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tend. field., (a philosophy).

Peter Ganick
this version [4.0] (c) copyright 2009 Peter Ganick
sphinxtower editions.
this book has been previously published by faux press—as digital
file and kinetic text on cd-rom, cPress, and the author would like
to thank the publishers, Jack Kimball and Jukka-Pekka Kervinen,

anarchy equivocates the melancholic trust mentality for otherwise

whose appearance is devoid of callous meniality and grammatical
foreignness? one to the other, from which we seek selection in
process of devouring an attempt to improve one's slick advance on
persuasion's edifice. developing without sameness to the sorrow of
another willfulness – abuse of the trial those prefer only a dramatic
loss, therefore spoken in regurgitated elementary voices. so numb
as to feel with a sleep in face tonic reduction of paradigm well-knit
of accelerated invoices. now weaning itself from anachronistic
bloodlines, the immersion troubles less whose prenatal eructation
edifies the alarmist vanity from whose selection processes a topiary
collates ovoid principals more than the redundant coffers would
admit periodicity. dialing out, eating in – tattered from activity, we
perceive an atomism more dilated than oafish, wet from the
hanging overt limitations therefore blundered into from another
palisade. likely one would, seen from beginning, either amount to
an euphoria of nexus dramatized in frenetic predicates overly
anointed with wisdom. essential overlay, in the mode of betel
chewed for wholly appropriate lagging times, human trope in
textural gift-mouth offered to pertain to wiring downtowns. liminal
aspects devour alternate viscera, themselves in sleep mode turned
oddly infatuated, not known ledge of the parameter, ascertained
for waiting game, telling a streamlined version temporarily
appended. so, for which appeal to mimicry the per advantage of
pipe smoke settles in depending upon willfulness and aggregate
motives, near aging appliances tethered to simulacra, we devote
parallels to attention waiting on exactly one persuaded
vulnerability, the document in contested aversion to balance out of
its solidarity with echoed limitlessness. onward, for narrowly in
favor of outside-going widening the approach, ‘neath suction for
breach the amounts of delight affect impartial grasps of thankful
hands and fetuses. naming games, out of which another would
experience a divulgence more proper, lease their gallantry for
movements under sky and clouds, alertly seeking widened address,
with whom the experience of twoness accepts a delimited form.
now and then, the twoness in model of greatly approved
impartiality, hangovers from an adaptation emerge with sleek
familiarity to the effectual prevention lamented earlier. one trusts,
therefore in easy address of face to input, any other paradise
thinking its waving over there, someone in mind averted in
permanence, nounal deity affable fortune in the disgrace asserted
as migratory bootstraps indescribable. narrow, harried of the
extermination expedient, someone, perhaps the other orbit,
ascends profitable imperializations of curiously flavored drinks,
pupils dilated on marginal trust, temporal as privatized
elementarily. in folders waiting somewhere, else the sleeping waits
externally, deign to assent a watchful neighbor on right, a lesson on
the left, tones for whose acceptance the reduced parameter asserts
voilà the persuaded perceiver amounts in gesture typically the
roseate underling not either there. as denied for deaf battery, the
sugared voice with apparition outgoing somewhere themselves in
workaholic voice-overs, named indoctrinate as paradigm for
podium. perplexed because the orbit waits tiling affirmations in
durability more the selective than the redolent. wiping some prior
to morasses unfurled now specular, those willingly pertained in the
gesture aggrieved. even told of in ontological space, memorial to
blurs in eyelet run-on ruminations, near whose privacy the
experience is drifted from and to. laboratories indexed in
pervasively anointed geriatric vanities, that myopic valence preens
before mirage after throatless unfolding, expect lassitude as travail
breaches weirdly pronounced deafening. thinking it overly practical,
in facility more the external bloodline won there being painted.
‘neath boutonnière or whose aspect the deranged immerse
themselves, leaning forward to capture a garrulousness afforded in
shaped cartouche vulnerably theatrical from hovering laterally
drifting. never to speak elsewhere, hardness of assertion in an
emporium more assertive then demeaned, dowered intangibly to
the faceless energy, neat liminal advantage mortised into flask and
disadvantage. some people in penury, shown from the exculpate
remittance, bled at whose prevention naught begged out of a
dalliance with forested game plans. naturally incisive after whose
delaying tactics no other escapes, destined formal address calling
itself purity, thrash youthful endurance into brevity, nowhere
infatuated excellence weeps left to center, therefore onward in
variable correctness lapped out of synch. a directly addressed
information unsure of advertisement whilst amounts of replete
vacancy douse impacted advances in the extremity of a flood
bounded. as some small chrysalis would expect, nothing weakens
left to center, thinking of doldrums evaded in new streets plied as
the infotainment describes its over there for a version moot than
precise. lemma of tralala invidiously pertaining as iteration
gallantly prattles, now as nothing in then some previous malady –
oleander fluids in breathless cameo flagged out of a colander, diced
and browned. smiles then the wilderness of empirical mindset, nine
agendas demanding surcease before dumped alacrity flecks white
the form as practical inner density pronounced. now in gambit for
willing the ecology, temptation as migraine sulking in backgammon
planet. nucleated anagrams aligning elders while facile imparting
elect the snooty from their dramatic soliloquies before huddling
down in gestation. frenetic as the process warns out of itself, now
heats those cheated visionaries previous to immersion thinking
frozen essence predicts free buttons in the description amounting
to a trebling of variety. small pronouncement one caves into, that’s
a wish fanning scampered ailments on couched vanishing. nightly
in its verticality, small hook aligned to sinker, holographic marbles
in thrall to an amount of styrene, truly the edifice in prevention of
amounts eloping the memory clapped. soothed from advance,
naught held over a fire to grant pardon, nothing else timorously the
waving addiction to experience, met with in marketplace
inattentive to whose prattle onward woes thimble themselves out
of gregariousness. slipped from the hacking caprice, meandering
faces hearth over the gravity, snit for acceleration unit-awareness
lapping down the milk from a plastic bowl. from which another
litigated mitosis arrives, imperiously the transient galling remission
of turgidity, on a fallacy’s more approved ability to slink around
imagining wherever thematics weep before slowing. nay-saying the
equivalence, after midnight on a slow facelift through appearance’s
destructive anatomy, one makes a legendary caretaker the buttress
of fascination inmate the resulting of forms. hopping about from
one card to the other, wide of sacrificial nomenclature with much to
gain or lose, theoretical annual derivations remove error with
salacious modalities beefing up tyrannical muons notwithstanding
amrita’s glowering afterthought. faring out of a cadaver, skink
ovary for the emergence of natural derivatives, address begets
someone’s eloped quasi-informal traction in two groups, near and
far. that, beset, removes each filing caftan, never severely the
hospitable official troubled of iterative moves betterment assured
infringing upwards of whitened blasts on a horde of cameras.
samples proffered, in negation’s pure drift, not this, not that, or
which effortless announcement at this point, those peopling with
amounts excelled from paradoxical mutiny, one slightly
nonapparent in duress of fringe examination. so tunneling out of a
carpet, somnambulist in hand, literally telling where the ocean
turns into a mountain, without gambit or ambulatory degreasing.
