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W. G. S d o n & K. Ziri-C-0


ABSTRACT The use of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (Mh40) channels has recently attracted considerable interest as an approach that can yield signijjcant capacity gains mer conventional smart antenna arrays. This paper presents a new channel model for MZUO systems operating in populated indoor emironrnents. The model is R C Prepresentation of the human bo&, and based on geomeMcal optics and a detailed radar cross-section ( it is capable of estimaring the temporal response and the capaciry baud for MIMO channels in the presence ofpedestrian trafic. For a single room environment, the new channel model predicts an increase in capacity from 19.1 bitsMHz to 31.4 bitsMHz solely caused by the movement of pedesmans. The new channel modelling technique offers an eflcient solution to the performance evaluation of MIMO wireless systems in populated indoor environments.
1. Introduction Future broadband wireless networks will feature multi-element arrays employed at both originating and destination terminals. 'Ibis approach can yield significant gains for both link and network capacities wah no additional bandwidth or energy consumption when compared to conventional array based diversity methods [l]. ?he application of such Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO)channels has attracted considerable interest both within academia and industry as a practical approach that could offer significant benefits for broadband wireless applications in future generation networks.

When the MIMO channel is deployed in suitably rich scattering c o n b o a s such as the indoor environment, a space-time coding architecture can be used to greatly increase the spectral efliciency of the system. The indoor environment is ideal for MIMO systems as multi-path propagation is almost assured. However, temporal channel variations may also occur due to the movement of personnel, or in industrial applications, vehicles and equipment. Despite various measurement campaigns and attempts at channel characterisation 1251, the effect of pedestrian movement on MIMO performance has not been fully investigated. There is therefore a requirement for the deterministic modelling of the effect of pedestrian movement on MIMO b e l s .

We present a new technique for modelling the dynamic response of MIMO channels within populated indoor environments. Moving human bodies introduce temporal variations due to wave blocking (absoIption), scattering and diffraction. Our approach is based on a combination of computational electromagnetic techniques: FDTD modelling of TX and RX arrays, image-based ray tracing and detailed radar cross-section (RCS)modelling of a realistic human body phantom.
In this paper, the principles of the new channel modelling technique are described. The new technique is then used to analyse the theoretical channel capacxty of a 2.45 GHz MIMO system within a populated indoor office.
2. Capacity of MIMO Channels

A MIMO channel can exist when there are multiple antennas at both the transmitting and receiving termmls (see Figure 1). When these dual arrays are deployed in a suitably rich scat&ering environment there is considerable potential for obtaining high spectral efficiencies, provided that a suitable spacedme code is used [l]. If n antenna elements exist at each end of the link then it is possible to create n parallel channels between the transmitter and receiver elements with a corresponding increase in spectral efficiency. Centre for Communicatiom Engineering, School of Electrical & Mechanical Engineering, University of Ulster, Shore Road, Newtownabbey, Co. Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK,BT37 OQB. Tel: 028 90366922, Fax: 028 90368571 E-mait, kziricastro@dstaeuk






Fipre 1 : Multiple-Input Multiple-Output channel and antenna arrays w i t h nT = 3 and nR transmit and receive elements, respectively.
The fill channel response of a narrowband system, comprising of nT transmit elements and nR receive elements, can therefore be described by an n,by-nT matrix, G.The elements of the matrix G,, represent the narrowband amplitude and phase response between each receive element i , and each transmit elementj 131. The maximum possible capacity ofthis channel is then given by:

C = log,[det(Z,

+ 2 H H ' ) ] bits/&,

where H i s the nR by nT complex channel matrix (H,, is the normalised transfer function from transmit element j to receive element i), wand nR are the number of transmit and receive elements respectively, p is the average a t i o at each receiver branch, I is the identity matrix, det is the determiuant and * is the signal to noise r complex conjugate transpose. The channel response matrix, H, is normalised to remove the path loss component and only show the relative variation in the path responses between all nR-by- n7 elements 111.
3. Simulation System In indoor wireless environments, moving human bodies introduce temporal channel variations due to wave blocking (absorptlon), scattering and di5hction. The channel modelling technique presented here improves on current site-specificindoor propamon prediction by including the effect of multiple, moving human bodies.

The new technique is a site-specific radio wave propagation simulator capable of determiniisticallymodelling temporal variations caused by the movement of personnel. The technique is based on a combination of ~ ~ ~ p ~ electromagnetic t a t i ~ ~ techniques: l FDTD modelling of TX and RX anays, image-based ray tracing and detailed radar cross-section (RCS)modelling of a realistic human body phantom.

The ray-tracing component of the model uses three-dimensional image-based geometrical optlcs to calculate indoor multipath propagation. Once all suitable paths from the t r a n s m h r to the receiver are determined by the ray-tracing model, the electric field strength and the phase for each single ray reaching the receiver is calculated. The received power is obtained by the following eqression:

where P, is the transmitted power, G, and G , are the transmitting and receiving antenna field radiation patterns, respectively. The direction of rays are located by Band 4 polar angles, d, represents the total path length, ni and r h are, respectively, the number of reflections and the P reflection coefficient for the i * path. Only paths with a number of reflections lower then U are considered. N is the total number of paths added at the receiver point. For i = 0, equation (2) represents the contribution of the direct ray only, where it exists (in the line-of-sight case). Since r , = 0, equation (2) becomes:


Path Loss is defined as the difference (expressed in dB) between the transmitted power and the received power and is expressed in dB:

The effect of pedestrians is determined by calculating the scattering from an RCS model of an upright human body in the direction of the receiver. The RCS model was constructed using a large number of whole-body calculations. The RCS model used in this work was for an upright adult &&-difference time-domain (FDTD) male phantom and the frequency considered was 2.45 GHz. A range of incident angles was considered and more than 200,000 RCS plots were generated. The use of an anatomically realistic body phantom introduced the possibility of complex scattering and difhction to the model. This is an improvement on previous work [6], where the human body was represented as a finite dielectric cylinder.

