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01-Gerunds & Infinitives 1 - FoPa3




1. Fumar es malo para la salud. Smoking is bad for your heath.*** 2. No recomiendo ir all. I don't recommend going there.*** 3. No te recomiendo que vayas all. I don't recommend your going there.(Creo que est mal) 4. Espero con ilusin volver a verles. I'm looking forward to seeing them again.** 5. Me gusta jugar al ajedrez. I enjoy playing chess.** 6. Me gusta jugar al ajedrez. I like to play chess.** 7. Me gusta jugar al ajedrez. I like playing chess. 8. Me gustara jugar al ajedrez. I would like to play chess. 9. Intenta hacerlo de esta manera. Try to do it this way.*** 10. Prueba hacindolo de esta manera. Try doing it this way.***Notice the difference between "try to do sth" and "try doing sth". You should try to eat more fruit, means `You should make an effort t o eat more fruit.; You should try eating more fruit, means `You should see if eat ing more fruit will help you (to feel better, for example).

11. Tuvimos la oportunidad de ir all. We had an opportunity to go there.*** 12. La posibilidad de ganar el premio es bastante remota. The possibility of winning the award is quite remote.*** 13. Debe de haber una manera de hacerlo. There must be a way to do it.*** 14. Empec a hacerlo hace aos. I started doing it years ago.*** Puedo actualmente seguir hacindolo o no. Aqu tb p uede decir "I started to do..." 15. Empec a hacerlo pero luego me par. I started to do it but then I stopped.*** Actualmente no lo sigo haciendo. Aqu no puedeo decir "I started doing..." 16. Odio asistir a esas reuniones. I hate attending those meetings. 17. Me encanta dar paseos a lo largo de la playa. I love taking walks along the beach. 18. Me encanta dar paseos a lo largo de la playa. I love to take walks along the beach. 19. Me encantara dar un paseo a lo largo de la playa. I would love to take a walk along the beach. 20. Esa empresa contina dndonos problemas. That company continues giving us problems. 21. Esa empresa contina dndonos problemas. That company continues to give us problems. 22. Espero verte maana. I hope to see you tomorrow.*** 23. Prometiste hacerlo. You promised to do it.*** 24. Me negu a hacerlo. I refused to do it.*** 25. Me ofrec a hacerlo. I offered to do it.****

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