundamental including underlie many of these safety procedures,
* S e ep o r o g r o p h1 s6 . 2 3o n d 1 6 . 2 5o b o v e


procedures databases; for assessing ri sksandconditions ofrele ase;establ i shmentofsafetycondi t ion s;moni tori ng and inspections,taking account of ongoing national, regional and international initiatives and avoiding duplicationwhereverpossible); (c) Compile, update and develop compatible safety proceduresinto a framework of internationally agreed principlesasa basisfor guidelines to be appliedon safety in biotechnology, includingconsideration of the needfor and feasibility of an international agreement,and promote information exchange as a basis for further development,drawing on the work already undertaken by international or otherexpertbodies; (d) Undertaketraining prograrnmes at the nationaland regionallevelson the applicationof the proposed technical guidelines; (e) Assist in exchanging informationaboutthe procedures required for saf'ehandling and risk management and about the conditionsof releaseof the productsof biotechnology, and cooperatein providing immediate assistance in casesof emergencies that may arise in conjunctionwith the useof biotechnology products.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANCING AND COSTEVALUATTON 16.35The Conference secretariat hasestimated the average total annualcost (1993-2000)of implementingthe activitiesof this prograrnmes to be about$2 million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude estimatesonly andhavenot beenreviewed by Governments. Actual costsand financial terms,including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specificstrategies and programmes Govemmentsdecide uponfor implementation.



D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG B) DATA AND /NFORMAilON' 16.36Adequateinternationaltechnicaland financial assistance should be provided and technicalcooperation to developingcountriesfacilitated in order to build up technical, managerial, planningand administrative capacitiesat the national level to support the activitiesin this programme area(seealsoprogramme areaE).

c/ /NTERNAT|ONAL AND REG/ONAI COOPERAIION AND COORD/NAI/ON 16.33Governmentsat the appropriatelevel, with the slrpportof the relevantintemationaland regional organizations,shouldraise awareness of the relativebenefits and risks of biotechnology. 16.34Furtheractivitiesshouldincludethefollowing (see alsopara. 16.32): (a) Organizing oneor moreregionalmeetings between countries to identify further practical stepsto facilitate international cooperation in bio-safety; (b) Establishingan internationalnetwork incorporating national.regionaland global contactpoints; (c) Providing direct assistance upon requestthrough the internationalnetwork, using information networks, databases and information procedures; (d) Considering the needfor and feasibilityof internationally agreedguidelineson safety in biotechnology releases, includingrisk assessment andrisk management, and consideringstudying the feasibility of guidelines whichcouldfacilitate national lesislation on liabilitvand c om pens at ion.


BASIS FOR ACTION 16.37The accelerated development and applicationof biotechnologies, particularly in developing countries, will require a major effort to build up institutionalcapacitiesat the nationalandregionallevels.In developing countries,enabling factors such as training capacity, know-how, researchand development facilities and funds, industrial building capacity,capital (including venturecapital)protection of intellectual propertyrights, and expertisein areas including marketing research, technologyassessment, socio-economic assessment and safetyassessment arefrequentlyinadequate. Efforts will

S e ep o r o g r o p h 1s6 . 3 2o n d I 6 . 3 3 .

S e ep o r o g r o p h 16.32.


therefore needto be madeto build up capacities in these andotherareas andto matchsucheffortswith appropriate levels of financial support.There is thereforea need to strengthen the endogenous capacitiesof developing countriesby means of new internationalinitiatives to support reseerchin order to speedup the developrnent and application of both new andconventional biotechnologies to servethe needsof sustainable development at t he loc a l , n a ti o n a l a n d re g i o n a l l e v el s. N ati onal mechanisms to allow forinformedcommentby thepublic with regard to biotechnology researchand application shouldbe part of the process. 16.38Someactivitiesat the national, regionalandglobal levelsalreadyaddress the issues outlinedin programme areas A, B, C and D, as well asthe provisionof adviceto individuai countries on the developmentof national guidelinesand systems for the implementation of those guidelines. Theseactivitiesaregenerallyuncoordinated, howev er, i n v o l v i n g ma n y d i ffe re n t organi zati ons, priorities. constituencies, time-scales, funding sources andresource constraints. Thereis a needfor a muchmore cohesiveand coordinated approach to harness available resources in the most effective manner. As with most new technologies. researchin biotechnologyand the application of its findingscould havesignificant positive andnegativesocio-economic aswell asculturalimpacts. Theseimpactsshouldbe carefullyidentifiedin the earliestphases of the development of biotechnology in order to enableappropriate management of the consequences of transferring biotechnology.

pation in the economic and commercialbenefitsarisine from developments in biotechnology;n (b) To identify ways and meansof enhancingcurrent efforts,building whereverpossibleon existingenabling mechanisms,particularly regional, to determine the precise nature of the needs for additional initiatives, particularly in respectof developing countries, and to develop appropriate response strategies,including proposalsfor any new internationalmechanisms; (c) To establishor adapt appropriatemechanismsfor safetyappraisal andrisk assessment at the local,regional and international levels,as appropriate.

ACTIVITIES Al MANAGEA4ENT-R ELATED ACTtVtTt ES 16.40Governments at the appropriate level, with the support of internationaland regional organizations,the private sector, non-governmentalorganizations and academicand scientific institutions,should: (a) Developpoliciesand mobilizeadditionalresources to facilitate greateraccess to the new biotechnologies, particularlyby and amongdevelopingcountries; (b) Implementprogrammes to creategreaterawareness of the potential and relative benefits and risks of the environmentally sound application of biotechnology amongthe public and key decisionmakers; (c) Undertakean urgent review of existing enabling mechanisms, programmes and activitiesat the national, regional and global levels to identify strengths, weaknessesand gaps, and to assessthe priority needs of developingcountries; (d) U ndertake an urgent fol l ow -up and cr it ical review to identify ways and means of strengthening endogenous capacities within and among developing countriesfor the environmentallysoundapplicationof biotechnology,including,asafirst step, waysto improve existing mechanisms, particularlyat the regional level and, as a subsequent step,the consideration of possible new international mechanisms, suchasregionalbiotechnology centres, (e) Develop strategic plans for overcoming targeted constraintsby means of appropriateresearch,product development and marketing; (0 Establish additional quality-assurance standardsfor biotechnology applications andproducts, wherenecessary.

OBJECTIVES 16.39The objectives are as follows: (a) To promote the development and application of biotechnologies, with specialemphasison developing countries, by: (i) Enhancingexistingefforts at the national,regional and globallevels; (ii) Providingthe necessary supportfor biotechnology, particularly researchand product development, at the national.regionaland international levels; (iii) Raising public awareness regardingthe relative beneficialaspects of and risks relatedto biotechnology, to contributeto sustainable development; (iv) Helping to createa favourable climate for investm e n t s , i n d u s t r i a l c a p a c i t y - b u i l d i n ga n d d i s t r i b u tion/marketing; (v) Encouraging the exchange of scientists among all countriesand discouraging the "brain drain"; (vi) Recognizing and fosteringthe traditionalmethods and know'leclge of indigenouspeoplesand their communitiesand ensuringthe opportunityfor their partici-

B) DATA AND /NFORMAI/ON 16.41The following activities should be undertaken: facilitation of access to existine information dissemina-


tion systems,especiallyamong developingcountries; improvement of such accesswhere appropriate;and considerationof the development of a directory of information.

AND REGIONAI. C/ /NIERNATIONAL AND COORDINAI/ON COOPERAI'ON 16.42 Governmentsat the appropriate level, with the of intemationaland regional organizations, assistance should develop appropriatenew initiatives to identify based on specificproblemsand priority areas for research particularlyby new biotechnologies, facilitateaccess to relevant underamong countries, and amongdeveloping in to strengthen countries, order takings within those capacitiesand to support the building of endogenous research and institutionalcapacityin thosecountries.

aswell asby the trainingof technicians andpost-doctoral, to the generaand supportstaff, with particularreference services, design, tion of trainedmanpowerin consultant engineering and marketing research. Training programmesfor lecturerstraining scientistsand technologists in advanced researchinstitutions in different countries throughout the world will also need to be developed, and systemsgiving appropriaterewards, andtechnologists incentives to scientists andrecognition will needto be instituted(seepara. 16.44). Conditions of servicewill also need to be improved at the national and nurture level in developingcountriesto encourage trainedmanpowerwith a view to retainingthatmanpower locally. Society should be informed of the social and and applicationof cultural impact of the development biotechnology.

D) CAPACITY-BUtLDtNG MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATION A/ FTNANC'NG the averhasestimated secretariat 16.43The Conference of implementingthe age total annualcost (1993-2000) to be about$5 million from activitiesof this programme the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional estiterms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitude by Governments. mates only andhavenot beenreviewed Actual costsand financial terms, including any that are will depend upon, inter alia, the non-concessional, decide Governments andprogrammes specificstrategies upon for implementation. 16.46Biotechnology research and development is undertakenboth under highly sophisticatedconditions and at the practicallevel in many countries. Efforts will be needed to ensure that the necessaryinfrastructure extensionand technologyactifacilities for research, basis. Global and vities areavailableon a decentralized and regionalcollaborationfor basicandappliedresearch and will also needto be further enhanced development every effort should be made to ensurethat existing national and regional facilities are fully utilized. Such and it should institutions alreadyexist in somecountries and be possible to makeuseof themfor trainingpurposes joint researchprojects. Strengthening of universities, institutionsfor the technicalschoolsand local research and extensionservices development of biotechnologies will needto be developed, especially for theirapplication in developingcountries.

AL AN S A N D T EC H N O L OGICME B ' S C/ F NI I F I C 16.44Workshops,symposia, seminarsand other examongthe scientificcommunityat the regional changes will need and global levels,on specificpriority themes, makingfull useof the existingscientific to be organized, in eachcountryfor bringing manpower andtechnological aboutsuchexchanges.

diversity). 15 (Conservotion Seechopter of biologicol

2See ond rurol sustoinoble ogriculture chopter14 (Promoting development). 3See deforestotion). chopterI i (Comboting

D EV EL OP M EN T RE S OU R C E C) HUM A N 16.45Personneldevelopmentneeds will need to be developed trainingprograrnmes identifiedandadditional at the national,regionaland global levels,especiallyin developing countries.These should be supportedby postgraduate increasedtraining at all levels, graduate,

4See soundtechnology, of environmentolly chopter34 (Tronsfer cooperotion ond copocity-building). sSee humonheolth condichopter 6 (Protecting ond promoting tions). 6See of solid chopter21 {Environmentolly soundmonogement issues!. wostes ond sewoge+eloted



chopler l0 (lntegroted opproochto the plonningond monogement of londresources).

SSee chopterI B (Protection of thequolity ond supply of freshwoter resources: opplicotion of integroted opprooches to the develop ment,monogement ond useof woter resources) . 9See chopter26 (Recognizing ond strengthening the role of indigenous people ond theircommunities).



Protection of theoceons, oll kinds of seos, including enclosed ond semi-enclosed seos, rotionol ond coostol oreosond theprotection, useond development of theirlivingresources


needsand ultimately depends on the technologytransfer and financial resourcesrequired and made available to them.

17.1The marine environment- including the oceans and all seas and adjacent coastal areas - forms an integratedwhole that is an essentialcomponent of the global life-supportsystemand a positiveassetthat preInternasentsopportunitiesfor sustainable development. tional law, as reflected in the provisions of the United NationsConventionon the Law of the Seal'2referredto in this chapterof Agenda 21, setsforth rights and obligations of States and provides the international basis upon which to pursue the protection and sustainable developmentof the marine and coastalenvironmentand This requires newapproaches its resources. to marineand coastal area managementand development,at the national, subregional,regional and global levels, approachesthat are integratedin content and are precautionary and anticipatory in ^ambit, as reflected in the following programme areas:' (a) Integrated managementand sustainabledevelopment of coastal areas,including exclusive economic


rNcruDrNG ExctustvE EcoNolilczoNEs


(b) Marine environmental protection; (c) Sustainable use and conservation of marine livins resources of the high seas; (d) Sustainable of marineliving use and conservation jurisdiction; resources undernational (e) Addressingcritical uncertainties for the management of the marineenvironment and climatechange; (f) Strengthening international,including regional, and coordination; cooperation (g) Sustainable development of small islands. 17.2 The implementation by developingcountriesof with the activitiessetforth below shallbe commensurate their individual technologicaland financial capacities for development and priorities in allocatingresources

17.3 The coastal areacontainsdiverse and productive habitatsimportant for human settlements, development and local subsistence. More than half the world's population lives within 60 km of the shoreline, and this could rise to three quarters by the year 2020. Many of the world's poor are crowded in coastal areas.Coastal resourcesare vital for many local communities and inpeople.The exclusiveeconomiczone(EEZ) is digenous also an important marine area where the Statesmanage the developmentand conservationof natural resources for the benefit of their people.For small island Statesor countries,theseare the areasmost availablefor development activities. 17.4 Despitenational,subregional, regionaland global efforts,currentapproaches to the management of marine and coastalresources havenot alwaysproved capableof achieving sustainabledevelopment, and coastal resourcesand the coastal environment are being rapidly degradedand erodedin many parts of the world.

OBJECNVES 17.5 Coastal Statescommit themselves to integrated

1 47

management and sustainabledevelopment of coastal areasand the marine environment under their national jurisdiction.To this end,it is necessary to, inter alia: (a) Providefor an integratedpolicy and decision-makto promote including all involved sectors, ing process, of uses; compatibilityand a balance (b) Identify existingand projectedusesof coastalareas and their interactions; (c) Concentrateon well-defined issues concernins coastalmanagement; in (d) Apply preventiveand precautionaryapproaches prior including project planning and implementation, of the impactsof observation and systematic assessment major projects; (e) Promote the development and application of methods, such as national resourceand environmental in value resultingfrom that reflect changes accounting, usesof coastaland marine areas,including pollution, andhabitatdestruction; lossof resources marineerosion, (0 Provide access, as far as possible,fbr concerned to relevantinforindividuals.groupsand organizations mation and opportunitiesfor consultationand participaat appropriate tion in planning and decision-making levels.

ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES ELATED A) MANAGEMENI-R or establishing, Stateshouldconsider l7 .6 Eachcoastal g, appropriate coordinating wherenece ssarystrengthenin (suchas a high-levelpolicy planningbody) mechanisms development and sustainable management for integrated at both of coastaland marine areasand their resources, should the local and nationallevels. Such mechanisms with the academic as appropriate, include consultation, organizations, and private sectors,non-governmental resource usergroups,andindigenous local communities, could people. Such nationalcoordinatingmechanisms provide,inter alia, for: (a) Preparationand implementationof land and water useand sitingpolicies; (b) Implementation of integratedcoastaland marine developmentplans and managementand sustainable levels; programmes at appropriate (c) Preparation of coastalprofiles identifying critical ar eas ,in c l u d i n g e ro d e d z o n e s ,p h y s i cal processes, dev elop m e n tp a tte rn s ,u s e r c o n fl i c ts and speci fi c priorities for management, systematic (d) Prior environmental impact assessment, andfollow-up of majorprojec8,includingthe observation in decision-making; of results incorporation systematic (e) Contingencyplansfor humaninducedand natural

including likely effects of potential climate disasters, plans rise, as well as contingency changeand sea-level for degradationand pollution of antllopogenic origin, including spills of oil and othermaterials; espe(0 Improvement of coastal human settlements, cially in housing,drinking water and treatmentand disand industrialeffluents; posalof sewage, solid wastes (g) Periodicassessment of the impactsof externalfactors and phenomenato ensure that the objectives of developmentof and sustainable integratedmanagement coastalareasand the marine environmentare met; (h) Conservationand restoration of altered critical habitats; (i) Integration of sectoralprogrammeson sustainable tourism,fishagriculture, for settlements, development ing, ports and industriesaffecting the coastalarea; 0) Infrastructure adaptationand alternative employment; (k) Human resource and training; development (l ) P ubl i c educati on,aw areness and inf or m at ion programmes; and (m) Promotingenvironmentally soundtechnology practices sustainable ; of (n) Development implementation and simultaneous environmentalquality criteria. l7.7 CoastalStates,with the supportof international measures shouldundertake upon request, organizations, to maintain biological diversity and productivity of marine speciesand habitatsunder nationaljurisdiction. Inter alia, these measuresmight include: surveys of species marine biodiversity,inventoriesof endangered and critical coastaland marine habitats;establishment and supportof scienof protectedareas; and management of its results. tific research and dissemination

AND /NFORMAI/ON B) DATA where necessary, shouldimprove 17.8 CoastalStates, anduseinformaassess their capacityto collect,analyse, includingenvironuseof resources, tion for sustainable mental impacts of activities affecting the coastal and marine areas. Information for managementpurposes shouldreceivepriority supportin view of the intensity and magnitude of the changesoccurring in the coastal to,inter alia: To thisend,it is necessary andmarineareas. and (a) Developandmaintaindatabases for assessment managementof coastal areasand all seasand their resources; (b) Develop socio-economic indiand environmental cators; (c) Conductregularenvironmental of the assessment of coastaland marineareas; stateof the environtnent


(d) Prepareand maintain profiles of coastal area resources, activities, uses, habitats and protected areas basedon the criteriaof sustainable development; (e) Exchangeinformation and data. 17.9 Cooperation with developing countries, and, whereapplicable, subregional andregionalmechanisms, should be strengthenedto improve their capacities to achievethe above.

States,upon request, in theseefforts, asindicatedabove, devotingspecialattentionto developingcountries.

C) HUMA,N RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 17.15CoastalStatesshould promote and facilitate the organization of education and training in integrated coastaland marine management and sustainable devel(including opmentfor scientists, technologists, managers community-based managers)and users,leaders,indigenous peoples, fisherfolk, women and youth, amongothers. Management and development, aswell asenvironmental protectionconcerns and local planningissues. shouldbe incorporatedin educationalcurricula and public awarenesscampaigns, with dueregardto traditionalecological knowledgeand socio-cultural values. 17.16International whethersubregional, organizations, regionalor global, asappropriate, shouldsupportcoastal States, upon request,in the areasindicatedabove,devoting specialattentionto developingcountries.

AND REG'ONAI. C' 'NTERNATIONAL ERATION COOP AND COORD/NAI/ON 17.10The role of international cooperation and coordination on a bilateral basisand, where applicable,within a s u b r e g i o n a l ,i n t e r r e g i o n a l , r e g i o n a l o r g l o b a l framework,is to supportand supplement nationalefforts of coastalStatesto promote integratedmanagement and sustainable developmentof coastaland marine areas. l7.ll States should cooperate,as appropriate,in the preparationof national guidelinesfor integratedcoastal zonemanagement anddevelopment, drawing on existing Aglobal conference experience. to exchange experience in the field could be held before 1994.

D) CAPACITY.BUILDING 17.17Full cooperation should be extended, uponrequest, to coastal Statesin their capacity-building efforts and, whereappropriate, capacity-building shouldbe included in bilateral and multilateral developmentcooperation. CoastalStates may consider, inter alia: (a) Ensuringcapacity-building at the local level; (b) Consultingon coastaland marineissues with local administrations, the business community,the academic sector, resource usergroupsand the generalpublic; (c) Coordinatingsectoralprogrammes while buildins capacity; (d) Identifying existing and potential capabilities, facilities and needs for human resourcesdevelopment and scientific and technologicalinfrastructure, (e) Developingscientificandtechnological means and research; (0 Promotingand facilitating human resourcedeveiopment and education; (g) Supporting"centresof excellence"in integrated coastaland marine resourcemanagement; (h) Supportingpilot demonstration programmesand projectsin integratedcoastaland marine management.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F'NANC'NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 17.12The Conference secretariat hasestimated theaverage total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementingthe activities of thisprogramme to be about$6 billion including about $50 million from the internationalcommunity on grantor concessional terms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitudeestimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Govemments.Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are non-concessional, will dependupon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmesGovernments decideupon for implementation.

B/ SC/ENIIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL MEANs 17.13States should cooperatein the developmentof necessary coastalsystematic observation, research and informationmanagement systems. They shouldprovide access to and transferenvironmentallysafetechnologies andmethodologies for sustainable development of coastal and marineareas to developingcountries. They should alsodeveloptechnologies andendogenous scientificand technologic al capacities. 17.14International organizations, whethersubregional, regionalor global, asappropriate, shouldsupportcoastal


BASIS FORACTION 17.18 Degradation of the marine environment can result


from a wide range of sources.Land-basedsourcescontribute 70 per cent of marine pollution. while maritime a c ti v i ti es contri bute t r ans por t a n d d u mp i n g -a t-s e a per The thatposethe greatest l0 centeach. contaminants in variableorderof marine are, threatto the environment importance apd depending on differing national or sewage, nutrients,syntheticorganic regionalsituations, l i tte r a n d p l a s ti cs,metal s, s e d i me n ts , c om pound s , oil/hydrocarbons andpolycyclicaromatic radionuclides, (PAHs). polluting substances Many of the hydrocarbons from land-based sources are of particular originating sincethey exhibit at concernto the marineenvironment andbioaccumulation the sametime toxicity,persistence There is no global scheme currently food in the chain. pollution from marine land-based sources. to address 17.19Degradation of the marine environmentcan also result from a wide rangeof activitieson land. Human land use,construction of coastalinfrastrucsettlements, tourism ture, agriculture,forestry,urban development, and industry can affect the marineenvironment. Coastal erosionand siltationare of particularconcern. 11.20Marine pollution is also causedby shipping and sea-based activities.Approximately600,000tons of oil eachyear as a resultof normal shipping enterthe oceans With respect andillegaldischarges. operations, accidents gas activities,currently machinery to offshore oil and space dischargesare regulated internationally and six have regionalconventions to controlplatformdischarges been under consideration. The nature and extent of environmentalimpactsfrom offshoreoil explorationand productionactivitiesgenerallyaccountfor a very small proportionof marinepollution. 17.21A precautionaryand anticipatory rather than a reactiveapproach is necessary to preventthedegradation inter alia,the of the marineenvironment.This requires, immeasures, environmental adoptionof precautionary pact assessments, clean production techniques,recyconstruction and/or cling,wasteauditsandminimization, improvementof sewagetreatmentfacilities, quality management criteriafor the properhandlingof hazardous and a comprehensive approach to damaging substances, impacts from air. land and water. Any management framework must include the improvementof coastal and the integrated management and human settlements of coastal areas. development

degradation of the marine environmentso as to maintain and improve its life-supportand productivecapacities. To this end, it is necessary to: (a) Apply preventive, precautionaryand anticipatory approachesso as to avoid degradationof the marine environment,as well as tc reducethe risk of long-term or irreversibleadverseeffectsupon it; (b) Ensure prior assessment of activities that may have significant adverseimpactsupon the marine environment, (c) Integrateprotectionof the marineenvironmentinto relevant general environmental, social and economic policies; development (d) Develop economicincentives, where appropriate, to apply clean technologiesand other meansconsistent with the internalizationof environmentalcosts,such as the polluter pays principle, so as to avoid degradation of the marine environment: (e) Improve the living standards of coastalpopulations, particularly in developingcountries,so as to contribute to reducing the degradationof the coastal and marine environment. 17.23 Statesagreethat provision of additional financial resources,through appropriate international mechanisms, as well as accessto cleaner technologiesand would be necessary relevantresearch, to supportaction by developingcountries to implementthis commitment.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ELATED ACTIVITI ES D Prevention, reductionand control of degrodotionof the morine envi ro nment from I ond-bosedoctiviti es 17.24 ln carryingout their commitrnentto dealwith degradationof the marineenvironment from land-based activities, Statesshould take action at the national level and, where appropriate, at theregionalandsubregional levels,in conceft with actionto implementprogamme areaA,andshouldtake accountof the Monffeal Guidelines for the Protection of the Marine Environmentfrom l,and-Based Sources. 17.25To this end,States, with the supportof the relevant international environmental, scientific,technicaland financialorganizations, shouldcooperate, inter alia, to: (a) Consider updating, strengthening andextending the Montreal Guidelines,as appropriate; (b) Assess the effectiveness of existingregionalagreements and action plans, where appropriate,with a view to identifying means of strengtheningaction, where necessary, to prevent,reduceand control marine degradationcaused by land-based activities; (c) Initiate and promote the developmentof new regional agreements, where appropriate;

OBJECTIVES with the provisionsof the in accordance 17.22States, United Nations Conventionon the Law of the Sea on protectionand preservation of the marineenvironment, with their policies, in accordance commit themselves, priorities and resources, to prevent,reduceand control


(d) Developmeansof providing guidance on technologies to deal with the major types of pollution of the from land-based marineenvironment sources. accordins to the bestscientificevidence; (e) Developpolicy guidance for relevantglobal funding mechanisms; (f) Identify additional steps requiring international cooperation. 17.26The UNEP GoverningCouncil is invited to conan intergovernmental vene,as soonas practicable. meeting on protectionof the marine environmentfrom landbasedactivities. 17.27As concernssewage,priority actionsto be consideredby States may include: (a) Incorporatingsewageconcernswhen formulating or reviewing coastal developmentplans, including plans; humansettlement ( b ) B u i l d i n g a n d m a i n t a i n i n gs e w a g et r e a t m e n t with nationalpoliciesandcapacfacilitiesin accordance ities and international cooperation available; (c) Locating coastaloutfalls so as to maintain an acceptablelevel of environmentalquality and to avoid exposingshellfisheries, waterintakesand bathingareas to pathogens; (d) Promoting environmentally soundco-treatments of domesticand compatibleindustrialeffluents,with the introduction, wherepracticable, of controlson the entry of effluentsthat are not compatiblewith the system; (e) Promotingprimary treatment of municipalsewage discharged to rivers,estuaries and the sea,or othersolutions appropriate to specificsites; (0 Establishingand improving local, national, subregional and regional, as necessary, regulatory and monitoring programmesto control effluent discharge, using minimum sewageeffluent guidelinesand water quality criteria and giving due consideration to the characteristics of receivins bodiesand the volume and type of pollutants. 17.28As concernsother sourcesof pollution, priority actionsto be considered may include: by States (a) Establishing or improving,asnecessary, regulatory and monitoring programmesto control effluent dischargesand emissions, including the development and application of control and recyclingtechnologies; (b) Promotingrisk and environmental impact assessmentsto helpensure levelof environmental anacceptable quality: (c) Promoting assessment and cooperationat the regional level, where appropriate, with respectto the pollutants input of point source from new installations; (d) Eliminating the emissionor discharge of organohalogen compounds that threaten to accumulateto levelsin the marineenvironment; dangerous

(e) Reducingthe emissionor discharge of other syntheticorganiccompounds that threaten to accumulate to dangerous levelsin the marineenvironment; (0 Promoting controls over anthropogenic inputs of nitrogenand phosphorus waterswhere that entercoastal such problems as eutrophicationthreatenthe marine environment or its resources; (g) Cooperatingwith developingcountries,through financialandtechnological support, to maximizethebest practicablecontrol and reductionof substances and wastesthat aretoxic, persistent or liable to bio-acculnulate and to establish environmentally soundland-based wastedisposal alternatives to seadumping; (h) Cooperating in the development and implementation of environmentally soundland-usetechniques and practices to reduce run-offto water-courses andestuaries which wouldcause pollutionordegradation of themarine environment; (i) Promotingthe useof environmentally lessharmful pesticides andfertilizersandalternative methods for pest control, and considering the prohibitionof thosefound to be environmentally unsound; 0) Adopting new initiatives at national, subregional and regionallevelsfor controllingthe input of non-point pollutants, source whichrequirebroadchanges in sewage and wastemanagement, agriculturalpractices, mining, constructionand transportati on. 17.29As concernsphysical destructionof coastaland marineareas causing degradation of the marineenvironment,priority actionsshouldincludecontrolandprevention of coastal erosionand siltationdueto anthropogenic factorsrelatedto, inter alia,land-use and construction techniques and practices.Watershed pracmanagement tices should be promotedso as to prevent,control and reducedegradation of the marineenvironment. > Prevention, reductionond controlof degradotionof the marine envi ronment from seo-bosedactivit-t es 17.30States,acting individually,bilaterally,regionally or multilaterallyand within the frameworkof IMO and other relevantinternational whethersuborganizations, regional, regionalor global,asappropriate, shouldassess the needfor additionalmeasures to address desradation of the marineenvironment:


(i) Supporting widerratification andimplementation of relevantshippingconventions and protocols; (ii) Facilitatingthe processes in (i), providing support to individualStates upon request to help them overcome the obstacles identifiedbv them:


(iii) Cooperatingin monitoring marine pollution from (e.g.,aerialsurfrom illegal discharges ships,especially provisions MARPOL di scharge veillance), andenforcing more rigorously, (iv) Assessing by shipsin the stateof pollution caused particularlysensitive identihedby IMO andtaking areas wherenecesapplicablemeasures, action to implen-rent sary, within such areas to ensure compliance with regulations; generallyaccepted international (v) Takingactionto ensure respect of areas designated economiczones, within their exclusive States, by coastal law, in order to protectand with international consistent such as coral reefs preserverare or fragile ecosystems, and mangroves; (vi) Consideringthe adoptionof appropriate rules on to preventthe spreadof nonballastwater discharge organisms; indigenous (vii) Promoting by adequate charting navigational safety as appropriate; and ship-routittg, of coasts regula(viii) Assessing the needfor stricterinternational andpollution tionsto furtherreducethe risk of accidents from cargoships(includingbulk caniers); (ix) EncouragingIMO and IAEA to work togetherto of a code on the carriage of complete consideration ships; inadiatednuclearfuel in flaskson boarcl (x) Revisingand updatingthe IMO Codeof Safetyfor Nuclear Merchant Ships and consideringhow best to implementa revisedcode; (xi) Supporting theongoingactivitywithin IMO regardmeasures for reducins of appropriate ing development air pollution from ships; ( x ii) S u p p o rti n gth e o n g o i n g a c ti v i ty w i thi n IMO regarding the development of an international regime governingthe transponation of hazardous and noxious substances carriedby shipsandfurtherconsideringwhether under established fundssimilarto theones thecompensation in respectof the Fund Conventionwould be appropriate otherttranoil; pollutiondamage by substances caused

PORTS, BY: D) FROM (i) Facilitating facilities ofportreception establishment for the collection of oily and chemical residuesand garbage from ships,especiallyin MARPOLspecial areas, and promoting the establishmentof smaller scale facilitiesin marinasand fishing harbours. other competentUnited 17.31IMO and as appropriate, Nations organizations, when requestedby the States the stateof where appropriate, concerned, shouldassess, shipping,such as marine pollution in areasof congested with a view to ensuring heavilyusedinternational straits, compliance with generally acceptedinternationalregulations, particularly those related to illegal discharges with the provisionsof Part III from ships,in accordance on the Law of the Sea. of the United NationsConvention to reducewater pol17.32Statesshouldtake measures lution causedby organotincompoundsused in antifouling paints. on ratifyingtheConvention 17.33States shouldconsider Response and Cooperation, Oil PollutionPreparedness, of continwhich addresses, inter alia, the development gency plans on the national and internationallevel, as appropriate,including provision of oil-spill response includingits possible rnaterial and trainingof personnel, extension to chemicalspill response. cooperation 17.34Statesshould intensify international regional to strengthenor establish,where necessary, response and/or,as appropriate, oiVchemical-spill centres mechanisms in cooperationwith relevant subregional, organizations and, regionalor global intergovernmental organizations. whereappropriate, industry-based

B) DATA, AND 'NFORMAilON and in accordance 17.35Statesshould,as appropriate, with the meansat their disposaland with due regardfor their technical and scientific capacity and resources, make systematic observations on the stateof the marine environment.To this end, Statesshould, as appropriate, consider: (a) Establishingsystematicobservationsystemsto quality,includingcauses measure marineenvironmental and effectsof marinedegradation, as a basisfor management; (b) Regularly exchanginginformation on marine degradationcausedby land-based and sea-based activities and on actions to prevent, control and reduce such degradation; (c) Supporting and expanding international programmes suchas the mussel for systematic observations watch prograrnme, building on existing facilities with specialattention to developingcountries;

DUMPING, BY; B) FROM (i) Supportingwider ratification,implementation and participation in relevantConventions on dumpingat sea, including early conclusionof a future strategyfor the London Dumping Convention; par(ii) Encouraging the LondonDumpingConvention steps to stopoceandumpingand ties to take appropriate of hazardous substances incineration :

BY: PI,ATFORMS, OIL ANDGAS C) FROM OFFSHORE (i) Assessing to address existing regulatorymeasures the need emissions and safetyand assessing discharges, for additionalmeasures:


(d) Establishing on marinepollution a clearing-house control information, including processes and technologiesto address marinepollution control and to support andothercountries their transferto developing countries with demonstrated needs; (e) Establishing providing a globalprofileanddatabase information on the sources,types, amounts and effects of pollutantsreachingthe marineenvironmentfrom landand sea-based sources; basedactivitiesin coastalareas (f) Allocating adequate funding for capacity-building and training programmesto ensurethe full participation in particular, in anyintemational countries, of developing schemeunderthe organsand organizations of the United Nationssystem for thecollection, analysis anduseof data and information.

identify those that cannot be adequatelycontrolled and to provide a basisfor a decisionon a time schedule for phasingthem out as soonas practicable; (0 Establishmentof a clearing-house for information on rnarine pollution control, including processes and technologiesto addressmarine pollution control, and support for their transfer to developing and other countrieswith demonstrated needs.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENI 17.38Statesindividually or in cooperationwith each other and with the supportof internationalorganizations, whether subregional,regional or global, as appropriate, should: (a) Provide training for critical personnelrequiredfor protectionof the marine environmentas the adequate identified by training needs' surveys at the national, regionalor subregional levels; (b) Promotethe introduction of marine environmental protectiontopics into the curriculum of marine studies programmes; (c) Establishtraining coursesfor oil- and chemicalpersonnel, spill response in cooperation, whereappropriate,with the oil and chemicalindustries; (d) Conduct workshopson environmentalaspects of port operations and development; (e) Strengthen and provide securefinancing for new international and existing specialized centresof professionalmaritimeeducation; (0 Throughbilateral supandmultilateral cooperation, port and supplement the nationalefforts of developing countries as regardshuman resourcedevelopmentin relationto prevention andreduction of degradation of the marineenvironment.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATION A/ F/NANC/NG has estimatedthe 17.36The Conferencesecretariat average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing the activitiesof this programrleto be about$200million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicative and order-of--magnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Actualcosts andfinancial terms, including Governments. will dependupon, inter any that are non-concessional, and programrnes Governalia, the specific strategies mentsdecideupon for implementation.

MFANS AND TECHNOT.OG\CAL 8/ SCTENT/F/C 17.37 N a t i o n a l , s u b r e g i o n a la n d r e g i o n a l a c t i o n programmes will, whereappropriate, requiretechnology transfer,in conformity with chapter 31, and financial parlicularly where developingcountriesare resources, including: concerned. (a) Assistance in identifyingand adopting to industries pollutioncontroltechcleanproduction or cost-eff'ective nologies; (b) Planningdevelopment and application of low-cost sewage installationand treatment and low-maintenance for developing technologies countries; (c) Equipmentof laboratories to observesystematically humanand otherimpactson the marineenvironment; (d) Identification oil- andchemical-spill of appropriate control materials,including low-cost locally available for pollutionemergenmaterials andtechniques, suitable g o u n tri e s . ci esin dev elopin c (e) Study of the use of persistent organohalogens that are liable to accumulatein the marine environmentto

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING 17.39Nationalplanningandcoordinating bodiesshould be given the capacityand authorityto review all landbased activities and sources of pollutionfor their impacts on the marine environment and to proposeappropriate control measures. 17.40Researchfacilities should be strengthened or, whereappropriate, developed in developingcountriesfor systematic observation of marinepollution,environmental impact assessment and development of control recommendationsand should be managed and staffed by local experts. 17.41Specialarrangements will be neededto provide adequatefinancial and technical resourcesto assist


and solvingproblems in preventing countries developing the marineenviwith activitiesthat threaten associated ronment. 17.42An intemationalfunding mechanismshould be treatcreatedfor the applicationof appropriatesewage ment technologiesand buildittg sewage treatment loansfrom facilities,including grantsor concessional international agenciesand appropriateregional funds, at leastin part on a revolvingbasisby user replenished fees. 17.43ln carrying out theseprogrammeactivities,particular attention needs to be given to the problems of developingcountriesthat would bear an unequalburden or technical of their lack of facilities,expertise because capacities.

OBJECTIVES and to the conservation commit themselves 17.46States on the high use of marine living resources sustainable to: seas.To this end,it is necessary (a) Developand increase the potentialof marineliving resources to meet human nutritional needs,as well as goals; social,economicand development (b) Maintain or restorepopulations of marine species yield at levelsthatcanproducethe maximumsustainable as qualified by relevant environmental and economic factors, taking into considerationrelationshipsamong species; fish(c) Promotethe development and useof selective that minimize wastein the catch ing gearand practices of target speciesand minimrze by-catch of non-target species; (d) Ensureeffective monitoring and enforcementwith respect to fishing activities; marinespecies; (e) Protectand restoreendangered (f) Preserve habitatsand other ecologicallysensitive areas; (g) Promote scientific researchwith respectto the in the high seas. marineliving resources 17.47Nothing in paragraph 17.46 above restricts the right of a State or the competenceof an international to prohibit, limit or tegulate asappropriate, organization, the exploitation of marine mammals on the high seas States more strictly thanprovidedfor in that paragraph. shall cooperatewith a view to the conservationof shall marine mammalsand, in the caseof cetaceans, i n parti cul ar w ork through the appropr iat eint er managefor their conservation, nationalorganizations ment and study. 17.48The ability of developingcountriesto fulfil the above objectivesis dependentupon their capabilities, including the tinancial, scientific and technological and Adequate financial,scientific means at theirdisposal. shouldbe providedto support cooperation technological actionby them to implementtheseobjectives.


FOR ACTION BASIS 11.44Over the last decade,fisherieson the high seas have considerablyexpandedand currently represent 5 per cent of total world landings. The approximately provisionsof the United Nations Conventionon the Law of the Sea on the marine living resourcesof the with high seassetsforth rights and obligationsof States respect to conservationand utilization of those resources. inof high seasfisheries, 17.45However,management cluding the adoption, monitoring and enforcement of in many is inadequate measures, effectiveconservation areas and some resourcesare overutilized. There are exfishing, overcapitalization, problemsof unregulated controls, cessivefleet size, vesselreflaggingto escape and insufficiently selectivegear, unreliabledatabases between States.Action by lack of sufficientcooperation Stateswhose nationalsand vesselsfish on the high s eas ,as w e l l a s c o o p e ra ti o na t th e bi l ateral , subparregional,regional and global levels, is essential ticularly for highly migratory speciesand straddling stocks. Such action and cooperationshould address aswell as in biologiin fishing practices, inadequacies of fisheriesstatistics and improvement cal knowledge, shouldalsobe on for handlingdata.Emphasis systems that multi-speciesmanagementand other approaches take into account the relationshipsamong species, but also in depletedspecies, especiallyin addressing or unutilized identifyingthe potentialof underutilized populations.

ACTIVITIES lTt ES ELAT EDACTIV A) MANAGEMENT-R 17.49States should take effective action, including where appropriate bilateral and multilateral cooperation, global levels,to ensure regionaland at the subregional, with in that high seasfisheriesare managed accordance on the provisionsof the United NationsConvention the they should: Law of the Sea.In particular, (a) Give f'ull effect to theseprovisionswith regardto fisheriespopulationswhoserangeslie both within and stocks); beyondexclusiveeconomiczones(straddling


(b) Give full effect to theseprovisionswith regardto highly migratoryspecies; (c) Negotiate,where appropriate,internationalagreementsfor the effective management and conservation of fishery stocks; (d) Define and identify appropriate management units; 17.50Statesshould convene,as soon as possible,an intergovernmentalconference under United Nations auspices, taking into accountrelevantactivities at the subregional, regionaland global levels,with a view to promotingeffectiveimplementation of the provisions of the United NationsConventionon the Law of the Seaon straddlingfish stocksand highly rnigratorylish stocks. The conference, drau,ing,inter alia, on scientific and technical studiesby FAO, should identify and assess existing problems related to the conservationand management of suchfish stocks,and considermeansof improving cooperation on fisheriesamong States,and formulate appropriaterecofilrnendations. The work and the resultsof the conference should be fully consistent with the provisions of the United NationsConvention on theLaw of theSea, in particularthe rightsandobligations of coastalStates and States fishing on the high seas. 17.51States should ensure thatfishingactivities by vessels flying their flags on the high seastake place in a mannerso as to minimizeincidental catches. 17.52States shouldtake effectiveactionconsistent with international law to monitorandcontrolfishingactivities by vessels flying their flags on the high seasto ensure compliancewith applicableconservation and management rules,including full, detailed,accurate and timely reportingof catches and effort. 17.53States shouldtakeeffectiveaction,consistent with international law, to deterreflaggingof vessels by their nationals asa means of avoidingcompliance with applicable conservationand managementrules for fishing activitieson the high seas. 17.54States shouldprohibitdynamiting, poisoning and othercomparable destructive fishing practices. 17.55States shouldfully implement General Assembly resof ution 461215 on large-scale pelagrc drift-netfishing. 17.-56 Statesshouldtake measures to increase the availability of marineliving resources ashumanfood by reducing wastage, post-harvest lossesand discards, and improving tech niques of processi ng, distribu tion and transportation.

the conservation and sustainable useof the marinelivine resources of the high seas; (b) Exchangeon a regular basisup-to-datedata and informationadequate for fisheries assessment; (c) Developand shareanalyticaland predictivetools, suchas stockassessment and bioeconomic models; (d) Establishor expand appropriatenronitoring and programmes. assessment

c/ /NIERNAI/ONAL AND REGIONAI COOPERAIION AND COORDINAI/ON 17.58States, through bilateraland multilateralcooperation and within the frarnewclrkof subregionaland regional fisheriesbodies,as appropriate, and with the supportof other intemationalintergovernmental agencies, should assess high seasresourcepotentialsand develop profiles of all stocks(targetand non-target). 17.59Statesshould, where and as appropriate, ensure adequate coordinationand cooperation in enclosed and semi-enclosed seasand betweensubregional, regional and global intergovemmental fisheries bodies. I 7.60 Effectivecooperation within existingsubregional, regionalor globalfisheries bodiesshouldbe encouraged. Where suchorganizations do not exist,States should,as appropriate, cooperate to establish suchorganizations. 17 .61 States with aninterest in ahigh seas fisheryregulated by an existing subregionaland/or regional high seas fisheries organization of whichtheyarenot members should be encouraged to join thatorganization. whereappropriate. 17.62States recognize: (a) The responsibility of theInternational WhalingCommission fbr the conservation and marlagement of whale stocksand the regulationof whaling pursuant to the 1946 International Convention tbr the Regulation of Whaling; (b) The work of theIntemational WhalingCommission Scientific Cornmitteein carrying out studiesof large whalesin particular, as well as of othercetaceans; (c) The work of otherorganizations, suchas the InterAmericanTropicalTunaCommission andtheAgreement on Small Cetaceans in theBaltic andNorth Seaunderthe Bonn Convention, in the conservation, management and studyof cetaceans and othermarinemammals. 17.63States should cooperatefor the conservation, management and studyof cetaceans.

A ND / NF O R M AT ION B ) DA T A MEANS OF I,\\PLEMENTATION 17.57States. with the supporlof international organizations, whether subregional, regionalor global, as appropriate, shouldcooperate to: (a) Promoteenhanced collectionof datanecessary for Aj F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 17 .64 The Conference secretariat hasestimated the average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementingthe


to be about$12 million from activitiesof this programme the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional estiterms.Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude reviewed by Governments. only andhavenot been mates Actual costsand financial terms,including any that are will depend upon, inter alia, the non-concessional, Governmentsdecide and programmes specific strategies upon for implementation.

17.69Special support, including cooperationamong States, will be needed to enhancethe capacitiesof countries in theareas of dataandinformation, developing means, and humanresource scientificand technological developmentin order to participateeffectively in the utilization of high seas conservationand sustainable marineliving resources.

AL AN S A N D T EC H N O L OG| CME 8/ S C/ E NIF tC with the supportof relevantinternational 17.65States, shoulddevelopcollabowherenecessary, organizations, rative technical and researchprograffImesto improve of species of the life cyclesandmigrations understanding including identifying critical areas found on the high seas, and life stages. with the supportof relevantinternational 17.66States, whether subregional,regional or global, organizations, should: as appropriate, (a) Develop databases on the high seasmarine living and fisheries: resources (b) Collect and correlatemarine environmentaldata data,includingthe with high seas marineliving resources broughtaboutby impactsof regionaland globalchanges and by humanactivities; naturalcauses programmesto (c) Cooperatein coordinatingresearch to managehigh seas provide the knowledge necessary resources.


BASIS FOR ACTION 17.70Marine fisheriesyield 80 to 90 million tons of 95 percentof which is taken fish and shellfishper/year, from waters under nationaljurisdiction. Yields have nearly fivefold over the past four decades. increased The provisionsof the United Nations Conventionon of the the Law of the Sea on marine living resources exclusive economic zone and other areasunder national jurisdiction set forth rights and obligationsof and utilization of Stateswith respectto conservation thoseresources. provide an important 17.71Marine living resources and their useis often of proteinin many countries source andindigenous to localcommunities of majorimportance providefood and livelihoodsto people. Such resources utilized,offer inmillions of peopleand, if sustainably creasedpotentialto meet nutritional and social needs, particularly in developingcountries.To realize this potential requiresimproved knowledgeand identification of marine living resourcestocks, particularly of useof and unutilizedstocksand species, underutilized new technol ogi es,better handl i ng and pr ocessing and improvedquality and facilities to avoid wastage, training of skilled personnelto manageand conserve of the exclusive effectivelythe marine living resources economiczone and other areasunder nationaljurisdicmanageshouldalsobe on multi-species tion. Emphasis ment and other approachesthat take into account the amongspecies. relationships jurisdiction in many areas undernational 17.72Fisheries face mounting problems. including local overfishing, unauthorizedincursionsby foreign fleets, ecosystem fleet sizes, andexcessive degradation, overcapitalization of catch. insufficiently selectivegear, underevaluation and increasingcompetition beunreliable databases, fishing, and between tween artisanal and large-scale fishing and othertypesof activities. and 17.73Problems extendbeyondfisheries.Coralreef's and habitats, suchasmangroves othermarineandcoastal integrated are amongthe most highly diverse, estuaries,

DEVELOPMENT C) HUMANRESOURCE at the nationallevel development 17.67Humanresource at both developmentand management strouldbe targeted including training in high seas of high seasresources, resource assessment. and in high seas fishing techniques to deal with high seas cadresof personnel strengthening andrelated enviandconservation management resource and inspectors ronmentalissues, and training observers to be placedon fishing vessels.

D) CA P A C IT Y -BU IL D IN G 17.68States,with the support, where appropriate,of w hether subr elev ant in te rn a ti o n a lo rg a n i z a ti o n s , to develop regional,regionalor global,shouldcooperate for monistructures and institutional systems or upgrade as well as the research toring, control and surveillance, popuof marineliving resource capacityfor assessment lations.


and productive of the Earth's ecosystems. They often serve important ecological functions, provide coastal protection, and are critical resourcesfor food, energy, tourism and economic development. In many parts of the world, such marine and coastal systemsare under from a varietv of sources.Lroth stressor are threatened human and natural.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ELATED ACT IVITI ES 17.78States shouldensure that marineliving resources of the exclusiveecononriczone and other areasunder nationaljurisdiction are conserved and managedin acof the UnitedNationsConcordance with the provisions ventionon the Law of the Sea. 17.79States,in implementingthe provisionsof the UnitedNationsConvention on theLaw of the Sea,should addressthe issues of straddling stocks and highly migratory species,and, taking fully into account the objectivesetout in paragraph 17,74, access to the surplus of aliowablecatches. 17.80CoastalStates,individually or through bilateral and/ormultilateralcooperation and with the support,as appropriate of international organizations, whethersubregional,regionalor global,shouldinter alia: (a) Assessthe potential of marine living resources, includingunderutilized or unutilizedstocksand species, by developinginventories,where necessary, for their conservation and sustainable use' (b) Implement strategiesfor the sustainable use of marineliving resources, taking into accountthe special needs andinterests of small-scale fisheries, local artisanal communitiesand indigenous peopleto meethuman nutritional and other development needs; (c) Implement,in particularin developingcountries, mechanismsto develop rnariculture,aquacultureand small-scale, deep-sea and oceanicfisherieswithin areas jurisdictionwhereassessments undernational show that marineliving resources are potentiallyavailable; (d) Strengthen their legal and regulatoryframeworks, whereappropriate, including manage ment,enforcement andsurveillance capabilities, related to regulate activities to the abovestrategies: (e) Takemeasures to increase theavailabilityof marine living resources as human food by reducing wastage, post-harvest lossesand discards.and improving techniquesof processing, distributionand transportation; (0 Develop and promote the use of environrnentally sound technology under criteria compatible with the sustainable use of marine living resources, including assessment of the environmentalirnpactof major new fishery practices; (g) Enhancethe productivity and utilization of their marineliving resources for food and income. 17.81C oastal S tates shoul d expl ore the scope f or expandingrecreational and tourist activities basedon marine living resources, including those fbr providing alternative sources of income.Such activitiesshouldbe compatiblewith conservation developand sustainable ment policiesand plans.

OBJECTIVES 17.74CoastalStates,particularlydevelopingcountries and Stateswhose economiesare overwhelminglydependent on theexploitation of themarineliving resources shouldobtainthe full of their exclusive economiczones, from sustainable utilization socialandeconomic benefits within their exclusiveecoof marine living resources nomic zonesand other areasunder nationaljurisdiction. 17.75States commit themselves to the conservation and sustainable useof marineliving resources undernational jurisdiction. To this end, it is necessary to: (a) Developandincrease the potentialof marineliving resources to meet human nutritional needs,as well as goals; social,economicand development (b) Takeinto accounttraditionalknowledgeand interestsof local communities, small-scale artisanal flsheries peoplein development and indigenous andmanagernent programmes; (c) Maintain or restorepopulations of marinespecies at yield as levelsthat can producethe maximum sustainable qualifiedby relevant andeconomicfactors, environmental taking into consideration relationships amongspecies; (d) Promotethe development fishand useof selective ing gear and practices that minimize wastein the catch of target speciesand minimize by-catch of non-target species; (e) Protectand restoreendangered marinespecies; (0 Preserverare or fragile ecosystems, as well as habitats and otherecologicallysensitive areas. 17.76Nothing in paragraphI1.15 aboverestrictsthe right of a coastalStateor the competence of an internationalorganization, to prohibit,limit as appropriate, or regulate the exploitation of marine marrunalsmore strictly than providedfor in that paragraph. Statesshall cooperatewith a view to the conservationof marine mammalsand in the caseof cetaceans shallin particular work throughthe appropriate international organizations for their conservation, management and study. 17.71The ability of developingcountriesto fulfil the above objectivesis dependentupon their capabilities, including the financial, scientific and technological meansat their disposal. Adequatefinancial, scientific and technologicalcooperationshould be provided to supportactionby them to implementtheseobjectives.


of shouldsupportthe sustainability 17.82Coastal States artisanal fisheries.To this end, they should, small-scale as appropriate: (a) Integrate small-scaleartisanaltisheries developplanning,taking into account ment in marineandcoastal repreencouraging and, whereappropriate, the interests s ent at iono f fi s h e rme n , s m a l l -s c a l efi sherw orkers, people; and indigenous women,local communities (b) Recognize fishworkers and therightsof small-scale peopleandlocal comthe special situationof indigenous munities,includingtheir rights to utilizationand protecbasis; on a sustainable tion of their habitats (c) Developsystems for the acquisitionand recording of traditionalknowledgeconcerningmarine living reand promotethe incorporation and environment sources systems. of suchknowledgeinto management 17.83CoastalStatesshouldensurethat, in the negotiaon of international agreements tion and implementation of marine living rethe developmentor conservation the interests of local communitiesand indigesources, nous people are taken into account,in particulartheir right to subsistence. of with the support, asappropriate, 17.84CoastalStates, of should conduct analyses internationalorganizations itr marineand coastalareas the potentialfor aquaculture under nati o n a l j u ri s d i c ti o n a n d a p p l y appropri ate safeguards as to the introductionof new species. poisoning and shouldprohibitdynamiting, 17.85States fishing practices. destructive othercomparable exhibitshouldidentifymarineecosystems 17.86States ing high levelsof biodiversityandproductivityandother limiand shouldprovidenecessary critical habitatareas through,inter alia, desigtationson use in theseareas. nation of protectedareas. Priority shouldbe accorded, to: as appropriate, (a) Coral reef ecosystems; (b) Estuaries; (c) Temperate includingmangroves; andtropicalwetlands, (d) Seagrass beds: (e) Other spawningand nurseryareas.

(c) Develop and shareanalyticaland predictivetools, models; suchas stockassessment and bioeconomic (d) Establishor expand appropriatemonitoring and programmes assessment ; (e) Complete or update marine biodiversity, marine living resourceand critical habitat profiles of exclusive economiczonesand otherareasundernationaljurisdiction, taking account of changesin the environment and humanactivities. broughtaboutby naturalcauses

AND REG'ON,AI c/ /NTERNAilONAT. AIION AND COORD'NAI'ON COOPER 17.88States, throughbilateraland multilateralcooperation, and with the support of relevant United Nations and other internationalorganizations,should cooperate to: (a) Developfinancialand technicalcooperation to enhance the capacities of developingcountriesin smallaquaculfisheries, aswell asin coastal scaleandoceanic ture and mariculture; (b) Promotethecontributionof marineliving resources to eliminate malnutrition and to achievefood self-suffialia,by minimizing ciencyin developing countries,inter post-harvest lossesand managingstocksfor guaranteed yields: sustainable (c) Develop agreedcriteria for the use of selective fishing gearand practices to minimize wastein the catch of target speciesand minimize by-catch of non-target species; (d) Promote seafoodquality, including through nafor seafood, in order to systems tional quality assurance promote accessto markets, improve consumer confidenceand maximizeeconomicreturns. ensure 17.89Statesshould, where and as appropriate, in enclosed and coordinationand cooperation adequate regional semi-enclosed seasand between subregional, fisheriesbodies. and global intergovernmental 17.90States recognize: (a) The responsibility of the InternationalWhaling and management of Commissionfor the conservation whale stocks and the regulation of whaling pursuantto the 1946International Conventionfor the Resulationof Whaling; (b) The work of the International WhalingCommission Scientific Committee in carrying out studies of large whalesin particular, as well as of othercetaceans; (c) The work of other organizations, such as the InterAmericanTropicalTunaCommissionandtheAgreement on Small Cetaceans in the Baltic andNorth Seaunderthe management and Bonn Convention, in theconservation, study of cetaceans and other marine mammals.

AND /NFORMAT/ON B) DATA individuallyor throughbilateralandmulti17.87States, and with the support,as appropriate, lateralcooperation whether subregional, of internationalorganizations, regional or global,should: (a) Promoteenhanced of data collectionand exchange for the conservation useof the and sustainable necessary jurisdiction; undernational marineliving resources (b) Exchangeon a regular basis up-to-datedata and for fisheriesassessment; informationnecessary


17.91States should cooperatefor the conservation, management and studyof cetaceans.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 17.92The Conference secretariathas estimated the averagetotal annual cost (1993-2000)of implementing the activitiesof this programmeto be about $6 billion, including about$60 million from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicative andorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewed by Governments. Actualcosts will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmes Governments decideupon for implementation.

resourcesand to encourageequitableparticipationoflocal communities, small-scale fish workers.womenand indigenous people; (c) Introduce topics relating to the importanceof marine living resources in educational curricula at all levels.

D) CAPACTTY-BUILD|NG 17.95CoastalStates,with the supportof relevantsubregional,regionaland global agencies, where appropriate,should: (a) Develop researchcapacitiesfor assessment of marineliving resource populations and monitoring; (b) Provide support to local fishing communities,in particularthosethat rely on tishing for subsistence, indigenouspeopleand women, including,as appropriate. the technicaland financialassistance to organize, maintain, exchangeand improve traditional knowledge of marine living resourcesand fishing techniques,and upgradeknowledgeon marineecosystems; (c) Establish sustainable aquaculturedevelopment strategies, includingenvironmental management in support of rural fish-farmingcommunities; (d) Developand strengthen, wherethe needmay arise, institutionscapableof implementingthe objective s and activitiesrelatedto the conseruation and manasement of marineliving resources. 17.96S peci alsupport,i ncl udi ngcooperati on atn ong States,will be neededto enhancetl-recapacitiesof devel opi ng countri es i n the areas of dataand i nfb r m ati on, sci enti fi cand technol ogi cal meansand hum an resourcedevel opmenti n cl rderto enabl e theln t o participate effectivelyin the conservation and sustainable use of marine livinc resourcesunder national jurisdiction.

8/ SCrENrrFtC AND TECHNOIOG\CAL MEANS 17.93States,with the supportof relevantintergovernmental organizations, as appropriate,should: (a) Provide for the transferof environmentally sound technologiesto develop fisheries, aquacultureand particularlyto developingcountries; mariculture, (b) Accord specialattentionto mechanisms for transferring resourceinformation and improved fishing and aquaculture technologies to fishing communitiesat the local level; (c) Promotethe study,scientific assessment and useof appropriatetraditional management systems; (d) Considerobserving, as appropriate, the FAOACES Codeof Practicefor Consideration of Transferand Introduction of Marine and Freshwater Organisms; (e) Promotescientificresearch on marineareas of particular importancefor marine living resources, such as areasof high diversity,endemismand productivity and migratorystopover points.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENI 17.94States individually,or throughbilateraland multilateral cooperation and with the supportof relevantinternational organizations, whethersubregional, regional or global, as appropriate, shouldencourage and provide supportfor developingcountrtes, inter alia, to:. (a) Expand multidisciplinaryeducation,training and research on marine living resources, particularlyin the socialand economicsciences; (b) Create training opportunities at national and re(includingsubsistence) gional levelsto supportartisanal fisheries,to develop small-scaleuse of marine living


BASIS FOR ACTION 17.97The marineenvironment is vulnerableand sensitive to climate and atmosphenc changes. Rationaluse and developmentof coastalareas,all seasand marine resources, as well asconservation of the marineenvironment, requiresthe ability to determinethe presentstate of thesesystemsand to predict future conditions.The high degree of uncertainty in present infbrmationinhibits effective managementand limits the ability to make predictions andassess environmental change. Systematic


collection of data on marine environmentalparameters will be needed to apply integrated managementapproachesand to predict effects of global climate change phenomena, suchasozonedepletion, and of atmospheric and the marine environment. on living marine resources In order to determinethe role of the oceansand all seas in driving global systems and to predict natural and human-inducedchangesin marine and coastalenvironand disments,the mechanisms to collect, synthesize seminateinformation from researchand systematicobandreinforced servationactivitiesneedto be restructured considerably. aboutclimatechange 17.98T'here aremanyuncertainties in and particularlyabout sealevelrise. Small increases damage significant havethepotentialof causing sealevel strategies Response andlow-lying coasts. to smallislands shouldbe basedon sounddata.A long-termcooperative researchcommitment is neededto provide the data required for global climate models and to reduce uncertainty. Meanwhile, precautionarymeasuresshould be undertaken to diminish the risks and effects,particularly on small islands and on low-lying and coastal areasof the world. ultravioletradiationderivedfrom ozone 17.99Increased depletionhas been reportedin some areasof the world. of its effects in the marine environment An assessment is neededto reduceuncertaintyand to provide a basisfor action.