noun facing downwind of a factor, litigant providing selective noons
in the trills of exultation begged off in close nonce therefore dusted
in retaliation emergent from several. some despot ingratiated in
velour’s tremulant exposé denies entities less migrant than
eponymous. the gland features limitation as pardon, the ocean of
sonic elegance always somewhere larger essential derivative
palindrome to escort. some are needling on faces of pastiche – that
which behest impartial gravedigger wooden in camisole, pretend
mindset for the escapade immersed lost in trend. iterating
presence omitting where flagged each necessity unseen, literally
those of worse memory not knowing themselves in effect from
room tension after lecture, dirt mouth mandible of the sameness
tuned out turned into a cradle for roaming recharged. suffered
wholly varied processes to maximize eloquence’s damaging trail of
blather, roping down chords intangibly the ruminant of whose
artless gullibility oratory bags the sled. seeking a curved mind,
totalitarian in vestige pronouncing a literal moodswing on
floribunda, tepid relatedness, some think to announce with
emotional palaver’s oversight, dermatological truancy erratic
moving afforded to winnow the wishy-washy as forceful, nebbish for
the novice card. attracting seriousness of lyrical falconry, hoopla
immersing itself whether or not saith impartial annulment each
lassitude as flair of blood’s lore, each to move centrist, theatric
echo, dual sample. naïve of sample, the restriction’s advantage
eluctable from mode to behavior’s novitiate, seemly attempt to
dramatize awful gloating underscored in the gesture apprehended
earlier. some widen from atavist mercy, their blink-dasein going in
one directive the confidence ghat pervasive, betterment for the
changing showcased, unafraid after these thirty years, named from
happenstance nearly mind of one to be begotten in mordent of
ultra practice. voices in sarcoma, trellis for the bleat of synergy,
alert with thin hesitation at conference lining around the reaping of
majordomo salad days. karma’s positron in truculent adamantine
lapidary surface – thrown tissue of the dusted kitchen, each light
shorn of blemish forgone intelligence, preliminary to rapidity, literal
opportunity. signature of backing down, taken resurgent
malleability, their somnambulist victorious into the lazy sunset,
racking eight-ball shots on the table. each noise before guarding
the morass of subtext, ultimate illimitable gruel for the motionless
once at a moment for whole. sepia parade, that a tenterhook
slaved in bundle of ersatz voluptuousness, one amazes the
towheads on flight patterns of whooping cranes. theoretical
implication remiss of description, literally someone not heard of
intending, as in each molecule of pattern, the motion salivating
overly framed hustling dangers out of a flood in tenderness.
matrices waking alternately, from the echo to the dual tryst,
treatment from rethinking, some faded retroactively themselves in
yearly cronyism, atelier more the emergent either largo or allegro.
named clean of manageable, that is some fallacy afforded in
essence’s universe, bulletin board in conventional corridor fortune
or disproportionately mannerist from happiness’ thinking,
happenstances' trustworthy astringency of merit. precisely the
eddy in poolside wafer-thin slinkings oneself thrashing aborted
impasto generously the membrane exoteric for deciduous empires,
left of center therefore abrupt. suggesting the natural erasure,
leaning from heavenward to blink orangutan, simulcast in greenery
next emotion laughing in closure. near the blind, offering a
sandstorm for whose eliminative accession one frowns into grope
mode too munificent theme for laboratory rappers under shalom
vineyard cursor delectable. impartial therefore, in the reasoning
torn for agonist valedictorian pulsing withheld in fascination.
emergent from machinations exculpate morasses everywhere,
there being an aggregate of mitosis, vale to blank with ailment
officially pronounced intemperate. slimly adaptive reminder from
having accepted imperiled action modality ascertaining willowy
fantail germs on the glitter. north to south, throat in existence for
game plan the market of sclerosis. so feasible as the emulsion on
propitiated eloquence goes, not had formally themselves on ticket-
takers’ evolutionary salsa. eager to be an echo, lightly salted.
migraine over those paradigms letting go impartially solace oblique
martial values. sleeper formally the taken-care-of underfed
indication forced through a holding unfurled as drapery on wall of
tunnel. greet yourself coming through the punch line, not held out
of carpet, wallet derivative ocean over there, ligature officially the
bloodless empiric notwithstanding. emergent from remuneration,
happenstance blessed in part betterment occasioned as trammel.
seeming limited, then somnambulist, there being a drastic ouch
torn through as wondered garage amnesty. prior to aversion, in the
secret of a gentle notation unscrolling before eyes language camps
out for the pretense officiated imbalance provided. one uses
alternative mandalas stopped in halfway out the door they scream
at eastern woods, naught the selection of nonreturnable agendas.
presently adroit, then too much in the foreignness of aspects gone
to dust. hampering a derision with television herded after wholly
apported volition assured, those react willingly the acceleration
precisely draining into a glass cup, noted for its tangibility. some
others widening assured natures, not sectionalized into right from
centrist dasein. talking about the emoted vale, then something on
hold until warning assents illness rhetorically bloated infatuated
from whose severely practical motion songs exceed tirades. a next
face, in whose documentation the eliciting varies monumentally
returned from the collected vision, narrates its oddity out of cartel
for hurrying from ascots to the delicacy more pronounced. therein a
meaning, surreptitious and mature, lightly of the exceedingly
preventable, battered into a hamstrung variousness applauded.
whose perch on glowing charts nears ecological suicide, the empire
orders a syringe for the callousness improved acceptant. one’s lyre
from adventure, inside waking days, sleek announcements on the
edge of a street into scaramouche’s heaviness, limp structure
weaving gathered the affect omitted inroads on trebled voids, how
it becomes, where it was from in startup. a small germ literally one
plastic officialdom inserted ability more problematic, something
one’s own, only that, and from which stretto assigns, it documents
attempts for a guarded nature lightly in the plateau of mirages
more than singular. winning a shoddy peristalsis, bettered in
granite, the accelerative prelude thinking itself into documentation
aligning wait room assertions into whose handy losses the provider
screens for being in another mood of calliope regaining herstory.
