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Polachi VC Survey: Pulse on the Industry

1. Please select the title that most accurately describes your current position.

Response Response
Percent Count

Senior Associate/Associate 10.8% 15

Vice President/Principal 18.7% 26

Partner 39.6% 55

Managing General Partner 30.9% 43

answered question 139

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2. Are you more confident about the state of the VC industry today than you were six months ago?

Response Response
Percent Count

yes 40.1% 55

no 59.9% 82

answered question 137

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3. What are you most worried about?

Rating Response
Not very worried Worried Very worried
Average Count

Syndicate Risk- tough to predict

ability of syndicates to hold 30.9% (43) 48.9% (68) 20.1% (28) 1.89 139

New Deals – no one seems in a

43.9% (61) 40.3% (56) 15.8% (22) 1.72 139
hurry to do anything

Portfolio – it is all about

16.7% (23) 65.2% (90) 18.1% (25) 2.01 138

Exit Markets – when will they

7.2% (10) 39.1% (54) 53.6% (74) 2.46 138

Management Teams – issues

62.6% (87) 32.4% (45) 5.0% (7) 1.42 139
exacerbated by markets

Deal Flow – the companies raising

money are not necessarily the 60.1% (83) 26.1% (36) 13.8% (19) 1.54 138
ones I want to invest in

answered question 139

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4. What are the hottest growth areas in the VC industry right now?

Response Response
Percent Count

Cleantech/Energy 62.8% 81

Biotech 16.3% 21

Consumer Internet/Web 2.0 44.2% 57

Enterprise software 10.9% 14

Infrastructure 17.8% 23

Med Tech 22.5% 29

Internet Marketing 40.3% 52

answered question 129

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5. In your opinion, is the the VC industry broken?

Response Response
Percent Count

yes 52.9% 72

no 47.8% 65

answered question 136

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6. Please select the geographical region that currently represents the area of hottest investment opportunities.

Response Response
Percent Count

East Coast 40.7% 55

West Coast/Silicon Valley 43.7% 59

Mid-West 1.5% 2

South 2.2% 3

Northwest 1.5% 2

Outside of the US 10.4% 14

answered question 135

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