ACTIVITIES IVITI ES EDACT A) MANAGEMENT-R ELAT inter alia: shouldconsider, l7.l0l States (a) Coordinating national and regional observation programmesfor coastal and near-shorephenomenarelated to climate change and for researchparameters essential for marine and coastal managementin all regions; (b) Providing improved forecasts of marineconditions for the safety of inhabitantsof coastalareasand for the efficiency of maritime operations; (c) Cooperating with a view to adopting special measuresto cope with and adapt to potential climate of rise, including the development changeand sealevel globally accepted methodologies for coastal vulneramodelling and responsestrategies bility assessment, particularly for priority areas,such as small islandsand low-lying and critical coastalareas; (d) Identifying ongoing and planned programmesof with systematic observation of the marineenvironment, priorities establishing activitiesand a view to integrating for oceansand all seas; to address critical uncertainties (e) Initiating a programmeof research to determinethe levels of ultraviolet increased marinebiological effectsof ozonelayer stratospheric rays due to the depletionof the possible effects. the and to evaluate 17.lO2Recognizingthe importantrole that oceansand play in attenuating potential climatechange,IOC all seas with competent UnitedNationsbodies, andotherrelevant resources and experhaving the the supportof countries and systemassessments tise, shouldcarry out analysis, sink. oceans as a carbon of the role of atic observation

OBJECIIVES with provisions of the States,in accordance 17.100 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on to imcommit themselves marine scientific research, prove the understanding of the marine environmentand To this end, it is necessary its role on global processes. to: (a) Promote scientific research on and systematic observation of the marine environment within the including limits of nationaljurisdiction and high seas, interactionswith atmosphericphenomena,such as ozonedepletion; (b) Promoteexchange of dataandinformationresulting from scientific researchand systematicobservationand from traditional ecological knowledge and ensure its andthepublic at thenational availabilityto policy makers level; (c) Cooperate of standwith a view to the development ard inter-calibratedprocedures,measuring techniques, capabilitiesfor scientific data storageand management researchon and systematicobservation of the marine environment.

B) DATA AND 'NFORMAIION shouldconsider, inter alia: 17.103 States (a) Increasing internationalcooperationparticulariy with a view to strengthening nationalscientificandtechand nol ogi cal capabi l i ti esfor anal ysi ng,asse ssing predictingglobal climateand environmental change; (b) Supporting with the role of the IOC in cooperation in WMO, UNEP and other internationalorganizations the collection,analysisand distributionof data and information from the oceans and all seas, including as appropriate,through the Global Ocean Observing System, giving special attentionto the need for IOC to develop fully the strategy for providing training and for developing countries throughits technicalassistance Training, Education and Mutual Assistance(TEMA) programme;


(c) Creating national multisectoralinformation bases, and systematic observacovering the resultsof research tion prograrnmes; (d) Linking these databases to existing data and information services and mechanisms.such as World WeatherWatch and Earthwatch; (e) Cooperating with a view to the exchangeof data and archivingthroughthe and informationand its storage world and regional data centres; (0 Cooperating full participation of developto ensure ing countries,in particular,in any internationalscheme of the United Nations underthe organsand organizations systemfor the collection,analysisand use of data and information.

AND REG'ONAICi 'NIERNAIIONAT AND COORD/NAI/ON COOPERAI'ON 17.lM Statesshould considerbilaterally and multilaterally and in cooperation with international orgamzations, whether subregional,regional, interregionalor global, where appropriate: (a) Providingtechnicalcooperation in developingthe for marineresearch capacityof coastaland islandStates observation and for using its results; and systematic (b) Strengthening existing national institutionsand internationalanalysis and creating, where necessary, predictionmechanisms in orderto prepare andexchange analyses andforecasts regionalandglobaloceanographic and and to provide facilities for internationalresearch training at national, subregionaland regional levels, whereapplicable. 17.105In recognition ofthe valueof Antarcticaas anarea for the conduct of scientific research,in particular reto understanding theglobal environment, search essential States carryingout suchresearch activitiesin Antarctica should, as provided for in Article III of the Antarctic Treaty,continueto: (a) Ensure that data and information resulting from such researchare freely available to the international community; (b) Enhance of the international scientificcomaccess agencies of the United Nations munity and specialized to such data and information,including the encouragement of periodicseminars and symposia. 106 States high-levelinter-agency, 17. shouldstrengthen regionaland global coordination, as approsubregional, priate,and review mechanisms to developand integrate observation networks.This would include: systematic (a) Review of existingregionaland global databases; (b) Mechanisms and compatible to developcomparable validatemethodologies techniques, and measurements,

organrze regular scientific reviews, develop options for corrective measures,agreeon formats for presentation and storage, and communicatethe information gathered to potentialusers; (c) Systematicobservationof coastal habitatsand sealevel inventories changes, of marinepollutionsources and reviewsof fisheries statistics; (d) Orgamzation of oceanand of periodic assessments all seas and coastalareastatus and trends. 17.107 Internati onalcooperati on,through rel e vant organi zati ons w i thi n the U ni ted N ati ons syst em , should support countries to develop and integrate regi onal systematic long-termobservat ion programmes, when applicable, into the RegionalSeasProgrammes in a coordinated fashionto implement,whereappropriate, subregional,regional and global observing systems basedon the principle of exchangeof data. One aim shouldbe the predictingof the effectsof climate-related emergencies on existing coastalphysical and socioeconomicinfrastructure. 17.108Basedon the resultsof research on the effectsof the additionalultravioletradiationreachingthe Earth's surface,in the fields of human health,agricultureand marine environment,Statesand international organizati ons shoul d consi der taki ng appropri ateremedial measures.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION 11.109 The Conference secretariathas estimatedthe average total annualcost ( 1993-2000) of implementing the activities of this programme to Lre aboutS750million, includingabout$480million from theinternational community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and havenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsandfinancial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, will dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies and programmes Governments decideuponfor implementation. l7.l l0 Developed countries shouldprovidethe financing for the further development and implementation of the GlobalOceanObservins Svstem.

8/ SC/ENIIFIC AND IECHNOI.OGICAL MEANS l7.l1l To address critical uncertainties throughsystematiccoastal andmarineobservations andresearch, coastal procedures States shouldcooperate in thedevelopmentof thatallow forcomparable analysis andsoundness of data. They shouldalsocooperate on a subregional andregional


basis,through existing programmeswhere applicable, share infrastructureand expensive and sophisticated procedures and equipment,develop quality assurance jointly. Special attention develop human resources of scientificandtechnological shouldbe given to transf-er means to support States, particularly and knowledge of endogenous in the development countries, developing capabilities. when shouldsupport, organizations l7.l12 International requested,coastal countries in implementing research projectson the effectsof additionalultraviolet radiation.

both within and outside including regional,institutions, the United Nations system,with competencein marine issues, and thereis a needto improve coordinationand strengthenlinks among them. It is also important to ensurethat an integratedand multisectoralapproachto marineissues is pursuedat all levels.

OBJECTIVES with in accordance 17.117 Statescommit themselves. prioritiesandresources, to promoteinstitutheirpolicies, tional arrangements necessary to supportthe implemenin this chapter.To this end, tation of theprograrnme areas it is necessary, as appropriate,to: (a) Integrate relevant sectoral activities addressing environment and development in marine and coastal regionaland global levels, areasat national,subregional, as appropriate; (b) Promote effective information exchange and, where appropriate, institutional linkages between bilateral and multilateral national,regional, subregional and interregionalinstitutions dealing with environment in marineand coastalareas; and development (c) Promotewithin the United Nations system,regular intergovernmental review and consideration of environment and developmentissueswith respectto marine and coastalareas: (d) Promote the effective operation of coordinating mechanismsfor the componentsof the United Nations and deveiopsystemdealingwith issues of environment ment in marine and coastalareas,as well as links with relevantinternational bodies. development

DEVELOPMENT C) HUMANRESOURCE l7. ll3 S t a te s ,i n d i v i d u a l l y o r th ro u g h b i l ateral and multilateral cooperation and with the support, as appropriate,of international organizationswhether regional or global. should develop and subregional, programmes,particularly implement comprehensive in developing countries, for a broad and coherent approachto meeting their core human resourceneeds in the marine sciences.

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG asnecessary, orestablish 17.114 States shouldstrengthen oceanographic comand technological nationalscientific support and to develop, or equivalent bodies missions work closely and marine science activities coordinate organizations. with international and reshould use existing subregional l7.l15 States knowwhere applicable, to develop gional mechanisms, information, marine environment, exchange ledgeof the and organizesystematicobservationsand assessments, facilities and of scientists, make the most effective use promotion in the They should also cooperate equipment. of endogenousresearchcapabilities in developing countries.


GLOBAL 17.1 l8 The General Assemblyshouldprovideforregular within the United Nationssystem,at the consideration, intergovernmentallevel of general marine and coastal matters, issues, includingenvironment anddevelopment and executive and should requestthe Secretary-General and organizations to: headsof United Nationsagencies (a) Strengthencoordination and develop improved arrangements amongthe relevantUnited Nationsorganizationswith major marine and coastalresponsibilities, including their subregional and regionalcomponents; (b) Strengthencoordination between those organizai nstitutions tions and otherUnited Nationsorganizations. trade agencies dealingwith development, andspecialized as appropriate; and otherrelatedeconomicissues,


FOR ACTION BASIS 17.116 It is recognizedthat the role of international national efforts. is to support andsupplement cooperation Implementationof strategiesand activities under the and programmeareasrelativeto marineand coastalareas at naseasrequireseffective institutional arrangements regionaland global levels,as approtional. subregional, priate. There are numerous national and international,


(c) Improverepresentation of UnitedNationsagencies dealing with the marine environmentin United Nations systemwide coordinationefforts; (d) Promote, where necessary,greater collaboration betweenthe United Nations agenciesand subregional and regional coastaland marine programmes; (e) Develop a centralized system to provide for informationon legislation andadviceon implementation of legal agreementson marine environmentaland development issues. 17.119 States recognize that environmentalpolicies should deal with the root causesof environmental degradation,thus preventing environmental measures from resultingin unnecessary restrictionsto trade.Trade policy measures for environmental purposes shouldnot constitute a meansof arbitraryor unjustifiable discrimination or a disguisedrestrictionon international trade. Unilateralactionsto dealwith environmental challenges outsidethejurisdiction of the importing country should be avoided. Environmental measures addressing internationalenvironmental problemsshould,asfar aspossible, be based on an international consensus.Domestic measures targetedto achievecertain environmentalobjectives may need trade measures to render them effective. Shouldtradepolicy measures be found necessary for the enforcementof environmental policies, certain principlesand rules shouldapply. Thesecould include, inter alia, the principleof non-discrimination; the principle that the trademeasure chosenshouldbe the least trade-restrictive necessary to achievethe objectives; an obligation to ensure transparencyin the use of trade measures related to the environment and to provide adequatenotificationof nationalregulations; and the needto give consideration to the specialconditionsand development requirements of developingcountriesas they move towardsintemationally agreed environmental objectives.

B) DATA AND 'NFORMAT/ON l7.l2l States should,whereappropriate: (a) Promote exchangeof information on marine and coastalissues; (b) Strengthenthe capacity of internationalorganizations to handleinformation and supportthe development of national,subregionaland regional data and information systems, whereappropriate. This couldalsoinclude networks linking countrieswith comparableenvironmentalproblems; (c) Furtherdevelopexistinginternational mechanisms such as Earthwatchand GESAMP.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 17.122The Conference secretariathas estimatedthe average total annualcosr (1993-2000) of implementing the activitiesof this prograinme to be about$50 million from the international community on grant or concessional terms. These are indicative and order-of'-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actualcosts andflnancialterms,including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon,inter alia, the specific strategiesand programmesGovernmentsdecideupon for implementation.

B/ SCIENI/F/C AND TFCHNO/OGtCALMEANS, HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENI AND CAPACITY. BUILDING ll.l23 The means of implementationoutlined in the other programmeareason marine and coastalissues, underthe sections on scientificandtechnological means, humanresource development and capacity-building are entirelyrelevantfor this programme areaas well. Additionally, Statesshould, through internationalcooperation, developa comprehensive programmefor meetingthe core humanresource needs in marinesciences at all levels. Gl st sTAtNABtE DEVETOPMENT OF SrvrAUFIANDS

SUBREGIONAL ANDREGIONAL 17.120States shouldconsider, as appropriate: (a) Strengthening, and extendingwherenecessary, intergovernmental regionalcooperation, the RegionalSeas Programmes of UNEP,regionaland subregional fisheries organizations and regionalcommissions; (b) Introduce,where necessary, coordinationamong relevantUnited Nationsand othermultilateralorganizations at the subregional and regional levels, including consideration of co-locationof their staff; (c) Arrangefor periodicintraregional consultations; (d) Facilitateaccess to and use of expertiseand technology throughrelevantnationalbodiesto subregional and regionalcentres and networks,suchas the Regional Centres for Marine Technology.

BASIS FOR ACTION 17.124Small islanddevelopingStates, and islandssupporting small communitiesare a specialcase both for environmentand development. They are ecologically fragile and vulnerable. Their small size, limited resources,geographi cdi spersi onand i sol ati on fr om markets, placethem at a disadvantage economically and


preventeconomies of scale.For small islanddeveloping States the oceanand coastalenvironment is of strategic importance and constitutesa valuable development resource. 17.125 Their geographic isolationhasresultedin their habitationby a comparativelylarge number of unique species of flora and fauna,giving them a very high share of global biodiversity.They also have rich and diverse cultureswith specialadaptations to islandenvironments and knowledge of the sound managementof island resources. llJ26 Small islanddevelopingStates have all the environmentalproblemsand challenges of the coastalzone in a limited land area.They areconsidered concentrated extremely vulnerableto global warming and sealevel rise, with certain small low-lying islandsfacing the increasingthreatof the loss of their entire nationalterritories.Most tropical islandsare also now experiencing the more immediateimpactsof increasing frequencyof with climate cyclones,stormsand hurricanes associated change. Thesearecausing major set-backs to their socioeconomicdevelopment. 17.127Becausesmall island developmentoptions are limited, thereare specialchallenges to planningfor and implementing sustainabledevelopment.Small island developingStateswill be constrained in meetingthese without challenges the cooperation and assistance of the international communitv.

OBJECTIVES 17J28 States commit themselvesto addressingthe problems of sustainable developrnent of small island developing States. To this end,it is necessary: (a) To adoptand implementplansand programmes to supportthe sustainable development and utilization of their marine and coastalresources, including meeting essential humanneeds, maintaining biodiversityand improving the quality of life for islandpeople; (b) To adopt measures which will enablesmall island developing Statesto cope effectively, creatively and with environmental sustainably changeand to mitigate impacts and reduce the threats posed to marine and coastalresources.

(a) Studythe specialenvironmental anddevelopmental characteristics of small islands,producingan environmental profile and inventory of their natural resources, critical marinehabitatsand biodiversity; (b) Develop techniques for determiningand monitoring the carryingcapacityof smallislands underdifferent development assumptions and resource constraints; (c) Prepare medium- and long-termplansfor sustainable developmentttrat emphasizemultiple use of resources, integrateenvironmentalconsiderations with economicand planningand policies,define measures sectoral for maintaining cultural and biologicaldiversity and conserve endangered species andcritical marinehabitats; (d) Adapt coastalarea management techniques, such as planning, siting and environmentalimpact assess(GIS), ments,using Geographical InformationSystems suitableto the specialcharacteristics of small islands, taking into accountthe traditionaland culturalvaluesof indigenous peopleof islanCcountries; (e) Review the existinginstitutional arrangements and identify and undertakeappropriateinstitutional reforms essentialto the effective implementationof sustainable plans,includingintersectoral development coordination and communityparticipation in the planningprocess; (f) Implementsustainable plans,includdevelopment ing thereview andmodificationof existingunsustainable policiesand practices; (g) Based on precautionaryand anticipatory approaches,design and implement rational response strategies to addressthe environmental,social and economic impactsof climate changeand sealevel rise, and prepare appropriate plans; contingency (h) Promote environmentally sound technology for sustainable development within small islanddeveloping States and identify technologies that shouldbe excluded because of their threatsto essential islandecosvstems.

B) DATA AND /NFORMATTAN 17.130Additional informationon the geographic, environmental,cultural and socio-economic characteristics of islandsshouldbe compiledand assessed to assist in the planningprocess.Existingislanddatabases shouldbe expandedandgeographic infbrmationsystems developed and adapted to suit the specialcharacteristics of islands.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGFMFNI-R ELATED ACT IVIT IE S 17.129 Small islanddeveloping with the assistStates, anceas appropriate of the international communityand on thebasisof existingwork of nationalandinternational organizations, should:

c/ /NTERNATIONAL AND REG/ONAI. COOPERAIION AND COORDINAI/ON 17.131 Small islanddeveloping with the support, States, as appropriate,of international organizations,whether


subregional,regional or global, should develop and strengtheninter-island,regional and interregionalcoincludingperiodic operationand informationexchange, development on sustainable regionalandglobalmeetings of small island developingStateswith the first global developmentof small conferenceon the sustainable States, to be held in 1993. island developing whethersubregional, organizations, 17 .132 International the specialdevelopregionalor global, must recognrze States and of smallislanddeveloping mentrequirements give adequatepriority in the provision of assistance, particularly with respectto the developmentand implans. plementation of sustainable development

be modified to meet these needs and special training programmes islandmanagement developedin integrated and development. Local planning should be integrated in educational curriculaof all levelsandpublic awareness of non-governcampaignsdevelopedwith the assistance mentalorganizations andindigenous coastalpopulations.

D) CAPACTTY-BU|LDING 17.136The total capacity of small island developing Stateswill always be limited. Existing capacity must to meetefficiently the immedithereforebe restructured ate needs for sustainabledevelopment and integrated management. At the same time, adequateand appropriate assistance from the internationalcommunity must be directed at strengtheningthe full range of human resourcesneeded on a continuous basis to implement sustainable developmentplans. thatcanincrease theoutputand 17 .137 New technologies should rangeof capabilityof the limited humanresources be employed to increase the capacity of very small populationsto meet their needs. The developmentand application of traditional knowledge to improve the developcapacity of countriesto implement sustainable ment shouldbe fostered.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATION A/ F/NANCING 17.133The Conlerence secretariathas estimatedthe of implementing averagetotal annualcost ( 1993-2000) programme to be about$ 130million, theactivitieso1'this comincluding about$50 million from the international terms.Theseareindicamunity on grantor concessional estimates only andhavenot tive and order-of-magnitude Actual costsand finanbeenreviewedby Governments. will cial terms, including any that are non-concessional, depend upon, inter aliu. ttre specific strategiesand progfturrmes decideupon for implementation. Govemments

ME AN S 8/ S C/ E NI I F I A CN D IE C H N IC AT 17.134 Centres for the developmentand diffusion of means and scientificinformationand adviceon technical island developing technologiesappropriateto small of to the management especiallywith reference States, zone marine and zone,theexclusive economic thecoastal as resources,should be establishedor strengthened, appropriate. on a regionalbasis.

D EV EL OP M EN T E C) HUM A NRE S O U R C i7.135 Since populationsof srnall island developing specializations, Statescannot maintain all necessary management anddevelopcoastal trainingfor integrated or scienof managers rnentshouldaim to producecadres the ableto integrate and coastalplanners tists,engineers in integrated manv factors that need to be considered Resource usersshouldbe prepared coastalmanagement. and protectionfunctions to executeboth management and to apply the polluter paysprinciple and supportthe should Educationalsystems training of their personnel.

'References to the UnitedNotionsConvenlion on the Low of the theposition of Seoin thischopter of Agendo2l do notpreiudice to with respect rotificotion of or occession ony Stote to signoture, theConvention. 2R"f"r"n.", on the Low of the to the UnitedNolionsConvention the position of Seoin thischopter of Agendo2l do not preiudice chorocler. Stotes whichview the Convention os hovingo unified

3Norhing in the progromme oreos of this choptershouldbe involvedin o the rightsof the Stotes interpreted os preiudicing oreos or in the delimitotion of the moritime dispute of sovereignty concerned.



Protection of thequolity ond supply of freshwoter resources: Applicotion of integroted opprooches to thedevelopment, monogement ond useof
woter resources


l8.l Freshwater resources arean essential component of part of all the Earth'shydrosphere and an indispensable terrestrial ccosystems. The freshwater environmentis characterized by thehydrological cycle,includingfloods and droughts, which in someregionshavebecomemore extreme and dramatic in their consequences. Global climate change and atmosphericpollution could also have an impact on freshwater resourcesand their availability and. through sea-levelrise, threatenlowlying coastal areasand small islandecosystems. 18.2 Water is neededin all aspects of life. The general objective is to make certain that adequatesuppliesof waterof goodqualityaremaintained for the entirepopulation of this planet,while preserving the hydrological, biologicaland chemicalfunctionsof ecosystems, adapting humanactivitieswithin the capacitylimits of nature andcombating vectors of water-related Innovative diseases. technologies, including the improvement of indigenous technologies,are needed to fully utilize limited water resource sandto safeguard resource those sagai nstpollution. 18.3 The widespread gradualdestruction scarcity, and aggravated pollution of freshwater resources in many world regions. alongwith theprogressive encroachment of incompatibleactivities. demandintegrated waterresources planningandmanagement. Suchintegration mustcoveralltypes freshwaterbodies,including both surface of interrelated water and groundwater, and duly considerwater quantity and quality aspects.The multisectoralnature of water resources development in the contextof socio-economic development must be recognized, as well as the multiinterestutilizationof waterresources for water supplyand san itation,agriculture, industryurbandevelopment, hydropower generation, inland fisheries,transportation, recreation.lorvandflat landsmanasement andotheractivities.

Rational water utilization schemes for the development of surface and undergroundwater-supply sourcesand other potential sourceshave to be supportedby concurrent water conservation and wastage minimization measures. Priority, however, must be accordedto flood prevention and control measures, as well as sedimentation control, where required. 18.4 Transboundary water resources and their useare of great importance to riparian States.In this connection, cooperation among those States may be desirable in conformity with existing agreementsand/or other relevant arrangements, taking into accountthe interests of all riparian Statesconcerned. 18.5 The following programmeareasare proposedfor the freshwatersector: (a) Integratedw ater resourcesdevel opm entand management; (b) Water resources assessment; (c) Protection of water resources,water quality and aquaticecosystems; (d) Drinking-watersupplyand sanitation; (e) Water and sustainable urban development; (0 Water for sustainablefood production and rural development; (g) Impactsof climatechangeon water resources.


BASIS FOR ACTION 18.6 The extentto which water resources development contributesto economic productivity and social well-


being is not usually appreciated, althoughall social and rely heavilyon thesupplyandquality economic activities of freshwater.As populations and economic activities grow, many countriesare rapidly reachingconditions of waterscarcity orfacing limits to economic development. Water demandsare increasingrapidly, with 70-80 per cent required for irrigation, less than 20 per cent for industryand a mere6 per centfor domesticconsumption. The holistic managementof freshwater as a finite and vulnerableresource, and the integrationof sectoralwater plans and prograffnnes within the framework of national importance economicand socialpolicy, areof paramount for action in the 1990sand beyond. The fragmentation of responsibilitiesfor water resourcesdevelopment among sectoralagenciesis proving, however, to be an even greaterimpediment to promoting integratedwater managementthan had been anticipated.Effective implementationandcoordinationmechanisms arerequired.

based on an approach of full public participation, including that of women, youth, indigenous peopleand local policy-makingand communitiesin water management decision-making; (d) To identify and strengthen or develop,as required, in particular in developingcountries,the appropriate institutional,legal and financial mechanisms to ensure that water policy and its implementationare a catalyst for sustainable socialprogress and economicgrowth. 18.10In the case waterresources, of transboundary there is a needfor riparian Statesto formulate water resources prepare water resourcesaction programmes strategies, and consider,where appropriate,the harmonizationof those strategies and action prograrnmes. 18.1 I All States, accordingto their capacityand available resources, andthroughbilateralor multilateralcooperation, including the United Nations and other relevant organizations asappropriate, could setthe following targets:

OBJECTIVES 18.7 The overall objectiveis to satisfythe freshwater needs of all countries for their sustainable development. management 18.8 Integrated water resources is based on the perception of water as an integral part of the a naturalresource ecosystem, and a socialand economic good, whose quantity and quality determinethe nature have to be of its utilization.To this end,water resources protected,taking into accountthe functioning of aquatic in order ecosystems and the perennialityof the resource, to satisfy and reconcileneedsfor water in human activpriority ities. In developingand using water resources, has to be given to the satisfactionof basicneedsand the of ecosystems. Beyondthese requirements, safeguarding however,water usersshould be chargedappropriately. 18.9 Integrated water resources management, including the integrationof land- and water-related aspects, should be carried out at the level of the catchment basin or Four principal objectivesshouldbe pursued, sub-basin. as follows: (a) To promote a dynamic, interactive, iterative and multisectoralapproachto water resources management, including the identificationand protectionof potential sources of freshwater supply,that integrates technological. socio-economic. environmentaland human health considerations; (b) To plan for the sustainable and rationalutilization, protection,conservation of water reand management sources based on communityneedsandprioritieswithin policy; theframeworkof national economic development (c) To design, implement and evaluateprojects and programmes that are both economically efficient and socially appropriatewithin clearly defined strategies,

A) BYTHEYEAR 2000: (i) To have designedand initiated costedand targeted national action programmes,and to have put in place appropriatein stitutionalstructure s andlegal instruments ; (ii) To haveestablished programmes efficientwater-use to attain sl.rstainable resourceutilization patterns;

B) BY THE YEAR 2025: (i) To have achieved subsectoraltargets of all freshwater programmeareas. It is understoodthat the fulfilment of the targetsquantified in (A) (i) and (ii) abovewill dependupon new and additional financialresources thatwill be madeavailable to developingcountriesin accordance with the relevant provisionsof GeneralAssemblyresolution 44/228.

ACTIVITIES 18.12All States, accordingto their capacityand available resources,and through bilateral or multilateral cooperation,including the United Nations and other relevantorganizations as appropriate, could implement the following activities to improve integrated water resources management: (a) Formulation of costedand targetednational action plansand investment programmes; (b) Integration of measures for theprotection andconservation of potentialsources of freshwater supply,including theinventorying with land-use planning, of waterresources, forest resourceutilization,protectionof mountainslopes and riverbanksand otherrelevantdevelopmentand conservation activities;


(c) Developmentof interactive databases, forecasting models, economic planning models and methods for watermanagement andplanning,includingenvironmental impact assessment methods; (d) Optimizationof water resources allocation under physicaland socio-economic constraints; (e) Implementation of allocation decisions through d e m a n d m a n a g e m e n t ,p r i c i n g m e c h a n i s m sa n d regulatorymeasures; (0 Flood and drought management,including risk anaiysisand environmental and socialimpactassessment, (g) Promotion of schemesfor rational water use through public awareness-raising, educationalprogrammes andlevyingof watertariffsandothereconomic instruments: (h) Mobilizationof waterresources, particularlyin arid and semi-aridareas: (i) Promotion of international scientific research cooperation on freshwater resources; 0) Developmentof new and alternativesourcesof water-supplysuch as seawaterdesalination,artificial groundwater recharge, use of marginal-quality water, waste-water reuseand waterrecycling; (k) Integrationof water (includingsurfaceand underground water resources) quantity and quality management: (l) Promotionof waterconservation throughimproved water-use efficiencyand wastage minimizationschemes for all users. includingthe development of water-saving devices; (m) Support to water-usergroups to optimize local water resources management: (n) Development of public participatory techniques and their implementationin decision-making, particulzuly the enhancementof the role of women in water planningand management; resources (o) Development and strengthening, as appropriate, of including mechanisms cooperation, where appropriate, at all levelsconcerned, namely: (i) At the lowestappropriate level,delegation of water resources management, generally, to thatlevel,in accordancewith nationallegislation, includingdecentralization of government services to local authorities, private enterprises and communities; (ii) At the national level, integratedwater resources planning and management in the framework of the national planning processand, where appropriate, establishment of independent regulationand monitoring of freshwater. basedon nationalleeislationand economic measures: (iii) At the regionallevel, consideration, where appropriate, of the harmonization of national strategies and actionprogrammes:

(iv) At the global level, improved delineationof responsibilities, division of labour and coordinationof intemational organizationsand prograrnrnes, including facilitating discussionsand sharing of experiencesin areasrelatedto water resources management; (p) Disseminationof information, including operational guidelines,and promotion of educationfor water users, includingthe consideration by the UnitedNations of a World Water Day.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ FINANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION 18.13The Conferencesecretariat has estimatedthe averagetotal annualcost (1993-2000)of implementing the activitiesof this programmeto be about$ I l5 million from the international community on grant or concessional terms. These are indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actualcostsandfinancialterms,including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specitlc strategiesand programmesGovernments decideupon for implementation.

B/ SC/ENIIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL MFANS 18.14 T h e d e v e l o p m e n to f i n t e r a c t i v e d a t a b a s e s , forecasting methods and economic planning models appropriate to the taskof managingwaterresources in an efficient and sustainable manner will require the application of new techniquessuchas geographical information systems and expert systemsto gather, assimilate, analyse and display multisectoral information and to optimize decision-making. In addition,the development of new and altemativesources of water-supply and low-cost watertechnologies will requireinnovativeappliedresearch. This will involve the transfer, adaptation and diffusion of new techniquesand technoiogy among developing countries, as well as the developmentof endogenous capacity, for thepurpose of beingableto dealwith theadded dimensionof integrating engineering, economic,environmental and social aspects of water resources management and predictrngthe effectsin temrsof human impact. 18.15Pursuant to the recognitionof water as a socialand economicgood, the various availableoptions for charging water users(including domestic,urban,industrialand agricultural water-user groups)haveto be further evaluated and field-tested.Furtherdevelopment is requiredfor economic instrumentsthat take into account opportunity costs and environmental externalities. Field studies on thewillingness to pay shouldbe conducted in rural and urban situations.


18.16Water resourcesdevelopmentand rnanagement should be planned in an integratedmanner,taking into accountlong-termplanningneedsas well as thosewith horizons; thatis to say,they shouldincorporate nuurower economic and social considerations environmental, include the reprinciple of sustainability, basedon the quirements of all usersas well as thoserelating to the hazardsand prevention and mitigation of water-related develpart the socio-economic integral of constitutean A prerequisite for the sustainopmentplanningprocess. vulnerableresource of waterasa scarce ablemanagement is the obligation to acknowledgein all planning and developmentits full costs. Planning cclnsiderations proenvironmental should reflect benefitsinvestment, tection and operationcosts,as well as the opportunity useof water. themostvaluable alternative costsreflecting burdenall benefiActual chargingneednot necessarily of thoseconsiderations. ciaries with the consequences should,however,reflect as far as Chargingmechanisms possibleboth the true cost of water when used as an to pay. economicgoodandthe ability of the communities 18.17The role of wateras a social,economicand lifegood shouldbe reflectedin demandmanagesustaining throughwaterconand implemented ment mechanisms and financial servationand reuse.resourceassessment instruments. 18.18The setting afreshof priorities for private and public investmentstrategies shouldtake into account (a) maximum utilization of existing projects, , e h a b i l i t a t i o na n d o p t i m a l through maintenancer and cleantechnologies; operation; (b) new or alternative (c) environmentally and sociailybenignhydropower.

framework for water developmentand managementat any level, whetherintemational, nationalor local, need to ensurethat the meansexist to build thosecapacities. The meanswill vary from caseto case.They usually include: (a) Awareness-creation programmes,including mobilizingcommitment and supportat all levelsand initiatins global and local action to promote suchprograrnmes; (b) Training of water managers at all levelsso that they have an appropriateunderstandingof all the elements necessary for their decision-making; (c) Strengthening of training capacitiesin developing countries; (d) Appropriatetrainingof the necessary professionals, workers; includingextension (e) Improvementof careerstructures; (f) Sharing of appropriateknowledge and technology, both for the collection of data and for the implementation includingnonof planneddevelopment, polluting technologiesand the knowledge neededto extract the best performancefrom the existing investment system.

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG integrated I 8.21 Institutionalcapacityfor implementing water management should be reviewedand developed when there is a clear demand.Existing administrative will often be quite capableof achievinglocal structures water resources management, but the needmay arisefor forexample, new institutions based upontheperspective, councils of river catchmentareas, district development and local community committees.Although water is managed at variouslevelsin the socio-political system, demand-drivenmanagementrequires the development of water-related institutionsat appropriate levels, taking into account the need for intesration with land-use management. 18.22In creatingthe enablingenvironmentfor lowestthe role of government appropriate-levelmanagement, includesmobilizationof financialandhumanresources, legislation,standard-setting and other regulatoryfunctions,monitoringand assessment of the useof waterand land resources and creatingof opportunities for public participation. International agencies and donorshavean importantrole to play in providingsupport to developing countriesin creatingthe required enablingenvironment This should for integratedwater resources management. include, as appropriate,donor supportto local levels in indeveloping countries,including community-based stitutions,non-govemmental andwomen's organizations groups.

RE S OU R C D ES EV EL OP M EN I C) HUM A N management to of waterresources l8.19 The delegation educatingand level necessitates the lowest appropriate staffatall levelsandensuring trainingwatermanagement that women participateequally in the educationand training programmes.Particular emphasishas to be placedon the introductionof public participatory techof the role of women. niques,including enhancement peopleand localcommunities. Skills youth,indigenous functionshave to relatedto variouswater management be developedby municipal governmentand water authorities,as well as in the private sector,local/national cooperative s, corporanon-governmental organizations. groups. Education of thepublic tionsandotherwater-user regardingthe importanceof water and its proper manis alsoneeded. agement principles, need communities 18.20To implementthese Those who establishthe to have adequatecapacities.



BASIS FOR ACTION includingthe identi18.23Waterresources assessment, fication of potential sourcesof fieshwater supply,comextent, prisesthe continuing determination of sources, andquality of waterresources and of the dependability Such ashuman activitiesthat affect thoseresources. constitutes the practicalbasisfor their sussessment for evaluation and a prerequisite tainablernanagement There is, of the possibilitiesfor their development. however, growing concern that at a time when more preciseand reliableinformationis needed aboutwater resources, hydrologic servicesand relatedbodiesare lessablethanbeforeto providethis information,especially informationon groundwaterand water quality. Major impediments are the lack of financialresources for water resources assessment, the fragmentednature of hydrologicservices and the insufficientnumbersof qualified staff. At the sametime, the advancingtechis increasingnology for datacapture and management for developingcountries.Estably difficult to access lishment of national databases is, however, vital to water resources and to mitigation of the assessment and pollueffectsof floods, droughts,desertiflcation t ion.

(d) To have all countriesestablishthe institutional arrangementsneeded to ensure the efficient collection, processing, retrievaland dissemination to users storage. of information aboutthe quality and quantityof available w ater resources at the l evel of catchrnent sand groundwateraquifersin an integratedmanner; (e) To have sufficient numbers of appropriately qualified andcapable by water staffrecruitedandretained resources assessment agenciesand provided with the training and retraining they will need to carry out their responsibilities successfully. 18.26All States, andavailable according to theircapacity resources, and through bilateral or multilateral cooperation,includingcooperation with theUnited Nationsand otherrelevant asappropriate, could setthe organizations, following targets: (a) By the year 2000, to have studied in detail the feasibility of installing water resourcesassessment services; (b) As a long-term target, to have fully operational services hydrometric availablebasedupon high-density networks.

ACTIVITIES I 8.27 All States, according andavailable to theircapacity resources, and through bilateral or multilateral cooperation. including the United Nations and other relevant organizations asappropriate, could undertake the following activities:

OBJECTIVES 18.24Basedupon the Mar del Plata Action Plan, this programmeareahas been extendedinto the 1990sand the assessbeyondwith the overallobjectiveof ensuring ment andforecasting of the quantityand qualityof water in order to estimatethe total quantity of water resources, resources availableand their future supplypotential,to their currentquality status, determine to predictpossible conflicts betweensupply and demandand to provide a scientificdatabase fbr rational water resources utilization. 18.25Five specificobjectives havebeensetaccordingly, as follows: (a) To make availableto all countrieswater resources assessment technology that is appropriate to their needs, inespective of their level of development.including methodsfor the impactassessment of climatechange on freshwater: (b) To have all r,:ountries, accordingto their financial means.allocateto waterresources financial assessment resources in line with the economicand socialneeds for water resources data; (c) To ensurethat the assessment informationis fully utilized in the development of water management policies;

A) INSTITUTIONAL FRAIvIEWORK: (:t Establishappropriatepolicy fiameworks and national priorities; ( i i ) E s t a b l i s h a n d s t r e n g t h e nt h e i n s t i t u t i o n a l capabilities of countries, including legislative and regulatory arrangements, that are required to ensurethe adequateassessment of their water resources and the provisionof flood and droughtforecasting services; (iii) Establishand maintaineffectivecooperation at the nationallevel betweenthe variousagencies responsible forthe collection. storage andanalysis of hydrologicdata; (iv) Cooperate in the assessment of transboundary water resources, subject to the prior agreement of eachriparian Stateconcemed:

B) DATA SYSTEMS: (i) Reviewexistingdata-collection networks andassess their adequacy, including those that provide real-time datafor flood and droughtforecasting; (ii) Improve networksto meet accepted guidelines for


the provision of data on water quantity and quality for surface and groundwater,as well as relevant land-use data; (iii) Apply standardsand other means to ensure data comparibility; (iv) Upgrade facilities and proceduresused to store, processand analysehydrologic data and make suchdata and the forecasts derivedfrom them availableto potential

Actual costsand finanbeenreviewed by Governments. will cial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, and prodependupon, inter alia, the specific strategies grammesGovernments decideupon for implementation.

MEANS B' SCIENI/F/C AND IECHNOI.OGICAL 18.29 Importantresearch needsinclude (a) development of global hydrologic models in supportof analysisof waterresources impactandof macroscale climatechange (b) closing of the gap between terrestrial assessment; hydrology and ecology at different scales,including the processes critical water-related behindlossof vegetation and land degradation and its restoration; and (c) studyof genesis, in rvater-quality closing the the key processes gap between hydrologic flows and biogeochemical processes. modelsshouldbuild uponhydroTheresearch logic balancestudiesand also include the consumptive useof water.This approachshould also, when appropriate, be applied at the catchmentlevel. necessi tates t he 18.30W ater resourcesassessment strengthening of existingsystems for technologytransfer, adaptationand diffusion, and the developmentof new as well as the technologyfor useunderfield conditions, developmentof endogenous capacity.Prior to inaugurating the above activities, it is necessaryto prepare cataloguesof the water resourcesinformation held by governmentservices,the private sector,educationalinand local water-use organizations stitutes,consultants, others.

(v) Establishdatabases on the availabilityof all types of hydrologicdataat the nationallevel; (vi) Implement"data rescue"operations, for example, establishment of national archivesof water resources; (vii) Implement appropriatewell-tried techniquesfor the processing of hydrologicdata; (viii) Derivearea-related from pointhydrologic estimates data: (ix) Assimilateremotelysensed dataand the use,where appropriate.of geographicalinformation systems;

DISSEMINATION: C} DATA (i) Identify the needfor water resources datafor various planningpurposes; (ii) Analyse and presentdata and information on water in the forms requiredforplanning andmanageresources development and for ment of countries'socio-economic use in environmental protection strategiesand in the projects; design and operationof specific water-related (iii) Provideforecasts and wamingsof flood anddrought to the generalpublic and civil defence;

ANDDEVELOPMENT: D} RESEARCH (i) Establish or strengthenresearchand development programmesat the national, subregional,regional and assesslevelsin supportof waterresources international mentactivities; (ii) Monitor research activitiesto enand development sure that they make full useof local expertiseand other forthe needs and that they areappropriate local resources of the countrv or countriesconcerned.

DEVELOPMENT C) HUMANRESOURCE 18.31Water resourcesassessment requiresthe establishmentand maintenance of a body of well-trainedand motivated staff sufficient in number to undertake the above activities. Education and training programmes designedto ensurean adequatesupply of thesetrained personnelshould be establishedor strengthened at the local,national,subregional or regionallevel.In addition, the provision of attractiveterms of employment and career paths for professionaland technical staff should Human resource needsshouldbe monibe encouraged. tored periodically,including all levels of employment. Planshave to be established to meet thoseneedsthrough education and training opportunities and international programmesof coursesand conferences. 18.32Becausewell-trainedpeople are particularlyimportant to water resourcesassessment and hydrologic forecasting, personnel matters should receive special attention in this area.The aim should be to attract and

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATION Ai F/NANC'NG has estimatedthe 18.28The Conferencesecretariat (1993-2W0) of implementing total annual cost average programme about of this to be $355million, the activities comincludingabout$145million from the international grant These are indicaor concessional terms. munity on only and have not estimates tive and order-of-masnitude


retain personnelto work on water resources assessment who are sufficient in number and adequate in their level of educationto ensurethe effective implementationof the activitiesthat are planned.Educationmay be called for at both the nationaland the internationallevels,with adequate terms of employmentbeing a national responsibility. I 8.33 Recommended actionsinclude: (a) Identifying educationand training needsgearedto the specificrequirements of countries; (b) Establishing andstrengthening education andtraining programmes on water-related topics,within an environmentaland developmental context, for all categories of staffinvolvedin waterresources assessment activities, usingadvanced educational technology, whereappropriate,and involving both men and women; (c) Developingsoundrecruitment, personnel and pay policiestor staff of nationaland local wateragencies.

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLD\NG 18.34The conductof waterresources assessment on the basisof operationalnationalhydrometricnetworksrequiresan enablingenvironment at all levels.The following national supportaction is necessary for enhanced nationalcapacities: (a) Review of the legislativeand regulatorybasisof water resources assessment: (b) Facilitation of close collaborationamong water s ec t or age n c i e s ,p a rti c u l a rl y b e tw e e n i nformati on producers and users; (c) Implementationof water management policies based upon realisticappraisals of waterresources conditions and trends; (d) Strengtheningof the managerialcapabilitiesof water-user groups,includingwomen,youth, indigenous people and local communities,to improve water-use efficiencyat the local level. cl PRoTECTTON OF WATERRESOURCES, WATER QUALITYAND AQUATIC ECOSYSIE'YIS

Major problemsaffecting the water quality of rivers and lakes arise,in variable order of importanceaccordingto different situations,from inadequatelytreateddomestic sewage, inadequate controlson the discharges of industrial waste waters, loss and destruction of catchment areas,ill-consideredsiting of industrialplants,deforestation, uncontrolled shifting cultivation and poor agriculturalpractices. This givesrise to the leachingof nutrients and pesticides.Aquatic ecosystems are disturbed and living freshwater resourcesare threatened. Undercertain circumstances, aquatic ecosystems arealso affectedby agriculturalwaterresource development projects such as dams,river diversions, water installations and irrigation schemes. Erosion,sedimentation, deforestationand desertification have led to increased land degradation, and the creationof reservoirs has,in some cases. resulted in adverse effectson ecosystems. Many of these problems have arisen from a development model that is environmentally destructive and from a lack of public awareness and educationabout surf'ace and groundwater resource protection.Ecologicaland humanhealtheff'ects arethe measurable consequences, althoughthe meansto monitor them are inadequate or non-existent in many countries. Thereis a widespread lack of perceptionof the linkagesbetweenthe development, management,use and treatment of water resources and aquatic ecosystems. A preventiveapproach, where appropriate,is crucial to the avoiding of costlysubsequent measures to rehabilitate, treatand developnew water supplies.

OBJECTIVES 18.36The complex interconnectedness of freshwater systems demands thatfreshwater management beholistic (taking a catchmentmanagement approach)and based on a bal ancedconsi derati on of the needsof people a n d t h e e n v i r o n m e n t .T h e M a r d e l P l a t a A c t i o n P l a n h a s a l r e a d yr e c o g n i z e dt h e i n t r i n s i c l i n k a g e b e t w e e nw a t e r r e s o u r c e development p r o j e c t sa n d t h e i r s i g n i f i c a n tp h y s i c a l , c h e m i c a l , b i o l o g i c a l , heal th and soci o-economi c repercussi ons. The over all environmental healthobjectivewas set as follows: "to evaluatethe consequences which the varioususers of water have on the environment, to supportmeasures aimed at controlling water-related diseases, and to protectecosystems".' 18.37The extent and severityof contamination of unsaturated zonesand aquifershave long been underestimatedowing to therelativeinaccessibility of aquifers and the lack of reliableinformationon aquifersystems. The protectionof groundwater is thereforean essential element of water resource management.

BASIS FOR ACTION 18. 35 F r es h w a te ri s a u n i ta ry re s o u rc e .Long-term developmentof global freshwater requires holistic managementof resourcesand a recognition of the interconnectedness of the elementsrelated to freshwater and freshwater quality. There are f'ew regions of the world that are still exemptfrom problemsof loss of potentialsources of freshwatersupply,degraded water qualityandpollutionof surface andgroundwater sources.


18.38Three objectiveswill have to be pursued concurrently to integrate water-qualityelementsinto water resource management: (a) Maintenanceof ecosystemintegrity, according to a managementprinciple of preservingaquatic er-osystems, includingliving resources, andof effectivelyprotecting them from any fonn of degradation on a drainage basinba.sis; (b) Public healthprotection,a task requiringnot only the provision of safe drinking-waterbut also the control vectorsin the aquaticenvironment; of disease (c) Human resources development, a key to capacitybuilding and a prerequisitefor implementing waterquality management. 18.39All States, accordingto their capacityand available resources, throughbilateralor multilateralcooperation, including the United Nations and other relevant organizationsas appropriate,could set the following targets: (a) To identify the surfaceand groundwaterresources thatcouldbe developed for useon a sustainable basisand othermajor developable water-dependent resources and, simultaneously, to initiateprogrammes for theprotection, conservation and rational use of these resources on a sustainable basis; (b) To identifyall potential sources of water-supply and prepareoutlines for their protection,conservation and rationaluse; (c) To initiateeffectivewaterpollution prevention and controlprogrammes, based on an appropriate mixture of pollution reduction-at-source strategies, environmental impact assessments and enforceable standards for major point-source discharges andhigh-risknon-pointsources, commensurate with their socio-economic development; (d) To panicipate, asfar asappropriate, in international water-quality monitoringand management programmes suchastheGlobalWaterQualityMonitoring Programme (GEMSAV'ATER),the UNEP Environmentally Sound Managementof Inland Waters (EMINWA), the FAO regional inland fishery bodies,and the Conventionon Wetlands of International Importance Especially as WaterfowlHabitat(RamsarConvention); (e) To reducethe prevalence of water-associated diseases,starting with the eradicationof dracunculiasis (guineaworm disease) (river blindand onchocerciasis ness)by the year 2000; (0 To establish,according to capacitiesand needs,,physicaland chemicalquality criteria for all water bodies (surfaceand groundwater), with a view to an ongoingimprovementof waterquality: (g) To adoptanintegrated approach to environmentally sustainable management of water resources, including the protection of aquatic ecosystemsand freshwater livine resources:

(h) To put in place strategiesfor the environmentally sound managementof fieshwater and related coastal e c o s y s t e m s i,n c l u d i n g c o n s i d e r a t i o n of fisheries, aquaculture,animal grazing,agricultural activities and biodiversity.

ACTIVITIES 18.40All States, accordingto their capacityand available resources,and through bilateral or multilateral cooperation, includingUnitedNationsandotherrelevant clrganizations as appropriate,could implement the following activities:

A) WATER RESOURCES PROTECilON ANDCONSERVATION: (i) Establishment and strengthening of technicaland institutionalcapacities to identify and protectpotential sources of water-supply within all sectors of society; (ii) Identificationof potentialsources of water-supply and preparationof national profiles; (iii) Preparationof national plans for water resources protectionand conseruation; (iv) Rehabilitationof important,but degraded, catchment areas, particularlyon small islands; (v) Strengthening of administrative and legislative measures to prevent encroachment on existingandpotentially usablecatchment areasl

B)WATER POLLUTTON PREVENTION AND CONTROL: (i) Applicationof the "polluter pays" principle,where appropriate. to allkindsof sources, including on-site and off-si te sani tati onl (ii) Promotionof the construction of treatment facilities for domestic sewageand indr"lstrial effluents and the developmentof appropriatetechnologies, taking into accourltsoundtraditionaland indigenous practices; (iii) Establishment of standards for the dischargeof effluentsand fcrrthe receivingwaters; (iv) Introduction of theprecautionary approach in waterquality management, whereappropriate, with a focuson pollution minimization and preventionthrough use of new technologies, productandprocess pollution change, reduction at source and effluent reuse,recycling and recovery.treatment and environmentally safedisposal; (v) Mandatoryenvironmental impactassessment of all major water resourcedevelopment projectspotentially impairing water quality and aquaticecosystems, combined with the delineationof appropriateremedial measures and a strengthened control of new industrial installations.solid waste landfills and infrastructure development projects;


(vi) Use of risk assessment and risk management rn reachingdecisions in this areaand ensuringcompliance with thosedecisions; (vii) Identificationand applicationof bestenvironmental practices at reasonable costto avoiddiffusepollution, namely, through a limited, rational and planned use of (pestnitrogenousfertilizers and other agrochemicals icides,herbicides) in agriculturalpractices; (viii) Encouragement and promotion of the use of adequately treatedand purified waste watersin agriculture, industry and other sectors; aquaculture,

(ii) Rehabilitation programmes for agricultural lands and for otherusers, takinginto account equivalent action for the protection and use of groundwaterresources important for agricultural productivity and for the biodiversityof the tropics: (iii) Conservation and,protection of wetlands(owing to their ecological and habitat importance for many species), takinginto account socialandeconomic factors; (iv) Control of noxiousaquaticspecies that may destroy someother water species;

C} DEVELOPMENT ANDAPPLICATION TECHNOLOGY: OFCLEAN (i) Control of industrial waste discharges, including low-wasteproductiontechnologies and water recirculation, in an integrated mannerand throughapplication of precautionary measures derivedfrom a broad-based lifecycle analysis; (ii) Treatmentof municipal wastewater for safereuse in agriculture and aquaculture; (iii) Development of biotechnology, inter alia, for waste productionof biofertilizers treatment, and otheractivities; (iv) Developmentof appropriatemethodsfor water pollution control,taking into accountsoundtraditionaland practices; indigenous

F} PROTECNON OFFRESHWATER LIVING RESOURCES: (i) Controlandmonitoringof waterquality to allow for the sustainable development of inland fisheries; (ii) Protection of ecosystems from pollutionand degradation for the development of freshwater aquaculture projects;

G) MONITORTNG ANDSURVETLLANCE OFWATER RESOURCES ANDWATERS RECEIVING WASTES: (i) Establishment of networksfor the monitoring and continuoussurveillance of watersreceivingwastesand of point and diffusesources of pollution; (ii) Promotionandextension of the application of environmentalimpact assessments informaof geographical tion systems; (iii) Surveillance of pollution sources to improve compliancewith standards andregulations andto regulate the issue permits: of discharge (iv) Monitoring of the utilization of chemicalsin agriculture that may have an adverseenvironmentaleffect; (v) Rational land use to prevent land degradation, erosionand siltationof lakesand other waterbodies:

D) GROUNDWATER PROTEOTON: (i) Developmentof agriculturalpracticesthat do not degradegroundwaters; (ii) Application of the necessary measures to mitigate salineintrusioninto aquifersof smallislandsand coastal plainsas a consequence of sealevel rise or overexploitation of coastal aquifers; (iii) Prevention of aquiferpollution throughthe regulation of toxic substances thatpermeate the groundandthe es t ablis hm e n t o f p ro te c ti o n z o n e s i n g r oundw ater rechargeand abstractionareas; (iv) Designandmanagement of landfillsbased uponsound hydrogeologicinformation and impact assessment, using the bestpracticable andbestavailable technology; (v) Promotionof measures to improve the safetyand integrityof wells and well-head areas to reduceintrusion of biological pathogens and hazardous chemicalsinto aquifersat well sites; (vi.; Water-quality monitoring,asneeded, of surface and groundwaterpotentially affectedby sites storing toxic and hazardous materials:

H} DEVELOPMENT OFNATIONAL ANDINTERNATIONAL LEGAL INSTRUMENTS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED TOPROTECT THE AUALIW RESOURCES, OFWATER ASAPPROPRIATE, PARTICULARLY FOR: (i) Monitoring and control of pollution and its effects in nationaland transboundary waters; (ii) Controlof long-range atmospheric transport of poll utants: (iii) Control of accidentaland/or deliberatespills in nationaland/ortransboundary water bodies: (il') Environmental impact assessment.


E) PROTECTON OFAQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS. (i) Rehabilitationof polluted and degradedwater bodiesto restoreaquatichabitatsand ecosystems; 18.41The Conference secretariat hasestimated the averagetotal cost( 1993-2000) of irrplementingthe activities


to be about$1 billion, includingabout of this programme $340 million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicative andorder-ofmagnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewedby including Governments. Actualcosts andfinancialterms, will dependupon, inter any that are non-concessional, alia, the specific strategiesand programmesGovernmentsdecideupon for implementation.

anduse,particularlyin urbanareas, andtheestablishment of nationaland regionaltechnicaland engineeringcourses on the subjects of water-qualityprotectionand control at on water existingschools andeducation/training courses resources protectionand conservation for laboratoryand groups. field technicians, women and otherwater-user

D) CAPACTTY-BU|LD|NG AND TFCHNOLOGICAL MEANS B/ SC/ENr/F/C proresearch 18.42States shouldundertake cooperative jects to developsolutionsto tecltnicalproblemsthat are appropriatefor the conditions in each watershedor country. States should consider strengtheningand developingnationalresearch centreslinked throughnetworks and supportedby regional water researchincentres stitutes.The North-Southtwinning of research instituwater research and field studies by international tions shouldbe actively promoted.It is importantthat a minimum percentageof funds for water resource development projects is allocated to researchand particularlyin externallyfundedprojects. development, 18.43Monitoring and assessment of complex aquatic involving systems oftenrequiremultidisciplinary studies in a joint programme. severalinstitutions and scientists Int er nat ional wa te r-q u a l i ty p ro g ra m m e s ,s u ch as GEMSflVATER, should be oriented towards the waterquality of developingcountries.User-friendlysoftware (GIS)andGlobal InformationSystems andGeographical (GRID) methods Resource InformationDatabase should andinterpretation for thehandling, analysis be developed of monitoring data and for the preparationof management strategies. 18.46The effective protectionof water resources and ecosystems from pollution requiresconsiderable upgrading of most countries'presentcapacities. Water-quality management programmesrequire a certain minimum infrastructureand staff to identify and implement technical solutionsand to enforceregulatoryaction.One of the key problemstoday and for the future is the sustained operation and maintenanceof thesefacilities. In order gainedfrom previousinvestments not to allow resources to deterioratefurther, immediate action is required in a numberof areas.

Dl DRTNKTNG-WATER Suppry AND SANTTATTON BASIS FOR ACTION 18.47Safewater-supplies sanitation and environmental improvinghealth arevital for protecting theenvironment, poverty.Safewateris alsocrucialto many andalleviating traditionaland cultural activities.An estimated80 per cent of all diseasesand over one third of deaths in developingcountriesare caused of by the consumption contaminated water,andon average asmuch asone-tenth of eachperson'sproductivetime is sacrificedto waterrelated diseases. Concerted efforts during the 1980s brought water and sanitation services to hundreds of millions of the world's poorestpeople.The most outin 1981of the standing of these effortswasthe launching InternationalDrinking WaterSupplyandSanitationDecade,which resultedfrom the Mar del PlataAction Plan adopted by theUnitedNationsWaterConference in1977. The commonly agreedpremisewas that "all peoples, whatevertheir stage of development and their socialand economicconditions,have the right to have access to drinking waterin quantities andof a qualityequalto their basic needs".2 The target of the Decadewas to provide safedrinking-water and sanitationto underserved urban and rural areasby 1990, but even the unprecedented progressachievedduring the Decadewas not enough. One in threepeoplein the developingworld still lacks two mostbasicrequirements for healthanddignity. these It is alsorecognized that humanexcretaand sewage are importantcauses of the deterioration of water quality in

DEVELOPMENI C) HUMANRESOURCE should be adopted for 18.44Innovative approaches professional stafftrainingin orderto cope andmanagerial with changing needs and challenges.Flexibility and adaptabilityregardingemergingwater pollution issues Trainingactivitiesshould be undershouldbe developed. taken periodicallyat all levels within the organizations responsible for water-quality management, and innovaof adoptedfor specificaspects tive teachingtechniques water-qualitymonitoring and control, including development of training skills, in-servicetraining,problemsolvingworkshops and refresher trainingcourses. 18.45Suitable approaches includethe strengthening and improvement of the humanresource capabilities of local in managingwater protection,treatment Governments


developingcountries,and the introductionof available technologies, includingappropri atetechnologies, andthe construction of sewagetreatmentfacilities could brinB significantimprovement. OBJECTIVES 18.48The New Delhi Statement (adopted at the Global Consultation on Safe Water and Sanitation for the 1990s ,whi c h w a s h e l d a t N e w D e l h i from l 0 to 14 September 1990)formalizedthe needto provide,on a sustainable basis, accessto safe water in sufficient quantitiesand proper sanitationfor all, emphasizing the "some for all ratherthan more for some" approach. Four guiding principles provide for the programme objectives: (a) Protection of the environment and safeguarding of health through the integrated managementof water resources and liquid and solid wastes; (b) Institutionalreforms promoting an integratedapproach and including changesin procedures, attitudes and behaviour,and the full participationof women at all levelsin sector institutions; (c) Cornmunity management of services,backed by measures to strengthen localinstitutions in implementing and sustaining waterand sanitation programmes; (d) Soundfinancialpractices, achieved throughbetter management of existing assets, and widespread use of appropri atetechnologies. 18.49Past experiencehas shown that specific targets shouldbe set by each individual country.At the World Summit for Children,in September 1990,heads of State or Governmentcalled for both universalaccess to watersupplyandsanitation andtheeradication of guineaworm diseaseby 1995. Even for the more realistic target of achievingfull coveragein water-supply by 2025, it is estimated that annualinvestments mustreachdoublethe currentlevels.One realisticstrategy to meetpresent and future needs,therefore,is to develop lower-cost but adequate services thatcanbe implemented and sustained at the communitylevel.

(ii) Sanitary disposal of excreta and sewage, using appropriatesystemsto treat waste waters in urban and rural areas; (iii) Expansion of urban and rural water-supplyand development andexpansion of rainwatercatchment systems, particularly on small islands,in addition to the reticulated water-supply system; (iv) Building and expansion,where appropriate,of sewage treatment facilitiesand drainage systems; (v) Treatmentand saf-e reuseof domesticand industrial wastewaters in urban and rural areas; (vi) Control of water-associated diseases: B) PEOPLE AND|NST|TUT|ONS: (i) Strengthening of the functioningof Govemments in water resourcesmanagementand, at the same time, giving of f ull recognitionto the role of local authorities; (ii) Encouragement of waterdevelopment andmanagementbasedon a participatory approach, involving users, planners and policy makersat all levels; (iii) Applicationof the principlethat decisions areto be takenat the lowestappropriate level,with public consultation and involvement of users in the planning and implementation of waterprojects; (iv) Humanresource developmentat all levels,including specialprogramlnes for women; (v) Broad-based education programmes, with particular emphasis on hygiene,local management and risk reducti on; (vi) International support mechanismsfor programme funding,implementation and follow-up;

ACTIVITIES I 8.50 All States, according to theircapacity andavailable resources, and throughbilateralor multilateralcooperation, including the United Nations and other relevant organizations as appropriate, could implementthe following activities:

A) ENVIRONMENT,AND HEALTH: (i) Establishmentof protected areas for sourcesof drinking-watersupply;

C} NATIONAL ANDCOMMUNITY MANAGEMENT: (i) Supportand assistance to communities in managing their own systems on a sustainable basis; (ii) Encouragement of the local population,especially w omen, youth. i ndi genouspeopl e and l o cal com munities. in watermanagement; (iii) Linkages betweennational water plans and community management of local waters; (iv) Integration of community managementof water within the contextof overallplanning; (v) Promotionof primary healthandenvironmental care at thelocallevel,includingtrainingfbrlocal communities in appropriatewater management techniquesand primary health care; (vi) Assistance to serviceagencies in becomingmore cost-eff-ective and responsive to consumer needs; (vii) Providing of more attentionto underserved rural and low-incomeperiurbanareas; (viii) Rehabilitation of defectivesystems, reductionof wastage and sa{'e reuseof water and wastewater;


(ix) Programmesfor rational water use and ensured operationand maintenance; (x) Research anddevelopment of appropriate technical solutions; (xi) Substantial increase in urban treatment capacity with increasing loads; commensurate

(b) Utilization of traditional and indigenouspractices, as far as practicable, to maximize and sustain local involvement; (c) Assistance to country-level technical/scientific institutes to facilitate curricula development to support fields critical to the water and sanitationsector.