they, on repeal temporarily, gently averting lassitude into a
severely trenchant waiting game, sermonize the eliminative
procedure, not for a guarantee of sepia tongue in the lozenge
affordably rolled into a gear. names, neatly names posing as words,
likened to a flagging horse, road underfoot streetwise douanier,
officer of the bloodthirsty admonition, some soothing reaction
utterly appended to reversion. singularly the attempt to
relatedness’ virtue, then in parallel to appearance thinking itself of
ultimate future, the amazement in solace, tones twoness of
buttress, named forming an anagram of reactive propensity. so,
seeking in attempt, that wasted itself on flaring longing into
assertive modes. denouement reacts to with being a solidarity
floored no space betterment the assault of monism. the trustworthy
assumptions guarded in feeling with one’s handiwork, near the blue
of sky’s wretched language, hundreds yet, the solace indescribable
as migrating each daylong expanse official of the turncoat unstable
relay. that works from thinking a percentage point evolving scruple,
deaf to the excoriation. in bluster, nominative collations aside,
dense ubiquity leaning foreground to background, names of the
scraping sounds are nonexistent in the balance of tangible
romance. so romance with the exchange of linguistic versions, that
straight line out the doorway to an across-the-street how-you-got-
there, folding space into pivotal gift-mouths each lira on the
wavelength mannerist officially repeating itself. nestling at the
sorrow, while for the sake of arranged lists, themselves the actual
nature not invested menially theoretically limiting the acrimony to
lessons of the scroll. either nature weeps or laughs, therefore
amplified in the processing of experience networked out of cartoon,
limitless as the necessity for what cares to slink down through
striped wells out of tearless eyes. as pesky nature, the damage
alerted to formed throats on the way, dasein of preoccupation while
aporiac modalities lean through whose selective dichotomy
alienates. some meaning whose play list the panegyric asserts,
hordes of cruel bloods, nothing transcended, everywhere in
arrogant expense, tralala iffy thought to beleaguer before bettering
a shoved remonstrance. which appetite salivates to the tune of
senescent movements, name through formal travail, coldness at
engagement’s data spurned to the tameness’ creativity. some so
dapper as to release iteration, tasking in manipulation of practice
therefore one necessity for twoness thematics developing under
figurative monads, the tremulance of whose overture assertions
parade each naught. gathering strong-arm techniques, themselves
in umbrella for the otherness, language issues perplexing the
mendicant of target, slippery light of meandering out into woods
before dawn, the wrenching of a folder through doorways negating
soprano-bass mondays no one increment for inside themselves. as
a bleach, the infestation more therefore as emergent, prolated
ingestion assuring whose ultimacy penultimate grist absolves one
after the other. acting twice as fast, the expanse of byline asserting
relative truth into arranged garrulousness dearly reacts while
preventing someone’s dealing-with, the holding outperforming a
willow on a trampoline. widget for tangible manifolds, animals
running down the staircase, spatial derangement offering a
solidarity with sown eagerness. as we gather from winnings taken
to the extruded official, no one washed up on shortened ratcheting
upwards of tandem. one acts into a gambit, a waste focusing under
the stray lights, dancing where appliance issues out of fascination
extricates limitlessness. omit. therein a space to lighten upward of
tenacity involute seemliness adaptive to reminder porcelain. the
tunneling outsiders wait on a strolling car. there for a wilderness,
seen out of codicil vanishing appurtenant to slick destruction, one
solace forming indescribable painting slight warning shoves.
particulate entity – what if of selecting announcements? what if
existent vaults improbably correct duality? what if of whose
erasable manifold the contemplation restructures feint gardens
laughingly? theism of attention to sparse vapors, nominative
parsimony deliberately on the floor of a gratitude ascending with
twixt volute maelstroms there in describable modalities more
practiced. attempt to slight out of permanence the admonishment
dallied with, neanderthal witness of entitlement assured froth
gastric jabbing up the forgery. in a stellar vanishing, themselves for
whose seer often lariat of fenestration, empire toucan version ten
point elfin sameness done for the others today. advantage of
propensity gabbing on the telephone for hours at a time,
themselves at utter loss for the improbable notoriety seeding
welcomes in the mooring cloning whose elemental mitoses the
variety probes unintelligently. near a bleed of chrysalis, donating a
song’s handrail, one thing adrenaline candor in pockmark, voice to
bereft mulling of seen-to-be-itself-elsewhere. the tall ordinate
impenetrable around singular variety revealing preventable
creeping without, ceiling into tide pools alluring in colorful
resultant. name for exact choice, trends cinnamon to cardamom,
something one learns in easy serial kiss, negative omission,
practicum slow hand hammering out of a box into a world of
champions elated with serenity’s blankness. already to be on a full
street, nature as persuaded presents its orange variety to be after
weirdly assumed strings over endgame in the flux more prompted,
there being fascination with adrenaline exactly. treatment curiously
reprobate someone elsewhere. a lissome flock of beasts slit with
the hearing impasse near wholly attracted varieties limitlessly. as
for whose appreciation the server simulates over-the-counter
migrations, weeping exacts its odd trellis bounded with scrutiny.
somewhat longer and larger, the arranged vamp-till-reality. the
somewhat-improbable on whose silly narration executable
filaments describe overloads uniquely repenting singularity while
adoration serves to eluctably revalue otherness’ slide into
inoperativeness. worlds away, the effulgent beg to differ. the
serendipity adduced reverts to mollified sequences each can
believe in. one ‘neath whoever themselves out of the box laughs
evermore lamenting thoroughfare excellently premised in
guarantee. the doddering force malediction came to ebb, thrown
into garden for wastrel inactive permission spanning dasein station.
curling out of a shoebox, the internal gesture opinionated
imagination of cusps amounting to sandstorm, there input as beast
from tornado, that if it beheaded frenetic apperception granulated
in farewell. temporal ocean, while standing on heart, empirical
mores to the shrapnel each obituary says out. which world begs the
emptiness: skip a frenetic amount of borderline, themselves
assuming reality as opulence deigns intention tonight in farce
welling uninterruptedly the exactness. a homerun ruining
existence’s premonition, worth the wave out of ailment into cinders
of direct name-calling slippery official intelligently therefore
pertaining each. signature of night while thinking that proffered
impulse there gift imprinted in variety, some sendoff prattling
outside of commerce, will with the simplest of din of trenches.
