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AMERICAN MIXED MARTIAL ARTS ASSOCIATION MMA Takedowns Level-1 Requirements Free-Style Wrestling: 1) Warm-Ups/Isometric Stretching 2) Rolls &

Falls (All Directions) 3) Shoot Drill (Knee over Toe) 4) Hip Escape Drill 5) Pummel Drill 6) Sprawl & Engage A) Double Under Hooks B) Under/Over Hooks C) Double Over Hooks 7) Sprawl & Brawl 8) Wrestling Stances A) Square B) Staggered C) MMA (Modified Wrestling Stance) 9) Set-Ups A) Snap-Down (Neck) B) Pop-Up (Arms) C) Chop-Down (Arms) D) Re-Directing (Neck) E) Filipino Wrestling/Dumog Bicep Shot (Neck)

10) Arm Positions A) Double Inside Control B) Double Outside Control C) Inside/Outside Control (Even Stevens)

11) Free-Style Wrestling Takedowns *Takedown After; Set-Up or Strikes, Level Change, Then Shoot/Drive into Opponent! A) Double Leg B) Double Leg Pivot vs. Sprawl C) Single Leg D) Swing Double Leg

Avoid Opponents Guard or Guard by Landing in the Cross Mount or Knee in the Belly positions!

Greco-Roman Wrestling: 1) Danger Zone 2) Single Collar-Tie (From a Side Angle) 3) Dirty-Boxing (From the Single Collar-Tie) A) Uppercut B) Hook C) Horizontal Elbow D) Vertical Elbow E) Knees to the; Thigh, Body, Head F) Drill All of The Above in Movement 4) Dominant Position (Proper Foot Placement, Under Hook, & bicep Control) 5) Greco-Roman Takedowns A) Far-Side Throw B) Near-Side Throw 6) Takedowns Against the Cage/Ropes Slide-By A) Against the Arm B) Under the Arm

*Avoid Opponents Guard or Guard by Landing in the Cross Mount or the Knee in the Belly positions!

JUDO (Free-Style): 1) Clinch Principles A) Clinch High under Arms B) Clinch Low Around Waist-Line/Hips C) Never Clinch Mid-Level, Opponent Can Counter Easily D) Hip To Hip For Throws E) Hip Away From Hip to Counter Throws 2) Kuzushi (8 Angles of Off-Balancement) 3) Kuzushi with Counter Off-Balencement 4) Basic Throws A) Hip Throw B) Head Toss

5) MMA-Kuzushi Takedown Drill *Use All of the Takedowns & Throws From: Free-Style Wrestling, Greco-Roman Wrestling, & Judo Throws from The 8 Angles of Off-Balencement & Counters!

* Avoid Opponents Guard or Guard by Landing in the: Cross Mount, Knee in the Belly, or Scarf-Hold Positions!

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