D) AWARENESS CREATTON AND INFORMATION : PUBLIC /PARTICIPATION (i) Strengthening of sectormonitoring and information management at subnational and nationallevels; (ii) Annual processing,analysis and publication of monitoringresultsat nationaland local levelsas a sector management and advocacy/awareness creationtool; (iii) Use of limited sector indicators at regional and global levelsto promotethe sectorand raisefunds; (iv) Improvement planningand of sectorcoordination, o f i m p roved im plem ent at io n ,w i th th e a s s i s ta n c e the to increase monitoring and information management, particularlyin communitycapacity, sector'sabsorptive projects. self-help based

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 18.53To effectivelyplan and manage water-supply and sanitationat the national,provincial, district and community level,andto utilizefundsmosteffectively, trained professional within andtechnical staffmustbe developed eachcountryin sufficientnumbers. To do this,countries plans, taking must establishmanpowerdevelopment into considerationpresentrequirementsand planned developments.Subsequently, the development and performance of country-level training institutions should be enhanced so that they can play a pivotal role in capacity-building. It is also importantthat countries provide adequatetraining fbr women in the sustainable maintenance of equipment,waterresource s management and environmental sanitation.


D) CAPACITY-BUILDING has estimatedthe 18.51The Conferencesecretariat total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing average the activities of this progranuneto be about $20 billion, comincludingabout$7.4 billion from the international terms.Theseare indicmunity on grantor concessional estimates only andhavenot ative andorder-of-magnitude Actual costsand financial beenreviewedby Governments. will depend terms,including any that arenon-concessional, upon, inter alia, the specific strategiesand prografirmes Governments decideupon for implementation. 18.54The implementation and sanitaof water-supply To varying tion programmes is a nationalresponsibility. degrees, responsibi Ii ty for thei mplementation of projects to all and the operatingof systems shouldbe delegated administrative levels down to the community and individual served. This also meansthat nationalauthorities, together with the agencies and bodies of the United Nations system and other external support agencies providing support to national programmes,should to collaborate at all developmechanisms and procedures is levels.This is particularlyimportantif full advantage to be taken of community-basedapproaches and selfrelianceastoolsfcrrsustainability. This will entaila high degree of communityparticipation, involving women,in planning,decision-making, implementatheconception, for domestic tion andevaluation connected with projects water-supply and sanitation. 18.55Overall nationalcapacity-building at all adrninistrativelevels,involving institutional development, coordination, human resources,community pafticipation, health and hygiene educationand literacy, has to be to its fundamental connection both developed according with any efforts to improve health and socio-economic development through water-supply and sanitation and with their impact on the humanenvironment. Capacity-

MFANS B/ 5C/ENI/F/C AND TECHNOT.OGICAL the feasibility, acceptability andsustain18.52To ensure planned water-supply services, adoptedtechability of nologies should be responsiveto the needsand constraints imposedby the conditions of the community Thus, designcriteria will involve technical, concerned. health, social. economic, provincial, institutional and factorsthat determine the characteristics, environmental magnitude and cost of the planned system. Relevant international support programmes should addressthe inter alia: concerning, developingcountries (a) Pursuit of low-cost scientific and technological means,as far as practicable;


building should thereforebe one of the underlying keys Institutionalcapacityin implementationstrategies. to building should be considered have an importance comequalto that of the sectorsuppliesand equipment This be can ponentso that funds can be directedto both. programme/project formuplanning or at the undertaken by a cleardetlnitionof objeclation stage, accompanied tives and targets.In this regard,technicalcooperation among developing countries,owing to their available andthe needto avoid wealthof infbrmation and experience "reinventing a course hasproved wheel", is Such the crucial. projects already. in many country cost-effective URBAN DEVETOPE) WATER AND SUSTAINABLE A/TENT FOR ACTION BASIS 18.56Early in the next century,more than half of the By the world's populationwill be living in urban areas. year 2025,that proportion will have risen to 60 per cent, comprisingsome5 billion people.Rapid urbanpopulation growth and industrializationare putting severe protecon the waterresources and environmental strains needs attention of many cities.Special tion capabilities on water of urbanization to be givento thegrowingeff'ects andusage andto the criticalrole playedby locai demands and municipal authoritiesin managingthe supply,use and overall treatment of water,particularlyin developing countriesfor which specialsupportis needed.Scarcity of freshwater resourcesand the escalating costs of impacton new resources havea considerable developing national industrial,agriculturaland human settlement and economicgrowth.Bettermanagement development including the elimination of of urban water resources, patterns. canmakea substanconsumption unsustainable tial contributionto the alleviation of poverty and improvementof the healthand quality of life of the urban and rural poor. A high proportion of large urban agglomerations and in coastal arelocatedaroundestuaries leads to pollution from zones. Such an arrangement combinedwith overmunicipalandindustrial discharges and threatens exploitationof availablewater resources the marine environmentand the supply of freshwater resources.

thecontinuedsupplyof affordablewater actionsto ensure for presentand future needsand to reversecurrenttrends of resourcedegradation and depletion. to their capacityand available 1S.58All States, according resources, andthroughbilateralor multilateralcooperation, including the United Nations and other relevantorganizations as appropriate, could setthe following targets: (a) By the year 2000, to have ensuredthat all urban residentshave accessto at least 40 litres per capita per day of safe water and that 75 per cent of the urban population are provided with on-site or community facilitiesfor sanitation; (b) By the year 2000, to have established and applied quantitative and qualitative discharge standardsfor municipaland industrialeffluents; (c) By the year 2000,to haveensured that 75 per cent in urban areasis collected and of solid waste generated safeway. of in an environmentally recycledor disposed

ACTIVITIES andavailable 18.59All States, according to theircapacity resources,and through bilateral or multilateral cooperation, including the United Nations and other relevant could implementthe folorganizations as appropriate, lowing activities:

DEPLETION, RESOURCES FROM A) PROTECnON OFWATER POLLUTION ANDDEGRADATION: (i) Introduction of sanitary waste disposal facilities basedon environmentallysoundlow-cost and upgradabletechnologies; (ii) Implementation of urban storm-waterrun-off and programmes; drainage (iii) Promotion of wastewaterand of recyclingandreuse solidwastes; (iv) Control of industrial pollution sourcesto protect water resources; (v) Protectionof watersheds with respectto depletion and degradationof their forest cover and from harmful upstream activities; (vi) Promotion of researchinto the contribution of waterresources development; foreststo sustainable (vii) Encouragement practices of the bestmanagement with a view to minimizing for the useof agrochemicals their impact on waterresources;

OBJECTIVES objectiveof this programmeis 18.57The development to supportlocal and central Govemments'efforts and and productt-rsustainnationaidevelopment capacities of tivity through environmentallysound management for urbanuse.Supportingthis objective water resources and is the identiflcation andimplementation of strategies RESOURCES: B) EFF|C|ENT ANDEaU|TABLE ALLOCATTON OFWATER (i) Reconciliationof city development planning with of waterresources; the availabilityand sustainability (ii) Satisfaction of the basicwater needsof the urban population;


(iii) Introductionof water tariffs, taking into accountthe circumstances, in eachcountry andwhereaffordable,that reflect the marginal and opportunity cost of water,especially for productiveactivities;

nical back-upavailablewhen required; (vi) Consideration of the merits and practicality of rehabilitating existing malfunctioning systems and of correctingoperation and maintenance inadequacies.

C) INSTITUTIONAL/LEGAL/MANAGEMENT REFORMS: (i) Adoption of a city-wide approachto the management of water resources; (ii) Promotion at the national and local level of the plansthat give dueconsideration elaboration of land-use to waterresources development; (iii) Utilizationof the skillsandpotential of non-governmental organizatrons, the private sectorand local people, the public's and strategic taking into account interests in water resources;

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 18.60The Conference secretariathas estimated the averagetotal annual cost (1993-20A0)of implementing the activitiesof this programmeto be about$20 billion, including about $4.5 billion from the international community on grantor concessional terms.These areindicative and order-of-magnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actualcosts andfrnancial ternls, includingany thatarenon-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmes Govemmentsdecideuponfor implementation.

D) PROMOTION OFPUBLIC PARTICIPATION: (i) Initiationof public-awareness campaigns to encouragethe public'smove towardsrationalwaterutilization; (ii) Sensitization of the public to the issueof protecting water quality within the urbanenvironment; (iii) Pronrotion of public participation in the collection, recyclingand eliminationof wastes;

8/ SC'ENilFtC AND TECHNOLOGTCAL MFANS 18.61The 1980s saw consi derabl e progressi n t he development and applicationof low-cost water-supply and sanitation technologies. The programmeenvisages continuationof this work, with particularemphasis on development of appropriate sanitation andwastedisposal technologies for low-income high-densityurban settlements. There should also be international information exchange,to ensurea widespreadrecognitionamong sectorprofessionals of the availability and benefitsof appropriatelow-cost technologies. The public-awarenesscampaigns will also includecomponents to overcome userresistance to second-class services by emphasizing the benefitsof reliability and sustainability.

E) SUPPORT TOLOCAL CAPAC|TY-BU|LD|NG: (i) Developrnent of legislation and policiesto promote investmentsin urban water and waste management, reflecting the major contribution of cities to national economicdevelopment; (ii) Provisionof seedmoney and technicalsupportto the local handlingof materialssupplyand services; (iii) Encouragement, to theextentpossible, of autonomy and financial viability of city water. solid waste and sewerage utilities; (iv) Creationand maintenance of a cadreof professionals and semi-professionals, for water, waste-water and solid wastemanagement; F) PROVISION OF ENHANCED ACCESS TO SANITARY SERVICES: (i) Implementationof water, sanitationand waste programmes management focusedon the urbanpoor; (ii) Making available of low-cost water-supplyand sanitation technology choices; (iii) Basing of choiceof technologyand servicelevels on userpreferences and willingnessto pay, (iv) Mobilizationand facilitationof the activeinvolvement of women in water management teams; (v) Encouragement andequipment of local waterassociations and water committeesto managecommunity water-supply systems and communallatrines, with tech-

c) H U MA N R E S OU R C DE E V E LOP ME N T 18.62Implicit in virtuallyall elements of thisprogramme is the needfor progressive enhancement of the training andcareer development of personnel at all levelsin sector institutions. Specificprogramme activitieswill involve the training and retentionof staff with skills in community involvement, low-cost technology,financial management, and integratedplanning of urban water resourcesmanagement.Special provision should be madefor mobilizing andfacilitatingthe activeparticipation of women,youth,indigenous peopleand local communitiesin water management teamsand for supporting the development of water associations and water committees,with appropriate training of such personnel as


Specialeducation secretaries and caretakers. treasurers, for women shouldbe launched and training programmes and water with regardto the protectionof waterresources quality within urban areas.

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 18.63In combination with human resourcedevelopandmanlegislative of institutional, ment,strengthening agementstructuresare key elementsof the programme. to water for progressirt enhancingaccess A prerequisite of an instituservices is the establishment and sanitation tional framework that ensuresthat the real needs and populations potentialcontributionsof currentlyunserved planning.The multiarereflectedin urbandevelopment sectoralapproach,which is a vital part of urban water linkagesat requires institutional management, resources includes the nationaland city levels,andthe programme planninggroups. intersectoral proposals for establishing Proposalsfor greater pollution control and prevention dependfor their successon the right combinationof backed by adeeconomic and regulatory mechanisnts, by enquatemonitoring and surveillanceand supported issues on the environmental hancedcapacityto address part of local Governments. 18.64Establishmentof appropriatedesign standards, is thereanddischarge consents water-quality objectives programme also fore amongthe proposedactivities.The of water for strengthening thecapability support includes and for developingtheir autonagencies and sewerage omy and financial viability. Operationand maintenance of existing water and sanitationfacilities have been in many recognized as entailing a seriousshortcoming countries.Technicaland financial supportare neededto inadequacies and build up correctpresent help countries the capacity to operate and maintain rehabilitated and new systems.

FOOD PRODUCTION Fl WATERFOR SUSTATNABLE AND RURATDEVETOPMENT FOR ACTION BASIS deof food productionincreasingly 18.65Sustainability pendson soundand efficientwateruseand conservation primarily of inigation development practices consisting and management,including water managementwith inland respectto rain-fedareas,livestockwater-supply, Achieving food securityis a fisheriesand agro-forestry. high priority in many countries,and agriculturemust not but also save only provide food for rising populations, water for other uses.The challengeis to develop and

apply water-savingtechnology and managementmethenablecommunities ods and,throughcapacity-building, to introduceinstitutionsandincentivesfor therural popufor both rain-fed and lation to adopt new approaches, irrigatedagriculture.The rural populationmust alsohave better accessto a potablewater-supplyand to sanitation one, taskbut not an impossible It is an immense services. provided appropriate policies and programmes are adoptedat all levels- local, nationaland international. While significant expansionof the area under rain-fed the agriculturehasbeenachievedduring the pastdecade, productivityresponse of irrigationsysandsustainability by problemsof waterlogging temshavebeenconstrained and salinization. Financial and market constraintsare also a commonproblem.Soil erosion,mismanagement and acutecomand overexploitationof naturalresources petition for water have all influenced the extent of poverty, hungerand famine in the developingcountries.Soil erosioncausedby overgrazingof livestock is also often responsiblefor the siltation of lakes. Most often, the neither is supported of irrigation schemes development identifyinghydroimpactassessments by environmental of interbasin within watersheds logic consequences of social impacts on transfersnor by the assessment peoples in river valleys. of suitable of water-supplies 18.66The non-availability quality is a significantlimiting factor to livestockproduction in many countries,and improper disposal of result in animal wastes can in certain circumstances andanimals. pollutionof water-supplies forboth humans The drinking-water requirementsof livestock vary acin which they are andthe environment cordingto species kept. It is estimated that the current global livestock is about60 billion litresper day drinking-waterrequirement this and, basedon livestockpopulationgrowth estimates, is predictedto increaseby 0.4 billion daily requirement future. litres per annum in the foreseeable fisheriesin lakes and streamsare an 18.67Freshwater important sourceof food and protein. Fisheriesof inland watersshouldbe so managed asto maximizethe yield of aquatic food organismsin an environmentallysound manner.This requiresthe conservationof water quality and quantity, as well as of the functional morphology of the aquaticenvironment.On the other hand, fishing and the aquaticecosysmay themselves damage aquaculture shouldconform to guidetem; hencetheir development levels of production lines for impact limitation. Present from inland fisheries,from both fresh and brackish water, are about 7 million tons per year and could increaseto 16 million tons per year by the year 2000; however, any this rise. increase in environmental sffess couldjeopardizn


OBJECTIVES principleslor holistic and inte18.68The key strategic grated environmentallysound management of water resourcesin the rural context may be set forth as follows: (a) Watershouldbe regarded having asa finite resource an economicvaluewith significantsocialand economic implications reflecting the importance of meeting basic needs; (b) Local cornmunities mustparticipate in all phases of water management, ensuring the full involvement of women in view of their crucial role in the practical and useof water; day-to-daysupply,management (c) Water resource managementmust be developed set of policies for (i) human within a comprehensive and distribuhealth; (ii) food production,preservation tion; (iii) disastermitigation plans; (iv) environmental protectionandconservation base; of the naturalresource (d) It is necessary to recognize and activelysupport the role of rural populations,with particularemphasison women. on Waterand 18.69An International Action Programme Agricultural Development(IAP-WASAD) Sustainable has been initiated by FAO in cooperation with other The main obiective of the internationalorganizations. Action Programmeis to assistdevelopingcountriesin planning,developingand managingwater resources on an integratedbasisto meet presentand future needsfor agriculturalproduction,taking into accountenvironmental considerations. 18.70The Action Programmehas developeda framework for sustainable water use in the agricultural sector and identified priority areas for action at national, regional and global levels. Quantitativetargetsfor new inigation development, improvement of existing irrigation schemesand reclamationof waterloggedand salinized lands through drainage for 130 developing on thebasisof food requirements, countries areestimated zonesand availabilityof water and land. agro-climatic for irrigation,drainage and 18.71FAO globalprojections waterprogrammes by the year 2000 for 130 small-scale developingcountriesare as follows: (a) 15.2 million (b) l2 million of new irrigation development; hectares of existing hectaresof improvement/modernization (c) 7 million hectares installedwith drainage schemes; and water control facilities;and (d) l0 million hectares waterprogrammes and conservation. of small-scale 18.72The developmentof new irrigation areasat the level may give rise to environmental above-mentioned of wetlands, in sofar asit impliesthedestruction concerns waterpollution,increased sedimentation anda reduction Therefore, new irrigationschemes should in biodiversity. impactassessment, be accompanied by anenvironmental in casesignifiupon the scaleof the scheme, depending

When cantnegativeenvironmentalimpactsareexpected. consideringproposalsfor new irrigation schemes, consideration shouldalsobe given to a morerationalexploitation, and an increasein the efflciency or productivity, of any existing schemes capableof serving the same localities. Technologies for new irrigation schemes shouldbe thoroughly evaluated, including their potential conflictswith otherland uses. The activeinvolvement of water-usergroupsis a supportingobjective. 18.73It shouldbe ensured of all that rural communities countries, according to their capacities and available resources of internationalcooperand taking advantage ation as appropriate,will have accessto safe water in sufficientquantitiesand adequate sanitationto meettheir health needsand maintain the essentialqualitiesof their local environments. 18.74The objectiveswith regardto water management for inland fisheriesand aquaculture includeconservation of water-quality and water-quantity requirements for optimum productionand preventionof water pollution by aquaculturalactivities.The Action Programmeseeks to assistmember countriesin managingthe tlsheriesof inland watersthroughthe promotion of sustainable managementof capturefisheriesas well as the development of environmentally soundapproaches to intensification of aquaculture. 18.75The objectiveswith regardto water management for livestock supply are twofold: provision of adequate amountsof drinking water and safeguarding of drinkingwater quality in accordancewith the specific needsof differentanimal species. This entailsmaximum salinity tolerancelevels and the absence of pathogenicorganisms.No globaltargets canbe setowing to largeregional and intra-countryvariations.

ACTIVITIES 18.76All States, accordingto their capacityand available resources,and through bilateral or multilateral cooperation, including the United Nations and other relevant organizationsas appropriate,could implement the following activities:

A) WATER-SUPPLY ANDSANTTATTON FOR THE UNSERVED RURAL POOR: (i) Establish nationalpoliciesandbudgetprioritieswith regardto increasing servicecoverage; (ii) Promoteappropriatetechnologies; (iii) Introduce suitable cost-recoverymechanisms, taking into accountefficiencyandequity throughdemand management mechani sms : (iv) Promotecommunity ownershipand rights to watersupply and sanitation facilities;


(v) Establish monitoringand evaluationsystems; (vi) Strengthenthe rural water-supply and sanitation sectorwith emphasison institutional development,efficient managementand an appropriate framework for financingof services; (vii) Increase hygieneeducationand eliminatedisease foci: transmission (viii) Adopt appropriate technologiesfor water treatment; (ix) Adopt wide-scaleenvironmentalmanagement vectors: to control disease measures

(vi) Minimize adverseeffects from agriculturalchemipestmanagement; cals by useof integrated (vii) Educatecommunitiesabout the pollution-related impacts of the use of fertilizers and chemicalson water quality, food safetyand human health;

PROGMMMES: DEVELOPMENT E)WATER RESOURCES (i) Developsmall-scale for irrigationand water-supply humans andlivestockandfor waterandsoilconservation; (ii) Formulate large-scale and long-term irrigation developmentprogrammes, taking into accounttheir effects on the local level, the economyand the environment; (iii) Promotelocal initiativesfor the integrated development and management of water resources; (iv) Provide adequate technicaladvice and supportand of institutionalcollaborationat the local enhancement communitylevel; (v) Promote a farming approach for land and water of the levelof education, management thattakesaccount the capacity to mobilize local communitiesand the ecosystemrequirements of arid and semi-aridregions; (vi) Plan and develop multi-purposehydroelectric power schemes, making sure that environmentalconcernsare duly takeninto account:

EFFTCTENCY: Bl WATER-USE (i) Increaseof efficiency and productivity in agricultural water use for better utilization of limited water resources: (ii) Strengthenwater and soil managementresearch underirrigationand rain-fedconditions; (iii) Monitor andevaluate irrigationprojectperformance to ensure,inter alia, the optimal utilization and proper of the project; maintenance (iv) Support groupswith a view to improving water-user performanceat the local level; management (v) Supportthe appropriate use of relatively brackish water for irrigation;

F} SCARCE WATER RESOURCES AAANAGEMENT: ANDDRAINAGE: SALINITY CONTROL cl WATERLOGGING, (i) Introducesurface to in rain-fedagriculture drainage pr ev ent te mp o ra ry w a te rl o g g i n g a n d fl oodi ng of lowlands; (ii) Introduce in inigatedandrain-fed artificialdrainage agriculture; (iii) Encourage conjunctiveuseof surfaceand groundstudies; water,includingmonitoringand water-balance (iv) Practise drainagein irrigatedareasof arid and semiarid regions; (i) Develop long-term strategies and practical implementation programmesfor agricultural water use under scarcityconditionswith competingdemandsfor water; (ii) Recognize wateras a social,economicand strategic good in inigation planningand management; (iii) Formulate specializedprogrammesfocused on with emphasison food scarcity drought preparedness, safeguards; and environmental (iv) Promoteand enhance reusein agriculwaste-water ture;

MANAGEMENT: D) WATER.OUALITY (i) Establishand operatecost-effectivewater-quality for agriculturalwateruses; monitoringsystems (ii) Preventadverse effectsof agriculturalactivitieson and waterqualityfor othersocialandeconomicactivities on wetlands,inter alia, through optimal use of on-farm input andthe minimizationof the useof externalinput in agriculturalactivities; (iii) Establishbiological,physicaland chemicalwaterandfor marine quality criteriafor agriculturalwater-users and riverineecosystems; (iv) Minimize soil run-off and sedimentation; (v) Dispose properlyof sewage from humansettlements produced livestockbreeding; by intensive andof manure

FOR LIVESTOCK: G} WATER-SUPPLY (i) Improve quality of water available to livestock, limits; taking into accounttheir tolerance (ii) Increase availableto the quantityof water sources livestock,in particularthose in extensivegrazing systhedistance needed to travel tems,in orderto both reduce aroundwatersources; for waterandpreventovergrazing (iii) Preventcontamination with anirnal of water sources in excrement in order to preventthe spreadof diseases, particularzoonosis; (iv) Encourage through multiple use of water-supplies promotionof integrated systems; agro-livestock-fishery (v) Encouragewater-spreading for increasschemes


ing waterretention of extensive grasslands to stimulate forage production and preventrun-off;

financial terms, including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies andprogrammes Governments decideupon for implementation.

H} INLAND FISHERIES; (i) Developthe sustainable management of fisheries as part of nationalwaterresources planning; (ii) Study specificaspects of the hydrobiologyand environmentalrequirements of key inland fish species in relationto varying waterregimes; (iii) Prevent or mitigatemodificationof aquatic environments by other usersor rehabilitateenvironments subjected to suchmodificationon behalf of the sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity of living aquaticresources; (iv) Develop and disseminate environmentallysound water resources development and management methodologiesfor the intensification of fish yield from inland waters; (v) Establishand maintainadequate systems for the collection and interpretation of data on water quality and quantity and channel morphology relatedro the state and managementof living aquatic resources, including fisheries; 8/ SC'ENIIFIC AND IECHNOIOGICA,L A4FANS 18.78There is an urgentneed for countriesto monitor waterresources andwater-quality, waterandland useand crop production;compile inventories of type and extent of agricultural water developmentand of present and future contributionsto sustainable agricultural development; evaluatethe potentialfor fisheriesand aquaculture development; and improvethe availabilityand dissemination of data to planners,technicians, farmersand fishermen.Priority requirements for research are as follows: (a) Identification of critical areas for water-related adaptive research; (b) Strengtheningof the adaptive researchcapacities of institutions in developingcountries; (c) Enhancement of translationof water-related farming andfishingsystems research results into practical and accessibletechnologiesand provision of the support neededfor their rapid adoptionat the field level. 18.79Transferof technology, both horizontaland vertical, needsto be strengthened. Mechanismsto provide credit, input supplies,markets,appropriatepricing and jointly by countries transportation mustbedeveloped and extemal supportagencies. Integratedrural water-supply i nfrastructure, i ncluding facilitie s for water-related education and training and supportservices for agriculture, shouldbe expanded for multiple usesand shouldassist in developingthe rural economy.

I) AOUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT: (i) Develop environmentally sound aquaculture technologies that are compatible with local, regional and nationalwaterresources management plansandtakeinto consideration socialfactors: (ii) Introduceappropriate aquaculture techniques and relatedwaterdevelopment and management practices in countriesnot yet experienced in aquaculture; (iii) Assess environmental impactsof aquaculture with specific reference to commercialized culture units and potentialwaterpollution from processing centres; (iv) Evaluateeconomicfeasibilityof aquaculture in relation to alternativeuse of water,taking into consideration the use of marginal-quality water and investment andoperational requi rements.

C ) H U MA N R E S OU R C DE E V E LOP ME N I 18.80 E ducati on and trai ni ng of human resour ces shouldbe activelypursued at the nationallevel through: (a) assessment of currentandlong-termhumanresources management and training needs;(b) establishment of a nationalpolicy for human resources development; and (c) initiationandimplementation of trainingprogrammes for staffat all levelsaswell asfbr farmers. The necessary actionsare as follows: (a) Assesstraining needsfor agriculturalwater management; (b) Increase formal and informal trainingactivities; (c) Develop practical training coursesfor improving the ability of extensionservicesto disseminate technologiesand strengthen farmers'capabilities, with special reference to small-scale producers;

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTAIION A/ F/NANC/NG AND CCSTEVALUATTON 18.77The Conferencesecretariat has estimatedthe average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing theactivities of thisprogramme to be about$ 13.2billion, includingabout$4.5 billion from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costsand


(d) Train staff at all levels,including farmers,fishermen and membersof local communities,with particular to women; reference (e) Increasethe opportunitiesfor career development andofficers of administrators the capabilities to enhance at all levels involved in land- and water-management programmes.

D) CA P A C IT Y .BU IL D IN G 18.81The importanceof a functional and coherentinstitutionalframework at the national level to promote agriculturaldevelopmenthas water and sustainable ln addition, generallybeenfully recognizedat present. an adequatelegal framework of rules and regulations should be in place to facilitate actions on agricultural smalldrainage,water-qualitymanagement, water-use, waterof the functioning programmes and water scale Legislationspecific associations. users'and fishermen's water sectorshould be the agricultural of the needs to forthe general legislation from. with, stem and consistent Actions shouldbe purof water resources. management suedin the following areas: policiesrelatedto agri(a) Improvement of water-use culture, fisheries and rural developmentand of legal frameworksfor implementingsuchpolicies; if required, and restructuring, (b) Review,sftengthening their capacities enhance in order to institutions of existing activities,while recognizingthe need to in water-related level; at the lowestappropriate waterresources manage of where necessary, (c) Review and strengthening. and relationships functional structure, organizational linkages arnong ministries and departmentswithin a given ministryl (d) Provisionof specificmeasures that requiresupport alia, through longinter strengthening, institutional for incentives, training, staff programme budgeting, term mechanisms; and coordination mobility, equipment (e) Enhancement of involvementof the privatesector, and development in humanresource whereappropriate, provisionof infrastructure; technologies (0 Transfer of existingandnew water-use information and for cooperation mechanisms by creating institutions. regional and national among exchange

certaintiesincreasegreatly at the regional, national and local levels, it is at the national level that the most important decisions would need to be made. Higher precipitation would lead to and decreased temperatures water demands; water suppliesand increased decreased quality of freshwater in the deterioration they might cause fragile balance already bodies, putting strains on the Even in many countries. betweensupply and demand guarantee no is there might increase, whereprecipitation that it would occur at the time of year when it could be used;in addition,theremight be a likelihoodof increased will often causethe intruflooding. Any rise in sealevel smallislandsandcoastal water into estuaries, sionof salt this areas; coastal low-lying flooding of aquifersand the great risk. at puts low-lying countries 18.83The Ministerial Declaration of the SecondWorld Climate Conferencestatesthat "the potential impact of suchclimate changecould posean environmentalthreat of an up to now unknown magnitude... and could even threaten survival in some small island Statesand in The Conlow-lying coastal,arid and semi-aridareas".3 imimportant most ferencerecognizedthat among the hydrologic on the its effects pactsof climate changewere cycle and on water managementsystemsand, through in incidence Increase systems. on socio-economic these, would cause and droughts, such as floods of extremes, The Conof disasters. severity increased frequencyand necesof the ferencethereforecalled for a strengthening sary researchand monitoring programmesand the extheseactionsto changeof relevantdataand information, international and be undertakenat the national,regional l evel s.

OBJECTIVES I 8.84 The verv natureof thistopiccallsfirst andforemost of for more information about and greaterunderstanding into may be translated the threatbeing taced.This topic the following objectives,consistentwith the United NationsFrameworkConventionon Climate Change: (a) To understand and quantify the threatof the impact resources; of climate changeon freshwater (b) To facilitate the implementation of effective naas and when the threatening tional countermeasures, impact is seenas sufficiently confirmed to justify such action; (c) To study the potentialimpactsof climate changeon areasprone to droughtsand floods.

G) rrriPAcTsOF CUMATECHANGE ON WATERRESOURCES FOR ACTION BASIS to the prediction with respect 18.82Thereis uncertainty of climate changeat the global level. Although the un-

ACTIVITIES andavailable to theircapacity according 18.85 All States, resources,and through bilateral or multilateral cooper-


ation, including the United Nations and other relevant organizationsas appropriate,could implement the following activities: (a) Monitorthehydrologicregime,includingsoil moisture, groundwaterbalance,penetrati on and transpiration of water quality, and related climare factors, especially in the regionsandcountriesmost likely to sufferfrom the adverse effects of climatechange andwherethelocalities vulnerableto theseeffects shouldthereforebe defined; (b) Developandapplytechniques andmethodologies for assessing the potentialadverse effectsof climate change, throughchanges in temperature, precipitation and sealevel rise,on freshwater resources and the flood risk: (c) Initiate case-studies to establish whetherthereare linkagesbetween climatechanges andthe currentoccurrences of droughtsand floods in certainregions; (d) Assess the resultingsocial,economicand environmentalimpacts; (e) Developand initiate response strategies to counter theadverse effects thatareidentified, includingchanging groundwater levels,and to mitigatesalineintrusioninto aquifers; (0 Develop agriculturalactivitiesbasedon brackishwater use; (g) Contribute to theresearch activitiesunderway within the framework of currentinternationalprograffunes.

climate change as a basis for developing remedial measures is a complextask.Extensive research is necessary in this area and due accounthas to be taken of the work of the Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change (IPCC), the World Climate Programme, the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) and other relevantintemationalprogrammes. 18.88The development and implementation of response strategies requires innovative useof technological means and engineering solutions,including the installationof flood and droughtwarningsystems and the construction of nerv water resourcedevelopmentprojects such as dams, aqueducts,well fields, waste-watertreatment plants,desalination works, levees,banks and drainage channels. There is also a needfbr coordinated research networkssuchas theInternational Geosphere-Biosphere Programme/Global Change System for Analysis, Researchand Training (IGBP/START) network.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENI 18.89 The developmental work and innovationdepend for their success on good academictraining and staff motivation.Intemationalprojectscan help by enumerating alternatives, but eachcountryneeds to establish and implementthe necessary policiesandto developits own expertise in the scientificand engineering challenges to be faced,as well as a body of dedicated individualswho are able to interpretthe complex issuesconcemedfor thoserequired to makepolicy decisions. Suchspeciahzed personnel needto betrained, hiredandretained in service, so that they may servetheir countries in thesetasks.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION Ai FINANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION 18.86The Conferencesecretariat has estimatedthe average total annualcost (1993-2(n0)of implementing the activities of thisprogramme to be about$ 100million, includingabout$40 million from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs and financialterms,includingany that arenon-concessional, will dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies and programmes Governments decideupon for implementation.

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING 18.90Thereis a need,however,to build a capacityat the national level to develop,review and implementresponse sfrategies. Consffuction of major engineeringworks and installationof forecastingsystemswill require significant sffengthening of the agenciesresponsible, whether in the public or the private sector. Most critical is the requirement for a socio.economic mechanism thatcanreview predictions of the impact of climate change and possible response judgemenls sfrategies and makethenecessary anddecisions.
'Report of the United Notions WoterConference, Mor del Ploto, l4-25 Morch 1977 lUnitedNotions publicotion, SolesNo. E.77.1.'.A.12), pori one,chopter l, section C, porogroph 35. 2lbid., portone,chopter l, resolution ll. 3a/$/Ogo/Add.l, onnexlll, preomble, porogroph 2.

8/ SC/ENTIFrc ANDTECHNOI.OGICAL MFANS 18.87Monitoring of climate changeand its impact on freshwaterbodies must be closely integratedwith national and international programmes for monitoringthe environment, in particularthoseconcerned with the atmosphere, as discussed underother sections of Agenda 21, andthe hydrosphere, as discussed underprogramme area B above. The analysisof data for indication of



of toxic monogement sound Environmentolly of illegol prevention including chemicols, products trofficin toxicond dongerous internotionol


to meet is essential useof chemicals 19.1 A substantial world community goals of the and economic the social that they can be and today's best practice demonstrates and with a high manner in a cost-effective widely used to be done great remains deal However, a of safety. degree of management sound the environmentally ensure to principles of sustainable within the chemicals, toxic andimprovedquality of life forhumankind. development Two of the major problems, particularly in developing countries,are (a) lack of sufficient scientific information of risks entailedby the use of a great for the assessment for asand (b) lack of resources number of chemicals, at hand. are for which data of chemicals sessment to with gravedamage 19.2 Grosschemicalcontamination, outcomes, humanhealth,geneticstucturesandreproductive and the environment,has in recent times been continuing within someof the world's most imporlant industrialareas. and development will requiremajor investment Restoration The long-rangeeffectsof pollution, exof new techniques. andphysicalpro tendingevento the fundamentalchemicerl and climate,arebecomrng of the Eafth'satrnosphere cesses only recently and the importanceof thoseeffects understood only recentlyaswell. is becomingrecognized bodiesare numberof international 19.3 A considerable In many countries involved in work on chemicalsafety. work programmesfor the promotion of chemical safety as implications, arein place.Suchwork hasinternational Hownational boundaries. respect risks do not chemical of both national and ever. a significant strengthening an environmento achieve effortsis needed international chemicals. of management sound tally areasare proposed: 19.4 Six programme internationalassess(a) Expanding and accelerating ment of chemicalrisks;

(b) Harmonization of classification and labelling of chemicals; (c) Information exchange on toxic chemicals and chemicalrisks; (d) Establishment of risk reductionprogrammes; (e) Strengtheningof national capabilities and capacof chemicals; ities for management traffic in toxic and (0 Prevention of illegal international products. dangerous In addition. the short final subsectionG deals with the enhancementof cooperation related to several programme areas. for aretogetherdependent 19.5 The six programmeareas their successfulimplementationon intensive international work and improved coordinationof current international activities,as well as on the identificationand applicationof technical,scientific,educationaland fiTo countries. in particularfor developing nancialmeans, varying degrees,the progralruneareas involve hazatd (basedon the intrinsic properties of chemiassessment (including assessment of expocals), risk assessment and risk management. sure),risk acceptability 19,6 Collaborationon chemical safety between the United Nations EnvironmentProgramme(UNEP), the InternationalLabour Organisation(ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in the International Programme on ChemicalSafety (IPCS) should be the nuon environmentally cooperation cleus for international should All effor-ts of toxic chemicals. soundmanagement Cooperationwith this programme. be madeto strengthen other programmes,suchas thoseof the Organisationfor Economic Cooperationand Development (OECD) and the EuropeanCommunities(EC) and other regional and governmentalchemical programmes,should be promoted. 19.7 Increasedcoordinationof United Nations bodies involved in chemiand other internationalorganizations shouldbe furtherproand management cals assessment


moted. Within the framework of IPCS, an intergovernmentalmeeting,convened by the ExecutiveDirector of UNEP,was held in London in December1991to further explorethis matter(seeparas.19.75and 19.76). 19.8 The broadest possible awareness of chemicalrisks is a prerequisite for achievingchemicalsafety. The principle of the right of the community and of workers to know those risks should be recognized. However, the right to know the identity of hazardous ingredients should be balancedwith industry'sright to protectconfidential businessinformation. (Industry, as referred to in this chapter,shall be taken to include large industrialenterprisesand transnational corporations aswell asdomestic industries.)The industrv initiative on responsible care and product stewardship shouldbe developed and promoted.Industry shouldapplyadequate standards of operationin all countries in ordernotto damaee humanhealth and the environment. 19.9Thereis international concernthat paft of the internationalmovementof toxic and dangerous productsis being carried out in contravention of existing national legislation andinternational instruments, to thedetriment of the environmentand public health of all countries, particularlydeveloping countries. 19.10In resolution 441226 of 22 December1989,the GeneralAssemblyrequested eachregionalcommission, within existingresources, to contribute to the prevention of the illegal traffic in toxic and dangerous productsand wastesby monitoring and making regionalassessments of that illegal traffic and its environmental and health implications. The Assemblyalsorequested the regional commissionsto interact among themselves and to cooperate with the United Nations Environment Progralnme,with a view to maintainingefficient and coordinatedmonitoring and assessment of the illegal traffic in toxic and dangerous productsand wastes.

over 95 per cent of total world production) is rather limited, as most are usedin very small amounts. However, a seriousproblem is that even for a great number of chemicalscharacterized by high-volume production, crucial datafor risk assessment are often lacking. Within the framework of the OECD chernicalsprogramme such data are now being generated for a number of chemicals. 19.12Risk assessment is resource-intensive. It couldbe made cost-effective by strengthening international cooperation and better coordination. thereby making the bestuseof available resources and avoidingunnecessary duplicationof effort. However,eachnationshouldhave a critical mass of technical staff with experiencein toxicity testing and exposureanalysis,which are two importantcomponents of risk assessment.

OBJECTIVES 19.I 3 The objectives of this programmeareaare: (a) To strengthen international risk assessment. Several hundredpriority chemicalsor groupsof chemicals, including major pollutants and contaminanrs of global significance, shouldbe assessed by the year 2000,using currentselection and assessment criteria: (b) To produceguidelines for acceptable exposure for a greaternumber of toxic chemicals, basedon peer review and scientificconsensus distinguishing between health-or environment-based exposure limits and thoserelatingto socio-economic factors.

ACTIVIIIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ELATED ACTIV ITI ES 19.14Governments, throughthe cooperation of relevant international organizations andindustry, whereappropriate,should: (a) Strengthen and expand programmes on chemical risk assessment within the United NationssystemIPCS (UNEP,ILO. WHO) andtheFoodandAgricultureOrganizationof the United Nations(FAO), rogether with other organizations, including the Organisation for Economic Cooperationand Development(OECD), based on an agreed approach to data-quality assurance, application of assessment criteria, peer review and linkages to risk management activities,taking into accountthe precautionary approach; (b) Promote mechanismsto increase collaboration among Governments,industry, academiaand relevant non-governmental organizations involved in the various aspects of risk assessment of chemicals and relatedprocesses, in particularthe promoting and coordinatingof

A) EXPANDTNG AND ACCETERATTNG INTERNATIONAT ASSESS'IAEM OF CHETATAIRISKS l9.l I Assessing the risksto humanhealthandthe environment hazardsthat a chemical may causeis a prerequisite to planning for its saf'eand beneficial use. Among the approximately100,000 chemicalsubstances in commerceand the thousands of substances of natural origin with which humanbeingscomeinto contact, many appear as pollutantsand contaminants in food, commercial productsand the variousenvironmental media.Fortunately, (some1,500 exposure to mostchemicals cover


of themechto improveunderstanding activities research chemicals; of toxic of action anisms (c) Encourage for the of procedures the development reports on assessment of their exchangeby countries chemiin national for use with countries clther chemicals programmes. cal assessrnent

AND /NFORMAT/ON B) DATA of relevant thecooperation through 19.15Governments, whereapproprizati onsandindttstry, organi i nternational ate,should: of chemi(a) Give high priority to hazard assessment asthe appropriate cals,thatis, ot ttreirintrinsicpropefties basisfor risk assessment: building, (b) Generate for assessment, datanecessary of IPCS(UNEP WHO, ILO), interulia, on programmes programmes FAO, OECD anciEC and on established particiIndustryshould andGovernments. otherregions pateactively. pro19.16Industryshouldprovidedatatbr substances of cificallyfor the assessment ded spe ducedthat are nee potentialrisks to human health and the environment. national to relevant Suchdatashouldbe madeavailable bodiesand other and international authorities competent parties andrisk assessment, involvedin hazard interested possibleextent to the public also, and to the greatest claimsof confidentiality. legitimate takinginto account

testing by industry and researchinstitutions.The cost thecapacities to strengthen projections the needs address of relevant United Nations bodies and are based on in IPCS.It shouldbe notedthat there currentexperience to quantify,that costs, olten not possible areconsiderable are not included.Thesecomprisecoststo industry and dataunderlying the the safety of generating Governments of providingbackassessments andcoststo Governments statements to ground documentsand draft assessment IPCS, the InternationalRegister of Potentially Toxic (IRPTC) and OECD. They also includethe Chemicals work in non-UnitedNations bodies cost of accelerated suchas OECD and EC. the averhasestimated secretariat 19. 19 The Conf-erence the of implementing age total annualcost (1993-2000) to be about$30million from of this prograntme activities the intemationalcommunitv on grant or concessional estiterms.Theseareindicativeand order-of-magnitude mates only andhavenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsanclfinancial terms,including any that are will depend upon, inter alia, the non-concessional, decide Governments and programmes specificstrategies uponfor i nrpl cnrentati on.

A L A NS B i 5C /E N IFtCA N D TE C H N OLOG\CME in order effortsshouldbe launched 19.20Major research aswork of chemicals lor assessntent to improvemethods andto towardsa commonframeworkfor risk assessffIent and epidemifor r-rsing toxicological improveprocedures on human of chemicals theeffbcts datato predict ological so as to enabledecision health and the environntent. policiesandmeasures to reduce makers to adoptadequatc bv cherrri cal s. ri sksposed 19.21 A c t i ri t i e si n c l u d e : (a) S trengtheni ng alt er nat ives research cl nsafe/saf' er andot her to toxrcchemi cal s thatposeanunrcasonab le or hum an w ' i se unmanageablri esk to thc cnvi ronntent persi ste nt toxi c. and bioheal thand to thosethat are a d e q u a tely conh e and that cannot accumulative trol l ed; (b) Promotionof research tin. iind validationof, methfor those using t est ods consti tuti nga rcpl accrnent (thus rcducingthe use ol' animalsfor testing animals purposes ): (c) Promotion with studies of relevant epidemiological relationship a canse-and-ef1-ect a vie$' to establishin-s of to chemicals and the occurrence betweenexposure certaindiseases: (d) P romoti onof ecotoxi col ogi cal studieswit h t he to t he envithe ri sks of chemi cal s ai m of assessi ng ronment.

A N D R F G ION A. CJ / NI E R N AIION AI A N D C O OR D /N AI/ON CO O P E R AIION clfrelevant throughthecooperation I 7 Governments, 19. whereappropriandindustry, organizations international ate.should: (a) Developcriterialor priority-setting for cherricals n'ith respcct to assessment; of globalconcern and (b) Revicu' strategies 1-orexposureassessment monitoring to allclrvfor the best use o1' environnrental of dataand s. to ensure compatibility resource available t o e n c o u r a g cc o h e r e n tn a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l ltt. for that assessnte stratesies

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION Al F/NANC/AIAND COST EVALUATION 1 9 . 1 8M o s t o f t h e d a t a a n d m e t h o d s f o r c h e m i c a l r i s k arc generatedin the developedcountries and assessment an expansion and acceleration of the assessmentwork in researchand safety u'ill call for a considerableincrease


D E VE L O P M EN T E C) HUM A NRE S O U R C with the participation organizations, 19.22lnLemational organizations, of Governmentsand non-governmental projectsinvolving shouldlaunchtrainingand education risk. in orderto womenand children,who are at greatest and particularlydevelopingcountries, enablecountries, assessto make maximum nationaluse of international risks" mentsof chemical

OBJECTIVES 19.27A globally harmonizedhazard classificationand compatible labelling system, including material safety shouldbe symbols, datasheets andeasilyunderstandable available,if feasible,by the year 2000.


D) CA P A CT TY-B U tL D IN G presbuildingon past, organizations, 19.23lnternational work, shouldsupport countries, entandfutureassessment developingand capabilities at nationaland risk assessillent strengthening r egional lev el s tc l m i n i m i z e , a n d a s fa r a s p ossi bl e and use control and prevent,risk in the manufacturing Technical cooperhazardclus chemicals. and of toxic at ion and f ina n c i a l s u p p o rt o r o th e r c o n tr i buti ons aimed at expandingand should be given to ac-tivities assessment the nationaland international accelerating and controlof chemicalrisks to enablethe bestchoice of chemicals.

of relevant 19.28Governments, throughthe cooperation andindustry,whereappropriintemationalorganizations ate, shouldlauncha project with a view to establishing and elaboratinga harmonizedclassificationand compatible labelling system for chemicalsfor use in all United Nations official languagesincluding adequate pictograms. Such a labelling systemshouldnot lead to the imposition of unjustified trade barriers. The new to the greatest systemshoulddraw on curent systems extent possible;it should be developedin steps and shouldaddress the subjectof compatibility with labelsof variousapplications.

B) DATA AND /NFORMAI/ON OF CLASSIFICATION B) HARMONTZATION OF CHEMICATS AND LABELLING 19.29Internationalbodies including, inter alia. IPCS (UNEP, ILO, WHO), FAO, the InternationalMaritime (IMO), the United NationsCommitteeof Organization Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and OECD, in cooperationwith regional and national auand labellingand thoritieshaving existingclassification shouldestabsystems, other information-dissemination groupto: lish a coordinating (a) Evaluateand, if appropriate, studiesof undertake to andinformationsystems existinghazardclassification establishgeneralprinciplesfor a globally harmonized system; (b) Developand implementa work plan for the establishment of a globally harmonizedhazardclassification of thetasks system. The plan shouldincludea description andassignment for completion deadline to be cornpleted, group; in the coordinating of tasksto the participants (c) Elaboratea harmonizedhazard sysclassification tem: (d) Draft proposalsfor standardization of hazardcommunication terminologyandsymbolsin ordertoenhance risk management of chemicalsand facilitateboth international trade and translation of information into the language; end-user's (e) Elaborate labellingsystem. a harmonized

ACTION FOR BASIS and the dissemilabellingof chemicals 19.24Adequate suchasICSCs(International nationof saletydatasheets written materials, ChemicalSafetyCards)and sin-rilarly are andenvironment, hazards to health on assessed based how to andmostefficientway of indicating the simplest saf-ely. handleand usechemicals goods,includ19.25For the safetransporlof dangerous withscheme elaborated ing chemicals, a comprehensive in the United Nations systemis in currentuse. This of the acutehazards scheme mainly takesinto account c hem ic als . and 19.16Globally harmonizedhazard classil'ication thesafe to promote arenotyetavailable labelling systerns or in the inter aliu. ar the workplace use of chernicals, can be tnadefor difof chemicals honre.Classification tool in purposes and is a particularlf itnportant l-erent labelling systems. Thereis a needto der.'elop establishrng lline systems, and labe hazard classiflcation harmonized buildingon ongoingwork.


MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A N DC OS I EV AL U AT T ON A / F / NA N C IAL has includedthe techsecretariat 19.30The Conference in estito this programme costsrelated nical assistance the areaE. They estimate matesprovidedin programme for strengthening total annualcost (1993-2000) average to be about $3 rnilliort from organizations international the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional estiand order-of-magnitude terms.Theseare inclicative by Governments. mates only andhavenot beenreviewed Actual costsand financialterms.including any that are will depend upon, inter alia, the non-concessional, decide Governments andprogrammes specificstrategies upon for irnplernentation.

D EV EL OP M EN I R E SOU R C E B ) HUM A N and institutionsand non-govern19.31Governments of appropriwith the collaboration rnentalorganizations. Nations, programmes of the United and ateorganizations infonnation camcourses and should launch training a new use of and paignsto lacilitatcthe understanding labelling syscompatible and classification harmonized t em f or c he mi c a l s .

c ) c A P A C tT Y-B U tL D tN G for managenationalcapacities ic).32In strengthening and i mi n c l u d i n g d e v e l o p ment I nent o1'c h e m i c a l s . and to, newclassification plementation of, andadaptation be should of tradebarriers thecreation systems. labelling of a large andresources andthelimitedcapacities avoided particularly countries, developing numberof countries. should be takeninto tull suchs.vsterns, for implementin-r account.

guidelinesadoptedby Governmentswith a view to increasingchemical safety through the exchangeof information on chemicals.Special provisions have been included in the guidelineswith regard to the exchangeof i nformati on on banned and sever ely restricted chemicals. of chemicals countries 19.35The exportto developing that have beenbannedin producingcountriesor whose use has been severelyrestrictedin some industrialized countrieshas been the subjectof concern,as some itnsafeuse, owing portingcountries lack theability to ensure for controlling the irnporinfrastructure to inadequate of tormulationand disposal tation,, chemicals. this issue,provisionsfor Prior 19.36In order to address were introducedin Informed Consent(PIC) procedures (UNEP) and in the Inter1989in the London Guidelines nationalCodeof Conducton the Distnbutionand Useof P esti ci des(FA O). In addi ti on a j oi nt FAO / UNEP programmehas been launchedfor the operationof the of includingthe selection for chemicals, PIC procedures and prepto be includedin the PIC procedure chemicals The ILO arationof PIC decisionguidancedocuments. between convention callsfor communication chemicals exporting and importing countries when hazardous of safetyand havebeenprohibitedfor reasons chemicals healthat work. Within the GeneralAgreementon Tariffs have been and Trade (GATT) framework, negotiations on a bindinginstrument pursued with a view to creating in the domestic restricted productsbannedor severely market. Further, the GATT Council has agreed,as statedin its decisioncontainedin Clll{l25l, to extend of the working groupfor a periodof three the mandate months, to begin from the date of the group's next meeting, and has authorized the Chairman to hold to conveningthis on timing with respect consultations meeti ng. of thePIC procethe importance 19.37Notwithstanding is necessary. on allchemicals exchange dure,information


FORACTION BASIS 19.33 The lollowing activitics. related tci infbrrnation exchange on the benefits as well as the risks associated u'ith the use of chemicals, are ainted at enhancing the sound management of toxic chemicals through the exchange of scientific, technical,economic ancllegal inforrtraticltt. i 9.3-1The London Guidelines for the Exchange of Inforn'rationon Chemicals in International Trade are a set of

OBJECTIVES areaare: of this programme 19.38The objectives (a) To promoteintensified of intormationon exchange amongall involved use and emissions chemicalsafety, parties: (b) To achieve full parby the year 2000,if possible, of the PIC procedure, ticipation in and implementation i ncl udi ng possi bl emandatoryappl i cati onst hr ough in the Amended legally binding instruments contained Code London Guidelines and in the FAO International gained the experience of Conduct,taking into accclunt wrthin the PIC procedure.


ACTIVITIES tVtT tES A,) MANAGEMENT-R ELATED ACT 19.39Governments and relevantintemational organrzations with the cooperation of industryshould: (a) Strengthen national institutionsresponsiblefor information exchange on toxic chemicalsand promotethe creation of national centreswhere these centresdo not exist: (b) Strengthen internationalinstitutionsand networks, suchasIRPTC, responsible for information exchange on toxic chemicals; (c) Establishtechnical cooperationwith, and provide information to, other countries,especiallythose with shortages of technical expertise, includingtrainingin the interpretation of relevanttechnicaldata,suchasEnvironmental Health Criteria Documents, Health and Safety Guides and International Chemical SafetyCards (publishedby IPCS); monographs on the Evaluationof CarcinogenicRisks of Chemicals to Humans(published by the International Agency for Researchon Cancer (IARC)); and decision guidancedocuments(provided throughtheFAOfuNEPjointprogrammeon PIC), aswell as thosesubmitted by industryand other sources; (d) Implementthe PIC procedures as soonas possible gained,invite relevant and, in the light of experience internationalorganrzations, suchas UNEP, GATI FAO, WHO and others,in their respective areaof competence to considerworking expeditiously towardsthe conclusion of legally binding instruments.

19.41UnitedNationsorganizations shouldprovide,as far as possible,all international informationnaterial on toxi c chemi cal s i n al l U ni tedN ati onsol fi ci al languages.

AND REG/ONAI. C/ /NIERNAIIONAI. COOPERAIION AND COORD/NAI/ON 19.42 Governments and relevantinternationalorganrzations with the cooperation of industryshouldcooperate in establishing, strengthening and expanding, as appropriate,the networkof designated nationalauthorities for exchangeof information on chemicalsand establisha technical exchangeprogrammeto produce a core of trainedpersonnel within eachparticipating country.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION F/NANC/NG AND COSI EVALUATION 19.43The Conference secretariat hasestimated theaverage total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing the activities of thisprogramme to be about$ l0 rnillion from the internationalcornmunity on grant or concessional terms.Theseareindicativeandorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsand financialterms,including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alict, the specificstrategies andprogrammes Govemrnents decide upon for implementation.

B) DATA AND /NFORMATTON 19.40Governments and relevantintemational organizations with the cooperation of industryshould: (a) Assistin the creation of nationalchemicalinformation systems in developing countries andimproveaccess to existinginternational systems; (b) Improve databases and information systemson tox ic c hem ic al s , s u c h a s e mi s s i o n i n v e n to ry prograntmes, throughprovisionof trainingin theuseof those systems aswell assoftware, hardware andotherfacilities; (c) Provide knowledge and information on severely restricted or bannedchemicals to importingcountries to enablethem to judge and take decisionson whetherto import,andhow to handle, thosechemicals andestablish joint responsibilities in tradeof chemicalsbetweenimporting and exportingcountries; (d) Provide data necessary risks to human to assess health and the environmentof possiblealternatives to bannedor severelv restricted chemicals.

D) ESTABUSHi/IENT OF R|SK REDUCTTON PROGRATAMES BASIS FOR ACTION 19.44There are often alternativesto toxic chernicals currentlyin use.Thus,risk reduction can sometimes be achieved by usingotherchemicals or evennon-chemical technologies. Theclassic example of risk reduction is the substitution of harmless or lessharmfulsubstances for harmfulones. Establishment of pollutionprevention proceduresand settingstandards fbr chemicals in eachenvironmentalrnedium,including food and water,and in consumer goods, constitute another example of risk reduction. In a wider context.risk reductioninvolves broad-based approaches to reducing the risks of toxic chemicals, taking into account the entirelife cycle of the chemicals. Suchapproaches couldencompass bothregLrlatory and non-regulatory measures, suchas promotion products of theuseof cleaner pollution andtechnologies, prevention procedures andprogramffles, emission inven-


tories, product labelling, use limitations,economicinreguprocedures for safehandlingandexposure centives, that lations,and the phasingout or banningof chemicals risks to poseunreasonable and otherwiseunmanageable human health and the environmentand of thosethat are and whose use toxic, persistentand bio-accumulative controlled. cannotbe adequately 19.45In the agriculturalarea,integratedpest management, including the use of biological control agentsas is one approach to risk to toxic pesticides, alternatives reduction. 19.46Other areas of risk reduction encompassthe preventionof poisonprevention of chemicalaccidents, of toxicovigilance and the undertaking ing by chemicals of areas of clean-upand rehabilitation and coordination by toxic chemicals. damaged thatOECD mem19.41The OECD Councilhasdecided nationalrisk or strengthen shouldestablish ber countries reduction programmes.The InternationalCouncil of (ICCA) hasintroduced initiatives ChemicalAssociations regarding responsiblecare and product stewardship and of chemicalrisks.The Awareness aimedat reduction at Local Level (APELL) for Emergencies Preparedness programmeof UNEP is designedto assistdecision personnel in improvingcommunity makersandtechnical installationsand in preparing awareness of hazardous on plans.ILO haspublished a Codeof Practice response and is prethe preventionof major industrialaccidents paring an internationalinstrument on the prevention of for eventualadoptionin 1993. industrialdisasters

OBJECTIVES areaisto eliminate 19.48The objective of theprogramme risks and, to the extent or unreasonable unacceptable economicallyfeasible,to reducerisks posed by toxic involvapproach by employingabroad-based chemicals, ing a wide rangeof risk reductionoptionsand by taking lifeprecautionary measures derivedfrom a broad-based cycle analysis.

ACTIVITIES ACT IVITIES ELATED A) MANAGEMFNI-R of relevant 19.49Governments, throughthe cooperation whereappropriandindustry, international organizations ate.should: (a) Consider adopting policies based on accepted as well producerliability principles,whereappropriate, and life-cycleapproaches anticipatory as precautionary, turing,trade, managemen t. covering manufac to chemical useand disposal; transport,

(b) Undertakeconcertedactivitiesto reducerisks for toxic chernicals, taking into accountthe entirelife cycle both of the chemicals. Theseactivitiescould encompass regulatory measures, suchaspromoartdnon-regulatory tion of the use of cleanerproductsand technologies; productlabelling;uselimitations; emissioninventories; economicincentives; and the phasingout or banningof andotherwise toxic chemicals that posean unreasonable risk to the environment or humanhealth unmanageable and bio-accumulative and thosethat aretoxic, persistent controlled; and whoseusecannotbe adequately (c) Adopt policies and regulatoryand non-regulatory measures to identify, and minintize exposureto, toxic chemicalsby replacingthem with lesstoxic substitutes and ultimately phasingout the chemicalsthat pose unrisk to human reasonable and otherwiseunmanageable health and the environmentand those that are toxic, persistent and whose use cannot and bio-accumulative be adequately controlled: (d) lncrease for standneeds etfortsto identify'national ard setting and implementation in the context of the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius in order to minimize adverse effectsof chemicals in food; (e) Develop nationalpoliciesand adoptthe necessary regulatory framework for prevention of accidents, preparedness and response, inter alia, throughland-use on planning,permit systems and reportingrequirements and work with the OECD/UNEPinternational accidents, directory of regionalresponse centresand the APELL programme; (0 Promoteestablishment asapproandstrengthening, prompt priate,of national poisoncontrolcentres to ensure of poisonings; and adequate diagnosis and treatment (g) Reduceoverdependence on the use of agricultural l armi ng pract ices. int echemi cal s throughai ternati ve gratedpestmanagement means; and other appropriate (h) Requiremanufacturers, importersand othershanwith thecooperation dling toxic chemicals to develop, of producersof such chemicals.where applicable,emergencyresponse procedures ofon-siteand andpreparation plans; response otf-siteemergency (i) Identify, assess, reduceand rninimize,or eliminate as far as feasible by environmentallysound disposal practices, risks fiom storage of outdated chemicals. 19.50Industryshouldbe encouraged to: (a) Develop an internationallyagreedupon code of principles for the management of trade in chemicals, recognizingin particularthe responsibilityfor making informationon potential risksandenvironmenavailable practices tally sounddisposal if thosechemicals become wastes,in cooperation with Governments and relevant agencies intemationalorganizations and appropriate of the United Nationssvstem:


(b) Develop applicationof a "responsiblecare" approach by producersand manufacturers towards chemical products,taking into accountthe total life cycle of suchproducts; (c) Adopt, on a voluntarybasis, communityright-toguidelines, know programmes basedon international includingsharingof informationon causes of accidenand meansof preventing ihem. tal and potentialreleases andreporting on annualroutineemissions of toxic chemiof host country cals to the environmentin the absence requirements.

B) DATA AND /NFORMAI/ON 19.51Governments, throughthe cooperation of relevant where internationalorganizations industry, appropriand ate,should: (a) Promoteexchange of informationon nationaland regionalactivitiesto reducethe risksof toxic chemicals; (b) Cooperatein the development of communication guidelines on chemical risks at the national level to promote informationexchangewith the public and the understanding of risks.

whensuchexporthasreceived prior writtenconsent from the importingcountryor is otherwise with in accordance the PIC procedure; (g) Encourage national rvorktclharmonize andregional evaluationof pesticides : (h) Promote and develop mechanisrns for the saf-e production, management anduseof dangeroLls materials, formulating programmesto substitutefor thenr sal-er alternatives, whereappropriate; (i) Formalize networks response centres; of ernergency industry,with the help ol'rnultilateral 0t Encourage cooperation. to phase ont as appropriate, of. and dispose any banned chemicals that are still in stockor in usein an environmentally soundmanner. includingsaf'e reuse, where approved and appropriate.

