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compare something to the characteristics and special qualities of creatures, things and people.

As blind as a bat

As brave as a lion

As bright as day

As bitter as a gall

As black as coal

As brittle as glass

As busy as an ant

As busy as a bee

As cunning as a fox

As brown as a berry

As crafty as a fox

As clear as crystal

As cold as ice

As dead as a doornail

As fierce as a lion

As cool as a cucumber

As feeble as a child

As fit as a fiddle

As flat as a pancake

As graceful as a swan

As hairy as a gorilla

As gentle as a lamb

As good as gold

As green as grass

As happy as a king

As harmless as a dove

As happy as a lark

As hard as iron

As heavy as an elephant

As hungry as a wolf

As obstinate as a mule

As playful as a kitten

As proud as a peacock

As light as a feather

As quick as lightning

As poor as a church mouse

As round as a barrel

As wise as an owl

As timid as a mouse

As sweet as honey

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