In order to validate this technique, measurements of narrowband propagation were recorded across an indoor point-to-point link at 2.45 GHz. Figure 2 shows the both the measured and simulated temporal path loss i n k and profiles capbxd for a 6.4 m link in a 7 by 6 m room. A pedestrian was moving perpendicularto the l blocked the direct ray at around 11-s. The correlation coefficient between these two data sets is 0.805.

Fipre 2: Comparison of measured and simulated path loss at 2.45 GHZ for a single m m point-to-point link w i t h a single pedestrian moving perpendicular to the direet ray.
4. Simulations

A MIMO l i n k within a conventional 7 m by 6 m rectangular mom was considered. Both transmit and receive antennas were uniform linear arrays composed of eight ?.I2 dipoles spaced at 0.4 h. The room height was 2.75 m. The transmit a m y was fixed at a height of 1.95 m,while the receive array was at 1.0 m. The location of the arrays and a plan view ofthe room are shown in Figure 3. The average path loss of all 64 combinations of the eight transmit and receive elements was obtained by recording a vector snapshot of the channel at each n turn. The results were simulated using with a narrowband signal at receiver for each transmit element i 2.45GHz and the RCS model of the human body described in the previous section. During the simulations, one MIMO snapshot was recorded for every 10 ms with a total simulation period of 12 s.



. I


i %a6

c 24 E27


Time [sac)




?me [ssc)





Figure 4 : Channel responses for a single pedestrian walking at 0.5 d s perpendicular to the Link; a) temporal path loss profile for TX 2 to RX 4 and TX 2 to RX 3; b) dpamic channel capacity for the 8x8 MIMO channel (SNR=16 d B ) .


Strong fiding w a s observed in the region where the body obstructs the direct ray (between 6-5 and 7-s). The duration of this fading w a s around 1 s, but would be generally dependent on the walkers speed. This can also be seen in the results shown i n Figures 5 and 6. The f i r s t of these scenarios correspondsto a case in which two pedestrians walked parallel to the l i n k in opposite directions, both at 0.5 d s . The average path loss for this case is similar to the case with one pedestrian (-5 1.2 dB).For this scenario, the received signal had a dynamic range of 13.7 dB,almost double that obtamed for the single pedestrian case (Figure 4a).

n Figure 6 shows the channel responses for a two pedestrian scenario, both waking parallel to the link i opposite directions and at different speeds (one at 1.Od s and another at 0.5 d s ) . It can be seen that the first significant fade occurs at around 3 s when the first pedestrian (walking at 1.0 d s ) obstructs the direct ray. The other fade occurs at 6 s when the second pedestrian (walking at 0.5 d s ) obstructs the direct ray The duration u s t fide is approximately half of the duration of the second fide suggesting t h a t this is related to the of the f speed of the pedestrians. In this scenario the average path loss remained at -51.2 dB and the dynamic channel capacxty reaches two maximum values @& at approximately 29 blskJz) wrresponding to when each pedestrian obstructsthe direct ray.
-48AWPdh-41 -413a

8 2 s

p 24

c 0

18 16

Egure 6: Channel responses for two pedestrians w a l k i n g perpendicular to the link, one at 0.5 d s and one at 1.0 d s ; a) temporal path loss profde for TX 2 to RX 4 and TX 2 to RX 3; b) dynamic channel capacity for the 8x8 MIMO channel (SNR=I6 d B ) .

The channel responses shown in Figure 7 are for a case in which three pedestrians walked parallel to the link at three different speeds (0.5 d s , 0.39 d s , and 1.0 d s ) . Three faded sectors can be observed, corresponding to the moment when each pedestrian obstructs the Imk, at 3 s, 6 s, and 7.7 s respectively. In this scenario, the average path loss remained similar to the case with two pedestrians (-51.6 dB) and the dynamic channel capacxty reaches three maximum values, two at approximately 31 b/s/Hz and one at 27 blsRIz.



r l m t (sac)



Figore 17: Channel responses for three pedestrians walking perpendicular to the Link, one at 0.5 d s , one a t 0.39 m/s and one at 1.0 mls; a) temporal path loss proffie for TX 2 to RX 4 and TX 2 to RX 3; b) dynamic channel capacity for the 8x8 MIMO channel (SNR=16d B ) .
S. Conclusions

A new modelling technique for estimating the temporal path loss response and the capacity behaviour of indoor MIMO channels in populated environments was presented. The model describes the effect of pedestrians on indoor wireless channel capacity when using M M O arrays. Initial results indicate t h a t an increase in the value of the dynamic channel capacity occurs when pedestrians block the direct ray in a single room environment. The modelling technique presented offers a reliable solution to the perfo-ce evaluation of MIMO wireless systems for indoor radio communications by taking i n t o account specific location and pedestrian traffic pameters.

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3 zoo1 The Institution of Electrical Engineers. arinled and published by the IEE, Savoy Place, London WCPR OBL, UK.


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