MEANSOF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/AL AND COSI EVALUATION 1 9 . 5 3 T h e C o n t e r c r t c c s e c r e t a r i a th a s i n c l u d e d m o s t costs relatedto this prograr"nme in estimatesprovided for -fhey programme areasA and E. estinlateother requirements for training and strcngthening thc cinergcncy and poison control centres to be about $'l rnillion annually from the international community on grant or concessional terms. These are indicative and order-of-nragnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. A c t u a l c o s t s a n d f i n a n c i a l t e r r n s .i n c l u d i n g a n y t h a t a r e n o n - c o n c e s s i o n a lw . i l l c l e p e n dL r p o n , irtter alia, the specific strategiesand programmes Governments decide upon lbr inrplernentation.

AND REGIONA/ c/ INTERNAT/ONAI AND COORD/NAI/ON COOPERAIION 19.52Governments, o1'relevant throughthe cooperation whereappropriinternational organizations andindustry, ate,should: (a) Collaborateto developcommon criteria to deterfor conmine which chemicalsare suitablecandidates certedrisk reductionactivities; (b) Coordinate concerted risk reductionactivities; (c) Develop guidelinesand policiesfor the disclosure importers and others using toxic by manufacturers, chemicalsof toxicity information declaring risks and emergency response arrangements: (d) Encouragelarge industrial enterprises including whertransnational corporations and other enterprises policiesdemonstrating everthey operate to introduce the commitment, with reference to the environmentally sound management to adoptstandards of toxic chemicals, of operation equivalent thanthose to or not lessstringent existingin the countryof origin; (e) Encourage and supportthe development and adoption by small- and medium-sized industriesof relevant procedures for risk reductionin their activities; (0 Develop regulatory and non-regulatorymeasures aimedat preventing the exportof chemiand procedures withdrawn or cals that are banned,severelyrestricted, not approved for healthor environmental reasons. except

B/ SCIENI/F/C AND IECHNOTOGICAL MEANS 19.54 Governments. in cooperatiorlri,ith relevant international organizaticlns and programrnes,shoulcl: (a) Promote technology that would mininrize release of, and exposure to. toxic chemicals in all countries; (b) Carry out national reviews, as appropriate.of previously acceptedpcsticidcswhose acceptance was based on criteria now recognizedas insufficie-nt or outdatedand of their possiblc rcplacement with othe'r pest control rnethods. particr-rlarlv in the case of pesticides that are toxic. persistentand/or bio-accumulative.


BASIS FORACTION 1 9 . 5 5 M a n y c o u n t r i e sl a c k n a t i o n a ls v s l c m st o c o p e w i t h


countrieslack scientificmeansof chemicalrisks. N4ost of misuseand of judging the impact collectingevidence because of the of toxic chemicalson the environment, of manyproblematic difficultiesinvolvedin thedetection chemicals and systematically trackingtheir flow. Significantnew uses areamongthepotential hazards to human ln health and the environmentin developingcountries. with systems in placethereis an urgent several countries needto make thosesystems more efficient. for soundmanagement 19.56Basic elements of chemi(b) informationgathercalsare: (a) adequate legislation, (c) capacity for risk assessment ing and dissemination, (d) establishment of risk management andinterpretation, policy,(e) capacity for implementation andenforcement, (f) capacityfor rehabilitation of contaminated sitesand poisonedpersons,(g) eff'ectiveeducationprogrammes and (h) capacityto respondto emergencies. placewithin a 19.57As management of chemicals takes numberof sectors relatedto variousnationalministries. experiencesuggests that a coordinatingmechanismis es s ent ial .

(e) Develop nationaland local capabilities to prepare for and respondto accidents by taking into accountthe UNEP APELL programmeand similar programmes on preparedness accidentprevention, and responsc, wherc appropriate, includingregularlytested andupdated crnergencyplans; (0 Develop,in cooperation with industry, erlrergency procedures, response identifying meansand equiprnent to reduceinrpactsol' in industriesand plants necessary accidents.

B) DATA AND /NFORMAT/ON 19.60Governments should: (a) Direct informationcampaigns suchasprogranlmes providinginformation aboutchemicalstockpiles. alternatives and emissioninventories that could alsobe a tool for risk reductionto the general public to increase the awareness of probletns of chenical safety; (b) Establish,in conjunctionwith IRPTC, national registers anddatabases, including sa{'ety information, tbr chemicals: (c) Generate field monitoring datafor toxic chernicals of high environmental importance; (d) Cooperate with international r.vhere organizations, appropriate, to monitorandcontroleff-ectively thc generation. manufacturing, distribution,transp(rr-tation aud disposal activities relatingto toxic chenricals. to foster preventiveand precautionaly approaches and ensure compliance with safetymanagement rules.and provide accurate reportingof relevantdata.

OBJECTIVE 19.58By the year 2000, nationalsystems for environmentally sound management of chemicals,including legislationand provisionsfor implementation and enforcement, should be in placein all countries to theextent possible.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ACTIVITIES ELATED 19.-59 whereappropriate Governments, and with the collaboration of relevantintergovemmental organizations. agencies and progranlmes of the United Nationssystem, should: (a) Promoteand supportmultidisciplinary approaches to chemicalsafetyproblems; (b) Consider the need to establishand strengthen, whereappropriate, a nationalcoordinating mechanism to provide a liaison tor all partiesinvolved in chemical (fbr example, safetyactivities agriculture, environment, education, i ndustry, labour, health, police, transportation, economic research institutions, civil defence, aff'airs, and poisoncontrolcentres); (c) Developinstitutional nrechanisms fbr the ntanagementof chemicals. includineeffectivemeans of enforcement; (d) Establish whereapproand developor strengthen, priate,networksof emergency response includcentres, ing poisoncontrolcentres:

c/ /N IE R N A TTONA AN L D R E G/ON A r AND COORD/NAI/ON COOPERAI/ON 19.61Governments, with thc cooperation of internationalorganizations, whereappropriate. shctuld: (a) Prepareguidelines, where not alreadl'available, with adviceandcheck-lists for enactins lesislation in the chemicalsaf'ety field: (b) Supportcountries, particularlydevelopingcountries, in developing and further strengthening national legislation and its implementation; (c) Consider adoption of communityri-eht-to-know or other public information-dissemination programlt"les. whenappropriate, aspossible risk reduction tools.Appropriate internationalorganizations, in particularIJNEP (ECE)and OECD,theEconomic forEurope Cornmission parties,shouldconsider other interested the possibility of developing a guidance document on theestablishntcnt


wherefeasible,of intemationally fu) Promotetranslation, Governments' for useby interested of suchprogrammes into local languages saf'ety chemical on documents prepzfed 'rhe on existingworkon accidents shoulclbuild docun-rent activitiesrelatedto regional of levels various und ,upport anc linc lr idenew g u i d a n c e c l n to x i c e mi s s i o ni nventori es ge' gy transferand information exchan technolo a ndr is k c om m u tri c a ti o n .S u c h g u i d a n c e s h o ul di ncl ude definitionsand dataeleof requirements, harmonization allow sharingof data and mentsto promoteunitormity D E V E LOP ME N T E C / H U MA NR E S OU R C internationallY; assessment risk future and (d) Build on past.present should: organizations I 9.64 International work at an internationallevel, to support countries' for (a) Enhance technicaltraining developingcountries particularly developingcountries'in developingand of chemicals; in relationto risk management at nationaland capabilities risk orr.rr,.r.ttnt strengthening activities supportfor research (b) Promoteandincrease and regionallevelsto rninimizerisk in themanufacturing for fellowships and grants at the local level by providing us eof t ox icc hern i c a l s : disin active institutions research studiesat recognized ( e) P r om ot e i m p l e me n ta ti o no f U N E P' s A P E I-L for chemicalsafetyprogrammes' importance of ciplines OECD/UNEP of an use pelrticular, centres; lg.65Governmentsshouldorganize,incollabcrration response directoryof emergency international in industryand trade unions,training programmes developwith particularly countries, (fl Cooperate with all reemergency inclr"rding of chemicals, the management i n th e s e tti n g u p o f a n i n s ti tuti onal ing c ot t nt r ies , all levels.In all countriesbasiceleat of targeted sponse, development the and level at the national mechanism mentsof chemicalsafetyprinciplesshouldbe included of chemicals; toolsfor management appropriate production in the primary educationcurricula' atalllevelsof courses (;; Arrangc information issues: safety chemical on working aimedat stafluse-. irncl to make maximum use in (h) Devclop mechanisms OF ltLEGAt INTER'NATIoNAL F) PREVENTION PR'oDucrs countriesofinternationallyavailableinformation; rirarrtc lN Toxlc ANDDANGERoUS accident for principles promote (i) Invite UNEP to lg.66Thereiscumentlynoglobalinternationalagreefor Governments' audresponse prerctttion.prepareclness products(toxic ECE and on traffic in toxic and dangerous ment OECD ILO, on builcling andthepublic. industry banned'sevare that those productsare and dangerous work in this area. for use or approved not or erely restricted,withclrawn and health public protect to in order saleby Governments
MEANSOF IMPLEMENTATION A l F / N A N C / N GA N D C O S T E V A L U A T T O N lg.62.fheConlerencesecretariathasestimatedtheaverthe age total annual cost (1993-2000) of implementing to countries developing in programme activities of this from the rnillion $150 inclu<ling million, bc abour $600 terms. international cOmmunity cln grant or concessional estimates order-of-magnitude and indicative Thcse are Actual only and have not beenreviewed by Governments' a r e nont h a t a n y i n c l u d i n g t e r n l s . costs and financral specific the alia' inter Llpon' clepend will cottcsssional. upon for :tnttegies anrJprogramnles Govemments decide irrplettti:ntation.

theenvironment).However,thereisinternationalconcernthati l l egal i nternati onal traffi ci nthesepr oduct sis detrimentaltopublichealthandtheenvironment'parby ticularly in developingcountries'as acknowledged and441226. 421183 the GeneralAssemblyin resolutions Illegal traffic refers to traffic that is carried out in contraventionof a country'slaws or relevantinternational to transbounalsorelates The cclncern legalinstruments. not carried are that products dary movementsof those adopted intemationally with applicable out in accordance guidelinesandprinciples.Activitiesunderthisprogrammeareaareintencledtoimprclvedetectionand preventionof the traffic concerned' l g.6TFurtherstrengtheni ngofi ntemati onal andr egional to preventillegal transboundary is ncederJ cooperaticln products' Furtherof toxic and clangerous -ou.*.nt more.capaci ty-bui l di ngatthenati onal l evelisneededt o i mprove moni tori ng and enforcementcapa bilit ies penalol the fact that appropriate involving recognition tiesmayneedtobeimposeclunderaneffectiveenforcein the presOther activitiesenvisaged ment programme. (d))will 19'39 paragraph under (for example, entchapter objectives' these to achieving alsocontribute

CN D r E c H N o t o G l c A L M E A N S B / S C / F N T / F /A should: clrganizations I c).6r Itttctrlatiotral ( i l ) P r o t r l o t c t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n ta n d s t r e n g t h e n i n go f the availability of adet0 ensLlre natiolal lubot'ittories the imqLlatctrittionalcontrol in all countries regarding chemicals: and use of potlation. ttrltnttf'acture


OBJECTIVES 19.68The ob-jectives of the programme are: (a) To reinlbrccnationalcapacities to detectand hait ani; illegal attempt to introclucetoxic and dan_{erous prodLrcts into the tcnitory of any State" in contravention cll'nationallegislation and rele.vant intemational legal instruments: ( b) ' I o a s s i s ta l l c o u n tri c :sp . a rti c u l a r l ydevel opi ng countries. in clbtaining irppropriate all information concerningillegaltrafllc in toxic and dangerous products.

c/ /NTERNAT|ONAL AND RFG/ONAL COOPERAI/ON AND COORDINAI/ON 19 .72 Furtherstrengthening of internationalandregional cooperation is neededto preventillegal transboundary movementof toxic and dangerclus products. 19.73l'he regional commissions,in cooperationwith and relying upon expertsupportand advicefrom UNEP and other relevantbodiesof the United Nations,should monitor, on the basis of data and information provided by Governments,and on a continuous basis make regional assessments of the illegal traffic in toxic and dangerous products andits environmental, economic and health implications,in each region, drawing upon the resultsandexperience gainedin thejoint UNEP/ESCAP preliminaryassessment of illegal traffic, expected to be completedin August 1992. 19.74Governments and international organizations, as appropriate, shouldcooperate with developing countries in strengthening their institutional and regulatory capacities in orderto preventillegal import andexportof toxic and dangerous products. G) ENHANCE'YIENT OF INTERNATTONAL COOPERATION RETATING TO SEVERAT OF THE PROGRAMMEAREAS 19.75A meetingof government-designated experts, held in London in f)ecember 1991.made recommendations for increased coordination amongUnitedNationsbodies and otherinternational organizations involved in chemical risk assessment andmanagement. Thatmeeting called for the takingof appropriate measures to enhance therole of IPCS and establishan intergovernmental forum on chemicalrisk assessment and management. 19.76To further considerthe recommendations of the Londonmeetingandinitiateactionon them,asappropriate. the ExecutiveHeadsof WHO, ILO and UNEP are invited to convenean intergovernmental meetingwithin one year,which could constitute the first meetingof the i ntergovernmental forum.

ACTIVITIES I ELATED A) MANAGFA4FNR ACTIVITIES 19.69 Gove-rnnlents.according to their capacities and available lesolrrces and ivith the cooperation of the U n i t e d N a t i o n s a n d o t h e r r c l e v a n t o r g a n i z a t i o n s .a s appropriate,should: (a) Adopt, where nr-cessary. and implernent legislation to prevent the illegal inrpofi and export of toxic and dangerousprr.lclrrct s: (b) [)evekrp appropriatc national enforcelnent prog r a m r n e st o m o n i t o r c o m p l i a n c e w i t h s r - r c h legislation, and detcct and cleterviolations through appropriate penaltics.

B ) D A T AA N D / N F O R M A T / O N 1 9 . 7 0 G o v e r n m e n t ss h o u l d d e r , ' e l o pa . s appropriate. national alert systenl\ to assistin detecting illegal traffic in toxic and dangerous prodr.rcts; local cornr-nunities. and o t h e r sc o u l d b e i n v o l v c c li n t h c o p e r a t i o n o f s u c ha s y s t c m . 19.7 | Governrnentsshoulrl cociperate in thc exchangeof i n lirrnration on i I I egaI tmn sbounclaryrnovernents of tox i c lrnclclangerous pnrdLrcls ancl should make such infomration a'u'ailable to appropriateL.lnitcdNations bodies. such a s L l N l r P a n d t h e r e s i o n a lc o m m i s s i o n s .



monogement of hozordous sound Environmentolly internotionol of illegol prevention including wostes, wostes trofficin hozordous


cooperatewith the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with a view to maintaining efficient of the illegal monitoring and assessment and coordinated products wastes. and traffic in toxic and dangerous

treat20J Effective control of the geueration,storage, recoveryanddispotransport, ment,recyclingandreuse, sal of hazardouswastesis of paramountimportancefor protectionand naturalreproperhealth,environmental This development. and sustainable sourcemanagement, and participationof will require the active cooperation and industry. Governrnents community, the international Industry, as referredto in this paper,shall include large corporaincluding transnational industrial enterprises, tions and domesticindustry. wastes of hazardous of the generation 20.2 Prevention and the rehabilitation of contaminatedsites are the key elements, and both require knowledge, experienced and technicaland people,facilities,financial resources scientificcapacities. 20.3 The activitiesoutiined in the presentchapterare very closelyrelatedto, and have implicationsfor, many of the progralnmeareasdescribedin other chapters,so that an overall integratedapproachto hazardouswaste is necessary. management 20.4 There is internationai concern that part of the internationalmovement of hazardouswastesis being of existingnationallegislacarriedout in contravention tion and internationalinstrumentsto the detrimentof the particuand public healthof all countries, environment countries. larly developing of 22 December 20.5 In sectionI of resolution441226 each regional 1989, the General Assembly requested to contributeto commission,within existingresources, the preventionof the illegal traffic in toxic anddangerous by monitoringand makingregional productsand wastes of that illegal traffic and its environmental assessments alsorequestedthe The Assembly andhealthimplications. and to interactamongthemselves regionalcommissions

OVERALL OBJECTIVE 20.6 Within the framework of integrated life-cycle the overall objective is to prevent to the management, of hazardpossible, and minimize,thegeneration extent wastes in sucha to manage those wastes, as well as ous way that they do not cause harm to health and the environment.

TARGETS OVERALL 20.7 The overall targetsare: (a) Preventingor minimizing the generation of hazerdpropart integrated cleaner of overall an ous wastesas to a minimum reducing eliminating or duction approach; wastes,consistmovementsof hazardous transboundary efficient mansound and environmentally ent with the environmenthat wastes; and ensuring of those agement management options are waste hazardous tally sound pursued to the maximum extent possible within the country of origin (the self-sufficiencyprinciple). The movementsthat take place should be on transboundary environmental and economic grounds and based upon concemed; betweenthe States agreements (b) Ratification onthe Control of theBaselConvention Wastesand Hazardous Movements of of Transboundary of related elaboration their Disposalandthe expeditious and compenprotocol liability protocols, suchas the on facilitate the imguidelines to sation, mechanismsand plementation Basel of the Convention; (c) Ratification and full implementationby the counof the BamakoConventionon the Ban tries concerned on the Import into Africa andthe Control of Transbound-


ary Movement of HazardousWasteswithin Africa and the expeditious elaboration of a protocolon liability and compensation; (d) Elimination of the export of hazardous wastesto countries that, individually or through international prohibit the import of suchwastes, agreements, suchas, the contractingpartiesto the Bamako Conventicln, the fourth Lom6 Conventionor other relevantconventions. wheresuchprohibitionis providedfor. 20.ti The following programmeareasare included in this chapter: (a) Promotingthe prevention andminimizationof hazardouswaste; (b) Promoting and strengthening institutionalcapacities in hazardous wastemanagement; (c) Promotingand strengthening international cooperation in the management of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes: (d) Preventing illegal international traffic in hazardous wastes.

OBJECTIVES 20.1I The objectives of this programmeareaare: (a) To reduce the generationof hazardouswastes,to the extent teasible,as part of an integratedcleanerproduction approach; (b) To optimize the useof materialsby utilizing, where practicable andenvironmentally sound, theresidues from productionprocesses; (c) To enhance knowledgeand information on the economics of prevention and managementof hazardous wastes. 20.12To achievethoseobjectives,and therebyreduce the impactand costof industrialdevelopment, countries that canafford to adoptthe requisitetechnologies without detrimentto their development shouldestablish policies that include: (a) Integration of cleaner production approaches and hazardous wasteminimization in all planning,and the adoptionof specific goals; (b) Promotion of the use of reguiatory and market mechanisms; (c) Establishment goal for the sta, of an intermediate bilizationof the quantityof hazardous wastegenerated; (d) E stabl i shment of l ong-term programm esand policiesincluding targetswhereappropriate for reducing the amount of hazardouswaste produced per unit of manufacture; (e) Achievement of a qualitative improvement of waste streams, mainly throughactivities aimedatreducing their hazardous characteri stics ; (0 Facilitationof the establishment of cost-effective policies and approaches to hazardouswaste prevention and management, taking into considerationthe stateof developmentof eachcountry.

A) PROI OTING THEPREVENTTON AND MINIMIZATION OF HAZARDOUS WASTE BASIS FOR ACTION 20.9 Human healthand environmental quality are undergoing continuous degradationby the increasing amountof hazardous wastesbeing produced. There are increasingdirect and indirect costs to society and to individual citizens in connectionwith the generation, handling and disposal of such wastes.It is therefore crucial to enhanceknowledge and information on the economics of prevention and management clf hazardous wastes,including the impact in relationto the employment and environmental ordertclensure that the necessary capital investmentis made availablein programmes development througheconomicincentives. Oneof thefirstprioritiesin hazardous wastemanagement is minimization, aspartof a broader approach to changing industrialprocesses patterns and consumer throughpollution prevention and cleanerproductionstrategies. 20. 10A m on g th e mo s t i mp o rta n t fa c to rs i n these strategies is the recoveryof hazardous wastesand their tranformation into usefulmaterial.Technology application, modificaticlnand development of new low-waste technoklgiesare thereforecurrently a central focus of hazardous wasteminirnization.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGFMENI-R ELAT EDACTIVITI ES 20J3 The following activitiesshouldbe undertaken: (a) Governmentsshouldestablishor modify standards or purchasing specificationsto avoid discrimination against recycledmaterials, providedthat thosematerials are environmentally sound; (b) Governments, accordingto their possibilitiesand with the help of multilateralcooperation,shouldprovide economicorregulatoryincentives, whereappropriate, to stimulateindustrialinnovationtowardscleanerproduction methods, to encourage industryto investin preventive and/orrecyclingtechnologies so as to ensureenvironmentallysoundmanagentent of all hazardous wastes, including recyclable wastes,and to encouragewaste mi ni mi zat i on i nvestments:


and devel(c) Governments shouldintensifyresearch for proalternatives opmentactivitieson cost-effective that currentlyresult in the generand substances cesses wastes that poseparticularproblems ation of hazardoLts for environmentallysound disposal or treatment,the that of thosesubstances possibilityof ultimatephase-out risk unmanageable or otherrvise present an unreasonable and are toxic. persistentand bio-accumulativeto be Emphasisshould be as soon as practicable. considered given to alternativesthat could be economically accountries; cessible to developing (d) Governments,according to their capacitiesand available resourcesand with the cooperationof the United Nations and other relevant organizationsand industries, as appropriate,should support the establishment of domestic facilities to handle hazardous wastesof domesticorigin, (e) Govemmentsof developedcountriesshould prosoundtechnologies of environmentally mote the transfer and know-how on clean technologiesand low-waste productionto developingcountriesin conformity with chapter34, which will bring about changesto sustain with industry shouldcooperate Governments innovation. whereapproguidelines of conduct, andcodes to develop priate" leading to cleaner production through sectoral tradeindustryassociations: (f) Governmentsshould encourageindustry to treat, recycle, reuse and disposeof wastesat the source of generation,or as close as possiblethereto, whenever and when it is unavoidable wastegeneration hazardous efficient for is both economicallyand environmentally industryto do so; assess(g) Governments technology shouldencourage assessfor examplethroughthe useof technology ments, mentcentres; (h) Governments should promote cleanerproduction of centresproviding training throughthe establishment soundtechnologies; andinformationon environmentally (i) Industry should establishenvironmentalmanagement systems,including environmentalauditing of its sites, in orderto identify where production or distribution is needed; of cleanerproductionntethods the installation (j) A relevant and competentUnited Nations organwith other ization should take the lead, in cooperation for estimating the to developguidelines organizations, to the adoption costsand benefitsof variousapproaches of cleanerproductionand wasteminimizationand enviof hazardouswastes, ronmentally sound management sites, takinginto of contaminated includingrehabilitation the report of the l99l Naiaccount.where appropriate, expertson an robi meeting of government-designated includand an actionprogramme, strategy international ing technicalguidelinesfor the environmentallysound

wastes;in particularin the management of hazardous context of the work of the Basel Convention,being developed underthe UNEP secretariat; (k) Governments that lay regulations shouldestablish for industries enviresponsibility of the ultimate down wastes their of hazardous sounddisposal the ronmentally generate. activities

B) DATA AND /NFORM,AI/ON 20.14The following activitiesshouldbe undertaken: (a) Governments, assisted by internationalorganizathe fbr assessing mechanisms should establish tions, information systems: value of existing (b) Governments nationwideand reshouldestablish cleargional information collection and dissemination for Government ing-houses and networksthat are etrsy institutions and industry and other non-governmental and use; to access organizations (C) Ittternationalorganizations, through the {JNEP shoulcl crprograntme altd ICPICI. CleanerProduction
tend and strengthetl existilrg \vslettrs lirt'tolleeliolt r';

cleanerproductioninformation: (d) All UnitedNations should organs andorganizations of informationc.olpromotethe use and dissemination network: lectedthroughthe CleanerProduction (e) OECD should,in cooperation with otherorganizasurveyof, anddissemia comprehensive tions,undertake in of membercountries nateinformationon, experiences and incentive adopting economic regulatory schemes and for waste management for hazardous mechanisms f rom waste such thatprevent theuseof cleantechnologies being generated; (0 Governments to be transindustries shouldencourage providerelevantinformation parcntin their operations eurd by thegeneration, to thecommunities thatmightbe affected wastes. of hazardous management and disposal

AND REG/ONAI cJ INTERNATONAT" AND COORD/NAI/ON CCOPERAIION shouldencour20.1 cooperation 5 International/regional age the ratificationby Statesof the Basel and Bamako of those Conventionsand promote the implementation for will be necessary Regional cooperation Conventions. in regionsother of similar conventions the development In additionthereis a needfor than Africa. if so required. regionaland naeffectivecoordinationof international Another activity protional policies and instruments. posed is cooperatingin monitoring the effects of the wastes. management of hazardous


MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F'NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 20.16The Conference secretariat hasestimated theaverage total annualcost (1993-2000)of implementingthe activitiesof this programmeto be about $750 million from the international community on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actualcosts andfinancialterms, including will dependupon, inter any that are non-concessional, alia, the specific strategiesand prograrrunesGovernmentsdecideupon for implementation.

(c) All sectors prodshoulddevelop of society cleaner uction awareness and prornclte campaigns dialogueand partnership with industryand other actors.

D ) C A P A C TTY -B U tLD tN G 20.19The following activities be undcrtaken: should (a) Governments in cooperaof developing countries, tion with industry and with the cooperation of appropriateinternational organizations, invenshould develop toriesof hazardous wasteproduction. in orderto identify their needswith respectto technologytransferand implementation of measures for the soundmanagement of hazardous wastes andtheir disposal: (b) Governments shouldincludein nationalplanning and legislation an integrated approach to environmental protection,driven by preventionand sourcereduction criteria,takinginto account the "polluterpays"principle, and adopt programmes for hazardous wastereduction, includingtargets and adequate environmental control; (c) Governments shouldwork with industry/ on sectorby-sector production cleaner wasteminand hazardous imizationcampaigns, aswell ason the reduction of such wastes and otheremissions; (d) Governments should take the lead in establishing and strengthening, as appropriate, national procedures for environmental i mpact assessnlent, takingintoaccount the cradle-to-grave approach to the management of hazardous wastes, in orderto identilyoptionsfor minimizing the generation wastes,thror"rgh of hazardous saf'er handling, storage, disposal and destruction: (e) Governments. in collaboration u,ith industryand appropriate intemationalorganizations, shoulddevelop procedures for monitoringthe applicationof the cradleto-grave approach. includingenvironmental audits; (0 Bilateraland multilateraldevelopment assistance agenci esshoul d substanti al l y i ncreasefu nding f or cleaner technologv transfer to developing countries, includingsmall-and medium-sized enterprises.

8/ S C/ E N IIF IC AN D T EC H N O IOG| C AL MFA N S 20J7 The following activitiesrelatedto technologydevelopmentand research shouldbe undertaken: (a) Governments,according to their capacitiesand available resourcesand with the cooperationof the United Nations and other relevant organizations. and industries, as appropriate, should significantlyincrease financial support fcrr cleaner technologyresearchand prograrrunes, development includingthe useof biotechnologies; (b) States, with the cooperation of international organizationswhereappropriate, shouldencourage industryto promoteand undertake research into thephase-out of the processes thatposethe greatest environmentalrisk based wastes generated; on hazardous ( c ) S t ate s s h o u l d e n c o u ra g ei n d u s tr y to devel op schemes to integrate production thecleaner approach into designof productsand management practices: (d) States shouldencourage industryto exercise environmentallyresponsible care through hazardous waste reduction and by ensuringthe environmentallysound reuse,recycling and recovery of hazardous wastes,as well as their final disposal.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENT 20.18 The following activitiesshouldbe undertaken: (a) Governments, internationalorganizations and industryshouldencourage industrial trainingprogrammes, incorporating hazardous wastepreventionand minimizationtechniques and launchingdemonstration projects at the local level to develop"success stories"in cleaner production; (b) Industryshouldintegratecleanerproductionprinciples and caseexamples into trainingprogrammes and esprojects/networks tablishdemonstration by sector/country ;

B) PRO'VIOTING AND STRENGTHENTNG INSTITUTIONAT CAPACITIES IN HAZARDOUS WASTEMANAGEMENT BASIS FOR ACTION 20.2AMany countries lack the national capacity to handleand manage hazardous wastes. This is prirnarily due to inadequate infiastructure. deficiencies in regulatory frameworks. insufficient education andti'aining programmes and lack of coordination between the difl-erent ministries andinstitutions involvecl in various aspects of


In addition, thereis a lack of knowwastemanagement. andpollution contarnination ledgeaboutenvironmental health risk from the exposureof and the associated andecosyswomenandchildren. populations, especially of risks;and the wastes; assessment tems to hazardous of wastes. Stepsneedto be takenimmecharacteristics at high risk and to take diatelyto identify populations One of the main where necessary. remedialmeasures, sound manageprioritiesin ensuringenvironmentally eduis to provideawareness, ment of hazardous wastes coveringall levelsof cation and trainingprogrammes proresearch There is also a needto ttndertake society. wastes, grammesto understand the natureof hazardclus effectsand to to identify their potentialenvironmental to safely handle those wastes. develop technologies of the capacities Finally, there is a neecito strengthen of for the management that are responsible institutions wastes. hazardous

ACTIVITIES ELATED ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R 20.22The following activitiesshouldbe undertaken: (a) Governments invenshould establish andntaintain inventories, of hazardous including tories, computerized sites,as well as of wastesand their treatment/disposal and assess contaminated sitesthat requirerehabilitation, exposure and risk to humanhealthand the environment: requiredto clean they shouldalso identify the measures Industryshouldmakethenecessary up thedisposal sites. informationavailable ; (b) Governments, organizaindustryand international and in developingguidelines tions shouldcollaborate and for the characterization easy-to-implement methods wastes: classification of hazardous (c) Governments andhealth shouldcarryout exposure residingnear uncontrolled assessments of populations hazardous wastesitesand initiateremedialmeasures; (d) International shoulddevelopimproved organizations national decisionhealttr-based criteria,takinginto accclunt of practical andassist in the preparation makingprocesses, minimizationand fbr the prevention, technicalguidelines wastes; of hazardous safehandlingand disposal (e) Governments shouldencountries of developing courage interdisciplinaryand intersectoralgroups, in and agenwith international organizations cooperation related activities training andresearch cies,to implement waste prevention andcontrolofhazardous to evaluation, health risks. Such groups should serve as models to developsimilarregionalprogrammes; (0 Governments, and accordingto their capacities available resourcesand rvith the cooperationof the asapproandotherrelevantorganizations UnitedNations priate, should encourageas far as possiblethe estabfacilities for lishment of combined treatment/disposal industries; wastes hazardous in srnallandmedium-sized (g) Governments should promote identificationand wastesin collaboration clean-upof sitesof hazardolrs Technolwith industryand international organizations. for this beavailable shoulcl ogies, expertise andfinancing with the purpose, asfar aspossible andwhenappropriate of the "polluterpays"principle: application (h) Governments should ascertainthat their military conform to their nationallyapplicable establishments environmentalnorms in the treatmentand disposalof hazardous wastes.

OBJECTIVES areaare: in this programme 20.21The obiectives (a) To adopt appropriate legislativeand coordinating, measures at the nationallevel for the environregulatory inwastes, of hazardous mentally soundmanagement andregional of international cludingtheimplementation conventions; pro(b) To establish publicawareness andinformation waste issuesand to ensurethat grammeson hazardous are provided basic educationand training programmes for industryand govemmentworkersin all countries; programmes (c) To establish research comprehensive wastes in countries: on hazardous (d) To strengthen to enablethem to serviceindustries wastes, and to build up international handlehazardous networking, (e) To develop in all developing capacities endogenous and train statfat all levelsin envito educate countries wastehandling andmonihazardous ronmentally sound soundmanagement; toringand in environmentally (f) To promote human exposLlre with reassessment wastesitesand identifythe rernedial spectto hazardous requircd: measures (g) To facilitate andrisksof of impacts the assessmcnt wastes on humanhealthandthe environment hazardous procedures. methodologies, appropriate b1'establishing guidelines andstandards: criteriaand/oreflluent-related (h) To improve knowledge regarding the effbcts of wastes on humanhealthandthe environment; hazardous (i) To makeinformationavailable and to Governments wastes, public on the eff-ects of hazardous to the general wastes, on human health and the including inf'ectious environment.

B) DATA AND /NFORMAT/ON 20.23The fbllowing activitiesshouldbe undertaken: (a) Governments, and regional organizainternational


tions and industry shouldfacilitateand expandthe dissemination of technicaland scientificinformationdealing with the varioushealthaspects of hazardous wastes, and promoteits application; (b) Governments shouldestablish notificationsystems and registriesof exposedpopulationsand of adverse healtheffectsand databases on risk assessments of hazardouswastes: (c) Governments shouldendeavour to collectinformation on thosewho generate or dispose/recycle hazardous wastesand provide suchinformationto the individuals and institutions concerned.

8/ SC/ENilF/C AND TECHNOLOGTCAL TIEANS 20.26The following activitiesshouldbe undertaken: (a) Governments,according to their capacitiesand available resourcesand with the cooperationof the United Nations and other relevant organizations and industry as appropriate,should increasesupportforhazardouswasteresearch management in developingcountries; (b) Governments, in collaborationwith international organizations,should conduct research on the health effects of hazardouswastes in developing countries, includingthe long-termeffectson childrenand women; (c) Governments shouldconductresearch aimedat the needsof small and medium-sized industries; (d) Govemments and intemationalorganizations in cooperation with industry should expand technological research on environmentally sound hazardouswaste handling, storage,transport,treatmentand disposaland on hazardous waste assessment, management andremediation ; (e) International organizations shouldidentify relevant and improvedtechnologies for handling,storage, treatment and disposalof hazardous wastes.

c/ /NTERNATTONAL AND REG/ONAL COOPERAIION AND COORDINAI/ON 20.24Governments, according to their capacitiesand available resourcesand with the cooperationof the United Nations and other relevant organizations,as appropriate. should: (a) Promoteand supportthe integration and operation, at the regionaland local levelsas appropriate, of institutional and interdisciplinary groupsthat collaborate, accordingto theircapabilities, in activities oriented towards strengthening risk assessment, risk management andrisk reductionwith respect to hazardous wastes; (b) Support capacity-building andtechnological developmentand research in developingcountriesin connection with human resource development, with particular supportto be given to consolidating networks; (c) Encourage self-sufficiency in hazardous wastedisposal in the country of origin to the extent that is environmentally sound and feasible.The transboundary movements that take place shouldbe on environmental and economicgroundsand basedupon agreements between all States concerned.

c) H U MA NR E S OU R C DE E V E LOP ME N T 20.27Governments, accordingto their capacitiesand available resourcesand with the cooperationof the United Nations and other relevant oreanizations and industryas appropriate, should: (a) Increase public awareness and informationon hazardouswasteissuesand promote the development and dissemination of hazardous wastesinformationthat the generalpublic can understand; (b) Increase participation in hazardous wastemanagement programmesby the general public, particularly women,includingparticipation at grass-roots levels; (c) Develop training and educationprogrammesfor men and women in industry and Governmentaimed at specific real-lif'eproblems,for example,planning and implementrng hazardous waste minimization programmes,conducting hazardousmaterials audits and establ i shing appropri ate regulatoryprogranilne s; (d) Promotethe training of labour,industrialmanagement and govemment regulatory staff in developing countrieson technologies to minimize andmanagehazardouswastesin an environmentally soundmanner. 'Ihe 20,28 following activities shouldalsobeundertaken: (a) Governments,according to their capacitiesand available resourcesand with the cooperationof the UnitedNations, otherorganizations andnon-governmental organizations, should collaborate in developingand

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F'NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 20.25 The Conference secretariat hasestimated the average total annualcost( 1993-2000) of implementingttreactivities of thisprogramme to beabout$ 18.5billion on a globalbasis with about $3.5 billion related to developingcountries, including about $500 million fiom the intemational community on grantorconcessional terms.Theseareindicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actualcosts andfinancialterms, includingany thatarenon-concessional, will dependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies and programmes Governmentsdecideupon for implementation.


disseminatingeducationalmaterialsconcerninghazaroous wastesand their effects on environmentand human by women'sgroupsandby the health,for usein schools, generalpublic; (b) Governments,according to their capacitiesand available resources and with the cooperation of the shouldestablish United Nationsand other organizations, programmes for the environmentallysound or strengthen with, as wastesin accordance management of hazardous appropriate,health and environmental standards,and extend surveillance systems for the purpose of identifying adverseeffects on populationsand the environwastes; tohazardous ment of exposure (c) International organizationsshould provide assistin assessing the healthand envianceto memberStates ronmental risks resulting from exposure to hazardous wastes,and in identifying their priorities fbr controlling of wastes; or classes the variouscategories (d) Governments,according to their capacitiesand available resourcesand with the cooperationof the should United Nationsand otherrelevantorganizations, promote centresof excellencefor training in hazardous nationalinwastemanagement, building on appropriate stitutions and encouraginginternational cooperation, developed links between inter alia, throughinstitutional countries. and developing

(b) Develop industry-based institutions for dealing forhandling industries wastes andservice with hazardous hazardous wastes; (c) Adopt technicalguidelinesfor the environmentally wastesand supportthe of hazardous soundmanagement implementation of regional and international conventions; (d) Develop and expand international networking among professionalsworking in the area of hazardous wastesand maintain an information flow among countries; (e) Assess and operating the feasibilityof establishing national, subregionaland regional hazardouswastes could be usedfor educatreatment centres. Suchcentres tion andtraining,aswell asfor facilitation andpromotion of the transfer of technologiesfor the environmentally wastes; soundmanagement of hazardous (0 Identify and strengthen relevantacademic/research to enablethem to institutionsor centresfor excellence carry out educationand training activitiesin the environwastes; of hazardous mentallysoundmanagement (g) Develop a programme for the establishmentof and train nationalcapacities and capabilitiesto educate wastesmanaqestaff at various levels in hazardous ment; (h) Conductenvironmental auditsof existingindustries of hazto improve in-plant regimesfor the management ardouswastes.

D) CAPACTTY-BUTLDING corporations transnational 20.29 Whereverthey operate, should be encouraged and other large-scaleenterprises to introduce policies and make commitments to adopt wasteto hazardous standards of operationwith reference no less to or generationand disposalthat are equivalent and country of origin, in the stringentthan standards efforts to establish Governments are invited to make regulationsrequiring environmentallysound managewastes. ment of hazardous shouldprovide assisorganizations 20.30 International in the healthand envitanceto memberStates assessing to hazardous from exposure ronmental risks resulting priorities for controlling wastesand in identifying their wastes. of or classes the variouscategories accordingto their capacitiesand 20.31 Governments, available resourcesand with the cooperationof the and United Nations and other relevant organizations should: industries, (a) Supportnational institutionsin dealing with hazardous wastesfrom the regulatory monitoring and enwith such support including forcement perspectives, to implementinternational enablingof thoseinstitutions conventions: AND STRENGTHENING c) PROMOTTNG IN THE INTER.NATIONAT COOPERATION MANAGEMENT OF TRANSBOUNDARY MOVEMENTSOF HAZARDOUSWASTES

BASIS FOR ACTION 20.32 In order to promote and strengtheninternational including control and in the management, cooperation movementsof hazardous monitoring, of transboundary wastes,a precautionaryapproach should be applied. and criteria There is a needto harmonizethe procedures There andlegalinstruments. usedin variousintemational is also a need to developor harmonizeexisting criteria and for identifyingwastes dangerous to the environment to build monitoringcapacities.

OBJECTIVES 20.33The objectives of this programne areaare: (a) To facilitate and strengtheninternational cooperof hazsoundmanagement ation in the environmentally wastes, includingcontrolandmonitoringof transardous including wastes boundarymovements of such wastes,


for recovery,by using internationallyadoptedcriteria to identify and classify hazardous wastesand to harmonize relevantinternationallegal instruments; (b) To adopt a ban on or prohibit, as appropriate,the export of hazardous wastesto countriesthat do not have the capacityto deal with thosewastesin an environmentally soundway or that have bannedthe import of such wastes; (c) To promote the developmentof control procedures for the transboundarymovement of hazardouswastes destinedfor recovery operationsunder the Basel Convention that encourageenvironmentally and economically soundrecyclingoptions.

gionally - agreedcriteria and preparea list of hazard profilesforthe hazardous wastes listedin nationallegislation; (i) Develop and use appropriatemethods for testing, characterizing and classifying hazardous wastes and adopt or adapt safety standards and principles for managing hazardous wastes in an environmentally sound way.

> lmplementing existingogrements 20.35 Governments areurgedto ratify the BaselConvention and the Bamako Convention, as applicable,and to pursuethe expeditiouselaborationof relatedprotocols, such as protocols on liability and compensation, and of mechanisms and guidelinesto facilitate the implementation of the Conventions.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ELATED ACTIVITIES > Strengthening ond hormonizingcriferio and rqulotions 20.34 Governments,according to their capacities and available resourcesand with the cooperationof United Nations and other relevantorganizations, as appropriate, should: (a) Incorporatethe notification procedurecalled for in the BaselConventionand relevantregionalconventions, as well as in their annexes, into nationallegislation; (b) Formulate,whereappropriate, regionalagreements such as the Bamako Convention regulating the transboundarymovementof hazardouswastes; (c) Help promote the compatibility and complementarity of such regional agreementswith international conventions and protocols; (d) Strengthen national and regional capacities and capabilities to monitor and control the transboundary movementof hazardous wastes; (e) Promote the development of clear criteria and guidelines,within the framework of the Basel Convention and regional conventions,as appropriate,for environmentally and economically sound operation in resource recovery, recycling reclamation, direct use or alternativeusesand for determinationof acceptable recovery practices,including recovery levels where feasible and appropriate, with a view to preventingabuses and false presentation in the above operations; (0 Considersettingup, at nationaland regionallevels, as appropriate,systemsfor monitoring and surveillance of the transboundary movementsof hazardous wastes; (g) Developguidelines for the assessment of environmentally soundtreatmentof hazardous wastes; (h) Develop guidelinesforthe identification of hazardous wastes at the national level, taking into account existing internationally - and, where appropriate,re-

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A' F'NANC'NGAND COSTEVALUATTON 20.36 Becausethis programmearea covers a relatively new field of operationand because of the lack so far of adequatestudieson costing of activities under this programme, no cost estimateis available at present.However,the costsfor someof the activities relatedto capacity-building that are presentedunder this programme could be consideredto have been covered under the costing of programmeareaB above. 20.37 The interim secretariatfor the Basel Convention shouldundertake studiesin orderto arrive at a reasonable costestimatefor activitiesto be undertaken initiallv until the year 2000.

B) CAPACTTY-BUILD|NG 20.38 Governments,according to their capacities and available resourcesand with the cooperationof United Nations and other relevantorganizations, as appropriate, should: (a) Elaborateor adoptpoliciesfor the environmentally sound managementof hazardous wastes, taking into accountexistingintemationalinstruments; (b) Make recommendations to the appropriateforums or establishor adaptnorrns,including the equitableimplementationof the "polluter pays" principle, and regulatory measures to comply with obligations and principles of the Basel Convention, the Bamako Convention and other relevantexisting or future agreements, including protocols,asappropriate, for settingappropriate rules


in the field of liability andcompensation andprocedures movement for damageresultinglrom the transboundary wastes; of hazardous and disposal of a ( c ) I m plem en tp o l i c i e sfo r th e i mp l e m e n ta t i on ban or pr ohib i ti o n , a s a p p ro p ri a te ,o f e x p o rts of was te sto c o u n tri e sth a t d o n o t h ave the haz ar dous i n a n e n v i ronmenc apac it yt o dea l w i th th o s ew a s te s t ally s ound way o r th a t h a v e b a n n e dth e i mport of s u c hw a s t e s ; (d) Study,in the contextof the BaselConventionand the feasibility of prorelevantregionalconventions, in the caseof an financialassistance viding temporary emergencysituation, in order to minimize damage movements arisingfrom transboundary from accidents wastesor during the disposalof those of hazardous was t es .

ACTIVITIES IVITI ES EDACT ELAT A) MANAGEMENI-R accordingto their capacitiesand 2A.42Governments, available resourcesand with the cooperationof the United Nations and other relevant organizations,as should: appropriate, (a) Adopt, wherenecessary, andimplementlegislation to prevent the illegal irnport and export of hazardous wastes; (b) Develop appropriatenational enforcementprogrammesto monitor compliancewith such legislation, penalties detectand deterviolationsthroughappropriate attention to thosewho areknown to have andgive special wastes and to hazillegal traffic in hazardous conducted to illegal ardouswastesthat are particularlysusceptible traffic.

TRAFFIC lttEGAt INTERNATIONAL D) PREVENTING IN HAZARDOUS WASTES B) DATA AND /NFORMAI/ON ACTION FOR BASIS 20.39The prevention of illegal traffic in hazardous and public healthin will benefrtthe environment wastes all countries,particularlydevelopingcountries.It will also help to make the Basel Conventionand regional such as the BamakoConveninstruments, international more effectiveby tion and the fourth Lomd Convention, in promoting compliancewith the controlsestablished Article IX of the Basel Convention those agreements. the issueof illegal shipmentsof specificallyaddresses wastes may Illegaltraffic of hazardous wastes. hazardous causeseriousthreatsto human health and the environment and imposea specialand abnormalburdenon the suchshipments. thatreceive countries actionthrougheffecrequires Effectiveprevention 20..10 and impositionof tive monitoringand the enforcement penalties. appropriate an should develop as appropriate, 20.43Governments informationnetworkand alert systemto assistin detecting illegal traffic in hazardouswastes.Local combe involved in the orreration munitiesand otherscor"rld of sucha network and system. of in the exchange shouldcooperate 2A.44Governments of hazmovements informationon illegal transboundary ardouswastesand shouldmake suchinformationavailUnited NationsbodiessuchasUNEP ableto appropriate and the regionalcommissions.

AND REGIONAI COOPERATION c/ /NTERNAT|ONAL in cooperationwith 20.45The regional commissions, and relying upon expertsupportand advicefrom UNEP and otherrelevantbodiesof the United Nationssystem, taking full accountof the Basel Convention,shall conthe illegaltraffic in hazardous tinueto monitorandassess andhealth economic wastes, includingits environmental, implications, on a continuingbasis,drawing upon the gainedin thejoint UNEP/ESCAP resultsandexperience of illegal traffic. preliminary/ assessment as 20.46Countries and international organizations, the instituto strengthen shouldcooperate appropriate, in particularof develtional and regulatorycapacities, in orderto preventthe illegalimport and oping countries, wastes. export of hazardous

OBJECTIVES areaare:of this progranlffle 20.41The objectives to detectand halt (a) To reinforcenationalcapacities wastesinto any illegal attemptto introducehazardous the ten'itory of any State in contraventionof national legis lat ion and re l e v a n t i n te rn a ti c l n alle g a l i nstruments: (b) To assist all countries,particularlydeveloping informationconin obtainingall appropriate countries, wastes; cerningillegal traffic in hazardous (c) To cooperate, within the frarneworkof the Basel the consein assisting countriesthat suff'er Convention. quences of illegal traffic.



Environmentolly monogement sound of solid wostes ond sewoge-reloted issues


2l.l This chapter hasbeenincorporated in Agenda21 in response to General Assembly resolution441228, section I, paragraph 3, in which the Assemblyaffirmedthat the Conference shouldelaborate strategies andmeasures to halt and reverse the effectsof environmental degradation in the contextof increased nationalandintemational effortsto promotesustainable andenvironmentally sound dcveloprnent in all countries, and to sectionI, paragraph l2 (g), of the sameresolution, in which the Assembly affirrned that environmentallysound managementof wasteswas among the environmentalissuesof major concernin rnaintaining the quality of the Earth'senvironment and especiallyin achievingenvironmentally soundand sustainable development in all countries. 21.2 Programme areasincludedin the presentchapter of Agenda21 arecloselyrelatedto the following programmeareas of otherchapters of Agenda2l : (a) Rotection of the quality and supply of freshwaterresources: application of integrated approaches to thedevelopment,management (chapter anduseof waterresources l8); (b) Promotingsustainable humansettlement development(chapter 7); (c) Protecting and promotinghumanhealthconditions (chapter 6); (d) Changingconsumption (chapter patterns 4). 21.3 Solid wastes, as definedin this chapter, includeall dorlesticrefuseand non-hazardous wastes suchas comrnercialand institutional wastes,streetsweepings and construction debris.In somecountries, the solid wastes management systern alsohandles humanwastes suchas night-soil, ashes from incinerators, septic tanksludge and sludge fiom sewagetreatmentplants. If these wastes manif-est hazardous characteristics thevshouldbe treated as hazardous wastes.

21.4 Environmentally soundwastemanagement mustgo beyondthe meresafedisposal or recoveryof wastes that are generatedand seek to addressthe root causeof the problemby attempting to changeunsustainable patterns of productionand consumption. This implies the application of the integrated life cycle management concept, which presents a uniqueopportunityto reconciledevelopmentwith environmental protection. 21.5 Accordingly,theframeworkfor requisiteactionshould be foundedon a hierarchyofobjectives and focusedon the four major waste-related prograrnme areas, asfollows: (a) Minimizing wastes; (b) Maximizing environmentallysound waste reuse and recycling; (c) Promotingenvironmentallysound waste disposal and treatment; (d) Extendingwasteservicecoverage. 21.6 The four programme areas are interrelated and mutually supportive and must thereforebe integrated in order to provide a comprehensive and environmentally responsiveframework for managing municipal solid wastes. The mix and emphasis given to eachof the four programmeareas will vary accordingto the local socioeconomicand physicalconditions, ratesof wastegenerationandwaste composition. All sectors of society should panicipatein all the programmeareas.

A) MtNtMtZtNG WASTES BASIS FOR ACTION 21.7 Unsustainable patterns of production andconsumption areincreasing the quantities and varietyof environ-


rates.The wastesat unprecedented mentally persistent thequantities of wastes trendcouldsignificantlyincrease quantities produced by theendof thecenturyandincrease four to fivefold by the year 2025. A preventive waste in lifestyles focusedon changes management approach and in production and consumption pattems offers the best chancefor reversingcurrent trends.

OBJECTIVES in this areaare: 21.8 The objectives (a) To stabilize or reduce the production of wastes destinedfor final disposal,over an agreedtime-frame, on wasteweight,volumeand by formulatinggoalsbased to facilitatewaste compositionand to induceseparation recyclingand reuse; wastequan(b) To strengthen procedures for assessing purpose of formufor the changes tity and composition policies utilizing minimization waste lating operational modito induce beneficial instruments economic or other patterns. production and consumption ficationsof 21.9 Governments,according to their capacitiesand available resourcesand with the cooperationof thc United Nations and other relevant appropriate, should: (a) By the year 2000, ensure sufficient national. process and to access, capacity regionalandinternational monitor wastetrend information and implement waste minimizationpolicies ; (b) By theyear2000,havein placein all industrialized to stabilizeor reduce,if practiccountriesprogrammes wastes production of destinedfor final disposal, able, (where per wastes this conceptapplies capita including ), prevailing that date; developingcountries at at the level as well shouldwork towardsthat goal without jeopardizing their developmentprospects ; (c) Apply by the year all countries, in pzu'ticular progralrlmes to reduce the proin industriaJizeA countries. packaging and wastes, containers ductionof agrochemical characteristics. which do not meethazardous materials,

(a) Develop and strengthen in renationalcapacities searchand design of environmentallysound technolto reducewastesto a ogies, as well as adopt measures mi ni mum: (b) Providefbr incentives patto reduceunsustainable ternsclf productionand consumption; (c) l)evelop, where necessary. nationalplans to minimize wastegeneration as part of overallnationaldevelopmentplans; (d) Emphasizewaste minimization considerations in procurement within the United Nationssystem.

AND /NFORMAI/ON B) DATA for keepingtrack 21.t I Monitoring is a key prerequisite in wastequantityand quality and their resuiof changes Govemments, on healthandtheenvironment. tantirnpact should: with the supportof international agencies, (a) Developandapplymethodologies forcountry-level wastemonitoring; (b) Unclertake data gatheringand analysis,establish nationalgoalsand monitor progress; (c) Utilizc clata soundness of to assess environmental nationalwastepoliciesas a basisfbr correctiveaction; (d) Input inf'ormation into global informationsystems.

C] /NIERNAI/ONAI. AND REG/ONAt COOPERAIION AND COORDINAI/ON 21.12The UnitedNations andintergovernmental organshould izations. r,vith the collaboration of Governments, help promotewasterlinimization by facilitatinggreater The know-how of inforrnation. andexperience. exchange fbllowing is a non-exhaustive list of specificactivities that couldbe undertaken: (a) Identifying, methoddeveloping and harmonizing suchmethmonitoringandtransferring ologiesfor rvaste odol ogi u'trl s countri es: (b) Iclentifying and furtherdeveloping the activitiesof networks and existingint-ormation on cleantechnologies w aste rni ni mi zati on: (c) Llndertaking periodic assessment, collating and in an analvsingcountrydata and reportingsystematically, concemed; appropriate Un itedNationsfomm,to thecountries (d) Reviewing minimizatheeffectiveness of all waste tion instrunrents and identifyingpotentialnew instruby which they mcnts that could be usedand techniques be rnac'le at the country level. Guidecor.rld operational of practice shouldbe developed; linesand codes (e) Undertakingresearch on the social and economic level. impactsof wasteminimizationat the consumer

ACTIVITIES ITIES ACTIV A) MANAGEMENI-R ELATED to shouldinitiateprogrammes 2 1 . 1 0G o v e r n m e n t s minimization of waste generation. achieve sustained and consumergroups Non-governmental organizations in suchprogrammes. to participate shouldbe encouraged of interwhich could be drawn up with the cooperation These prowhere necessary. national organizations, build upon existing grammes should,whereverpossible, or plannedactivitiesand should:


MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 21.13The Conferencesecretariat suggests that industrialized countriesshould considerinvesting in waste minimizationthe equivalentof about I per cent of the expenditures on solid wastesand sewagedisposal.At currentlevels,this would amounttcl about $6.5 billion annually, including about to minimiz$1.8billionrelated ing municipal solid wastes.Actual amountswould be determinedby relevant municipal, provincial and national budgetauthorities basedon local circumstances.

C) HUIAAN RFSOURCE DEVELOPMENT 21.15Human resource development for wasteminimizationnot only shouldbe targeted at professionals in the wastemanagement sectorbut also shouldseekto obtain the support of citizens and industry.Human resource developmentprogrammesmust thereforeaim to raise consciousness andeducate and inform concerned groups and the public in general.Countriesshouldincorporate within schoolcurricula, whereappropriate, theprinciples and practices of preventingand minimizing wastesand materialon the environmental impactsof waste.

B / S C/ F N IIF IC A N D IEC H N O I.OGIC ME AL A N S 21.14Wasteminimizationtechnologies and procedures will needto be identifiedand widely disseminated. This work shouldbe coordinated by nationalGovernments, with the cooperation and collaborationof non-governmentalorganizations, research institutions and appropriate organizations ol'the United Nations,and could include the folloi,ving: (a) Undertakinga continuous review of the effectivenessof all waste minimizationinstruments and identifying potentialnew instruments that could be usedand techniques by which instruments could be made operational at the country level. Guidelinesand codes of practiceshoLrld be developed; (b) Promotingwastepreventicln and minimization as the principal objective of national waste management programmes; (c) Promotingpublic education and a rangeof regulatory andnon-regulatory incentives to encourage industry to changeproductdesignand reduceindustrialprocess wastes throughcleaner produciion technologies andgood housekeeping practices and to encourage industries and consumers to use typesof packagingthat can be safely reused: (d) Executing,in accordance with nationalcapacities, demonstration and pilot programmes to optimize waste minimizationinstruments ; (e) Establishing proceduresfor adequatetransport. storage,conseryation and management of agricultural products,foodstuffs and other perishablegoods in order to reducethe lossof thoseproducts, which results in the production of solid waste; (0 Facilitating the transfer of waste-reduction technologies to industry,particularlyin developingcountries, andestablishing concrete nationalstandards fbr effluents and solid waste, taking into account, inter a.lia, raw materialuseand energyconsumption.

B) i AXrMtZtNc ENVTRONTUENTAIrY SOUND WASTEREUSE AND RECYCTING BASIS FOR ACTION 21.16Theexhaustion of traditional disposal sites, stricter environmentalcontrols governing waste disposaland increasing quantities of more persistent wastes, particularly in industrializecl countries. haveall contributed to a rapidincrease in thect-rst of waste disposal services. Costs could double or triple by the end of the decade.Some currentdisposalpractices pose a threatto the environment. As the econr-rmics of waste disposalservices change, waste recycling and resourcerecovery are becoming increasingly cost-effective.Future waste managernent prograntmes should take maximum advantage of resource-efficient approaches to the control of wastes.These activities should be carried out in conjunctionwith public educationprogrammes. It is important t.hat markets for products from reclaimed materials be identifiedin the development of reuseand recyclingprogrammes.

OBJECTIVES 21.17The ob.jectives in this areaare: (a) To strengthen andincrease nationalwastereuse and recycl i ng systems: (b) To create a modelinternalwastereuse andrecycling programmefor waste streams, including paper,within the UnitedNationssystem; (c) To make available informaticln,techniquesand appropriate policy instruments to encourage and make operational wastereuseand recyclingschemes. 2l .18 Govemments, accclrding to theircapacities andavailableresources andwith thecooperation of theUnitedNations and otherrelevantorganizations, asappropriate, should: (a) By the year 2000,promotesufficientfinancialand technologicalcapacitiesat the regional, national and locallevels, asappropriate, to implementwastereuse and recycling policiesand actions;


(b) By theyear2000,in all industrialized countries, and have a by the year 2010, in all developing countries, nationalprogramme,including, to the extent possible, targets for efficientwastcreuseand recycling.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENI-R ACTIVITIES ELATED 21.19 Governments and institutions and non-governmental organizations,inch.rding consumer.women's and youth groups, in collaboration with appropriate organizations of the United Nations system, should launch programmes to demonstrate and make operational enhanced waste reuse and recycling. These programmes should,whereverpossible,build upon existing orplanned a c t i v i t i e sa n d s h o u l d : (a) Develop and strengthennational capacity to reuse and recycle an increasing proportion of wastes; (b) Review and rclorm national rvastepolicies to provide incentives for waste reuse and recycling; (c) Develop and implement national plans fbr waste management that take advantage of, and give priority to, waste reLrse and recycling; (d) Modify existing standardsor purchase specifications to avoid discrimination against recycled materials, taking into account the saving in energy and raw materials: (e) Develop public education and awarenessprogrammes to promote the use of recycled products.

-waterirri gation; tries; compostproduction waste I treated and energyrecoveryfrom wastes; (d) Producingguidelinesand bcst practices for waste reuse andrecycling; (e) Intensifyingefforts, at.collecting,analysingand disseminating, to key targetgroups, relevantinformation on wasteissues. grantscould be nrade Specialresearch available on a competitive basisfbr innovative research projects on recycling techniques; (0 Identifying products. potential markets for rccycled

c/ /NIERNAI/ONAL AND RFG/ONA/ COOPERAI/ON AND COORD/NAI/ON 21.21 States. through bilateral andntultjlateral cooperation, includingthroughthe United Nationsand otherrelevant i ntemati onal organ i zations, asapprclpri ate,shclul d: (a) Undertake a penodicreviewof the extent to which countries reuse and recycletheir wastes; (b) Review the effectiveness of techniques for and approaches to waste reuseand recycling and ways clf enhancing their application in countrie s: (c) Revierv guidelines and update international for the safereuse of wastes: (d) Establish appropriate prograntrnes to support small communities'wastereLlsc and recy'cling industricsin developing countries.


B) DATAAND /NFORMAIION 21.20 Information and research is required to identify promising socially acceptableand cost-effective forms of u'astereuseand recycling relevantto each country. For example. supporting actii'ities undeftaken by national and local govemments in collaboration with the United Nations and other international organizationscould include. (a) Undertaking an extensive review of options and techniquesfbr reuseand recycling all lbrms of municipal solid u,'astes. Policies fbr leuse and recycling should be madc an integral component of national and local waste millliigenlent programme s: (b ) ,Assessing the extent and practice o1'waste reuseand recvcling operations cllrentlv undertaken and identiff ing \\ avs by which these could be increasedand suppofiecl: (c) Incrcasing funding for researchpilot programmes to test various options tor reuse and recycling. including the use of' small-scale, cottage-basedrccycling indus21.22 The Contercncc sccrctariat has estimated that if the equivalent of I per cent o1'waste-related municipal expenditures was clevotedto sale rvastereuse schemes, worldwide e-xpenditr-rres lor this purpose would amount to $8 billion. The secretariatestintatesthe total annual c o s t ( 1 9 9 3 - 2 0 0 0 )o f i r n p l e r r e n t i n gt h e a c t i v i t i e so 1 ' t h i s programme areain developing countriesto be about $850 million on grant or concessionalterms. These are indicative and order-of-rnagnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Govc-rnmcnts. Actual costs and financial terms. including any that are non-concessional. will depend upon, irttcr olirt. the specific programmes proposed by internationalinstitutions and approved by their g o v e r n i n gb o d i e s .