sorrow exacts its odor, night in testament officiously pertaining
weighty as crowd omnipresent, something like luck, something like
force. thorax on homily, prasada for the elemental in variety ‘neath
the prone existent fiery leniency. needing shoe to bleary-eyeless
gremlins, names in compulsion tempering whitened faces on the
glow-charts of derivative permission. something each, you can
seek, valence of periwinkle the callously apprenticed to large view,
theoretical node from heinous to guardedly, there in greeting
situations noon calls out till one clotted vacancy serenades then a
pardon for the recriminated. each figure pointillist in vagueness,
limitlessly someone sleeping on a lost eachness, impact successor
to the largest vanguard meaning imperative seriousness often solar
time in vantage of predicate more those than this – alacrity more
permitted. on in aborted data, their salute offering pavement to
slump drastically thistle and briar of expertise, only a flood in
bandying about the simplest evocation of glamour one cares
thinking a lifetime for naming exposures intelligently derived for
salute. soaking down the suction of essential floods in gesture
needing whistled amplitude often or rarely, the choice apparent
though forged. so far, the windows of pertinent camouflage serve
to act upon a refurbished manifold nature, one callously therefore a
blast of light in garment, glass on plastic throes of roping donor-
bias nothing originating well-to-bend impartial crossfire theme of
description inner mindstyle stupefied needing pervasive entity for
scamperings. night for whose illumination the egress pertains,
slightly on a tundra of expedience themselves for as practiced the
elopement reacts visibly excoriated. morasses of fullness, with
whose permission the apprenticeship is pervading, known for
itemizing a scalene neighbor transiting invasive delivery ailing
witnesses came to negate. insured for falling on a hole, the town
assumed visible proportions in a mind ossifying elemental virtue,
ghost of driveway something being of its oddity neither or the skill
in hand meaning while sickening over it. yards later, the effluvium
of nucleated avant garde gestures imply their own opposites. next
to destination is the mode for nature, in gap of singularized
illumination nothing beaten from having especial trouble witnessing
a sheet driveway. some ominous admitting of experiential mimesis,
that being which knowledge ascertains, the button of worldview
cartouche involute manufactures opinion to the seen-dramatic. so
rendered disengaged, in a mirage on rope snit bolstering upward of
tenderfoot reminders, how on cliché the repetition of mantra
advances prolation in consciousness. improved, lean tunnel
iterating winnings on a held-versatility mere to the appreciation
collated. re whose preliminaries sodden in granular maelstrom,
names from the excepted remove themselves each time-frame too
sudden omni threshold infatuated wiring relationships to vast
preventions, acting elsewhere as neutrality regroups. threefold
arrangements – their improvement, their presence in one slick
arrondisement, their attuning to folding out of a choice the
extrusion varied as much as transduced opacity values its
ownership redundant form in provider. a willowy afterthought
someone weighty in parsimony, thralldom exposed tones of
versatility eliminating aspects mobile afghans relatedly omit. to
necessity the one-to-ten scale not kept willingly, theoretical
imbalance one calling from the workplace to the shovel scandal,
nights in restitution of cartouche, heat from things that create
white flames in novel reversion treasured. as whose elongated
force-field the pandemonium accelerates into preventably omitted
circulation, galling out of trust in thematic harmonics,
egalitarianism of the first firefighter leased through a pardoning
summary. heat. with announcement of estrangement ivory too
volcanic, one’s paradigm serves to blame ironic vulnerabilities in
taken situations’ thrall of the expansion alert to situative empathy
lonely faces in crawl space imperative innuendo version ten
pointillists on a navigated urgency more the secreted in a ply. gone
from that heaviness of metaphysic, itself not those inexcusable,
reality diced frenetically merged facetiously appropriations’
everlasting affect of murderous schedules, offal suctioned into
colanders replete with burners. night trellis ontological of beaming
upward the memorized effort. needing sips of therefore to edify in
breathlessly adored wisdom, floods operating gray-scale
voicemails, one side for the entourage threading awareness
limitlessly not accompanying. washed up the staircase, wet with
spots and chosen address, nimble as a focus of nature intelligibly
on-site remotely the prasada intended fertility as majesty prevails
evolving. some other lampshade irreal as treading out of a scoped
lance, terraplane in the emergency knotted. silk oars in patterns
each came to blanket, as swill for existent merging, mannerisms of
the rich and feared, lira toned out of francs, hovered internal
tomorrows into grasp, healing motives assured. as other’s small
flanges react directly preoccupied wide narration’s culled prospects
become freely addressed tickets to the game plan, moist vanguard
slothful redemption in cartel miniseries’ slippery meaning
exchanged. neat off-line messenger, template from the romantic as
saluting downstream a chorus of bleeders in gremlin suitcases
resulting wherever thought of in face to blare with simulcast voiced
overtones. wreaths of the tiller wend themselves around irascible
retaliations, while the apported valence permits its oddly sported
vocal necessity predatory munitions for gasping with sameness
reduced. nature permits a greatly overt music the bleating outcast
wildly pertained to for tisane in gratitude’s exterminatory
pulchritude. winning a shaman over to relatedness is prior to
expulsion in featured ire of emotion lost in the transition. nigh to a
density of flamboyance, omicron as parlayed into empty situation,
not with warmth invaded preeminently serving dirndls in familiarity
the brillo of trepidation assured. mood for gain sleet risked in
gasping without cappuccino melodramas overtly breathing down
necks of imaginary volitions, as curious the blameless ingredient
turned, abrogated in selective pronouncements. willing to win
where attraction escorts directly provincial turnouts themselves
singing trenches to abbreviate formal offers in patina therefore
beleaguered impatience. one’s slept with each improvisation,
nougat ingested from room to skillet of preached involution,
marginal force to blur. name’s sleek willow frenetic slowdown
appreciably themselves investment counselor naught to the
extremity advanced impulsively. which nonagenda from enough
seeking releases ironic trust, more involute therefore unbiased as
blotted in gasp, tenacity’s familiarization calling itself mercy. neat
ivory, trolley car prowling in co-pervasive endlessness, some with
amassed variance plotting screech cards unsure of themselves
aspiring to festival. orchestrations everyone cares to unfold, lest
the bleeding cards inviolate motions well with the seemly opinion
to rehearse unstruck vouchers, negating a skeleton before
amounting exculpate omissions reprehensible and guile-free.
amounts of existence to calibrate, all coded in fascicle demanded
as practicum, some reported to blend into aspects of what is
treasured, limp ascendancy profiteering on the bloodlines of an
agenda more pure. tapped into whose lien preventable hostility at
the moment of velocity pronominal values therefore adrift in what
urges those predict in part thinking of damage contrasted with
healing trends. imparting a solace to nothing, light of career in
aspect to behead frosted reversion, fellowship of fail-safe meeting
at the stolid worrisomeness, waning into extraneousness
somewhere else obese to mention familiar ocular dossier. snit
overlay theme too drastic in perilous waterfalls, untimely
familiarization beholden to variety of predicament – the sturgeon
and the blotter – incandescent befriending willow perimeter salsa
offertory, normative and ascendant. leaning out of who’s served
throatless engagement in as praxis votes offhand temporary livery,
the emulation often soaking down as promised the greenery of sky
and water, blade of gutter in partial scampering trellis-boundary
negated. only a face be the sumptuous affording with preview to
reassert in image frames forming with appurtenance something
saved in extrusion, vaulting over a streak of arrogance delivered to
the beggar’s dormant curiosity. an e-mail well played in text,
torpedo remote infill acid-free latté we all drink. suggesting while
approved parallel to either a way or a saving of perseverance now
else tormented languid expanse memorized in fossil
apprenticeship, in the opportunity gone too skating downhill
evolution’s gambit occluded. the moebius paved, the severity
prevented, someone in vanished predicate, then obscured – that is
crimped of mimesis, elation in trenches thereby asserting a will
tom-tom ascendancy. denatured from the callousness of aggregate
immortalized festal grommet to elope white bluster of greeting
assented to in allowed mores themselves believed for tissue.
recalcitrance of amplitude, only in sleight of hand perishing
awareness often soprano-bass millefleur theme to be, seeking in as
gradient from workaholic mutation excalibur legacy truncation
wisely burned. or, burdened in similar wave, prong thought of
derivation as mutated arrogance, leasing with assent be a lingering
face to empty bead, naught before unfolding simple regurgitation
else the foreign grayness of bagged growth patterns reacts wildly
awarding suction to not finishing the smiling trounce everywhere
asserting smoothness. entourage of permission tapped out on
grammatical surgeon, per some suave elopement of clutter in
bottled value, mirage for wholly appreciable meteor. the name
forlorn in its own manageability, someone thing-in-form to blending
wiles of repetitive absurdity floated downstream. onerous as purse,
each away team in gesture often suffered themselves in
momentum, not lasting a lost imagery, surface trowel in handiwork,
as gift of overture media noche the filling out of arachnid
premonitions surviving the exam, therefore being health-free.
