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select * from tblmedico where sulmed between 3000 and 4800 and tipmed = 'C' and espmed = 'PARTO'

select * from tblmedico where (sulmed >=3000 and sulmed<= 4800)and(tipmed='C')

select * from tblmedico where (sulmed >=3000 OR sulmed<= 4800) ORDER BY sulmed asc

select * from tblmedico where sulmed =5000.50

select m.nommed, m.apemed, m.codmed, m.sulmed, h.nomhos from tblmedico m, tblhospital h where m.codhos = h.codhos and h.nomhos= 'hipolito unanue'

select m.*, h.* from tblmedico m natural join tblhospital h where m.codhos = h.codhos and h.nomhos= 'hipolito unanue'

select f.nomenf,f.sulenf, f.tipenf, h.ubihos from tblenfermero f, tblhospital h where f.codhos = h.codhos and h.ubihos= 'puno' and sulenf between 800 and 2500 and tipenf="C"

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