B / s C / E N I / F / CA N D I F C H N O T O G T C AM L EANS 21.23 The transfer of t.echncllogy should support waste recycling and rcuse hy the following means:


(a) Including the transfer of recycling technologies, suchasmachineryfor reusingplastics, rubberandpaper, within bilateral and multilateral technicalcooperation and aid programmes; (b) Developingand improving existing technologies, especially indigenous technologies, andfacilitatingtheir transferunder ongoingregionaland interregional techprogrammes; nical assistance (c) Facilitating thetransferofwastereuse andrecycling technology. 21.24Incentives for waste reuse and recycling are numerous.Countriescould considerthe following options to encourage industry,institutions, commercialesinstead tablishments and individualsto recyclewastes of disposing of them: (a) Offeringincentives to local and municipalauthorities that recyclethe maximumproportionof their wastes; (b) Providing technical assistance to informal waste reuseand recyclingoperations: (c) Applying economicandregulatory instruments, including tax incentives, to supportthe principlethat generatorsof wastespay fbr their disposal; (d) Providing legal and economic conditionsconducive to investments in wastereuseand recycling; (e) Implementingspecific mechanisms such as deposit/refund systems for reuseand recycling; as incentives (f) Promoting the separatecollection of recyclable partsof household wastes; (g) Providing incentives to improve the marketability waste; of technically recyclable (h) Encouraging the use of recyclablematerials,particularly in packaging, wherefeasible; (i) Encouragingthe developmentof markets for reprogrammes. cycled goodsby establishing

(d) Encouraging non-governmentalorganizations, community-based or ganization s andwomen's,youth and public interestgroup programmes, in collaboration with local municipalauthorities, to mobilizecommunitysupport for wastereuseandrecyclingthroughfocused community-levelcampaigns.

D) CAPACITY.BUILDING 21.26Capacity-buildingto support increasedwaste reuseand recyclingshouldfocuson the following areas: (a) Making operational policiesandincentives national for wastemanagement; (b) Enablinglocal and municipal authorities to mobilize communitysupportfor wastereuse andrecyclingby involving and assisting informal sectorwastereuseand recyclingoperations wastemanagernent andundertaking planningthat incorporates resource recoverypractices.

c) PROMOTTNG ENVIRONMENTATTY SOUND WASTEDISPOSAI AND TREATMENT BASIS FOR ACTION 21.21Even when wastesare minimized, some wastes will still remain.Even after treatment, all discharges of wastes have someresidualimpacton the receivingenvironment. Consequently, there is scope for improving waste treatment and disposal practices such as, for example,avoiding the dischargeof sludgesat sea. In developing countries, theproblemis of a morefundamental nature: lessthan l0 per centof urbanwastes receive some form of treatmentand only a small proportion of treatmentis in compliancewith any acceptable quality standard. Faecalmattertreatmentand disposalshouldbe accordeddue priority given the potentialthreatof faeces to humanhealth.

C) HUM A NR E SOU R C DE EV EL OP M EN I 21.25Training will be required to reorient current waste management practicesto include waste reuse and recycling. Governments,in collaboration with United Nationsinternational andregionalorganizations, shouldundertake following indicativelist of actions: the (a) Including wastereuseand recycling in in-service trainingprogrammes asintegralcomponents of technical cooperationprogrammeson urban managementand infrastruc ture devel opment; (b) Expandingtraining programmes on water supply anclsanitation to incorporate techniques and policiesfor wastereuseand recycling; (c) Including the advantages and civic obligationsassociatedwith wastereuseand recycling in schoolcurricula and relevantgeneraleducational courses;

OBJECTIVES 21.28The objective in this area is to treat and safely disposeof a progressively increasing proportionof the generated wastes. 21.29Governments, accordingto their capacitiesand available resourcesand with the cooperationof the United Nations and other relevant appropriate, should: (a) By the year 2000, establishwaste treatmentand disposalquality criteria,objectives and standards based on the natureand assimilative capacityof the receiving environment; (b) By the year 2000, establishsufficientcapacityto


pollution impact monitoring and waste-related undertake includingepidemiological conductregularsurveillance, : lance.whereappropriate surveil and countries, (c) By the year 1995,in industrialized that at by the year 2005,in developingcountries,ensure wastewatersand solid least50 per cent of all sewage, wastes are treated or disposed of in conformity with national or international environmental and health quality guidelines; (d) By the year 2025, disposeof all sewage,waste watersand solid wastesin conformity with nationalor quality guidelines. international environmental

ACTIVITIES tVlT lES ACT ELATED A) MANAGEMENT-R and non-govemmental institutions 21.30Governments, in collaboration togetherwith industries, organizations, of the United Nations with appropriate organizatrons to improve the consystem,shouldlaunchprogrammes pollution. These of waste-related trol and management possible, wherever build uponexistprogrammes should, ing or plannedactivitiesand should: (a) Develop and strengthen nationalcapacityto treat of wastes; and safelydispose (b) Review and reform national waste management pollution; policiesto gain controlover waste-related (c) Encourage countriesto seek wastedisposalsolutions within their sovereignterritory and as close as with of origin thatarecompatible possible to the sources In a soundand efficient management. environmentally movementstake number of countries,transboundary in an environplaceto ensurethat wastesare managed obrnentallysoundand efficient way. Suchmovements includingthosethatapply therelevant conventions, sen/e that are not undernationaljurisdiction; to areas plans,giving (d) Develophumanwastesmanagement due attention to the developmentand application of andtheavailabilityof resources technologies appropriate for implementation.

(a) Assemblingand analysingthe scientificevidence and pollution impactsof wastesin the environmentin scienrecommended order to formulate and disseminate for theenvironmentallysound tific criteriaandguidelines of solid wastes; management (b) Recommending local nationaland,whererelevant, scientific criquality based on standards environmental guidelines; and teria (c) Incl udi ng w i thi n techni cal cooperati on pr ogrammesand agreements the provision for monitorinp equipment and for the requisitetrainingin its use; (d) Establishingan information clearing-house with extensivenetworks at the regional,national and local informationon all aslevels to collect and disseminate pectsof wastemanagement, including safedisposal.

AND REG/ONAT C/ 'NIERNAI/ONAT AND COORDINAI/ON COOPERAIION 21.32States, through bilateraland multilateralcooperation, including through the United Nations and other as appropriate, relevant internationalorganizations. should: (a) Identify,develop and methodologies andharmonize environmentalquality and health guidelines for safe wastedischarge and disposal; (b) Reviewand keepabreast and disof developments of techniques seminateinformation on the effectiveness and ways of supto safewastedisposal and approaches portingtheir application in countries.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSTEVALUATTON Ai FINANCTNG are relevantto 21.33Safe waste disposalprogrammes In developed both developed and developingcountries. to meet facilities focus is improving on countriesthe while in quality developcriteria, higher environmental is required to build ing countries considerable investment facilities. new treatment the averhasestimated secretariat 21.34The Conference (1993-2000) of implementingthe age total annualcost in developingcountriesto activitiesof this programrne be about$15 billion, includingabout$3.4 billion fronr the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional estiterms.Theseareindicativeandorder-of-magnitude by Governments. matesonly andhavenotbeenreviewed Actual costsand financial terms,including any that are will depend upon, inter nlia, the non-concessional, decide Govemments specificstrategies andprogrartmes upon for implementation.

AND INFORMAI/ON B) DATA settingand monitoringare two key ele21.31 Standard for gaining control over waste-related ments essential areindicative pollution.The following specificactivities actionsthat could be taken by of the kind of supportive bodies such as the United Nations Centre international (Habitat), the United Nations for Human Settlements Environment Programmeand the World Health Organization:

L t I

ME A N S AN D IE C H N OT OGIC AL 8/ S C/ F N I/F /C and research on variousas21.3-5 Scientiticguidelines pollutioncontrol rvill be crucial pectsof waste-related Governof thisprogramme. the obiectives for achieving with approand local authorities, ments,municipalities should: priateinternational cooperation, (a) Prepare reporls guidclines on subjects andtcchnical planningin human of land-use such as the integration quality environmental settlements with wastedisposal, u'astetrcl.ttl-nent disposal and saf-e criteriaanclstandards" options.industrialwaste treatmentand landflll operations; (b) Undertakerescarchon critical subjectssuch as waste-water sYstreatment low-cost,low-maintenarlcc waste treatclisposal options; industrial terns: safesludge di se.c o l o g i c a l l y s afew aste m ent ;and l o w -tc c h n o l o g y posaloptions; (c) Transl'er as tcchnclkrgies, in conlormitywith theterms of environwell as the provisions 34 (Transf-er of chapter mentally sound technology,cooperationand capacityprocesses through wastetreatnreltt building),on indusffial programmes cooperation tcchnical bilateral andmuitilateral u'ith bLrsincss and industry. including and in cooperation asirppropriate. largeand transnatiorlal corprlratiotts. (d) Focuson the rehabilitatic-rn. operation and mainteassi stance on nanc eof e x i s ti n gl a c i l i ti e s a n d te c h n i c al practice's and techniques folinrprovedmaintcnance of wastetreatlowed by the planningand constluction mentfacilitics; (e') Irstablish prograrnrxe s to traximizethc sollrce segol'thc hazardous conrponents regation and saf-e disposal l o l i dw a s te " ot 'niunic i p as (f ) Ensure the investrnent and prclvision of wastecolprovision of water with ther concomitant lcctionfacilities and sen,ices ancirl'ith an equaland parallclinvestmerlt provision nt facilities. of wastetreatme

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING will be 21.37Institutional reformsandcapacity-building indispensable if countriesare to be able to quantify and pollution. Activities to achieve mitigate waste-related this objectiveshouldinclude: (a) Creatingand strengthening independent environmental control bodies at the national and local levels. Internationalorganizations and donors should support neededupgradingof manpowerskills and provision of equipment; (b) Empoweringof pollutioncontrolagencies with the to carry requisitelegal mandateand financialcapacities out their dutieseffectively.

DI EXTENDING COVERAGE WASTE SERVICE BASIS FOR ACTION 21.38B y theendof thecentury, over2.0bi l lion people w i l l be w i thout accessto basi c sani tation, and an esti mated hal l ' ol ' the urbanpopul ati on i n developing w i l l be w i thoutadequate sol i dw ast e disposal countri es servi ces. A s many as 5.2 rni l l i on peopl e,i ncluding4 mi l l i on chi l drenunderfi ve yearsof age,di e eachyear from waste-related The health impacts are diseases. particularlyseverefor the urbanpoor. The healthand waste lnanageenvironmentalimpacts of inadequate ment, however,go beyond the unservedsettlements themsel ves and resul ti n w ater.l and and a ir cont am iE xt ending nati onand pol l uti onover a w i der area. and ser vices i mprovi ngw astecol l ecti on and safedi spo sal are crucial to gaining control over this form of polluti on.

OBJECTIVES R ES O U R C D E EV EL OP M EN T C) HUM A N 21.36Training would bc requiredto improve curuent practices to includesafecollection wastemanagement list of The following is an indicative and waste disposal. in collabthat shouldbe takenby Governments, actions organizations: orationwith international ( a) P r ov i d i n g b o th to rn -ra a l n d i n -s e rvi cetrai ni ng. and disfocusedon pollLrtior.l control,wastetreatment pt-rsr t le c h n o l o g i e sa , n d o p e r a t i n ga n d n r a i n t a i n i n g w aste- re latedi nfiastrLlcture. I ntercountry staffexchange programnles shouldalsobe established; (b) Undertaking thereqr-risite trainingfbr waste-related pollr.rtion monitoring andcontrolen{rlrcement. 21.39The overall objective of this programmeis to provide health-protecting, Iy safewaste environmental col l ecti on anddi sposal servi ces to al l people. G over nments,accordi ng r eto thei r capaci ti es and av ailable sources andw i th thecooperati on of theU ni tedNat ions a n d o t h e r r e l e v a n to r g a n i z a t i c l n s a,s a p p r o p r i a t e , shoul d: (a) By the year 2000, have the necessary technical, flnancial and humanresource capacityto providewaste serviccs with needs: collection commensurate (b) By the year 2025. provide all urban populations with adequiite wasteservices: (c) By the year 2025, ensure that full urban waste servicecoverageis maintainedand sanitation coverage achieved in all ruralarcas.


ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENT-RELATED ACTIVITIES 21.4AGovernments. accordingto their capacitiesand available resourcesand with the coopcrationof the United Nations and other relevant organizations. as should: appropriate, (a) Establish financingmechanisms lbr wastemanagement servicedevelopment in deprive-d areas.including appropriate modesof revenuegeneration: (b) Apply the "polluter pays" principle.where appropriate,by settingwastemanagement charges at ratesthat reflect the costsof providing the serviceand ensurethat paythefull costof disposal thosewho generate thewastes in an environmentally safeway; (c) Encourage institutionalization ofcomnrunities' parprocedures for ticipationin planningandimplernentation solid wastemanagement.

(a) Launcha settlement infrastructure andenvironment programmefollowing the United NationsConference on EnvironmentandDevelopment to coordinate the activities of all organizations of the UnitedNationssysteminvolved in this areaand include a clearing-house for infonnation dissemination on all wastemanagement issues; (b) Undertake reporlon progress and systematically in providingwasteservices to thosewithout suchservices; (c) Review the effectiveness of techniqueslor and approaches to increasingcoverageand identify innovative ways of accelerating the process.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION 21.43The Conference secretariat hasestimated theaverage total annualcost (1993-2000)of irnplementing the activities of this programmeto be about $7.5 billion, includingabout$2.6 billion from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsand financial terms,includingany that are non-concessional, will depend upon, inter alio, the specifrcstratcgies and progranrmes Govemments decideuponfor implementation.

B) DATA AND /NFORMATION with the United 21.41Governments. in collaboration Nations and international organizations. should undertakethe following: (a) Developingand applyingmethodologies for waste monitoring; (b) Data gatheringand analysisto establish goalsand monitor progress; (c) Inputtinginformationinto a _elobal informationsystem buildinguponexistingsvstems, (d) Strengthening the activitiesof existingintbrmation networksin orderto disseminate focusedinformationon the applicationof innovativeand low-cost alternatives for wastedisposalto targeted audiences.

8/ SC/ENI/FIC AND TECHNOLOGTCAL MEANS 21.44Governments and institutions. togetherwith nongovernmentalorganizations.should, in collaboration with appropriateorganizations of the United Nations system, launch programmesin different parts of the developingworld to extend waste servicesto the unpopulations. served programmes These should. rvherever possible,build upon and reorient existing or planned activities. 21.45Policy changesat the national and local levels could enhance the rateof wasteservicecoverage extension.Thesechanges shouldincludethe following: (a) Giving full recognitionto and using the full range of low-cost options for waste management. including, where appropriate, their institutionalization and incorporationwithin codesof practiceand regulation; (b) Assigninghigh priority to the extensionof waste nanagementservices, as necessary and appropriate, to all settlements irrespective of their legal status,giving due emphasis to meetingthe wastedisposal needs of the unserved, especially the unserved urbanpoor: (c) Integrating the provisionandmaintenance of waste management services with other basic services such as water-supply and storm-water drainage.

ci /NTERNAI/ONA/ AND REG/ONAt ERAI/ON AND COORD/NAI/ON COOP 71.42Many United Nations and bilateral programmes exist that seek to provide water supply and sanitation sen'icesto the unserved. The Waterand Sanitation Collaborative Council, a global forum. currently acts to coordinatedevelopmentand encourage cooperation. Even so, given the ever-increasing numbersof unserved in addiurbanpoor populations andthe needto address, tion. the problem of solid waste disposal,additional mechanisms areessential to ensure accelerated coverage of urbanwastedisposalservices. The international community in generaland selectedUnited Nations organizationsin particularshould:


Countries. couldbe enhanced. 21.46Research activities in cooperation with appropriateinternational organtal or gani zat i ons,shouId, f or i zationsandnon-governmen instance: u'astes (a) Find solutions for managing andequiprnent islands. populations andon sn-rall in areas of concentrated refusestorage In particular,thereis a needfor appropriate and hygienic and coilectionsystemsand cost-effective humanwastedisposal options; (b) Prepareand disseminate guidclines,case-studies, policy reviews and technical reports on appropriate solutions and modes of service delivery to unserved low-incomeareas; (c) Launchcampaigns to encourage activecommunity participation involving women'sandyouth groupsin the waste; management of waste,parlicularlyhouseht-lld (d) Promoteintercountrytransferof relevanttechnologies, especiallytechnologies for high-densitysettlements.

21.48Improvementsin managementtechniquesare returnsin termsof improving likely to yield the greatest rvastemanagementservice efficiency. The United Naand financial institutions, internationalorganizations tions should, in collaborationwith national and local manageGovernments, developand renderoperational for municipalrecordkeeping ment informationsystems and accounting and for efficiency and effectiveness assessment.

D) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 21.49Governments, institutionsand non-governmental organizatrons,with the collaboration of appropriate organizations of the United Nations system,should developcapacities to implementprogramrnes to provide waste collection and disposalservicesto the unserved populations.Some activities under the programmes shouldincludethe following: (a) Establishinga specialunit within current institutional arrangements to plan and deliver servicesto the poor communities, unserved with their involvementand participation; (b) Making revisions to existingcodesandregulations to perrnitthe useof the full rangeof low-costalternative technologies tor wastedisposal; (c) B ui l di ng i nsti tuti onalcapaci tyand d eveloping proceduresfor undertaki ng servi ce pl a nning and delivery.

DEVELOPMENT C) HUMANRESOURCE 21.47Intemationalorganizations and national and locai in collaborationwith non-governnrental Governrnents, providefocused organizations, should trainingon low-cost particularly' wastecollectionand disposalopticlns, techIntercountr-.1 staff niquesfor their planning and deliverry. programmes exchange amongdeveloping countricscould fbrm part of such training. Particuiarattentionshoulci be givento upgrading thestatus andskillsof managcmcnt-lcvel personnel in wastemanagement agencies.


) ) ^L z-

sound monogement Sofe ond environmentolly wostes of rodiooctive


havingonly nuclearapplications, suchsystems arestill needed.

PROA'IOTING THE SAFEAND ENVIRONA/IENTALLY WASTES SOUND MANAGEMENT OF RADIOACTIVE BASIS FOR ACTION wastes in thenuclear fuel 22.1 Radioactive aregenerated cycle as well as in nuclear applications(the use of radionuclides in medicine,research and industry).The risk from radioactive wastes radiological and safety variesfrom very low in short-lived, low-level wastes up to very large for high-level wastes.Annually about waste 200,000m3 of low-level and intermediate-level and 10,000m3 of high-levelwaste (as well as spent nuclear fuel destinedfor final disposal)is generated world wide from nuclearpower production.Thesevolpowerunitsaretaken umesareincreasing asmorenuclear into operation, facilitiesaredecommissioned and nuclear the useof radionuclides increases. The high-levelwaste containsabout99 per cent of the radionuclides and thus representsthe largest radiological risk. The waste volumesfrom nuclearapplications are generallymuch smaller.typically sometensof cubic metresor lessper year and country.However,the activity concentration, in sealed mightbehigh,thus especially radiation sources, j u s t i f y i n g v e r y s t r i n g e n tr a d i o l o g i c a lp r o t e c t i o n measures. The growthof wastevolumes should continue to be kept underclosereview. 21. 2 T he s af ean d e n v i ro n m e n ta l s ly o u n d m a n a gement w a s te s ,i n c l u d i n gth e i r mi n i mi zati on, o f r adioac t iv e g i v en thei r an d d i s p o s a l i.s i m p o rta n t, t r ans por t at ion In c har ac t er is t ic s . mo s t c o u n tri e sw i th a s u b stanti al nuclearpower programme,technicaland administrative measures have been taken to irnplementa wa-ste s y s te mIn . ma n yo th e rc o u n tri e s m anagem ent s ti l l onl y in preparationfor a national nuclear programmeor

OBJECTIVE 22.3 The objectiveof this programmeareais to ensure that radioactive wastesare safelymanaged, transpofted, protecting storedand disposed human of, with a view to health and the environment,within a wider framework of an interactive and integratedapproachto radioactive wastemanagement and safety.

ACTIVITIES A) MANAGEMENT. RELAT EDACT IVITI ES 22.4 States, in cooperation with relevantinternational organizations, whereappropriate, should: (a) Promotepolicies and practical measurcs to minimize and limit, where appropriate, the generationof radioactive wastes and providefor their safeprocessing, conditioning,transpofiation and disposal; (b) Supportefforts within IAEA to develop and promulgateradioactive wastesafetystandards or guidelines andcodes of practice asan internationally accepted basis for the safeandenvironmentally soundmanagement and disposal wastes: of radioactir,e (c) Promotesaf'estorage, and disposal transportation of radioactive wastes, as well as spentradiationsources and spentfuel from nuclearreactorsdestinedfor final disposal,in all countries,in particular in developing countries, by facilitatingthe transferof relevanttechnologiesto thosecountries and/orthe returnto the supplier of radiationsources with after their use, in accordance relevantinternational regulations or guidelines; (d) Promoteproperplanning,includingenvironmental impact assessment whereappropnate, of safeand envi-


of radioactivewaste, ronmentally sound management procedures, storage. transportation includingemergency and disposal,prior to and after activitiesthat generate suchwaste.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANCTNG AND COSTEVALUATTON 22.6 The costs at the national level of managingand wastes areconsiderable andwill disposing of radioactive vary, depending on the technologyusedfor disposal. 22.1 The Conferencesecretariat has estimatedthe averorganto international agetotal annualcost( 1993-2000) to izationsto implementthe activitiesof this programme be about $8 million. Actual costs and financial terms, will depend including any that are non-concessional, and programmes upon, inter alia, the specificstrategies Governments decideupon for implementation.

AND REGIONAL B/ /NIERN,AI/ONAi. AND COORDINAI/ON COOPERAIION 22.5 States,in cooperationwith relevant intemational where appropriate,should: organizattons, (a) Strc'ngthen their efforts to implementthe Code of 1\{ovements o1'RadittPracticeon the Transboundary o1' cooperactiveWasteand,underthe auspices dealing ation with relevant intemationalorganizations keep the questionof with differentmodesof transport, such movementsunder active review, including the of concluding a legallybindinginstrument; desirability (b) Encouragethe London Dumping C'onventiott to on replacingthe curexpeditework to completestudies rent voluntary moratorium on disposal of low-level radioactivewastesat seaby a ban, taking into account with a view to taking a well approach, the precautionary informedand timely decisionon the issue: (c) Not promote or allow the storageor disposalof and low-level radioactive high-level,intermediate-level wastesnear the marine environmentunlessthey deterwith the applicconsistent mine that scientificevidence, able internationallyagreed principles and guidelines, poses no unacceptable thatsuchstorage or disposal shows or doesnot risk to people and the marine environtnent with otherlegitimateusesof the sea,making,in interf'ere appropriate useof the conof consideration, the process approach; cept of the precautionary (d) Not export radioactivewastesto countriesthat, proindividually or through internationalagreements, hibit the import of such wastes,suchas the contracting parties to the Bamako Conventionon the Ban of the lmport into Africa and the Control of Transboundary within Africa, thefourth Wastes N{ovement of Hazardous where or otherrelevant conventions. Lom6 Convention for; suchprohibitionis pror,'ided (e) Respect, law. the with international in accordance to them, takenby parties decisions, as far as applicable to other relevant regional environmentalconventions of safe and environmentally dealing with other aspects wastes. of radioactive soundmanagement

MEANS 8/ sC/ENI/F/C AND TECHNOLOGICAL 22.8 States,in cooperationwith internationalorganizations,whereappropriate, should: (a) Promoteresearch and developmentof methodsfor processing thesafeandenvironmentally sound treatment, of highanddisposal, includingdeepgeological disposal, level radioactive waste ; (b) Conductresearch programmes conandassessment cerned with evaluating the health and environmental impact of radioactive wastedisposal.

/NCtUD/NG HUMAN c) .APAC\TY-BU|LD\NG, R E S OU R C D E E V E LOP MFN I 22.9 States,in cooperationwith relevant international assistance organizations, shouldprovide,asappropriate, to developingcountriesto establishand/or strengthen radioacti ve wastemanagement infrastructure s, including legislation, organizations,trained manpower and fastorage anddisposal cilities for the handling,processing, of wastesgenerated from nuclearapplications.



Strengthening the Roleof Moiot Groups



23.1 Critical to the effective implementationof the objectives, policies and mechanisms agreedto by Governments in all programmeareasof Agenda 2l will be the commitment and genuine involvement of all social groups. 23.2 One of the fundamental prerequisites for the achievement of sustainable development is broadpublic participation in decision-making. Furthermore,in the more specific context of environmentand development, the need for new forms of participation has emerged. This includesthe needof individuals, groupsand organizations to participate in environmentalimpact assessment proceduresand to know about and participate in decisions,particularly thosewhich potentially affect the communities in which they live and work. Individuals,

groupsand organizations shouldhaveaccess to information relevant to environment and developmentheld by national authorities,including information on products and activitiesthat have or are likely to have a significant impact on the environment,and information on environmental protectionmeasures. 23.3 Any policies, definitions or rules affecting access to and participationby non-governmental organizations in the work of United Nations institutions or agencies associated with the implementationof Agenda 21 must apply equally to all major groups. 23.4 The prograrnmeareasset out below addressthe means for moving towards real social partnership in supportof common efforts for sustainable development.



towords sustoinoble for women Globoloction development ond equitoble


FORACTION BASIS 24.1 The internationalcontmunity has endorsed several plans clf action and ceinventionsfor the full, equal and benr:flcialintcgration of women in alldeveloprnentactivi ti es. in particular the N airobi Forward-looki n g Strategies for the Advancemc-nt clf Wonten,l which emphasize women's participation in national and intemational ecosystenr management and control of environment degradation. Several conl'entions, including the Convention of All Forms of Discrimination against on the E,lirnination Wornen (General Assembiy resolution 34l180. anncx) and conventions of tLO and UNESCO have also been discrimination and ensure adopted to end gender-based wornen accessto land and other resources.eclucationand saf.eand equal employrnent. Also relevant are the 1990 World Dcclaration on the Sun'ival. Protection and Developnrent of Chilclren and the Plan ctfAction f or irnplementing the Declaration (,4/4*5/6?5,annex). Effective implementation of thesc prograrnlnes r,r'illdepend on the active involvernent of rvomen in economic and political decision-making and ivill be critical to the successful i m p l e m e n t a t i o no f A g e n d a 2 1 .

OBJECTIVES ftrr national are proposed l;t I i'he following objectives G ov er nnt e n ts : ( a ) 1 o r r n p l e m e n tt h e N a i r o b i F o r r v a r d - l o o k i n g with panicularly of Wotnen, for theAdvancement Strategics miurpar-ticipation in national ccosystetn regzud to wor-nen's degradation: andcontrolof environment agement ( b) T o inc re a s e l h c -p ro p o rti o no f w o m en deci si on and extechnical advisers, managers makers,planners. fields; anddevelopment tensiol workersin enyironment

(c) To consider andissuing by theyear2000 developing to eliminate constitua strategyof changesnecessary social cultural,behavioural, tional, legal,administrative, in to women'sfull participation and economicobstacles and in publiclife; sustainable development (d) To establish at the by the year 1995 mechanisms the levels to assess national,regionaland international andenvironandirnpactof development implementation on women and to ensure ment policiesand programlnes their contributions and beneflts: (e) To assess, review, revise and implement, where appropriate,curricula and other educationalmaterial, to both men with a view to promotingthe dissemination knowledgeand appreciand women of gender-relevant ation of women's roles throughformal and non-formal in as wcll as throughtraining institutions, education, with non-governmental organizations; collaboration (0 To formulate and implcrnent clear govetnmental guidelines, andplansfor policiesand national strategies of society, of equality in all aspects the achievement literacy, education, of \ ,olnen's includingthe promotion in training.nutritionand healthand their participation positions of the andin management key decision-making particularlyas it pertains to their access to environnrent" to all lbrms of resources. by lacilitatingbetteraccess takingmeasures in theinforntalsector, credit.particularly wonlen'saccess to propertyrights as towardsensuring well as agriculturai inputsand implements; (gt To irnplemcnt. in accordance asa matterof urgency, measures to ensure that u'ith country-specific conclitions. right to decidefreely and women and men have the sarne of theirchildrenand andspacing responsibly thenumber have access to information.educationand means,as Ltl enablethem to exercisethis right in appropriate. held dignity andpersonally keepingwith theirfreedom. val ues: (h) To consideradopting.strengthening and enforcing prohibitingviolenceagainstwomen and to legislation


take all necessaryadminisbative, social and educational measures violenceagainst to eliminate womenin all its forms.

ACTIVITIES 24.3 Governmentsshould take active stepsto implement the following: (a) Measuresto review policies and establishplans to increasethe proportion of women involved as decision makers,planners,managers, scientistsand technicaladvisersin the design,development and implementationof policies and programmes for sustainable development; (b) Measures to strengthen and empower women's bureaux,women's non-governmentalorganizations and women'sgroupsin enhancing capacity-building for sustainabledevelopment; (c) Measures to eliminateilliteracy amongfemalesand to expand the enrolment of women aurd girls in educational institutions,to promotethe goal of universalaccess to primary and secondary educationfor girl children and for women, and to increase educational and training opportunitiesfor women and girls in sciences and technology, particularly at the post-secondary level; (d) Programmes to promote the reduction of the heavy workload of women and girl children at home and outside through the establishmentof more and affordable nurseries andkindergartens by Governments, local authorities,employers and other relevant organizations and the sharingof householdtasksby men and women on an equal basis,and to promote the provision of environmentallysoundtechnologies which have been designed,developedand improved in consultationwith women, accessibleand clean water, an efficient fuel supply and adequate sanitationf4cilities; (e) Programmes to establishand strengthen preventive and curative health facilities, which include womencentred,women-managed, safe and effective reproductive health care and affordable,accessible, responsible planning of family size and services,as appropriate,in keeping with freedom, dignity and personally held values. Programmes shouldfocus on providing comprehensivehealth care, including p:e-natalcare, education and information on health and responsibleparenthood, and shouldprovidethe opportunityfor all women to fully breastfeed at leastduring the first four monthspost-partum. Progriunmes shouldfully supportwomen'sproductive and reproductiveroles and well-being and should pay special attention to the need to provide equal and improved health care for all children and to reducethe risk of maternaland child mortality and sickness; (f) Programmesto support and strengthenequal employment opportunitiesand equitable remunerationfor women in the formal and informal sectors with adequate

economic,political and social support systemsand services,including child care,particularlyday-carefacilities and parentalleave, and equal accessto credit, land and other naturalresources; G) Programmes to establish rural banking systems with a view to facilitating and increasingrural women's accessto credit and to agricultural inputs and implements: (h) Programmesto develop consumerawareness and the active participation of women, emphasizing their crucial role in achievingchangesnecessary to reduceor eliminateunsustainable patterns of consumption andproduction, particularly in industrializedcountries,in order to encourageinvestmentin environmentallysoundproductive activities and induce environmentally and socially friendly industrial development; (i) Prograrnmesto eliminate persistent negative images,stereotypes, attitudes andprejudices againstwomen through changes in socialization patterns, the media, advertising,and formal and non-formal education; 0) Measuresto review progressmade in these areas, including thepreparation of a review andappraisal report which includesrecommendations to be submittedto the 1995 world conferenceon women. 24.4 Governmentsare urged to ratify all relevant conventions pertaining to women if they have not already done so. Those that have ratified conventions should enforce and establishlegal, constitutionaland administrative procedures to transformagreedrights into domestic legislation and should adopt measures to implement them in order to strengthen the legal capacityof women for full and equalparticipationin issuesand decisionson sustainable development. 24.5 Statespartiesto the Conventionon the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination againstWomen should review and suggestamendments to it by the year 2000, with a view to strengthening thoseelementsof the Convention relatedto environmentand development, giving specialattentionto the issueof accessand entitlements to natural resources,technology, creative banking facilitiesandlow-costhousing, andthe controlof pollution and toxicity in the home and workplace. Statesparties should also clarify the extent of the Convention'sscope with respectto the issuesof environmentand development and requestthe Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women to develop guidelines regarding the nature of reporting such issues,required under particulararticlesof the Convention.

A) AREAS REQU/RING URGENT ACTTON 24.6 Countriesshould take urgent measures to avert the ongoing rapid environmentaland economicdegradation


in dcveloping countriesthat generally atfects the lives of \'omen and children in rural areas sLrfferingdrouglrt, rtification and delorcstation.arnrcdhostilities. natudese rai disasters. toxic rvasteand the aftermath of the use of products. urisuitablcagrc'-chcnrical 1.1.7In order to reachthesegoals, women should be fully involvcd in decision-making and in the implen-rentation of sustainable d e v e l o o m e n ta c t i v i t i e s .

8 l R E S F A R C HD , A T AC O L L F C T T OA NN D D/S.SEMINAI/ON OF INFORMAI/ON ('ountries should develop gender-sensitivedatal-tr.t1 bases, inforn-ration systems and participatory actionorientcd research and policy analyses with the coliaboration of acaclemic institLrtionsand local women rcsearchers on the following: (at Knowledge and experience on the part of women of' thc managenrcnt trndconsen,ationclf natural resources lor incorporation in thc databasesand intbrmation systems for sristainablcdeveloprnent; (b) The' irnpact of structural adjustment prograffunes on worncn. ln rt:su'rrrclt donc c-utstructural adjustment programnres.specialaitention should be given to the difl-erential inipact o1'thoseprograrnmcson women, especially in lr-rnrsot'cut-hacks in sociai and health and in the remrlvai of subsidiescln tbcld and fuel: (c) The impact ()n women of environmental degradation. particularlv dror.rght. deserrification.toxic chemiea l s i l r t da n r e c l h o s t i l i t i e s : (rj ) ,\nalvsis of the structural linkages between gender r - c i i i lo n s . c r r v i n r n r t t c na t nd dcvclopment; ( c . t T ' h ei n t e g r a t i o n o f t h e v a l u e o f u n p a i dr v o r k . i n c l u d rng u'ork that is currently designated "domestic", in resource accounting mechanisms in order better to reprcscnt thi: truc value of the contribution of rvomen to the cconon)v.using reviseciguidelinesf or the United Nations S v s t e r nt r f N a t i o n a l A c c o u n t s .t o b e i s s u e di n 1 9 9 3 : (t) I\{eiisures to develop and inclLrde environmental,social and genclcr irnpact analyses as an essential step in the anclmonitoring of prograrnmesand policies; developrnc-n1 (g) Prograrnrnes 1<.l create rural and urban training, research and rcsource centres in developing and developed countrie\ that wrll serveto disseminateenvironr n e r t t a l l ts ' o u n dt e c h n o l o g i e s to \\'omen.

includingthosewith a special focuson therole of women, in meetingdevelopment andenvironment objectives, and make recommendations fbr strengthening their capacities.Institutions in this area thatrequirespecial attention include the Division for the Advancement of Women (Centrefor Social f)evelopmentand Humanitarian Affairs, United NationsOffice at Vienna),the United Nations DevelopmentFund for Women (UNIFEM), the International Research andTrainingInstitutefor the Advancementof Women (INSTRAW) and the women's programmes Thereviewshould of regionalcommissions. considerhow the environmentand developmentprogrammesof each body of the United Nations system could be strengthened Agenda2l and how to implernerlt to incorporatethe role of women in programmes and decisions relatedto sustainable developmenf. 74J0 Each body of the United Nations systemshould review the numberof women in seniorpolicy-leveland decision-makingposts and, where appropriate,adopt progranlmes to increase in accordance with that nurnber, Economicand SocialCouncil resolution1991l17on the improvementof the status of women in the Secretariat. 24.11UNIFEM should establish regularconsultations with donorsin collaboration with UNICEF. with a view to promoting operationalprogrammes and projectson sustainable development that will strengthen the participationof women,especially wornen, low-income in sustainabledevelopment and in decision-rnaking. UNDP shouldestablish a \,\,'omen's focal point on development and environmentin each of its residentrepresentative officesto provideinformationand promoteexchange of experience fields. Bodiesof the andinformationin these United Nations system,governmentsand non-govemmentalorganizations involvedin the follow-up to the Conference andtheimplementation of Agenda2l should ensure that genderconsiderations are fully integrated intcl all the policies, programmcs andactivities.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION F/N A N C /N G A N D C OS I E V A I.U A TION 21.12The Conference secretariat hasestimated the average total annualcost (1993-2000) of intplementing the activitiesof this chapterto be about$.10 million from the intemational communityon grantor concessional terms. These are indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates onlv and havenot beenreviewed by Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, including any that are non-concessional, will depend upon,inter ulia, the specific strategies and programmesGovernrnents decide upon for implernentation.

I ND REG/ONAL c j / N T F R N A T / O N AA COOPERAI/ON AND COORD/NAI/ON l-{.t) I'hc Sccretary-Generalofthe United Nations should rcr icu the adequacy of all United Nations institutions,


Reporf of the World Conference to Review ond Approise fhe Achievementsof the United Nofions Decode for Women: Equality, Development ond Peoce, Noirobi, 15-26 July 1985 (United , o l e sN o . E . 8 5 . l V . . l 0 )c N o t i o n sp u b l i c o t i o nS , h o p t e r l, s e c t . A .



25"1 Youth comprise nearly 30 per cent of the world's population.The involvementof today'syouth in environment and developmentdecision-makingand in the implementationof prograrnmes is critical to the long-term success of Agenda21.

FOR ACNON BASIS 25.2 lt is imperativethat youth from all partsof the world participate levelsof decision-making activelyin all relevant processes because it affectstheir lives today andhasimplications for their futures. In addition to their intellectual contributionandtheir ability to mobilize support,theybring uniqueperspectives thatneedto be takeninto account. within the 25.3 Numerousactionsand recommendations internationalcommunity have been proposedto ensure that youth are provided a secure and healthy future, including an environmentof quality, improved standards to educationand employment.These of living and access planning. issues needto be addressed in development

communities, establisha processto promote dialogue between the youth community and Government at all levels and to establish mechanismsthat permit youth access to information and provide them with the opportunity to presenttheir perspectives on governmentdecisions,includingthe implementation of Agenda21. 25.5 Each country,by the year 2000, should ensurethat more than 50 per cent of its youth, genderbalanced,are enrolled in or have access to appropriatesecondary education or equivalenteducational or vocationaltraining programmes by increasingparticipationand access rates on an annualbasis. 25.6 Each country should undertakeinitiatives aimed at particureducingcurrentlevels of youth unemployment, larly where they are disproportionately high in comparison to the overall unemploymentrate. 25.7 Eachcountryandthe United Nationsshouldsupport the promotion and creation of mechanismsto involve youth representation in all United Nations processes in order to influencethoseprocesses. 25.8 Each country shouldcombathuman rights abuses againstyoung people, particulariy young women and girls, and shouldconsiderprovidingall youth with legal protection,skills,opportunities and thesupportnecessary for them to fulfil their personal,economic and social aspirations and potentials.

ACTIVITIES 25.9 Governments,accordingto their strategies, should take measures to: (a) Establish proceduresallowing for consultation and participation possible of youth of both genders, by 1993,in decision-making processes with regardto the environment, involving youth at the local, national and regionallevels; (b) Promotedialoguewith youth organizations regarding the drafting and evaluationof environmentplansand programmesor questionson development;

OBJECTVES 25.4 Each country should,in consultationwith its youth


(c) Consider for incorporation into relevant policies the of intemational,regional and local youth rccommendations andotherforumsthat offer youth penpectiveson conferences mirnagement; andresource socialandeconomicdevelopment (d) Ensure for allyouth to all typesof education, access wherever appropriate,providing alternativelearning structures,ensurethat educationreflects the economic the concepts and social needsof youth and incorporates of environmental awarenessand sustainabledevelopment throughout the curricula; and expand vocational innovativemethodsaimedat intraining,implementing scouting; practicalskills,suchasenvironmental creasing (e) In cooperationwith relevant ministries and organof youth,developand includingrepresentatives izations, implement strategiesfor creating alternative employment opportunities and provide required training to young men and women; (0 Establishtask forces that include youth and youth non-goverrlmentalorganizations to develop educational and awarenessprogramlnes specifically targeted to the youth population on critical issuespertainingto youth. Thesetaskforcesshoulduseformal andnon-formaleducaNationaland tional methodsto reacha maximum audience. businesses organizations, local media,non-govemmental in thesetaskforces; shouldassist and otherorganizations (g) Give support to programmes,projects, networks, national organizations and youth non-governmental to examinethe integrationof programmes organizations the encouraging in relationto their projectrequirements, involvementof youth in project identification,design, and follow-up; implementation in their delegations (h) Include youth representatives with therelevant in accordance meetings, to international GeneralAssemblyresolutionsadoptedin 1968, l9ll , and1989. 1985 25.10The United Nations and internationalorganizato: shouldtake measures tions with youth programmes (a) Review their youth programmesand considerhow betweenthem can be enhanced; coordination of relevantinformationto (b) Improve the dissemination govemments,youth organizationsand other non-governandactivities, onctrrent youthpositions mentalorganizations theapplicationof Agenda21; andmonitorandevaluate (c) Promote the United Nations Trust Fund for the InternationalYouth Yearand collaboratewith youth repof it, focusingparticuin the administration resentatives larly on the needsof youth from developingcountries.

of implementingthe age total annualcost (1993-2000) about programme to be $1.5 million on activitiesof this indicative and are These terms. grant or concessional not been have and only order-of-magnitudeestimates financial and costs Actual reviewedby Governments. will determs,includingany that are non-concessional, proand strategies pend upon, inter alia, the specific implementation. for decideupon grammesGovernments

DEVETOPMENT B) CHIIDRENlN SUSTAINABTE ACTION FOR BASIS of 25.12Childrennot only will inherit the responsibility looking after the Earth,but in many developingcountries they comprisenearly half the population.Furthermore, countries childrenin both developingand industrialized are highly vulnerable to the effects of environmental degradation.They are also highly aware supportersof of children thinking.The specificinterests environmental need to be taken fully into accountin the participatory processon environmentand developmentin order to of any actionstaken the future sustainability safeguard to improvethe environment.

OBJECTIVES to their policies, according 25.13Nationalgovernments, to: shouldtake measures of anddevelopment (a) Ensure the survival,protection by the with the goalsendorsed children,in accordance annex); 1990World Summitfor Children(A1451625, of childrenaretakenfully (b) Ensurethat the interests for sustainable process into accountin the participatory improvement. and environmental development

MEANSOF IMPLEMENTATION F/NANC/NG AND COSI EVALUATION 25.11 The Conference secretariat has estimated the aver-

ACTIVITIES shouldtake activestepsto: 25.14Governments (a) Implement programmesfor children designedto of in the areas goalsof the 1990s reachthe child-related health,nutriespecially environmentand developn-rent, literacyand povertyalleviation; tion, education, (b) Ratify the Conventionon the Rights of the Child (GeneralAssembly resolution 44125of 20 November momentandimplementit by 1989,annex),at the earliest the basicneedsof youth and children; addressing careactivitiesthat (c) Promoteprimaryenvironmental addressthe basic needsof communities,improve the environmentfor children at the householdand comthe participationand emmunity level and encourage powerment of local populations,including wolnen. people,towardsthe obyouth, children and indigenous


jective of integrated community management of resources, especiallyin developingcountries; (d) Expand educationalopportunitiesfor children and youth, including educationfor environmentaland developmentalresponsibility,with overriding attentionto the educationof the girl child; (e) Mobilize communitiesthrough schoolsand local u..or* healthcentresso that childrenand their parents of communitiesto effective focal points for sensitization : , lssues; : envlronmenttu (0 Establishprocedures to incorporatechildren's confor environcernsinto all relevantpolicies and strategies ment and developmentat the local, regionaland national levels,including thoseconcerningallocationof and entitlement to natural resources, housing and recreation needs,and control of pollution and toxicity in both rural and urbanareas. Z5.lS Internationaland regional orgamzatrons should and coordinatein the proposedareas. UNICEF cooperate andcollaborationwith other shouldmaintaincooperation organizationsof the United Nations, Governmentsand

non-governmental to developprogrammes organizations for children and programmesto mobilize children in the activities outlined above.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F'NANC'NGAND cosT EVALUATI?N 25.16Financingrequirements for most of the activities are included in estimatesfor other programlnes'

B) HUMA,N RESOURCE DEVELaPMENT AND CAPACITY-BUILDING 25.17The activitiesshould facilitate capacity-building andtrainingactivitiesalreadycontainedinotherchapters of Agenda 21'


) A Z-V

the roleof nizingond strengthening Recog ond theircommunities indigenous people


a timely of 18 December1990,presents olution 451164 opportunity to mobilize further international technical and fi nancial cooperation.

ACTION BASIS FOR havean peopleandtheir communities 26.1Indigenous historicalrelationshipwith their landsand are generof the original inhabitantsof such ally descendants lands. In the context of this chapterthe term "lands" of the areas to include the environment is understood traditionallyoccupy.Inwhich the peopleconcerned digenouspeople and their communitiesrepresenta of the global population.They significantpercentage a holistictradiover many generations havedeveloped tional scientificknowledgeof their lands,naturalrepeopleand their Indigenous sources and environment. conrmunitiesshall enjoy the full measureof human without hindrance or freedoms rightsand fundamental discrinrination.Their ability to participate fully in practiceson their lands has development sustainable tendedto be limited as a result of factorsof an economic. social and historical nature. In view of the and between the naturalenvironment interrelationship its sustainable developmentand the cultural, social, economicand physical well-beingof indigenous people. nationaland international efforts to implement development environmentallysound and sustainable promoteandstrengthen accommodate, shouldrecognize, peopleand their communities. thcrole of indigenous 16.l Some of the goals inherentin the objectivesand activitiesof this programmeareaare alreadycontained as the ILO Inin such internationaliegal instruments Convention(No. 169) and digenousand Tribal Peoples into the draft universaldeclaration arebeingincorporated by the United Narights,being prepared on indigenous tions working group on indigenouspopulations.The lntemational Year for the World's IndigenousPeople (1993),proclaimed Assemblyin its resby the General

OBJECTIVES 26.3 ln full partnership with indigenouspeopleand their communities,Governmentsand, where appropriate,intergovernmentalorganizationsshould aim at fulfillins the following objectives: (a) Establishment of a process to empowerindigenous people and their communities through measuresthat include: (i) Adoption or strengtheningof appropriatepolicies at the nationallevel; and/orlegal instruments peopleand (ii) Recognition thatthe landsof indigenous from activitiesthat their communitiesshouldbe protected are environmentally unsound or that the indigenous peopleconcerned considerto be socially and culturally inappropriate; (iii) Recognitionof their values,traditionalknowledge practiceswith a view to proand resourcemanagement developmoting environmentally soundand sustainable menU (iv) Recognition that traditionaland direct dependence including susresources and ecosystems, on renewable to the cultainableharvesting, continues to be essential tural, economicand physical well-beingof indigenous peopleand their communities; (v) Development and strengtheningof national dispute-resolution in relation to settlement of arrangements land and resource-management concerns; (vi) Support for alternative environmentally sound meansof productionto ensurea rangeof choiceson how to improvetheir quality of life so thatthey caneffectively participatein sustainable development; (vii) Enhancement for indigenous of capacity-building of and exchange communities, basedon the adaptation


knowledge traditional experience, andresource-management practices, to ensure their sustainable development; (b) Establishment, whereappropriate, of arrangements to strengthenthe active participation of indigenous peopleandtheircommunities in thenationalformulation of policies,laws and prograrrrmes relating to resource management processes and otherdevelopment that may affect them, and their initiation of proposalsfor such policiesand programmes; (c) Involvementof indigenouspeopleand their communities at the national and local levels in resource management andconservation strategies andotherrelevant prografiunes established to supportand review susdevelopment strategies, tainable suchasthosesuggested in otherprogramme areas of Agenda21.

ACTIVITIES 26.4 Some indigenouspeople and their communities may require, in accordance with national legislation, greatercontrol over their lands,self-management of their participation resources, in development decisions affecting them,including,where appropriate, participation in theestablishrnent or management of protected areas. The following are someof the specificmeasures which Governments could take: (a) Consider theratiflcationandapplication of existing international conventions relevantto indigenous people (wherenot yet done)and provide and their communities supportfor the adoptionby the GeneralAssemblyof a declaration on indigenous rights; (b) Adopt or strengthenappropriatepolicies and/or legalinstruments thatwill protectindigenous intellectual andculturalpropertyandthe right to preserve customary and administrative systems and practices. 26.-5 United Nations organizations and other international development and financeorganizations and Governments should.drawing on the activeparticipationof peopleandtheircommunities, indigenous asappropriate, take the following measures, inter alia, to incorporate views and knowledge,includingthe unique their values, contributionof indigenous women,in resource management and otherpoliciesand programmes that may affect them: (a) Appoint a specialfbcal point within each international organization,and organizeannual interorganizational coordinationmeetingsin consultation with Governments and indigenous organizations, as appropriate, anddevelopa procedure within and between operational agenciesfor assistingGovernmentsin ensuringthe coherentand coordinated incorporation of the views of indigenous peoplein the designand implementation of policies and programmes. Under this procedure, in-

digenouspeople and their communitiesshould be informed and consultedand allowed to participatein national decision-making,in particular regardingregional and internationalcooperativeefforts. In addition, these policies and prograrnmes should take fully into account strategies basedon local indigenous initiatives; ft) Provide technicaland financial assistance for capacity-buildingprograrnmes to supportthe sustainable self-developmentof indigenouspeople and their communities; (c) Strengthen research and education programmes aimedat: (i) Achieving a better understandingof indigenous people'sknowledgeand management experience related to the environment,and applying this to contemporary development challenges ; (ii) Increasingthe efficiency of indigenouspeople's resourcemanagement systems, for example,by promoting the adaptationand disseminationof suitabletechnological innovations; (d) Contributeto the endeavours of indigenouspeople andtheircommunities in resource management andcon(suchasthosethat may be developed servationstrategies under appropriateprojects funded through the Global Environment Facility and the Tropical Forestry Action Plan)andotherprogramme areas of Agenda21,including programmesto collect, analyseand use data and other information in support of sustainable development projects. 26.6 Governments, in full partnership with indigenous peopleand their communitiesshould,whereappropriate: (a) Develop or strengthennational arrangementsto consult with indigenouspeople and their communities with a view to reflecting their needsand incorporating their values and traditional and other knowledge and practicesin nationalpoliciesand programmes in thefield of natural resourcemanagement and conservation and other development progranxne s affecting them; (b) Cooperateat the regionallevel, where appropriate, to addresscomfiton indigenousissueswith a view to recognizing and strengthening their participation in sustainabledevelopment.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 26.7 The Conferencesecretariat has estimatedthe average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementingthe activities of this programmeto be about $3 million on grant or concessional terms. These are indicativeand order-of-magnitudeestimatesonly and have not been reviewedby Governments. Actual costs and financial


will determs,including any that are non-concessional, pend upon, inter alia, the specific strategiesand programmesGovernments decideupon for implementation.

C) HUMANRESOURCE DEVELOPMENI 26.9 Internationaldevelopmentagenciesand Governments should commit financial and other resourcesto education and training for indigenouspeople and their communities to developtheir capacities to achievetheir sustainableself-development,and to contribute to and participatein sustainable and equitabledevelopmentat the national level. Particular attention should be given to strengthening the role of indigenous women.

AND ADM/N/srRAr/y E TRAMEwoRKs B) LEGAL 26.g Governmentsshould incorporate,in collaboration with the indigenouspeople affected, the rights and responsibilities of indigenous people and their communities in the legislationof eachcountry,suitableto the country'sspecificsituation. Developingcountriesmay requiretechnical assistance to implement these activities.



theroleof non-governmentol Strengthening Portners orgonizotions: for sustoinoble development


BASIS FORACTION l - i . I N n n , s o v e r n n r e n i ao l rganizations plava vitalrole in ! ltr: .,lr;rpi rrg uriri rrr rplcrricntati on ol' participatory democ-['hei r:ac r credi bi I i tv I ies i n the responsible and constnlcv Ine rolc lhel pla] in srlcietv. Formal and inlbrmal org:rni;..atrons. ils well as grass-rootsnlovements, should b e r e c o g n i z e d a s p a r t n e r s i n t h e i m p l e r n c n t a t i c l no f Agenda 21. The nature of the independentrole played by non-governmental organizations within a society calls fbr real participation: therelore, independence is a major attribute of non-govenrmental organizations and is the prcconclitionof real participation. 27.2 One of the major challengesfacing the world contntunitv as it seeksto replace unsustainable development patterns with environmentally sound and sustainable developnlent is the need to activate a sense of common pLrrposeon behalf of all sectors of society. The chances ril' lilrging such a sense of prirylosewill clependon the rvillingnessof all sectorsto participatein genuine social partnership and dialogue. while recognizing the independent roles. responsibilitiesand special capacities of each. 17..1Non-goveil)mental organizations. including those it organizationsrepresentinggroups addressed i n t h c p r c s e n ts e c t i o no f A g e n d a 2 1 , p o s s e s s well-estabiishe-cl and divcrse experience,expertise and capacity in fielcls u'hich will be of particular importance to the implcinc'ntation and review of environrnentally sound and socially responsiblesustainable ellrisaged throughout Agenda 21. The community of n(rn-g()\'el'nnrenta ol r g a n i z a t i o n s , t h e r e f c l r e , o f f e r s a global network that should be tapped, enabled and strengthcncd in support of efforfs to achieve these c ( ) n r m o ng o a l s .

27.4 To ensure that the full potential contribution of non-governmental organizations is realized,the fullest possible communication and cooperation betweeninternationalorganizations, nationaland local governments andnon-governmental organizations shouldbe promoted in institutionsmandated, and programmes designed to carry out Agelrda 21. Non-governmental organizations will also need to foster cooperationand communicationamongthemselves to reinforcetheir effectiveness asactorsin the implementation of sustainable devel opment.

OBJECTIVES 27.5 Society. Governments and international bodies shoulddevelopmechanisms to allow non-governmental organizations to play their partnership role responsibly and effectivelyin the process of environmentally sound and sustainable development. 27.6 With a view to strengthening the role of nongovernmentalorganizationsas social partners,the United Nationssystemand Govemments shouldinitiate a process, in consultation with non-goverrrmental organizations,to review formal procedures and mechanisms for the involvementof theseorganizations at all levels from policy-makinganddecision-making to implementati on. 27.7 By 1995,a mutuallyproductivedialogueshouldbe established at thenationallevelbetween all Governments and non-governmental organi zati ons and t heir self organized networks to recognize and strengthentheir respective rolesin implementing environmentally sound and sustainable development. 27.8 Governments andinternational bodies shouldpromote and allow the participationof non-governmental organizations in the conception, establishment and evaluationof official mechanismsand formal proceduresdesigned to reviewthe implementation of Agenda2I atall levels.


ACTIVITIES 21.9 The LlniteclNations systern,including internat i o n a l f i n a n c e a n d d e v e l o p m e n t a g e n c i e s ,a n d a l l i n tergovernnrental r:rganizations and lbrurns should, in consultation with non-sovernmental organizations, take measures to: (a) Review and report on ways of enhancing existing procedures and mechanisms by rvhich non-governmental organizations contribute to policy design. decisionanclevaluation at the individual rnaking, irnplernentatiott and in United agency level" in inter-agency disc:ussions Nations conlerences: (b) On the basis of subparagraph(a) above, enhance existing or, where they do not exist, establish,nrechanisms and procedureswithin each agency to draw on the expertise and views of non-governmental organizations in policy and programme design, irnplernentation and evaluation: (c) Review levels of financial and administrative support fbr non-,gover"nmental organizaticlnsand the extent and efl'ectivenessof their involvement in project and programnre impiementation. with a view to augmenting their role as social partners: (d) Design open and effective means of achier,'ing the participation of non-governnrentalclrganizationsin the processes established to rer,'iew and evaluate the imp l e m e n t a t i o no f A g e n d a 2 1 a t a l l l e v e l s : (e) Promote and allow' non-govemmental organizations and their self-organizednetworks to contribute to the review and evalualion of policies and programtnes d e s i g n e dt o i m p l e m e n t A g e n d a 2 1 , i n c l u d i n g s u p p o r tf o r developin g country non -governntcntalorganizationsand their sell-organizednetworks. (f) Tlrke into account the findings of non-govemmental processes in relevant rel'iew s)'stems and evalr"ration reports of the Secretary-General to the Gencral Assembly'.and of all pertinent United Nations organizationsand othcr intergovernmentalrtrganizationsand forums concerning implenrentation of Agenda 21, in accordance u'ith the review,process lbr Agcndii 2l: (g) Provide acrcess for non-governmentalorganizations to accurateand timely data and informaticln to promote the ef1'ectiveness of thcir prograntmes and l u c t i v i t i e s a n d t h e i r n r l e s i n s r - r p p o no f s u s t a i n a b l e derelopment. l7 l0 Governments shor-rld take measuresto: (a ) Establishor enhancean existing dialogue with nonsovenlmcntal organizationsand their self-organizednetvarious sectors.which could serveto: u orks representing ( i ) considerthe rights and responsibilitiesof'theseorganizations: (ii I efficiently channel integraled non-governnrental inputs to the governmental policy development process:and (iii ) facilititte non-governmentalcoordina-

tion in implernenting national policies at the programnrc level: (b) Encourage and enable partnership and dialogue between local non-governmental clrganizationsand local authorities in activities ainred at sustainable development; ( c ) I n v o l v e n o n - g o v e r n m e n t a l c l r g a n i z u t i o n si r t r t a t i o n a l m e c h a n i s m s o r p r o c e d u r e se s t a b l i s h e dt o c a r r y out Agenda 21, making the best use ol-their particular c a p a c i t i e s .e s p e c i a l l y i n t h e f i e l d s o f e d u c a t i o n . p o v erty alleviation and cnvironnrentalprotection and rehabilitation: (d) Take into accountthe lindings r:f non-govcrnntental monitoring and revieu, mechanisrns in the design and evaltiation of policies concenlll'rgthe irlplementiiticlii of' Agenda 21 at all levels. (e) Review government education systems to identil'r' w a y s t o i n c l u d e a n d e x p a n d t h e i n v o l v e n t e n to 1 ' n o n governmental organizations in the f ielci of lbrrnal and informal education and of public awareness: (f) Make available and accessible to non-govrrnrnental lirr their' and infbrnration ncccssarr' organizationsthe cLata effective contribution tr) rescitrch itntl to lht ilesi;:n. prosr';lrilntes" implementation and eviiluatiortcil-

MEANSOF IMPLEMENTATION A ' F / N A N C / N GA N D C O S T E V A L U A T I O N 27.11 Depending on thc outcome of rcvieu' processes and the evolution of r,'iews as to hclw bcst to builcl partnership iind dialogue hctu'een olllcial organizaticins and groups of non-govcrnmcntal organ i z ati on s. relative: l"v* limited but unprcdictahlc.costs r.r,ill bc involved;tt thr-international and national levels in enhancing con:iultative procedures and mechanisnrs. Non-govgrnrnentiil organizations'uvilI iilso rccluircaclditionall.undingin .;rrppclrt of their establishrnentof. irnprol'enrerlto1'ot corr The'se costs tributions to Age nda 2l rnonitoring sy'stcnrs. w i l l b e s i g n i f i c : a nb tu l c a n n o tb e r e l i a l - r lc vs t i n r a t c t l o n thc b a s i so f e x i s t i n g i n l o r n r a t i c r n "

B) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 2 1 . 1 2 T h e o r g a n i z a t i o n so l ' t h c l - - i n i t e d Nations systenl and other intcrgovcrnnrcntalorganizations and forurrris. bilateral programmes anclthe private appropriate, will need to provide' increasedfinancial anclatlnrinistrativesLlpport f or non-govcrnmcntalorganizltions iind their sell-organized nctw'orks. in particular thosc l-rased i n d e v e l o p i n gc o u n t r i e s t . h a t c i i n t r i b u l et o t h c n r o n i t o r i r t g and evaluation ol' Agencla 2 | progranrnres.antl pror icle


training for non-governmental organizations(and assist them to develop their own training prograrnmes)at the internationalandregionallevelsto enhance their partnership role in programmedesign and implementation. 27.13 Govemments will needto promulgate orsftengthen, subject to country-specific conditions, any legislative measures necessary to enable theestablishment by non-governmentalorganizations of consultativegroups,and to ensurethe right of non-govemmental organizations to protect the public interestthrough legal action.