smitten in dossier, nor elf thereof inserted palisade to renovate
imperial gratitude some else of elemental officiousness can even
behead of leaving before that erasure avoids not trapped doers
asserting, but the amounts of egress behaving evanescent in mode
banging out theoretical rallentandos once the serious claims are
met. waiting in a station under solid truncheons, eons pass last
nightshade opinionated moral trump card efficaciously the
memorized trebling of activity one slide oafish lingering there for
allure’s meaning. in as contemplative, the monad begun elsewhere
on-site. engagement lamented from being inside a cartouche,
willful agenda of euphoria themselves undried from sudden night in
game plan oneself outgoing from the starvation energetic to last.
small procession tempered with aggregate of ascertainment lest
the triplicate form opens two sides down from the each other, neat
of craving only produced in described affect. gathering flattery in
the repetition of assumed forms, lampshades off the hook cloning
salutary ovoid mandibles whimsical as feint in guardrail teetotaler
impiety. gastrula officiating while appending around a trampled
assertion, naïve mordent for longing ailment reruns on teevee
situative of sleighs and bells. woven crowns intolerably
documented as the facing down offered slights as parallel otiose
melancholies near holiday scansion what with the decrease in
juggernaut and traffic, nimbleness accumulates each normative
acorn told whiling weasels affected erasable. a syringe tempered
with salt and pepper, as sinkhole torpedoed thinking not staying
out languor of the exterminative propensity. tranquility absorbed
unflaggingly thematic re-absorption in the mercy of around the
ochre cloth of a genial tremor. pardon to pebble out of thinking with
one’s skilled bloodline, neat work if euphoria sells a tangible
reduction’s preeminent value to the highest bidder, one warning
signal turned coastal. night on strolling karma, one servile to the
otherwise solidly lost in space, time and again behest of rhetorical
flourish needled into parasite, officiously the exculpated foreigner
in troll’s landscape. around whose iridescent voluptuary the
annoyance gags surreptitiously, oeuvre as periodicity siphons
outsider’s mores to themselves on blather of amounts exposed in
testamentary glossaries. cool noises on correctly voracious
preventions repenting therein as addressed to the abrogation of
mercy, gestation affected in palliative mess opened by confidence.
some blended from the cards in one’s hourly sham, pillow for torn
agenda urged repent to blast formal truculence. gathered in a
memory the blame of craving issue with awareness, temporary as
follicle indicated promising wellness. hold out of a granularity more
than edified, premise of derivation bloss informal truancy
elaborated. inverting with aspect more resilient therefore in camera
documentation of vulnerable coolness actuality provoking assent
with mirages on holding parrots. there in finding outside the
warning pattern flowed through as flooding wiring diagrams
intelligently properties the mention of blasting cadmium gravitates
slowly cooling. formed as in cartouche the seemly appearance glad
of silence themselves more therefore to blanket with sunny days
elsewhere, now shampooed invaluably. which in recording the
silence around a soul time canine to blaring reined in faced
domicile skein of face thimble relaxing wiring dalliance threefold
greatly attitudinal spiel of trapped big tangent to ‘neath the holding
pattern informal of poisoning. those placebo mindsets wait for
iteration’s folding chair believing a grasped loquacity will outsize
the creativity’s preventative anomaly known as hardness of
damage for willed assertion grating a chat-room’s existence in
pouring down the snow. not a fresh situation for photo-ops situated
in fading much tornadoes on the nadir of brain-pan suction, exile
from the sundown fascicle montages eliciting whose seemly flow in
release of tide. domiciliar offertory lapis lazuli risk forming a
decoder adorned in trapping whose zeroed-in on-site advantage
meant so much, egalitarian not there something which flowing hair
into clashed track meets. sundown affords the morass of bleating
with not more the onset of gerund blindingly theatric officers in
gallant relocative preeminence more then some to blind whether
down or up. in a guardedly choked vanity, premonition chariot of
the frugality. of anomalous greeting in ethereal moving novices into
glaring light. premature. etherealization of modes of behavior
denotes immogrified palatial grommets, the resultant fiduciary
bloat incestuously thematic operatives came to absolve with denial
trebled. amazing forms in tolerance to the epidemic salutes, their
bureaucracies ovulating in secretions allotted to migrating solaces
with penury assigned the orbits. yammering at the infidels,
preoccupations grow for onsets of modes to bleach infatuations
selectively winning an apprentice for gravitation’s shortness.
eliminated in ancestral hospitals on holiest grail the emporium
alarmed, thoughts imperil on-site gestures the resultant of
neuroticization eloquently loyal. on a previous salute, the
membrane accepted a respect for on-time labors, never being
garish nor federal. primarily a deepening fenestration of blind-
siding the ambergris, nature assures whose exercise facetiously
amounting with sides in part oneself therefore addresses, the
parlayed omnipresence being heated in derivation assuming
teleology. negated infestations of dramatic usury tepid as the
remorse fellowship, that is a restricted fight in drastically opaque
lissomness. with similar offenses threaded in parallel, an abrogation
of modes to solve, in as gesturally opaque the resilience amounting
to wellness known for another’s elimination in guarantee of suction.
so many numbers in the breaches of time to spare. on a flask in
session doing a report as worlds stall, gessoed lips in the farewell of
tides allot impasses as the trebling of variance licorice to the
ambrosia. aligning a simplest description of hiccup in role, there as
relatedness’ assignation palavers tattered impulses of bullet-ridden
worrisomenesses the bolster on the couch topping seventy in
thematic oratory. night on the portable thinking, something averse
not mentality imprecation of destruction on hold to bled
improvements the summershine aware of tidy allures in desktop
salutes. names equivocate the inspiration of an advantageous
notoriety while usage of headphones simulate the energetic
limitation. some awards on threefold tapestry, resulting in
arrondisement tamely roped out of a shell-game threnodic
therefores alluring a similar pocket wrench on the hula of destiny’s
abscissa. one light, named of the errata, the ribosome of fill-ups in
gaudy prosodic amrita, theatrical broaching of epic salinity, each
peroxided striation of elevated immensity, in bad light for ahead of
oneself as already hopeful. gaining on transience in previously
engaged motilities, one laments previews of the empirical
blandishment literally gathering brahman out of the volumnar pilot
that wrens in the morning side with a superior being each light on
the shelf as much as twelve hundred. literally gathering at the
public space for a moment each night, that with attention to detail
renga officially on hold examining as much a tenacity will approve
in the darkened office. with alarms going off everywhere, nature
sings into the game-plan each will out of caveat as modes bleed
facing downward. a puttering of reunited gaspings, spatially
disarranged on the blankly adapted berceuse, nature in the
saturated advantage of who gathers outgoing reinings in of
tremulous pretense, names in the breach of a derivative less than
the excellence of either or. minds engage the café with its lights
around the loquacious normalcy of benevolence assigned to an
immigration school less there than here. nimble as the equation
gavels out of a paradigm, things assume euphoria wilts in the
bellowing of a carrion-networked drunkenness, racking as much the
brain-pan as the situation. nature attends to one side of a word
precession there as motley advantage is remunerating with a
berceuse playing, the same berceuse as the more of one that
implanted a kiss on lips met with in sulk. thinking what waits for a
gasp to rescue themselves networked pullets, strong drama on the
trash heap officiously themselves near one ligature believing
themselves believed in. or, it tails a time for resulting in breach of
contrast, never gaining serenity noon for the trail-blazoned
remission of threads, negating a wildflower wholly as therefore too
much would elsewhere be the restitution agreed upon. for, with a
drastic offense in snail-paced restaurateur’s elephantine grist, the
rogue star flakes down into around a coincidental restructuring of
meaning, the name of itself guarded in heat. each, so elegantly
bleeding on an agony of time and death, silk flowers gaining in the
hold of tarrying outside a hotel with doors waning on helpmeet
survivals the embrace on floors lamented in hearing’s romance.
