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The Best Self Help Books Ever Written

I have received a number of requests for the best self help books available. So here they are. Dont be put of by the dates on some of them, being old doesnt make them any less valuable. Several of these I have available for free download. 1. As a Man Thinketh, James Allen, 1902 2. Your Invisible Power, Genevieve Behrend, 1921 3. Key to Yourself, Venice J. Bloodworth, 1952 4. The Magic of Believing, Claude M. Bristol, 1948 5. The Richest Man in Babylon, George S. Clayson, 1926 6. The Secret of the Ages, Robert Collier, 1926 7. Prosperity, Charles Fillmore, 1936 8. Power through Constructive Thinking, Emmet Fox, 1932 9. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Joseph Murphy, 1963 10. Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill, 1937 11. Thoughts Are Things, Prentice Mulford, 1888 12. The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes, 1938 13. Psycho Cybernetics, Maxwell Maltz, 1960 14. Working With the Law, Raymond Holliwell, 1964 15. The Master Key System, Charles F. Haanel, 1917 16. The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale, 1952 17. The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity, Catherine Ponder, 1962 18. The Magic of Thinking Big, David J. Schwartz, 1959

19. The Game of Life and How to Play It, Florence Scoval Shinn, 1925 20. The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles, 1910 So these are certainly many of the best self help books ever written. There are many, many more great book out there as well for you to find. The Best Self Help Books - Audio

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