A n


'.ocql initiotives outhorities'

21 l, support ofAgendo


ACTIVITIES 28.3 Each local authorityshouldenter into a clialogue and privateenterwith its citizens, local organizations -l'hrough prisesand adopt"A local Agenda21"" consullocal authorities would tation and consensus-building, learn from citizensand from lclcal,civic. conrmunity, and acquirethe business and industrialorganizations information neededfor formulatingthe best strategies. The process would increase household of consultation l-ocalauissues. awareness of sustainable development policies.laws anclregulations to thority programmes. wor-rld be assessed and achieveAgenda 2l objectives m o d i f i e d . b a s e d o n l o c a l p r o g r a m m e sa d o p t c d . proposals for Strategies couldalsobe usedin supporting funding. local,national. regional and international 28.4 Partnerships should be fostereclamong relevant such as UNDP, the United organsand organizations (Habitat)and Nations Centre for Human Settlements the Intcrnational UNE,P. the World Bank"regionalbanks, of the Unionof l,ocalAuthorities. thc WorldAssociation MajorMetropolises. Summitof Great Citiesof theWorld, the U ni ted Tow ns Organi zati on and other relevant partners. w i th a vi ew to mobi l i zi ngi ncreased i nt er naAn ti onal support for l ocal authori ty progran" l m es. i mportantgoal w oul d be to support. extendan d im proveexi sti ng i nsti tuti ons w orki ngi n thef i el d of local authori ty capaci ty-bui l di ng and l ocal envi ronm ent management. For thi s purposc: (a) Habitat andorganizations andotherrelevant organs a r e c a l l e d L l p o nt o of the United Nationss)'\tL'm s e r v i c e si n c o l l e c t i n g i n f o r m a t i o no n strengthen for thosethat strategies of localauthorities. in prarlicular needinternational support: (b) Periodic involvingbothinternational consultations panners anddeveloping countries couldrcviewstrategies how suchinternational support ccluldbest and consider wclulcl contbe mobilizcd. Sucha sectoral consultation plementconcurrent such country-fircused consultatiotts.

FOR ACTION BASIS so many of the problemsand solutions 28.1 Because try Agenda2l havetheir rootsin local beingaddressed activities,the participationand cooperationof local in fulfilling its authoritieswill be a determiningl"actor andmainconstruct, operate Local authorities objectives. infrastructure, tain economic,socialand envirclnmental processes, establish localenvironmenplanning oversee in implementing anclassist tal policiesand regulations, policies. As the environmental national and subnational theyplay a vital levelof governance closest to thepeople. to thepublic mobilizing andresponding rolein educating, developtnent. to promotesustainable

OBJECTIVES f or this pros areproposcd 28.2 The followingobjective grammearea: (a) By 1996,most lclcalauthontiesin each country process with thcir haveundertaken a consultative should o n populat ionsan d a c h i e v e da c o n s e l l s u s " a l ocal A genda2I " f or th e c o mmu n i ty ' ; (b) By 1993, communityshouldhave the international process coaimedat increasing initiateda consultative local authoritiesl operation between (c) By 1994,representatives of cities of associattions levels shouldhaveincreased and otherlocal authorities with thegoalof enhancof cooperation andcoordination among ing the cxchange of informationand experience localauthoriticsr (d) All localauthorities should beencourin each country which aim at agedto implementand monitorprograrnmes in decisionensuring thatwomenandyoutharerepresented processes. making.planning andimplementation


as those taking place in consultativegroups and round tables. 28.5 Representatives of associations of local authorities are encouragedto establish processesto increasethe exchangeof information, experienceand mutual technical assistance among local authorities.

strengthening internationalsecretariat services for implementing the activities in this chapterto be about $1 million on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicative andorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot been reviewed by Governments.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION Al F/NANC'NGAND COSTEVALUATTON 28.6 It is recommended that all partiesreassess funding needsin this area. The Conferencesecretariat has estimated the average total annual cost (1993-2000) for

B) HUMANRFSOURCE DEVELOPMENI AND CAPACITY-BUILDING 28.7 This programme should facilitate the capacitybuilding and training activitiesalreadycontainedin other chapters of Agenda21.



Strengthening theroleof workers ond theirtrodeunions


BASIS FOR ACTION 29.1 Effortsto implementsustainable development will involve adjustments andopportunities at the nationaland enterpriselevels, with workers foremost among those concerned. As theirrepresentatives, tradeunionsarevital actorsin facilitatingthe achievement of sustainable development in view of their experiencein addressing industrialchange,the extremelyhigh priority they give to protectionof the working environmentand the related natural environment,and their promotion of socially responsibleand economic development. The existing network of collaboration among trade unions and their extensive membership provide important channels through which the conceptsand practicesof sustainable development can be supported. The established principlesof tripartismprovide a basisfor strengthened collaboration between workersandtheirrepresentatives, Governments and employersin the implementation of sustainable development.

(b) To establishbipartite and tripanite mechanisms on safety, healthand sustainable development; (c) To increase thenumberof environmental collective agreements aimedat achieving sustainable development; (d) To reduceoccupational accidents, injuriesand diseases according to recognized statistical reportingprocedures; (e) To increasethe provision of workers' education, training and retraining,particularlyin the areaof occupationalhealthand safetyand environment.

ACTIVITIES A) PROMOIING FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION 29.4 For workersand their tradeunionsto play a full and informedrole in supportof sustainable development, Govemments and employers shouldpromotetherightsof individual workersto freedomof association andthe protection of the right to organizeas laid down in ILO conventions. Governments shouldconsider ratifying and implementing thoseconventions, if they havenot alreadvdoneso.

OBJECTIVES 29.2 The overall objective is poverty alleviationand full and sustainable ernployment, which contributeto - the working safe.clean and healthyenvironments environment, the communityandthe physicalenvironment. Workersshouldbe full participants in the implementationand evaluationof activities related to Agenda 21. 29.3 To that end the following objectivesare proposed for accomplishment by the year 2000: (a) To promoteratiflcationof relevantconventions of ILO and the enactment of legislation in supportof those conventions:

8/ SIRENGIHEN'NG PARTTCTPAIION AND CONSUIIAI/ON 29.5 Governments, businessand industry should promote the active participationof workers and their trade unions in decisionson the design,implementation and evaluation of national and internationalpolicies and programmes on environmentand development. including employment policies, industrial strategies, labour adjustmentprogramme s and technologytranst-ers. 29.6 Tradeunions,employersand Governments should cooperate to ensure thatthe concept of sustainable developmentis equitablyimplemented.


29. 7 I or nt (e mp l o y e r/w o rk e r) o r tri p a rti te (employer/worker/Govemment)collaborative mechanisms at the workplace,coffImunity and national levels should be establishedto deal with safety,health and environment, including specialreferenceto the rights and status of women in the workplace. 29.8 Governments and employers should ensure that are provided with all workers and their representatives relevantinformation to enableeffective participationin processes. thesedecision-making 29.9 Tradeunionsshouldcontinueto define,developand developof sustainable promotepolicieson all aspects ment. the 29.10Tradeunionsand employersshouldestablish framework for a joint environmental policy, and set priorities to improve the working environment and the overall environmentalperformanceof enterprise. 29.11Tradeunionsshould: (a) Seekto ensurethat workers are able to participate auditsat the workplaceand in environin environmental mentalimpact assessments ; activ(b) Participate and development in environment joint action itieswithin thelocal communityandpromote on potentialproblemsof commonconcern; (c) Play an activerole in the sustainable development activities of internationaland regional organizations, particularlywithin the United Nationssystem.

their economicand social welfare. Suchtraining should skills are availableto promote ensurethat the necessary sustainablelivelihoods and improve the working environment. Trade unions, employers, Governments and international agenciesshould cooperatein assessing of activity. spheres within their respective trainingneeds should be involved in Workers and their representatives the design and implementationof worker training andGovernments. by employers programmes conducted

OF IMPLEMENTATION MEANS AND COSTEVALUATION A) F/NANC/NG hasestimated the aversecretariat 29.13 The Conference (1993-2000) of implementingthe age total annualcost activities of this programme to be about $300 million from the intemational community on grant or concessional terms. These are indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costsand financial terms, includwill depen dupon,inter ing any that arenon-concessional, alia, the specific strategiesand programmesGovernments decideupon for implementation.

B ) C A P A C ITY -B U ILD IN G shouldbe given to strengthen29.14Particular attention ing the capacity of each of the tripartite social partners (Governmentsand employers' and workers' organizations) to facilitate greatercollaborationtowardssustainabledevelopment.

IRA/N/NG ADEQUAIE C) PROVIDE shouldhaveac29.12Workersand their representatives cess to adequatetraining to augment environmental ensuretheir safetyand health.and improve awareness,


3 0

Shengthening theroleof business ondindustry


30.1 Business and industry,includingtransnational corporations, play a crucial role in the socialand economic development of a country. A stable policy regimeenables and encourages business and industryto operate responsibly and efficiently and to implement longer-term policies.Increasing prosperity, a major goalof thedevelopmentprocess, primarilyby the activities is contributed of business and industry.Business enterprises, largeand small,formalandinformal,providemajortrading, employment and livelihood opportunities. Business opportunities availableto women are contributingtowardstheir professionaldevelopment, sffengthenrng their economicrole and transforming socialsystems. Business andindustry, including transnational corporations, and their representative organizations shouldbe full participants in the implementation andevaluation of activitiesrelatedto Agenda21. 30.2 Through more efficient production processes, preventive stategies,cleanerproductiontechnologies and procedures throughout the productlife cycle, henceminimizing or avoiding wastes, the policiesand operations of busine ssandindustry, includingtransnational corporations, can play a major role in reducingimpactson resource use and the environment. Technological innovations, development. applications, ffansferand the more comprehensive aspects of partnershipand cooperationare to a very large extentwithin the provinceof business andindustry. 30.3 Buslness and industry,includingtransnational corporations, shouldrecognize environmental management as among the highestcorporateprioritiesand as a key determinant to sustainable development.Someenlightened leadersof enterprises are already implementing "responsible care" and productstewardship policiesand programmes, fosteringopenness and dialoguewith employeesand the public and carrying out environmental

auditsand assessments of compliance. Theseleadersin business and industry,including transnational corporations, are increasingly taking voluntaryinitiatives,promoting and implementing self-regulationsand greater responsibilities in ensuringtheir activitieshaveminimal impacts on human health and the environment. The regulatoryregimesintroducedin many countriesand the growing consciousness of consumersand the general public and enlightened leaders of business and industry, including transnational corporations, have all contributed to this. A positive contributionof business and industry, includingtransnational corporations, to sustainable developmentcan increasingly be achieved by using economic instruments suchas free marketmechanisms in which the pricesof goodsrurdsen,ices shouldincreasingly reflectthe environmental costsof their input, production,use,recycling anddisposalsubject to country-specific conditions. 30.4 The improvementof productionsystemsthrough technologies and processes that utilize resources more efficiently and at the sametime producelessyysstss achievingmore with less- is an importantpathwaytowards sustainability for business and industry. Similarly, lacilitating and encouraginginventiveness, competitivenessand voluntaryinitiativesarenecessary for stimulating more varied, efficient and effective options. To address thesemajor requirements and strengthen further the role of business andindustry, includingftansnational corporations, the following two programmes are proposed.

BASIS FORACTION 30.5 There is increasing recognition that production,


technology and managementthat use resourcesineffiwastes discharge thatarenotreused, ciently form residues that have adverse impacts on human health and the environment and manufactureproductsthat when used have further impacts and are difficult to recycle,needto good engineeringand be replacedwith technologies, practicesand know-how that would mimanagement nimize waste throughout the product life cycle. The production impliesstrivingfor optimal of cleaner concept efficienciesat every stageof the product life cycle. A of the overall competresultwould be the improvement itiveness of the enterprise.The need for a transition towardscleanerproductionpolicies was recognizedat Conferenceon the UNlDO-organizedministerial-level held IndustrialDevelopment, Ecologically Sustainable in Octoberl99l.l at Copenhagen

OBJECTIVES 30.6 Governments,businessand industry, including the shouldaim to increase corporations, transnational increasing including resource utilization, of efficiency and to reducethe the reuseand recycling of residues, per unit of economicoutquantityof wastedischarge put .

ACTIVITIES 30.7 Governments.businessand industry, including transnational corporations,should strengthenpartnershipsto implementthe principlesandcriteriafor sustainable development. 30.8 Governmentsshould identify and implement an appropriatemix of economicinstrumentsand normative in measures such as laws, legislationsand standards, industry, including transand with business consultation thatwill promotetheuseof cleaner national corporations, for smalland meproduction, with special consideration private initiatives Voluntary dium-sized enterprises. shouldalsobe encouraged. 30.9 Governments,businessand industry, including academiaand international corporations, transnational and shouldwork towardsthedevelopment organizations, for the of concepts and methodologies implementation of environmentalcosts into accounting internalization pricing mechanisms. and corincludingtransnational andindustry, 30.l0 Business porations, shouldbe encouraged: records, (a) To reportannuallyon their environmental resources; natural and as well as on their useof energy (b) To adoptandreporton the implementation of codes practice, promoting environmental the best of conduct Developsuch as the BusinessCharteron Sustainable

ment of the InternationalChamberof Commerce(ICC) care initiative. and the chemicalindustry'sresponsible 30.11Governmentsshould promote technologicaland encompassknow-howcooperation between enterprises, researchand developing identification, assessment, of cleaner ment,management marketingand application production. 30.12Industry should incorporatecleaner production policiesin its operations takingalsointo andinvestments, and consumers. accountits influenceon suppliers shouldcooperassociations 30.l3 Industryand business ate with workers and trade unions to continuously improvetheknowledge sustainandskillsfor implementing operations. abledevelopment shouldencourassociations 30.14 Industryandbusiness age individual companiesto undertakeprogrammesfor improvedenvironmental awareness andresponsibility at dedicatedto the task all levels to make theseenterprises basedon interof improving environmentalperformance practices. nationallyaccepted management educashouldincrease 30.15 International organizations tion, trainingand awareness activitiesrelatingto cleaner production, with industry,academia and in collaboration relevantnationaland local authorities. 30.l6 International and non-governmentalorganizati ons, i ncl udi ng trade and sci enti fi c associat ions, should strengthen cleanerproduction information dissuch as seminationby expandingexisting databases, the UNEP InternationalCleaner Production Clearing House(ICPIC),theUNIDO IndustrialandTechnological Information Bank (INTIB) and the ICC International Environment Bureau (IEB), and should forge information networking of nationaland international systems.


BASIS FOR ACTION is one of the most important 30.17 Entrepreneurship driving forces for innovations, increasing market effiandopportunities. to challenges ciencies andresponding in particulaq Small and medium-sizedentrepreneurs, play a very important role in the social and economic developmentof a country. Often, they are the major means tor rural development,increasingoff-farm employment and providing the transitionalmeansfor imentreproving the livelihoodsof women. Responsible preneurship can play a major role in improving the efficiency of resourceuse, reducingrisks and hazards, environmental minimizing wastes and safeguarding qualities.


OBJECTIVES 30.18The followingobjectives areproposed: (a) To encouragethe concept of stewardshipin the management and utilizationof naturalresources by entrepreneurs; (b) To increase the numberof entrepreneurs engaged in enterprises thatsubscribe to andintplement sustainable policies. development

ACTIVITIES 30.19Governments should encourage theestablishment and operations of sustainably managed enterprises. The mix wouldinclude regulatory measures. economic incentives and streamlining of administrative procedures to ensure maximumefficiency in dealing with applications for approvalin order to facilitateinvestrnent decisions. advice and assistance with infbrmation.infiastructural supportand stewardship responsibilities. 30.20Governmentsshould encourage, in cooperation with the private sector,the establishment of venture capitalfunds for sustainable projects development and programmes. 30.21In collaboration r,vith busincss. indr.rstry, academia and internationalorganizations. Governments should supporttrainingin the environmental aspects of enterprise management Attention should also be dilected towardsapprenticeship schernes fbr youth. 30.22Business andindustry, including transnational corporations, shouldbe encouraged to establish world-wide corporatepolicieson sustainable development, arrange for environmentally soundtechnologics to be available to affiliatesownedsubstantially by their parentcompany in developing countries without extraexternal charges, encourage overseas afilliates to modify procedures in order to reflect local ecological conditions and share experiences with localauthorities, national Govemments and intemational organizations. 30.23Large business and industry,including transnationalcorporati ons,shoul d cons iderestabl i shing partnership schemes with small and medium-sized enterprises to help facilitatethe exchange of experience in managerial skills.marketdevelopntent arrdtechnological knowhow, where appropriate, with the assistance of internationalorganizations. 30.2.1 Business and industry should establish national councilsfor sustainable development and help promote entrepreneurship in the formal and inlitrnralsectors. The inclusion of wornenentrepreneurs shouldbe facilitated. 30.25Business andindustry, including transnational corporations. shouldincrease research and development of environmentally soundtechnologies and environmental management systems, in collaboration with academia

and the scientific/engineering establishments, drawing upon indigenousknowledge,where appropriate. 30.26Business andindustry, includingtransnational corporations, shouldensure responsible andethicalmanagement of products and processes from the point of view of health,safetyandenvironmental aspects. Towardsthis end, business and industry should increase self-regulation, guidedby appropriate codes,charters and initiatives integratedinto all elementsof businessplanning and decision-making, and fosteringopenness and dialogue with employees and the public. 30.27Multilateraland bilateralfinancialaid institutions should continue to encourage and support small- and medium-scale entrepreneursengaged in sustainable development activities. 30.28 United Nationsorganizations andagencies should improve mechanisms for business and industry inputs, policy and strategyformulation processes, to ensurethat environmental aspects arestrengthened in foreign investment. 30.29Internationalorganizations should increasesupport for researchand development on improving the technologicaland managerialrequirementsfor sustainable development,in particular for small and mediumsizedenterprises in developingcountries.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION F/NANC/NG AND COSI EVALUATION 30.30The activitiesincludedunderthis programme area aremostlychanges in theorientation of existingactivities and additional costs are not expectedto be significant. The cost of activities by Governmentsand international organizationsare already included in other programme areas.


S e eA / C O N F . l 5 1 /PC/125.



qnd technologicol Scientific community


focuses 3l.l The present chapter on horv to enable the community,which includes, scientificandtechnological ers,architec ts,i ndustrial designers, amongothers, enginc and policy rnaurban plannersand other professionals kers, to make a more clpenand effectivecontributionto processes concerning the decision-making environment and development.It is importantthat the role of science and technologyin humanaffairsbe more widely known and betterunderstood, both by decisionmakerswho help public policy and by the generalpublic. The determine cooperative relationship existing betweenthe scientific and technologicalcommunity and the general public and deepened into a full partnership. shouldbe extended Improved communication and cooperation betweenthe scientific and technologicalcommunity and decision makerswill facilitategreateruse of scientificand technical information and knowledgein policies and programmeimplementation. Decisionmakersshouldcreate more favourableconditionsfor improving training and independent research Existin sustainable development. ing multidisciplinary will have to be strengapproaches thenedand more interdisciplinary studies developed between the scientific and technologicalcommunity and policy makers and with the generalpublic to provide leadershipand practical know-how to the concept of The public shouldbe assisted sustainable development. in communicating their sentiments to the scientificand communityconcerning how science technologicerl and technologymight be bettermanaged to affecttheir lives way. By the sametoken,the independence in a beneficial a n dte c h n o l o g i c a of t he s c ie n ti fi c c lo m m u ni ty to i nvestigate and publish without restrictionand to exchange their findings freely must be assured. The adoptionand irnplementation of ethicalprinciplesand codesof prac-

tice for the scientif ic and technological communitythat professionalareinternationally accepted could enhance ism and may improveandhasten recognition of the value of its contributionsto environmentand development, recognizingthe continuingevolutionand uncertainty of scientific knorvledse.


BASIS FOR ACTION 31.2 The scientificand technological communityand policy makersshould increase their interactionin order to irnplementstrategies for sustainable development on the basisof the bestavailable knowledge. This implies thatdecision makers shouldprovidethenecessary framework for rigorous researchand for full and open communicationof the tindings of the scientificand technological community, and developwith it ways in which researchresults and the concernsstemmingfrom the fi ndi ngs can be communi cated to deci sion- m aking bodiesso as to betterlink scientificand technical knowledge'with policy andprogramme strategic formulation. At the sametime,this dialoguewould assist thescientific andtechnological prioritiesfor comrnunity in developing research andproposing for constructive actions solutions.

OBJECTIVES 31.3 The following objectives areproposed:


(a) To extendandopenup the decision-making process and broadenthe range of developmental and environmentalissues wherecooperation at all levelsbetween the scientificand technological community and decision makerscan take place; (b) To improvetheexchange of knowledge andconcerns between thescientific andtechnological cornm uniqr andthe generalpublic in orderto enablepoliciesandprogrammes to be betterformulated, understood and supported.

ACTIVITIES 31.4 Governments shouldundertake the lollowins act iv it ies : (a) Reviewhow nationalscientificand technological activities couldbe moreresponsive to sustainable development needsas part t.l1'an overall eftbrt to strengthen nationalresearch and development systems, including throughstrengthening and widening the membership of nationalscientificand technological advisorycouncils, organizations and committees to ensure that: (i) The full rangeof nationalneedstor scientiflcand technological programmes arecommllnicated to Governmentsand the public; (ii) The variousstrandsof public opinion are represented: (b) Promoteregionalcooperative mechanisms to address regional needs fbr sustainable development. Such regionalcooperative mechanisms could be facilitated throughpublic/private partnerships and providesupport to Governments. industry, non-governmental educational institutions and other domestic and international organizations, and by strengthening globalprofessional networks: (c) Improveandexpand scientiflc andtechnical inputs throughappropriate mechanisms to intergovemmental c ons ult at iv e, c o o p e ra ti v e a n d n e g o ti a ti n g p rocesses torvards international and regionalagreements; (d) Strengthen scienceand technologyadviceto the highestlevelsof the United Nations, and otherinternational institutions. in order to ensurethe inclusionof science and technology know-howin sustainable developmentpoliciesand strategies; (el Improveand strengthen programmes for disseminating research resultsof universities and research institutions. This requires recognition of and greater suppoft to the scientists, technologists andteachers who are en_eaged in communicating and interpreting scientific and technological inforrnation to policy makers, professionals in othertieldsand the general public.Suchsupport shouldfbcuson the transf-er of skills and the transfer andadaptation of planning techniques. This requires full and open sharing of dataand information amongscien-

tists and decision makers.The publication of national scientificresearch reportsand technicalreportsthat are understandable and relevantto local sustainable developmentneeds would alsoimprovethe interface between science and decision-making, as well as the implementation of scientificresults; (0 Improvelinks between the official andindependent research sectors and industry so that researchmay becomean importantelementof industrialstrategy; (g) Promoteand strengthen the role of women as full partners in the science andtechnology disciplines; (h) Developand implenrent information technologies to enhance the dissemination of infclrmation f-orsustainable development.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 31.5 The Conf'erencre secretariat hasestimated the average total annualcost (1993-2000) of irnplementing rhe activitiesof thisprogramme to be abor,rt $ 15million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms. Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewedby Governments. Actual costsand financialterms,includingany that are non-concessional. will depend upon.inter alio, the specific strategies and programmesGovernnrents decideuponfor implementation.

B ) C A P A C TTY -B U tLD tN G 31.6 Intergovernmental panels on development andenvironmental issues shouldbe organized. with emphasis on their scientificand technical aspects. and studies of responsiveness and adaptability includedin subsequent programmes ol ' acti on.


BASIS FOR ACTION 31.7 S ci enti sts and technol ogi sts havea speci al set of responsibilities which belongto them both as inheritors of a traditionand asprof'essionals andmembers of disciplines devotedto the searchfor knowledgeand to the needto protect thebiosphere in thecontext of sustainable development. 31.8 Increased ethicalawareness in environmental and developmental decision-making should help to place


and enhanceappropriatepriorities for the maintenance own sake,and in for their systems life-support ment of viable natural of functioning that the ensure so doing sopresent future and properly valued by is processes pracof the codes of cieties. Therefore,a strengthening tice and guidelinesfor the scientificand technological community would increaseenvironmentalawareness It would build development. to sustainable andcontribute for the scientific and regard up the level of esteemand "accountthe facilitate and technological community technology. and ability" of science

ethics,in groups on environmental and developmental order to develop a common value framework betrveen community and society the scientificand technological dialogue; as a whole, and promotecontinuous (c) Extending andtrainingin developmental education suchobjecto integrate ethicalissues and environmental priorities; curriculaand research tives into education (d) Reviewingand amending relevantnationaland inlegal instruternationalenvironmentand development codesof practiceandguidementsto ensure appropriate lines are incorporatedinto suchregulatorymachinery.

OBJECTIVES 31.9 The objectiveshouldbe to develop,improve and of codesof practiceand promoteinternationalacceptance guidelinesrelating to scienceand technologyin which is comprehensively the integrityof life-supportsystems role of science the important where for and accounted needs of environment the in reconciling and technology in the To be effective is accepted. and development pracprinciples, of codes process, such decision-making by the upon be agreed guidelines not only must tice and scientific and technologicalcommunity, but also be recognized by the societyas a whole.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AJ FINANC'NG AND COSTEVALUATION the averhasestimated secretariat 3l.l I The Conference of implementingthe age total annualcost (1993-2000) activities of this programmeto be about $5 million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional esterms. Theseare indicative and order-of-magnitude timates only and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costsand financial terms,including any will dependupon, inter alia, that are non-concessional, the specific strategiesand programmesGovernments decideupon for implementaticln.

ACTIVITIES couldbe undertaken: 31.10The following activities (a) Strengthening national and internationalcooperto develop sector, ation,includingthenon-governmental environmenregarding codesof practiceand guidelines development,taking into tally sound and sustainable and existingcodesof pracaccountthe Rio Declaration tice and guidelines; (b) Strengthening national advisory and establishing B ) C A P A C ITY .B U ILD IN G including on 31.12Codes of practiceand guidelines, for and by principles,shouldbe developed appropriate communityin the pursuit the scientificandtechnological of its researchactivities and implementationof programmesaimedat sustainable development.


3 2

Skengthening therole of theformers


BASIS FOR ACTION 32.1 Agriculture occupiesone third of the land surface of the Earth, and is the centralactivity for much of the world's population.Rural activitiestake place in close contact with nature, adding value to it by producing renewable resources, while at the sametime becoming vulnerableto overexploitation and improper management. 32.2 The rural household, indigenouspeople and their communities, andthefamily farmer, a substantialnumber of whom are women, have beenthe stewards of much of the Earth's resources.Farmers* must conserve their phvsical environmentas they depend on it fbr their sustenance. Over the past 20 years there has been an i mpressiveincrease i n aggregate agricultural production. Yet, in someregions,this increase has beenoutstripped by population growth or internationaldebt or falling commodity prices. Further,the natural resources that sustain farming activity needpropercare,and thereis a growing concernaboutthe sustainability of agricultural productionsystems. 32.3 A farmer-centred approach is the key to the attainmentof sustainability in both developed and developing countriesand many of the programmeareasin Agenda 2l address this objective. A significanrnumber of the rural population in developing countries depend primarily upon small-scale,subsistence-oriented agriculture basedon family labour. However, they have limited accessto resources, technology,alternativelivelihood
* Inthischopter, oll references to "formers" include ollrurolpeople who derive theirlivelihood fromoctivities suchos forming, fishing ond forest horvesting. Theterm"forming" olsoincludes fishing onJ foresi horvesting.

and meansof production. As a result,they are engaged in the overexploitation of natural resources, including marginallands. 32.4 The sustainable development of peoplein marginal and fragile ecosystems is also addressed in Agenda 21. The key to the successful implementationof theseprogrammes liesin themotivationandattitudes of individual farmers and government policies that would provide incentivesto farmers to managetheir natural resources efficiently andin a sustainable way.Farmers, particularly women, face a high degreeof economic,legal and institutionaluncertainties when investingin their land and otherresources. The decentralization of decision-making towardslocal and community organizations is the key in changingpeople'sbehaviourand implementing sustainable farming strategies. This programmeareadealswith activitieswhich can contributeto this end.

OBJECTIVES 32.5 The following objectivesare proposed: (a) To encourage a decentralized decision-making processthroughthe creationand strengthening of local and village organizations that would delegatepower and responsibility to primary usersof naturalresources; (b) To support andenhance thelegalcapacity of women and vulnerablegroups with regard to access,use and tenureof lartd; (c) To promote and encouragesustainable farming practices and technologies; (d) To introduceor strengthen policiesthat would encourage self-sufficiencyin low-input and low-energy technologies, includingindigenous practices, andpricing mechanisms that internalize environmental costs; (e) To developa policy frameworkthatprovidesincentives and motivation among farmersfor sustainable and efficient farming practices ; (f) To enhancethe participation of farmers, men and


of policies women, in the design and implernentation representative their through these ends, towards directed orsanizations.

that (c) Developpilot projectsand extensionservices and knowledgebaseof would seekto build on the needs women farmers.

ACTIVITIES IE S IVIT ACT ELATED A) MANAGEMENI-R 32.6 National(iovernmentsshould: on of the programmes (a) Ensurethe implementation rural developand agriculture livelihoods, sustainable w . a tcr usei n agri fra g i l ee c o s y s te m s m ent .m an a g i n g culture, and integrated managementof natural res our c es ; fiscal tradepolicies. pricingmechanisms, (b) Promote that positively and other policy instruments incentives aboutanefficientand r's decisions affectindividualt-arme andtakefull account useof naturalresources, sustainable of the impact of thesedecisionson householdfbod incomes,employmentand the environment: organiza(c) Involve farmersand their representative of PolicY; tionsin the tormulation (d) Protect,recognizeand forrnalizewotnen'saccess anduseof Iand,aswell asrightsto land,access to tenure inputsand training: to credit,technology, by organizations (e) Supportthe fcrrmation of f-armers' legaland socialconditions. providingadequate could be ar32.7 Support for farmers' organizations rangedas follows: research centresshould (a) Nationaland international in developing cooperatewith farmers' organizations farming techenvironment-friendly location-specific niques : (b) National Governments, multilateraland bilateral organizaand non-governmental agencies development in with tamrers'organizations tions shouldcollaborate ific opmentprojects to spec fomrulating agricultural devel zones. agro-ecological

TOOPERAI I O N AL N D R E G/ON AC C / /N IE R N A TION A 32.9 FAO. IFAD, WFP, the World Bank, the regionaldeinorganizations velopmentbanksand other intemational and fanners involve should in rural development volved AS appropriate. in theirdeliberations. theirrepresentatives ol' farmers should organizations 32.10Representative and support programmes filr the development establish particularlyin developing of farmers' organizations, countries.

OFIMPLEMENTATION MEANS AND COSTEVALUATION A) FINANCING 32.11The financing neededfor this programmeareais agriculsustainable in chapterl4 (Promoting estimated particularly in the proture and rural development), gramme area entitled "Ensuring people'sparticipation for sustaindevelopment andpromotinghumanresource able agriculture".The costs shown under chapters3 fragileecosystems: (Combating poverty),l2 (Managing and drought), and l3 (Mancombatingdesertification mountain developsustainable agingfragileecosystems: area. ment) are alsorelevantto this programme

MEANS B/ sC/FNilFtC AND TECHNOLOGtCAL organinternational andappropriate 32.12Governments research organizations,in collaborationwith national as should, organizations and non-govemmental izations appropriate: (a) Developenvironmentally soundfarming technolyields, maintain land quality, ogies that enhancecrop water and energyand control conserve recyclenutrients, pests and weeds: (b) Conduct andlow-resource studies of high-resource productivity and sltstainagricultureto comparetheir preferably be conducted ability. The researchshould settings; and sociological environmental undervarious would opthat (c) Supportresearch on mechanization hand-held and power and timize humanlabourand animal equipmentthat can be easily operatedand animal-drawn should technologies of fanr-r maintained.The developrnent role and the resources farmers'available takeinto account the ecology. and of animalsin fanning households

AND /NFORMAT/ON B) DATA should: and farmers'organizations 32.8 Governments and ( a) I nit ia tem e c h a n i s ms s ynthesi ze to d o c u m e n t, proj ect l o c a l k n o w l e d g e ,p ra c ti c esand dis s er nin a te of so that they will makeuseof the lessons experiences policies and irnplementing the past when forrnulating affectingtarming,forestand fishing populations; of experiences (b) Establish networksfor the exchange land, water with regardto farming that help to conserve and of chemicals minimize the use and forestresources, reduceor reutilizefarm wastes;


C) HUM A NRE S O U R C DE EV EL OP M EN I 32.13Governments, with the support of multilateral and bilateraldevelopment agencies and scientificorganizations.shoulddevelopcurriculafor agricultural colleges andtraininginstitutions thatwould integrate ecoiogyinto agricultural science. Interdisciplinaryprogrammesin agricultural ecologyareessential to the trainingof a new generation of agriculturalscienti stsandfield-levelextension agents.

D) CAPACITY-BUILDING 32.14Governments should, in thelight of eachcountry's specificsituation:

(a) Create the institutionaland legal mechanisms to ensureeffectiveland tenureto farmers. The absence of legislationindicatingland rightshasbeenan obstacle in taking action againstland degradation in many farming communities in developingcountries; (b) Strengthenrural institutionsthat would enhance sustainabilitythrough locally managedcredit systems and technicalassistance, local productionand distribution facilities for inputs, appropriateequiprnentand small-scale processing units,andmarketing anddistribution systems; (c) Establish mechanisms to increase access of farmers. in particular womenandfarmers from indigenous groups, to agricultural training,credit and useclf improvedtechnology for ensuringfood security.



Meons of Irplementotion


Finonciol resources ond mechonisms


33.1 The GeneralAssembly,in resolution 441228 of 22 December 1989,inter alia, decided thattheUnitedNations Conference on Environment and Development should: "Identify ways and meansof providing new and additional financial resources,parlicularly to developing countries, for environmentally sounddevelopment programmes andprojects in accordance with national developmentobjectives, prioritiesand plans and to consider waysof effectivelymonitoringtheprovisionof suchnew andadditional financialresources, particularly to developing countries,so as to enablethe international community to take further appropriateaction on the basisof accurate and reliabledata; "Identify ways and meansof providingadditionalfinancialresources for measures directed towardssolving major environmental problemsof global concernand especiallyof supportingthosecountries, in particular developingcountries,for which the implementation of suchmeasures would entaila special orabnomral burden, owing, in particular, to their lack of financialresources, expertise or technical capacity; "Considervariousfundingmechanisms, includingvoluntary ones,and exanrinethe possibilityof a special intemationalfund and other innovative approaches, with a view to ensuring, on a favourable basis. the most effectiveand expeditious transferof environmentally soundtechnologies to developingcountries; "Quantify thefinancialrequirements for the successful implementation of Conference decisionsand recommendationsand identify possiblesources, including innovativeones,of additionalresources." 33.2 This chapterdeals with the financing of the implementation of Agenda21, which reflectsa globalconsensus integrating environmental considerations into an

accelerated development process.For eachof the other chapters,the secretariat of the Conferencehas provided indicativeestimates of the total costsof implementation for developingcountriesand the requirements for grant or otherconcessional financingneeded from theinternational community. Thesereflectthe needfor a substantially increased effort, both by countries themselves and by the international community.

BASIS FOR ACTION 33.3 Economicgrowth,socialdevelopment and poverty eradicationare the first and overriding priorities in developingcountriesand are themselves essential to meetingnationaland global sustainability objectives. In the light of the global benefits ro be realizedby rhe implementation of Agenda21 asa whole,the provision to developing countries of effectivemeans,inter alia, financial resources andtechnology, withoutwhichit will be difficult for them to fully implemenrtheir commitments,will servethecommoninterests of developed ancl developingcountriesand of humankindin general,includingfuturegenerations. 33.4 The cost of inaction could outweigh the financial costsof implementing Agenda2l . Inactionwill narrow the choices of futuregenerations. 33.5 For dealing with environmental issues, special efforts will be required. Globalandlocal environmental issues are interrelated. The United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change and the Conventionon Biological Diversityaddress two ol the most importantglobal issues. 33.6 Economic conditions,both domesticand international, that encourage free tradeand access to markets will help make economic growth and environmental protection mutually supportive for all countries, particularly for developingcountries and countries undergoing theprocess of transition to a marketeconomy(see chapter 2 for a fuller discussion of theseissr:es ).


developfor sustainable cooperation 33.7 International in order to supportand ment shouldalso be strengthened complementthe efforts of developingcountries,particucountries. larly the leastdeveloped Agenda how to translate assess should Allcountries 33.8 2I into national policies and programmesthrough a process that will integrateenvironmentand development National and local priorities shouldbe considerations. that include public participation means by established promoting equal opporinvolvement, and community women. and for men tunity of the amongall countries 33.9 For anevolvingpartnership world, including, in particular,between developedand developmentstrategies developingcountries,sustainable levelsof funding in support and predictable and enhanced are required. For that purpose, of longer term objectives developingcountriesshould arliculatetheir own priority actions and needs for support and developedcounffies In priorities. these to addressing shouldcommit themselves other and groups round tables and respect, consultative this canplay a facilitativerole. mechanisms nationallybased develthehugesustainable of implementation The 33.10 of Agenda2l will requirethe prooprnentprogrammes new and vision to developingcountriesof substantial fiGrant or concessional additionaifinancial resources. nancing should be provided according to sound and equitablecriteria and indicators.The progressiveimplementation of Agenda 21 should be matchedby the The provision of such necessaryfinancial resources. by substantialearly initial phase will be accelerated funding. of concessional commitments

OUECTN/ES areas lollows: 33.11The objectives (a) To establish measures concemingfinancialresources of Agenda21; f or the implementation and mechanisms (b) To provide new and additionalfinancial resources and predictable; that are both adequate (c) To seekfull useandcontinuingqualitative improveto be utilized for the immerlt of f.undingmechanisms plementation of Agenda21.

For developingcountries,particularlythe private sectors. least developedcountries,ODA is a main source of external funding, and substantial new and additional andimplementation development funding f or sustainable of Agenda 21 will be required. Developed countries United reaffirm their commitmentsto reachthe accepted Nations target of 0.7 per cent of GNP for ODA and, to thattarget,agree theextentthatthey havenot yet achieved to augmenttheir aid prografiImesin order to reach that target as soon as possible and to ensureprompt and of Agenda21. Somecountries effectiveimplementation have agreedto reachthe targetby the year 2000. It was Developdecidedthat the Commissionon Sustainable toment would regularly review and monitor progress shouldsystematiwardsthis target.This review process cally combine the monitoring of the implementationof Agenda 21 with a review of the financial resources available.Thosecountriesthat have alreadyreachedthe to continue targetare to be commendedand encouraged to contributeto the colrlmon effort to make availablethe that have to be mobiladditionalresources substantial in line with their support countries, ized.Otherdeveloped for reform effbrts in developingcountries,agreeto make their level of ODA. In this their besteffortsto increase context, the importance of equitable burden-sharing countriesis recognized.Other counamongdeveloped of transition the process tries,includingthoseundergoing to a market economy,may voluntarily augmentthe concountries. tributionsof the developed of the 33.14Fundingfor Agenda2l andotheroutcomes shouldbe providedin a way that maximizes Conference and uses the availabilityof new and additionalresources These all availablefunding sourcesand mechanisms. include,amongothers:

ACTIVITIES the activitiesof this chapterare 33.11 Fundamentally, of of all the otherchapters relatedto the implementation 2l. Agenda

OFIMPLEMENIATION MEANS of thefinancingfor the implernentation 33.13 in general, Agenda 2l will corle from a country'sown public and

ANDFUNDS: BANKS DEVELOPMENT MULTILATERAL A) THE (i) The InternationalDevelopment Association(lDA). and optionsthat IDA deputies Among the variousissues will examine in connectionwith the forthcorning tenth madeby the Presireplenishment of IDA, the statement dent of the World Bank at the United NationsConference shouldbe given speon Environmentand Development in order to help the poorestcountries cial consideration objectivesas condevelopment meet their sustainable in Agenda21; tained banks. The development (ii) Regionaland subregional banksand funds development regionaiand subregional should play an increasedand more effective role in or otherfavourable providingresources on concessional termsneededto implementdgenda 21; (iii) TheGlobalEnt,ironment managedjointly Facililvn, by the World Bank, UNDP andUNEP,whoseadditional


grant and concessional funding is designedto achieve global environmentalbenefits,should cover the agreed incremental costsof relevant activitiesunderAgenda2l , in particular for developing countries.Therefore, it shouldbe restructured so as to, inter alia: > Encourageuniversalparticipation; > Have sufficient flexibility to expand its scope and coverageto relevantprogrammeareasof Agenda 21, with global environmentalbenefits,as agreed; > Ensure a governancethat is transparentand democraticin nature, includingin termsof decision-making and operations, by guaranteeing a balancedand equitable representationof the interests of developing countriesand giving due weight to the funding efforts of donor countries; D Ensure new and additional financial resourceson grantandconcessional terms,in particularto developing countries; > Ensurepredictabilityin the flow of fundsby contributions from developedcountries,taking into account the importanceof equitableburden-sharing; > Ensureaccess to anddisbursement of the fundsunder mutually agreed criteria without introducing new forms of conditionality; (b) The rclevant specialized agencies, other United Nations bodies and other international organizations, which have designated roles to play in supportingnational Govemments in implementing Agenda2l: (c) Multilateral institutionsfor capacity-buildingond technical cooperatiorz. Necessaryfinancial resources should be provided to UNDP to use its network of field offices and its broad mandateand experience in the field of technicalcooperation for facilitatingcapacity-building at the countrylevel, making full useof the expertise of the specialized agenciesand other United Nations bodies within their respectiveareasof competence, in particular UNEP and including the multilateral and regional development banks; (d) Bilateral assistance programmes.These programmeswill needto be strengthened in orderto promote sustainable development; (e) Debt relief. It is important to achievedurable solutionsto the debt problemsof low- and middle-income developingcountriesin order to provide them with the neededmeansfor sustainable development. Measuresto address thecontinuing debtproblems of low- andmiddle-incomecountries shouldbe keptunderreview.All creditors in the Paris Club should promptly implement the agreement of December1991to provide debt relief for thepoorest heavilyindebted countries pursuingstructural adjustment; debt relief measures should be kept under reviewsoasto address thecontinuing difficultiesof those countries;

(0 Private funding. Voluntary conrributionsthrough non-governmental channels, which havebeenrunningat about l0 per centof ODA, might be increased. 33.15Investmenr. Mobilization of higher levels of foreign direct investment and technology transfers shouldbe encouraged through nationalpolicies that promote investment and through joint venturesand other modalities. 3-1.16 Innovativefinancing. New ways of generating new public and private financial resourcesshould be explored,in particular: (a) Various forms of debt relief, apart from official or ParisClub debt,includinggreateruseof debt swaps; (b) The use of economic and fiscal incentivesand mechanisms; (c) The feasibilityof tradeable permits; (d) New schemes for fund-raisingand voluntarycontributionsthroughprivatechannels, including non-governmentalorganizations; (e) The reallocationof resources at presentcommitted to military purposes. 33.17A supportive intemational anddomestic economic climate conducive to sustained economic growth and development is important, particularly for developing countries, in orderto achievesustainability. 33.l8 The secretariat of theConference hasestimated the averageannual costs (1993-2000) of implementing in developingcountriesthe activitiesin Agenda 2l to be over $600 billion, includingabour$125 billion on granr or concessional termslrom the internationalcommunity. These are indicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only, and have not been reviewed by Governments. Actual costs will dependupon, inter alia, the specific strategies andprogrammes Governments decideuponfor implementation. 33.19 Developed countries and othersin a positionto do so should make initial financial commitments to give effect to the decisionsof the Conference. They should report on such plans and commitments to the United NationsGeneralAssemblyat its forty-seventh session, in 1992. 33.20Developingcountries shouldalsobeginto draw up nationalplansfor sustainable development to give effect to the decisionsof the Conference. 33.21 Reviewandmonitoring of thefinancingof Agenda 2l is essential. related to the effectivefollowQuestions up of the Conferenceare discussed in chapter38 (International institutional arrangements). It will be important to review on a regularbasisthe adequacy of funding and mechanisms, including effortsto reachagreedobjectives of thepresentchapter, including targets whereapplicable.


? / \, +

technology, sound of environmentolly Tronsfer ond copocity-building cooperotion


protecttheensoundtechnologies 34.1 Environmentally itr a more vironment,are lesspolluting,useall resources sustainablemanner, recycle more of their wastes and wastes in amoreacceptable products, andhandleresidual for which they were submannerthan the technologies stitutes. in the context 34.2 Envtonmentally soundtechnologies that of pollution are "processand producttechnologies" of pollution' forthe prevention low orno waste, generate for treatThey alsocover "end of the pipe" technologies ment of pollution after it hasbeengenerated. 34.3 Environmentallysound technologiesare not just which include but total systems individual technologies, and equipgoods and services, know-how, procedures, ment as well as organizationaland managerial procedures. This implies that when discussingtransfer of andlocal development the humanresource technologies, includchoices, of technology aspects capacity-building should also be addressed. aspects, ing gender-relevant Environmentallysound technologiesshould be comculsocio-economic, patiblewith nationallydetermined tural and environmentalpriorities. to and transfer 34.4 Thereis a needfor favourableaccess in particularLo soundtechnologies, of environmentally that through supporlivemeasures developingcountries, and that shouldenable promotetechnologycooperation know-how as well as technological of necessary transfer cabuilding up of economic,technical,and managerial pabilities for the efficient use and further development clf transferredtechnology.Technology cooperation inboth andGovernments, volvesjoint effortsby enterprises such Therefore, andits recipients. of technology suppliers entailsan iterativeprocessinvolving govcooperation ernment, the private sector,and researchand develop-

ment facilities to ensurethe best possible results from long-termpartnerships Successful transferof technology. requirecontinuing necessarily in technologycooperation at all levels capacity-building training and systernatic over an extendedperiod of time. 34.5 The activitiesproposedin this chapteraim at imon information,access and processes proving conditions (including the state-of-theto and transferof technology in particularto know-how), art technologyand related and capacity-building well as on as countries, developing of field in the partnerships and cooperativearrangements development. promote sustainable order to in technology, to inwill be essential New and efficient technologies counparticular of developing in the capabilities, crease development,sustainthe tries, to achieve sustainable world's economy,protectthe environment,and alleviate activities povertyandhumansuffering.Inherentin these technology of is the need to addressthe improvement currently used and its replacement,when appropriate, sound and more environmentally with more accessible technology.

FOR ACTION BASIS 34.6 This chapterof Agenda 2l is without prejudiceto specific commitmentsand affangementson transfer of instruin specificinternational to be adopted technology ffrents. in34.7 The availabilityof scientificand technological of environmentally to and transl'er formationand access for sustainrequirements are essential soundtechnology information on able development. Providing adequate conof presenttechnologies aspects the environmental sists of two interrelatedcomponents: upgrading inforintechnologies, mation on presentand state-of-the-art access risks,and improving cluding their environmental soundtechnologies. to environmentally to technology 34.8 The primarygoal of improvedaccess


informationis to enableinformed choices,leadingto access to and ffansferof suchtechnologies and the strengthening of countries'own technological capabilities. -74.9Alargebody of usefultechnological knowledgelies in the public domain. There is a need for developing countriesto have access to suchtechnologies as are not coveredby patents or lie in the public domain.Developing countries would also need to have accessto the know-horv and expertiserequired for the effective utilizationof the aforesaidtechnologies. 34.10 Consideration must be given to the role of patent protectionand intellectualpropertyrights along with an examination of their impacton the access to and transfer of environmentallysound technology,in particular to developing cor-lntries, as well as to further exploring efficiently the conceptof assured for developing access countriesto environmentallysound technologvin its relation to proprietary rights with a vierv to developing effectiveresponses to the needs of developing countries in this area. 34.1I Proprietary technologyis availablethroughcommercialchannels, and international business is an important vehicle for technologytransfer. Tappingthis pool of knowledgeand recombiningit with local innovations to generate alternative technologies shouldbe pursued. At the sametime that conceptsand modalitiesfor assured access tu environmentally soundtechnologies, including state-ot--the-art technologies, in particular by developing countries, continuedto be explored" enhanced access to e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y s o u n d t e c h n o i o g i e ss h o u l d b e promoted, farilitated and financedas appropriate, while providing fair incentivesto innovatorsthat promoteresearchand development of new environmentally sound technologies. 3 4 .1 ?Rec ipient c ou n tri e s re q u i re te c h n o l o e y a nd strengthened supportto help furtherdeveloptheir scientific, technological, professional anclrelatedcapacities, taking into account existingtechnologies andcapacities. This supportwould enablecountries,in particulardeveloping countries,to make more rational technology choices.Thesecountriescould then better assess environmentally sound technologie s prior to their transfcrand properly apply and managethem, as well as improve uponalready existingtechnologies andadaptthernto suit their specificdevelopment needsand priorities. 34.1-lA critical massof research and development capacitvis crucialto the effectivedissernination anduseof envi ronmental ly soundtechnologies andtheirgeneration lcrcally. Educationand training programmes should reflect the needsof specificgoal-oriented research activities and should work to producespecialists literate in environmentally soundtechnologyand with an interdisciplinary outlook. Achieving this critical massinvolves

buildingthecapabilities of craftspersons, technicians and middle-levelmanagers, scientists, engineers and educators, as well as developingtheir corespondingsocialor managerialsupport systems. Transferringenvironmentally sound technologies also involves innovatively adapting andincorporating theminto thelocalor national culture.

OBJECTIVES 34.14The following objectives are proposed: (a) To help to ensure the access,in particular of developingcountries. to scientificand technological infbrmation,includinginformationon state-of-the-art technologies; (b) To promote,facilitate. and finance, as appropriate, the access to and the transf'er of environmentally sound technologies and corresponding know-how,in particular to developingcountries, on f'avourable terms,including on concessionaland preferential terms, as mutually agreed, taking into accounttheneedto protectintellectual propertyrightsaswell asthe special needs of developing countriesfor the implementation of Agenda2l; (c) To facilitate the maintenanceand promotion of environmentally sound indigenous technologies thatmay have been neglecteCor displaced, in particular in developing countries, payingparticularattention to their priority needs andtakinginto account tlrecomplementary roles of men and women; (d) To supportendogenous capacity-building, in particularin developing countries, so theycanassess, adopt, manageand apply environmentally soundtechnologies. This could be achieved throughinter alia: (i) Human resource developrnent; (ii) Strengthening of institutional capacities for research and development and programme implementation; (iii) Integrated sectorassessments of technologyneeds, in accordance with countries' plans, objectivesand priorities as foreseenin the implementation of Agenda 2l at thenati onal l evel ; (e) To promote long-term technologicalpartnerships betweenholdersof environmentally soundtechnologies and potentialusers.

ACTIVITIES A) DEVELOqMENT OF /NTERNAT/ONAI TNFORMAITON NEIWORKS WHICHIINK NAT/ON,A[, SUBREG/ONAI., REG/ONAI. AND /NIERNAT/ONAT SYSIEMS 34.15Existing national,subregional, regionaland internationalinformation systemsshouldbe developedand linked throughregionalclearing-houses coveringbroad-


indusof the economysuchasagriculture, basedsectors try and energy. Sucha network might, inter alia, include and regionalpatentoffices that are national,subregional technolequippedto producereportson state-of-the-art networks would disseminate ogy. The clearing-house their sources, information on available technologies, their environmental risks, and the broad terms under which they may be acquired.They would operateon an basisand focus on the information information-demand the They would takeinto account of the end-users. needs regional of international, positiverolesandcontributions businessconununities, and subregionalorganizations, naorganizations, non-governmental tradeassociations, or strengthand newly established tional Governments, enednationalnetworks. The internationaland regional clearing-houses 34.16. in helping would take the initiative, where necessary, inforusersto identify their needsand in disseminating mation that meets those needs,including the use of existing news, public infonnation,and communication informationwould highlight The disseminated systems. sound and detail concretecaseswhereenvironmentally technologieswere successfullydeveloped and implemented. In order to be effective,the clearing-houses needto provide not only information,but also referrals of advice,training, including sources to other services, The clearingand technologyassessment. technologies of joittt houseswould thus facilitate the establishment of variouskinds. ventures and partnerships or re34.11An inventory of existing and international systems gionalclearing-houses or informationexchange should be undertakenby the relel'ant United Nations and be strengthened should bodies. The existingstructure Additional informationsysimprovedwhen necessary. in order to fill if necessary, tems should be developed. network. identifiedgapsin this international

TO OF ACCESS B) SUPPORT OF AND PROMOilON IRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY should d, organizations and internation 34.I 8 Governments promote, and encouragethe private sector to promote, in particular andtransfer, for the access effectivemodalities to developingcountries,of environmentallysound techincludingthe following: nologiesby means of activities, (a) Formulationof policies and programmesfor the technologi es ly sclund effective transfer of environmental that are publicly ownedor in the public domain; (b) Creationof favourable the to encourage conditions private and public sectorsto innovate,market and use soundtechnologies; environmentally (c) Examinationby Governments and,whereappropri-

including organizations of existingpolicies, ate,by relevant subsidiesand tax policies,and rrgulations to determine to, transferof whetherthey encourage or impedethe access and introductionof environmentallysoundtechnologies; (d) Addressing,in a framework which fully integrates barriersto the transferof environmentand development, privately owned environmentallysound technologies to reduce and adoption of appropriategeneralmeasures suchbarrierswhile creatingspecificincentives,fiscal or otherwise,for the transferof such technologies; (e) In the case of privately owned technologies,the adoption of the following measures,in particular for developingcountries: (i) Creationand enhancement by developedcountries, which might be in a positionto aswell asothercountries do so, of appropriateincentives,fiscal or otherwise,to stimulatethe transferof environmentallysoundtechnolcountries, in particularto developing ogy by companies, development; as integralto sustainable (ii) Enhancement of patent to and transfer of the access in parprotectedenvironmentallysound technologies, ticular to developingcountries; (iii) Purchaseof patentsand licenceson commercial terms for their transferto developing countrieson nonfor cooperation commercialtermsaspart of development taking into accountthe needto sustainable developrnent, protect intellectualproperty rights; (iv) In compliancewith and underthe specificcircumrecognizedby the relevantinternationalconvenstances tions adheredto by States,the undertakingof measures to prevent the abuseof intellectual property rights, including rules with respectto their acquisitionthrough and with theprovisionof equitable licensing, compulsory adequate compensation ; (v) Provisionof financialresources to acquireenvironin order to enablein parmentally soundtechnologies to ticular developingcountriesto implementmeasures promote sustainable developmentthat would entail a specialor abnormalburdento them; (0 Developmentof mechanisms for the accessto and transfer of environmentally sound technologies,in parwhile takinginto account countries, ticularto developing developmentin the processof negotiating an international code of conduct on transfer of technology, as decided by UNCTAD at its eighth session,held at Cartagenade Indias,Colombia, in February 1992.

TO DEVELOP OF THECAPACTTY c) TMPROVEMENT SOUND AND MANAGEENV'RONMENTALLY TECHNOLOGIES regionaland interna34.19Frameworksat subregional, tional levels should be establishedand/or strengthened


for the development, transt'er and applicationof environmentally soundtechnologies and corresponding technical know-how with a specialfocuson developing countries'needs, by addingsuchfunctionsto alreadyexisting bodies.Suchframeworkswould tacilitateinitiativesfrom both developingand developed countriesto stimulatethe research, development and transfer of environmentally soundtechnologies, often throughpartnerships within and amongcountries andbetween the scientificandtechnological community,industryandGovernments. 34.20Nationalcapacities to assess, develop, manage and apply new technologies shouldbe developed. This will require strengthening existing institutions,training of personnel at all levels,and educationof the end-user of the technology. D) ESTABLISHMENI OF A COLLABORATTVE NFTWORK OF RESEARCH CENTRES 34.21 A collaborativenetwork of national, subregional, regionaland internationalresearch centreson environmentally sound technology shouldbe established to enhance the access to and development, management and transferof environmentally sound technologies, includingtransfer and cooperation amongdevelopingcountries and betrveen developed anddeveloping countries, primarilybased on existing subregionalor regional research,developmentand demonsfrationcentreswhich iue linked with the national institutions, in closecooperation wittr the privatesector. E) SUPPORT FORPROGRAMMES OF COOP ERAI/ON AND ASS/SIANCE 34.22 Support should be provided for programmesof cooperation and assistance, includingthoseprovidedby United Nations agencies,irrternational organizations, and other appropriate public and private organizations, in particular to developing countries, in theareas of research and development, technologicaland human resources capacity-buildingin the fields of training, maintenance, nationaltechnology needs assessments, environmental impactassessments, and sustainable development planning. 34.23Supportshouldalsobe providedfor national,subregional, regional, multilateral andbilateralprogrammes of scientificresearch, dissemination of informationand technologydevelopment among developingcountries, including through the involvementof both public and private enterprises and researchfacilities, as well as funding for technical cooperationamong developing countries'programmes in this area.This shouldinclude developing links amongthese facilitiesto maximizetheir efficiency in understanding. disserninating and implementingtechnologies for sustainable development.

34.24Thc developmentof global, regional and subregional programmesshould include identification and evaluationof regional,subregional and national needbasedpriorities.Plansand studiessupporting theseprogrammesshouldprovide the basisfor potentialfinancing by multilateraldevelopment banks,bilateral organizations, privatesectorinterests and non-governmental organizations. 34.25Visits should be sponsored and, on a voluntary basis, the return of qualified experts from developing countriesin the field of environmentally soundtechnologies who are currentlyworking in developedcountry institutionsshouldbe facilitated. F/ TECHNOLOGY ASSFSSMENT tN SU??ORT OF THEMANAGEA4ENT OF ENY/RONMENIAI.I.Y SOUNDTECHNOLOGY 34.26The international community,in particular United Nationsagencies, international organizations, and other appropriateand private organizations should help exchangeexperiences anddevelopcapacityfor technology needsassessment, in particularin developingcountries, to enable themto makechoices based on environmentally soundtechnologies. They should: (a) Build up technologyassessment capacity for the rnanagement of environntentally sound technology, including environmental impactand risk assessment, with due regard to appropriatesafeguards on the transfer of technologies subjectto prohibitionon environmental or healthgrounds; (b) Strengthen the internationalnetwork of regional, subregional or nationalenvironmentally soundtechnology assessment centres, coupledwith clearing-houses, to tap the technology assessment sources mentioned above for the benefit of all nations. These centrescould. in principle, provide advice and training for specific national situations and promotethe building up of national capacity in environmentallysound technologyassessment. The possibilityof assigning thisactivity to already existing regional organizations should be fully explored beforecreatingentirelynew institutions, and funding of this activity throughpublic-privare parrnerships should alsobe explored. asappropriatc. G) COLLABORATIV E ARRANGEMENIS AND PARTNERSH/PS 34.27Long-tenn collaborative arangementsshouldbe promotedbetweenenterprises of developedand developing countries for the development of environmentally sound technologies. Multinational companies,as repositoriesof scarcetechnicalskills neededfor the pro-


tection and enhancementof the environment. have a specialrole and interestin promoting cooperationin and related to technology transfer, as they are important channels for such transfer, and for building a trained human resourcepool and infrastructure. 34.28Joint venturesshould be promotedbetweensuppliers and recipients of technologies,taking into account developing countries' policy priorities and objectives.Togetherwith direct foreign investment, these venturescould constituteimportant channelsof transThrough ferring environmentally sound technologies. suchjoint venturesand direct investment,soundenvipracticescould be transferred ronmental management and maintained.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTANON F'NANC'NGAND COSI EVALUATION 34.29 The Conference hasestimated secretariat the average total annual cost (1993-2000)of implementing the activities of this chapterto be between$450 million and $600 million from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms. These are indicative and orderof-magnitude estimates only andhavenotbeenreviewed by Governments. Actual costs and financial terms, includingany that arenon-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategies and programmesGovernmentsdecideupon for implementation.