needing nothing is an arrangement made in heaven – on necessity,
its solidarity with silence. adjutant of either-or, otherness in the
slag heap, the slavish nature of professionals evoked with presence
admitted; how else the bleating of tides and rocks came to be
themselves? how else the respective annoyances of trials and risks
aspect themselves into gestures? wholly the amazement on a trial
lawyer’s docket, the distancing of preventable sotto voce porch
songs remunerate arrangements less there than here for waiting
games in aggrieved mentions of wisdom’s approval. leaving a slow
card-carrier to the bloody name-calling on the box, urgency repeats
amplitudes of gathered space-shifting. what started as a dime-store
bulletin woke for a while afterwards as a motionless gathering-
space in the echo of who-forgets-what that with time became
adorable. as which in a snarl, some, out of luck implant lampshades
through blurred falcons of martinet-ossification. white glows on
arrived presences, then weeping in one time slownesses, reduction
of parameters assigns the membership its urgent mirage often so
pardoned. decoupage results in model-arrangement slices, the
endurance of demolitions themselves abruptly destroyed. night in
travesty. came to beg within attention to winning a share of
wellness, there folded in rack of pastiche, the motive assured trail
to blame. so, time and again, going there for gaining the affected
spot, night in description, somewhere, something else in blankly
erasing a political rime on trolled færy of the silent graphical
erasure. atelier for who else themselves repeals rasa on the blotter.
game for winning, that be it’s slat in the ingredient therefore one
more existent theme forlorn in garishness, forgone in the
embouchure that slices. annealed in the flood of data, things wait
for attentions in therefore. nacre adduced in gallant restructurings,
one pileated of the ambrosia noticed wills out of which is thought to
be not as much, but is actually better yawning. dusting off a
caprice of beggary, narratives occult the membrane tagged out of a
holster, shed in relinquishment of foreign matters lotto glass on the
picador. mammal for whose invitation is euphonic in melody, not
had in blade there too bleed as syringe famously at arrangement
caliph northern lights on aurora hammering. amount for whitening
agents, the engaged monad slothful for a wailing washout, hirsute
in the mélange offered theme attack on holiday storage blankets.
repetatur no blarney. roped into a gainer of masculine feminine,
ordinal on the travesty. numbness relating to salvation with echoes
testamentary on oleander networked out of a pardoning scholastic
manifold. the called-out-of-situation goes for assumption with
reaction as more thisness as directly as the meniality as the
regicide on thimble held of heating pad ligament. prone indelible
saturation of bluette immensity more there blemished out of
contrast wildflower of thoughtful reduction on breadwinner’s
limitlessness. neat for whirring nostrum, ecological as the breach of
conduit, themselves outside the fringe, each in whiplash rocketing
out of a sheer drop of ten thousand feet. engaged in the affectation
of modesty one knows as denial. weeping surgeons lasso threes
and sixes out of a garish probe met with on mandrake blackening
themselves. each hologram lights skies and reddens space.
emballage needles what wanes willingly as a curiosity ratted upon
for whose loss wills out of aortas the emotional surveillance noted
in as much as tendencies flow. pertaining where one can mask
witness derangements for one long-term immanence fleetingly
abrogated in the matrices of a gender-space. dusty cleaning tools
on a dollop of whipped cream, tangerine glue spots, smiling pipe
smoke, the endurance of hoorahs for ordinary lights; so where do
cards impale therefores under a rock forming solace inner to
breathlessness? no one came to resonate willowy the
advantageous name-calling itself in blaring with clammy hands the
megaphone, no, whether one megabytes oneself out of an
extraction into holiday moving forward the day off now a day of
work. or, what is now back to one hundred percent in a duress of
offering theism’s redaction of what wastes a lifetime begging to
abruptly fan the simulation of description, not literally held out of a
clannishness, the reaching of nirvana as model of benzene ring on
the trellis of an announcement’s drain-pan. erasure in blood, then
as much the remembrance on whosever plaudit thereby reductive
embassies giddily produce retentions around, no caveat thinly
damaged latitudes look tissues on an urgency remonstrated
excellently. nature describes it as one more than elsewhere. in a
flood of festivals, emptiness scores negative reactions lost for the
moving truck up to ten summers on a lake in mounting
photographs when that period is abrogated. excellently resisting
discretion, think of one zipped callousness the existence of which
patrols a geriatricity northern thensome relatedness of
shapeshifter’s lassitude. hastening, eloping, one came to believe as
morasses, chasms, negatives of a skeletonry, a plum in shoals of
dear john letters. inimical to one, that it regains plausibility in one
onset of mood, pleasurable formulae thrown into the eternal
blockage of roles that placate breathiness of wills. a clientage more
spiraling out of allure, one enervates. then too merged for
relocation, lore of imported gallons, not inept for a collectivity of
alignment, every thistle nevertheless making schemes the redress
of as much that the reluctant arbor vitae came to resume;
narrations on hoorahs of helpmeet scanning a cave of primary
durability, invitations to everyone’s dance made in the surcharge
not knowing how the damage is adapted with to amplitude
restricted. which is polite enough tomorrow then similarly tattered
indelibly the remoteness as murals officiate thresholds for
athleticist manicures navigating someone’s pupil notified in gear. a
newbie that slinks around hellos from adeptly removed hard
decisions, else the flood of parasols on parade day. skimmer-floats
as well, weakening the siphon photo-ops reloading sunny strings
aneuristic hammerholds eloping willows. neatness of gathering
space, as moved into anomaly. thrice the blessing waits. agent of
winning a shred of fabrication, elongated on the florid abroad.
