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Discriminant Analysis is a multivariate analysis technique It predicts the group membership of the DV based on some predictor IVs Individuals

or members of a sample are assigned to groups on the basis of independent variables.

Dicriminant analysis is very similar to the multiple regression analysis with the dependent variable representing group membership.

The form of the equation representing the descriminant function with two independent variables is given by

Y = b0 + b1X1 + b2X2 in the unstandarsised form

Y = B1X1 + B2X2 in the standarsised form (note that the equations are similar to the regression equations)

The computed values of Y give the discriminant score For the ith element in the sample the value is denoted by Yi
The critical discriminating value Yc is obtained by taking the average of the centroids of the two groups

A new entrant is classified in to appropriate group as follows


Substituting the values of the independent variables in the Discriminant function obtain the value of Y or D. Compare this value of Y or D with the critical value Depending on the relationship ( ie. < or >=) classify the new entrant in the appropriate



A Classification of Multivariate Techniques

Multivariate Techniques
Dependence Technique
One Dependent Variable * Analysis of Variance and Covariance Multiple Regression More Than One Dependent Variable * Multivariate Analysis of Variance and Covariance Interdependence Technique Variable Interdependence Factor Analysis Interobject Similarity Cluster Analysis

Multiple Discriminant Analysis

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