3 5

Science forsustoinoble development


35.1 This chapterfocuses on the role and the useof the sciencesin supporting the prudent managementof the environmentand developmentfor the daily survival and future developmentof humanity. The prograrnmeareas proposedhereinare intendedto be over-arching, in order to supportthe specific scientific requirements identified in the otherAgenda21 chapters.One role of the sciences shouldbe to provide information to betterenableformulation and selection of environment and development policiesin thedecision-making process. In orderto fulfil this requirement, it will be essential to enhance scientific understanding,improve long-term scientific assessments, strengthen scientific capacities in all countries and ensure thatthesciences areresponsive to emerging needs. 35.2 Scientistsare improving their understandingin areas suchasclimaticchange, growth in rates of resource consumption,demographictrends, and environmental degradation. Changes in thoseand other areasneedto be taken into account in working out long-term strategies for development. A first step towards improving the scientific basis for these strategiesis a better understandingof land, oceans, atmosphere and their interlocking water,nutrientandbiogeochemical cyclesandenergy flows which all form part of the Earth system. This is essentialif a more accurateestimateis to be provided of the carrying capacity of the planet Earth and of its resilience under the many stresses placed upon it by human activities.The sciences can provide this understandingthrough increasedresearchinto the underlying ecologicalprocesses andthroughthe applicationof modem, effective and efficient tools that are now available, such as remote-sensing devices,robotic monitoring instrumentsand computing and modelling capabilities. The sciences are playing an important role in linking the

fundamental significance of the Earth system as life supportto appropriatestrategies for developmentwhich build on its continuedfunctioning. The sciencesshould continue to play an increasingrole in providing for an improvementin the efficiency of resource utilization and in finding new developmentpractices,resources,and alternatives. There is a need for the sciences constantly to reassess and promote lessintensivetrendsin resource utilization, including lessintensiveutilization of energy in industry, agriculture, and transportation.Thus, the sciences areincreasinglybeingunderstood asanessential componentin the searchfor feasiblepathwaystowards sustainable development. 35.3 Scientificknowledgeshouldbe appliedto articulate and support the goals of sustainabledevelopment, through scientific assessments of currentconditionsand future prospects for the Earth system.Such assessments, basedon existing and emerging innovationswithin the sciences, shouldbe usedin the decision-making process and in the interactiveprocesses betweenthe sciences and policy-making. There needs to be an increasedoutput from the sciences in order to enhanceunderstanding and facilitate interaction between science and society. An increase in the scientific capacity and capability to achievethesegoals will also be required,particularly in developingcountries.Of crucial importanceis the need for scientists in developingcountriesto participatefully in internationalscientific researchprogrammesdealing with the global problems of environmentand development so as to allow all countriesto participateon equal footing in negotiations on global environmental and developmental issues. In thefaceof threats of irreversible environmental damage, lack of full scientific understanding should not be an excusefor postponingactions which are justified in their own right. The precautionary approach could provide a basis for policies relating to complexsystems thatarenotyet fully understood andwhose consequences of disnrrbances cannotyet be predicted.


35. 4T he pro g ra m m ea re a s ,w h i c h a re i n harmony of the wit h t he c o n c l u s i o n sa n d re c o m m e n d a ti ons InternationalConference on an Agcnda of Sciencefor Environmentand Developrnentinto the ZIst Century (ASCEND/21) are (a) Strengthening the scientific basis for sustainable management; (b) Enhancing scientiflcunderstanding; (c) Improvinglong-termscientificassessment; (d) Building up scientificcapacityand capability.


tion, building upon the best scientitic knowledge and assessments, and taking into accountthe needto enhance international cooperationand the relative uncertainties of the variousprocesses and optionsinvolved; (c) The interaction betweenthe sciences and decisionmaking, using the precautionary whereapproapproach, priate, to changethe existing patternsof production and consumptionand to gain time for reducing uncertainty with respect of policy options; to the selection (d) The generationand application of knowledge,especially indigenous and local knowledge,to the capacities of different environmentsand cultures,to achieve sustainedlevels of development, taking into account interrelationsat the national, regional and international levels; (e) Improving cooperation betweenscientists by proprogrammes moting interdisciplinaryresearch and activities; (f) Participation of people in setting priorities and in decision-making relatingto sustainable development.

BASIS FOR ACTION requirestaking longerdeveloprnent 35.5 Sustainable perspectives, integrating local and regionaleffects term global process, into the developrnent andusing of change and traditional knowledge available. the best scientific process The development shouldbe constantly re-evaluto ated, in light of the findings of scientific research, utilizationhas reducedimpactson ensurethat resource the Earth system.Even so, the future is uncertain,and Good environmental and develtherervill be surprises. policies management must therefore be scienopmental robust, keep a range tifically seekingto open of options precautionary flexibility of response. The apto ensure gap is proachis important. Often,there a communication policy makers,and the public at large, amongscientists, whoseinterests by both governmental and arearticulated governmen s. Better nontal organization communication is requiredamong scientists, decisionmakers,and the general public. ACTIVITIES 35.7 Countries,with the assistance of international organizations, whererequired,should: (a) Prepare an inventory of their natural and social sciencedata holdingsrelevantto the promotionof sustainabledevelopment; (b) Identify their researchneeds and priorities in the context of internationalresearch efforts; (c) Strengthenand design appropriate institutional mechanisms at the highest appropriatelocal, national, subregional and regional levels and within the United Nationssystem for developing a stronger scientificbasis for the improvementof environmentaland developmental policy formulationconsistent with long-termgoalsof sustainable development.Currentresearch in this area shouldbe broadened to includemore involvementof the publicin establishing goalsforformulong-termsocietal lating the sustainable development scenarios; (d) Develop,apply and institutethe necessary toolsfor sustainable development, with regardto: (i) Quality-of-life indicators covering, for example, health, education,social welfare, state of the environment, and the economy; (ii) Economic approaches to environmentallysound development andnew andimprovedincentivestructures for better resourcemanagement; (iii) Long-termenvironmental policy formulation,risk management andenvironmentally soundtechnology assessment; (e) Collect,analyse and integratedataon the linkages betweenthe stateof ecosystems and the healthof hurnan

OBJECTIVES 3.5.6 The primaryobjectiveis for eachcountrywith the supportof intemationalorganizations, as requested, to knowledge identify the state of its scientific and its research needs and prioritiesin orderto achieve, as soon in: substantial improvements as possible, (a) Large-scale widening of the scientific base and of scientific and research and strengthening capacities - in particular,thoseof developingcouncapabilities tries - in areasrelevantto environmentand developnlent: (b) Environmental policy formulaanddevelopmental


communities in order to improve knowledgeof the cost and benefit of different development policies and strategiesin relation to health and the environment, particularlyin developingcountries; (0 Conductscientificstudiesof nationaland regional pathways to sustainable development, usingcomparable and complementary methodologies. Such studies, coordinated by an internationalscienceeffort. should to a largeextentinvolve local expertise and be conducted by multidisciplinaryteamsfrom regionalnetworksand/or research centres, asappropriate andaccording to national capacities and the availableresources; (g) Improve capabilities for determiningscientificreprioritiesat thenational, search regionalandgloballevels to meetthe needsof sustainable development.This is a processthat involves scientific judgementsregarding short-term andlong-ternt benefits andpossible long-term costsand risks. It shouldbe adaptiveand responsive to perceived "userneeds andbe carriedout via transparent, friendly", risk-evaluation methodologies : (h) Developmethodsto link the findings of the establishedsciences with the indigenous knowledge of different cultures.The methodsshould be testedusing pilot studies. They shouldbe developed at the local level and shouidconcentrate on the links betweenthe traditional knowledgeof indigenoLls groupsandcorresponding, current "advancedscience",with particularfocus on disserninatingand applying the results to environmental protectionand sustainable development.

levels,to complement andencourage synergies between traditional and conventionalscientific knowledge and practicesand strengthening interdisciplinaryresearch relatedto environmentaldegradation and rehabilitation: (b) Settingup demonstration modelsof differenr types (e.9., socio-economic, environmentalconditions) to studymethodologies and formulateguidelines; (c) Supporting researchby developing relative-risk evaluationmethodsto assistpolicy makersin ranking scientifi c research priorities.


BASIS FOR ACTION 35.10In ordertopromotesustainable development, more extensiveknowledge is required of the Earth's carrying capacity, includingthe processes thatcould eitherimpair or enhance its ability to supportlife. The globalenvironment is changingmorerapidly thanat any time in recent centuries; as a result,surprises may be expected, and the next century coul d see si gni fi cant envi ronment al changes.At the sametime, the humanconsumption of energy,waterand non-renewable resources is increasing, on both a total anda per capitabasis,andshortages may ensuein many partsof the world even if environmental conditionswere to remain unchanged. Social processes are subjectto multiple variationsacrosstime and space,regions and culture. They both affect and are influencedby changingenvironmental conditions. Human factors are key driving forcesin theseintricate setsof relationships and exert their influencedirectly on global change. Therefore, study of the human dimensionsof the causesand consequences of environmental changeand of more sustainable development pathsi s essenti al .

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION Ai F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION 35.8 The Conference secretariat hasestimated the average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementingthe activitiesof this programme to be about$150 million, including about$30 million from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicative andorder-of'-magnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsand financiai terms,includingany thatarenon-concessional, will dependupon, inter ulia, the specificstrategies and programmes Governments decideuponfor implementation.

B / S C/ F NI I F I C A N D T E C H N OL OGICME AL AN S 35.9 The scientific and technoloeical means includethe follorving: (a) Supportingnew scientific researchprogrammes, includingtheir socio-ecclnomic andhumanaspects, at the community,national, subregional, regional and global

OBJEC'IIVES 35.11One key objective is to improveand increase the fundamental understandingof the linkages between human and naturalenvironmental systems and improve the analytical and predictive tools required to better understand the environmentalimpactsof development optionsby: (a) Carrying out research programmesin order better to understand thecarryingcapacityof the Eafih asconditioned by its naturalsystems, suchas the biogeochemical cycles, the atmosphereftrydro sphere/l i thosphere/cryo sph ere system,thebiosphere andbiodiversity, theagro-ecosystem and otherterrestrial and aquaticecosystems: (b) Developingand applying new analyticaland pre-


dictive tools in orderto assess more accurately the ways in which the Earth'snaturalsystems are being increasingly influencedby human actions,both deliberate and inadvertent, and demographic trends,and the impact and consequences of thoseactionsand trends; (c) Integrating physical,economicand socialsciences in orderbetter to understand the impacts of economic and socialbehaviour on theenvironment andof environmental degradation on local and global economies.

ACTIVITIES 35.12The following activitiesshouldbe undertaken: (a) Supportdevelopment of an expandedmonitoring networkto describe cycles(for example. global,biogeochemical and hydrologicalcycles) and test hypotheses regarding their behaviour, and improveresearch into the interactions among the various global cycles and their consequences at national, subregional, regional and global levelsas guidesto tolerance and vulnerability; (b) Supportnational,subregional, regionaland international observationand researchprogrammesin global atmosphericchemistryand the sources and sinks of greenhousegases, and ensurethat the resultsare presented in a publicly accessible and understandable form; (c) Support national, subregional, regionalandinternational researchprograrnmeson marine and terrestrial systems, strengthen global terrestrial databases of their components, expand correspondi ng systern sfor monitoring their changingstates and enhance predictivemodellingof the Earth systemand its subsystems, including modelling of the f'unctioningof these systemsassumingdifferent intensities of human impact. The researchprogrammes shouldincludethe programmes mentioned in otherAgenda 2l chapters which suppoft mechanisms for cooperation and coherence of research programmes on global change; (d) Encouragecoordinationof satellitemissions,the networks, systemsand procedures for processing and disseminating their data;and developthe intertacewith the research usersof Earth observationdata and with the United NarionsEARTHWATCH sysrem; (e) Developthe capacityfor predictingthe responses of terrestrial, freshwater, coastaland marineecosystems and biodiversityto short- and long-term pernrrbations of the environment, anddevelopfurtherrestoration ecology; (0 Studythe role of biodiversityandthe lossof species in the functioningof ecosystems and the global life-support system: (g) Initiate a global observing system of parameters needed for therationalmanagement of coastal andmountain zones and significantly expand freshwaterquantity/ quality monitoring systems, particularlyin developing countries;

(h) In order to undentandthe Earth as a system,develop Eatth observationsystemsfrom spacewhich will provide integrated, continuousand long-termmeasurements of the interactions of theatmosphere, hydrosphere andlithosphere, anddevelopa distribution system for datawhich will facilitate the utilizationof dataobtained throughobservation; (i) Develop and apply sysremsand technologythat automaticallycollect,recordand transmitdataand information to data and analysiscentres, in order to monitor marine,terrestrialandatmospheric processes andprovide advance warningof naturaldisasters; the contributionof the engineering 0) Enhance sciences to multidisciplinary researchprogrammes on the Earth system, in particular with regard to increasing emergencypreparedness and reducing the negativeef_ fectsof major naturaldisasters; (k) Intensify researchto integratethe physical,economic and social sciences to better understand the impactsof economicand socialbehaviouron the environment and of environmentaldegradationon local and global economies and, in particular: (i) Developresearch on humanattitudes andbehaviouras driving forcescentralto an understanding of the causes and consequences of environmental changeand resource use; (ii) Promoteresearch on human,economicand social responses to global change; (l) Supportdevelopment of new user-friendlytechnologiesand systems thatfacilitatetheintegration of multidisciplinary,physical,chemical,biologicalanclsocialhuman processes which, in tum, provide informationand know_ ledgefor decisionmakersand the generalpublic.

MEANS OFIMPTEMENTATION Ai F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALTJATTON 35.13 The Conference secretariat hasestimated theaver_ age totai annualcosr (1993-2000) of implemenringthe activitiesof this programmeto be about $2 billion, including about $ 1.5 billion from the international community on grantor concessional terms.Theseareindicative andorder-of-magnitude estimates only andhavenot beenreviewedby Governments. Actual costsandfinancial terms,includinganythatarenon-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategiesand programmes Governments decideupon for implementation.

Bi sc/ENI/FtCAND TECHNOLOGTCAL MEANS 35.14The scientificandtechnological means includethe following: (a) Supporting and usingtherelevantnational research


activities of academia, researchinstitutesand governmental and non-governmental organizations, und pro_ moting their active participationin regionalano gtobat programmes, particularlyin developingcountries; (b) Increasing the useof appropriate enablingsystems and technologies, such as supercomputers, space_based observational technology, Earth-andocean-based observational technologies, data management and database technologies and, in particular, developingand expand_ ing the Global Climate ObservingSystem. c) |frrpRovtNc t oNG-TERlr SCtENTtFtc ASSESSMENT

ing indigenous approaches, for the differentscales of time and spacerequiredfor long-termpolicy formulation. ACTIVITIES 35'17 The following activitiesshourdbe under-taken: (a) Coordinateexisting data- and statistics-gathering systemsrelevantto developmental and environ .ntur issues soasto support preparation of rong-term scientific - for example,dataon resource assessments depletion, import/export flows, energy use, health impacts and demographic trends;apply the dataobtained throughthe activities identified in programmearea B to environment/development assessments at the global, regional and local levels;andpromotethe wide distribution of the assessments in a form that is responsive to public needs and can be widely understood; (b) Develop a methodorogy to carryout nationaland regionalauditsand a five-yeargtobaraudit on an integrated basis. The standardized auditsshould helpto refine the patternand character of development, examiningin particularthe capacities of globarand regionarlife-s"upporting systemsto meet the needsof human and non_ human life forms and identifying areasand resources vulnerableto further degradation. This task would involve the integrationof arl rerevantsciences at the national, regional, and global levels, and would be or_ ganized by governmentalagencies,non_governmental or ganization s, universities and researchinititutions, assisted by internationalgovernmentaland non_govern_ mentalorganizations and united Nations bodiei when necessary and as appropriate. Theseaudits shouldthen be madeavailableto the generalpublic.

BASIS FOR ACTION 35.15 Meeting scientificresearch needsin the environment/development field is only the first stepin the sup_ port that the sciences can provide for the sustainabre development process. The knowledge acquired may then be usedto provide scientificassessments (audits)of the currentstatusand for a rangeof possiblefuture conditions.This impliesthatthe biosphere mustbe maintained in a healthystateand that losses in biodiversitymust be sloweddown. Althoughmany of the long_term environ_ mental changes that are likely to affect peopleand the biosphere are globarin scare, key chang", .un often be madeat the nationarand local revels.At the same time, human activitiesat the locar and regionarlevels often contributeto global threats- .g., stratospheric ozone depletion. Thus scientificassessments and projections arerequired at theglobal,regionalandlocallevers. Many countries and organizationsalready preparereports on the environment and deveropment which review current conditionsand indicate future trends.Regional and global assessments courd make full use of such reports but shouldbe broaderin scopeand include the results of detailedstudiesof future conditionsfor a rangeof assumptions about possiblefuture human ,.rpoi..r, using the best avairablemoders. Such assersments should be designedto map out manageable develop_ ment pathwayswithin the environmentaland socioeconomiccarrying capacityof each region. Full use shouldbe made of traditionalknowredgeof the rocal e n v ir onm ent .

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION F/NANC/NG AND COSI EVALI,JATION 35'18 The Conference secretariat hasestimated the average total annualcost (1993_2000) of implementingthe activities of this progranrme to be about $35 million, i ncl udi ng about $18 mi l l i on from the i nternati on al community on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not beenreviewedby Governments. Actuarcosts and financial terms,including any that are non_ concessi onal , i l l depend w upon,i nteral i a,thespeci fic strategies and programmes Governments decid. upon for implementation. 35.19 With regard to the existing data requirements underprogrammeareaA, supporishould provided be for nationaldatacollectionand warningsystems. This would involve setting up database, information and

OBJECNVES 35.16The primaryobjective is to provideassessments of the currentstafusand trendsin major developmental and environmental issues at the national,subregional, regionar andgloballevelson thebasisof the bestavailable scientific knowledge in orderto deverop artemative strategies, includ-


and r epor t ing s y s te ms ,i n c l u d i n g d a ta a s sessment i n e a c h re g ion. inf or m at i o nd i s s e mi n a ti o n


(e) Involvementof scientists in national,regionaland proresearch global environmental and developmental grammes, includingmultidisciplinaryresearch; (f) P eri odi c academi c update o1' sci en t ist sf r om fields o1'knowdevelopingcountriesin their respective ledse.

ACTION FOR BASIS haveto role the sciences 35.20In view of the increasing anddevelof environment play in dealingwith the issues to build up scientificcapacityand opment,it is necessary suchcapacityin all countries- particularly strengthen - to enablethem to participate in developingcountries and applicationof the resultsof fully in the generation sustainconcerning and development scientificresearch There are many ways to build up able development. capacity.Someof the most scientificand technological andtraining importantof themarethe following: education to developingcounassistance and technology; in science tries to improve infrastructuresfor researchand developto work more producment which could enablescientists research and to encourage of incentives tively; development and greaterutilizationof their resultsin the development; productivesectors of theeconomy.Suchcapacity-building would alsoform the basisfor improving public awareness must Specialemphasis of ttresciences. and understanding be put on the need to assist developingcountriesto bases to studytheirown resource theircapacities strengthen them betterin orderto and manage andecologicalsystems Furthermore, meetnational, regional andglobalchallenges. in view of the sizeandcomplexityof globalenvironmental disciplines in several problems, a needfor more specialists hasbecomeevidentworld wide.

ACTIVITIES 35.22The following activitiesshouldbe undertaken: not (a) Promote andtrainingof scientists, theeducation but alsoin theirability to identili, only in theirdisciplines manageand incorporateenvironmentalconsiderations into researchand developmentprojects:ensurethat a ecology and resource sound base in natural systetns, capable management is provided:anddevelopspecialists relatedto of working in interdisciplinaryprogrammes environmentand development,including the field of appliedsocialsciences; in schools, (b) Strengthen the scientificinfrastructure universities and researchinstitutions -- particularly those in developingcountries- by the provision of adequatescientific equipment and accessto current scientific literature,for the purposeof achieving and in of highly qualifiedscientists a criticalmass sustaining thesecountries; (c) Developandexpandnationalscientificandtechnoprocessing datain unifiedformatsand logical databases, to thedeposisystems, andallowing full andopenaccess tory libraries of regional scientific and technological of scientific submission informationnetworks. Prornote to globalor informationanddatabases andtechnological and network systems; regionaldatacentres (d) Developand expandregionaland global scientific informationnetworkswhich arebased and technological on and linked to national scientific and technological infonnation databases; collect, processand disseminate expand from regional and global scientificprogrammes; activitiesto reduceinformationbarriersdue to language - particularly in differences. Increasettre applications retrievalsysdevelopingcountries of cornputer-based temsin ordertocopewith thegrowthof scientiflcliterature; (e) Develop, strengthenand forge new partnerships tcl proamong national,regional and global capacities of scientificand techmote the full and open exchange nologicaldataandinformationand to facilitatetechnical soundand sustainrelatedto environmentally assistance This shouldbe done throughthe deable development. for the sharingof basic revelopmentof mechanisms data and inforrnation,and the improvementand search, of intemationalnetworksand centres,indevelopment cluding regional linking vr'ithnational scientiflc datafor research, bases, trainingand monitoring.Suchmech-

OBJECTIVES 35.21The primary objectiveis to improve the scientific of all countries- in particular,thoseof decapacities - with specificregardto: velopingcountries (a) Education, trainingand facilitiesfor local research and developmentand human resourcedevelopmentin basic scientific disciplinesand in environment-related andlocal traditional utilizing whereappropriate sciences, knowledgeof sustainability: (b) A substantialincreaseby the year 2000 in the - particularly womenscientists numberof scientists in thosedevelopingcountrieswhere their number is at present insufficient; (c) Reducing from of scientists theexodus significantly those who have developingcountriesand encouraging left to return; (d) Improvingaccess informationfor sciento relevant tists and decision makers,with the aim of improving in decision-making; public awareness and participation


professional anismsshouldbe designed so asto enhance cooperationamong scientistsin all countriesand to establish strong national and regional alliancesbetween industryand research institutions; (0 Improve and develop new links betweenexisting networksof naturaland socialscientists and universities at the internationallevel in order to strengthen national capacities in the formulation of policy optionsin thefield of environment and development; (g) Compile, analyseand pubiish information on indigenous environmental and developmental knowledge, and assist the communities that possess suchknowledge to benefit from them.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION A/ F'NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON 35.23 The Conference secretariat hasestimated the average total annual cost ( 1993-2000)of implementing the activitiesof this programmeto be about $750 million, including about $470 million from the intemationalcommunityon grantor concessional terms.These areindicative and order-of-magnitude estimates only and have not been reviewed by Govemments. Actual costs and financial terms,includinganyttratarenon-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategiesand programmes Governments decideupon for implementation.

cilitiesandassociated sustainable development andtechnology supportsystems in developing regions.Promote and use the potentialof independent initiativesand indigenousinnovationsand entrepreneurship. The function of such networks and centrescould include. for example: (a) Supportand coordination of scientificcooperation amongall nationsin the region; (b) Linking with monitoringcentresand carryingout assessment of environmental and developmental conditions; (c) Support and coordinationof national studies of pathways towardssustainable development; (d) Organizationof scienceeducationand training; (e) Establishmentand maintenanceof information, monitoringand assessment systems and databases.

c) CAPACTTY-BUtLDtNG 35.25Capacity-building includesthe fbllowing: (a) Creatingconditions(e.g., salaries, equipment,libraries) to ensure that the scientists will work effectively in their home countries; (b) Enhancingnational,regionaland global capacities forcarrying out scientificresearch andapplyingscientific and technologicalinformation to environmentallysound and sustainable development. This includesa need to increase financial resource sfor globalandregionalscientific and technological informationnetworks,as may be appropriate,so that they will be able to function effectively and efflcientlyin satisfying the scientificneeds of developingcountries. Ensurethe capacity-building of women by recruitingmore women in research and research trainins.

8/ SC/FNilF'C AND TECHNOLOG\CAL MEANS 35.24Suchmeansincludeincreasing and strengthening regional multidisciplinary researchand training networks and centresmaking optimal use of existing fa-


ondtroining public oworeness educotion, Promoting 3 6


raising of publicawareness andtraining 36.1 Education. virtually in Agenda 21, and even all areas are linked to needs, meeting basic capacmore closelyto the oneson role information, science, and the and data ity-building. proposals, groups. sets out broad This chapter of major relatedto sectoralissuesare while specificsuggestions The Deciaration andRecomin contained otherchapters. Conference mendations of the Tbilisi Intergovernmental organizecl by UNESCO Environmental Education,l on provided the funheld in l9ll, have and and UNEP proposals principles in this document. for the damental in the presentchapter 36,2 Programmeareasdescribed are: (a) Reorienting develeducation towardssustainable opment: (b) Increasing publicawareness: (c) Prornotingtraining.

for any providesthe underpinning While basiceducation environmentaland developmenteducation,the latter part of leaming. needsto be incorporated as an essential Both fonnal educationand non-formal educationare so that they to changingpeople'sattitudes indispensable their sustainable havethe capacityto assess and address It is also critical for achieving development concerns" values and attienvironmentaland ethical awareness, with sustainable tudes,skills and behaviourconsistent developmentand for effective public participationin To be eff'ective, environmentand dedecision-making. velopmenteducationshould deal with the dynamicsof enviand socio-economic both the physical/biological ronmentandhuman(which may includespiritual)develandshould shouldbeintegrated in all disciplines, opment, employ formal and non-formal rnethodsand effective means of communication.

OBJECTIVES 36..1Recognizing that countries and,regionaland interwill developtheir own priorities nationalorganizations with in accordance fbr irnplementation and schedules policiesand programmes. the following obtheir needs, jectivesareproposed: (a) To endorsethe recommendations arisingfrom the World Conf'erence on Educationfor All: Meeting Basic (Jomtien.Thailand,5-9 March 1990) Learning Needs2 to basiceducation, andto striveto ensure universal access primary education and to achieve for at least80 per cent of girls and 80 per cent of boys of prirnary schoolage through formal schoolingor non-fornraleducationand to reduce theadultilliteracyrateto at leasthalf of its I 990 level. Effortsshor-rld focuson reducingthehigh illiteracy levelsand redressing among the lack of basiceducation women and shouldbring their literacylevelsinto line with thoseof men:


FOR ACTION BASIS 36.3 Education,including formal education,public asa process should berecognized awareness andtraining, can reachtheir b1' which human beingsand societies Education is criticalfor promotingsusfullestpotential. and improvingthe capacityof the tainabledevelopment issues. peopleto address environment and development


(b) To achieve environmental anddevelopment awarenessin all sectorsof societyon a world-wide scaleas soonas possible; (c) To striveto achieve theaccessibility of environmental and development education, linked to social education, from primary school age through adulthood to all groups of people; (d) To promote integrationof environmentand development concepts,including dernography, in all educationalprogrammes, in particular theanalysis of thecauses of major environment and development issues in a local context, drawingon thebestavailable scientificevidence and other appropriate sources of knowledge,and giving special emphasisto the further training of decision makers at all levels.

ACTIVITIES 36.5 Recognizing thatcountries andregionalandinternational organizationswill develop their own priorities and schedules for implementationin accordance with policiesand prografitmes, their needs, the following activities are proposed: (a) All countries areencouraged to endorse the recommendationsof the Jomtien Conferenceand strive to ensure its Frameworkfor Action. This would encompass the preparation of national strategiesand actions for meetingbasiclearningneeds, universalizing access and promoting equity, broadening the means and scope of education, developing a supporting policy context, mobilizing resources and strengthening internationalcooperation to redressexisting economic, social and gender disparities which interferewith theseaims.Non-governmentalorganizations canmake an importantcontribution in designing andimplementing educational programmes and shouldbe recognized; (b) Governments should strive to update or prepare strategies aimedat integratingenvironmentand development as a cross-cutting issueinto education at all levels within the next three years. This should be done in cooperation with all sectorsof society. The strategies shouldsetout policiesand activities, and identify needs, cost, means and schedulesfor their implementation, evaluationand review. A thoroughreview of curricula should be undertaken to ensurea multidisciplinaryapproach,with environmentand development issuesand their socioculturaland demographicaspectsand linkages. Due respect shouldbe givento community-defined needs anddiverse knowledgesystems, includingscience, culturaland socialsensitivities; (c) Countriesare encouraged to set up nationaladvisory environmentaleducationcoordinating bodies or round tables representativeof various environmental,

developmental, educational, genderand other interests. includingnon-governmental organizations, to encourage partnerships, help mobilize resources, and provide a source of information and focal point for international ties. These bodies would help mobilize and facilitate different populationgroupsand communitiesto assess their own needsand to develop the necessary skills to createand implemeuttheir own environment and developmentinitiatives: (d) Educational authorities. with theappropriate assistance from community groups or non-governmental organizations, are recommendedto assist or set up pre-serviceand in-servicetraining programmes fbr all teachers,administrators, and educationalplanners,as well as non-formaleducators in all sectors. addressing the nature and methodsof environmentaland development educationand making use of reler,'ant experience of non-governmentalor ganizati ons; (e) Relevant authorities shouldensure thateveryschool is assistedin designing environmentalactivity work plans, with the participation of studentsand staff. Schoolsshould involve schoolchildren in local and regional studieson environmental health.including safe drinking-water, sanitation and food and ecosystems, and in relevantactivities,linking thesestudies with services andresearch in nationalparks,wildlife reserves, ecological heritagesitesetc.; (0 Educational authorities shouldpromoteproveneducational methods and the developmentof innovative teachingmethodsfor educational settings.They should alsorecognize appropriate traditionaleducation systems in local communities; (g) Within two yearstheUnited Narionssystem should undertakea comprehensive review of its educational programmes, encompassing training and public awareness,to reassess priorities and reallocateresources. The UNESCO/LTNEP Internati onal EnvironmentalEducation Programme should,in cooperation with the appropriate bodiesof the UnitedNationssystem, Governments, nongovernmental organizations and others,establish a programniewithin two yearsto integrate thedecisions of the Conference into the existingUnited Nationsframework adapted to the needsof eclucators at differentlevelsand circumstances. Regional organizations andnational authoritiesshouldbe encouraged to elaborate similarparallel programmes andopportunities biuconducting an analysis of how to mobilize differentsectors of the populationin order to assessand addresstheir environmentaland development education needs ; (h) There is a need to strengthen, within five years. information exchangeby enhancingtechnologies and capacities necessarv to promoteenvironment and development education and public atvareness. Countries


should cooperatc rvith cach other and with the various social sectors and population grclups to prepare educaticlnaltools that include regional environment and development issues and initiativcs, using learning materials and resourcessuited to their owtt requirentcnts: (i) Countriescould supportuniversity and othertertiary activities and networks for environmental and development education. Crclss-disciplinary courses could be Existing regionalnetworks made availableto ailstr"rdents. and national university actions which proand ac:tivities on susmote researchand cotntnon teaching apprclaches tainable develclpntent should be built upon. and ncw partnershipsand bridges created with the businessand other independent sectors,as well as with all countries, for technology. know-how, aud knowledge exchange; nonby internationalorganizations, 0) Countries,assistcd governmental organizations and other sectors, could or cstablishnatiotlalor rcgional centresof excelstrengthen and educalionin environresearch lence in irrterdisciplinary rnental and developtttetttalsciences,law and the managernent of specific environntental problems. Such centres or cristing networks in each country could be urtiversitir's or region. prornotitig coopel'ativcresearchand infonnation At the giobal level these funcsharing and disscrnirtatiott. tions should Lrcperlirnred by appropriateinstitutions: (k) Countrics :hoLtlcl l'acilitateand promote non-formal e d u c a t i o n a c t i r i t i c - su t t l t c l o c a l . r e g i o n a l a n c l n a t i o n a l levcls bl, cooperatitt-ruith ancl supporting the efforts of ators alid ot hcr cotnntunity -basedorg annon- fbnn al cch.rc izations. l'hc applopriatc bodies of the tJnited Nations non-govemrnentalorganizasystern irt cooperittiort',r'ith of an intemational tht: dr-r'cloptnent tions should c-rtcountsc educationalaims. At network fbr the achiei entcrtttr1-global forums the nationaland ltrcal lcrcls. public and scholastic and development issues,and should discussertviront.t.tcntal altctratil'cs to policy makers; suggestsustaitrable (l) Educational authoritics.u'ith appropriateassistance of non-governmental orgattizations.including women's and indigenous pr-oplcs'orgartizations.should promote all kinds of adult educatron progralnmes for continuing education in environntent and delelclpment, basing acschools and local tivities around eletuentarv/secondauy problerns.These authoritics and industry should encourage business,industlial and agricultrrral schocllsto in'Ihe corporate sector clude such topics in their curricula. developrttcntin their education could include sustainable and training programtncs. Prograrnntcs at a postgraduatc includc specitic courscsainting at the f'urther ler el shoLrld t r a i n i n g o f d e c i s i o nm a k e r s ; (nr ) Gor ernments and educational authoritics should opportunitics for wollten itl non-traditional fields l'ostc-r' This could g en d er s t e r e o t y p i n g in curricula. a n dc l i n r i r t a t c b e d o r r eh r i r n p r o v t n ge n r o l m e n to p p o r t u n i t i e si.n c l u d i n g

andinstrucprogrammes asstudents in advanced females tors,reforming entranceanclteacherstaffingpoliciesand facilities. shingchild-care vesfor establi providing incenti Priority shouldbe given to educationof as appropriate. promoting literacy young femalesand to programmes amongwomen; (n) Governments shouldaffirrnthc rightsof indigenous to use their experipeoples, by legislationif necessary, to development of sustainable ence and understanding and training: play a part in education (o) The United Nationscould maintaina monitoring and evaluativerole regardingdecisionsof the United on }invironmentand Developlnent NationsConference throughthe relevantUnited andawareness, on education and non-governWith Governrnents Nations agencies. it shouldpresent as appropriate, mental organizations, decisionsin a variety of fonns, and and disseminate andreview implementation thecontinuous shouldensure decisions, of Conference implications of the educational in particularthroughrelevanteventsand conferences.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSI EVALUATION F/NANC/NG the averhas estimated secretariat 36.6 The Conference (1993-2000) the of implementing age total annualcost to billion about programme to be $8 activitiesof this billion to billion $4.5 $9 billion, includingabout $3.5 from the intemationalcommunity on grant or concesand order-ot--magnisional terms.Theseare indicatir.'c not treen reviewed by tude estimatesonly and have including financial terms, and Actualcosts Governments. inter upon. will depend any that are non-concessional, programmes Governand alia, the specific strategies mentsdecideupon for irnplementation. more situations, 36.7 In the light of country-specific public itwareness support for education,training and could anddevelopment related to environment activities such measures through cases, be provided,in appropriate as the following: in budget (a) Giving higher priority to thosesectors recutting protecting them from structural allocations, quirernents; (b) S hi fti ng al l ocati onsw i thi n exi sti ng educat ion with focus on budgetsin favour of primarv education, environment and development; (c) Promotingconditiclns where a larger shareof the with rich comcost is borne by local communities, poorerones: munities assisting (d) Obtaining additional funds fiom private donors on the poorestcountries,and thosewith concentrating ratesof literacybelow 40 per cent;


(e) Encouraging debt for educationswaps; (0 Lifting restrictions andincreason privateschooling ing the flow of funds from and to non-govemmental grass-roots including small-scale organiorganizations, zations; (g) Promotingthe effective use of existing facilities, for example,multiple schoolshifts,fuller development and other long-distance teaching; of open universities (h) Facilitatinglow-costor no-costuseof massmedia for the purposes of education; (i) Encouraging twinning of universities in developed and developingcountries.


AC-TON BASIS FOR lack of awareness of the 36.8 Thereis still a considerable natureof all human activitiesand the enviinterrelated or insufficientinformation. ronment,due to inaccurate Developingcountriesin particularlack relevanttechnologies and expertise.There is a need to increase public sensitivity to environment and development problemsand involvementin their solutions and foster responsibilityand a senseof personalenvironmental greatermotivation and commitmenttowards sustainable development.

OBJECTIVE 36.9 The objectiveis to promotebroadpublic awareness as an essential part of a global education effort to valuesand actionswhich are comstrengthen attitudes. patible with sustainable It is inrportantto development. stress theprincipleof devolvingauthority', accountability and resources to the most appropriatelevel with preference given to local responsibilityand control over activities. awareness-buildins

ACTMTIES that countries and regionalandinter36.10 Recognizing will developtheir own priorities nationalorganizations with for implementationin accordance and schedules policiesand programmes, the following actheir needs, tivities are proposed: (a) Countries should strengthenexisting advisory bodies or establishnew ones for public environment and development information,and should coordinate wit h , a m o n go th e rs th nonac t iv it ies , eU n i te dN a ti ons, gov er nm enta lo rg a n i z a ti o n sa n d i mp o rta nt medi a. public participationin discusThey shouldencourage s ions of env i ro n me n ta lp o l i c i e s a n d a s s essments.

Governments should national alsofacilitate andsupport to localnetworkinsof information throushexistinsnetworks; (b) The United Nationssystem shouldimproveits outreachin the course of a review of its education andpublic awareness involvement activitiesto promotegreater and coordinationof all parts of the system,especiallyits informationbodiesand regionaland countryoperations. proSystematicsun/eys of the impact of awareness grammes shouldbeconducted, recognizing theneeds and contributions of specificcommunitygroups; (c) Countries and regionalorganizations shouldbe encouraged, asappropriate, to providepublic environmental and development informationservices for raisingthe awareness of all groups,the private sectorand particularly decisionmakers; (d) Countries should stimulate educationalestablishmentsin all sectors, especially the tertiary sector, to contributemoreto awareness mabuilding. Educational terialsof all kinds arrdfor all audiences shouldbe based on thebestavailable includingthe scientificinformation, natural,behavioural and socialsciences, and taking into accountaesthetic and ethicaldimensions; (e) Countriesand the United Nations system should promotea cooperative relationship with the media,popular theatre groups. and entertainment and advertising industries by initiatingdiscussions to mobilizetheirexperiencein shapingpublic behaviourand consumption patternsand making wide use of their methods. Such cooperation wouldalsoincrease theactivepublicparticipationin thedebate on theenvironment. UNICEF should make child-orientedmaterial availableto rnediaas an educational tool,ensuring closecooperation between the out-of-schoolpublic information sectorand the school cuniculum,f or the primarylevel.UNESCO,UNEP and universities shouldenrichpre-service curriculafor journalists on environment and development topics; (f) Countries,in cooperation with the scientificcommunity, should establishways of employing rnodern communicationtechnologiesfor effective public outreach. National and local educationalauthoritiesand relevantLlnitedNationsagencies shouldexpand,as appropriate, the useof audio-visual methods, especially in rural areasin mobile units,by producingtelevisionand radio prograrnmes for developingcountries,involving local participation, employing interactivemultimedia methods and integratingadvancedmethodswith fblk media; (g) Countries shouldpromote,asappropriate. environmentallysoundleisureand tourisrnactivities, building on The Hague Declarationof Tourism (1989) and the current prograrnmes of the World Tourism Organization and UNEP, making suitableuse of museums, heritage


nationalparks,and other sites,zoos.botanicalgardens, protectedtreas; (h) Countriesshouldencourage non-governmental orin environntenganizations theirinvolvement to increase problems,throughjoint awareness tal and development with otherconstitinitiativesand improvedinterchange in society; uencies (i) Countriesand the United Nations system shouid increase their interactionwith and include,as appropriplanningand peoplein the management, ate,indigenous and shouldprodevelopment of their local environment, of traditionaland socially leamed mote dissemination espebased on local customs, knowledgethroughmeans cially in rural areas,integrating these efforts with the electronicmedia,wheneverappropriate; UNDPand non-governmental 0) UNICEF,LTNESCO, organizatronsshould develop support programmes to irrvolveyoung peopleand childrenin environmentand issues, suchas children'sand youth heardevelopment ings and building on decisionsof the World Summit for annex); Children(A/451625, (k) Countries, the UnitedNationsandnon-governmenmobilizationof both shouldencourage tal organizations stressing the campaigns, men and women in awareness activities,women's role of the family in environmental of knowledge and social contribution to transmission valuesand the development of humanresources; (l) Public awareness regarding should be heightened the impactsof violencein society.

focus,aimed at filling gapsin knowledgeand skill that would helpindividualsfind employment andbe involved in environmentaland developmentwork. At the same time, training programmes should promote a greater issues as a awareness of environmentand development two-way learningprocess.

OBJECTIVES are proposed: 36.13The following obiectives (a) To establish vocationaltrainingproor strengthen grammes and develthat meetthe needsof environment opment with ensuredacc:ess to training opportunities, raceor religion; regardless of socialstatus, age,gender, (b) To promote a flexible and adaptableworkforce of and variousagesequipped to meetgrowing environment developmentproblems and changeserising from the society; transitionto a sustainable (c) To strengthen particularly in national capacities, Govemments, scientificeducation andtraining,to enable employersand workers to meet their environmentaland development objectives and to facilitatethe transferand assimilation of new environmentally sound,sociallyacand appropriate ceptable technology and know-how; (d) To ensure andhumanecological thatenvironmental levelsand considerations areintegrated at all managerial in all functionalmanagement areas,suchas rnarketing, productionand finance.

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION AND COSI EVALUATION F/NANC/NG hasestimated secretariat the aver36.1 I The Conference the age total annualcost (1993-2000)of implernenting to be about $1.2 billion, activitiesof this programme comincluding about$110million from theinternational terms.Theseareindicamunity on grantor concessional estimates only andhavenot tive andorder-of-magnitude Actual costsandfinanbeenreviewedby Governments. will cial terms,includingany that arenon-concessional, and prodependupon, inter alia, the specificstrategies grammes decideuponfor implementation. Governments

ACTIVITIES 36.14Countrieswith the supportof the United Nations system should identify workforce training needs and Areview assess measures to betakento meetthoseneeds. of progress in thisareacouldbe undertaken by theUnited Nationssystem in 1995. 36.15Nationalprofessional associations areencouraged to developand review their codesof ethicsand conduct to strengthen environmentalconnections and commitment. The training and personaldevelopment componentsof programmes sponsored by prof'essional bodies shouldensureincorporation of skills and informationon the implementationof sustainable developmentat all pointsof policy- and decision-making. institutions 36.16Countries andeducational shouldintegrateenvironmental issues into existanddevelopmental ing trainingcurriculaand promotethe exchange of their methodologies and evaluations. 36.17Countriesshouldencourage all sectors of society, government such as industry,universities, ofticials and non-governrnental employees, organizations and commanmunity organizations, to includean envirclnmental agementcornponentin all relevant training activities,


FOR ACTION BASIS 36.12Training is one of the most important tools to and facilitatethe transitionto develophumanresources world. It shouldhave a job-specific a more sustainable


with emphasison meetingimmediateskill requirements through short-term formal and in-plant vocational and management training.Environmentalmanagement training capacitiesshould be strengthened, and specialized "training of trainers" programmesshouldbe established to supporttraining at the national and enterpriselevels. New training approaches fbr existing environmentally soundpractices shouldbe developed that create employment opportunitiesand make maximum use of local resource-based methods. 36.18Countriesshouldstrengthen practical or establish training programmes for graduatesfrom vocational schools, high schools anduniversities, in all countries, to enablethem to meet labour market requirementsand to achievesustainable livelihoods.Training and retraining programmesshould be established to meet structural which have an impact on employmentand adjustments skill qualifications. 36.19Governmentsare encouragedto consult with people in isolated situations,whether geographicaily, culturallyor socially,to ascertain their needs for training to enablethem to contributemore fully to developing sustainable work practices and lifestyles. 36.20Governments, industry, tradeunions, andconsumers shouldpromotean understanding of the interrelationgoodenvironment shipbetween pracandgoodbusiness tices. 36.21Countries should develop a service of locally trained and recruited environmentaltechniciansable to provide local people and communities,particularly in deprived urban and rural areas,with the servicesthey require,startingfrom primary environmentalcare. 36.22Countries shouldenhance theability to gainaccess to, analyseand effectively use information and knowledgeavailable on environment and development. Existing or established special trainingprogrammes shouldbe strengthened to support information needs of special groups.The impact of theseprogrammes on productivity, health,safetyand employmentshouldbe evaluated. National and regional environmentallabourmarketinformationsystems shouldbe developed that would supply,on a continuingbasis,dataon environmental job and training opportunities. Environment and development training resource-guides should be prepared and updated, with information on training programmes, curricula,methodologies and evaluation resultsat the local, national, regionaland international lev els . 36.23Aid agencies shouldstrengthen the trainingcomponentin all development projects, emphasizing a multipromotingawareness disciplinaryapproach, andproviding the necessary skills for transitionto a sustainable society.The environmental guidelinesof management

UNDP for operationalactivities of the United Nations systemmay contributeto this end. 36.24Existingnetworksof employers' and workers'organizati ons,industryassociations andnon-governmental organizationsshould facilitate the exchangeof experiprograffrmes. ence concerningtraining and awareness 36.25Governments, in cooperation with relevantinternational organizations, should develop and implement strategies to deal with national,regionaland local environmentalthreatsand emergencies, emphasizingurgent practicaltraining andawareness programmes forincreasing public preparedness. 36.26The UnitedNationssystem, asappropriate, should particularly its environextend its training programmes, mental training and supportactivitiesfor employers'and workers'organization s.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENIATION F/NANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATION 36.27 The Conference secretariat hasestimated the average total annualcost (1993-2000)of implementingthe activities of this programme to be about $5 billion, including about $2 billion frorn the intemationalcommunity on grantorconcessional terms.Theseareindicative and order-of-magnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Govemments. Actual costs and financial terms,includinganythatarenon-concessional, will depend upon, inter alia, the specific strategiesand programmes Govemments decideuponfor implementation.

lnlergovernmentol Conference on Environmentol Educotion : F i n o l R e p o r t( P o r i s ,U N E S C O , 1 9 7 8 } , c h o p . l l l .


Finol Reportof the Wortd Conference on Educotionfor All: Meeting BasicLeorningNeeds, Jomtien, Thoilond,5-9 Morch 1990 (New York,Inter-Agency (UNDP, Commission UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bonklfor theWorld Conference on Educotion for All, 1990).


a7 \', f

mechonisms ond internotionol cooperotion Notionol in developing countries for copocity-building


BASIS FOR ACTION devel37"l The abilityof a countryto lollow sustainable opment paths is detenninedto a large extent by the aswell asby its capacityof its peopleand its institutions ecological and geographicalconditions. Specifically, the country's human, encompasses capacity-building zational,i n stituti onaland ogical,organi scientific,technol resourcecapabilities.A fundamentalgoal of capacityand address the ability to evaluate building is to enhance and modes relatedto policy choices the crucialquestions options, based of implementationamong development of environmentalpotentialsand on an understanding limits and of needsas perceivedb1' the people of the As a result, the need to strengthen country concerned. is shared by all countries. nationalcapacities c a p a c i t yt o i m p l e m e n t 3 7 . 2B u i l d i n g e n d o g e n o u s themAgenda21 will requirethe effortsof the countries with relevant UnitedNationsorganselves in partnership The intercountries. well as with developed national community at the national, subregionaland , on-governmental regional levels, municipalitiesn centres, andbusiandresearch organizations, universities ness and other private institutions and organizations It is essential for indicould also assistin theseet-forts. the vidual countriesto identify prioritiesand determine meansfor building the capacityand capabilityto impletheirenvironmental mentAgenda2l , takinginto account and economicneeds.Skills, knowledgeand technical knou,-howat the individual and institutionallevels are policy analysisand fbr institution-building, necessary of management, including the assessment development courses of action with a view to enhancing alternative of technologyand promotingecoaccess to and transfer Technicalcooperation.including nomic development.

and krrow-how,enthat relatedto technologytransf-er compasses the whole range of activitiesto develop or strengthenindividual and group capacitiesand capabilities. It shouldservethe purposeof long-temrcapacity-building and needsto be managedand coordinated inTechnicalcooperation, by the countriesthemselves. cluding that relatedto technologytransler and ktrowhow, is effectiveonly when it is derivedfrom andrelated to a country'sown strategies and prioritieson environagencies ment and development and when development and Governmentsdefi ne i mproved and co nsist ent policiesand procedures to suppor-t this process.

OBJECTIVES capacity37.3 The overall objectivesof endogenous building in this programme area are to develop and anclregional improve national and relatedsubregional development, capacities and capabilities for sustainable with the involvementof the non-governmental sectors. The programmeshouldassist by: (a) Promoting an ongoing participatoryprocessto definecountryneeds andprioritiesin promotingAgenda 2l andto give importance to technicaland professional human resourcedeveloprnent of inand developrnent of stitutionalcapacities and capabilitieson the agencla wittr due recognitionof tire potentialfor opticountries, mum useof existinghumanresources aswell asenhancement of the efficiencyof existinginstitutions and nongovernmentalorganizations, including scientific and i nsti tuti orrs: technol ogi cal (b) Reorienting technicalcooperation that process,settingnew priorities in the field, including that related to transfer of technologyand know-how processes, while giving due attentionto the specificcondiand intproving tions and individual needsof recipients, for support of assistance coordinationamong prclviders to countri es'ow n programmesof acti on. This co-


organordinationshouldalsoincludenon-governmental as institutions, izationsand scientificand technological and industrywheneverappropriate; well as business planningand (c) Shiftingtime horizonsin programme and strengthening for the development implementation of to permit an enhancement of institutionalstructures challenges their ability to respondto new longer-terrn only on immediateproblems; ratherthan concentrating (d) Improving and reorientingexisting international Iitiesfor environmulti lateralinstitutions with responsibi mattersto ensurethat those ment and/or development institutions havethe capabilityand capacityto integrate and development; environment (e) Improving institutional capacity and capability, the environboth public and private,in orderto evaluate projects. mentalimpact of all development includethe following: 37.4 Specificobjectives (a) Each country should aim to complete,as soon as and practicable, if possible by I 994,areviewof capacityfor devising national capability-buildingrequirements including thosefor strategies, development sustainable generating and implementingits own Agenda21 action programme; (b) By 1997,the Secretary-General should submit to of the GeneralAssembly a report on the achievement andprocedures systems improvedpolicies,coordination of technicalcothe implementation for strengthening as fbr sustainable development, operationprogrammes requiredto strengthen weil as on additional measures on the That reportshouldbe prepared suchcooperation. international basisof informationprovidedby countries, instituenvironmentand development organizations, partners. and non-govemmental tions,donor agencies

of the in the identification of Governments, uponrequest including those for technicalcooperation, requirements transferandknow-how and develrelatedto technology of Agenda21. for the implementation opmentassistance whereappropritogether, The nationalplanningprocess actionplans development ate. with nationalsustainable or strategiesshould provide the framework for such UNDP shoulduseandfurther andassistance. cooperation improve its networkof field offices andits broadmandate in the field of usingits experience to provideassistance, for facilitating capacity-building technicalcooperation at the countryand regionallevelsand making full useof the expertiseof other bodies,in particularUNEP, the anddevelopment World Bank andregionalcommissions intergovernmenbanks,as well as relevantinternational organizations. tal and non-governmental

AND OF NAilONAt SOURCES 8/ /DENI/F/CATION TECHNICAL FOR OF REAUESIS PRESENIAI/ON TO THAT RELATED /NCTUD/NG COOPERATION, IRANSFER AND KNOW-HOW TECHNOLOGY SIRAIFG/ES IN THEFRAMEWORK OF SECIOR for technicalco37.6 Countriesdesiringarrangements of technology transfer related to including that operation, and know-how. with international organizationsand in theframerequests shouldformulate donorinstitutions capacity-building work of long-termsectoror subsector poladdress should,asappropriate, strategies. Strategies issues, implemented, budgetary to be icy adjustments human amonginstitutions, cooperation andcoordination resourcerequirements, and technology and scientific They shouldcover public and equipmentrequirements. scientific privatesector needs consider strengthening and programmes, inand research training and educational and the in developed countries cluding suchtraining the of centresof excellencein developing strengthening a countries.Countriescould designateand strengthen cooperatechnical to organrze and coordinate centralunit and the resource tion, linking it with the priority-setting allocationprocess.

ACTIVITIES AND A NAilONAt CONSENSUS A) BU|LD|NG I NG IRAIEG/ES APAC ITYB U I LD 5 NG C FOR M ULATI A GENDA 2I F O RI M P LE M E N IIN G 37.5 As an important aspectof overall planning,each at all levels of country should seek internal consensus society on policies and programmesneededfor shortitsAgenda to implement capacity-building andlong-term should result from a This consensus 21 programme" interestgroups and participatorydialogue of r:elevant lead to an identificationof skill gaps,institutionalcapaand scientificretechnological cities and capabilities, environmental needs to enhance quirerlcntsandresource environment to integrate knowledgeand administration UNDP in partnershipwith relevant and development. intergovernagencies andotherinternational specialized couldassist, organizations mentalandnon-governmental

A R E V IE W ME C H A N IS M OFT c) E S TA B L/S H MFN /N AND RELATED OF IECHNICAL COOPERAIION IR A N S FEA RN D K N OW -H OW IO IE C H N OLOGY andinstitutheorganizations 37.7 Donorsandrecipients, international tions of the United Nations system,and should review the public and private organizations process as it relatesto of the cooperation development related to activities includingthat technicalcooperation,


for the transfer of technology and know-how linked to sustainable development. To facilitate this processthe Secretary-General could undertake, taking into account work carried out by UNDP and other organizationsin preparation for the United NationsConference on Environment and Development, consultations with developingcountries,regional organizations, organizationsand institutionsof the United Nationssystem, including regionalcommissions, and multilateraland bilateralaid and environment agencies, with a view to further strengtheningthe endogenouscapacities of countries andimprovingtechnical cooperation, including that related to the technology transfer and knowhow process.The following aspectsshould be rev iewed: (a) Evaluationof existing capacityand capabilityfor the integrated management of environment anddevelopment,includingtechnical, technological andinstitutional capacities and capabilities,and facilities to assess the environmental impact of development projects; and evaluation of abilitiesto respond to andlink up with needs for technicalcooperation, including that relatedto technology transferand know-how, of Agenda 21 and the global conventionson climate change and biological diversity; (b) Assessment of thecontribution of existingactivities in technical cooperation, includingthatrelated to transfer of technology andknow-how,towardsstrengthening and building nationalcapacityand capabilityfor integrated environmentand development management and an assessment of the meansof improving the quality of internationaltechnicalcooperation, including that relatedto transferof technolgyand know-how; (c) A strategy for shiftingto a capacityandcapabilitybuilding thrust that recognizesthe need for the operationalintegrationof environmentanddevelopment with longer-termcommitments,having as a basisthe set of national programmesestablishedby each country, through a participatoryprocess; (d) Consideration of greateruseof long-termcooperative arrangements betweenmunicipalities, non-governmentalorganizations, universities, trainingand research centres and business, public andprivateinstitutions with counterparts in other countriesor within countriesor regions. Programmes suchas the Sustainable Development Networks of UNDP should be assessed in this regard; (e) Strengthening of the sustainability of projectsby including in the original projectdesignconsideration of environmental impacts, the costsof institution-building, human resource development and technologyneeds,as well as flnancial and organizationalrequirements for operationand maintenance;

(0 Improvement of technical cooperation,including that relatedto transferof technologyand know-how and managementprocesses, by giving greater attention to capacity-and capability-building as an integralpart of sustainable developmentstrategies for environmentand developmentprogrammesboth in country-relatedcoordinationprocesses, suchasconsultative groups andround tables, andin sectoral coordination mechanisms to enable developingcountries to participate activelyin obtaining assistance from differentsources.

D/ ENHANCEMFNI AF THE EXPERIISE AND COLLECTIVE CONTR/BUIION OF THEUNITED NAI/ONS SYSTEM FORCAPACITYAND CAPABILITY-BUII.DING IN ITIA TIV E S 37.8 Organizations, organs, bodiesandinstitutions of the United Nations system,togetherwith other international and regional organizationsand the public and private sectors, could, as appropriate. strengthen their joint activities in technical cooperation, includingthat relatedto transfer of'technology andknow-how,in orderto address linked environment and development issuesand to promotecoherence andconsistency of action.Organizations could assistand reinforce countries,particularly least developed countries, uponrequest, on matters relatingto national environmentaland developmental policies, human resourcedevelopmentand fielding of experts, legislation. naturalresources and environmental data. 37.9 UNDP, the World Bank and regional multilateral development banks,as part of their participationin national and regional coordinationmechanisms,should assistin facilitatingcapacity-and capability-building at the countrylevel,drawinguponthe special expertise and operational capacityof UNEP in the environmental field as well as of the specialized agencies, organizations of the United Nationssystemand regionaland subregional organizations in their respectiveareasof competence. For this purposeUNDP should mobilize funding for capacity-and capability-building, utilizing its network of field offices and its broad mandateand experiencein the field of technicalcooperation, includingthat related to transfer of technology andknow-how.UNDP,together with these international organizations, shouldat the same time continueto developconsultativeprocesses to enhancethe mobilization and coordinationof funds from the international communityfor capacityandcapability-building, includingtheestablishment of an appropriate database. These responsibilities may need to be accompanied by sffengthening of the capacitiesof LINDP. 37.10The nationalentity in chargeof technicalcooperation, with the assistance of the UNDP residentrepre-


shouldestaband the UNEP representatives, sentatives giving theprocess, to steer lish a smallgroupof key actors and priorities. priority to the countrl"s own strategies gainedthroughexisting planningexerThe experience cisessuchas the nationalreportsfor the United Nations national and Development, on Environtnent Conference conservationstrategiesand environment action plans into a countryshould be fully used and incorporated stratdevelopment and sustainable driven, participatory egy. This should be cornplernentedr,vith information in with donor organizations networksand consultations to the as well as access order to improve coordination. and existingbody of scientificand technicalknowleclge elsewhere. informationavailablein institutions

review mechanism should be establishedamong the of the approcountriesof the region with the assistance priate relevant regional organizations and the participation of development banks, bilateral aid agenciesand are Other possibilities non-governmental organizations. to develop national and regional researchand training facilities building on existing regionaland subregional institutions.

MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND COSI EVALUATION F/NANC/NG to developing 37.12The cost of bilateralexpenditures includingthatrelated for technical cooperation, countries andknow-how,is about$15bilto transfer of technology lion or about 25 per cent of total official development Theimplementation of Agenda2 I will require assistance. a moreeffectiveuseof thesefundsandadditionalfundins in key areas. theaverhasestimated secretariat 3l .13 The Conference age total annual cost ( 1993-20f,0)of implementing the activitiesof this chapterto be between$300million and $ I billion from the internationalcommunity on grant or concessional terms.These are indicative and order-ofmagnitude only andhavenot beenreviewedby estimates Actual costsandfinancialtertns,including Governments. will dependvpon, inter any that are non-concessional, and programmesGovernalia, the specific strategies mentsdecideupon for implementation.

OF TtlE DELMRYOF E) HARMON/ZATION TEVEI. AT THEREGIONAT ASS/SIANCE should 37.11At theregionallevel,existingorganizations considerthe desirabilityof irnprovedregionaland submeetings ptocesses andround-table regionalconsultative of data,informationandexperito facilitatethee'xchange 21. UND| buildo1'Agenda encein theimplementation ing on the resultsof the regional surveyson capacitycarriedout on building that thoseregionalorganizations the United Nations Conferenceon Environment and with existinitiative,anclin collaboration Development with or nationalorganizations ing regional,subregional potential for regional coordination,should provide a The relevantnationai significantinput for this purpose. A periodic unit shouldestablisha steeringmechanisnt.