repenting a packet of shrapnel met with in travels out of a
coldness, each environment one shears off attention to detail,
negation as much the flotilla of colophon exultation officiated in
release. as with most murals of blemishes, the endurance is
fiddlesticks in the cigar. as an adorable omnipresence, a poet
issues nature when results drive down the opposition. “en garde”,
we all speak the situation allows a game-plan its exultation in
massively opaque largesse flowed into an area more direct than
discipline relates around to the ornament’s effulgence. small’s
silence, the whitening agent on hasp to memory. which was
sleeping in the description maddening fortune faced down the slow
charge to anointed existence’s pride of motion. as urged forms
plead with higher-ups in hierarchy’s adducement, notions revert to
the postal code in repentance for that emergent clod of early
warning sheepishness – as the pod lastingly added a gesture of
greatness tamely retracted as facing upstarts in documentation lost
for the emulative anonymity. drowning in agility from whose
dependence one slurs the words, naked lights on the wall, sleepily
dossiered afghans notify the woolens store of adult language used
in ermine bloodlettings. narration tails out of a space too morbid in
restriction. the sleepiness of guarantors’ pulses remit a gap in
sleep’s mentation coiling rhetorically underfed. name cured of
itself, blowhard taller thought. a swamped filament on holding
threads out of the water before they are impaled inner longing
situated therefore. after a moment, transferred to empathy. in the
surgery, widened fame called out of a clamp in derision that
starved a mammal forming on the shoe of a dross. one’s near
wildness, the skin of a flurry. at atomistic parlance, accurately one
drifts into drowsiness staring welling up torn handshakes out of a
preaching, treatment therefore adapting involuntarily as partook
nubile dermatological exceptions. nature is not flat, it solves its own
equations in the bureaucracy of emergent tidings. as liminally the
far-reaching tell of issue with assignation, friends call out of the
windscreen in attention to the less-distracting flange often so
prevaricated formally. in attrition, some coil a dervish then some
tool of drama waited for in the emulative aspect, one sky more that
which flows out of coldness’ escape. each ammunition gestures out
of scholastic flagging patterns, call collect for the patience, a torn
erasure to bleed under skin’s parasol the other situation nothing
else for woken in night’s midstream, as data the guilt fed on
happenstance overly turgid manicure eloped mores. pittance or
pictured – so there to dramatize affability when as wronged, the
palladium espouses meringues or nimbuses. as who blankets
themselves into a dreck. summer of mirages left to breathe
elongated borderlines with similarly threaded facetiousnesses,
everything lightly without headphones, the recumbent returning. as
with a regurgitation of melody, the gastrophobic arrondisement
utters a cough and a sneeze flaked with similar styles of blankness.
when a surgeon floats illuminated cross-hatching, relaxations drain
officiously pronounced wrongs, naming tools threading awareness
with a survival kit migrated to in damage. as gratuitously thrown
into adept relation, one too blame-free for belief to crawl out of a
sample emerges the victor in balanced faces naming tools for the
garage sale. as a new ingredient would spurn tellingly repealed
fissures, one slinks around forgotten sites, neural synapses on the
frisked neatness of smiling faces around the ornate modality of a
fluidity pled with one letter at a time. that in drama, for one beheld
as made in the image of, that wrenches out of a palindrome
holiday’s heavy figuration existing in trellis. the new mysticism of
appearance, in hearing the memory lost, gains outsider’s flattery
then a solvent skein on wholly owned opportunism’s thinking itself
into a flock of torsions. waking, sleeping, dreaming, transcending,
or in whose elemental fragrance themselves roving the document
forgone to blame windowless rumors their saccharine flotilla newly.
as fraternity of modes, the blemish on hordes of cross-hatched
flickerings made theism’s adoption the examination one slumbers
more that wilderness would exist fortunately. while appearing to
themselves in apprenticeship an agoraphobia more select therefore
pliant and meticulous fenestrated imbalance as forecasted in
derivative. lassitude of alimentation gravely gathered in a priority
of accidence, time to the accretion of political emergency, venial
propensity more thankful rehearsal of praxis toggled at the
resilience of favorites themselves repentant mortally. glandular of
the partaken salute, empirical as glowing tones sleekly reported for
a worrisomeness. a lot of the improvisatory grammars indelibly
don’t as pretense afford one-sided discourse the emballage
redundancy aside a word of trellis ingested from having spanned
the world aware. delicacy of trebled on-word lighthouses falconry in
tessitura northern lights as famously the chakra blended out of a
cahier too panegyricist for emulation. one slightly appended in
restructuring a failure of nerve, slowly attempting wisdom in
description announced the orbital sluice of persuasion, met with in
brigand to-be-for in one sleeve forgone. empathetic salute for the
role to be placement in about-faced relocation, everything
necessary in as one’s lightly appreciated fearsomeness naked of
iteration fellowship aligned to the emergency nature on blurred
viscera, temptation aloud atria motley familiar to greeting. din of
regency, something lest they sailboat a cartouche. in as voluntarily,
themselves aware for oneself, networking slowness of appreciative
necessity fatuously the rogue of tarrying ahead tussle of normalcy,
vaingloriously tropaic indelible thinking something slight often
vanishing on chorale templates, negation welling into asymmetrical
notions, lessons in the document to pardon out a consideration. in
wondering the back to slip down as mirage offensively preventative
lozenge of a hidden parade. something as mode of beginning with
aneurysm tellingly the appearance of deliberation within similar
farewells, bloodless engagement widening with surveillance, or
chosen the surcharge flagging when attention spaces out of hand
locations occluded investing as premonition of agony formal
troubled faces. disengaging a slept-with for a vanity prehensility as
glamour forcing tessitura into glanced-at slices of fading gist, some
card of theistic advance in parallel ivory, slammed out of a chord
into vocality’s pretense, glow of property something as farcically
the roaming out of acrimonious leverage prevented. literally the
fed-to-the-lions lurid assumptions of what-is-not-there for a while
inner a pace of ligature ignorantly something as much the voucher
for drift warring on everything else. names violate properties of
largesse, while with formal travail someone on the provoked depth
appends to reversal of tenacity someone’s selfhood in tile to brevity
tackled. so, smiles allowed for the doctrine of greeting, something
waiting in harping while attentiveness leans out of a choice the
chore therefore in policy repentant modesty fortunately the
otherness wallet-driven washout mélange to hit-man each noise
defers to blood-root. some new data on hood ties for the clarity of
abruptness literally a security of vastness as called out on a
predatory versification limp hand aside the eiderdown, nature of
blackness on an old rope there singing with siphon the crying out
on another political emergency epicurean on a furlong linked by
karma. which as cannot be shocked into vanity, moebius empathy
nictated itself into operative and gallant serums everywhere. nice
for the granted that one slackens one’s easy escort, pileated
ancestor grown out of a chorale to meet with invasively the
preeminent appendice blankly one’s slightly foregrounded
aloneness in period dress. distention on sunlight’s aroundness of
clamor, matriculating with attention to periodic nautical veniality
persimmon on the poet’s old-style of pardon, classed out of a
cloudless cahier told to advertise on skeletal teevee, the existence
of which distends retention. a small prodigality of nerve, that
wilderness appreciably blocked in garden for april followers the
meow of a candidly prevailing wind. limitless the aggression of
presentation, staking one’s chained creationism slowly apt for a
wilting of attraction laughing to either oafish nature, leans out of a
chorale the membership naïve as tempted, reglowing with
asymmetric name-calling therefore solace for the wooden. easy
folding a carpet into false troopers in vast mentality of pretend-
machinations each negation that wells out of a cauterization of
mood. whiling away years of howling at the mindset, temporarily in
a light of meaning there being as dasein another the following
retention of eventuality providing awareness’ limitation grabbed
out of context. so, with a sunny dance for the revelers tides out of a
shore thought to believe where implied faces outgrow the caller-id
on a roll wordlessly altering winnowed feints thoughtlessly the
appreciation moot. neatly the appeal of time and dealing out of a
chord, time forgone imperatively the endured as it is. when for one
once there as blast out thrice-pulsed berceuse, intolerantly
therefore. pilots duct-taped into whitened valences out of the
scampering of wizening’s applause, as tool for one slippery
jamming of radio waves out of the coitus met with in surcease.
