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Where you find it?

Bread or some biscuits

Contains : Gluten

What is gluten?

A protein which does not exist in nature! Consists of the two proteins molecules

Glutenin Gliadin

Interact with each other by the kneading of a wet dough, to form a super protein or protein complex A highly elastic material

Wheat - a prime source of gluten


Formation of Gluten

The proteins on the outside of the starch granules absorb moisture -> become very sticky, i.e., hydration The protein molecules stick together and bind the granules

Formation of Gluten
a) Gliadin and glutenin found inthe flour. b) They stick together when they absorb moisture to form gluten. c,d) When we mix the dough, the molecules line up with one another forming longer strands of gluten. e) During kneading, the protein molecules become more closely aligned and the gluten becomes stronger and more elastic. f) The dough will be able to hold the gas released by the yeast and the bread will rise.

Uncooked Gluten


To bake a bread The flour gluten content and strength will determine the quality of the finished product The gluten provide the bread dough structure and the elasticity it needs to stretch as carbon dioxide is released from the yeast

Role in baking

The gluten properties and structure are important to

Form elastic dough Retain gas during fermentation and baking Allow expansion Retain the shape of loaf

Bread texture depends on :

distribution of the gluten done through the mixing and kneading rising steps

Effect of gluten quantity

The effect of gluten quantity and quality in the flour used for breads, cookies, crackers and pasta is dramatic The above three loafs of bread : it is clear that the wet gluten quantity of the flour strongly influences bread volume

Gluten and Celiac Disease

The immune system reacts to the gluten protein gradually damages the villi in the small intestine Unable to absorb the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients Symptoms :

diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating, and weight loss , feel tired, depression, skin rashes

No cure!

Gluten and Celiac Disease

Solution :

gluten-free diet Very aware of the ingredients Gluten-free flours


P. Barham, The Science of Cooking Springer 2001 Chapter 8 Page____82.aspx


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