Internotionol institutionol orrongements 3 B

BASIS FOR ACTION 38.1 The mandate of the United NationsConference on Environmentand Development emanates from General Assembly resolution 4/'1228, in which the Assembly, irfter alia, affirmed that the Conferenceshouldelaborate strategies and measures to halt and reverse the effectsof environmental in the context of increased degradation nationaland international effortsto promotesustainable and environmentally sounddevelopment in all countries growthin developing andthatthepromotionof economic problems countries is essential to address of environmental degradation. The intergovernmental follow-up to the processshall be within the framework of the Conference UnitedNationssystem, with theGeneral Assemblybeing the supremepolicy-makingforum that would provide overall guidanceto Governments, the United Nations system and relevant treaty bodies. At the same time, Governments, aswell asregionaleconomic andtechnical cooperation organizations, have a responsibility to play an important role in the follow-up to the Conference. Their commitmentsand actions should be adequately supported by the UnitedNationssystem and multilateral financial institutions.Thus, national and international effortswould mutually benefitfrom one another. 38.2 In fulfilling the mandate of the Conference, thereis a need for institutionalarrangements within the United Nationssystemin c:onformity with, and providing input into, the restructuringand revitalizationof the United Nations in the economic,social and relatedflelds, and the overall reform of the United Nations,including ongoing changes in the Secretariat. In the spirit of reform and revitalizationof the United Nations system. implementation of Agenda2l and otherconclusions of the Conferenceshall be based on an action- and resultorientedapproach with the principlesof and consistent universality, democracy,transparency, cost-effectivenessand accountability. 38.3 The tinited Nationssvstem. with its multisectoral

capacity and the extensiveexperience of a number of specializedagenciesin various spheresof international cooperation in thefield of environmentanddevelopment, is uniquelypositioned to assist Governments to establish more effective patternsof economicand socialdevelopment with a view to achievingthe objectives of Agenda 2l and sustainable development. 38.4 All agencies of the United Nations systemhave a key role to play in the implementation of Agenda 2l within their respectivecompetence.To ensure proper coordinationandavoid duplicationin theimplementation of Agenda 21, there should be an effective division of labour betweenvariousparts of the United Nations system basedon their terms of referenceand comparative advantages. Member States, throughrelevantgoverning bodies,arein a positionto ensure that thesetasksarecanied out properly. In order to facilitate evaluationof agencies' performanceand promoteknowledgeof their activities,all bodiesof the United Nations systemshouldbe requiredto elaborateand publish reportsof their activitiesconcerning theimplementati onof Agenda2 1on a regular basi s. Serious andcontinuous programmes, reviewsof theirpolicies, budgetsand activitieswill alsobe required. 38.5 The continuedactiveand eft'ective participation of non-governmentalorganizations,the scientific community and the private sector,aswell aslocal groupsand communities,is important in the implementation of Agenda 21. 38.6 The institutionalstructure envisaged below will be basedon agreement on financial resources and mechanisms, technology transfer, the Rio Declaration and Agenda21. ln addition,therehasto be an effectivelink between substantive actionandfinancialsupport, andthis requires closeandeffectivecooperation andexchange of informationbetweenthe United Nationssystemand the multilateral financial institutionsfor the follow-up of Agenda2l within the institutional arrangement.


OBJECTIVES of environ38.7 The overall objectiveis the integration issuesat national,subregional, ment and development in the United including levels. regional andinternational arrangements. Nationssysteminstituticlnal shallbe: 38.8 Specificobiectives of Agenda (a) To ensure andreviewtheimplementation in all coundevelopment sustainable achieve 2l so asto tries: (b) To enhance the role and functioningof the United and developin the field of environment system Nations and proorganizations agencies. relevant All ment. granunesof the linited Nations system should adopt of Agenda fbr the implementation programmes concrete for UnitedNations 21 and alsoprovidepolicy guidance within uponrequest, or adviccto Governments, activities of competence, areas their on enand coordination cooperation (c) To strengthen sysNations United in the development and vironment tem; between interactionandcooperation (d) To encourage intergovernmental other and system Nations the United regionaland global subregional, and non-governmental in the orgamzatrons institutionsand non-governmental field of envitonmentand clevelopment; andarrangecapabilities (e) To strengthen institutional followirnplementation, for the eff-ective mentsrequired 2l: up andr ev iewof A g e n d a and coordinationof (fl To assistin the strengthening andactions andregionalcapacities national.subregional development; and of environment areas in the of and exchange (g) To establish effectivecooperation organizaorgans. Nations United between information and the multilateralfinancialbodies, tions,programmes for the ftlllow-up arrangements institutional within the 21 Agenda of ; re(h) To respon6l 1tlsontinuingand emergingissues and development; latingto environmettt (i) To ensnrethat any new institutionalanangements cleardivisionof responsirevitalization, wor,rld support bilities and the avoidanceof duplicationin the United Nat ions s y s t ema n d d e p e n dto th e m a x i m u m extent re s o u rc e s . pos s ible uponex i s ti n g

of Agenda2l " In fulf illing reviewof the inrplementation thetiming, format this task,the Assemblycouldconsider a review.In particular, t,rl'such aspects organizational ancl holdinga specialsession the Assemblycould consider not later than 1997 for the overall revicw and appraisal at a high level. preparations of Agenda2l , with adequate

COUNCIL ANDSOCIAL B) ECONOMIC and SocialCouncil,in the context 38.10The Economic theGeneralAssemof its role undertheChartert'i,i-d-vis and revitalizationof bly and the ongoing restructuring the United Nations in the econontic,social and related by overseeing the GeneralAssernbly fields,would assist of system-widecoordinationin the intplementation ln this regard. Agenda2l andrnakingrecolnmetrdations In addition. the Councii would undefiakethe task of directing system-widecoordinationand integrationof of UnitedNaaspects anddevelopmental environmental and would make approtions policiesand programmes to the GeneralAssembly.spepriate recommendations ApproandMemberStates. concerned agencies cialized trom reports priatesteps shouldbetakento obtainrr:gular on thcir plans and programmes agencies specialized to 2l , pursuant of A-senda relatedto the implementation Article 64 of the Charterof the lJniteclNations' The a periodic organize andSocialCouncilshould Economic on Sustainable review of the work of the Commission as w e ll as 38.11, i n paragraph envi saged D evel opment and environment activitiesto integrate of system-wide makingfull useof its high-leveland coordevelopment, dinationsegments.


ASSEMBLY A) GENERAL 'fhe General Assembly. as the highest intergovern3ti.9 mental rnechanism. is the principal policy-making and appraisal organ on matters relating to the follow-up of the Conf'erence.The Assembly would organize a regular

DEVETOPMENT ONSUSTAINABLE C) COMMISSION follow-up of the 38,l1 In order to ensurethe eff'ective cooperinternational as well as to enhance Conference, decisionation and rationalizethe intergovernmental and of environment making capacityfor the integration issuesanclto exatninethe progressin the development '21 regional o1'Agenda at the national, implementation on levels.a high-levelClomniission and international i n acbe establ i shed shotrl tl S ustai nablD e evcl opment cordancewith Article 6tJ o1'the Clhalterol the l-lnited to theBconomic wouldrepttrt ThisComtnission Nations. and SocialCouncil in the colttcxtof the Council'srole the General Assembly.It under the Charter t'i.r-r)-t,is of Stateselectedas would consistoi representatives geographical disto equitabie with due rcgarcl members of the States s of non-member tribution. Representative 'l'he CornCommission w'ould havc obseruerstatus. involvementof mission should provrdelirr the actir,'e of the United and organizations organs,pro-qrammes


Nations financial institutionsand other relevantintergovernmental organizations, and encourage the participation of non-govemmental organizations, including industryand the business and scientific communities.The first meeting of the Commission 'fhe shouldbe convened no laterthan 1993. Commission shouldbe supported by the secretariat envisaged in paragraph 38.19. Meanwhile the Secretary-General of the United Nations is requested to ensureadequate interim administrative secretariat arrangements. 38.12TheGeneral Assembly, atitsfbrty-seventh session, shoulddeterminespecificorganizational modalitiesfor the work of this Commission, suchasits membership, its relationshipwith other intergovernmental United Nations bodiesdealingwith matters relatedtclenvironment and development. andthe frequency, durationandvenue These of its meetings. modalities shouldtakeinto account the ongoingprocess of revitalization andrestructuring of the work of the United Nationsin the and relatedfields. in particular measures recommended by the General Assembly in resolutions 451264of 13 May l99l and 461235 of 13 April 1992 and other relevantAssemblyresolutions. In this respect. the Secretary-General of the United Nations,with the assistance of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conferenceon Environmentand Development, is requested to prepare for the Assembly a report with appropriate recommendations and proposals. 38.13The Cornmissionon Sustainable Development shouldhave the following functions: (a) To monitorprogress in the implementation of Agenda 2I and activitiesrelatedto the integration of environmental and developmental goals throughoutthe United Nations systemthrough analysisand evaluationof reports from all reJevantorgans, organizations,programmesand institutionsof the United Nations system dealingwith variousissues of environment anddevelopment, includingthoserelatedto finance; (b) To consider informationprovidedby Governments, including.for example,informationin the form of periodic comrnunications clr national reportsregardingthe activitiesthey undertaketo implementAgenda 21, the problemstheyface,suchasproblemsrelatedto financial resources andtechnology transfer, andotherenvironment and development issues they find relevant; (c) To reviewthe progress in the implementation of the commitmentscontainedin Agenda 21, including those relatedto provision of financial resources and transferof technology; (d) To receiveand analyse relevantinput from cornpetent non-governmental organizations, including the scientificandprivatesectors, in the contextof theoverall implementation of Agenda2l;

(e) To enhancethe dialogue,within the framework of the United Nations, with non-governmentalorganizations and the independent as well as other entities sector, outsidethe United Nationssystem; (0 To consider, whereappropriate, information regarding the progressmadein the implementationof environmentalconventions, which could be made availableby the relevantConferences of Parties; (g) To provide appropriate recommendationsto the GeneralAssemblythroughthe EconomicandSocialCouncil on the basisof an integratedconsideration of the reports andissues relatedto the implernentation of Agenda2l; (h) To consider,at an appropriatetime, the results of the review to be conductedexpeditiouslyby the Secretary-Generalof all recommendations of the Conference for capacity-building programmes,information networks, task forces and other mechanisms to supportthe integrationof environmentand developmentat regional and subregional levels. 38;14 Within the intergoverrunentalframework, considerationshouldbe given to allowing non-governmental organizations,including those related to major groups, particularly women's groups, committed to the implementationof Agenda 2l to have relevantinformation available to them, including information, reports and other data producedwithin the United Nations systern.

D) THE SECRETARY-GENERAL 38.15 Strong and effective leadershipon the part of the Secretary-General is crucial, since he/shewould be the focal point of the institutional arrangements within the United Nations systemfor the successful follow-up to the Conferenceand for the implementationof Agenda 21.

E)HIGH-LEVEL TNTER-AGENCY COORDTNATTON MECHANTSM 38.16 Agenda 21, as the basisfor actionby the international community to integrateenvironmentand development, should provide the principal framework for coordination of relevantactivities within the United Nations system. To ensure effectivemonitoring,coordinationand supervisionof the involvementof the United Nations systemin the follow-up to the Conference, thereis a need for a coordinationmechanism underthe direct leadership of the Secretary-General. 38.17This task should be given to the Administrative Committeeon Coordination(ACC), headed by the Secretary-General.ACC would thus provide a vital link and interface between the multilateral financial institutions and other United Nations bodiesat the highestadministrative level. The Secretary-General should continue to revitalizethe functionine of the Committee.All headsof


and institutionsof the United Nations system agencies with theSecretary-General to cooperate shallbe expected fully in order to make ACC work effectively in fulfilling of implementation its crucial role and ensuresuccesstul establishing a special Agenda21. ACC shouldconsider development or sustainable task force, subcommittee of the Desigboard,taking into accountthe experience Matters(DOEM) and natedOfficials for Environtnental Institutions Development of International theCommittee roles on Environment(CIDIE), as well as the respective of UNEP and UNDP. Its report should be submittedto bodies. the relevantintergovernmental

complementarityof their efforts to promote integration by can be enhanced of environmentand development positions in countries to maintainconsistent encouraging the variousgoverningbodies.

ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME I ) UNITED NATIONS therewill be a 38.21 In the follow-up to the Conference, role for UNEP need for an enhancedand strengthened and its Governing Council. The Governing Council continueto play its role with should,within its mandate, regard to policy guidanceand coordination in the field the development takinginto account of the environment, perspective. 38.22 Priority areason which UNEP shouldconcentrate includethe following: (a) Strengthening its catalyticrole in stimulatingand promoting environmentalactivitiesand considerations the United Nationssystem; throughout (b) Promoting internationalcooperationin the field of policies asappropriate, andrecommending, environment to this end: (c) Developingand promotingthe use of such technaccounting and environmental iquesas naturalresource economics: ( d ) E n v i r o n m e n t a lm o n i t o r i n g a n d a s s e s s m e n t , through both improved participationby the United Nain the Earthwatchprogrammeand tions systemagencies relationswith privatescientificand non-govexpanded ernmental researchinstitutes; and strengtheningand its early-wamingfunction; making operational (e) Coordinationand promotionof relevantscientific basis with a view to prclvidinga consolidated research for decision-making; (0 Disseminationof environmentalinformation and data to Governmentsand to organs, programmesand organizations of the United Nationssystem; (g) Raisinggeneralawareness and actionin the areaof with the protection throughcollaboration environmental generalpublic, non-governmental entitiesand intergovernmentalinstitutions; (h) Furtherdevelopment environmenof international promoandguidelines, tal law, in particularconventions and coordinatingfunctions tion of its implementation, legal numberof international arisingfrom an increasing inter ctlia,thefunctioningof the secretariats agreements, taking into accountthe needfor the of the conventions, including possible most efflcient use of resources, in the future; established co-locationof secretariats (i) Furtherdevelopment and promotiotrof the widest inimpact assessments, possibleuse of environmental of specluding activitiescarriedout underthe auspices cialized asenciesof the United Nationssvstem.and in

BODY ADVTSORY F) H|GH-LEVEL bodies,the Secretary-General 38.18 Intergovernmental and the United Nations system as a whole may also of a high-leveladvisoryboard from the expertise benet-it knowledgeable aboutenof erninentpersons consisting includingrelevant sciences, vironmentanddevelopment, in their personal appointedby the Secretary-General should capacity. In this regard.the Secretary-Gcneral to the GeneralAsrecommendations make appropriate session. semblyat its forty-seventh

STRUCTURE SUPPORT G)SECREIARIAT secretariat sup38.19 A highly qualifiedand cotnpetent port structure rvithin the tlnited Nations Secretariat, gainedin the Condrawing,inter alia, on the expertise for the followprocess,is essential ferencepreparatory of Agenda and the implementation up to the Conference support structureshould provide 21. This secretariat and intersupportto the work of both intergovernmental Concreteorganizaagency coordinationmechanisms. of the Secrefall within the competence tional decisions tary-Generalas the chief administrativeofficer of the who is requested to reporton theprovisions Organization, to be made, covering staffing implications,as soon as practicable,taking into account gender balance as in Article8 of the Charterof the United Nations defined in and the needfor the best use of existing resources of the contextof the currentand ongoingrestructuring the United Nations Secretariat.

AND PROGRANMES H) ORGANS, NATIONS SYSTEM UNITED OFTHE ORGANIZATIONS in particular Cont'erence, In follow-up to the the 38.20 organs, 21, all relevant Agenda implementation of the of the tlnited Nations programmesand organizations will haveanimportantrolewithin theirrespective system in supportingand supareasof expertiseand mandates plementing national efforts. Coordinationand mutual


connectionwith every significant economic development project or activity; 0) Facilitation of information exchangeon environmentallysoundtechnologies, includinglegalaspects, and provisionof training; (k) Promotionof subregional and regionalcooperation and support to relevant initiatives and programmesfor environmentalprotection,including playing a major contributing and coordinating role in the regional in the field of environment mechanisms identifiedforthe follow-up to the Conference; (l) Provisionof technical,legal andinstitutional advice to Governments,upon request,in establishingand enhancing their national legal and institutionalframewor k s , in p a rti c u l a r, i n c o o p e ra ti o n wi th U N D P ity -building efforts; capac (m) Supportto Govemments, uponrequest, anddevelopment agenciesand organsin the integration of environmentalaspects policies and into their development programmes, in particularthrough provision of environmental, technical and policy advice during programme formulation and i mplementation ; (n) Further developingassessment in and assistance cases of environmental emergencies. 38.23In order to perfonn all of thesefunctions,while retaining its role as the principal body within the United Nations system in the field of environment and taking into accountthe development aspects of environmental questions, UNEP would requireaccess to greater expertise and provisionof adequate financialresources and it would requireclosercooperation with and collaboration developmentorgans and other relevant organs of the Furthermore, United Nationssystem. the regionaloffices of UNEP shouldbe strengthened without weakeningits headquarters in Nairobi, and UNEP shouldtake stepsto reinforce and intensify its liaison and interactionwith UNDP and the World Bank.

38.25 Its role shouldincludethe following: (a) Acting as the lead agency in organizing United Nations systemeffbrts towards capacity-buildingat the local, nationaland regionallevels; (b) Mobilizing donor resources on behalf of Governments for capacity-building in recipient countries and, where appropriate,through the use of the UNDP donor round-tablemechanisms ; (c) Strengtheningits own programmesin support of follow-up to theConference without prejudiceto the fifth programmingcycle; (d) Assistingrecipientcountries,upon request, in the establishment and strengthening of nationalcoordination mechanismsand networks related to activities for the follow-up to the Conference; (e) Assistingrecipientcountries, in coupon request, ordinating the mobiliz,atronof domestic financial resources; (0 Promoting and strengthening the role and involvement of women,youth andothermajor groupsin recipient countries in the implementation of Agenda21.

3) UNTTED NATTONS CONFERENCE ANDDEVELOPMENT ONTRADE 38.26 UNCTAD should play an important role in the implementation of Agenda 2l as extendedat its eighth session, taking into accountthe importanceof the interrelationshipsbetween development,intemational trade and the environmentand in accordance with its mandate in the areaof sustainable developrnent.

4) UNITED NATIONS SUDANO-SAFIELIAN OFFICE 38.21 The role of the United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office (UNSO), with addedresources that may become available, operating under the umbrella of UNDP and with the supportof UNEP,shouldbe strengthened so that it can assumean appropriatemajor advisory role and participateeffectively in the implementationof Agenda 21 provisionsrelatedto combatingdroughtand desertification andto landresource rnanagement. In this context, theexperience gained couldbe usedby all othercountries affected by drought and desertification, in particular those in Africa, with specialattentionto countriesmost affectedor classifiedas leastdeveloped countries.

2) UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 38.24UNDP, like UNEP, also has a crucial role in the follow-up to the United Nations Conferenceon Environment and Development. Through its network of field officesit would fosterthe United Nationssystem's collective thrust in supportof the implementation of Agenda2I, at the country.regional,interregional and global levels, drawing on the expertiseof the specialized agenciesand other United Nations organrzationsandbodiesinvolvedin operational activities. The role of the residentrepresentative/resident coordinator of UNDP needsto be strengthened in order to coordinate the field-level activities of the United Nations operational activities.

5) SPECIALIZED AGENCIES UNITED NATIONS OFTHE SYSTEM ANDRELATED ORGANIZATIONS ANDOTHER RELEVANT INTE RGOVE RNME NTAL ORGAN IZATIONS 38.28 All specializedagenciesof the United Nations system, relatedorganizations andotherrelevantintergovernmentalorganizations within their respectivefields of competencehave an important role to play in the im-


plementationof relevant parts of Agenda 2l and other Their governingbodiesmay of the Conference. decisions and adjusting activities considerways of strengthening and programmesin line with Agenda 21, in particular, regarding projects for promoting sustainabledevelopspement. Furthermore,they may considerestablishing with donorsand financial institutions cial arrangements for project implementationthat may require additional resources.

38.34 Regional and subregional organizations should play a major role in the implementationof the provisions of Agenda 21 relatedto combatingdrought and desertification. UNEP. UNDP and UNSO should assist and cooperatewith thoserelevantorganizations. or38.35 Cooperationbetweenregionaland subregional ganizations and relevant organizations of the United where appropriNations systemshould be encouraged, ate. in other sectoralareas.

ANDSUBREGTONAT COOPERATION r) REGTONAL ANDIMPLEMENTATION 38.29 Regional and subregionalcooperationwill be an important part of the outcome of the Conference. The regional commissions,regional developmentbanks and regional economic and technical cooperationorganizacan contions, within their respectiveagreedmandates, tribute to this processby: (a) Promoting regional and subregional capacitybuilding; (b) Promoting the integration of environmentalcondevelopmentpolicies; cernsin regional and subregional (c) Promoting regional and subregionalcooperation, where appropriate,regarding transboundaryissuesrelated to sustainable development. should as appropriate, 38.30The regionalcommissions, play a leading role in coordinating regional and subregional activities by sectoraland other United Nations in achievingsustainable bodiesand shallassist countries development. The commissionsand regional programmeswithin the United Nations system,as well as shouldreview the needfor other regional organizations, in the modification of ongoing activities,as appropriate, light of Agenda21. t There must be active cooperationand collabora38.3 tion amongthe regionalcommissionsand other relevant regionaldevelopment non-governorganizations, banks, mentalorganizations andotherinstitutionsat theregional level. UNEPand UNDP, togetherwith the regionalcomin would havea crucialrole to play,especially missions, providing the necessary assistance, with particularemphasison building and strengthening the nationalcapacity of Member States. 38.32 There is a need fnr closer cooperation between UNEP and UNDP, together with other relevant institutions, in the implementationof projectsto halt environmental degradation or its impact and to suppoft training planningandmanagement programmes in environmental developmentat the regional level. for sustainable 38.33 Regional intergovernmentaltechnical and economic organizationshave an important role to play in helping Governments to take coordinatedaction in solvissues of regionalsignificance. ing environment

TMPLEMENTATTON J) NATTONAL 38.36 States have an importantrole to play in the followup of the Conferenceand the implementationof Agenby all da2l. National-levelefforts shouldbe undertaken countriesin an integratedmanner so that both environment and developmentconcernscan be dealt with in a coherentmanner. level, andactivities at thenational 38.37Policy decisions tailoredto supportand implementAgenda21, shouldbe supportedby the United Nations systemupon request. 38.38 Furthermore, States could considerthepreparation of national reports. In this context, the organs of the assist counUnitedNationssystem should, uponrequest, could tries,in particulardeveloping countries. Countries also considerthe preparationof nationalaction plansfor the implementation of Agenda21. groups 38.39 Existingassistance consortia, consultative greater efforts to integrate and round tablesshouldmake environmentalconsiderations and related development strategies objectivesinto their developmentassistance and shouldconsiderreorientingandappropriatelyadjusting their memberships and operations to facilitate this processand better support national efforts to integrate and development. environment 38.40 Statesmay wish to considersettingup a national coordination structureresponsiblefor the follow-up of Agenda 2 | . Within this structure,which would benefit from the expertiseof non-govemmental organizations, submissionsand other relevant information could be made to the United Nations.

K) C@PERATTON BODTES BETWEEN UNTTED NATTONS ANDIMERNATIONAL IZATIONS FI NANCIAL ORGAN 38.41The success is of the follow-up to the Conference dependentupon an effective link betweensubstantive action and financial support,and this requirescloseand effectivecooperation betweenUnited Nationsbodiesand The Secretarythe multilateral financial organizations. General and headsof United Nations prograrnmes and or ganization s and the multi I ateralfinanci al organizations havea special responsibility in forgingsuchcooperation, not only throughthe United NationshighJevel coordi-


nation mechanism(AdministrativeCommitteeon Coordination) but also at regional and national levels. In particular, representatives of multilateral financial institutions and mechanisms, as well as IFAD, should with deliberations activelybe associated of the intergovernmental structure responsible for the follow-up to A genda 21.

L) NON-C;OVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS 38. 42Non -g o v e rn m e n ta lo rg a n i z a ti o n sand maj or groups are important partnersin the implementationof Agenda 21. Relevantnon-governmental organizations, including the scientific community,the private sector and women'sgroups,shouldbe given opportunities to make their contributionsand establishappropriaterelationshipswith the United Nations system.Support s hould be p ro v i d e d fo r d e v e l o p i n gc o u n tri es'nongovernmentalorganizations and their self-organized networks. 38.43The United Nations system, including international financeand development agencies, and all intergovernmental organizations and forums should,in consultation with non-governmentalorganizations,take measures to: (a) Design open and effective meansto achievethe participation of non-govern mentalorganizations, includ-

ing thoserelatedto major groups,in the process established to review and evaluatethe implementation of Agenda2l at all levelsand promotetheir contribution to it; (b) Take into accountthe flndings of review systems processes andevaluation of non-governmental organizations in relevantreportsof the Secretary-General to the Assemblyandall pertinent General UnitedNationsagencies and intergovernmental organizations and forums implementation concerning of Agenda2l in accordance with the review process. 38.44Procedures shouldbe established for an expanded role for non-governmental organizations, i ncludingthose relatedto major groups,with accreditation basedon the procedures usedin the Conf-erence. Suchorganizations should have accessto reports and other information producedby the United Nations system. The General Assembly,at an early stage,should examine ways of enhancing the involvementof non-governmental organizationswithin the United Nationssystemin relationto the follow-up process of the Conference. 38.45The Conference takes note of other institutional initiativesfor the implementation of Agenda21, suchas theproposal to establish anon-governmental EarthCouncil and the proposal to appoint a guardian for future generations, as well as other initiatives taken by local governments and business sectors.


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Internotionol legolinstruments ond mechqnisms

FOR BASIS ACTION multi39.1 The followingvital aspects of the universal, lateral and bilateral treaty-makingprocessshould be takeninto account: (a) The further developmentof internationallaw on giving specialattentionto the sustainable development. delicatebalancebetweenenvironmentaland developmentalconcerns; (b) The needto clarify and strengthen the relationship instruments between existinginternational or agreements in the field of environment and relevantsocialand economic agreements or instruments, takinginto account the specialneeds of developingcountries; (c) At the global level, the essential irnportance of the participationin and the contribution of all countries, including the developingcountries, to treaty rnakingin thefield of international law on sustainable development. Many of the existinginternational legalinstruments and in the field of environmenthave been deagreements velopedwithout adequate participation and contribution and thus may requirereview in of developing countries, o1'developing order to reflectthe concerns and interests countriesand to ensurea balancedgovernance of such instruments and agreements: (d) Developing with countries shouldalsobe provided technical assistance in their attemptsto enhancetheir national legislativecapabilitiesin the field of environmentallaw: (et Future prcrjects for theprogressive development and codificationof international law on sustainable development shouldtake into accountthe ongoingwork of the Law Commission; International (0 Any negotiations for the progressive development andcodificationof international law concerning sustainable development should,in general, be conducted on a universal basis"taking into account special circun"rin the variousresions. stances

OBJECTIVES 'I'he 3L).2 overall ob.jective of the review and development of international environmental law shouldbe to evaluateand to promotethe efficacy of that law and to promotethe integration of environment anddevelopment policies through eff'ectiveinternationalagreements or instruments principles takinginto account both universal and the particularand differentiated needsand concerns of all countries. 39.3 Specificobjectives are: (a) To identify and address difficulties which prevent some States,in particular developingcountries,from participating in or duly implementing international agreements or instruments and, where appropriate. to review and revisethem with the purposes of integrating environmentaland developmental concernsand laying down a sound basis for the implementationof these agreements or instruments; (b) To setprioritiesfor future law-makingon sustainable development at the global,regionalor subregional level, u'ith a view to enhancing the efficacy of international law in this field through,in particular, the integration of environmental and developmental concerns; (c) To promoteand supportthe effectiveparticipation of all countries concerned. in particulardeveloping countries, in the negotiation,implernentation. review and governance of international agreements or instruments. includingappropriate provisionof technical andfinancial assistance and other availablemechanisms for this purpose,as well as the useof differentialobligationswhere appropriatel (d) To promote,through the gradual development of universallyand multilaterallynegotiated agreements or instruments, international standards for the protection of the environment that takeinto accountthe differentsituationsandcapabilities of countries.States recognize that policiesshoulddeal with the root causes environmental of environmental degradation. thus preventingenviron-


restricfrom resultingin unnecessary mental measures for environmental tions to trade.Tradepolicy measures pllrposcsshould not constitutea meansof arbitrary or restriction on or a disguised discrimination unjustifiable international trade.Unilateralactionsto deal with envioutsidethe jurisdictionof the imronmentalchallenges por t ing c oun try s h o u l d b e a v o i d e d . E n v i ronmental prclbenvironmental international addressing measures be based on an internalems should,as far as possible, to achieve measures targeted Domestic tionalconsensus. n e ed trade m a y o b j e c t i v e s e n v i r o n m e n t a l cc:rtain measures to renderthem effective.Should tradepolicy be found necessaryfbr the enforcementof nleasures env ir onm en ta p l o l i c i e s ,c e rta i n p ri n c i p l e sand rul es shouldapply.Thesecould include,inter alia. the printhe principlethat the trade ciple of non-discrimination; should be the least trade-restrictive chosen measure t o a c h i e v e th e o b j e c ti v e s a ; n o b l i gati onto nec es s ar y measures rein the use of trade ensuretransparency provide noadequate and to lated to the envirclnment regulations; and the needto give tification of natiorral c o n d i ti o n sa n d devel opto th e s p e c i a l c ons ider at i o n o f d e v e l o p i n gc o u n triesas they m ent r equire m e n ts agreed environmental internationally move towards objectives: (e) To ensure full andpromptimplementheetfective. instruments and to facilitate legally binding tation of or instruof agreements timely review and adjustment the parties into account taking ntentsby the concerned, particular in of all countries, specialneedsand concerns c o u n tri e s : dev c loping (l) To improvethe effectiveness mechof institutions. agreeprocedures administration of for the anismsand mentsand instruments: (g) To identifyandprevent or potential conflicts, actual particularly andsociaVeconomic between environmental with a view to ensuring that or instruments, agreements are consistent.Where or instruments suchagreements resolved, conflictsarisethey shouldbe appropriately (h) To studyand consider and strengththe broadening in the inter alia. ening of the capacityof mechanisms, where appropriate United Nations systemto facilitate, concerned, the identification, to by the parties andagreed in the disputes of international and settlement avoidance duly taking into acdevelopment, l-ieldof sustainable for agreements count existingbilateraland multilateral of suchdisputes. the settlement ACTIVITIES be should of implementation 39.;l Activitiesandmeans in the light of the abovebasisfor actionand considered to the right of every State without prejudice objectives, in this regardin the General to put lorward suggestions

in a Assembly.Thesesuggestions could be reproduced development. separate compilationon sustainable

ANDFIELDS OFAOIONIN A) REVIEW, ASSESSMENT NT DEVELOPME LAW FOR NABLE INTE RNATIONAL SUSTAI 39.5 While ensuring the elfective participationof all partiesshouldat periodicintervals countriesconcerned, and effecreview and assess both the past perforrnance or instruagreements tivenessof existing international priorities law-making on for future mentsas well as the This may includean examinasustainable development. tion of the t'easibilityof elaboratinggeneralrights and obligationsof States,as appropriate,in the field of development, as providedby GeneralAssustainable In certain cases,attention sembly resolution 441228. given possibility of takinginto account shouldbe to the v arying circumstance s through di fferential oblig ations or gradualapplication.As an option f<rrcarrying out this task, earlier UNEP practice may be followed whereby legal experts designatedby Governments could meet at suitableintervals,to be decidedlater, perwith a broaderenvironmental and developmental spective. 39.6 Measures in accordancewith international law in times of armedconto address. shouldbe considered thatcanof the environment flict, large-scale destruction not be justified under internationallaw. The General Assembly and its Sixth Committeeare the appropriate The specificcompetence forumsto dealwith this subject. and role of theInternational Committeeof the Red Cross shouldbe takeninto account. of ensuringsafeand 39.7 In view of the vital necessity environmentallysound nuclear power, and in order to in this field, efforts strengthen international cooperation for shouldbe madeto concludetheongoingnegotiations a nuclear safety convention in the framework of the International Atomic EnergyAgency.

MECHANISMS B) IMPLEMENTATION shouldconto intemational agreements 39.8 The parties to promoteandreview siderprocedures andmechanisms their effective,full and prompt implementation.To that effect,States could, inter alio: (a) Establishefficient and practicalreportingsystems of inon the effective,full and prompt implementation legal instruments; ternational (b) Considerappropriate ways in which relevantintertowards nationalbodies,suchasUNEP,might contribute of suchmechanisms. the furtherdevelopment

16 I

IAW-MAKING lN IMERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION cl EFFECTTVE 39.9 In all theseactivitiesandothersthat may be pursued in the future, based on the above basis for action and objectives,the effective participationof all countries,in particular developing countries, should be ensured through appropriate provision of technical assistance Developingcountriesshould and/orfinancial assistance. be given "headstart" support not only in their national or instruefforts to implement internationalagreements ments,but also to participateeffectively in the negotiaor instrumentsand in tion of new or revisedagreements or the actual internationaloperationof such agreements in buildSupportshouldincludeassistance instruments. law particularlyin relain international ing up expertise access and in assuring development, tion to sustainable to the necessaryreference information and scientifi c/technicalexpertise.

DEVELOPMENT FIELD OFSUSTAINABLE IN THE D) DISPUTES ofdisputes, andsettlement of avoidance 39.10 In the area Statesshould further study and consider methods to andmakemoreeffectivetherangeof techniques broaden availableat present,taking into account,among other under existinginternational things,relevantexperience instruments or institutionsand, where apagreements, such as mopropriate,their implementingmechanisms This may and settlement. dalitiesfor disputeavoidance of for the exchange and procedures includemechanisms redata and inlbrmation. notificationand consultation with other gardingsituations that might lead to disputes developmentand for Statesin the field of sustainable in accorclof disputesettlement effectivepeacefulmeans ance with the Charterof the United Nations,including, Court of recourse to the International whereappropnate, relatingto sustainJustice, and their inclusionin treaties able development.



fordecision-mcking Informqtion


40.1 In sustainable development, everyoneis a userand provider of information consideredin the broad sense. That includesdata,information, appropriatelypackaged experienceand knowledge. The need for information arises at all levels,from thatof seniordecisionmakersat levelsto thegrass-roots and thenationalandintemational individual levels. The following two programme areas thatdecisions arebased needto be implernented to ensure increasingly on soundintormation: (a) Bridging the datagap; (b) Improving information availability.

their transfbrmationinto useftrlinformation and for therr There is also needfor improvedcoordidissemination. social and nation among environmental, demographic, developmental dataand informationactivities. 40.4 Commonly used indicatorssuch as the gross naof individual tional product (GNP) and measurements resource or pollution flows do not provide adequate indications Methodsfor assessing interof sustainability. demoactionsbetween diff'erent sectoral environmental, graphic, social and developmentalparametersare not sufficientlydeveloped or applied. Indicators of sustainneedto be developed able development to provide solid for decision-making bases at all levelsand to contribute to a self-regulating sustainability of integrated environment and development systems. OBJECTIVES

A) BRIDGINGTHE DATA GAP BASIS FOR ACTION 40.2 While considerable dataalready exist,asthevarious sectoralchapters of Agenda21 indicate,more anddifferent types of data need to be collected, at the local, provincial, nationaland intemationallevels,indicating the statusand trendsof the planet'secosystem, natural pollution and socio-economic variables.The resource, gapin theavailability. quality,coherence, standardization of databetweenthe developed and the and accessibility impairworld hasbeenincreasing, seriously developing ing thecapacities of countries to makeinformeddecisions concerning environment and development. 40.3 There is a generallack of capacity.particularlyin developingcountries,and in many areasat the international level,tbr thecollectionand assessment of data,for

40.5 The following objectives are important: (a) To achieve more cost-effectiveand relevant data collection and assessment by better identification of users, in both the public and privatesectors, and of their informationneedsat the local, provincial, nationaland international levels: (b) To strengthen local, provincial,nationaland internationalcapacityto collect and use multisectoral information in decision-making processes and to enhance capacities to collectand analyse dataandinformationfor particularlyin developingcountries; decision-making, (c) To developor strengthen local,provincial,national and internationalnreansof ensuringthat planning for sustainable in all sectors is based development on timely, reliableand usableinfbrmation; (d) To makerelevant in theform information accessible and at the time requiredto facilitateits use.


AC"IIVITIES A) DEVELOPMENT OF TNDTCAIORS OF BLEDEV ELOP MENT SUSIA'NA 40.6 Countries at the national level and international governmental andnon-governmental organizations at the internationallevel shoulddevelopthe conceptof indicadevelopmentin order to identify such tors of sustainable indicators.In orderto promotethe increasinguseof some of those indicators in satellite accounts,and eventually needs in nationalaccounts, the developmentof indicators to be pursued by the Statistical Office of the United NationsSecretariat, asit drawsuponevolving experience in this regard.

use of new techniques of datacollection,including satellite-basedremote sensing.In addition to the strengthening of existing development-related data collection, specialattentionneedsto be paid to such areasasdemographic factors, urbanization,poverty, health and rights groups, inciuding of access to resources, aswell asspecial women, indigenouspeoples,youth, children and the issues. with environment disabled, andtheirrelationships

D) IMPROVEMENI OF METHODS OF DATA ASSESSMENI AND ANAI.YS/S 40.9 Relevant international organizationsshould develop practical recommendations for coordinated,harmonizedcollectionandassessment of dataat the national and intemational levels. National and internationaldata and information centres should set up continuous and accuratedata-collectionsystemsand make use of geographicinformation systems, modelsand expertsystems, a variety of other techniquesfor the assessment and analysisof data.Thesestepswill be particularlyrelevant, will need aslargequantities of datafrom satellite sources to be processedin the future. Developedcountriesand internationalorganizations, as well as the private sector, shoul d cooperate, i n parti cul ar w i th developing countries, uponrequest, to facilitatetheir acquiringthese technologiesand this know-how.

B) pROMOilONOF GLOBAI. UsE OF IND|CATORS DEVELOPMENT OF SUSTA|NABI.E 40.7 Relevant organs and organizationsof the United Nations system,in cooperationwith other intemational governmental, intergove rnmentalandnon-governmental should use a suitableset of sustainable organizations, developmentindicators and indicators related to areas jurisdiction,suchasthe high seas, the outsideof national upper atmosphereand outer space.The organs and organizations in coordination of theUnitedNationssystem, with other relevant international organizations,could provide recommendations for harmonizeddevelopment of indicatorsat the national, regional and global levels, and for incorporationof a suitablesetof theseindicators in common, regularly updated, and widely accessible for use at the internationallevel, reports and databases, subjectto nationalsovereignty considerations.

E) ESTABL/SHMENI OF A COMPREHENSIVE INFORMAT'ON FRAMEWORK 40.10 Governments should consider undertaking the necessary institutionalchangesat the national level to achievethe integrationof environmentaland developmentalinformation.At the international level. environmentalassessment activitiesneedto be strengthened and coordinated with effortsto assess development trends.

AND USE c) TMPROVEMENT OF DATACOLLECTION 40.8 Countries and, upon request,international organizations should carry out inventoriesof environmental, data,basedon nationallgloresourceand developmental develbal priorities for the managementof sustainable opment. They should determine the gaps and organize activitiesto fill thosegaps. Within the organsand organizationsof the United Nations systemand relevantinternationalorganizations, data-collectionactivities,including thoseof Earthwatchand World WeatherWatch,need especially in the areasof urban air, to be strengthened, (including forestsand rangefreshwater,land resources lands), desertification,other habitats, soil degradation, biodiversity, the high seasand the upper atmosphere. Countries and internationalorganizationsshould make

F/ SIRENGTHEN/NG FOR OF THE CA,PAC\TY IRADIIIONA I.'NFORMAI'ON 40.11 Countries,with the cooperationof international organizations, shouldestablishsupportingmechanisms to provide local communitiesand resource userswith the information and know-how they need to managetheir environmentand resources sustainably, applying tradiwhen tional and indigenousknowledge and approaches appropriate.This is particularly relevant for rural and urban populationsand indigenous, women's and youth groups.


OF IMPLEMENTATION MEANS AND COSTEVALUATTON A/ F/NANCING the hasestimated of the Conference 40.12The secretariat (.1993-2000) implementing of averagetotal annual cost the activitiesof this programmeto be about$1.9 billion from the international community on grant or concessional terms. These are indicative and order-of-magnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Governments.Actual costsand financialterms,includwill dependupon,inter ing anythatarenon-concessional, alia, the specific strategiesand programmesGovernmentsdecide upon for implementation.

ing countries.That training will haveto includetechnical trainingof thoseinvolved in datacollection,assessment to decision as well as assistance and transformation, makersconcerninghow to use such information.

E) CAPACITY-BUILDING 40.16 All countries,particularly developingcountries, with the support of international cooperation, should assess their capacityto collect, store,or ganrze, strengthen and use data in decision-makingmore effectively. AVAltABltlrY oF INFOR.'YIATION B) I'VIPROVING

MEANS 8/ /N5I/IUIIONAI. and environment to integrate capacity 40.l3 Institutional lacking is indicators relevant andto develop development at both the national and internationallevels. Existing and programrnessuch as the Global Environinstin-rtions mental Monitoring System(GEMS) and the Global Resource Information Database(GRID) within UNEP and different entities within the system-wideEarthwatchwill Earthwatchhasbeen needto be considerablystrengthened. data. While elementfor environment-related an essential dataexistin a number relatedto development programmes them. between therei s insufficientcclordination of agencies, and dataof agencies The activitiesrelatedto development more institutionsof the United Nationssystemshouldbe perhaps throughan equivalentand effectively coordinated, complementary"Development Watch", which with the existing Earthwatchshould be coordinatedthrough an appropriateoffice wittrin the United Nationsto ensurethe full integrationof environmentand developmentconcerns.

FOR ACTION BASIS 40.17There alreadyexistsa wealth of dataand informaof sustainable tion that could be usedfor the management information at the development.Finding the appropriate required time and at the relevantscaleof aggregationis a difficult task. 40.18 Information within many countries is not adequately managed,becauseof shortagesof financial reof the sourcesand trained manpower,lack of awareness value and availability of such information and other immediateor pressingproblems,especiallyin developing countries. Even where information is available, it of the lack eitherbecause may not be easily accessible, of associor because of technologyfor effectiveaccess ated costs,especiallytor information held outside the country and availablecommercially.

OBJECTIVES of mechanisms 40.19 Existingnationaland international information processingand exchange,and of related to ensure should be strengthened technical assistance, effective and equitableavailability of information generated at the local, provincial, national and international and relevantintellevels,subjectto nationalsovereignty lectual property rights. as 40.20National capacitiesshould be strengthened, non-govemmenwithin Governments, shouldcapacities tal organizationsand the private sector,in information handl i ng and communi cati on, parti cul a r ly wit hin developingcountries. 40.21Full participation of, in particular, developing countriesshouldbe ensuredin any internationalscheme of the United Nations underthe organsand organizations systemfor the collection,analysisand use of data and information.

MEANS AND IECHNOTOGICAL C/ SCIENI/F'C 40.14Regarding transfer of technology,with the rapid and information technolevolution of data-collection to developguidelinesand mechaogies it is necessary nisms for the rapid and continuoustransfer of those technologies,particularly to developing countries,in conformity with chapter34 (Transferof environmentally sound technology,cooperationand capacity-building)' in their utilization. and for the trainingof personnel

D EV EL OP M EN T R ES O U R C E D) HUM A N for training in all uu'eas cooperation 40.15 International particularlyin developand at all levelswill be required,


ACTIVITIES USABLE OF /NFORMATTON A) PRODUCilON FORDEClSION.A4AKING 40.22Countries and international organizationsshould and services information systems review and strengthen at the local, development, relatedto sustainable in sectors levels.Specialemprovincial,nationaland international of existing phasis shouldbe placedon thetransformation information into forms more useful for decision-making and on targeting information at different user groups. or establishedfor Mechanismsshould be strengthened sments transforming scientific and socio-economicasses into information suitable for both planning and public information. Electronic and non-electronic formats shouldbe used.

D) ESTABLISHMENI AND SIRENGIHEN/NG LITIES NEIWORKING CAPABI OF ELECTRON'C including 40.25Countries,internationalorganizations, organsand organizationsof the United Nations system, shouldexploitvariorganizations andnon-governmental ous initiatives for electroniclinks to supportinformation and other inforsharing,to provide accessto databases mation sources, to facilitate communicationfor meeting broaderobjectives,suchasthe implementationof Agenda 21, to facilitate intergovernmentalnegotiations,to developmonitor conventionsand efforts for sustainable ment to transmit environmental alerts, and to transfer shouldalsofacilitate technicaldata. Theseorganizations the linkage of different electronicnetworks and the use and communicationprotocols of appropriatestandards for the transparentinterchangeof electronic communinew technology should be cations. Where necessary, developed and its useencouraged to permit participation of those not servedat presentby existing infrastructure to shouldalsobe established and methods.Mechanisms carry out the necessarytransfer of information to and from non-electronic systems to ensurethe involvement of thosenot able to participatein this way.

AND OF STANDARDS B) ESTABLISHA4ENT INFORMATION FORHANDT/NG METHODS 40.23Governments should considersupportingthe eforforts of governmentalas well as non-governmental ganizationsto develop mechanismsfor efficient and harmonized exchangeof information at the local, national, provincial and international levels, including anddisseminaof data,access revisionandestablishment tion formats,and communicationinterfaces.

E) MAKTNG USEOF COMMERCTAL /NFORMAIION SOURCES should 40.26Countriesand international organizations in surveys of informationavailable consider undertaking developmentand of the private sector on sustainable presentdissemination arrangements to determinegaps and how those gaps could be filled by commercialor quasi-commercialactivity, particularly activities in and/or involving developingcountrieswhere feasible. Whenevereconomicor other constraints on supplying informationarise,particularlyin developand accessing for subsidizingsuch ing countries,innovativeschemes information-related accessor removing the non-economic constraints shouldbe considered.

OF DOCUMENTATION c) DEVELOPMENT ABOUTINFORMAI/ON of the United Na40,24The organsand organizations andnon-govaswell asothergovernmental tionssystern, should document and share emmental organizations, information about the sourcesof available information Existing prografiImes, in their respective organizations. suchas thoseof the Advisory Committeefor the Coordi(ACCIS) andthe Internanationof InformationSystems tional Environmental Information System (INFOTERas required. RA), shouldbe reviewedand strengthened shouldbe Networking and coordinatingmechanisms encouraged betweenthe wide variety of other actors, orwith non-governmental including arrangements ganizationsfor information sharing and donor activities for sharinginformationon sustainable developThe privatesectorshouldbe encouraged mentprojects. of sharingits experience the mechanisms to strengthen development. and informationon sustainable

MEANS OFIMPLEMENTATION A/ FTNANC/NG AND COSTEVALUATTON the 40.27The secretariat of the Conference hasestimated average total annualcost (1993-2000) of implementing the activitiesof this programme to be about$ 165million from the international community on grant or concessional terms.Theseare indicativeand order-of-magnitude estimatesonly and have not been reviewed by Governments.Actual costsand financialterms,includ-


d upon,inter ssional,wil I depen ing any that arenon-conce alia, the specific strategiesand prograrnmesGovernmentsdecideupon for implementation.

MEANS B/ 'NSilTUilONAL 40.28The institutional implications of this progralnme concern mostly the strengtheningof already existing of cooperation institutions,as well as the strengthening with non-governmentalorganizations,and need to be made on institutions with the overalldecisions consistent by the United Nations Conferenceon Environment and Development.

ing countries,to expand their capacity to receive, store and retrieve, contribute, disseminate,use and provide to relevantenvironmentaland appropriatepublic access information,by providing technologyand developmental training to establishlocal information servicesand by bearrangements andcooperative supportingpartnership level. tween countriesand on the regionalor subregional

MEANS AND TECHNOLOG\CAL D' SCTENilF'C 40.30 Developedcountriesandrelevantinternationalorand developmentin ganizationsshould supportresearch hardware, software and other aspects of information technology,in particularin developingcountries,appropriateto their operations, nationalneedsandenvironmental contexts.

C) CAPACITY-BUILDING 40.29Developedcountriesand relevantinternationalorin particularwith developshouldcooperate, ganizations


N o n J e g o l lb yi n d i n g outhoritotive stotement of principles for o globolconsensus on the monogement, conservotion ond sustoinoble development of oll typesof forests

otf P r i n c i p l e s A u t h o r i t o t i vS et o t e m e n Non-legollB y inding I Consensu os n t h eM o n o g e m e n t , F o ro G l o b o otf A l l T y p e s eevelopmen C o n s e r v o t i oo nn d S u s t o i n o b lD of Forests


(a) The subjectof forestsis relatedto the entirerange of environmentaland developmentissuesand oppordeveloptunities,including the right to socio-economic basis. ment on a sustainable (b) The guiding objectiveof theseprinciplesis to conconservation and sustainable tributeto the management, development of forestsand to providefor their multiple functionsand uses. and complementary (c) Forestryissues shouldbe examand opportunities mannerwithin the overall ined in a holisticand balanced taking into context of environrnentand development, consideration the multiple functionsand usesof forests, including traditionaluses,and the likely economicand or restricted. whenthese uses areconstrained socialstress that sustainable as well as the potentialfor development forest management can offer. (d) Theseprinciplesreflect a first globalconsensus on forests. In committing themselves to the prompt imprinciples, plementation countries alsodecideto of these for their adequacywith keep them under assessment on forest iscooperation regardto further international

(g) Forests and to economicdevelopment areessential of all forms of life. the maintenance (h) Recognizing fbr f orestrlanthat the responsibility is in and sustainable developrnent agement, conservation state/ many States allocated among tederal/national, in provincialandlocallevelsof government, eachState, legislawith its constitutionand/ornaticlnal accordance tion, should pursuetheseprinciples at the appropriate level of government.

1. (a) States with the Charterof have,in accordance law. theUnitedNations andtheprinciples of intemational purthe sovereign right to exploit their own resources policiesand havethe suantto their own environmental within theirjurisresponsibility to ensure that activities dictionor controldo notcause damage to theenvironment of other States or clf areasbeyondthe limits ol' national j unsdi cti on. (b) The agreed full incremental benecostof achieving flts associated with forest conservation and sustainable developmentrequires increasedintemational coopershared by the international ationandshould be equitably community. right havethe sovereign 2. (a) States and inalienable in accordance to utilize,manage anddevelop theirf orests with their development needsand level of socio-ecopolicies nomic development andon the basisof national with sustainable consistent development andlegislation, including the conversion of such areasfor other uses planand within theoverallsocio-economic development policies. basedon rationalland-use (b) Forest resources be sustainandforestlandsshould ably managed ecolclgical, to meetthe social,econclnric,

(e) Theseprinciples shouldapplyto all typesof forests, regionsand both naturaland planted,in all geographical climatic zones,including austral,boreal,subtemperate, subtropical and tropical. temperate, (fl All types of forestsembody complex and uniqure processes which arethebasisfor their present ecological to satisfy and potential capacity to provide resources values, atrdassuch humanneeds aswell asenvironmental andconseryation areof concem their soundmanagement to which theybelong of the countries to theGovernments andto theenvironandareof valueto localcommunities mentas a whole.


and future genercultural and spiritualneedsof present products and services. forest for needs zue ations. These fodder, water, food, products, wood such as wood and habitats recreation, shelter, employment, medicine,fuel, diversity, carbonsinks and reserfor wildli-fe,landscape voirs, and for other forest products. Appropriate harmagainst shouldbe takento protectforests measures pollution, airborne including pollution, ful effects of in order to maintain their full fires, pestsand diseases, multiple value. inforaccurate (c) The provisionof timely,reliableancl lbr is essential ecosystems mation on forestsand forest and decision-rnaking informed and public understanding shouldbe ensured. (d) Governments shouldpromoteand provide opporparties, includparticipation of interested tunitiesfor the people, industries, indigenous and ing local communities andindividuals, organizations labour,non-governmental imin the development, women, forest dwellers and policies' forest national planning of and plementation shouldprovide 3. (a) National policiesand strategies the develincluding effofts, a framework for increased atrd proi n s ti tu ti o ns o f opm ent an d s tre n g th e n i n g sustainand conservation grammes fbr the management, lands. forest ancl of ftlrests able deve-lopment truilding (b) lnterttationalinstitutionalarrangements. irl cristalready mechanisms and on thoseorganizations cointernational facilitate should ence, as appropriate, forests. field of in the operation protectionand social (c) All aspects of environmental relateto forestsand as they and economicdevelopment comprehensive. and integrated be forestlandsshould in maintaining fbrests of types 4. The vital role of all the local' naat balance processes and the ecological inter alia,theit global levels through, tional,regionaland and watersheds role in protecting fragile ecosystems, of biodiverrich storehouses and as freshwaterresources sity and biological resourcesand sourcesof genetic products, aswell asphotosynmaterialforbiotechnology recognized. thesis,shouldbe andduly 5. (a) Nationalforestpoliciesshouldrecognize indigenous of rights and the support the identity, cuhure people,theircommunitiesandothercommunitiesandforest dwellers. Appropriateconditionsshouldbe promotedfor thesegroupsto enablethem to have an economic stakein and forest use,perfoffn economicactivities,and achier"e well as social organization, maintaincultural identity and levels of livelihood and well-being,through, as adequate which serveas inter alia, thoseland tenureiurangements forests. of management for the sustainable incentives of the aspects women in all (b) The full participation of development and sustainable conservation management, of forestsshouldbe activelypromoted.

6. (a) All types of forestsplay an important role in throughthe provisionof a meetingenergyrequirements particularlyin developsource of bio-energy, renewable ing countries,and the demandsfor fuelwood for household and industrialneedsshouldbe met throughsustainafforestationand reforestation. able forest management, of To this end, the potentialcontributionof plantations for the provision species andintroduced both indigenous of both fuel and industrialwood shouldbe recognized. shouldtakeinto (b) Nationaipoliciesandprogralnmes account the relationship,where it exists. betweenthe development management and sustainable conservation, of forests and all aspectsrelated to the production, recyclingand/orfinal disposalof forest consumption, products. conservation (c) Decisionstakenon the management, should of forestresources development and sustainable frotn a comprehensive benefit,to the extentpracticable, assessment of economic and non-economicvalues of costs andof the environmental forestgoodsand services and benefits. The developmentand improvementof shouldbe promoted. for suchevaluations methodologies agricul(d) The role of plantedforestsand permanent and environmentallysound tural crops as sustainable energyand industrialraw material sources of renewable and prornoted. Their enhanced should be recognized, processes, of ecological contributionto the maintenance and forests on primary/old-growth to offsettingpressure with anddevelopment to providingregionalemployment shouldbe involvementof local inhabitants the adequate andenhanced. recognized (e) Naturalforests of goodsand a source alsoconstitute management sustainable servi ces,andtheirconsen'ation, and useshouldbe promoted. 1. (a) Efforts should be madeto promote a supportive intemationaleconomicclimate conduciveto sustained in all of forests sounddevelopment and environmentally countries,which include, inter alia, the promotion of the patterns of productionand consumption, sustainable of povertyandthe promotionof food security. eradication (b) Specificfinancialresources shouldbe providedto which with significantforestareas countries developing includon of forests prograrnmes for theconservati establish should naturalforestareas.Theseresources ing protected whichwouldstimusectors notablyto economic bedirected activities. lateeconomicand socialsubstitution towardsthe green8. (a) Efforts shouldbe undertaken counnotablydeveloped ing of the world. All countries, actiontowards tries,shouldtakepositiveandtransparent reforestation.afforestationand forest conservation,as appropriate. ft) Efforts to maintain and increaseforest cover and in ecologically, forestproductivityshouldbe undertaken


economicallyand socially soundways throughthe rehabilitation, refbrestation and re-establishment of treesand forestson unproductive,degradedand deforested lands, as well as through the managementof existing forest resources. (c) The implementation of nationalpolicies and prograrnmes aimed at forest management, conservation and sustainabledevelopment,particularly in developing countries, shouldbe supported by international financial and technicalcooperation,including throughthe private sector, whereappropriate. (d) Sustainable forestmanagement and use shouldbe carried out in accordance with national development policiesandprioritiesandon thebasis of environmentally sound national guidelines. In the formulation of such guidelines, accountshouldbe taken,as appropriate and if applicable,of relevant internationallyagreedmethodologiesand criteria. (e) Forestmanagement shouldbe integrated with managementof adjacentareasso as to maintainecological balance and sustainable productivity. (0 National policiesand/orlegislationaimed at management, conservation and sustainable development of forestsshould include the protectionof ecologically viable representative or uniqueexamplesof forests,includingprimary/old-growth fbrests andotheruniqueand valued forestsof national,cultural, spiritual,historical and religiousimportance. (g) Accessto biological resources, including genetic material,shallbe rvith due regardto the sovereign rights of the countrieswherethe forestsare locatedand to the sharing on mutually agreedterms of technologyand profits from biotechnology productsthat arederivedfrom theseresources. (h) Nationalpoliciesshouldensure thatenvironmental impact assessments shouldbe carriedout whereactions are likely to have significantadverse impactson important fbrestresources, and wheresuchactionsare subject to a decisionof a competent nationalauthority. 9. (a) The effbrtsof developing countries to strengthen the management, conservation and sustainable developmentof their forestresources shouldbe supported by the international community,taking into account the irnportance of redressing external indebtedness, particularly where aggravatedby the net transfer of resourcesto developed countries, aswell asthe problemof achieving at least the replacement value of forests through improvedmarketaccess for forestproducts, especially proproducts.In this respect, cessed specialattention should alsobe given to the countriesundergoing the process of transitionto marketeconomies. (b) The problemsthat hinder efforts to attain the conservation and sustainable useof forestresources and that

stemfrom thelack of alternative options available to local communities,in particularthe urbanpoor and poor rural populations who are economicallyand sociallydependent on forestsand forestresources, shouldbe addressed by Governmentsand the internationalcommunity. (c) Nationalpolicy formulationwith respectto all types of forests should take accountof the pressures and demandsimposedon forestecosystems and resources from influencingfactorsoutsidethe forestsector, and intersectoral meansof dealingwith thesepressures and clemands shouldbe sought. 10. New and additionalfinancial resources should be provided to developingcountriesto enablethem to sustainably manage,conserveand developtheir forestresources,including through afforestation,reforestation andcombatingdeforestation andforestandlanddegradation. I 1. In orderto enable, in perticular, developing countries to enhance their endogenous capacityand to bettermanage, conserveand develop their forest resources, the accessto and transferof environmentallysound technologies and corresponding know-how on favourable terms,includingon concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed,in accordancewith the relevant provisions of Agenda21, shouldbe promoted, facilitated and financed,as appropriate. 12. (a) Scientificresearch, forest inventoriesand assessments carriedout by nationalinstitutions which take into account, whererelevant, biological,phvsical,social and economic variables, as well as technological development and its applicationin the field of sustainable forest management, conservationand development, shouldbe strengthened througheff'ective modalities, including international cooperation. In rhiscontext,attention shouldalsobe given to research anddevelopment of sustainably harvested non-woodproducts. (b) National and, where appropriate, regionaland internationalinstitutionalcapabilitiesin education, training. science, technology, economics, anthropology and socialaspects of forestsand forestmanagement are essentialto the conservation and sustainable developrnent of forestsand shouldbe strengthened. (c) International exchange of informationon theresults of forest and forestlnanagement research and development shouldbe enhanced andbroadened, asappropriate, making full use of educationand training institutions, includingthosein the privatesector. (d) Appropriate indigenous capacity andlocalknowledge regarding theconservation andsustainable development of forests should, throughinstitutional andfinancialsupport and in collaborationwith the peoplein the local communitiesconcerned, be recognized, respected, recorded, developedand, as appropriate, introducedin the im-


plementationof programmes. Benefits arising from the utilization of indigenousknowledgeshouldthereforebe equitably sharedwith such people. 13. (a) Trade in forest products should be based on non-discriminatoryand multilaterally agreedrules and proceduresconsistentwith international trade law and practices. In this context, open and free international tradein forest productsshould be facilitated. (b) Reductionor removal of tariff barriersand impediand better mentsto the provision of bettermarket access products and their forest prices for higher-value-added producer to enable beencouraged should localprocessing renewable manage their and to betterconserve countries forestresources. (c) Incorporationof environmentalcosts and benefits in order to achieve into market forces and mechanisms, should developrnent, and sustainable conservation forest internationally. and domestically both be encouraged

(d) Forest conservationand sustainabledevelopment policies should be integratedwith economic,trade and other relevantpolicies. (e) Fiscal, trade, industrial, transportationand other policiesand practicesthat may leadto forestdegradation shouldbe avoided. Adequatepolicies,aimedat management, conservation and sustainabledevelopment of incentives,should forests,including, where appropriate, be encouraged. 14. Unilateral measures,incompatible with internato restrict and/or ban tional obligations or agreements, intemational trade in timber or other forest products should be removed or avoided, in order to attain longforest management. term sustainable 15. Pollutarts,particularly airbornepollutants,includthat areharmfor acidic deposition, ing thoseresponsible at thelocal, national, ful to thehealthof forestecosystems regional and global levels should be controlled.


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