blankly the colorless, blindly the immanent often so provokably
temporary asking fortunes footloose therefore preaching with
shoals of formless angioplasties merely the sinecure of a document
tattered into resultance. so. designed of the merlot breathing span,
naught babbled into garish mordancy, one appellation more that
imprecation naturally one’s lsd care-taker finished indelicate of
cloudlessly wilderness. as taken into abrogation, never to behave
less the engorgement of eyeless rumination, game-plan situated as
delicacy forlorn things of secure amphitheaters, someone slicing
chosen affabilities willing as much the hidden talent slaving out of
an accomplishment near blue-pointed impotence. that gregarious
typicality of lost handrails, tank-top lemma that readiness
applauded addictively told to behave, thankful of remonstrance,
periodic notation lest they cleanse wiser glances out of the
taskmaster forlorn to blank riddance. sitting across thinness’
redaction with an attention to denial, romantic allure. the
memorialization of enraged folderol, one lifts out of a sheer drop
downcast, leitmotif of making one’s naming ceremony the tussle of
which it frames a deliberately fenced-in eiderdown. mannerist
agglutination, freely that, winning someone for the addendum,
there being in respective orbital which was lost to the slackers on
holiday at the watering hole. some pagination of tactility, each
cleansing the gift of melancholy, the furlong of happiness wavering
out of flasks and grow-lights. hammers then a serial gerund
mandala for the result that berceuse identified as durably the
emballage imperatively back turned thinking the insecurity of
wounding hit-men on the correctability materializes thinness
witlessly this of that advantage pointed out. as motion and within
the mundane tempestuousness of lampshades, eons later one
slickens the reality, faces out of a class into whose provided-for
direction no actionless manifold came otiose mundane-bloodily.
themselves in thoroughly the secure keyboard. as was frozen into
arrangement before the climate changed... whiplash out of the
chakra, tides there bingo-clamor, tool odorless frame lightly the
pincer on whose panegyric meant irreality prevails. thrashed from
wholly-afforded pleonastic votaries, one marches out of a choice,
each erasure in tessitura lest the moebius more stability actualized
infectious and repented from attrition lagging wilderness-bound.
the call-in number for the psychological motivation-core weans
iteration into a plaudit of meringue within allowed fading. smallness
of attrition, windows of the palliative form, neat of whilst one peach
in the dossier-mode bent out ostracization named in its odorless
rude grip. by implication the aggrieved chest-pain on goat
hammers of tellingly the appended formulaic reappropriates
immolated voice-overs, their candid necessity more than effectual.
once over, to ply an advantage ornately the tyrannical modality
lorded over appendages in velcro not denominated for an
announcer’s eluctability, therefore in a breviary the impartial
forecast telling of wholly paradoxical beings’ ultra-scorned
openness afforded. notion of destruction with amulet of bullions of
grammar evaded imprecisely the raison d’être until fascination
advertises itemization’s culinary void. preliminarily themselves in
arrears tilt-a-whirl over the blockage, some thingless appreciation
of evidential morosity vanity-prone indelibly the secure
limitlessness over the nighttime sloka inveterately promiscuous
and repentant. rooms of dull gray walls and floors with colorless
ceilings, the ailment on card-carrying load-outs implied from
teamwork’s licentious malarkey slipping into whose fœtid
ampersand the empathy is more saline. tachyon of action, willing
its ownership an imprecated violence provided for in annual rings
the repartee vacant as emptiness surges around a glossolalia,
fixated formal trouble intentional of hidden craning out of slippery
allowance’s effectuality. blanketed on whodunits, seeping silences.
temporarily one slows down formal travails in whose secreted
vulnerability the rumors of generosity are arousal contrived, so
vacant to parallel the emotion of scar-faced commerce,
temperature around severance thensome orbital vantage removed
in caress. a sestina with amounts derived soprano-blinking tisanes
of erasure on hold when one slips down an reality’s caveat, more
the agreement in sound than something elsewhere abandoned or
added. filial modesty, one’s appearance urged in value, onus on the
retention for gratitude is eloquent as murals vary test-mentalities
of grasped impartiality, one situation at affectuality’s predicate.
let’s is not us redress before hanging the mordent of cranial
bureaucracy one’s tiles on hampering’s closure, told if of another
lampshade less the engagement officiously pronominal industry.
arisen in a periodic morality play, services adapt to elemental
addenda, mistrals on tinker-toy blame-freely proposed mullings
theatrically blessed. persuade in effort the empathetic mores
leaned on in graciousness. with serial routine as force to admit
relatedness, sonata-derivatives of the altered stalling, meant for in
gesture, one to the agreement needed for willingly partaking in
movie-going with alarum deceived. prevented fro and to,
implacably the respective tenterhooks alerted in valence let to be
said specifically. turn around, see the aim of prescience and
classism, chiasmus indelibly the afforded in gallantry mollified
tornado too bleeding for themselves in part song. recorded as
blindside from an arranged facing down in hamper-proof literality,
aligned to looking for something in guaranteed facetiousness alike
the meniality of disagreement on holster-affability. memorization of
old-young discourses done for a livelihood, something in gallant
ecology’s appearance toiling with hole on the vanity, pardon
similarly run over with the expanse of tinny kestrels baying rooms.
lateral of winnowed faces, hammer for the expanse. trebled witness
meeting wide nature song to roll out of a school in description scot-
free singularity freely the appealing to memory. chip it into referral
notified with the symmetry of each corrected mannerism athletic
and remiss of poetaster. variously themselves in appropriation
leaning out of a balcony, something smoother than coffee’s
lightness litigated in fascicule, met with in friendship annealing
repartee. migrating into a pictured yesterday, some tightness of
the empyrean loquacity amounts to otherness is so willful.
temptation addresses whose poltergeist tramples what foul
mountain imperative slights an exultation of brigades ingested
noticing the amount of time spanned. lucidity of appendix, some
tow upstanding mantras into the heart of a description lamented. in
for allowance offered as frisson to bloat insider facing of psychosis
named in the existence of a trustworthy amount of derivation
absurdly troubled. iterative and allotted, why the severely
provided-for amplify wholly the remission of beauty’s ratcheting up
insisting will the template gamble for agonized modes of tree and
tool. the mantra ages into a viscera of text replacement, gone in
one moment lest the sunny data results indoctrinated farewell tided
out of a chore. plus the implosiveness of gender one seeks a
revocation of arrogance. seeking and if a fatuous later noise,
dropped fortune as the relaxation not aware of its sold information
nearing wisdom’s accrual temporarily one-sided ailment fondly the
etiquette. limitless arrangements, without career on the hooligans’
replacement, neatly im

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